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Grumble. I know Gundam Wing plenty. I haven't ever heard of any G-Wing Sidestories. There's the manga, sure, but I haven't seen them...
Eh? What's a G-Unit? AFF001-G means Astar Foundation Force, Gundam Unit 001.
The first in what I hope will be a new set of original, creative, and SERIOUS Gundams, is the Gundam Gemini, designed for Trieze Kushrenada[Alternate]. Gundam (II) Prototype - AFF001-G - "Gundam Gemini" Pilot: Trieze Kushrenada [AU] The Gemini's primary designer created it to match Trieze's new fighting style, which he had learned during his cross-planar escapade. In keeping with Trieze's personal views towards combat, the Gemini is a close-combat-only suit. It is designed for multi-weapon melee combat. Treize's fighting style in the Gemini is generally a two-sword style, using the twin heatblades the Gemini carries on it's back. This two-weapon style is very difficult, but Trieze's skill enables him to use both weapons equally at once, parrying and attacking in a smooth, constant movement. The Gemini is built to enhance this style, it's mobility and motor functions excellent. It's speed matches that of the fastest Gundam. The two-sword style, however, comes at a price. It's toughness and defence is lesser than most other gundams, as it lacks any form of arm or shoulder shield. It's primary defence is it's heat blades and beam swords - used to deflect and protect the Gemini almost as much as a shield. It's armor is a little lighter than other Gundams. It DOES have four planate defencer units that it uses sporadically to protect against ranged beam and projectile weapons, but those are generally the extent of the Gemini's defensive capabilities. The Gemini is fully capable of Air and Space flight, and can fight in either enviroment. Standard Armament: Heat Blades (2): These two medium-length, straight blades are the Gemini's main weapons. They are stored in chargers in the Gemini's back pack. These blades are actually the hardest and toughest 'parts' of the suit, being made from a prototype Gundanium alloy. Beam Swords(4): These backup weapons are used as countermeasures to other beam weapons. Two of them are stored in pop out holders in the Gemini's arms for easy access, and the other two are stored in the Gemini's back pack.
And just when you thought there was nothing to buy. The English version of the hit Japanese card game have been released in their Limited Edition, with Unlimited coming out in a few days! An avid fan of Yugioh from the start, you can expect me to grab every card I can! I have found them at YahooShopping! so far. If anyone knows of a better place, please, do tell.
Has anyone here heard about the new Megaman Series coming out for GBA? It's premiering in Japan in a few days. I personally can't wait to get my hands on the english version! STORY, from what I have been able to determine... Humans have created a new city utopia called Neo Arcardia, and now finally can protect themselves against the Maverick Reploids. However, the Reploids themselves have come under fire from the fearful humans, forcing them to hide away to protect themselves. Now, in the year 21XX, the forces of the Human government are nearing one of the last refuges for Reploids left. A young Reploid girl named Til remembers of a legendary Reploid named "Zero" whom, even now, slumbers, waiting to be awakened.... DEVELOPMENTS, nothing's sure yet though. Zero, yes the same Zero from MMX, is the hero in the game. He and all the characters have a new look, more slimmer and, in a way, Chibi-fied. Similar in drawing style to Megaman Battle Network. GAmeplay is closer to the classic style. Love it or hate it, take your pick. Zero has new weapons; He has a gun(separate from the arm!), A beam sword(*What* is Zero without his trusty sword?), A glaive-like rod(multi-directional attacking!), And a shield ability(can be converted to an energy attack!). I cannot tell from translation whether or not it is the memory of Zero's actions which is lost, or if Zero himself has lost his memory. X....has a place in the game. I don't know yet, but he's there. I've heard rumors that he might actually be a enemy in this game. Perhaps even the big one? Who knows? Hell, he might have been inflicted with the Sigma virus for all we know right now. If you want proof, go to [url]http://babelfish.altavista.com/,[/url] switch the translation to Japanese, and type in: [url]http://www.capcom.co.jp/product/rockmanzero/index.html[/url] There's pictures, and such there. Your friendly Megaman informer, signing off!
[i]I must admit that my first reaction to the Anullus.EXE's completion was a feeling of complete helplessness. I had thought that Wily's secret weapon had been destroyed in his lab's final destruction. But to see Saffron using the destructive properties of the program as a tool to achieve his goals sent a very real chill though me, one that I hope I never relive as long as I live. - Dr. Hikari, [/i]The FreeNavi : Prologue Freenavi is a story taking place after the successful completion of Megaman Battle Network. The Network-reliant community is in an uproar. A Navi, completely independent from any human controller, has begun to tear through the societies's key programs. It wields a program called the Annulus, whose powers could mean the complete collapse off modern society if used. Desperate to protect his people, a group of self-reliant Navis and other assorted programs called the FreeNavi, Saffron will not stop until his people is safe. Can Megaman stop the rampaging FreeNavi and his apocalyptic sword? Or will the desperate Saffron's will result in a new dark age of science and the deaths of hundreds of people? Here are several excerpts from the story...not all accurate. *** Protoman ran through the net, heading to the source of the power disturbance. Lord Chaud had charged him with the task of finding and eliminating the cause, and he would do so, to the full extent of his ability. Finnally arriving at the ACDC town power plant, he switched his right hand with his customary sword. It gave off a pale glow as he entered the power plant's darkened networks. "Alright, whoever hit here shut off the primary power grid and either hasn't gotten to the secondary grid, or they have another target." He thought aloud as he looked around. The networks seemed dark and forboding, his sword's light glow magnified in the gloom. No matter. He had downloaded the plans for the plant earlier; he needed no light to find his way. He started forward, unnerringly heading towards the secondary power grid, and was rewarded as he entered the grid's control sector and found a single Navi program standing there. It appeared as a tall, calm man with long, flowing hair. A large gem adorned his chest, while four magnificent wings sprouted from his back, folded back in a resting position. Held pointed at the ground was a long, thick sword, it's entire surface aflame as the man looked at the power plant controls. Whether he was looking for how to destroy it or overload it, it didn't matter. Protoman wouldn't let him finish his task. "Hold!" Protoman called as he charged forward. "Tell your controller to show himself or I will delete you!" The Navi turned around, hardly appearing suprised by the red fighter. The flaming blade came up, parrying Protoman's strike as he focused on the new arrival. "Protoman, the Offical NetBattler Navi. Enslaved by one Eugene Chaud." the Navi stated in a calm voice. Protoman bristled at Navi's mocking tone. He was no one's slave! "Tell your master that Saffron of the FreeNavi sends his regards." With that, a wall of flame erupted from around the Navi, throwing Protoman back, his armor heavily scorched from the heat. He watched as the area around him began to destabilize. Even as the networks failed around them, the Navi raised it's massive sword high. "For freedom!" it called. The last thing Protoman saw - before he recalling himself to the safety of Chaud's PET - was the Navi's flaming sword as it cut down on the power plant safeties, and the crashing boom that followed. * Chaud was walking through the streets of late night ACDC town, feeling rather nonplussed. His explorations in Dentown had proved fruitless. Whoever was causing these on-line disturbances