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Everything posted by Asim

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]"So... this Or?ganization... Where do I sign up again?" Ashley infuriated by the boy?s outrageous assault was starting to calm down. He took a deep breath, as he slightly touched his bleeding mouth. At first he wanted to get up and kill the boy where he lied, but then he just smiled. ?You have quite a strange sense of humor, I like that?I will be your guide young one?? He said, as he got up. Ashley sheathed his blade in its leather scabbard which hanged loosely at his side, and sat on the fallen half of the severed tree. ?I do not know that much about this strange world, but I will tell you what I do know?It all started when a man called Ansem the wise started to execute experiments to discover the secrets, and mysteries of the heart. The assistants and Ansem built an underground facility in Radiant Garden where they conducted experiments with the heart, using themselves as test subjects, however after speaking with King Mickey the ruler of these realms, Ansem saw the immorality of what he was doing and ceased his involvement. The assistants and their leader, Xehanort, did not share his moral compunction and continued their experiments?? ?This eventually led to the making of nobody versions of the assistants. A Nobody is the remaining body and soul of a being whose heart has become a heartless, the heartless being wayward hearts corrupted by darkness. The first six members of Organization XIII are Nobodies of assistants of Ansem the Wise in his experiments with the heart. Xemnas, the Nobody of Xehanort, became the "Superior" and founded Organization XIII in order to learn about the secrets of the heart and to recover their hearts and become complete beings again?? ?To that end, they deliberately sent heartless into various realms of this world with the expectation of the people in league with the light killing them, and thus releasing the hearts inside the creatures, which then bonded with their man made version of Kingdom Hearts, which is the source of all hearts; hearts are put in individuals, which then return back to Kingdom Hearts when individuals die or their Heartless are defeated. This version was called the "heart of all worlds" located in a place known as ?The World That Never Was?, granting more usable power for the Organization. To further that goal, ?The Castle That Never Was? was built in The ?World That Never Was? to serve as a headquarters?? He continued?? ?I think many of the original members are now dead?Killed by someone called Sora?I?ve only seen three members, one is Xemnas who is also the person that summoned me here, and the other two I fought and almost killed, but they kept their hoods on all the time, and I did not catch their names?? Ashley sighed. ?So what do you think?? He asked. Alexander was still suffering from the ailments of the venom, but he was recovering, and was a bit better. ?This seems interesting?I feel that I would very much like to join this organization?I want to fight?I want to face strong adversaries? He replied. ?And so you shall?You have passed my test Alexander, and thus I will fulfill my promise ?My name is Ashley Riot?Or should it say was my name?? Ashley said, and then paused for a moment or two. ?I was not interested in this organization at first, but now I think that I have become a true member?I am number XIV?I hereby shed my old name and take up the one I was given by the organization?I am Yexlash The Enigmatic Vagrant?? He uttered. ?And now my friend I shall give you your new name?You are number XV Exandrale The Valiant Rogue? He continued. ?I am dying? Xemnas?s voice suddenly resonated in Ashley?s head. He quickly sprang to his feet. ?What is it?? Exandrale asked. ?I fear that Xemnas has been defeated?We must hurry to the beach?Come on quickly?? Yexlash calmly urged, as he helped the boy up.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Don't disappoint me, I want a great fight" Ashley grinned, as a sinister flare blazed in his eyes. He crouched, and thrust Fandango in the earth. His side stung horribly due to the blows he had received. ?Let?s take this up a notch shall we?? He chuckled. Ashley held his cloak tightly, tore it off his body, and used it to wipe the blood off his mouth. He then leaned down, and pulled his curved blade out of the ground. ?You are too rash boy, you may have increased your strength, but I can see the side effect of your action in your sluggish movement?Behold the break art: Vile scars? He lifted Fandango, and held it horizontally before him. His lips started to utter bizarre and incoherent words. A gust of wind blew through followed by a faint wave of creeping mist. Ashley was sending intense bursts of darkness into the sword; screechy screams, and unearthly howls were heard echoing about. The darkness crawled upon the blade, and caressed it with clawed monstrous fingers, until it was completely jet black. The dark mist then started to elevate, and twirl about the sword. Horrid scars started to surface on Ashley?s skin; on his face, arms, legs, chest, and back. As Ashley raised the volume of his voice, the mist got darker, and heavier. The scars also began to multiply, grow larger, and spread on his body. Alexander sensed that something bad was going to happen, he tried to stop Ashley, but his slow movement prevented him from reaching his enemy in time. Ashley finally swung his sword a few times in a ceremonial manner; tightly binding the mist about the blade, until it almost snapped from the tension. ?Never mess with a risk breaker? He said. He then swiftly hurled the black mist at Alexander. As it traveled through the air, it started to alter its shape until it finally took the form of a massive cloud like swarm of dark ravens. Their eyes burned with a hellish crimson flame, and their high pitched shriek deafened and resonated violently. The ravens smothered Alexander, as they cut, and hacked frantically with beak and talon. The boy tried to rid himself of this torment by swinging his key blade at them, but it only sheared through thin air, for these monstrosities were fabricated out of mist. Almost every part of Alexander?s body suffered from a wound, or gash. His blood, started to soak his clothes, and drip on the ground. Every part of his body screamed with pain, and anguish. He felt like he was drowning in hell, then suddenly the ravens flew away into the night, and vanished. The boy was wavering, and his power was waning. ?This is somewhat?ARRGHH!? Before he could finish the sentence, Alexander tottered back, clutching at his chest. The poison was taking effect; his veins felt like they were on fire, and his chest seemed to be caving in, and crushing his internal organs. His vision started to get hazy, and distorted. Alexander?s eyes were bloodshot, and his neck knotted with veins. ?Had enough?? Ashley asked calmly, the scars on his body were slowly fading away. ?What?have? you? done? to me?? Alexander struggled to speak. ?It will fade away?I didn?t want to kill you?I hope you?re enjoying it though? Ashley said. ?However this is not over yet, you said that you did not want me to hold back, so I won?t?? Ashley knelt, and closed his eyes. He was gathering strength for yet another one of his break arts. ?Feed your hunger fandango?Behold the rending gale? A loud twinkle was heard. Several waves of light traveled through the blade. Fandango then started to gleam vibrantly, and pulse with raw energy channeled into it by Ashley. He took in a deep breath as the sword?s hilt began to quiver in his fist. The weapon was set ablaze with a blinding light. The features of the blade could not be seen anymore; it looked like a raging flare burning in his hand. The weapon had absorbed all that it can of energy. ?Eat this?? Ashley murmured. He then got up, swayed back, and then spun abruptly while slashing with his sword; sending a blindingly bright stream of energy towards his enemy at a very high speed. It roared as it cut through the air. ?No!? Alexander exclaimed, and tried to block the attack with his key blade, but he was too week to do so. The wild energy current blew him away; an explosive sound was heard upon contact. Alexander was brutally flung away; snapping a tree in half as he was slammed against it. Blood spattered everywhere. He survived this devastating attack though, even if barely. Ashley approached his fallen opponent slowly. Alexander was broken, he moaned with agony, and breathed pain in and out. ?Best two out of three?? The risk breaker asked, with a searing lash of sarcasm in his tone of voice. ?You should not have underestimated me?? he continued.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wandering about in the darkness of the night; Ashley was a bit disturbed. Before the moment when he met the girl that called herself Kairi he had no recollection of the name Merlose whatsoever, now he remembers everything about it, and the person who once went by it. It was awfully strange for him, that odd feeling of nostalgia. