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Black Kat

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Everything posted by Black Kat

  1. The thing that really irks me is that, although the show thrives on, the potential for a good season has gone from zero to -3000. What I hate are the legendary Pokemon that Ash "mysteriously" always seems to come across. Making it realistic here for a moment, think about it. What are the chances that one group of socially inept teens are going to find the most rare and elusive creatures out there. Think: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Entei, Suicune, Raiku, Rayquaza, Latios, Latias, the three original legendary birds, Mew, Mewtwo... It just keeps going! Seriously, there shouldn't be such a repetitive deal with finding these creatures. At least give Team Rocket a chance at some, because if Giovanni really is Ash's dad, he can't be as unlucky as they make him out to be. Where'd Ash get it, his mom? Come on, she met Giovanni in a street gang and got pregnant! That's what they're not tellin' little kids! What they should tell them is, "Now don't go off and join a gang and get pregnant with a child that'll have a brain the size of a cumquat." On another point about ruthlessness: The Japanese version of Team Rocket has shown us what they truly were/are. Were, because we screwed it up, and 'Are' because they're probably still using them as an example today. If you've ever seen the banned episodes, you'll know what I mean. In the Safari Zone, Jesse pulled a gun on the warden after he pulled one on the kids for trespassing, one on them for singing badly, and one on Team Rocket for trying to get too close to Dratini. This explains where Ash got his herd of Tauros and James' little play with Jess and Meowth during that episode with Duplica. The swimsuit episode, I think, would have been hilarious. James flaunts breasts when he wears a rubber women's suit in order to compete with Jess against Misty in a Women's beauty contest. The suit pops and Ash's mom wins. First off, WHO WAS JUDGING THAT CONTEST, OAK? HE'S THE ONLY ONE I KNOW THAT HAS THE HOTS FOR THE TWERP'S MOM! Second: This episode explains why his mother is holding a trophy at the end of Hypno's Naptime. Most of the episodes they've cut involve great Team Rocket parts, and that's unjust to me. Also, bad dubbing has worsened the jokes. The least they could have done in one episode was not leave the obvious vulgar reference in one of the Team's mottos. Jesse: "---chaffing and itching..." James:" Maybe it'll stop all Jesse's...complaining." This does not rhyme, folks, and we all know what was originally said. What I ask is this. Why don't they reword the entire thing instead of leaving it in total ruin? :animeangr We all know, or at least we should. I know it's not content suitable for most children, but dubbing shows that weren't made for small children to begin with, just to suit their age group, is the worst I've ever seen. Well, this has been my nightly rant. Kudos to those that replied to this thread! ^_~ :catgirl:
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Sure, I'd love to join. It's been forever since I RP'd Pokemon. I don't think I like the idea of PM when it comes to catching other Pokemon, though. Like some of the others said, writing out your own battles is fun. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]The only thing I need to know is what season/area are we in. My RP characters revolve mainly around Johto and new Kanto regions because she always winds up with a Houndoom and Typhlosion as partners. If it's the original series, that's fine as well, but I need to know so I can make adjustments. PM me when you all agree on when to start.[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  3. Honestly, I have noticed how they've dropped their ruthlessness and the saddest of all things to me is how they constantly save Ash's life. I say that if the kid can't take care of himself, then let him die. Of course that would set a bad example for the children, but hey, that's life for you. It's about time that society drops the, "Happily ever after," crap and shows kids what really going on in the real world. I know some people who think that it always works out like that and I'm sorry to say that it dosen't. The seasons of Pokemon have dropped in the ratings now for repetitiveness and I don't watch it anymore except the first few, but it still backs that sappy ending to everything and gives _WAY_ too much optimistic hope. I've been called a pessimist before, but honestly, TeamRocket should win at least a few times to teach younger people that the world isn't all good and you have to watch your back. Using Team Rocket as a tool for learning might be a good or bad idea, but I'm putting it out there. I still love their zanyness, because when you're surrounded by that much stupidity for so long, it can get dry real fast. And although they're supposedly evil, they do teach the value of friendship _WAAAAAAAAY_ more than Moron and the Baka Rangers (Ash & Co.) ever could. They've been through far worse times than the others, so friendship means more to them. I've learned that you can get a lot out of a group of flunky anime criminals, and Team Rocket was the first to show me.
