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Everything posted by Alexander

  1. This is a sample section from *the* major fanfiction I'm writing, currently unnamed. "" 's signify speech, '' 's thoughts. Some background Information; Warning, this story will contain mucho spoilers, especially for Evangelion. If you haven't seen it all, and don't want it to be spoiled, do not read. Gundam Wing/Evangelion Crossover. Macross will eventually make a large appearance. Birdy the Mighty has a little appearance. Birdy fans beware, due to my friends demands and due to my never seeing the anime, her character is likely to be horribly out of character. Ranma 1/2 has made it in as well, though only as some minor comic relief. Can you find their mention here? I will add more as I see fit. Faction 1: Earth Sphere Alliance; Main earth government. From Gundam Wing. Completely mobile-suitless, after Endless Waltz. Faction 2: L6 Colony; A remote, rogue colony. Does not wish war, but won't shirk from defending thier land. Controls the Inferno and Appolyon, both advanced suits. Lead by Quarral Daphin Faction 3:Astar Foundation; The premier faction, and the one that WILL get the most time, I garuntee it. Lead by Trieze Kushrenada, who survived his Talgeese's destruction through the 'Stanford Paradox' which sent him to the Evangelion Universe, jusst before second impact. He slowly built up a secret organization, similar to NERV, who's goal was the destruction of the Angels. However, they lacked a pilot for thier ultimate Evangelion, the Epion, which Trieze helped design and was created with similar traits as the Original Epyon. They found thier pilot in a young boy named Kaworu Nagisa, who had recently escaped NERV. Trieze was initially suspisious, however, through careful observation, he soon learned his true identity and the struggle within. Taking him as his son, he welcomed Kaworu. With the single best pilot he could have on his side, they recreated the Stanford Paraodox (named after the genius who created the Epion and thier command ship, the Relevation) and were sent back to the Gundam Wing universe, where they prepare for the coming of the angels there... Faction 4:The Star Knights A raiding group of incredible power and speed. The ships are though and fast, and thier massive mobile fortress is as strong as any suit. Leaded by Lord Jerome. Faction 5: The angels. Not really a faction, but they're here, and they're tougher than ever! Several old one, plus some Relevation angels and a few totally new ones will face Kaworu in this epic, as he struggles to protect the people he loves while holding back the most dangerous angel of all; Tabris, the Angel of Free Will. There's a LOT of unexplained things, such as HOW the L6 became free, what's it like, how'd they get suits, etc. I know that, and I'm working on it. I have friends here I need to keep satisfied, and it's [b]not[/b] easy. *** Slowly, steadily, a strange object made it's way towards earth. It's shining surface, composed of several interlocked hexagonal plates, reflected the nearby asteroids clearly, camoflaugeing it's surface with the image rock. It all but dissappeared from view as it moved through the asteroud belt. When it was noticed, panic set in. The mere sight of the several dozen meters wide crystal shook the Star Knights into action. Moving the SDF-2 away from it at high speed, thier fleet moved in, preparing to engage it. The forces closed in, readied themselves, and opened fire. *** "What in the world is going on!?" Jerome growled, watching as his ships were pummeled by the energy bombardment. Immediatly after the attack began, the crystal - now completely covered in smoke - seemed to perfectly counter every attack sent against it. Jerome watched as the active ships began to dwindle, some retreating from heavy damage, some smordering wrecks. "Stop the attack! Bring back the ships and order a strategic retreat. Officer DeVir, I want a complete record on everything we have on that thing, from the moment we detected it onward. Have it in my office in thirty minutes, tops." Jerome stood up, and looked at several of his monitors. "Seven battle ships down, three completely destroyed! One buster craft out of commision!" None of the officers spoke. 'Whatever it was,' Jerome thought, 'I'm going to figure out what it is. In the meantime...' "Send a message, broadband. Say that a intruder of unknown origin and type has been found and is currently moving....where IS it moving?" "It seems to be heading towards earth sir. The last telematry report suggests that it is headed to someplace in the southern hemisphere; possibly Chile, Australia, or Antarctica." "...You heard him. End Message. Launch several probes to monitor it's progress and run scans. I will be in my office. Alert me if anything unusual happens." He walked into his office, and was pleased to see the data already waiting. 