was good. He hadn't found anything resembling a trail, which left him frustrated. He pulled out his PET, and was about to turn it on, when a crashing boom broke through the night. Chaud froze in place, and as he did so, the the streetlights around him went dark. He looked up at the lights, an unpleasant feeling growing in his gut. He tore his gaze away from the lamp-post and looked around him, his fears confirmed. There was no sound of cars running, no lights on anywhere. The town had completely lost all power. The triple beep from his Pet broke him out of his angry rut. Fliping his pet on, the image of Protoman-looking slightly worse for wear-appeared on screen. "What happened?" Chaud asked his Navi. "I tracked the disturbance to ACDC's power plant and encountered a unidentified Navi in it's secondary systems. It recognized me as your Navi and told me to say that 'Saffron of the FreeNavi gives his regards'." he quoted. "It had already taken out the primaries, and I was forced to leave then as the network's power failed." This wasn't good, Chaud thought. With the power plant's entire mainframe deleted, it could take upwards of a week before power was restored. "Send a message to Dr. Hikari at the SciLabs. Inform him of everything that happened and give him all data on the Navi. Then go through the database and try to find a match. I don't care if you have to go through the list of Registered Navis one by one." Chaud ordered. "I'm going to go inspect the power plant *personally*. Go, do it." "As ordered, Lord Chaud!" the red Navi said in confirmation as he vanished from the screen. Chaud put his PET back in his pack and started forward, his determination renewed. He was going to find that Navi and it's controller if it was the last thing he did. * Dr. Hikari looked rather pale faced when Lan entered the room, immediately putting Lan into a nervous state. "Is something wrong, dad?" Dr. Hikari nodded. "Protoman encountered the Navi responsible for the ACDC power plant failure. I've been looking over the data ever sence." He pointed to an image on his screen, showing the Navi and it's massive, flaming blade. "This screen capture was taken by Protoman. I don't recognize the Navi, and the Datalinks have no information on him at all." Lan nodded. "But that's not why you're worried, dad. You've encountered unidentified programs before, haven't you?" "Lan...it's the sword that worries me. That isn't just a FireSword Chip. That's the Annulus." Seeing the blank expression on his son's face, Dr. Hikari sat down and began to explain. "Tha Annulus isn't a chip, Lan. It's a whole program. A special program enhancement designed to cause total network breakdown to anything it is used agianst..."
The mysteries grow exponentially in chapter one! But perhaps there are some answers waiting over the hill? *** Chapter 1 (Incomplete) *** Kaworu awoke with a massive headache. His eyes slowly opened; or one did. He gasped when he noticed the bandage covering his left eye. Slowly, he turned his head, and appraised the situation. Kaworu swallowed hard. His right arm was in a sling, several cuts on his body and just as many burns...what DID this to him? He had NEVER been hurt this much. Still, for being injured more than ever, he wasn't feeling all that much pain. Sitting up, he looked around through slitted eyes. A medical ward, it seemed. 'How did I get here? Last I remember I was sleeping.' The door opened, and he turned to face the newcomer. "Are you alright?" The man asked. Tall, with handsome features and swept back eyebrows he looked like the perfect aristocrat. He wore a blue military shirt that looked of old french design, long white pants with tall black boots. Unimpeded by Kaworu's lack of replying, the man went on. "We found you only a few days ago. Since then we've been trying to wake you up." The figure commented, as he placed a stack of clothes next to Kaworu on the bed. "Where am I?" Kaworu sighed, barely able to speak. So tired... "On the outskirts of Tokyo-2; maybe three miles away. You live there?" "No...I...work for Nerv...Kaworu Nagisa's my name." The man nodded. "I thought so. Your Nerv ID card gave that away, I'm afraid, but I'm glad to see that your first-hand identity matches Nerv records...as little as they are." Kaworu blinked. "How long have I been here?" "Not very," the man agreed. "but enough's happened to warrant a refamiliarization. The day before we found you, lying broken in the outskirts of Tokyo-3, the 17th angel attacked Nerv. It managed to get through thier defenses and was only stopped when one of the Evas...Unit 01 I belive... self-destructed. Odd though. The explosion was completely confined to Terminal Dogma." Kaworu froze. His voice cracked as he spoke. "Shinji...he's dead then, isn't he?" "The pilot of the Eva?" The man nodded, rather slowly. "Yes. They're hard pressed to find anything left overthere." Kaworu felt like he had been stabbed in the gut. Shinji dead? "If it helps," the man soothed, "Sinji died fighting for a very noble cause, and will be remembered." Kaworu said nothing, the thoughts of Shinji's death hitting him hard. He barely heard the man as he left, saying, "If you need me, my name is Trieze Kushrenada. I'll be outside." *** Dr. Ray Stanford looked up from his laptop computer, his hand constantly twirling the pen around as if anxious. "So, what'd he say? C'mon, Trieze, I need info..." He spun the pen around again, denoting his impatience. Trieze sighed. "Calm yourself, Dr. It went along fine, up until the point where I mentioned the Thrid Child's death." Another spin of the pen. "Oy. Not used to death, then...still. This could be a rather lucky break for us, you realize...if he really IS the fifth." "You still think we can use him as a pilot?" Dr. Stanford waved the comment away. "I build 'em, you use 'em, I get more things to build. Whether you can use them or not isn't my problem." Ignoring the remark, Trieze moved on. "What about the retrieval of your partner?" "It's been planned out, and it's ready to go. Everything's on that paper there." he said, pointing to a sheet of paper overflowing with information. "I'm just coming along to handle the diplomacy." Stanford answered with an idle wave. "Not that I'm a diplomat." 'You're nothing of the sort.' Trieze thought, a little more bite in the thought than was practical. Picking up the paper, he left the room. There was lots to do in the future, and everything rested on the hope that Dr. Stanford's little 'mystery' machine worked. *** *** Dr. Ristoku Akagi was not a happy person. First imprisoned because of that *** Gendo, and now, lucky her, she was stuck in the prison room. All the power had failed from the gigantic explosion(she assumed it to be) and as such had been able to free herself from her cell without much trouble - only to find herself trapped in the prison room, unable to get out. The room's emergency supplies had run out not long ago. She frowned and tried the door again. Nothing. Arg! "Dammit! I'm a world-class genius! I shouldn't be trapped by a stupid DOOR!" She pounded the door with a nearby peice of pipe. 'Stop it, Ritsuko. This isn't like you. Figure your way out.' Calming herself, and working by the light of the room's emergency lantern, she set to wark creating an alternate power supply for the door. After all, if the power was out, all it should take is a little re-wiring and a new power source, and the door'll be open in no time. Halfway through the construction, she heard a faint scuffling and stopped. 'Did I just hear something? Did Gendo sent his people to get me again?' The door hissed open, some debris clattering away. In walked three uniformed guards. Three, non Nerv guards. "Who the hell are you?" She asked, standing up. "What kind of gratitude is that, Ritsuko?" called a voice from behind the door. Ristuko's eyes bugged. "Stanford! What is going on here? Are these your men?" She asked, walking through the doorway, to find said scientist sitting on a piece of debris, click-clicking his pen. "My employer's men, actually. We heard that you were locked away here, so we decided you could use a hand. And an employer, incidentally, but you know how it is. Those of our type are always in demand, aren't they?" Click-click. That infernal pen! Ristuko stood silent, glaring at the scientist. How the man could act the way he did and still get the funding he needed astounded her. Some partner he had been. "What's this employer of yours want with me? And who are they?" "I'm not the one to tell you that, my boss's gonna be having a major meeting in about a day or so. Wants all the big boys there. Big suprise planned." He laughed. 