  4. Honestly, I don't care what they give as review for the new Lupin game. I love it! I'm a huge Lupin fan with the first dozen mangas and when the game came out, I pounced on it. To me,it's one of the best games I've ever played. There's a Cowboy Bebop game comin' out? Awesome! ^_^
  5. Black Kat


    :ball: I've played every Pokemon game at least once on my GBA and there's nothing special about them. As said earlier, everything is repetative. Honestly,the only reason I buy them is for their hidden glitches and that's all. They made G/S/C look to be the greatest thing that ever came out and they bombed. Then came R/S. This is how I saw it. "Ooh, let's give them the ability to run, dive, more crappy new areas to explore and crappy Pokemon to catch, and weather! Oooooooh!" The only Pokemon game that I haven't played and that I want is Green. There are just a few rumors I want to test and that's it. I don't want it for the play itself. In fact, all of the games will bore you to death in the end. There's only so much you can do, and once you beat it totally, what's there left to do? I'm a gamer and I love to play and beat my games, but in Pokemon there's no challenge to it. You get one, beat evil Team Whatever, beat the gyms and Elite Four, beat your rival/champion, collect all Pokemon, that's it and what's worse, that's _ALWAYS_ it. As far as game play goes, low graphics and cheap music amaze me only because they sell so well. I suppose younger people enjoy it but if these games bomb out like the others, this is no way that they'll get any more of my money. I honestly don't think Pokemon will ever die. Heck, I started six years ago and I still play the card game. Pokemon is part of the building blocks of the modern-day anime cult following. People may not play the games, but I'm certain newer generations will keep it going. Anyway,thanks for listening, (reading, whatever) to my rant. Like said several times already, they probably won't be worth our time. ^_~
  6. :smirk: Nani, who would I love to room with? Well, let me revise this just for those I'd like to room with then. :love: I have an affinity for bishounen, so that would include Ryu, Faust, Legato, Pegasus, Ritsu, Sesshy :catgirl: ... You get the message. I find their effeminite looks attractive and appealing; something I can spend time drooling over. :animeblus Then, you have your bad boys. What woman can't resist them anyway; from their looks and attitudes, you're just drawn to them. This includes Jigen, Sanosuke, Hiei, Vegeta, and anyone else you'd like to include. :animenose Anime priests in general are another one of my loves. I brake for unholy holy men. Wether it be their accents, devotion, or just down-right cuteness, you have to love Miroku, Anderson, and Wolfwood. :animeswea Lastly, we come to men that aren't usually found attractive except by devoted fans who just can't help but feel so sorry for them. Zenigata, Gai Daigoji, 007, and Usopp make up this category. Yeah, you don't think they're handsome, but somewhere out there, there are others like me. These are the underappreciated characters. Heros are out of the question, mainly because they have egos the size of their hair (not to say villans don't, but...). Not only do too many fangirls create cults for anime heros, villans are so misunderstood. You'd be evil too if you found out that some guy with big hair and muscles had more fans than you do just because you have long hair and a suave voice. Am I right? Well, I think that just about sums it up, eh? ^_~
  7. Dang it! There was love there for a little bit! I am 14! The necklace cost $145 and no, I didn't give it back! *Pawning it would be good...* No! Don't mind her,she's the evil me in the back of my head. *Come on! You need the money!* What? So I'll buy you Mr.Pibbs?! Okay,off the subject... He was the first guy I ever kissed and I felt so loved in the back of my friend's van. Heck, we didn't care if she, her brother,and her mother were in it. He threw his cape over me and kissed me. Less than three months later, "I think we should just be friends now. Besides, you never mail me...". That my friends, is the kiss of death to every girl out there. I vent my anger with dark poetry that you can read in the literature section of the boards, but that's about it. And no, I don't think killing him will help. Pimp slapping him might, but not killing. *She's evil, not a psychotic maniac who needs to be locked away in the asylum. That's me! ^_^* And that's why she's never in control much. Thanks to all those who gave actual advice though, but keep coming up with stuff. Ya'll have interesting ways to deal with problems. ^_^