'Well now. It's time I see what I can do about this thing.' He stayed up late into the night, pouring over what little data he had, looking for a weakness. With luck, he knew, he'd find one. 'I have too." *** Aboard the Relevation, Trieze sat in his private study, drinking a cup of his favorite tea. On his desk were a stack of papers; progress reports for the few spies he had manage to emplace, as well as a few technical manuals and notes on the Epion. "Mr. Kushrenada, we have recieved a message, broadband. I'm sending it to you." "Thank you, Collins. If you could summarize the message for me, and give me your thoughts on it?" "Not alot there, but it says a intruder of unknown origin is heading for the southern earth hemisphere. Unless I'm mistaken, that's probably the angel we've been looking for." "Excellent, Mr. Collins, those were my thoughts as well. Helm! Plot a course for high earth orbit, at maximum effective speed. Make sure to keep the moon between us and the planet. Mr. Askul will know what to do." "Yes sir. Bridge out." Trieze set down the spy report and picked up one of the technical readouts; this one on the Epion's current status. 'A angel. Our first true fight against them, and Kaworu's first combat experience. Can he handle it? Can our crew handle it? They've never really been tested yet... Oh how I miss having Zechs and Lady Une around.' Keying the intercom for Kaworu's quarters, Trieze called out. "Kaworu? Sorry to disturb you, but we may have found the angel. The Epion is being prepped for launch now." Kaworu's calm voice came back over the speaker. "I see. I'll get ready." "Don't worry yourself, Kaworu. I understand you do not have the warriors spirit that I do, so.." "Mr. Kushrenada, I appreciate the sympathy but I am just as strong willed as you are. I will be fine." "I'm sorry. I did not mean to insult." "None taken. It's time I left. Kaworu out." Trieze swallowed hard. 'Am I pushing too hard, or not enough? I know him better than anyone yet I still know so little.' Steeling himself for the battle to come, Treize stood up and began the walk to his destination; the command room. *** Kaworu sat in the Epion's command plug and began the synchronozation sequence. He brought himself up to 100% synchronization before ordering the final launch steps. "Trieze? I'm ready. Is there any sign of the angel?" "Not yet....ah, there we go. Our outer port scouts just encountered it and are on thier way. They say you can't miss it. I'm pulling all the scouts in." "ETA?" "Ten minutes. That should be plenty of time. Launch, and head in to intercept. I'll raise shields and go to battle formation right after your launch. You're on you own out there, remember. I want you back in one piece." "I'd hate to dissapoint. Eva Launch." The massive form of the Epion rocketed out of the Relevation's spacious launch bay, and proceded towards the incoming angel. Kaworu took a moment to reflect out in the stars, and he admired thier beauty. "If only human souls were as perfect as these stars." The moment was quickly stolen by a incoming message. Kaworu put it through, keeping his eye on the monitors for the angel. "Well well. What have we here." A voice came over the speaker. "What're you doing here? Trying to hunt down that invincible intruder that the Star Knights fought?" Trieze's voice came over from the Relevation. "That is correct. We are hunting the Angel." "Angel? You call that an angel? What are you, some wierd cultist group?" "No, we are the Astar Foundation." "Whatever... My name's Quarral Daphin of the L6 colony. Well, don't bother sticking around, unless you're here to watch. Me and my Inferno are going to handle this, period." Kaworu's voice came over the speaker, tinged with a hint of worry. "I wouldn't if I were you. You don't know what you're going up against. We've fought seventeen already." Trieze looked at the screen which showed the view of Kaworu's Entry plug. Kaworu didn't look strained. 'Kaworu? Bluffing? I never would have thought he'd do that.' he looked back to the status screens and frowned. 'On the other hand, things are going to get very difficult very soon.' "Mr. Daphin, we do not have the time for a arguement. Warrior to warrior, I propose a alliance during the fight; I believe we both may need it." Kaworu raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "Work with a bunch of cultists with a wierd suit? Life just keeps getting stranger. Alright, it can't hurt I suppose." The Inferno decloaked next to the Epion. "No angel's going to stop me!" Quarral laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure. A group of nobodys with a wierd suit, taking out seventeen of these seemingly invincible enemys? "Fine." Kaworu's voice cut in. The blue blinking dot that signified an angel had just appeared on the screen. "We've found it. It's definitely a pattern Blue."
