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Everything posted by Alexander
Hey. You try training a level 2 Zubat with only Leech life up to combat level in an less than an hour. It ain't easy! Same with the Gastly, you've gotta find non-normals to attack, ones weak enough to beat. And do you have any idea how hard it was to get the money for the Dratini?!
Well... where to start. I started Gold Version the other day, and *very very slowly* made progress through the game, stopping just after the fourth Gym for a break. Why should that be suprising? Well... Considering how it took me 18 hours to get that far, when I've completely beaten the game in *25*... Considering how my pokemon are not as high a level as they were my first time... Considering how I once moderated this forum under the name of G/S Expert and was once the top advice giver here... ...that's horrid! I must admit, my return to Pokemon was rather humbling, as I no longer WAS the almighty G/S Expert - trouble abounded early on, as I had a new obsession in the game. No longer was time or the beating of trainers important to me. Catching them ALL was! That's the real reason why it took so long, I was catching - and training - more than I had ever before! In 18 hours I have 48 pokemon. What's my line-up of high-levels? I've got 9 to choose from, some thought I'd never use! Dratini Level 24 - Swift, Thunder Wave, Surf, Dragon Rage Alakazam Level 24 - Confusion, Teleport, Disable, Psybeam Gastly Level 23 - Hypnosis, Night Shade, Curse, Mean Look Flaaffy Level 23 - Headbutt, Growl, Thundershock, Thunder Wave Bayleaf Level 22 - Cut, Poisonpowder, Razor Leaf, Reflect - Miracle Seed held. Zubat Level 20 - Leech Life, Supersonic, Bite, Confuse Ray Pidgeotto Level 19 - Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack Geodude Level 18 - Tackle, Defence Curl, Rock Throw, Magnitude - Hard Stone held. 'Iaijutsu' Scyther Level 18 - Quick Attack, Rock Smash, False Swipe, Pursuit I've also got Sudowoodo, but I haven't used him. I'm more interested in Geodude's evolutions. And yes, Zubat is one of my mains, I've used him for a long time. Why? That Crobat will be mine!
"Well, I must admit I wasn't expecting this." Saffron said, shaking his head. "Navi owners using twisted reverse psycology?" "Certainly not the normal way of handling things." Frezeman agreed. "Shall we join the fray?" Saffron looked out at the rapidly turning chaos of the fight and nodded. "May as well. Fire-Sword!" Saffron called, a flaming blade springing to life in his hands as he and Freezeman leapt into the battle against the weakening virus. *** More info of Saffron: He's a completely self-sustaining program, so he doesn't need to be sent chip data. That DOES mean he needs to spend hours updating himself if he wants to add new chips. Saffron's also largely immune to random virus attacks, as he isn't 'attached' to any PET. This means, however, that Saffron's life is much riskier. He has no backups, he has no form of home computer (though he can sometimes reside in Trevis's PET or in the Internet itself).
*Real World - Trevis's house* Trevis shook his head in absolute frustration. The recent Navi dissapearances worried him to no end, giving the American headaches. "Unbelieveable this is! Lucky I am to have Saffron as ally, me thinks." Trevis said in Japanese, looking over his notebook. "Lucky, indeed, I say." The tall, almost god-like (in appearance!)Navi commented. "Any luck figuring things out?" "None." Trevis sighed. "I don't get it. I hate to say it, but in this country, I'm all out of it." "Feh. Lucky indeed that I know several languages, too." Saffron smirked. "So now what?" "Well...we could..." Trevis glanced at Saffron micheavously. "Absolutely not!" The white-robed Navi yelled. "I refuse to act as interpreter while you go out on a crazy clue hunt!" Trevis laughed. "Not what I was planning, but thanks for the suggestion." He laughed again as Saffron huffed up in indignation. "What I think we need to do, is go have a talk with a few students." "I knew it! You ARE going on a clue hunt!" Saffron cried. "And you thought to lie to me, eh?!" "Darnit, Saffron! I'm NOT gonna do any crazy stuff. Though what I have in mind may constitute as crazy to your over-worried program." Trevis smirked. "I won't have any part of it." "Oh, yes, you will. You're the key to the whole plan." "This had better be good, Trevis." "We're going to visit a aquaintance of yours from a while back. As luck would have it, he's in my class." "I know no one but...GOOD GOD! You just had to transfer HERE?!" "Yup. Now let's go." "I'm not getting near Hub again." "Saffron..." Trevis's voice dropped. "Hub's vanished too." With that, he picked up his PET and walked out the door. Saffron was speechless the whole way. *Real World - Lan's House* "LAN! Somebody's here to see you! He seems foriegn!" Lan's Mom called. "Be back in a second, guys. The new kid just stopped at the door." Lan shook his head and headed to the door. "Freaky. What could he want at Lan's house?" Mako questioned. "The two've barely said a word to each other at school, and he's never shown off his Navi any." "Who knows?" Downstairs, Lan opened the door, showing Trevis holding him PET right outside. "Trevis? Why're you here?" Lan asked. "Wondering, I've been. About the Navi losses. Came to ask questions, hopefully help you get Hub back." Trevis replied, ushering him in. "Cool! Me and a few other's are looking through the school's network right now, you're