  8. [QUOTE=WW2]A new anime premered this week on Toonami. Its called Cyborg 009 and tells the story of 9 cybernetic enhanced humans, each with their own specific abilities, fighting the organization that created them. Its pretty interesting, and sorta looks like Kinkaider. So, has anyone seen it yet?:therock:[/QUOTE] Do any of you people care to learn their names if you're gonna watch it?! Let me give you the low down if you don't. 001- Ivan Whiskey: baby 002- Jet Link: Guy with serious red hair and large nose 003- Franscois Arnoul: the only woman that has super hearing and sight 004- Albert Heinrich: guy with silver-blue eyes, machine-gun hand, and missle launching knees 005- Geronimo Jr.: big guy with indestructable body and unlimited strength 006- Chang Changko: Chinese chef that breathes fire 007(my favorite^_^)- Great Britain( yeah, that's his name): bald shapeshifter 008- Pyunma: African who can breath under water 009- Joe Shimamoura: if you don't know who he is,you obviously don't watch the show. He's the one with acceleration mode. (Personally,I hate him.) All in all,though, I love the show. I just wish we could see the end of it, but since the creator died, we'll never know what that shadow looming over Tokyo really was. T_T
  9. [quote name='Tog']Has anyone else read/seen Pet Shop of Horrors? (author: Matsuri Akino; published in English by: Tokyopop; anime produced by: Urban Vision) No one I've asked so far has even heard of it. It's a really good series (ok, the anime was a bit dissapointing, but the manga's really good!). So, if you have seen it, please tell me what you think of it. Also, does anybody know where I could find the manga translations? I don't think I can wait for the 5th book to come out in English. I've already scratched through the first few layers of my skin waiting for the 4th one.[/quote] I've read it. The first manga I liked,but the rest went down hill. Why in all of the good mangas do they make the bishies gay? D rocks, but him and Leon, not a pair that I'd like to see... However, I wish I could see it anyway, seeing as how it's pretty good.
  10. [QUOTE=Dark_Storm]Talk about your dreams and no im not talking about dreams for the future Im talking about the ones you have when you sleep... Last night I dreamt of being a ninja...It was kinda weird though cuz I was at some hotel and I would break down doors in the hotel rooms run in and raid the place....It was really weird and ended with me trapt in a bathroom. I didn't really understand the dream but who does?[/QUOTE] You thinkyours was weird, try this. If you've ever heard of Shaman King, there are two characters on there that I particularly like. One is Ryu, a guy who dresses in a sixties or seventies outfit with flared lapels and a HUGE pompadour. The other is Faust VIII, a crazy necromancer who wears purple lipstickand wants to bring his wife back from the dead. I took a quiz that determined what shaman's pants you'd wear. I took it twice and wound up with two different results, one being Ryu and the other was Faust. Now for the dream. I dreamt that I was in a boy's locker room. When Ryu and Faust had taken off their clothes and went to shower, I stole their pants. I put Ryu's on and threw Faust's over my shoulder. Then, I waited for them outside the locker room. They came out and stared at me. Faust: Give me my pants! That's why Eliza loved me! Me: Take them, you'r e gay. I threw them at him. Ryu: Give me mine back! Me: No! I run and he chases me, with nothing but his boxers on mind you, to the nearest Dairy Queen. My mother,the prep lady,is in the back holding a salad. Mom: Kat, have you been stealing pants again? Me: No. So Ryu and I order a sundae and talk about pants. Me: I love these pants, but not as much as I love you. Ryu: You can have the flowers and candy in the back pocket. Me: You must have been desperate. Ryu: Yeah. If you love me,can I have my pants back? I give him his pants and we go to see Freddy vs. Jason in the theater. Faust was in the movie using the undead to take over the world and bring back Eilsa. Weird, huh? I don't get it. I want to take over the world! ^_^