'So what now, Ritsuko? Join up with...him again? I thought I'd never be seeing him, not after he left for the Americas...blast fate. Still, I need an employer, and if he's enough for Stanford he should be enough for me. I'll be damned if I work for Gendo again.' "Fine. I'll talk to this 'commander' of yours. No promises." She said, regaining some of her composure. 'Besides, it's not like my situation can get much worse.' Stanford smiled, and motioned to the corridor behind him. "Let's be going then. Let's go, you three." he said, motioning the three guards to follow. Silently, they walked through the abandoned corridors of Nerv. Ritsuko gaped at the damage. "What happened here? There was obviously an explosion of some sort." "Yeah, Unit 01 did a nice job of trashing the place didn't it? Odd though...the whole place shoulda been vaporized. I've gotta look into that, once I get the time." Stanford replied offhandedly. "The final angel attacked then?" "Yup. That's what's really weird about the whole mess. We hacked into Nerv's files, see, and even then, we found no trace of information on the final angel at all. Absolutely nothing...like he just went *poof* before any record were made!" Stanford demonstrated with his hands and made a big bang sound. The front guard glared at the loud Dr., who just shrugged." Ritsuko frowned. 'The last angel's gone, then. But how the HELL did Stanford hack into the MAGI?' "Let's just go. I want to talk to your commander and hopefully get back to work." Stanford nodded. "Righto then." *** Standford's guards led them though the catacombs of Nerv. While, she noticed, staying off the main corridors. The building was still occupied. They arrived at one of the hidden access points to the surface, and walked out into the open, where a group of three trucks were waiting. etc... *** *** "Thank you for coming see me, Kaworu, Ritsuko." Trieze said as he stood up from his chair at the table and greeted the two. "I decided I might as well come, and find out what exactly you want from me." Kaworu replied. "Let's begin then. Dr. Stanford, you were going to explain your theory and your new creation?" Stanford smiled, his pen clicking with excitement. "Yes indeed. I did a lot of research based on records stolen from Nerv, and with some theological help from Mr. Kushrenada, was able to come up with the answer to the final fate of Eva Unit 04. The S2 organ that the Angels were 'powered' by runs directly by changing matter into energy. Now, the official explanation was that Eva 04 and all of Nerv Branch 4 was turned into energy during the reactor explosion. I've noticed, through special scans, a interesting wave-pattern the explosions caused by the angels and by Unit 04." He pressed a button, displaying a glowing diagram of a dark, strange rift over the table. "Now what's interesting is that the extreme pressure and heat from the explosion seem to create a temporary black hole." A video of Unit 00's self destruct appeared over the table. "Stop!" The image froze just as Unit 00's self destruct finished. "Dim the light." Dr. Stanford said, reducing the glare to minimum before continuing. "This explosion had one, too. See the dark spot near the center? That's the blackhole created by the explosion. Now, I found that a field of signifigant force can change the black holes, increasing thier power or..." he paused for effect. "..change it into a whormhole leading to a different place, possibly even another reality as we know it!" He grinned at his audience's slightly sceptical looks. Ritsuko just looked amused. "Alright, Stanford. What's this device of yours?" "What do you think? It's a variant of the S2 engine that creates a temporary whormhole powerful enough to act as a gate between two worlds, while keeping anything we transport completely intact." Trieze's eye's glittered. "I realize that to you, what he is talking about sounds impossible. However, if you will follow me, we will give you a demonstration, and show you our *other* special creation." He gestured to the door, and walked out. The group walked down the halls, finnaly reaching a pair of reinforced doors. Finally reaching the door, Trieze placed his hand on the scanner. With a click, the door opened into vastness. The room was huge, with several enormous elevators leading far above. They walked out onto the catwalks and stopped in front of the first elevator. Ritsuko's eyes narrowed. "Stanford, this looks like an Evangelion launch bay." Trieze's face broke out into a smile. Turning away to face the elevator, he raised up a small metallic cylinder. "That's because it IS, Ms. Akagi." he said quietly, before pressing the tiny button on the cylinder. With a ear-wrenching shriek, the room exploded into light. Several people, technitians and other people working around yelled, suprised. With a bang that shook the room, the empty space in front of them shifted...and no longer was empty. Disbelieving yells came from all around. Kaworu froze. Ritsuko looked at Stanford in absolute suprise. "How in the world did you build an Eva?" The massive construct beared the exact markings of an Evangelion, though there were obvious differences. Seven eyes, arranged like that of Lillith glared at them impassively. A pair of wings came away from the Eva's back, while affixed to the Eva's arms were a single massive sword and a powerful, thick shield. Slung across the Eva's back was a long thin barrel that seemed to match the positron cannon's profile. The whole thing looked dangerous and vicous, like a demon waiting to be unleashed. "This is the Epion, the first in the next generation of Evas. Designed to be the ultimate in close combat." Trieze spoke softly. Kaworu looked at Trieze, his eyes darkened with a trace of anger. "Mister Kushrenada, you claimed all the angels had been defeated. There is no reason for the Evas anymore. If you expect me to pilot this...Epion...of yours as a weapon againsts humanity, I'm afraid I'll have to decline." "It's nothing of the sort, Mr. Nagisa." Trieze said seriously. "I have had more than enough of killing. There are OTHER places that need protection from the angels. Other worlds." He smiled. "My world." Ritsuko stampted her foot in impatience. "This is nonsence! Other worlds! Dimension warping?" Trieze raised an eyebrow and countered with a cooly direct statement. "About as impossible as angels and the third impact, correct, Mr. Stanford? Armageddon itself?" He turned to Rituko. In the same calm voice, he replied. "If you were willing to spend fifteen years and countless billions creating the Evas from nothing more than a prophecy from a few scrolls, I'd say you'd be just as willing to believe this." The ackward silence was broken by Kaworu, who smiled sadly. "I shall do it." Kaworu said, suprising the flustered Ritsuko. "Shinji is dead. I have nothing left to lose." "Fine. You'll need someone who has first-hand experience with Evas anyway." Ritsuko glared at Stanford again. "Asuming this thing works." "I thank you, Mrs. Akagi; Mr. Nagisa. You can not possibly fathom how much this means to me." Trieze dipped into a bow, his right hand extended aside. Stanford clapped his hands together and laughed in joy. "Alright then! Let's waste no time! It's time to see what the Epion can do!" *** Kaworu sat in the Epion's entry plug, a strange wave of nostalgia flowing through him. 