  2. Maharis: Life sure is interesting nowadays. The group has decided to temporarily take a rest. The atmosphere is quiet, each person being left to his or her own thoughts and worries. Maharis: "No matter what I do, the most I get are glimpses and reflexes. Never a complete vision. " Maharis growls, looks at the dessert in the distance. He raises his hand, and using the Ki abilities he recently recalled, threw a baseball sized blast out into the vast expanse. It erupted in a mushroom cloud, sending dust in all directions. Warlock: "Hey, wasn't that the Big Bang attack?" Maharis: "Your guess is as good as mine." Warlock: "Probably is then. " *FLASH!* Maharis: What the? Maharis appears on a cliff, staring out at the vast expanse before him. He looks around, trying it regain his composure and his balance. Maharis: Where am I now? *grumbles* His view slowly scans the area. A few trees, a lake, a forest, a person headed his way, a... what! Maharis turns to the rapidly appreaching person; as he approaches, Maharis is shocked to see that the person is perfectly identical! Sidestepping the runner, who grinds to a stop a few feet away, he turns and faces the twin. Maharis: Okay, who are you. Twin: I'm you, of course. Let's see you beat me. The two exchange blows. Maharis, however, finds himself at a severe disadvantage, as the twin appears much stronger. Maharis: Okay, me, if you are me, where are we? Twin: We are in you mind. The desert represents the expanse of your lost memories. Maharis: Well... Maharis dodges a well placed cresent kick and moves in with a palm heel strike, but the clone seems to see this and is ready. He grabs him and flings him overhead, before kicking him in the back. Maharis: Ow! How am I losing to MYSELF! There's got to be something I'm missing. Twin: Of course there is. Maharis: And that would be? Twin: You're doomed. Maharis: I think not. Suddenly, it hits him, not one of the twins kicks, but the perfect realization he had been looking for. The twin grined, and threw a punch into Maharis's face. He howled as it came back broken and bloody. Maharis: In my mind, I can be as perfect or as tough as I can imagine myself to be. I can't be beaten here. AND if you're actually me... Twin: ....... Maharis: Then I know everything you do. Twin: .......darn. Maharis, empowered by his new understanding, procedes to simply annihilate his twin. *Flash!* Unknown Figure(Namek): Remember, you must NEVER lose sight of you goal. The Ryu-mari are far too powerful to remain loose. Use everything in you power to get them, and then destroy them. *FLASH!* Maharis blinks again, and looks around. Maharis: I'm on the ground? Raiha: Good, you made it. Warlock: What happened? You simply collapsed. Maharis: Well, one could say I fought myself. Raiha: That explains the turmoil I felt from you. Maharis: Huh? Raiha: *sighs* I'm psychic, remember? Maharis: Right. Let's see what I can remember.... *goes over the vision, and the fight*
  3. Sorry, but I'm at a loss for a post. I don't know enough about the topic yet to write what you do for you. If you could please elaborate on how you knew my new name, for example, that'd help, Raiha.
  4. I'm not very sure about this, as none really fit, but... #1: Trieze (Why did Trieze-sama die! WHA!) #2: Quatre #3: Relena (Believe it.)
  5. Name: Toki Damasu Member Status: Newbie :demon: (Ain't it ironic?) Occupation: Cop Mobile Suit: Leo Weapons: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in optional shield, hand-carried in use; 1 x shield, mounted on left shoulder; 105 mm rifle, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum; beam rifle, 20 round charge Personality: Toki appears nondescript, and doesn't seem to attract a lot of attention. Even his suit, the average leo, apears normal. Which is the way he prefers. He fights against the uprising terrorists with military efficiency. However, the tragic loss of his wife during one of the original gundam's attacks has caused a unnexpected mental flaw. Only time will tell if it is revealed.
  6. I've had several dreams that I can recall, though most of them could be classified as nightmares.
  7. The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore - Fantasy Drizzt Do-Urden is the most loved and famous dark elf in all of fantasy. His masterful blades and precise strike pale before the elf's honesty, honor and goodness. But how can a dark elf turn against his heritage, with the evil Spider Goddess Lolth controlling the entire society? The Conqueror's Trilogy by Timothy Zahn - Science Fiction Humanity's first contact with a new alien superpower. However, the enemy fleet attacks and begins a merciless campaign against humanity as soon as the first radio message is sent. What caused the race to attack, and can they stop them before it's too late? The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tokien - Fantasy This series pioneered the Fantasy genre... find out why! The Q Trilogy (Q Zone, Q Strike, Q ????) The Galazy is again threatened by a force that was locked away outside the galaxy by the Q continuum. But what part did Q play in the original struggle? The Dune Series by Frank Herbert The Atriedies family is given command of the planet Dune, the hub of the universe, and the family finds itself in a deep net of intruige, with the fate of the universe in one man's hands... The Foundation Series by Issac Asimov The great Empire has survived for thousands of years. However, one man has predicted it's fall and creates a planet, the Foundation, to re-create the empire after it's fall, to prevent thousands of years of glaxywide ruin.