welcome to joi--." He trailed off, before gaping at Trevis, eyes wide. "How'd you know that Megaman's real name is Hub! Only my family and Eugene Chaud knows that!" Trevis smacked himself on the head. "Erm...long story, but first, let's got to your room." The two rushed into the room, to find the the mess was getting bigger by the minute. "By the Lord Spirit!!" Trevis said, his eyes bugging as he looked at the screen. "The lost Navis are attacking the school's safety systems?! That's nuts!" Koji's anktious(brain failure, cannot remember proper spelling!) voice came over Lan's speakers. "Lan! MagnetMan's attacking the NP500!" "What! That might mean..." "Saffron! Get the heck in there, now!" Trevis cried, jacking in his PET and freeing Saffron from the restraining PET. "As ordered!" Saffron said, his eyes ablaze. "Wha..wha...wha....Saffron...Saffron...Wha...too much happening...brain overload..." Lan said, his eyes bugging, too. "SAFFRON is your Navi?! I thought he said he'd never..." "Don't rub it in, Lan. I'm not in the mood, and you don't have Hub. I'm on your side now, so to speak." "Right!" Lan said. "Guys, Trevis's sending in his Navi." "Saffron.EXE, Transmit!" *Cyber World - School Computer Systems, Security Section* Freezeman sighed a heavy breath as Saffon entered. "Good to see a friendly face." "I suppose, though that depends on your definition of friendly..." Saffron replied. "Any thing new?" "I've identified all the missing Navis amung the attackers, minus Megaman.EXE." Frostman replied. "You know anything about that?" "Nope. I'm hoping, however, we get lucky. Any suggestions?"
(Feh. You didn't take the bait, DBZman. 'keen-eared classmate' and 'powerful blue navi' was refering to you...oh well.) (We need a direction here, DBZman...everyone's off on thier own thing, it's turning into about 6 different stories with the same start!) (Lastly, let's hack some of the restrictions form the game. WHY must you choose from 5? Surely Zee could pull out whatever chip he felt nessecary. Though particularly powerful ones could be restricted in the number of times it can be used - i.e, A HeroSword or DreamAura(Life Aura) could be used but once, because they're so freaking complex no Navi can handle using them any more than that. Of course, feel free to keep the restrictions for 'story' purposes, or just ignore this if it make no sence =)) *Cyber World - Zee's PET* Protoman looked at the virus with a careful eye as he zipped out of the way of it's attack. The virus turned around, a yellow blur as it came around for another pass. 'Hmm...looks like the Dash virus...only yellow, with claws, and a much higher anger problem...' he thought to himself. 'I can't strike it if it's coming at me, it's too tough for that. That leaves...' "Zee. Widesword chip, now." Zee blinked as he looked at the computer screen. "I've got a idea, Zee, I need the chip." "Umm...right!" Zee pulled out the chip and began uploading. Zee watched as the virus cam in for another run. Protoman waited patiently as the virus neared him. As the virus came close, Protoman stepped aside, simultaneously bringing the widesword into effect and slashing the virus as it passed. The virus tumbled away, it's programing compromised. Zee gave a woop. "Finish it, Protoman!" Protoman nodded, and finished the job. *Cyber World - Internet Mail Control* Tenco frowned as he watched Iceman fight the virus. He had held out, but it was steadily beginning to wear him down. 'At this rate, I'll run out of usable chips!' he thought angrily, uploading his third Recover 50 into Iceman to restore his lost stability. 'I won't even be ABLE to Recover him soon.' The virus was BIG he knew, but mostly immobile, almost like a flying fortress. It would be nothing but a big fat target, he knew, but the whole thing was surrounded with this darned violet-black aura, practically nullifying everything he had! Iceman continued to dance around, dodging the endless beams the virus shot from it's forehead and hands. "Tenco, I hate to be the bearer of bad news..." - Iceman's animation was 'breathing' heavily now - "..but I think we're a bit out-classed!" "Grr..." Tenco looked at his remaining chips. One Recover 80, a few misc. Ice chips...once those ran out, he'd be stuck in the battle without any healing, and with him unable to severely hurt the virus... "Iceman.EXE! Recall Sequence. Close internet link." Tenco said, defeated. He watched as Iceman's internet connection was severed, leaving him standing alone and tired inside the PET. "Iceman...nice work. I'm going to find something to help us beat that thing, even if I need to get a Legendary chip to do it." "Legendary chip? You mean, like Freeze Bomb!?" "What else could I mean? If we can't beat that thing with normal chips, we need power. And those chips aren't called Legends for nothing." The Legendary Chips I speak of are as follows: [i]Great Red Wave, Freeze Bomb, Change Spark, Gaia Sword, Hero Sword, Meteor Shower, Sanctuary, Dream Aura/Life Aura,[/i] or [i]Rock Buster[/i]. These Chips are gained in thier respective games by hacking. Dream Aura/Life Aura is an exception, but it is also very powerful. Hero Sword is on the list because it's restricted in MMBN2, and freaking strong nonetheless. With DBZman's permission, I ask that these be restricted, and handed out only with permission from him. I suggest that there be only 1 of any of the above chips, with DreamAura/LifeAura excepted, which has no limit, beyond the difficulty of gaining it.