'Here I am, piloting one of the lilim's machines. Wha-- lilim's machines? What am I talking about...' "Kaworu, are you ready to begin?" "Yes." "Alright. Because we don't have any access to LCL, we had to create a synthetic duplicate. We're not sure how it'll effect testing, but it should still work." Stanford said into the speaker. "Filling the entry plug..." Kaworu drew in a quiet, nervous breath as the light...blue?...liquid began to seep in from the bottom of the entry plug. Ridiculus. Nothing to worry about after all. It was only an Eva. He could pilot ANY eva if he wanted. So why was he worried? In the control room, Stanford worked at the console, watching Kaworu closely as he went through the pre-activation steps. "LCL2 in place and oxygenated...routing power to the first circuits...begining phase one of activation..." Kaworu closed his eyes, waiting for the tell-tale feeling of the Eva synronizing. He extended himslef through the emmitters...and stopped. "What?" Kaworu asked quietly in suprise. He pushed harder. Nothing was happening... Ristuko looked over the machines, reading over the data as it flew past her on the screen. "Synchronization is...virtually nil! There's no response from the Eva at all..." Stanford looked over, suprised. "What?! We've got everything in this thing! There's nothing we missed!" Click-click. "Well, you forgot something, Stanford, because nothing's happening..." Ritsuko frowned. 'All of the Evas at Nerv had ...something...that the pilots had interacted with...what did Shinji call it...' "Stanford! No one else has piloted this yet, has anyone?" Ritoku asked, an idea beginning to form. "No...why?" "The Eva's still missing something then. All of the other Eva's had the soul of a deceased person in them...this one doesn't! Kaworu can't synchronize with the Eva because there's nothing to synchronize with!" "What?" Stanford croaked. "That can't be right...rrrg!" "Wait." Kaworu's quiet, strained voice came over the speaker. "There's still one way...." He had strained himself almost to the limit by now, sweat beginning to stand out on his skin. "One way I can do it..." Ritsuko barely had time to ask, "What do you mean?" when the synchronization readings skyrocketed. "What's going on! Kaworu...EH?" Stanford gaped at the videoscreen, where Kaworu's form was beginning to get less and less visible...as if he were fading away. "He's attempting to merge himself completely with the Eva! Astounding! None of the other pilots could do such a thing on purpose!" "Synchronization at 399%... he's merged completely with the Eva..." Ritsuko could only stand there quietly,her eyes drinking in the information as it passed her. "Can you hear us, Kaworu?" Kaworu's strained voice came over the speaker. "Please...quieter if possible. Everything's...very loud in the Epion. They eyesight is very impressive, as well..." "Incredible." Stanford breathed. His face lit up with joy. "Using the Epion's sences directly, rather than having to go through his normal sences...this is beyond anything I imagined! Hehe!" Stanford danced around in happiness, ignoring the astounded stares of his companions. "It works! IT WORKS! Better yet! It LIVES!" Trieze smiled. Perhaps he could go home after all.
Five Years have passed since Endless Waltz. Mobile suit production is banned, and peace finnally seems a possibility. At the same time, the battle against Tabris ends, finishing in the destruction of both the Angel and Shinji in 01's massive self destruct. Now, a powerful man teams up with the thought to be dead fifth child, with their ultimate goal to cross back over the planes and protect others from the impending doom of the angels... NEON GENESIS EVANGELION: BLOOD WAR A NEON GENESIS EVANGELION/ GUNDAM WING CROSSOVER WRITTEN BY: ALEXANDER (hahale@yahoo.com) I do not own Evangelion or Gundam Wing. Evangelion belongs to Gainax, Gundam Wing to Sunsoft. I in no way mean any offence or ill will towards them or their great work. *** Prologue *** Silently, a lone figure walked through the darkened halls of Nerv. His form allowed him to bypass any guards, his ID through any security. His station provided him all the information he wanted. With all three things, he was able to slip unimpeded towards the tool he needed. At long last, he came upon the room he had been searching for. Tabris looked into the eyes of Evangelion Unit 02. He gave a smile, and lifted off the ground. Had anyone been watching, they likely would be very suprised, seeing Tabris rise off the ground with no apparent effort. As it was, the bay was empty, most of the people gone for the night. Thus it was the perfect time for him to strike, to finish the dream. No one could stop him. He was the last and ultimate angel, the legendary angel of free will. He touched down on the Eva's shoulder, and smiled. The Evangelion's eyes glowed, and with a deep throated scream, began to move. With a massive shudder, it broke out of it's restraints, ripped the massive doors off the wall, and began walking down through the catacombs of Nerv, down towards Central Dogma. Alarms blared and the remaining personel scrambled to stop Tabris and the berserk Unit 02. Tabris payed them no mind. Deeper they went, breaching door after door, untill at last he arrived before the twin massive doors which kept the first angel Adam locked away within. With a series of punches from the Eva, the doors blew inward, opening the way to his final destination. "At last, I can come home..." Tabris hovered down from his perch on the Eva's shoulder, and looked across the vast lake of LCL to the giant impaled in the enormous cross that stood alone in the massive chamber. His eyes flashed, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. "Wait, this isn't....Lilith!" *** Shinji Ikari ran down the corridor down to central Dogma, through the doors destroyed by the possessed Eva. Tears streamed down his face, both horribly sad and impossibly angry. "He betrayed me. He betrayed me like my father. They've all betrayed me! I trusted him with everything! Everything!" He pushed his Evangelion, Unit 01, to greater speed. The purple giant thundered down the halls, it's demon-like head perfectly mirroring the pilot's sentiments. He keeled to a halt, looking at the scene with confusion. He moved forward, pulling out the progressive knife. Seeing the lone figure standing facing him, he swung, all his sadness and feelings of betrayal coming out at that moment. "You betrayed me! You betrayed me like my father! I thought we were friends! You're worse than my father!" To his astonishment, the orange-red ripple of an A.T. field blocked the blow several feet short of his target. Shinji's face contorted with frustration. "I can't get thorugh!?!" Tabris looked at him, at the demon-face of Shinji's Eva. With forced calmness, he called out to the mind-rattled boy. "Please calm down. There is no need for you to fight any longer. You won." "W-wha..." Shinji's hand slowed, stopped. "Do you see the creature on that cross?" He asked, pointing towards the white, seven-eyed giant. He knew that he could; in this place, it couldn't be missed, even if Shinji was having a complete mental breakdown. "Do you know who he is? Of course not. When would your father ever tell you anything?" Tabris frowned, wishing he could at least crack the cold hearted commander of NERV's seemingly uncrackable demeanor. "That Angel you see there is not Adam! Not as Gendo and Seele have led you all to believe... If you knew about it at all." He stopped for a moment, and finished with a whisper that only Shinji could hear. "Not as Gendo and Seele had led ME to believe..." The orange field surrounding Tabris vanished. Slowly, Eva 01 brought up it's hand. It stopped, wavering between slamming him away or pulling back. "Shinji Ikari! You will kill the Angel now." Gendo ordered, his face appearing on the room's only viewscreen. "That is your final order. Do so and you may leave." "So if I do so... I can leave you?" Shinji said, seeming hopefull. Gendo did not even make it past the "Yes." before a purple fist slammed into the screen, wrecking it. "NEVER! I'LL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU AGAIN!" Shinji screamed at the useless screen. "I'LL DIE FIRST! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" Over the speakers astonished gasps and cries could be heard from the control room. From thier level of shock, it seemed quite clear at to what Shinji had done. Even Gendo's voice could be heard, more paniced now than it had ever been. Eva 01's self destruct had been activated. Suprised, Tabris turned looked at the Evangelion, which had begun to glow a bright white. "But, Shinji... It is not your, nor their, time to die..." Shinji had just enough time to gasp before the once-proud Evangelion Unit 01's core exploded, taking the final angel down with it.
