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Everything posted by Toraneko

  1. I wonder how much of this repeativeness of this arguement though history is due to usually when a new generation is born the human race has to be educated all over again.... therefore the arguements arrise again.
  2. I dunno - when it comes to minor cases of everyday life - one, I guess, is superior... but if you think about it.. overall, we're all mankind. We all exist as the same race ... as say - aliens are concerned lol
  3. First Man and Woman? Wasn't Lilith the first woman? For reference: [url]http://www.atomick.net/fayelevine/pk/demons02.shtml[/url] As for the opinion on gender wars.. personally either gender can be just as bad - or as good - as the other. So, I try to only judge people by their personalities, sometimes by their appearance (hey if they're 'scary' looking to me, I'm gonna be cautious right? My definition of scary maybe different to yours), than gender/sex (because they are different things - sex is the physical while gender is the .. mental).
  4. As long as it's not heavy hentai or something - then I can see your point as quite reasonable. *nods*
  5. Personally from being told that Japan has more relaxed views and such compared to American/English societies.. I'm not surprised parents that live in those societies have a problem with anime. The majority of them aren't probably even aware of some of the usual activities that occur in Japan (sure, they know about the hot springs, but do they realise that it's completely normal for fathers to bath with their children for example? (In a non-sexual way of course)). Just a case of misunderstanding of cultures/societies me thinks..
  6. When I was younger I roleplayed at break time, and as for internet - the most er, serious roleplay role I played was Jinnifuru .. I have forgotten her surname unfortunately... since then I attempted to join another but stopped due to lack of net access. Still have some lack, so I haven't roleplayed for quite some time. I have also been known to roleplay for personal projects but things have gone downhill and that had decreased dramatically. I miss my roleplaying... ^^;
  7. Toraneko


    With the way other live action anime things sound, a live action film of Akira sounds bad.. and I do wonder if they'll be able to reinact some of the things that can occur in Akira.. then again.. they may be able to, with computer generated animation, but they might cause Akira to lose some of it's charm... or something.. which would be bad. :s
  8. Some scenes are similar - but for example - there's no light house - no horses.. there are differences that exist also along side the similar things about each version.
  9. Recently upon wandering around a comic store I visit whenever I can - I discovered 'The Ring' manga on the shelf. Remembering I enjoyed the American film of 'The Ring' I picked it up and purchased it. Now - I knew about the Japanese films - so finding that the manga has a different story and video to the film I have seen wasn't too much of a surprise (Though I didn't know what to expect still). It was great to be able to read a manga on the novel... actually I'm guessing here.. because the book I have has '1' marked on it.. so I've guessed there will be three books altogether.. but if anyone has any news about this series, it'll be great to know. I've tried looking at the Dark Horse Comics site for it - but it's the only one they have on show - with if I remember correctly - no news about any others. I don't feel I've been spoilt with reading this manga before seeing the japanese films - I was impressed enough with seeing the American version as my first taste of the 'Ring' story. So, has anyone else have this interest I have, or have also puchased this first manga book - or maybe even know of another book (besides the novel series the films are based on - as far as I can tell, I can only really get the first book because I think it's the only one that's been translated into english... I can be wrong though) that could interest me and other fans of the 'Ring' series. :)
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