  8. I am please to announce that I am most certainly not insane. The test didn't even faze me.
  9. Hmmm... perhaps I can go for the best fanfiction writer award... though by all accounts there is no such award....
  10. Maharis looks up from the campfire that he had created and gazed at the figure floating high above him. "Well now. I don't see people hovering ahead everyday." Warlock: "I don't see Nameks making campfires alot either. It's been a while." Maharis: "What's a Namek? Wait a minute! You know me?" Warlock: "We fought together a while ago. You had vanished searching for the second....you called them Ryu-mari, I think." Maharis: "....I can't remember anything." In truth, Maharis had a fleeting glimpse when he mentioned Ryu-mari. A crystal sphere... he let it drop, forgotten. Warlock: :eek: "Amnesia?! Damn." Maharis: "That a problem?" Warlock: "I'd say so... though perhaps we can get it back. If you'd like, come with me. Perhaps together we can peice together some of these puzzles we've been finding. And get you in shape! Your power level's about the same as it was back when we first met." Maharis: "I just woke up a day ago. That'd explain things a bit." Warlock: "Right. You coming along?" Maharis: "I have nothing to do here... perhaps this will help me remember who I was. Let's go."
  11. Umm.. there's way too many plots going on... I'm going to have to join one for simplicity... but which one.... *** The figure stood over the edge of a cliff, meditating. He had found that meditative position relaxing, and helped promote clear thought. His arm, to his great amazement, had regenerated merely hours after he had awokened, though he felt rather weak shortly after. [i]Well...I'm lost... and I can't remember anything except for the body reflexes that I have. They're obviously a martial artists, so I must have been one. Perhaps that is how I lost my memory? A blow to the head?[/i] Standing up, the figure decided to let his reflexes do the work. Seemingly without thinking, he entered a ready stance and was throuwing about punches with incredible speed. He stopped suddenly. [i]A memory? No.. barely a flash... that is what the memory is, a gigantic flash... and me creating it?[i/] Could he be that acomplished, capable of using the incredible Ki energies he suspected he had seen? Possibly. That would also mean that he had strength of almost legendary level... but how? "Perhaps this is actually a dream... a false world as it were? How can I tell? Who is to say that it is pain which proves so?" "I must search. My past is hidden, somehow.. in the shadows of the present. But I need a name....for I have lost mine." "What is fitting and right? What would work..." He looked over at the nearby desert, the rolling sand dunes. "I am Maharis, until the day comes that I remember my former self!"
  12. 1) I'd make it so that Relena wasn't a person whom everyone hates so much! (WHAT is with everyone and Relena must die?!) 2) Trieze survives! This is a *must*! WHY DID TRIEZE-SAMA DIE?! :bawl:WHAAA!:bawl:
  13. A single figure lies motionless on the edge of a sandy desert. Slowly the figures stirs, and struggles up, one arm not responding. Figure: "What happened? Where am I? Kamisama, that hurts." He looks around, his emerald skin and pointy ears standing out like a sore thumb amung the golden wastes. He walks forward a foot, trips, and stumbles to the ground. Upun closer examination he notices the severe bruises and cuts lining his body. But that's not what caught his attention. At his foot, a small clearish blue sphere lay, gently glowing in the evening air. A single beautiful star shone out. Figure: "W-what's this? It's looks so familiar....but I can't remember ever seeing this before. Why...." The figure picks up the sphere and looked into it in wonder. Figure: "What are you, that brings to me memories I cannot remember, that shines like a diamond amung the sands? Are you a gift from the kami, or a cursed trap waiting to spring? A worthless but pretty rock, or a diamond in the rough? Perhaps you may be the key to... to.. oh kami, I cannot remember." The sphere drops to the ground. The figure drops to his knees, suddenly stiff. Figure: "My memories.. my memories! I cannot remember anything! Where has it gone?! Where is it!" His entire body becomes enshrouded in a gleaming aura. The green skinned man glares at the sphere, his mind now blaming all of his trouble on the little crystal sphere. Just as he is about to strike it, he stops, leaps away from the crystal, missing by inches. Figure: "How...how did I do that?" He looks over at his right arm, rendered useless. "Oh." Figure: "OWWW!! That hurts!!" [i]How... how did I do that? What I did, that punch... it felt so familiar, so... natural. Perhaps that is a key to my past?[/i] He immediatly moved to throuw some more punches, a few kicks; but found himself frozen, parylized by the pain in his arm. Figure: "I cannot do anything with this blasted arm injured. I must find safety, shelter." The figure ran off into the distance, heading for the end to the desert. He smiled. [i]Even this brings back memories... at least... familiarity...[/i] Lying forgotten on the ground, the azure sphere gleamed in the fading sun, it's purpose **** I'm back, if no one has a complaint... and to make things interesting and realistic, my character has lost almost all memory of his former self! All that he has left is a few fractured memories and a broken and battered body. This is of course, highly realistic, as I, the player, have forgotten a great deal about my character... including his own name! How will he fare? Will I be able to get my memories back in time to make a plausable difference? And what of the crystal sphere that the memoryless figure found, and left forgotten again? What is it's purpose? Perhaps these questions, or more, will be answered in my next instalment in: "Dragonball - Battle Field: Aestus's Tournament!"