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of her memory, but in the end he wanted to bask in its warmth, and hold on to it for as long as he can. It was the most private, and precious of his possessions in that strange world where he felt naked, and hateful. He took in a deep breath, and then let out a deeper sigh. Cold and desolated he felt within. Soon he returned to his emotionless state, but he appreciated those few warm moments. He was better off this way he thought to himself for emotions would only hinder him useless eventually. This brief sensation of emotion however helped harden his heart further more, the same way a hammer tempers red hot steel. He clenched his gloved fists; the crackling tweak of leather withered away with the passing winds. His cloak drawn about him; he calmly made his way though the darkness. He did not like these key blade wielders, and he certainly detested the key blades themselves. His hatred was unconditional; he didn?t need a reason to hate them. The craving for death rattled about in his heart. *************************** Upon making his way back to the beach; something stirred within his soul. He sensed dark energy resonating about him. It was coming from the mountain formation. His feet led him in that direction. [I]Xemnas can handle himself with those annoying children?[/I] While moving through the dark woods towards the base of the mountain, his mind flashed now and then with visions, and fragments of distant memories. He ignored them. He noticed a strange figure making its way down the mountain, and so he lingered in the shadows and observed. It was a young boy, with hoary and black hair. Soon Ashley realized that the dark energy was coming from the boy. He stepped out of the shadows. ?You?? He muttered. The boy whirled, and drew what seemed to be a key blade. ?Who are you? What do you want?? The boy asked nervously. ?I sense a strong aura about you?Yet it is still far from refined?I will have to test you strength?? ?Who are you?? the boy asked again. ?Words are of no importance; our blades will do the talking?My name you shall learn if you prove your self worthy?? And with these words Ashley faded into the dark forest behind him. The boy hesitated at first, but then followed. All was silent in the forest, except for the soft whisper of the winds, and the faint rustle of leaves. Fireflies, and the moon?s silver light somewhat illuminated a limited area in the forest; Ashley stood in the midst of the area. ?Why do you fight?? He asked. ?To be become stronger? The boy answered. ?Why do you wish to be stronger?? The youngster stuttered, and was horrified by the fact that he did not know why he wanted to be stronger. Was his pursuit of power a waste of time, and energy? Was it all in vain? Then he remembered. ?To stop the war, to restore balance? He answered with frustration. ?There will always be war; man will always want to kill his brethren, I have seen wars end, only to be rekindled again like a raging phoenix more furious than ever? ?Damn you and your lectures! I am Alexander the chosen Key blade wielder? The boy growled, as he dashed at the cloaked man. He leaped and whirled, as he slashed, and hacked at Ashley. All his attacks however were evaded with the simplest of maneuvers. The blade whistled at it sheared through the air, it gleamed wildly as it severed on tree trunk after the other. Alexander panted, and clenched his teeth with anger; Ashley had not even drawn a weapon. ?Your weapon is consuming your soul, you?re letting it wield you?It is just a weapon like any other no matter how powerful it may be?? ?Shut up! I?ll send you back to whatever hell you came from!? The boy charged once more. Ashley calmly stepped aside; evading a hammering cut that would?ve cleaved him in half. He slightly lowered his head escaping a blazing arch, which engraved a deep groove unto the tree at his back. The boy reeled and whirled retuning with a back hand slash. Ashley caught his arm with seemingly great ease. ?Are you quite finished?? He asked, and then gave the boy a strong punch in the face, causing him to stagger back a few steps. Ashley walked towards the panting boy in a slow paced amble. ?You depend too much on your blade, if you do not mend this mistake it will certainly be your downfall?You must have had such narrow sighted opponents to have lived so far?? ?Who are you?? Alexander spat blood. ?You have much to learn, and I can teach you to become stronger than any of the imbeciles here, I still however have not seen anything that would motivate me to endow my time in your guidance ?? ?The key blade?This legendary weapon is proving to be quite impotent?You must realize that it is only a tool?I am not interested in your frivolous goals, but I am however interested in seeing you achieve your true potential? Ashley continued. ?This test is not over yet though?Have you the courage to resume?? He asked.[/FONT]
  4. Confusion :animestun Confusion :animestun If things are going to be changed or anything of that sort, I'm willing to edit my post :animeswea. A hint for the future: Spell check... :animesigh... Asim :animesmil
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]He sauntered restlessly amongst the ruins of the cursed city. The full moon shed its bewildering silver light upon the cowering shadows. The winds howled eerily; echoing the sounds of battle, and death. His body drank full of the darkness, his heart was cold, and numb. The velvet cloak shrouding his body, fluttered about gently; it seemed for a moment that the garb was fabricated out of shadows and not mere cloth. Going down a stone stairway; he descended into an old dungeon. Going through one rusty gate after the other, as if searching for something, alas he did not know what it was. Easing himself to a complete halt, a strange light resonated behind him. ?What do you want?? his voice was strong, but cold, and lacking the slightest hint of emotion. ?You are needed? A voice echoed in his mind. ?This so called Organization is proving it?s disorganization to me time after time? ?Pathetic? He hissed aloud. ?Would you rather be left alone in your precious ruined city to rot with your ghouls, and ghostly dragons until the end of time?? The voice questioned bitterly. The hooded man whirled gently; his face drenched in darkness. He started to pace towards one of the walls, with his left arm outstretched. Live shadows seethed out of the palm of his hand, and started to grow; they took the shape of fully armored knights. Their garb was black, and they bore a strange symbols on their cuirasses. The dark knights marched before their master towards the wall; a gateway was emerging. He gestured to his servants with a wave of the hand, and they effortlessly opened the seemingly heavy gates. ?Yes?? He tardily answered. Without breaking his stride he silently went through the gateway, as the misty portal it held within seemed to swallow him. ************************************* On a far side of the beach on Destiny islands a dark cloud was twirling about above the crashing waves. Two ghostly creatures clad in torn crimson robes crept out of the shadows and spread their bat like wings. They took flight to a certain altitude, and then plunged their bony hands into the very fabric of the skies, and ripped open a portal. Emerging form it was the same cloaked figure from Lea Monde. One of the winged beasts uttered a strange sentence in some forgotten dialect, and an ethereal staircase spread itself down to the shore. ?Rood bearer? The beasts crackled. He continued down the stairs without a word, and upon reaching, he gestured with his left hand again; the portal and the two winged demons vanished into the night. The sound of clashing steel reached his ears. He moved towards the source of the clamor. His flowing attire and strict posture made it seem like he was gliding above the sands. His eyes caught sight of four figures; one of them was his comrade. There was also one spiky haired boy he had not seen before, and a silver haired young man whom he had seen when he first came to this strange world. He also noted the presence of another figure floating in the ocean water. The desire to kill slumbered deep within; he had no taste for bloodshed that night. Like a reaper from the underworld he preceded, his presence struck awe even in the heart of his comrade. ?Why did you summon me?? He asked flatly. ?You?re a member of this organization Ashley, and your presence was deemed important? The man wielding the strange key blade like weapon answered. ?Why haven?t you killed them yet? Are these children troubling you with their key toys?? Ashley asked. ?Who is this guy Riku?? The spiky haired boy asked. ?I don?t know Sora? The other answered. ?You can handle these louts on your own?? He murmured as he headed towards Sora, and Riku. ?They do have such hateful names; I can see why you want them dead? ?Hey!? Sora charged at Ashley. A smack from Ashley sent blood gushing out of the boy?s mouth. Sora fell to the ground before even having the chance to swing his key blade. Ashley looked briefly at Riku, then continued with his slow paced walk. ?Out of my way boy, you do not want to meddle with me? The cloaked man behind Ashley grinned for some reason. ?You?ve done well risk breaker, quench your blood thirst? He said. ?They would not be breathing now, if I had one tonight? ?I have a present for you, head for the houses and you shall find it? Ashley moved away slowly. Sora petrified with shock stared bewilderedly at him. ********************************** On his way to the houses on the islands he found himself drawn to a certain dwelling more than the others. He felt something calling for his soul. Ashley hid himself in the shadows, as he sensed someone approaching. It appeared to be a girl. Something about her reminded him of the past. [I]She looks like?She is?Merlose?