  11. Wow! This has got to be the oldest case in the book besides falling in love! Classic even! My boyfriend, let's call him Bob, was extremely nice when we first started to go out. However, things began to fall apart around Christmas. He had promised to go to our annual Christmas Dance with me and when the time came, refused to go. I was torn up about this because I've never had a date to go with to a dance in my life. I went alone, but wound up leaving early, seeing as I was having no fun. Christmas finally came and he presented me with a beautiful 10 karot gold necklace with diamonds and rubies in the shape of a heart. Then, less than two weeks later, he says that it's not working, that I never call, and we don't go out all that often. Okay, I was P.O.'ed because I was taught that the man always made the first move in this kind of situation and I have a social life beyond him. The problem is, this was months ago and I'm still bitter about it. He was my forst boyfriend and I kind of expected it, but why am I still bitter. If you can, please tell me how to get over him and move on. I see him every Saturday at a card league and every time I see him, I feel the impulse to jack-slap him and cause him other bodily injuries. I'm not a violent person, people! I don't have these thoughts often! HELP, PLEASE! :help: :sweat:
  12. [QUOTE= I don't want to have to destroy our frienship.[/QUOTE] I know this must be hard for you, but the choice is yours whether the friendship remains in tact. Here's what you might try doing. Sit down and ask her what's going on. Let it be a quiet place where there aren't any people or distractions. Simply tell her how you feel about the situation and that you're getting mixed signals from her and don't quite know what to make of them. If she was in a fluster of anger, tell her that you understand and that you wouldn't blame her for being angry, yet the post probably wasn't the right way to vent it. I'm sorry if this sounds like I watch Jerry Springer,but this is the best advice I've got. I hope it works out for you. Good luck. ^_^
  13. I agree with Deathbug about Pikachu in a big way. If you take the time to notice, everytime they move to a new region and make new games, Pikachu always stays. Ash has gotten rid of all of his old Pokemon except Pikachu. I know Pikachu was his starter Pokemon and that they're "bestest friends", but come on! Can't he do like everyone else and get a new one? BTW, I just made up the word bestest to show how disgusting thier relationship is. Also, everytime they go into a new season, Pikachu is one of the few Pokemon that they keep and Team Rocket gets stupider. Why is this? I'll tell you why. The younger generation is becoming fascinated with Pokemon just like we were. So, who's side do you think they'll pick? Ash's of course because they think that Team Rocket are just fools and klutzes. The thing about Team Rocket is, there are inner jokes behind them and if you can catch them, they're actually pretty funny. However, there aren't too many older people who are into Pokemon enough to appreciate these inner jokes. At least not where I live and that's in the middle of Nowheresville where everyone thinks anime is lame and wrestling is real. Back to what I was saying. I'm not that old. If you look at myOtaku site, you can see for yourself, but I understand stuff like this and appreciate it for what it is. Scoff me if you will, but this and the reasons I have set above are why I am a true Team Rocket lover and will remain that way until I die. Thank you.
