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Rin Yhun

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Everything posted by Rin Yhun

  1. the time has begum for all warriors to join it is long ago when rin and her faithful companion joined forces to stop the nobutsuna shogunte. in return for winning kenshin and rin are sent into the chaos world. there souls have bben there ever since. it has been a long time snce the nobutsuna army has tried to over throw the takeda clan but the time has come. naoe nabutsuna has decided that rin and kenshin can't get out of the chaos world and has taken over most of the takeda's reign. people are dieing and the world is in turmoil. general takeda had agreed with the remaing takeda clansmen that naoe must be stopped he calls forth rin and kenshin but they do noy appear hope is lost until general takedas son takes swing. i will find rin and destroy naoe. so the story is set shingen takeda general takedas' son goes forth into the chaos world with all the help he can get if ytou wanna join name bio weapon class(warrior,clarik,priest,exorcist,samurai,shinobi etc.) and are you with nobutsuna or the takeda clan Rin japanese halbred samurai takeda bio-she is a gurdian of the takeda's she defeted naoe but was thrown into the chaos world full of dragons ,warlocks.and warriors who want revenge she and her faithful companion kenshin have been seperated kenshin(still open) bo staff samurai takeda bio-good friend of rin's son of naoe(he despises his father) wants peace in the land of kirodesa(in kyoto) fights with honour he is in love with rin but has yet to tell her shingen(still open) tae kwon do/jujitsu/takeda hybrid martial art shinobi takeda bio-son of the takeda general he wants to be a samurai but hates the useage of weapons he is thrown into the chaos world to find rin and kenshin there he will meet many foes allies and monsters \ so join please!!!
  2. Ishtar hybrid tae kwon do mixed with mitsurugi swordmanship and the killing style sashinmu hence when she changes into a stronger fighter her fathers sword kashi (heaven moutain) bio-she is a friend of yunsung. she was thought to have died helping him fight knightmare. her good friend yunsung*more than friends* was killed and she vowed to bring yunsungs death in peace to do that she vowed to help help lighting a man that she has nver met she is different in which two souls share her body sometimes she is refered to as rena the clarik she is a hard charcter to undertand since the part of ishtar wants to help save lighthing to avenge yunsung and the other part rena wants to kill and take revenge her growth as a fighter and friend is a main theme her relationship with knightmare is based on the past of rena who died when she was fighting knightmare who stole the souls of her family her fathers sword is very heavy and is thought to have protecting powers she starts alone but will she ever save who she came to save
  3. ishtar stared at the sword that her dead father gave her she rememberd the long lost friend who had battled knightmare. her body shivered as the moonlight hit her arm where a scar was made. he thinks i'm dead he thinks i am not alive but that voice is calling to him i will not let him fail after all i am his other half. ishtar noticed that the alley way had become a fre for all. a young man in clack trousers grabbed her arm. you are ishtar arnt't you! let go if me! istar screamed grabbing her sword she slid into fighting stance sword of heaven moutain protect me let me win this battle without death!!! the man smiled so it is you the decendent of kusunagi you will not survive ishtar smiled something in her eyes had changed so knightmare you think posession of someones body will bring the sword to you? i think not he is to strong to be glammored but how did you know? you never address a decendent of the sashimu by her name it means death well ishtar i say we meet agin and he dissappeared istar fell to the ground and noticed that the sword was red from the blood of a dead man i won't fail this wuest fateher i must protect him yunsung asked me too
  4. i got into the books and bought the box set i luv it is anyone out there fans of it too??? please please pleeease! oh i do hope so!!
  5. i am a true fan of dragonball and dbz but i was unhappy when i found out that gt is not by the orginal author akira toriyama! i watched the show and found it well done but it did not have that akira toriyama feel. the one where you know that goku's at breaking oint and you can't wait to see his anger change into power. i dunno maybe it's just me but i miss the real dbz by the real author!
  6. the time is long before there was hope the characters are many. general takeda looks at his son shingen and smiles takeda-the war has begun it looks like the nobutsuna army has started to rise. they are making their move. shingen-what about the others are they giving up hope? takeda-no shingen they belive kenshin and rin will come but there is no telling shingen-fate has given me a point to decide father i am joining the takeda army i will be a samurai takeda-hmmph if you want my son. i need you to find rin the daughter of o'rang and daisaku. then find her follower kenshin this war has started but only with there help will we win son ther is something else you should know shingen- what? takeda- rin and kenshin are lost in the world called chaos they have not been able to leave you need to gather the best priests,exorcists,warriors and samurai's to defeat the evil in the chaos world. shingen-father i will find them is i have to die doing so will the stage is set you have now entered the chaos world where dragons and warlord decides who dies i am lost here may you join in the war against the evil? calling all we need a shingen a kenshin and many others will you join and save rin*that's me!*and the warrior of a thousand souls kenshin or will you pass on by???
  7. a warrior is never afraid to die. no matter the pain he shall walk his path of atonement forever. i see pain in his eyes yet he hesitates to smile. that sword has not been unsheathed for a long time now he does not know where he belongs in this world that destroys the samurai. if only i could tell him that i love him maybe then his scar would not shine so bright. he blames himself for all the trouble that has acompanied him on his journey. his sword is revereses his eyes are filled with sorrow. atonement will come for you my kenshin on the day i will call you shinta the gentle loving man behing the kenshin the long lost samurai. this is all mine do you like???
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