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Everything posted by Alexander

  1. It seems to me that you are lacking in said beatdown monsters. I see the La Jinns, the Neos...the Whiptail Crows, Nimble Momongas, and Maha Vairos I am unfamilar with, so I assume that they're offensive. The Summon Skulls are good, Barrel Dragon interesting but nice. I would put a bit more tribute in there, cut the Castle and put in another Mystical Elf or strong attacker. Your spells are generally nice, but do you need Soul Exchange? It's usefull, but you have so few Tribute monsters, it may or may not matter. I'm just speculating. I'd cut the Tremendous Fire - Burn spells aren't worth it. A Pot of Greed would be a excellent replacement. I would try for stronger boosters than the Book of Secret arts and Dark Energy. More Black Pendants or even Dark Swords, though that hurts el Neo. Traps: Trap Holes are always nice, though I might take out one. I might also remove Robbin Goblin - but that's only my personal preference. Solemn Judgement, just make sure you know what you're doing when you use it. I'd give it 8.0...but ratings are stupid.
  2. To my limited knowledge...yes, it is. Altron seems to prefer refering to the cards by thier Japanese names...which is fine by me.
  3. You see, every card on that list I own, save Buster Blader, which I've just ordered. I use only the cards I physically have - I don't need to joke around. That's why I stay with Black Skull Dragon...because that's the strongest RW card I own.
  4. Think Relinquished with shorter arms, a big mouth where the disk-area used to be and way too many eyes all over him.
  5. I got a few new tricks in my collection: Raigeki - Dark Hole's Ultimate Big Brother! Black Skull Dragon - In terms of sheer power, not ease of use. Vampire Lord - What? It's got a built in Monster Reborn in it?! Buster Blader - Bring on your dragons! Silly, silly local players and thier BEWD mobs! Mirror Force - Sproing! Raigeki's second cousin proves himself no pushover either.
  6. My Favorites are many and varied. I love my Eye of Truth/Simocji Reaction combo, Raigeki, Black Skull Dragon, Black Magician Girl, Vampire Lord, Mystic Plasma Zone, Snatch Steal, Magic Jammer and many more. EDIT: Throw the Retrained Elven Swordsman on that list.
  7. What are TP1 packs? I don't recognise the term.
  8. The card is a Promotional Card from Duel Monsters Expert 7, a japanese GBA game. There are a total of 5 possible cards you can get from buying the game, BUT only 3 cards come with the game. SO even if you find it, there's a big chance you won't get the Master Of Knight Dragon, or it's counterpart. EDIT: See the code under the card picture? "GB7-003" Thus it's the third card in the five card set, as I suspected.
  9. Not the english ones, no. But the Japanese ones are availiable, though rare as hell. I have no problem with using Japanese cards alongside American ones, nor do most of the players in my area.
  10. Hyper Shadow: Why, I have those very same traps. How nice. Here's MY combo. And it will blow you away.... I place down the Eye Of Truth. (Continuous Trap Card, You see opponent's hand. During each of thier standby phases, if they have any magic/trap cards in thier hand, they gain 1000 LP.) Then, I play Simocji Reaction. Think of it as 'Healing allergy". Whenever you opponent gains LP, he INSTEAD looses them. Thus, I see my opponent's every move, and he looses 1000 LP every turn he has a magic/trap card in thier hand. I also enjoy using Black Hole while I have the Vampire Lord out. All monsters die, but he Monster Reborns himself back for revenge. =)
  11. Blue Eyes Toon Dragons come in Pesasus Structure Decks. I know because I used to own one.
  12. Yeah, structure decks. They come with good cards, but you still need to be able to use them. I got a Pegasus Structure and just ordered a Yugi, as well as Premium Packs 4+5.
  13. My deck theme is the forces of Darkness. It uses generally powerful level 4 cards to get the edge while I try to get my heavy hitter (The Black Skull Dragon), and Witch's Apprentice/Mystic Plasma Zone out in play. I have made several other decks, though - including a very successful deck based on Shield and Sword. I would like to make a deck based around the Thousand Eye Sacrafice card and my favorite little trap card combo. Basically, lockdown the game and just wait as the traps leech away 1000 of the opponents LP every turn.