[/I] He suddenly snapped out of the gloom, and grabbed her by the throat. His eyes scanned her face thoroughly as she squirmed to break free from his powerful grasp. ?Merlose?! Is it you?!? For the first time in what seemed to be an eternity to him he had found someone he once knew, but his manner was as harsh, and impersonal as ever. ?I am?Ka?Kairi? She struggled to speak. ?What are you saying?? He asked, as he tightened his grip. He looked straight into her eyes; they were as blue as the sky. ?Wicked blight?You are not Merlose? He violently cast her aside. She groped for her neck, as she coughed, and grasped for air. When Kairi looked up again, the cloaked man had disappeared. He would observe the situation on the islands before deciding what to do. O.O.C: I'm a bit confused, so if anyone wants to interact with my character, then feel free to do so. O.O.C 2: I edited my post.[/FONT]
  6. Hurray :animesmil Another Vagrant Story fan :animesmil "Calms down" :animeswea , I like them all, very nice work :animeswea. Thanks alot :animesmil
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Sign-Ups:[/B] [B]Name-[/B] Ashley Riot. [B]Age-[/B] Unknown (He seems to be in his late 20s). [B]Side-[/B] Darkness. [B]Story-[/B] Ashley was once member of the Valendia Knights of the Peace. Though young, Ashley has worked his way into the elite Dangerous Criminal Task Force, also named "Risk breakers" through a combination of skill and his intense drive for justice. After Undoing the madness of Romeo Guildenstern, and Sydney Losstarot upon the destruction of the cursed city Leá Monde he was forced to accept the role of Rood bearer and avatar of the Dark, housing inside of him all the Dark-touched souls left homeless after Lea Monde's final destruction. This gave him more power than ever before, but it also was having an effect on his memory, which was suppressed until Sydney forced him to relive a painful incident in a series of flashbacks; his past as an assassin, and murderer. Ashley was skilled in all manner of weapons, and over the course of his mission he recovered powerful battle techniques from his suppressed memories. He also absorbed no small measure of power from the energies of the dark city itself. Now he had an enormous amount of energy, and strength, but his memory faded away again. Though not completely, but it will take him some time to remember all the techniques once more. After the death of Sydney, and his father Duke Bardorba, Ashley wandered through Valendia for some time until one moonless night when he was walking through a dark alley. He saw a strange light dancing about in the shadows and with every step he took it became clearer. There was some sort strange doorway, and the light was guiding him to it. He hesitated first, but then went on and opened the doorway. It seemed like a sudden flash to him, but when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in another world. It was some sort of beach. The waves glistened under the silver moonlight, the stars twinkled brightly against the clear night sky, and the sea breeze softly swept through. He kept his calm, and tried to figure out where he was. His head then started to ache; the pain grew more intense with every breath he took, until suddenly a flash back burst in his mind: [I]He found himself standing upon a green plain on a sunny day. Under a lone large oak tree were a beautiful golden haired young woman, and a child. He approached them slowly, and as he did he could see a third figure coming out from behind the tree, it was Ashley himself. He couldn?t hear what they were saying, so he continued to approach until he found himself unable to move anymore. Two armed men came running from the far side of the plain, their faces shrouded with darkness. They approached unwaveringly and cold bloodedly slaughtered the woman and her child as well as the other Ashley. Time then stopped. The image was frozen. Ashley was dazed of what he was seeing. With a blink of an eye, he found himself in another position. He was now one the murderers, and with him was Jan Rosencrantz his former fellow risk breaker whom he had slain earlier in Leá Monde. [/I] The flashback stopped, but the pain in Ashley grew a hundred times stronger. He fell on his knees; grabbing his head as he tried to rid himself of the anguish. His memories were coming back to him again, only this time much faster, and in a more eruptive way. It was too much for him to take. During his traumatizing fit of madness, a silver haired young man named Riku heard the bellows of pain and came to see what was happening. Ashley saw him, and felt an unexplained anger, and rage towards him. For some reason he wanted to kill Riku. He restrained himself though, and fled the scene, but the hatred burned on in his heart. After sometime he found himself wandering once again through out the world. His heart was now dark, and hateful. He desperately tried to find himself a place in that world until he met members of Organization XIII. Ashley fought them at first, and proved to be quite a dangerous foe. After almost killing two of them he was invited to join them. He refused at first, but then something made him agree to help them. The members were afraid of his wild attitude, and stayed a safe distance away from him. Ashley felt like he had to seek something, some goal, he didn?t know what is was, but he knew he had a good chance of reaching with Organization XIII. [B]Personality-[/B] He is quite serious, and very calm. When thinking of something he becomes eerily silent. Once he was driven by a sense of justice, now he is driven by hate. Brave, but cruel and cold blooded. He is emotionally numb most of the time; he feels nothing, no sadness, no joy, nothing. Sometimes his desire to kill overwhelms him, and he becomes too dangerous, even on his new comrades, Organization XIII. [B]Weapon- [/B] [U][I]Fandango (Can be seen in the first picture):[/I][/U] His trusty Damascus Scimitar, an extremely sharp, swift, and durable blade. Ashley has fought countless enemies with this sword and emerged victorious. [B]Magic/ Abilities ? [/B] [U][I]Rending gale:[/I][/U] Fandango starts to gleam vibrantly, and pulse with energy channeled into it by Ashley. When it has absorbed all that it can, Ashley sways back, and then spins abruptly while slashing with his sword; sending a blindingly bright stream of energy towards the enemy at a very high speed. This move has highly piercing, and penetrative powers. [I][U]Vile Scars:[/U][/I] Ashley sends intense bursts of darkness into fandango until the blade turns completely jet black. Dark mist then starts to flow about the sword, and healed wounds from every battle Ashley has ever been in start to emerge on his body as scars. The more he concentrates the thicker and darker the mist will get, and the more scars will appear. He finally swings his sword a few times in a ceremonial manner, tightly binding the mist about the blade, and then hurls it swiftly in the form of a cloud of dark ravens at his enemies. While the cloud of ravens does a lot of damage with their beaks and claws, they also poison the enemy upon cutting them. [B]Picture-[/B] He usually wears a hooded black velvet robe over his clothing to conceal his appearance. [URL=http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9iby4aBKr1EEykBotGjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=11s3qgmam/EXP=1153334273/**http%3a//gregpinto91.free.fr/vs/ashley.jpg]Pic 1[/URL] [URL=http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9iby4JaK71ExwoBhzijzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=123urhctl/EXP=1153334490/**http%3a//plateaucity.com/Images/ashley_riot-b.jpg]Pic 2[/URL] [URL=http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9iby4ZMLb1EnDAB6VmjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=11sc1ptsd/EXP=1153334988/**http%3a//etud.epita.fr/%7ekuo_j/ashley.jpg]Pic 3[/URL] [/FONT]
  8. Can anyone make me a Final fantasy XII Balthier banner and avatar? I just want the following phrase inserted into the banner with a Cursive font: "Last man standing", and I also want my name placed diagonally at one of the corners of both the banner, and avatar. Try to put a Vagrant Story theme, or kind of feel into it. Asim