...Urm...I hope things don't keep going like this. We need a plot here, and fast, or this'll just be yet another topic filled with people with inflated egos sparring for about 8 pages. Flash, If you don't mind, could you make me one of those nifty stat sheets? It'd be tough as hell though, cause Tobira's SOO much different from you guys. If you need a description, I have in in the Sign-up topic. It's okay if you don't want too either, it's not that big a deal. ***** Tobira flew across the landscape, bright exaust trailing from her wing-disguised engines. The Air was relatively heavy with Maverick Air-units, so she kept low to the ground to avoid avian enemies. The few she fought she incinerated with her buster, figuring that it was better to eliminate them completely rather than let them fall to the ground below and hurt someone. She didn't care about the actuall ODDS of that happening; she refused to take the chance. Not far ahead of her was her next target; a Air-Space base that had become a major link in the Maverick supply lines. Unlike before, she planned on causing as much destruction as possible here; disabling each and every transport here, shutting down the base. She knew, hovever, that she could never possibly handle all the bots there. X, the famed and legendary Maverick Hunter, had proved that clearly. Tobira frowned. She had always admired X for protecting the humans in thier time of need. With him and Zero gone, she no longer could iddly stand aside. With the loss of thier two greatest fighters, she saw the Maverick hunters as a group of unskilled and reckless fighters who cared nothing for the humans. "So it's all up to me." she stated. She wasn't going to ally with the Maverick hunters untill they woke up and got thier priorities straight. Tobira soared over the last line of buildings and switched into combat mode. Her senses sharpened, she landed behind a large pile of Sealed crates and closed her wings. Brandishing her ion cannon, she leaned around the side of the crate. Several bots strolled around, patrolling and guarding the aircraft as they were loaded and launched. Tobira zipped through the maze of crates, carefully shutting down only a few bots who stood in her way. Last thing she needed was to be discovered now....
My thoughts on each pilot from G-Wing: Heero Yuy: This guy's mental. What kind of person blows up their own suit, set's thier own broken arms, etc? Aside from the invulnerability factor, I don't like him. (Though his speech to Chang in Endless Waltz was good) Duo Maxell: Okay. Funny guy quite a bit, too. Nice Gundam. Trowa: Erm...lacking in social skills but holy-cow does he have reflexes and balance! Quatre: Nice guy. Type of person I'd like to meet someday. Chang: Very strange, Chang is. But I like him nonetheless. Relena: I like her in her own way. Her pafisism is extreeme, but still, her heart's in the right place. Scary eyes. Dorothy: I like her too. Freaky. And she's got Trieze's scary eyebrows. Zechs: I don't like him much. Especially not after watching the final episodes. My opinion of him dropped quite a bit. Trieze: Treize-sama! I love this guy. Smoothe, subtle, a gentleman, a good pilot, smart, I could list these things all day.
*** Tobira: I can't believe it. I had thought the wars were over, now they start anew. I never wanted to do this. Tobira looks at the nearby factory, with several guards moving about. She frowned in anger. Tobira: Well, here goes nothing. With a quiet beep, Tobira's ionic cannon began to charge. At the same time, she pulled out one of her favorite tricks, a large grenade. Her cannon charged, she hurled it at a far away wall. With any luck....Her aim true, it bounced off right into the middle of a group of bots. *KERZZAP* The grenade exploded in the middle of a group of bots, sending surges of ionic energy through thier systems, shutting them down. Following suit, Tobira fired her charge shot at another bot, shutting it down, too. The guard bots; all heavy duty models; were no slouches at tactics or fighting. The area filled with flashes of light as they opened fire. By then, however, Tobira wasn't there. Tobira: Sorry to just leave you guys, but I'm in a hurry again! Throwing yet another ionic granade over her shoulder, she charged into the factory, throwing ion bolts left and right. She had only one chance at this, she knew. She had to keep moving, or she was dead. There were far too many bots in the facility for her to ever shut down. Unless she could do it all at once, of course. Running at full speed, a few shots reflecting off of her back armor, she hurried through the complex, looking for the control system. Tobira: Aha! Gotcha! She blew open the lock to the command room with a quick burst from her buster cannon, then slammed the door shut behind her. She charged her ion cannon, and looked around. That was when she spotted the remains of the room's resident guard bots. Tobira: What?! Someone's already been here?! Voice: Correction. Someone's still here. Tobira turned to face the voice. A highly human-looking robot with white armor plating and a massive cape stood next to the main control panel, his buster charged and glowing. Tobira gulped when she realized it was pointing at her. W-Bot: I don't know what you're doing here, but it doesn't matter. The computer's rigged to blow and you can't stop it. Tobira: What! Blow it up! No! Tobira ducked under the white bot's line of fire, just missing the retaliatory blast he fired. It blew through the door and destroyed several bots which had been outside, preparing to storm the room. Taking aim, Tobira fired the ionic cannon, this time taking out all the stops. The surge of energy fried every circuit in the console, it's networks ruined. W-bot: You stopped the self-destruct! Taking aim, the green bot fired random shots into the aproaching bots, which began to stream through the door. Tobira followed suit, shutting down and disabling all the bots she could. W-bot: When this is over, I'll get back at you for this. Concentrating his firepower on the ceiling, he proceded to drop the roof on the incoming bots, trashing several and opening a hole in the roof. With a powerful leap, he was on the roof and running. Tobira followed suit, her wings expanding into flight mode. She took off after the white robot. Tobira: I don't know who you are, but I'm not letting you just blow this place up. W-bot: I won't let any Maverick stop me from completing my mission. W-bot angrily began a running attack, firing blast over his shoulder as he ran. Tobira frowned as she was forced to dodge them at high speeds, flipping around in the air with all the grace and agility she perform. Tobira: Listen you, I am not a Maverick, and I never will be, now stop shooting the gun! Soon the two were a safe distance away from the factory, and they slowed down. The white robot stopped