  14. I drew these two pictures recently. The first is Omega X from Rockman Zero, and the Second is White Dragon Nall of the Boband George forums. Neither are really all that great, but still. [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/lordhyraken/XOmega.gif[/url] [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/lordhyraken/WhiteDragonNall.gif[/url]
  15. Chapter 2 Zero and Dr. Cain arrived at Cain's home a short while later. The crimson hunter looked around the house in a daze as Dr. Cain ran about, pulling out this map, or that section of notes. "I always knew I should have organized these better," Cain said as he stuck his head in one dusty chest, before sneezing from the dust. "Maybe I should have cleaned them up a bit, too, now that I think about it." "Could I help?" Zero asked quietly, pointing to a haphazard stack of scrolls and papers in one corner of the room. "Sure, go ahead, just be very careful with them, please." Cain said absently as he opened another notebook. Zero swiftly began looking through the scrolls and notes, organizing them as best as he could - which turned out to be very good. By the end of Zero's search, half of the notes were stacked in neat piles. To Cain's amusement, he noticed that they were organized into "Useless" and "Helpful" groups, the latter being very small. "Zero, You won't find your answer here in these notes. I never found you in the first place, after all...how could I possibly have the answer?" Zero's head drooped. "I know, Doctor. But my mind refuses to let me think otherwise. I'm hoping for a miracle I'll never find." "Many humans spend years doing just that and never realize it, Zero. Cheer up! All we need to do is find my notes on where X came from..." "X? Why X?" Zero asked. "Why don't you look up where I was found?" "Zero, I'm sure you can answer that question, if you just give it a bit more thought. No one *knows* where you were awakened. The first time anyone saw you was the day that you arrived at Maverick Hunter Headquarters, looking to join." "That's half the problem, Doctor! I don't REMEMBER before that! It's all a blur, and whenever I try to sleep on it, the dreams come and torment me." "Hmm...sounds like whoever made you doesn't like you snooping. Too bad for him, eh?" "Heh." Zero chuckled, his confidence oddly restored. "Hmm...what's this?" Zero pulled out another notebook, and opened it up. He gave it a quick look over before throwing it to Dr. Cain. "That look familiar?" "This is it..." Cain said, looking over the book. "The notes fron my excavation of the Light Laboratory! Wonderful!" "Light...the man who made X..." Zero said. "But how does that help me?" Dr. Cain pulled out a map. "Simple. If there is anywhere you might want to look, that's the place to start looking. Even if Light didn't make you, I'm sure something is there to help." He carefully copied the map and handed it to Zero, who eagerly accepted it. "It's a start." Zero said with a smile. "Thank you, Doctor! With this, I can finally begin the search!" He carefully folded the paper, and slid it inside the protected storage area in his leg. "Well, now that that's over...why don't you come with me. I have one more thing to give you before you go." Cain said, walking out of the room. Zero followed him to the Garage, where Dr. CAin pointed to a average sized, yet obviously not civilian, hovercar. "That's the Æther flash, Zero. I designed her many years ago, before I had even begun to search around as a archeologist. Use her well." With that, Cain turned around and walked away. He was almost through the door when he stopped and said, "Zero? If been wondering about those dreams. You said they got stranger...how so?" Zero was silent for a long moment. "It was all the same as before, doctor. Until the end." "The end?" "Yes." Zero said. "Just as the voice was about to overpower me, another voice spoke...and he told me to never give up." With that, Zero turned and entered the Æther Flash, and closed the door behind him.
  16. I think you are very, very wrong, Kabuki. Altron could take us all on very easily...he speaks the truth...though he needs to work on a little something called *GOING EASY ON THE NEWBIES*. We all were one once, after all.