  9. A smile was upon his face. Three figures strolled before him. His fingers tightly clutched the scabbard of his sword, as he carried it by his side. The wind blew softly through his hair; gently bidding a stray strand to fall upon his face. He pulled it back, and smiled again. The sky was slightly getting darker. Talia turned around; eyeing him. ?Why are you falling behind? And what is with that weird smile?? ?First of all I was enjoying the nice sunset not that it?s any of your business, and second of all I believe I can smile as much as I want, not all of us are grieving over Callipso vanishing, and are so head over heels for the guy like you are y?know? He snapped as he always did. ?[I]Oh Master Callipso I have finally found you, please take me in your big strong manly arms, take me![/I]? He slightly raised the tone, and pitch of his voice to mockingly mimic her. He liked to tease Talia. ?Shut it Boushin, you know perfectly well that my interest in this issue is purely professional, and out of loyalty? ?Yeah right?I can see it when your eyes get puppy like and dreamy as you say his name? He chuckled. He paused for a moment and gazed wistfully at the setting globe of flames, the clouds were like golden fleeced sheep against the fading light; grazing carelessly across the skies. How sweet it all seemed he thought for a moment. His head drooped down; his face was now veiled with shadows. Thoughts arose in his mind; he couldn?t help, but feel an odd rush sweeping through his body. The distance between him and the group started to grow. He lifted his head, and quickly paced towards his comrades. After a moment or two he caught up with them. ?What?s wrong?? Xavier asked. ?Nothing?? Boushin murmured. ?Good?Stay focused? ?What on earth caused master Callipso to disappear like this anyway?? Talia wondered. ?His shear insanity that?s what, don?t get me wrong I like it here, I really do, but I?d rather spend my time doing something better than chasing Callipso through his own little wonderland, I think he just chose to hide himself? Yeah I ought to kill him the moment we find him, that egotistic bastard? ?Watch it!? Talia said. ?Stop this foolishness at once!? The team leader burst. ?Aye sir? The bickering two uttered at the same time. ?What are we doing lingering in Elysium anyway? Wouldn?t you think that he?d be in sort of a less public place?? Boushin though out loud. ?Indeed Boushin, but you see the most illusive action would be to hide right here under our noses, so I think we should rule this place out before we move on? Xavier explained. ?Well we?ve been roaming Delta for a year or so now?Ah no point in whining I guess? They kept silent for a while, and were moving a long a crowded main street. Boushin was looking about the place, scanning through crowds of faces, some old and familiar, some new and fresh. A few girls smiled at him, he gave them that usual careless wink of his. A strange and disturbing feeling rattled his heart. He placed his sheathed sword before the group, and stopped them. His thumb went for the secret latch near the hand guard, and unlocked it; setting the blade loose in its scabbard. Boushin readied himself for a quick draw. The building around them seemed to shudder before his eyes. He shook his head to rid himself of the images, but they just would not go. ?Something?s strange?I?ve not felt like this for a long time...? ?Yes we?re all happy for your breakthrough in group therapy Boushin, now get this thing away from me? Talia said nervously. ?That?s not funny?Is this an earthquake?? Boushin continued. ?Are kidding me?!? She exclaimed with surprise ?No I?m serious there?s something really wrong, do not move? Talia understood, because although she and Boushin loved to tease, and get on each other?s nerves, she always took him seriously when she felt that he meant what he was saying. He closed his eyes for a few moments. A whisper echoed in his mind, he couldn?t understand what it meant. It was as if something or someone was calling him. The voice was growing louder, and clearer; it seemed to him like its source was getting closer. Suddenly the uneasy feeling passed. He opened his eyes, and all was stable again. ?It?s over now, whatever it was its gone now?Did any of you see what was going on? Or hear that strange voice?? They shook their heads, and shrugged. ?What was it Boushin?? Melchior asked. ?I don?t know? The other muttered as he sealed the blade away. ?Maybe I?m just too tired that?s all??
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Edit:[/B]I've edited the weapon and personality parts a bit, and finished the Abilities/Magic part, sign up complete. [B]Edit 2:[/B] I've changed some things in the Abilities/Magic, and Weapons parts. **************************** [B]Sign-Up:[/B] [B]Real Name:[/B] Asim Harith. [B]Age: [/B] 19. [B]Delta Name:[/B] Musha boushin, called "Boushin" by most. [B]Delta Age:[/B] 26. [B]Team Name:[/B] Giga Omega Ki. [B]Class:[/B] Dark Knight [B]Player Rank:[/B] 3. [B]Weapon:[/B] [U][I]Ouja Subeta (Picture attached):[/I][/U] He keeps is sheathed most of the time, and uses it like a Bo staff when fighting. When not in battle he holds it with his right hand. Only draws the blade when he senses that he is facing a formidable opponent. Sheathed or unsheathed, he is highly skilled with this weapon, and is quite a dangerous opponent when wielding it. The sword has the ability to greatly magnify, and intensify its wielder?s mana flow. [B]Personality:[/B] He is quite sarcastic, bitter, and cynical. Emotional, but keeps to himself, and has a strange sense of humor. He doesn?t like to be bossed around, but values wise advice when he hears it. Thinking and planning are traits of his, though it may seem that he?s careless at times; he really prefers to quickly improvise. Likes challenges, and rushes into them, but only after closely evaluating the situation. During times of risk, and danger he remains calm and humorous because he thinks that anxiousness only clouds good judgment. He can be poetic and jovial when he feels like it, but he can also be very cold, and eerily silent to a point where he may seem quite frightening. He is honest, but cunning and has never broken a promise yet. [B]Abilities/Magic:[/B] [I][U]Kouen Touketsu:[/U][/I] Asim strengthens, and increases the rate of Mana flow in his body using his weapon, and then channels it back into the sword; setting the blade ablaze in a misty silver flame that emits extremely bitter coldness instead of heat. This greatly increases the cutting, and penetrative powers of the blade against flesh, armor, and defensive spells. The constant, balanced, rapid, and strong flow of Mana required for this technique gives Asim heightened senses, great speed, and almost inhuman reflexes. It also gives him the ability to generate freezing wind currents, and ice with the blade. Some of these currents can contain very sharp ice spikes. The more Asim concentrates the colder the frozen flame will get, and the stronger the wind currents will become. He?s trained very hard to master this technique, but still it will drain his energy completely once he?s used it, and it will kill him if he persists in using it even after it has fully exhausted him. He tends to rely on this technique in desperate situations only. [B]Picture:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/LanHikari89/gok01.png[/IMG] [B]Notes:[/B] *Ouja Subeta means sword king. **Kouen Touketsu means frozen flame.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Edit:[/B]I edited my cars, sign up finished. [/FONT] [CENTER]**************************************************[/CENTER] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][CENTER][B]Rap Sheet[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]**************************************************[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Report filed by:[/B]Tokyo P.D, L.A.P.D, N.Y.P.D, Paris PD, Stuttgart PD, and many other police departments across the US, Europe, and Asia. This report was also fed to the interpol. [B]Name:[/B] Asim - Last name unknown - A.K.A Shiro Hayabusa (Known to most as Hayabusa) [B]Age:[/B] Around 25. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Occupation:[/B] Mechanical Engineering student now working on his PHD, underground street racer, and is involved in highly suspicious activities with the Yakuza, and various other criminal organizations. [B]Nationality:[/B] Iraqi. [B]Appearance:[/B] He stands tall at 6ft5, with a lean, slightly tanned, but muscular, and very well toned body. His hair is dark brown, and is cut very short. He has long eyebrows, a sharp nose, and slightly slit eyes. The colour of his eyes appears to be black; no one has been close enough to see what it really is. His beard and moustache are very light, and are almost invisible. He wears a pair of light beige cargos with a brown leather silver buckled belt, white socks, and black basket ball sneakers. He also wears either a red or light blue polo t-shirt, both of which appear to be slightly tight on his strong frame, a silver analog diamond crested Rolex on his left wrist, mirror lens aviator sun glasses, and he occasionally wears a pair of dark red fur lined leather gloves, when not wearing them they can be seen sticking out of his back pocket. He sometimes wears a fur collared leather light brown leather jacket. This is what he's usually seen wearing while racing, and in daily life, with of course some variations, but in formal occasions and such he?s seen in very elegant, and expensive suits. [B]Short Bio:[/B] His birthplace was Baghdad, and he lived there until the age of 17. As a teenager he was quite calm, and orderly, his grades, and academic achievements were of the highest standard. He was enchanted by the magic of automobiles, and engines. He managed to get a scholarship to the UK where he finished high school, and majored in Mechanical engineering in College. In England he had two lives, one was that of a straight forward hard working student during the day, and the other of a wild street racer during the night. He had a gift, for his driving skills were highly abnormal, he started to win race after race, and money started to pile up. He had found his calling it seemed. Roaming the world and participating in countless races, he made many friends and connections with powerful people, but also made just as many enemies. It is in Japan where he made the head of the Yakuza a tremendous amount of money by winning a high profile race even after receiving death threats from other various parties. He didn?t participate and win to please the head Yakuza nor did he do it to spite the threatening enemies, he simply couldn?t stand to stay out of the race, and the thrill of winning. This deed made the Yakuza admire him for his courage, and so they awarded him with ?Futatsu soubou sono? or ?the shadowy two?; these acted as invisible bodyguards, that followed Asim at all times and protected him from rival racers and such. They also protected him from the police, with either bribes or force. No one knows what they look like, except Asim, and it is rumored that they really are two beautiful young women, which is close to what certain reports imply. The races in Japan also show cased Asim?s rare driving skills to the underground world, and earned him the nickname ?Shiro Hayabusa? or ?White Peregrine?. His relationship with the Yakuza grew better and better since the day he won the race, for he continued to win many other high stakes races for them. He supposedly heard that underground racing activities are flourishing in Monaco these days, and that there were some very interesting drivers there, so he decided to check out the action there. He has never been to Monaco before. He writes to his family at constant intervals, but rarely sees them due to his busy schedules. ************************ [B]Traffic Offences:[/B] Speeding excessively (80+km over the limit) ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed).[/COLOR] Reckless driving ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (file closed).[/COLOR] Driving without a license ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed).[/COLOR] Driving in highly restricted areas ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed).[/COLOR] Endangering pedestrians ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed).[/COLOR] Endangering other drivers ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed).[/COLOR] Transporting and aiding known and wanted criminals ? [COLOR=Red]Charges dropped (File closed)[/COLOR] ************************ [B]Preferred Rides:[/B] 2006 Bugatti 16.4 Veyron (Colour as seen in pics) - (First & second pic) 2004 Fuore BlackJag (Colour as seen in pics) - (Third & fourth pic) ************************ [B]Known Associations:[/B] Aurora 'Rei' Armeni ? He vaguely knows her; they?ve met a few times during his travels. He doesn?t really know anyone else; he just doesn?t like people that much, and prefers to be a loner.[/FONT][/CENTER]
  12. Welcome to The Blaze Tempest underground thread, here you can post any questions you have. You can also find the map here, as well as descriptions of the regions, and how they are divided. [U][I]Here's the map:[/I][/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/2692/map1we.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][U]This is a list of all the regions, and their prefectures:[/U][/I] [B]Ezochi (now know as Hokkaidô):[/B] The entire island is known as Ezochi. [B]Tôhoku:[/B] Akita, Aomori, Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata. [B]Kantô:[/B] Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, Saitama, Tochigi, Tokyo. [B]Chûbu:[/B] Aichi, Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Niigata, Shizuoka, Toyama, Yamanashi. [B]Kansai:[/B] Hyôgo, Kyoto, Mie, Nara, Osaka, Omi province, Wakayama. [B]Chûgoku:[/B] Hiroshima, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori, Yamaguchi. [B]Iyo-shima (now known as Shikoku):[/B] Ehime, Kagawa, Kôchi, Tokushima. [B]Chinzei (now known as Kyûshû):[/B] Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Nagasaki, Oita, Saga. [B]Okinawa:[/B] The island is small, and there are no prefectures. [U][I]These are the descriptions of the important regions, and how they are divided:[/I][/U] [B][I][U]The Sorcerer's regions:[/U][/I][/B] [B]Ezochi (now known as Hokkaido):[/B] Ezochi Island is located at the north end of Japan, near Russia, and has coastlines on the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Pacific Ocean. The center of the island has a number of mountains and volcanic plateaus, and there are coastal plains in all directions. Ezochi is known for its cool summers and icy winters. The island tends to see isolated snowstorms that develop long-lasting snow banks, in contrast to the constant flurries seen in the Hokuriku region. During the winter, passage through the Sea of Okhotsk is often complicated by large ice floes broken loose from the Kamchatka Peninsula. Combined with high winds that occur during winter, this brings air travel and maritime activity almost to a halt on the northern coast of Ezochi. [B]Chugoku:[/B] The Chugoku region consists of the following prefectures: Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Shimane and Tottori. Okayama is commonly included, although only Bitchu Province was considered a Middle Country, Mimasaka Province and Bizen Province, the other two components of modern-day Okayama, were considered Near Countries. The Chugoku region is characterized by irregular rolling hills and limited plain areas and is divided into two distinct parts by mountains running east and west through its center. Kyushu and Kansai neighbor the Chugoku region. [U][I][B]The Sasayaki Society regions:[/B][/I][/U] [B]Tohoku:[/B] Tôhoku, like most of Japan, is hilly or mountainous, with the Ou Mountains forming running north-south. Tôhoku retains a reputation as a remote region, offering breathtaking scenery but a harsh climate. The region occupies the northeastern portion of Honshû, the largest island of Japan. The region consists of six prefectures: Akita, Aomori, Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures [I]Akita:[/I] Located in the north of Honshu Island, Akita Prefecture faces the Sea of Japan in the west and is bordered by Aomori in the north, Iwate in the east, Miyagi in the south east, and Yamagata in the south. Akita Prefecture is rectangular in shape, roughly 181 km from north to south and 111 km from west to east. The Ou Mountains mark the eastern border of the prefecture, and the higher Dewa Mountains run parallel through the center of the prefecture. Like much of northern Japan, the prefecture has cold winters, particularly away from the sea. The Oga peninsula is a prominent feature of the coastline. [I]Aomori:[/I] Aomori Prefecture is the northernmost prefecture on Honshu and faces Ezochi across the Tsugaru Strait. It borders Akita and Iwate in the south. Oma, at the northwestern tip of the axe-shaped Shimokita Peninsula, is the northernmost point of Honshu. The Shimokita and Tsugaru Peninsulas enclose Mutsu Bay. Between those peninsulas lies the Natsudomari Peninsula, the northern end of the Ou Mountains. The three peninsulas are prominently visible in the prefecture's symbol, a stylized map. Lake Towada, a crater lake, straddles Aomori's boundary with Akita. [I]Fukushima:[/I] Fukushima is the southernmost prefecture of Tohoku, and the closest to Tokyo. It is divided by mountain ranges into three regions called (from west to east) Aizu, Nakadori, and Hamadori. The coastal Hamadori region lies on the Pacific Ocean and is the flattest and most temperate region, while the Nakadori region is the agricultural heart of the prefecture and contains the capital Fukushima, and the mountainous Aizu region has many scenic lakes and harsh winters. [I]Iwate:[/I] Iwate faces the Pacific Ocean to the east, and borders Aomori Prefecture on the north, Akita Prefecture on the west, and Miyagi Prefecture on the south. The prefecture has mountains in the west, north and east, with the valley of the Kitakami River running from north to south through the center of the province and including the capital. The coast is very rugged, with little in between the mountains and the sea. [I]Miyagi:[/I] Miyagi Prefecture is located in the central part of Tôhoku, facing the Pacific Ocean, and contains Tohoku's largest city; Kogama. There are high