firing, and turned around, his buster trained on Tobira, who likewise had her ion cannon charged. There was a pause, before the white bot spoke. W-Bot: Okay, who are you. If you're not a maverick that is. Tobira: My name is Tobira. I chose that name for myself. Now. I have a question. Are you an enemy? W-Bot: If you're Maverick, yes. Otherwise, no. Tobira: Good. *shuts off her cannon, then crosses her arms* I won't fight you then. W-bot: *suspicious* If you're not a Maverick, why didn't you want the factory destroyed? Tobira: It's a waste and dangerous. We could hurt innocents in the eruption. W-bot: ...I see. Perhaps I misjudged you. Though I still don't agree with your methods. *powers down the cannon* I will let you live. The white robot begins to walk away, ignoring Tobira. Tobira: Well, tell me your name at least! W-bot: ...My name doesn't matter. I am an elite fighter that will destroy the Mavericks, nothing more. The white robot walks away, refusing to answer any of her furth questions. Soon, he is gone. Tobira stands, confused. Charging her ion cannon, she heads to the next target on her list. Notes*** 1) If you have any plans on bringing back, Zero, I'd like to know them. 2) The white bot is mine. You can write him in, but only in small parts and you can't name him or give any background info. 3) The next target on my list is wherever you guys are going to hit. See you there!
Count me in, and I finnally am taking the time to create a deep background, one with mystery and potential! I hope this goes far guys! Her given designation is: G-Proto Unit 001 Prefers to be called: Tobira, the name of a young girl that she once killed. Physical Appearance is that of a 16 year old girl, with long black hair, with long bangs which sometimes cover her eyes - which she finds annoying. Eyes are a brilliant blue, but when viewed closely one can see the unusual sensors she has in her eyes, which make them appear to be constantly shifting and moving. Fairly tall. Very light due to the material in her construction. Her armor is a deep violet. The metal is of an unusual type; she possesses no records as to what it is, nor do any libraries. It is stronger than the usual armor while a great deal lighter. Thus, she takes less damage than most units. Hovever, her self-repair systems need more energy to re-create the metal used to armor and repair her body. Thus she repairs slower. She lacks a cape, however, she possesses a pair of thuster mounts, stylized to look like feathered wings. While not in use, the wings are retracted and locked in place against her back. When deployed, they appear in a angel wing position, and give her the capability of many mid-air maneuvers. The wing mount can be removed, allowing her to pass through areas without questioning her appearance too much. Her armor can also be removed, allowing Tobira to travel amung the populace undetected. History: Tobira has two 'pasts'; A clouded one and a sad one. The first one is of her true origin. She is not very sure who created her or how, she suspects that the creator of Mega Man X might have also creater her, but there is little data that supports it, so she publicly says that she has none. Her sad past comes during the Sigma battles. Severall times suring the first war against Sigma, she fought back Mavericks attacking humans, but during one encounter, she acidentally killed a young girl and her mother while targeting the Mavericks. This troubled her, and she stopped fighting, until recently she cam out from her self-imposed isolation to fight against the growing threat. Age, Height, Wieght: Will we ever *really* use these? I think not. Weapons: Tobira posessed a powerful prototype cannon that was originally affixed to her right arm. After the accidental death of the young girl by this weapon's feedback, she took off the weapon, replaced it with a ionic beam cannon specially designed to disable robots and not cause any physical damage. Her other weapon is a multi-purpose buster, slightly weaker than other busters of the same type. (i.e. Mega Man's). It has the basic charge attacks and such, but is a little slower than the usual ones. It also cannot perform a Level 4 Charged attack. (E.X. The highest level of buster charging as shown in MMX1.) Apparently, the designer favored the prototype weapon over the buster, and neglected keeping it as advanced as the rest of her. The prototype weapon is currently sealed away, and only Tobira knows where it is. Personality: Tobira is non-violent and not pround of her fighting abilities. She fights only because she knows that if she doesn't, more harm will come to those she would otherwize have saved. Sometimes she takes a harsh and judgemental view of other's actions; especially where R.B.G.s are concerned. (Really Big Guns.) This often puts her at odds with the stronger reploids, who are not often pleased by her hatred of over-powered weapons. She trys to stop a fight with words wenever possible. She hates Sigma and all Mavericks. She has a grudging respect for Zero, even though he was a maverick at one time. (I think so anyway...) Tactics: Against almost any opponent, she uses her ionic beam cannon to defeat her enemies. It has two modes of operation. The first mode causes a temporary shut-down of the opponent's systems, rendering them helpless for a certain length of time. Depending on it's strength, it can put an opponent down for up to 2 hours. It's second mode is *much* more dangerous. This cannon does not shut down opponents; it permamently delete's thier running programs and ruins the internal circuitry throughout the robot, rendering it useless until repaired. This is of course difficult as no self repair systems work after they've been deleted. She only uses the actual buster in unusual situations, usually when something MUST be physically destroyed.
Maharis: "Well...the battle certainly is impressive...if a little uninspired." He turns to Raiha. His voice seems disturbed,"My memories are slowly returning...I think. The problem is that...they're skewed. They don't make sence. I'm seeing myself in not one, but two forms..." Raiha: "Multiple forms? I don't recall Nameks being shapeshifters." Maharis: "They're not. The thing that disturbs me is that I cannot remember what the second - or perhaps the first - form looked like. It's always on the edge of my vision, as though it were from farther back in my memory." Raiha: "I don't think I know any spells which change other forms..." Maharis: "That's not what I'm wondering. The thing that really has me confused is this." Maharis pulls out a crystal sphere. It's blue, marvelously clear, with a single glowing lights twirling within. "It's this." Raiha: "What on earth?" Maharis: "I left this things on the ground when I first woke up after whatever happened. This morning..." he frowned. "...I found it at my side again."