  17. ORIGINS: The Novel By Alexander Chapter 1 *** The day was fading into nightfall as a tiny hovercar drove into the lot of the Newtroy Technological Center. The pilot, the aging scientist Dr. Cain, stepped out of the vehicle and looked around. "Well, doesn't this place look homey." he grumped, strugling to see in the dark light. Nearly everyone had left for the night; only a few people or reploids remained inside. Which, he thought to himself, is exactly why he came. Walking inside the building, the automated doors opening automatically for him, Dr. Cain looked around. "Damn. She's not here." He said, agravated. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Dr. Cain." A tall reploid scientist said, walking up to Dr. Cain, who blinked in suprise. "Who the devil are you? How could you possibly..." Dr. Cain stopped short when the reploid smiled and laughed, a happy and obviously female laugh. Dr. Cain stared. "What the blazes happened to your voice?" "This *IS* my normal voice, Doctor." the voice said again as the scientist's form faded away, revealing Alia, standing there, laughing. "Quite a impressive device, Alia." Dr. Cain said. He, too gave off a few laughs. "Very impressive. Though hardly the reason why I called you here." "Right..." Alia's smile faded a bit. "Zero." "Don't worry. Remember, this is what he wanted me to do, remember?" Dr. Cain said. "I'm just repaying him for what he's done in the past." "Okay," Alia said, though still sounding a bit sad. "Let's go!" The two walked through the halls of the laboratory, passing only a few stubbornly persistent reploids on thier way. Opening the door marked "STASIS", they came upon the lonely black capsule marked "ZERO." Dr. Cain set to work at the nearby controls, allowing the capsule to repressurize it self, the hiss of escaping gas filling the room. Finally, the capsule's door opened with a quiet click, and the occupant slowly clambered out. The red robot shook his head a bit to remove the tension in his servos, his long blonde hair swishing about. "Thank you, Dr. Cain. I'm glad your emembered me." "Don't worry about it. I keep my promises, after all." Dr. Cain smiled as he looked at Zero. "Though I must admit that I didn't do all of the work." He turned to Alia. "Alia here was a great help in getting you free." "What?!" Zero said, his limbs going stiff. "I thought I said not to tell anyone about this! Alia'll ruin..." "Mr. Zero! You have my word that none of what happens here will ever leave my mouth." Alia said, sternly. "Not even to X?" Zero insisted. "I...I can't have X know." Alia paused a moment. "It will hurt to lie, but yes, not even to X." Zero stood silent, before shrugging in a almost carefree way. "Well...I suppose that's all I can ask for. It's not like I can turn back now." "I trust you mean to carry out your search then." "Did you actually think I would change my mind?" Zero said, suprised. "I cannot wait any longer. Doctor, the dreams are coming back. Stronger than before. Stranger. I must find out what they mean before I lose control...again..." "Then let's go." Dr. Cain said. "Alia. I thank you for your help." "Your welcome, Doctor. Good luck, Zero." "Right." Zero turned and walked to the door. "It's time I found out once and for all who I really am..." He paused, his fist clenched. "...and who really made me." he said to himself. *** Outside the building, a single figure watched the Dr. Cain and Zero leave the building and discretely enter Cain's hovercar, before driving away. "My. My My My. Zero-boy's out and awake again, is he? Interesting how they tried to be so quiet about it. So very very interesting." The figure smacked his fist into his palm, a wicked smile on his face as a globe of dark green and black energy appeared in his hand. He stared at it, grinning, then laughing insanely. "I think I'll go see what this is all about!" The figure laughed, slamming his palm into the Laboratory building. Dark energy coursed through his hand as the building began to crumble. Still laughing, the figure raced off into the night as the Laboratory exploded behind him, the first victim of the reploid's newfound madness. ***** Bwahaha! What do you think? The 'figure' shouldn't be too hard a guess. What may be tougher to guess is what he is deriving his power from, or what interesting discoveries Zero might make in his searches! Stay tuned for Origins, Chapter 2!
  18. Altron...not everyone has the godly experience you do...most of use have only limited knowledge...don't bite our heads off please.
  19. I really wish we had school uniforms here at my school - no more of the junk clothes I'm seing here. I personally would love it - of course...nobody at school I can think of would agree with that.