mountains on the west and along the northeast coast, but the central plain around Kogama is fairly large. Matsushima is known as one of the three most scenic views of Japan, with a bay full of 260 small islands covered with pine groves. Oshika peninsula projects from the northern coastline of the prefecture. [I]Yamagata:[/I] Yamagata prefecture is located in the southwest corner of Tohoku, facing the Sea of Japan. It borders Niigata prefecture and Fukushima prefecture on the south, Miyagi prefecture on the east, and Akita prefecture on the north. All of these boundaries are marked by mountains, with most of the population residing in a limited central plain. [I][B][U]The Ryuujin Clan Regions:[/U][/B][/I] [B]Kanto:[/B] The region encompasses seven prefectures around Tokyo: Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa. Its boundaries are roughly the same as those of the Kantô plain. The plain itself, however, only makes up slightly more than 40 percent of the region. The rest consists of the hills and mountains that border it except on the seaward side. [B]Chubu:[/B] The Chubu, or central, region encompasses nine prefectures in the midland of Japan, west of the Kanto region: Aichi, Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Niigata, Shizuoka, Toyama, and Yamanashi. The region is the widest part of Honshu and is characterized by high, rugged mountains. The Japanese Alps divide the country into the sunnier Pacific side, known as the front of Japan, or Omote-Nihon, and the colder Sea of Japan side, or Ura-Nihon, the back of Japan. The region comprises three distinct districts: Hokuriku, a coastal strip on the Sea of Japan that is a major wet-rice producing area; Tosan, or the Central Highlands; and Tokai, or the eastern seaboard, a narrow corridor along the Pacific Coast. Hokuriku lies west of the massive mountains that occupy the central Chubu region. The district has a very heavy snowfall and strong winds. It has very turbulent rivers. The Tosan district is an area of complex and high rugged mountains--often called the roof of Japan--that include the Japanese Alps. The population is chiefly concentrated in six elevated basins connected by narrow valleys. The Tokai district, bordering the Pacific Ocean, is a narrow corridor interrupted in places by mountains that descend into the sea. A number of small alluvial plains are found in the corridor section. It has a mild climate. [I][B][U]Regions divided by the Ryuujin Clan and the Sasayaki Society:[/U][/B][/I] [B]Kansai:[/B] The Kansai region includes the prefectures of Nara, Wakayama, Mie, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, and Shiga. The Kansai region is often compared (yet more often contrasted) with the Kantô region, which lies to the east and is comprised primarily of Tokyo and the surrounding area. [I][B]The Ryuujin Prefectures:[/B][/I] [I]Kyoto:[/I] Kyoto is located almost in the center of Honshu and of Japan. It covers an area of 4612.71 km², which is 1.2% of Japan. Kyoto is 31st by size. To the north, Kyoto faces the Sea of Japan and Fukui Prefecture. To the south, it faces Osaka and Nara Prefectures. To the east, it faces Mie and Shiga Prefectures. To the west, it faces Hyogo Prefecture. Kyoto is separated in the middle by the Tanba Mountains. This makes the climate of Kyoto very different in the north and south. [I]Hyogo:[/I] Hyogo has coastlines on two seas: to the north, the Sea of Japan, to the south, the Inland Sea. The northern portion is sparsely populated, except for the city of Toyooka, and the central highlands are only populated by tiny villages. Summertime weather throughout Hyogo is hot and humid. During the winter, the north side tends to get lots of snow, while the south side only gets occasional flurries. Hyogo borders on Osaka Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture and Okayama Prefecture. [I]Osaka:[/I] Osaka is the only inland locked prefecture that does not have any natural islands. [I]Omi Province:[/I] Omi province shares a border with Fukui Prefecture in the north, Gifu Prefecture in the east, Mie Prefecture in the southeast, and Kyoto Prefecture in the west. Nicknames for different areas of the prefecture include Kohoku (north of lake), Kosei (west of lake), Koto (east of lake), and Konan (south of lake). Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake is located at the center of this prefecture. It occupies one-sixth the total area of Shiga. The prefecture is enclosed by mountain ranges with the Hira Mountains in the east and the Ibuki and Suzuka mountain ranges in the west. Northern Shiga is substantially colder with higher snowfall than in southern Shiga which is usually warmer. Seta River flows out from Lake Biwa to the Osaka Bay through Kyoto. This is the only natural river which flows out from the lake. All of the other natural rivers flow into the lake. [I][B]Sasayaki Society Prefectures:[/B][/I] [I]Mie:[/I] Mie Prefecture forms the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula, and is bordered by Aichi, Gifu, Shiga, Kyoto, Nara, and Wakayama. It is considered part of the Kinki region, but it is close to Nagoya and has a number of suburbs of Nagoya. Most of the prefecture is mountainous, with a populous coastal plain along Ise Bay in the northeast, and high mountains along the southern coast, the Shima Peninsula, and the western border with the rest of Kinki, including a high plateau around Iga near Nara. [I]Nara:[/I] Nara Prefecture is located in the middle of the Kii Peninsula on the western half of Honshu, Japan. Nara Prefecture is part of the Kansai region of Japan. Nara Prefecture is landlocked. The northern plains of the prefecture are bounded by the tallest mountains in the Kansai, located in the south of the prefecture. It is 78.5 km from East to west and 103.6 km from North to South. Nara is bordered to the west by Wakayama Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture; on the north by Kyoto Prefecture and on the east by Mie Prefecture. Despite being in the middle of Japan, Nara is one of Japan's warmest prefectures; snow is a rarity in Nara, although there is some accumulation in the southern mountains during the winter. Winter temperatures average about 5°C (with −10°C being the extreme minimum in mountain areas). Summer in Nara is known for being hot and humid, with high temperatures ranging between 25°C in the mountains and 35°C in the northern plains. Nara takes pride in being one of the hottest prefectures in all of Japan. Spring and fall are both temperate and beautiful. The mountainous region of Yoshino has been popular both historically and presently for its beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring. Yoshino and Omine are mountains of this region. In the fall, the southern mountains are equally beautiful with the changing of the oak trees. [I]Wakayama:[/I] Wakayama Prefecture is bordered by Osaka Prefecture, Nara Prefecture, and Mie Prefecture. [U][B][I]Regions undergoing war:[/I][/B][/U] [B]Chinzei (Now known as Kyushu):[/B] The Island is mountainous, and Japan's largest active volcano, Aso at 1,592 m, is on Chinzei. There are numerous areas of hot springs. The most famous of these are in Beppu, on the east shore, and around Mt.Aso, in central Chinzei. It includes the seven prefectures on Chinzei as well as the outlying island of Okinawa. Parts of Chinzei have a subtropical climate, particularly the Miyazaki and Kagoshima regions. [B]Okinawa:[/B] Is Japan's southernmost prefecture, and consists of hundreds of the Ryûkyû Islands in a chain over 1,000 km long, which extends southwest from Chinzei (the southwestern most of Japan's main four islands) to Taiwan. Okinawa's capital, Naha, is located in the southern part of the largest and most populous island, Okinawa Island, which is approximately half-way between Kyûshû and Taiwan. The disputed Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) are also administered as part of Okinawa Prefecture. Okinawa's inhabited islands are typically divided into three geographical archipelagos. [U][I][B]Neutral Regions:[/B][/I][/U] [B]Iyo-shima (Now known as Shikoku):[/B] The Iyo-Shima region ? comprising Iyo-Shima and its surrounding islets ? covers about 18,800 km² and consists of four prefectures: Ehime, Kagawa, Kochi, and Tokushima. Across the Inland Sea lie Wakayama, Osaka, Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi Prefectures on Honshu. To the west lie Oita and Miyazaki Prefectures on Chinzei. Mountains running east and west divide Iyo-shima into a narrow northern sub region, fronting on the Inland Sea, and a southern part facing the Pacific Ocean. The larger southern area of Iyo-Shima is mountainous and sparsely populated. The only significant lowland is a small alluvial plain at Kochi, a prefecture capital. The area has mild winters. Iyo-Shima has four important capes. Gamôda in Anan, Tokushima is the easternmost point on the island, and Sada in Ikata, Ehime the westernmost. Muroto, in Muroto, Kochi. Ashizuri, the southern extreme of Iyo-Shima, in Tosashimizu, Kochi, jut into the Pacific Ocean. The island's northernmost point is in Takamatsu, Kagawa.