*Real World* Trevis walked down the halls of the Grandview School, taking in the school's layout as he traveled to what he hoped was the office. 'Aha!' he thought as he found the most official looking door in in the building. Walking in and striding up to the desk, he asked in his ackward Japanese*: "This is place for registration, yes?" Trevis cursed to himself in English. He REALLY had to brush up on his Japanese. The secratary peered at him. "Yes. How can I help you?" "I wish to register as a exchange student. I'm here with my family on...." he frowned as the words left him. "...to help Dr. Hikari's computer work.**" He handed her the stack of completed registration papers confidently, knowing there would be no problems. The secratary nodded and looked over the papers. "Ah...from America, I see. Very well...all looks in order. Your class will be 5-A, on the second floor. Please hurry, as class will start soon." Trevis bowed respectfully, gathered up his papers, and walked out of the office, just in time for the class bell to ring, signaling the end of Rest period(Recess). He made his way through the crowd of students with little difficultly, ending up in room 5-A with time to spare. Introducing himself, and mostly ignoring the suprised glances and whispers, he sat down in the back and prepared for the class. Finnally, as he expected, Advanced Virus Removal came around. His father, ever mindful, had set him up with the best in computer courses. 'Really. It's like I've got my whole life planned out.' Trevis thought as he logged on. "Saffron.EXE! Come to my aid!***" he said in English, as he jacked in, attracting the attention of one keen-eared classmate and his powerful blue Navi. *I assume that the game's true location is in Japan. This would make sence, especially if you believe in the theory that Megaman.EXE was the precursor of the original Megaman. Thus, Trevis is an exchange student. Everything's still English, but for story purposes Trevis can communicate only on a relatively limited level. So don't expect him to explain important things well...he's likely to botch them up somehow with his poor control of the language. :smirk: ** In other words, Trevis's dad had teamed up with Dr. Hikari on a networking project of some sort. Trevis couldn't figure out the words. :o ***Saffron's not TRULY Trevis's Navi, and he doesn't 'live' in Trevis's PET. Thus, he's not transmitting Saffron, he's calling Saffron TO him from elsewhere. Hence, "Saffron.EXE! Come to my aid!", not "Saffron.EXE, Transmit!"
My apologies, but I am still waiting. Can I make up a NetNavi, so long as he isn't overpowered or anything? I'll post my whole idea right here. User(?): Trevis NetNavi: Saffron Trevis is a fairly strongwilled individual whose compassion for 'his' NetNavi is very strong. Saffron is an enigma. He is Trevis's NetNavi only in name, really he is free-willed and hard to control. Only Trevis's compassion keeps him somewhat loyal to a user. Saffron had at one point led a sort of NetNavi revolution group called the FreeNavi, but in the end Hub managed to calm the berserk Saffron, who, at the time, weilded the computer program Annulus. Saffron is not an exceptionally powerful Navi - His 'wings' give him good manuverability, and his ability to survive without a user (in a sence, making him sentient) help compensate for the tremendous power he lost when the Annulus was finally erased. (In the fanfiction I started where he appears, the Annulus was the big-time powerup for Saffron, making him a VERY dangerous opponent. To quote: [i]"NO, Lan. Stay AWAY from this." Dr. Hikari's voice brooked to compromise. "You're linked with him, remember. Whatever affects him affects you. What do you think would happen if Hub's entire program collapsed? If the Annulus hits Megaman, both of you will be dead. Both of you."[/i] He's lost most of his power since he's lost the Annulus and thus is even with the rest. The Annulus, by the way, is forever destroyed, and Saffron cannot ever get his hands on it again.) Saffron's temper is short - possibly dealing with his predisposition for fire chips - and he is very independent. He and Trevis frequently clash, as both are strong of will and Saffron HATES being told what to do. His relation with Trevis is mostly a friendly ally one.