You guys, if any of you could find a way a wrinting me into a combat, that'd be nice. A Nice combat against a fairly tough opponent. I've got a few ideas how to handle Maharis/?????? but I need to get in a combat, something I really don't feel safe doing on my own. Any ideas please?
It's a toss-up between Quatre and Chang. *flips coin* What the..? It landed on it's side?
Hey hey! I've made several improvements to my story I posted earlier. It's almost three times too big to post in one message, so I'll simply post up the story file! I'm working on the next few chapters now, but they won't be done for a while. Enjoy, and any comments and help is very welcome!
I personally like her, and respect her. Yes, her views on total pacifism were harsh, but still. She even realizes the problems with her version of pacifism in Endless Waltz. Not that she's shying away from them, she still realized that it was running away from the problem. As for Darke's reaction: It's because of people like you that peace CAN never happen. Jeez, you're sounding like Dorothy, and she's scary! Like Trieze, she has 'scary eyebrows' as several people have put it, and I must agree. That's also funny to say. "Trieze has scary eyebrows."
Here's a question that's been nagging at me for a long time. Okay, you don't have to answer to this topic if you don't want to. There is nothing saying you must, so feel free to hold your peace. Here goes... What would you do if, say, your best friend was gay/lesbian? How would you react? Would you reject him/her, or would you stay friends regardless? I honestly do not know the answer to mine. I will never know, unless it were to happen and the actuall situation were to befall me. I'd like to think that it wouldn't bother me...but I can't say that. It wouldn't be true. It always would bother me...but could I get past that?
YES! YESYESYESYESYESYES! I found the paper with Maharis's background and original name! HEHEHEHEHEH! I can give him back his memories! All in due time, of course, I need to have some fun before that. And could we PLEASE get back to the main topic? I appologize for being rude, but could someone explain what purpose Mr. Penn has in the story? He has done nothing so far which is even remotely related to the plot. All it is is self-glorification!
I sincerely hope the reason no one has even bothered to look at this is that no one knoews it's here, not anything else; because I do not take things lightly when I am ignored on purpose!:flaming:
Maharis stares at the food, as the writer tries to answer the eternal question; DO nameks eat? (I've never seen piccolo eat, so I kinda assumed his meditative trances replenished that, too. Hmm...) Maharis: Interesting. Human food... I haven't eaten in a long time.. Warlock: *munch* Well, you have been unconsious for a very long time. Maharis: No, It was before that. Warlock: Oh? Maharis: *looking at a plate of spagetti suspisiously* I can't remember... but guessing by how alien the thought of eating is... I'd say for at least 20 years. Warlock: :eek: What! :eek: Raiha: That's a suprise! Maharis: I meditate, I guess. It's like a reflex for me. I didn't conciously realize I was doing it untill just now. Hmm... Maharis picks up a glass of soda, and, after watching Warlock for a short while, takes a drink. Maharis: Ah! It burns! What is this stuff! Ah! Warlock: It's just coke, Maharis. It can't burn you. Maharis: It feels like it. *Swallows* Boy, this is gonna be fun. What's next? Hmmm....Hot sauce. What kind of drink is this? Raiha: Um, Maharis, you really... Too late, for Maharis has already drained the bottle. The anguished scream that followed is too terrible to ever be conveyed in words; but it was loud. Oh, yes. Raiha:..... :o Warlock:..... :o Raiha: I think I'll go get some water. Warlock: Good idea. Maharis: No! No more! I refuse to drink anymore of your burning liquids! Raiha:... :o I think I know why nameks don't eat very often....
On earth, in the office of Relena Darlian's office, things were chaos. Relena practically flew through her office, taking and answering calls with the grace and ease which befitted her station. "Yes, sir, I had thought all Mobile suits were destroyed as well. No, I have no information concerning any hidden projects. No, I do not know what the two seem to be fighting is. I'm sorry, I don't know the answer for that. I assure you, the Earth Sphere alliance has nothing to do with the battle." Inwardly, Relena was seething. This would be front page news for weeks, and there would likely be no end of trouble from this. Entirely against her beliefs, she wanted to strangle whoever was in charge of that fight. 'Boy, I hope that they aren't hostile.' Heero Yuy, now Heero Darlian, zipped in the room. "What's going on? I heard that there's some sort of battle up in orbit." "You heard right," Relena agreed, shutting off the phones in frustration. "Two mobile suits, each of COMPLETELY unknown design are in orbit, fighting some strange crystal with reflective panels. Heero frowned, and turned on the room's viewer. He picked up the phone in determination, and turned it back on. "Yes, we want a full view of the battle here. Best the goverment's got. Excuse me, I'm Heero Darlian, I DO have access to that information, now put it through. Thank you." On the screen, the battle view appeared. Both Darlians looked at the screen, watching the battle with both interest and repressed anger. *** "Master Quatre! There's a battle taking place on earth!" Rasid Kurama called via telephone. "There's GUNDAMS!" "WHAT! Oh, no!" Quatre stood shocked. 'This can't happen again! We've worked too hard for another war!' "Hurry, find a viewer!" *** "DUO! WAKE UP!" Hilde yelled in annoyance. "Stop sleeping!" Duo jumped awake and fell uncerimoniously off the couch. "What was the number of that bus?" "Look!" Hilde pointed a finger at the screen. Duo nearly fell down again in suprise, though the fact that he was already on the ground stopped him. 'GUNDAMS?!' *** "Now, take deep breaths. Let you thoughts and your cares leave with it, and begin to feel the universe around you...." A few minutes later, the class over, Chang Wu Fei watched his pupils leave. "Teacher!" One of his more experienced students ran in. "Forgive intrusion, Teacher, but there is battle on earth! A great battle, in orbit. Mobile suits!" Chang nodded. "Thank you, Xian Pu. Please inform Khu Lon that she is to take over the class untill I return. You will be assistance instructor." "You're leaving?" "Yes. I have a job to do." *** "Alert!" loudspeakers blared in the circus tent. Trowa swore under his breath. "Just RUIN the show. We don't mind." "There has been confirmation of a battle taking place above Earth! Two mobile suits have been seen!" "What!" Trowa DID swear this time, as he rushed out of the tent, followed closely by Catherine Bloom. 'I hoped this'd never happen again...." *** "So. Even with all our efforts, something this big still got through our net." Zechs Merquise looked at the screen, his eyes narrowed. "Makes everything seem like a waste of time, doesn't it." "We can't be sure, Zechs." Lucrezia looked at the battle with sad eyes. "I had thought it was over." "It was. But something, or someone, managed to get through the Preventer net. And got through without even a trace. I can't think of anyone who'd be capable of that. I doubt even Heero or I could." "But then who could it be?" "We'll know soon enough. Turn the ship around. We're going back." 'I have to protect Relena.' "Right!" *** Mariemaia Kushrenada felt a chill go through her. So this is what is felt like, she reasoned, for the people after she had declared she was going to take over earth. 'A horrible feeling...how could I ever have made such a mistake? Oh, father. Why did you die...." Tears began to run down her face as she remembered the fateful day fourteen years ago... *** Throughout the solar system, people watched as the drama over earth progressed. Saw the Relevation come from the other side of the moon, as the waltz came to a dramatic conclusion...