  14. Now I'm confused. If the unstoppable force reached the speed of light, and became so dense it couldn't move, then it no longer could move at the speed of light. It'd be stationary. Which means it's density'd go down again and the cycle'd just go on. Now... about that time travel...:D
  15. You guys brought up an interesting thing I had not anticipated.. what were to happen if one of the two were to break? I had assumed they were invincible as well, but you never can tell.
  16. Dang, that one make since too! .... Wait a minute... Dang, that one makes sence, too! I never would have thought of that one. I just thought that most of all these theorems and such had no use with this... silly me.:)
  17. I dunno.. flight by wings is good, though flight without wings is good too. I'd love to pilot an Eva, but it wouldn't be practical unless it's Eva01, or a personalized one. (Evangelion Unit Epion, Launch!)
  18. I didn't get to see that movie; we were watching it but I wasn't interested. I got to se maybe the last ten minutes. Funny stuff. Kind of reminded me of Ranma. Very nice picture, better than I can do, though I have my moments. Maybe I'll post a few pictures.
  19. That's the only thing that make since, really... all others are just confusing. That, on the other hand makes perfect since.
  20. Erm...I dunno how much of this you've already tried, but here goes. Have you tried going to the school counselor about this? He/She might be able to help. My counselor got me (mostly) over my rather explosive anger problem. Maybe she can give you a plan of action, or maybe speak to your parents on about how serious you are about being pushed too much. I'd prefer it if your parents learned how stressed you are through non-violent words, rather than anger, or any sort of stress syndrome, that's for sure. I've got them my self, though I believe I've got them controlled.
  21. But that's one of the confusing things.. how could niether win? If the force is stopped, the Object wins. If the Object moves, the slightest bit, the force wins. There can be no middle ground. I'm not so sure I understand you, Saiyaman. If something is Immovable, then it must by it's very nature be stopped, thus it cannot be Unstoppable. Pyromunkie: How could it go on forever? If it did, that would mean that either the force was slowly pushing the object, or that the object had stopped the force, because time is passing. It's completely mindboggling.
  22. Please forgive my oppinions, If you do get in trouble in school and get bad grades, that's your fault. Yes, there is such a things as unfair and impartial teachers, but they aren't all that common. I generally have a problem with people like you, simply because I don't understand how they get into so much trouble. It never happens to me; I either avoid the trouble or can talk myself out of difficult situations my friends create.
  23. Here's a question which always made my head hurt. Which would win, a unstoppable force, or a immovable object? Don't take it TOO seriously though, because I know niether can exist...
  24. It's interesting how close people get attached to things, often without realizing it. The old saying "You don't know what's most important to you until you've lost it." really seems true. I used to think that my pets really were not all that important, until the day our only dog Annie had to be put to sleep. I was shattered. (Which is *very* unusual considering I generally dislike dogs and never thought much of Annie in the first place.) If I were to lose someone in my family or one of my friends... I have no idea how much the trauma would affect me. I know I would change... I just can't imagine how... it's too alien to understand.
  25. I gave this some thought and thought up another advantage to using Mechs. Psychological warfare! If seeing several tanks coming your way hurts morale, then imagine what a massive gundam thundering your way would do.:eek: As for that site, it looks as fake as any others I've seen. I don't believe it for a second. :rolleyes:
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