  20. Hence half my reluctance. I'm ONLY 16 years old, and god knows I have a limited experience with girls. Is she really special, or is it really a crush brought on by being a teenager? I cannot rush into this, because I either don't know what's right, or am not sure that I think know what's right. By the way, if this is the wrong place for this, I'll find someplace else to speak my woes.
  21. *Shock* I can't belive I'm actually writing this... I'm 16 years old, and getting darn frustrated. I've had...well, I guess the term is a crush...on a girl from school for the past two years. I wasn't sure the first year...I thought maybe I'd make a Valentine's day card or something...but I couldn't do it. My courage failed. Not only did I not even put my NAME of the darn card, I couldn't get the courage to give it to her, even indirectly. I put it off. Hey, if it was a crush, as I suspected, then it's not important. It will pass...right? This year, we met again, and by the gods, [i]it hadn't went away![/i] I...still...was happy to be near her. I smiled when she did...even when I had nothing to do with it...I cheered when her team won(even when I was the enemy) and was happy to watch her be happy. [i]I couldn't believe it![/i] But...still...nothing really happened. We shared gym class this year, so I had oppurtunities to talk to her. But all I got through were a few compliments, a few funny times when we all could laugh at my clumsines and a few jokes...but that's all. I still don't know what to do...I'm hoping above hoping that I will have the courage next year to give her a Valentive's Day card, or a gift, or something! I'm tired of watching from the shadows, and there's only two years left. [i]I am running out of time.[/i] What am I going to do....
  22. My Best? Reverse Trap - Kills beefers, which are SO prevalent, it's no longer funny. Change Of Heart - Sorry, but your Blue Eyes is mine now - and one turn is all I need... Soul Exchange - Sorry, but said Blue Eyes is destroyed, and I play Dark Magician with the tribute. Summoned Skull - Ha. Cheaper that the Dark Magician, and who's gonna put this thing in defence? Black Magician Girl - I don't care what you guys say. This card is cool! Judge Man -I don't own, but I think it's cool because you can say funny things when you attack. "Judgement day has arrived!" "Fear the power of Law!"
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]It's called Akido, it's pretty cool actually, you get a sword......*drewl*......sword.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] YES! YES! Yes! At long last I find someone else who practices the art of Aikido (Harmony, Energy, and The Way, respectively, for 'The Way of Harmonized Energy') Aikido is very different from most other arts, at least that's what it seems to me. Lots of emphasis on circular motion, using your opponent's energy to defeat himself, and other harder-to-master, but potentially powerful moves. Lots of throws and *ahem* rolling. I garauntee, Aikido is NOT the simplest form of martial arts. The general mindset of the art is much different from others, and simple things like punches, kicks, and blocks are almost completely absent from the style. Sparring I think is also out, though Black Belts have to go through Randori (Seizing Chaos/Multiple Man Attack) training. (Though I imagine most other arts would have that, too.) And yes, eventually you are required to learn a few basic Bokken(Wooden Sword, shaped like a Katana) and Jo (Staff) Katas to advance in ranking.
  24. The plot was fine to me. I didn't really have a problem with it. My beefs are with the audio (I dislike whatever music style they used) and the ending ([spoiler]THEY KILLED TIMA! RRRAARRR!!![/spoiler]) I kept thinking about Rock through the whole thing. I hear 'Rock' and I think 'Rockman'. Then again, Rock and Protoman really seem similar to me. Still, I never confused them...I like them both. "I won't let you hurt my father!" Loyal to the end! I was also suprised that they were playing the subbed version in a AMERICAN theater. Not dubbed? Weird. Not a bad thing, mind you...just weird.
  25. Gender: Male I believe in Evolution. Why? : Logic and disaproval of Western religions. I am athiest. God is a false creation made by humans to me. If I were to have a religion, it would be either Shintoism or Bhudism. My feelings on religion - against religion - are very strong. Fairly familiar, I think. Urm...Caucasian. United States, Wisconsin Yes, I took a course last year in high school. I do not belive in god. I'm on the verge of creating my own religion I disaprove of western religions so much.
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