"Whatever that means." The Inferno rocketed forward on it's thrusters, and Kaworu rapidly followed suit. The two mobile suits neared the Angel, thier forms clearly visible off of the Angel's perfectly reflective plates. "What the hell is that?! The angel's inside that thing?" "Nope. That is the angel." "WHAAT!" As they got closer, the two pilots noted with alarm that the angel was moving. The armor plates broke off from the multifaceted surface and moved out, revealing the glowing red core. Without warning, the shiny plates hurled themselves forward, cutting into the two flat-footed defenders. "Jeezus! Angel's don't look like this!" "Now is not the time for a discussion." Kaworu stated, as he dodged the rapidly moving plates. "We have to destroy the core, and fast." "That big red thing?" "Correct." "Right then! This'll be a piece of cake." He spread the suits hands, exposing the hidden buster cannons embeded within. "Try THIS!" Quarral realized something was amiss when the angel's hexagonal panels remained intact. He also found it unusual that the buster shot was now moving in the opposite direction. "Oh, shi.." The Inferno was blow backwards by the buster blast, it's armor smoking. The panels continued thier relentless assault, slashing at the armor. The Neo-titanium alloy held together well, but slowly it began to weaken. "Mattaku no baka!" Kaworu, meanwhile, charged the pogressive sword and shot towards the core. He extended his sword arm, intent on ending the menace there. However, the angel had other plans. Before he could react, it brought the armor plates back in, shielding the core, with only a few cracks on the struck panel showing it had been touched at all. "I had warned you of the danger earlier." "What the hell is this thing MADE of! I am so getting sick of this thing." "Switch to close combat. It seems able to deflect all energy weapons back, as well as deflect all projectiles." "Rrrg!" Quarral sent a panel flying away with a swipe of his sword. "Would you stop being a know it all!" Quarral fliped a switch. With a surge of power to the eyes, the Inferno launched forward in a enhanced fury. With shocking speed and mobility, he began dodging between the numerous armor plates and stabing at the core. The angel's movement's too quickened, but it appeared now completely defensive. Quarral's only comment was a low chuckle. "We've got it now!" Quarral continued his relentless assault of the core, grinning all the while. Trieze frowned as he watched the movements of the Inferno. 'So. It wasn't destroyed after all,' he thought. Kaworu took a few seconds to rest. 'Why am I holding back? I can do better than this... "Mr. Nagisa! Quarral! I'm detecting and energy buildu-" Quarral's eys widened as he once again found himself on the business end of the angel's attacks. The core glowed a bright red, surrounded in a bright aura, before directing it into a beam right in front of Inferno. It flew backwards under the strain, with the reflective blades rights behind. Kaworu flew into motion as he charged in front of the blades. He swiped his sword, again and again, deflecting what few panels he could while taking the rest. Fireworks went off in Kaworu's mind when he felt one of the plates slice into the Eva's leg, cutting deep in. He bit his lip, tasted blood. So quickly the odds had turned! Left, right, back, left, up, flip, deflect, down; Kaworu's motions were a blur as he fought back the pain from the wound to dodge the shiny blades. His voice strained, he called out. "Treize..." Aboard the Relevation, the crew watched in horrid anticipation. The whole crew was transfixed by the struggle, but a few managed to tear thier eyes away from the drama and work. Treize was one such person. "Synch Ratio at one hundred ten, one hundred twenty, one hundred thirty... he's still rising!" Back at the battle field, Quarral had regained his bearings and was in the fray again, furiously attacking the angel. This time however, he concentrated on the incoming plates. "Ya hah!" He cried, as his sword cracked one in half after much pummeling. "You will *die*!" Over the speaker, another voice, female, and very urgent, called at the two fighting troops. "Quarral! I did some scans, and I found that that the soul shield it produces..." 'Soul shield? Do they actually know about the A.T. Field?' Trieze wondered to himself. "...dissappears when it's firing that laser!" "That helps us HOW, Birdy?" Quarral asked, who was fighting back a group of four shields who had decided to attack from akward angles and cut him up. "I don't know that yet! I'm working on it!" Inside the Epion's entry plug, Kaworu began to pant. The sheer stress of controlling the machine, coupled with the intense pain from the strikes, was beginning to take it's toll on him. He began to feel a strange buzzing pressure on his mind, one he hadn't felt since the fateful battle at Central Dogma, where Nerv had faced what they had thought was the 17th, and last, angel. [i]...stop...don't fight....don't.... to...hurt.[/i] Kaworu's heart leapt to his throat, but he shoved the voice aside and forced himself to stay focused and in control. Whiping out the whip-like heat rod, he began swating at the attackers, trying to hold them at bay. A single shield stopped, unable to move anymore, it's surface badly scarred. "Hold in there, you two! You can do this!" Birdy's stressed voice came over the speakers. "Whoever you are that's in charge! Figure something out!" "I'm already trying, ma'am." Mentally, Trieze vowed to definitely make a search for Une and Zechs once the battle was won. Oh, yes, definitely. "Don't ma'am me!" Kaworu strained, and pushed his limits higher. "It's a risk, but one I must afford." he thought, as he began falling more and more into himself. The pressure grew in his mind, but he pushed forward anyway. "Kaworu! Don't overexert yourself." Treize insisted. The monitor clearly showed Kaworu's Synch Ratio at 225 and slowly rising; well above the safe limit of 100% he had imposed. Quarral continued to dance around the core, slicing at it whenever he could, and continued to dance out of the way of the panels. Both moved like quicksilver through the mass, dodging most and lessening the rest of the strikes. As the battle progressed, the combatants slowly came around the horizon of the moon. Alarmed sattelite operators and goverment officials immetiatly caused a tremor through the infrastructure, as groups struggled to make sense of the fight. Kaworu noticed none of this. His senses, stretched farther than humanly possible, began to note the subtle shift of energies that flowed through the air. He felt the Angel's energy growing, reaching a peak. "Move!" The cherry red beam cut through the air again just as the Inferno ducked to the side, causing it to miss it's intended target. "There." He thought. "I can feel it. I can feel the angel's power... " Another blast rang out. 'They're getting faster., and more accurate,' Trieze noted. He watched in facination as the blast ricoched of one of the panels back towards the Epion, which narrowly sidestepped it. 'Hm...perhaps something can be done with this...' "Okay, you two, I have a plan, but it will require perfect timing. Here is what you do..."