  14. Heh, heh... Hello there. This is my post of the scary things that pop up in my head. I really love dark poetry. If you like my poems, please let me know! A Dark Heart Pondering:demon: As I sit alone in the quiet, I ponder over life and meaning. There is a candle in the window, its flickering light casts shadows about the room. I stare at it until my eyes water, I feel them about to bleed. It is too bright, the irritation too strong. In a swift breath I blow it out, the light and flame diminish. Darkness surrounds me, quiet and cool hugging me. This is my darkness, mine and mine alone. Where thoughts may go, where dreams may fly. It is warm and comforting, as if there were a fire near. Yet the fire does not exist, in these boundless planes of black. I hear something close by, a trickling stream perhaps. Fog and mist close around me, like a blanket of wetness. My wings fold around me now, warming me with their soft black feathers. As I stand here, I realize something important. Life cannot exist without death, and we do not truly exist. We are the pawns of the earth, and lest we find redemption we suffer eternal hell. A hell which we made, granted that you do not believe in higher beings. And we shall be trapped forever, spiralling into its fire. But here I am free, my life is but a dream. It is neither fiction nor reality, and it lies in the darkness of my heart. My darkness. Let me know how you like it! Thanks! ^_^ :blowup: :bash: Sometimes I wish I could do that! Heh heh!:sweat: Wow, it's great to know that _SOME PEOPLE_ like my poetry! Sorry, bad day. Ain't feeling too good. I feel dark and you know what that means! ^_^ New poem! Of Men and Idiots I sit on a bench alone, people scurry everywhere with their errands. So stupid I think, their lives are not used to the fullest. They are not men, they are but arrogant fools who pretend to know what they're doing. They shall suffer their own fate, each suffering in a different way. Idiots, they're all idiots. Every last one of them shall suffer, let them. I don't care what their fate is, at least I know where to turn in this world. You must look to the skies, their guidance is unchallenged. I shall not stoop to their level, they are the heathens of the Earth. I am only higher because of my will, if they had will power they would not suffer so. Look at them, scurrying about like mice. No, mice are smarter, these are idiots we're talking about after all. Sometimes people act foolishly and that's what inspired this poem. Thank you. ^_^ Wow, it's great to know that _SOME PEOPLE_ like my poetry! Sorry, bad day. Ain't feeling too good. I feel dark and you know what that means! ^_^ New poem! Aiya. So-so day today. The pressure to make good decisions for my highschool electives is murder. I wrote this a while back about my boyfriend. We've broken up now, so I'm gonna write about that later. Here you go. It may not be dark, but who says all my poetry has to be dark. I also do love poems. I guess I haven't really forgiven him yet. Simply in Love I?ve never felt this good, I?m so glad we met that day. Every time we meet, My heart beats rapidly. I think I know what?s happened, Now that I give it thought. I?m simply in love, And I?m hoping you understand. Your thoughtfulness and kindness, Have never gone unnoticed by me. Being with you keeps me going, Like the fiery intensity of the Sun. You?ve broken into my soul, And stolen my heart without me knowing it. I admire you for it, Because now I?m truly free. When you and I are together, Nothing can harm us. I can only hope you?ll understand, That I can?t fight it. I?m just simply in love. This is one to counter that last one. I finally show the world how I really feel, and if you don't mind me saying this, I will. I'm dark and I'm Gothic. Most of the time I simply shrug stuff off and I did in the beginning, but it hurt. The more I thought about it, I realized that I cared for him and now I'm angrier than ever. i don't like to curse in my poems and I don't, but even this deep, you'll never know what I'm truly thinking and truly wanting to say and I may never get the chance to write out my feelings the way i want to. Anyway, here's the new poem. It has nothing to do with the Johnny Cash song either. Hurt I look into your eyes with disbelief, My heart sinks in agony. To think that you could cause such grief, Is this karma? I hate you now, I?ll never forgive you. You lied and cheated your way into my heart, And I cared for you with my soul. Take your jewelry, your flowers, Go and leave my presence! The hatred that fills my heart is too much, I wish to hurt you. But that would be evil, Would it not? No, I can?t do that, Now can I? The one who stays silent vents slowly, And years of pent up anger are wearing on me. So I hurt you in this way, Demeaning you and everything you stand for. Do you know what I stand for, What my life is meant to be? I am the evil of Earth?s many souls and they do not know, I am the danger that the world fears and does not see. Then why should this hurt, Why should I care? How can you hurt me, And deliver a kiss of death in so few words? Do you expect me to forgive? Do you expect me to just shrug it off? I shant, you little weasel! You shant be forgiven, ever! I will make it known throughout the universe, That you are the demon that preys upon the weak. You are the ?love? that people so dearly talk about, And wish to keep for