Eh, I dunno. I'm very glad MMX has expanded into it's own series. The Original was too childish, overall. I like the darker tone in the MMx games, and the gameplay. I can't STAND Megaman without Dashing and Wall-Jump abilities.
Does your navi need to be a Official NetNavi from the games? Or can I design a new one? Within limits, of course.
What is your favorite Megaman Playstation game, and what would you recommend first to people who have never use a Playstation before? I'm getting a playstation soon, and I want to buy the best. (Before buying the rest. =) ) I'm currently planning on MMX6 and Legends. (Legends is wierd, but good enough to buy, in my opinion. That Megaman Juno guy is just plain *freaky*.) (I'm also planning on buying Yugioh Forgotten Memories, but that has no place here.)
I'm going to be drooling over my new playstation and tearing through the Megaman X games. I'll also be spriting in massive amounts and improving my drawing/literature skills.
I'm checking this out! I've got about a dozen pictures I next posted online, and here's the place to do it... Nice, Adam! EDIT: Uh-oh. Most of my pictures aren't tied into one anime. Most are originals, loosely based on Anime styles. Will there be an Original Art section?
X sighed, walking into his quarters. The glow of the lights - kept dim- provided some measure of relief to the Legendary Maverick Hunter. A calming, hidden darkness. "Does he even know?" X wondered, picking up a mirror and looking at the reflected image. His helmeted, boyish face, the dark blue eyes. Eyes that had seen more conflict and death than almost any other being. X turned away from the mirror, letting it drop out of his hands and land with a clatter on the desk. Pressing a hidden button on the desk, he watched as a small control panel extnded itself, the ancient LED display glowing brightly in the gloom. "Should I tell him?" X wondered aloud. "Should he know the truth?" Only silence answered him as he finished typing in the passcode. X heard the tell-tale click of the magnetic lock release. X opened the hidden, unlocked compartment in his desk and took out the two small items within. He struggled to keep his hands steady as he placed them on the table, silently wondering why Dr. Light had made him with human reflexes like nervousness. The first item, held in an obsidian frame, was a picture of a beautiful smiling girl. Just barely entering adulthood by the looks of the photograph, with long brown hair that fell down to her shoulders. X's eyes locked with the girl's - also large, and the same dark blue as his. Unlike his own, however, these eyes had never seen battle, never known the horrors he had faced. Sigma...and X had seen to that. X's eyes shone with tears as he remembered. Not even three weeks before X finnally arrived to destroy the Maverick Sigma. The girl had died that day; caught in between X and Sigma. And niether Sigma or Zero knew what they had really done. Since that day, X knew, there was only one thing he felt he could do. Until today. X turned his attention to the second item. It was a crystal datachip, one he had encoded long ago to hide and protect the truth. And now, that same chip would be used to reveal it. Picking up the chip in one trembling hand, and the now-cracked mirror in the other, he sat back in the chair. In one smooth motion, he slipped the chip into his controls and waited as the self-activated program set to work. X turned the mirror over and found himself staring into himself. Herself. The same girl that had vanished long ago. X had died that day. Now, X would live again. X removed her helmet, her hair lolling out, messy from being held in the helmet for so long. But it didn't matter. Only one thing did now. She had to find Zero.
#1) I am in a desert. I don't know why. I enter a just found tomb of some sort.. alone. The place is lit, impossibly. I enter the main room, and my rival?(I all I knew was that was him, a great rival that I felt very strongly against. I don't remember actually ever SEEing him in the dream) Beams of light, thin tiny ones, like real modern lasers shoot out of the four corners of the room. As each hits me, I twitch and shudder. Slowly, the pain overcomes me, and I fall down, dead. #2) I'm on a ship. Like the enterprise. It's something important...I don't know why, but my whole family is there. Something goes wrong. Things...just come from the walls. Death..death everywhere. Then it stops. Everything around me is destroyed, everyone horribly mutilated. I love control of my emotions and black out. #3) The most vivid ones of all are the ice dreams. It's the thick of a strange, and incredibly intense winter. I'm coming home from school or in my room, when strange people arrive and attempt to kill me. I don't know why. From my room, I leap out the window, land in the ice, and run. Through deep caverns of ice and seas of snow, a whole harsh new world is somehow opened to me. I begin to change, becoming too resistant and strong to be human. When I return, I am so strange,so unusual, the men find they have no chance against me in the ice and they....die.
