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Satori Night

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About Satori Night

  • Birthday 03/29/1989

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Starting a manga comic i will neva finish
  • Occupation
    A crazy person who draws too much

Satori Night's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. :D I used the school computer for this. Heh. My own laptop is really slow and I don't have photoshop...so I used theirs! ;)
  2. Hi! I already know the ending of FFX-2!!! It's really bad and it's all BoA's fault!!!!
  3. Sorry! I had to post my banner again because the other one was too big.
  4. ....That was...a nice review...not very helpful.
  5. Nice poem...that's because I like depressing poems!!!
  6. Hello! Time for my depressing Poetry!!! It's called Reality. The reality is the cage Surrouding by flickering flame Do you think you can escape? Think again You can't touch the flames Of this reality's cage You can't escape Mere mortal For outside is the air The sky, the sea, the land The freedom of dreaming That you can only glimpse Through flickering flame Barred you into existence I think you mistaken Your state for something real Or maybe you mistaken Yourself for real Either way you cannot escape The flickering flame
  7. Hello...ME AGAIN!!! ...I don't have a webcam either:bawl: so I'll just have to keep posting computer files... I just realized that I forgot to say who she is...whoops...anyway...she is the main character of my manga (which I will probably never finish) and her name is Satori Night. Another pic of her...I think it counts as a sprite though seeing as I based it on a Sailor Moon picture...
  8. Hello. I'm a newbie to this site. I like to draw but don't have a SCANNER!!! so sad...:bawl: but i drew some stuff on the computer. This is my msn profile pic. ...Tell me if it's bad :bawl: i can handle it!!!
  9. Hi! I'm new...and i have a comment! She looks really pretty but her face looks too innocent for her body.
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