all eternity. Writhe in my presence, And fear my words! You have messed with the wrong person, The wrong soul that shall smite you. Then I will laugh, Laugh as you drown in your own sea of blood and gore. I?ll laugh as you are torn to shreds by those you have wronged, And when you have disappeared, so will the hurt. This is my anger. This is what I feel like doing to him And this And this And this And this And this And lastly, this Get the feeling I'm ticked? BWAHA! Until next time! ^_^ Hello! ^_^ New poem! About the above images from my last post, I hope you people realize that I am no psycho killer. I just get angry a lot. Anyway, this is another anger poem. Very Goth. Of Pain and of Love Do you remember that moonlit night, When we so passionately shared a tender kiss? When all that surrounded us was gone, And we sat in the dark silence. Now you tell me that this is not right, That we were not meant to be. My tears fall to the ground, Like the rain of Spring. Lies, bitter lies, That?s all that you know. You care not that this was special, Nor that I felt a common bond. The world spirals before me, And I am out of place. Suffer, May you all suffer. Feel pain like never before, For you are beyond redemption. I hear your pleas for forgiveness, They fall upon deaf ears. You have spawned this anger, And now you must face it. I hope your soul writhes for all eternity, In a black pit of despair as mine has done for so long. I have died, Every time this happens. There is no pity left within me, And my hatred grows more as we speak. Death, Death to the happiness that you once had. May you never share a moment as tender as that, May you never forget my face as it is now. Morbid, anger, hate, sorrow, pain, It all hits me at once. How could you blame me, Knowing these facts? Or would you still, Scoff at my every action? I know that I sin, These thoughts are not righteous. Yet I still wish, My anger could be released. No one will ever know how I really feel, For I shall not taint my tongue with the forbidden words. My heart weeps, And my fists continue to fight me. I wish to hurt you, To hurt all others but I shan?t. How could I bring myself to that level, Without becoming you? You will never understand, Until you have been the monster I have been. Leave me alone, I don?t wish to be part of your world. I don?t wish to be part of your game, Or to be your pawn. I wish to find inner peace, To find forgiveness within myself. So that I may be whole, And can continue my search for my true soul mate. He is out there, Waiting for me. He stays in the shadows, And shall remain there until I find him. When light and darkness combine, They become an even more powerful force. We were not meant to be, Seeing as how you are darkness as well as I. And though we are strong together, We are not balanced. Without that balance we bring only one thing, Pain. I wish to suffer no longer, So I offer myself to my superior. Take me away from here, And guide my hand. Lead me to peace, So that I should fulfill my destiny. Lead me to happiness, So that I should find love at last. Hope you like it. ^_^ I have a new poem that I thought up last night. Souls of the Impure When she looked up at the night sky, she saw the souls of those lost long ago. She's been told that they had been pure enough, to have their own lights in the sky. Days passed and he came to her, he told her that it was not meant to be. Their love had been a foolish dream, and that he was moving on. Her heart and soul shattered, their pieces swept away by a cold wind. Looking at the sky, she only saw blackness with no beauty. She had known from the beginning that it was wrong, this was her damnation. A private hell that she had created from the start, and could not escape now. She felt herself falling, as she was cast out of heaven. She felt the demons clawing at her wings, and dragging her down. This would be her hell, where she would be damned to spend eternity. Her tattered and torn wings were stripped from her, and her robe was burned off of her body. As hot hands caressed her breasts and tounges found their way around her, she faught to find a weapon. She had to escape this, hell that she had created. A knife lay on the floor, so convieniently placed within her reach. The cold steel called to her, beckoned her to take it. So smooth against her neck, cold and comforting. Then a sea of blood, pouring from her body. But she found herself nowhere different, deeper into the flame she was dragged. She saw them all above her, her friends and family. She cried out for them, struggled to reach them. It was too late, she was damned to stay in this private hell. She saw them take her body, and she realized what had happened. Death had come so quickly, she had not realized it before. She saw the night sky through the flames, waiting to be set free and return as a star. But that would never come, instead only blackness. She wept as she was caressed by the denmons, had her soul not been pure? Was this the fate that every woman met, once they tried to concieve out of wedlock? She saw other souls around her, the same looks of desire and want that she had had. So it was, the answer was so clear. She woke from her sleep, cold sweat dripping from her face. That nightmare, that hell was real. Had she been given a second chance, or was this a dream? She bowed her head and sobbed, never again would she sin the way she had.