Anime Guy Only Topic: Who Dou Think Is The Finest Anime Chick??
Alexander replied to SSJ Gotenks ok's topic in Otaku Central
I don't really get this 'good-looking' and 'sexy' business everyone's raving about. She all seem so dangerous, so mean, so uncaring. I am very much into 'cute' however. Oh, yes. Cute is my cup of tea. Did you know is Sakura Kinomoto aged one year for every year CCS has been out, she'd be my age? Oh, *kawaii*! And her personality! Aie! I'm falling into helpless crush mode again! -
Me, id depends on what you're trusting me for. Trusting me to do the right thing if I can, and be all I can be...yes. Trusting me do do homework...eh...^^;
Very little. Gym class- Though I do go all out in it. Aikido- Heh. I'm no helpless, defenceless bunny anymore.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I ersonally dont like them. I dont have a big problem with them, as long as they dont hit on me. [ TN aint gonna like that.....] Otherwise, i just dont care. Let them do what they want. I may think its rather disgusting, but its their choice, I'm not gonna stop them. [/B][/QUOTE] You bring up a very good point. I, to this day am not completely comfortable with the idea. I gay person I could go along with, but a gay person who is attracted to ME...would be freaky. (And tragic. The first person to have a crush on me, a boy? How pitiful is that? *Alexander laughs out loud at his own, miserable relations with others.*)
I am not gay. I know that for a fact. But I back Gays, Lesbians, in thier desisions, as long as they do not go too far. Going too far is using that help for otherwise illegal reasons. (Drugs, violence, etc.) As Crazy White boy said, it is important that we face this now, not just let it pass. It won't. Consider this. Before the civil war, Slavery was allowed and *morally defensible*. They believed that killing and enslaving others was moral! Here we are today, banning Homosexuals, ruining thier lives because of thier sexual preferences. If even a single picture got out, a person could lose thier job! And this is *moral*. It is allowable to do this. People turn away. They don't care or don't want to care. What I do not, and never will understand is the Christian reverence of god and the bible. It was writen thousands of years ago. Things have changed. Things that they NEVER could have concieved have happened. When...bleh, what was his name...said that those who "would not inheirit the kingdom of god" included Homosexuals, he did not, and could not, have known everything about them then and now. He thought they were evil. No man, regardless of whether he is divine or the most learned scholar is perfect. HUMANS CANNOT BE PERFECT. ANYTHING CREATED BY HUMANS CANNOT BE PERFECT, FOR PERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST. He could not have known that Homosexuality, can be just as true to heart as being straight. And here's another example! If Homosexuality is indeed conected with genetics, then we are permantly condemning them for something they have no control over. Blacks, inborn with thier skin color, were permanently persecuted because of something THEY had no control over. ...In time, slavery was realized to be immoral. ...In time, homosexual persecution will be realized to be immoral. And then the last "Modern Moral" injustice shall be laid to rest. And *I* shall do everything in my power to help bring that day to a reality! > And another point, >what the f**k is wrong with Harry Potter? Absolutely nothing! I don't get it either!
It's alright...though I've seen a whole lot of stories like this one. Don't get me wrong, I like it...It's just that I find certain stories like this one hard to go with. But don't give up! Kujikenai Kara!
Writing (gets all nervous* er....this is a story..e.r...
Alexander replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Creative Works
Very impressive! I like it so far...I'll definitely keep my eye on this. Now, If only I could get my Tobira story going, and my other ones READ.... -
Here's the beginning lyrics of a song I'm working on, about X (Megaman X). It's kind of dark. Maybe even angsty. I dunno. [I]I look up at the red sun And wonder why I'm here Do I have a place except to fight Or is this the way I'm destined to die Will I go on, and fight again Risking all I have Or will I stay here Sitting under a crimson sky All I've known is anger, sadness and death Is that all I can feel No, I say, that can never be true My life is mine to live to the very end[/I]
Mister Zero-Sama, please do NOT speak for others unless you are dead dirt sure they will agree. Gundam Wing DOES have a plot, not NEARLY as much as other animes, but it IS there. I like the show. There were enough hints to suggest the Relena and Heero pairing. It is not crap. It's really wierd as thier personalities are polar opposites, but hey.
I love Ryouga. He's funny, and I love those bandannas! Throwing them as saw-like weapons- great! And P-chan! The second book is awesome, if only just for Ryouga! I find the nudity scenes annoying. It is SO hard to get good, honest people interested in it when they open on of my mangas and turn RIGHT to the wrong page....>_<