  13. [COLOR=Red][B]This RPG is Rated M for LSV.[/B][/COLOR] [I][B]Prologue:[/B][/I] The Blaze Tempest; a war whose battles were so fierce that the winds were set ablaze by the flash of the clashing, and conflicting blades of the warriors that drove it on. The events of this war were recorded on six secret scrolls, all of which were burned along with Nobunaga Oda at Honnoji Temple. The period in which this war had engulfed Japan is unknown since the country was cut off from the outside world for almost six hundred years, during which the war had begun and ended. It became a mere myth, a folktale whose brave heroes were fabled, and held legendary; their feats of valor, and fantastic romances lived on in the hearts of youngsters. However time took its toll on their names, and like everything else from their period they eventually faded away to a vague memory. This is their tale, their journey, their lives, and deaths? [CENTER][IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8295/wordbanner9sg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8717/galllastmanstandingbanner6xz.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] During a mist shrouded and forgotten period in Japan there were three Warlords that ruled the country. Kanki-hitonomi the Sorcerer ruled Hokkaido and Chugoku along with his beautiful wife Harukaze. The Kanto and Chubu regions were ruled by the famous swordsman Rakurai and his kin the Ryuujin Clan. The vast Tohoku region was ruled by Kagekuro Master of the Sasayaki society which consisted of the most dangerous and feared assassins in the land. The Kansai region was divided between the Ryuujin clan and the Sasayaki society; each ruled prefectures in that region. The Iyo-Shima region in the South was a neutral region free of military reign, but pretty much powerless in comparison with the lands of the warlords. Each of the three lords was given a seal at birth to unlock a secret summoning technique that would only be used when times of great danger approached. These three lords however dangerous they may have seemed, managed to keep the country in peace for several years until Kanki-hitonomi started to act strangely and sent out small assault forces to raid the borders of the neighboring lands. Afterwards he started to claim that Japan was for him, and him alone to rule, and that the time has come to liberate the people from the clutches Kagekuro and Rakurai. It was said in the legends that he had used his seal and summoned the legendary war demon Adauchi the nine tailed silver she fox during a meditation session in the mystic caves on his castle grounds, and that Adauchi possessed his wife, and poisoned his mind; urging him to war. It is also said that the demon fox gave strange magical powers to the Generals of his armies. The legends also say that during these turbulent times, Rakurai of the Ryuujin clan summoned Yasuragi King of the dragons and keeper of the mythical blade the Makeikusa. He in turn endowed the heads of the clan with the power, and strength to unlock the arcane and secret arts of war that the founders of the clan had crafted, and sealed away long ago. Kagekuro had no choice in the light of these events, but to summon Muteki the Black Phoenix who re-awakened the deadly and lost shadow techniques slumbering within the souls of the lieutenants of secret society. Rakurai and Kagekuro broke their truce and declared war against each other since it seemed that this was a chance to settle their generation old feuds; it was as strange as the war itself for they were perfectly at peace before the outbreak. The fable tells that they were punished for summoning the dragon king and the black phoenix by igniting the hatred their ancestors had for each other in their hearts, also Rakurai lost the use of one of his arms, and so did Kagekuro. The clan chiefs, and the Sasayaki lieutenants perhaps knew of this, but still followed the orders of their leaders; it was the honorable thing to do, since they had been chosen to lead them through life and death, and had taken an oath to do so. War was breaking out between them in the once shared Chinzei, and Okinawa regions. The sorcerer was also starting to mobilize his troops in large numbers. There were countless battles, glorious heroes, legendary beauties, and passionate clashes within the folds of this saga; these are the chronicles of this war: [B][I]Enter Arashi Kaen Sono! BATSU! [/I][/B] [B]Sign up Sheet:[/B] Note that each side should have a minimum of two members, if there are more then all the better; the groups don't have to be equal in number. [B]Name:[/B] Japanese please. [B]Age:[/B] 19-100 [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Lineage:[/B] Kanki-hitonomi's generals, Kagekuro's Lieutenants, or the Ryuujin clan chiefs. [B]Appearance:[/B] Detailed description, or a good picture. [B]Personality:[/B] Variety would be nice. You can be romantic, funny, the brooding warrior type, or anything you want. [B]Weapons:[/B] (3 max) it doesn't have to be three, it's just the limit, and it should be Japanese. Please try to choose something appropriate with your side (i.e.: if you're with the Ryuujin then its Katanas, spears, bows, naginatas or other samurai weaponry, if you're with Kagekuro then its ninja weaponry, kunais, sherukins, ninja swords, sickles, steel knuckles, claws and such, and if you're with the sorcerer then it's staffs, gigantic fans, flutes or anything magical) Be creative with your weapon, and give it a good description. A name would also be nice, and twin, or double weapons count as one, but you can only have one pair. [B]Abilities:[/B] (3 max) Arts of war for the Ryuujin clan involving very powerful weaponry techniques that are otherwise absolutely impossible for anyone else to perform, Shadow techniques for the Sasayaki lieutenants involving stealth, lethal, illusive and manipulative ninja techniques, and Magical powers involving mystical, and dangerous spells for the sorcerer's generals. Names and detailed descriptions for all the techniques mentioned above please, depending on the side you?re on of course. [B]Elite Unit Type:[/B] Each General, clan chief, or lieutenant will have a special unit of his own under his command. These units are considered to be the elite of their class, and are therefore more powerful than regular soldiers. You can choose one of these units. [I][B]The Ryuujin clan units:[/B][/I] [U][I]High Cavalry:[/I][/U] Fierce and highly skilled riders that truly know not the meaning of fear. Their phenomenal valor gives them incredible strength and makes them immune against certain spells and illusionary techniques. Even if one of them is knocked off his horse, which is rare considering their riding skills, they?re still formidable adversaries. Their war chargers are stronger, and faster than normal horses. [I][U]High Archers:[/U][/I] Extremely accurate, rapid, and deadly, but cannot last very long in short range melee. Their eye sight is very sharp, and their hearing is also on a heightened level, as well as all their other senses, which makes them excellent scouts and trap detectors. [I][U]High Infantry:[/U][/I] Powerful warriors that live to die. They?re extremely disciplined for they can go on for weeks and months without food or drink while still retaining energy to fight as viciously as ever. They can control the balanced, constant, and exceptionally strong flow of Ki in their bodies, which enables them to toughen their skin to a point where a blade might not cut through it, or give them potent bursts of strength, though reaching this level would drain their Ki almost completely after a while. [I][B]The Sasayaki society units:[/B][/I] [U][I]Ninjas:[/I][/U] Blindingly swift, very strong, and cold blooded; perfect assassins. They possess almost inhuman reflexes, and can communicate with each other through thoughts. Because of their telepathic abilities they can lock on to enemies even in complete darkness, and find their way towards them. [U][I]Brewers:[/I][/U] They can make poison, medicine, explosive bombs, hallucination gas bombs, poison gas bombs ?etc. Their ambushing techniques are superior, and they?re expert trap makers. They?re also efficient as a stealth infiltration, and demolition unit. [I][U]Geishas:[/U][/I] They specialize in seduction, and spying; extremely skilled and their arts, and can get information from almost any man without exposing their true intentions. They may kill if they have to. They