  15. Yes, well Kosabouro and Yamato are Butch and Cassidy's japanese names. I've heard that Giovanni's is Sasaki. Meowth is Nyase. You know what I find funny though? You have both teams named after two western outlaws and their Japanese names have similar meanings. Musashi and Yamato were sister ships that the Japanes used in WWII. Musashi and Kojiro were the names of rival samurai. In their final battle, Musashi killed Kojiro. If you look at those connections and look at the show, it really comes together about some of the relationships of the characters. Also, did you know that the Japanese dumbed down Mewtwo Strikes Back? It had a lot of _MORAL_ issues that were dubbed as too mature for its audience. Mewtwo kept contemplating the meaning of its life and Team Rocket never did do one really lame thing in that movie. I wish they didn't screw it up in the U.S. It sounds good in the original version. Well, that's my two bits for the moment! ^_________^
  16. Yeah. I also liked Bashou and Bunson. They and Butch and Cassidy are more effective. I see your point. I guess the reason I like Team Rocket so much is, they were there in the begining. They're like...the classics, or something to that extent. I do like Team Magma though, but I'm not that fond of Aqua. They probably are more powerful, but like I say Team Rocket was there in the begining. ^_^
  17. Yeah. As much as I hate to agree with you on several points, Team Rocket has many redeeming qualities. For instance, in Pokemon 2000, Jesse, James, and Meowth helped Ash and almost committed suicide to save the world. Also, they're kind of needed. Think about it. If you didn't have bad guys, what would the good guys do? Everything would just be boring. Team Rocket is like the spice in a Cajun gumbo and if that didn't make sense then I'm lost for any more analogies. Phwee! Anyway, I give Team R., as stupid as they can get some times, two thumbs up! ^________^:smirk:
  18. First off, I want to agree with Deathbug on ditching Ash and taking Pikachu with him. The only difference is that I'd like it to be a slow painful death. What can I say? I'm a Team Rocket enthusiast. I also agree about their focus problem. Like Deathbug said, it's the same thing every episode. Keep Meowth, he's interesting. Keep Jess and definitely James! Put in more Butch and Cassidy and turn Team R. into a global threat that is prepared to unleash weapons of mass destruction in Kanto and Johto and take over the world! Muahahaha! ^_^' Eh... okay I went overboard again. Hem... As much as I'd love to see that, give us a hero with a _LIFE_ and some interesting Pokemon. Nothing too cute though. Maybe I'd enjoy the show more if they did that. But then again, that's my opinion! Bye! ^____^;)
  19. It's cool with me. Like I said in my edit, I am sorry for bad choice of words and will be more careful in the future. Thank you for giving me a chance! ^_^
  20. Hey! As you can see, I'm a newbie!:) Anyway, I'm a huge Team Rocket lover and I just wanted to know if there were any villian lovers out there like me! You know,if you have your justifications for liking them, it'd be cool to talk about it. This is an edited version of my greeting because now I know that my choice of words wasn't all that great. I'm not trying to start a flame war, I just want your reasons for loving or disliking Team Rocket. Heh! Just a reasonable debate based on facts from the show. I don't want anything to get out of hand, ya' know. Anyway, I just decided to edit this opening statement after the reply from Lady Katana. ^_^' Sorry for bad choice of words!
  21. As a Team Rocket lover, I have this to say. Giovanni is most likely Ash's father. Delia was in his gang, they probably got together, ya' know. Heh! ^_^' Now, on note of the time loop. Yeah, it is. Nothing _ever_ changes! Gawd! It repeats itself over and over! Ash goes to catch Pokemon, gets badges, goes to League, yak yak! Same thing over gets boring the fiftieth time! It's understandable why one would think that it is.
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