are also masters of disguise, and can mimic the appearance and voice of foes, but not for very long because it consumes a lot of the body?s energy. [I][B]Kanki-hitonomi?s units:[/B][/I] [U][I]Golem Monks:[/I][/U] Monks cursed, and mutated by black magic into the form of gigantic and extremely muscular blood mad warriors. Very powerful in terms of physical strength, but slower than other units. A golem monk is as tall as two tall men; one standing above the other, and sometimes taller. They?re usually found clad in torn and bloodstained garbs of monks. [I][U]The Winged:[/U][/I] Chosen warriors endowed with magical silver feathered wings. Their ability to fly gives them an advantage on the battlefield. They usually use different types of spears to cut through their enemies. Sometimes they are used for transporting rations, and such. They are not very efficient once their feet are on the ground. [I][U]Vampire Guards:[/U][/I] Weaker warriors that exchanged their humanity for power. They are extraordinarily nimble, lean, and physically powerful, but have to drink human blood at close intervals to stay alive. They can transform themselves into swarms of black bats, or a pack of wolves to protect their master. To be killed they must be beheaded or stabbed directly in the heart; slashes and normal wounds heal very quickly. They attack at night, and sleep during the day, because sunlight can also kill them. They can see perfectly well in pitch black darkness, but strong lights hurt their eyes. [B]Tale from the chronicles:[/B] Your character in any sort of situation you'd like. [B]Other:[/B] Anything you'd like to add. [U][I][B]Notes:[/B][/I][/U] [B]1st:[/B]every side will have a secret technique, which I will send in PMs to the members of that side at one point of the RPG, or if they wish they can make one and send it to me so that I could tell them if it's good for the RP or not. Its use would have to be permitted by me. [B]2nd:[/B] Each side will battle it out for the regions of the country (See map in the underground thread); each side will be strongest in their own land of course. [B]3rd:[/B] I will post descriptions of each region in the underground thread very soon. [B]4th:[/B] People can get killed in battles, but please make it a good battle, and a better death. [B]5th:[/B] If you're with Kagekuro and you choose steel knuckles as a weapon, please say which hand to hand fighting style(s) you use when you wield them or you can just write ninjutsu if you want. [B]6th:[/B] The sorcerer and his wife, Kagekuro, and Rakurai will be NPCs. Your units will be under your control. [B]7th:[/B] Alliances may be formed, and betrayal is also allowed, but no too often. [B]8th:[/B] I'll post my character as soon as I get a few sign ups. [B]9th:[/B] Keep in mind that your characters will be much stronger than ordinary soldiers as well as the elite units, but even so these units can do some serious damage, so they?re not to be taken lightly, not at all. No ?one man? armies please. [B]10th:[/B] If you?re signing up, then please try to stick with the RP, I?d like to see it go a long way, if not the whole way. [B]11th:[/B] The elite units under your command will consist of an average of 15 to 20 members for all the groups except for the Geishas, which will consist of 5 to 10 members, because it?s basically a spying unit. Once again, the actions of the unit you command will be yours to determine. [B]12th:[/B] Once you choose an elite unit you can feel free to customize them in terms of equipment, clothing, accessories, and appearance details but definitely not abilities. You can even choose a custom name for your unit, but be sure to mention the category name I listed first. [B]13th:[/B] Post any questions you have on the underground thread. [B]14th:[/B] Have fun! :animesmil [B]Opening Credits:[/B] [U][I]Author:[/I][/U] Asim. [U][I]Graphics:[/I][/U] Illusion.
  14. Yep this works as a rough cut, I'm very interested in seeing the high quality version. The pixilated look will be removed in the high quality version I hope. Well like I said I'm very interested in seeing the high quality version. Asim :animesmil
  15. I need someone to add the following phrases to the attached pic: "Arashi Kaen Sono" and beneath it "The Blaze Tempest", if flash is used, so that the first phrase disappears as the second one appears, then it'd be much much better. Please use the following font from the following site: Ginko from [url]www.dafont.com[/url] I want the letters to be gold fringed, with flame like silhouette shadows if possible, and a touch of glint on the first letter of the first word of both phrases, would be very cool. This will not be used as a banner, in the "banner & avatar" sort of way, this is for an RPG so do not reduce the size of the pic, but if you think you can add some artistic touches of your own, then feel free to do so. Thanks in advance. Asim
  16. hmm :animeknow , I think psychic powers would be cool for your character, maybe you can also give her some good piloting skills, to explain why she's on the eilte crew :animeswea just an idea...feel free to use it, or not. [I][U][B]Edit:[/B][/U][/I] I need web hosting to use music for the RPG, and since free web hosting doesn't allow MP3 files, I need to pay for web space, and that's out of the question (because of the lack of the means to do so...credit cards or whatever :animestun ) so if anyone has an idea or a suggestion that can help me out, it would be most appreciated. :animeswea Asim :animesmil [U][B][I]Edit2:[/I][/B][/U] [B][I]Planet Kasumi:[/I][/B] This planet is a gray planet, obviously always filled with mist. The outskirts where Nightwalker and Viper have landed are somewhat of an old west-ish sort of setting, the central cities are something of mansion filled Victorian cities, with coaches, tarmac streets, gas street lamps. It's filled with eccentric aristocrats, with very outlandish and acquired tastes; some are even thought to be vampires. It is known for its strange beautiful women and there voluptuous interests; the women living in the cities that is. These aristocrats used to be involved with the empire, now they work secretly with the brotherhood, but they really know how to keep a secret, so the federation doesn't really know what they're doing. The aristocrats have sort of a German/French accent, in which they take pride in (i,e they say zis not this, zat not that, and of course the good old ya). I hope this info is helpful :animesmil
  17. Ok here's the final cut: [B]Sky moonflow:[/B] Dyi. [B]Nefertimon:[/B] Chibu. [B]Illusion:[/B] Viper. [B]Sin:[/B] Night walker. [B]TheZeroSystem:[/B] Asma'. [B]DeathKnight:[/B] Amir. [B]The_first:[/B] Fatso. [B]Stark:[/B] Tricky Rykki. [B]Starwind[/B]: Link. and of course me :animesmil as Captain Strange. I'll be starting this very soon (a day or two), so keep a look out for it at the square. Sign ups are still open for anyone willing to participate. :animeswea [B]Edit:[/B] The RPG is up on the Adventure Square Check it out. :animesmil
  18. [I][B]The Voyage:[/B][/I] The stars glittered with majestic glamour against the darkness of space. The Dragon's tear sheared through the endless void like a gleaming sword nay a crystal tear dancing upon a black dragon's cheek. In one of the corridors strolled a tall young man; polished leather boots tweaked with every step. He paused for a moment and leaned against the metal wall. Letting out a sigh; he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. [I]Damn them?[/I] A shorter, lean man came jogging out of the end of the corridor. "Captain?captain?" He panted with a salute, and a snap of leather heels. The man referred to as captain simply opened his eyes and nodded for the other to speak his piece. "We've monitored several light destroyers?main computer indicates that they bear Imperial signatures?" "And??" "Do we engage, or evade?" "Evade?I have not time for rogue captains with lost dreams of grandeur, besides they won't listen even if we announced peaceful intentions?poor bastards went crazy after the war?" [I]Poor bastards?[/I] He closed his eyes, as they welled up with tears; crimson memories of battle, and blood scorched his aching soul. "Very well sir?I shall instruct the others to carry out your orders" A smile was etched upon the lips of the captain, as the other man saluted once more and went back the way he came. After a few moments that tall man resumed his slow paced stroll. He was heading for his quarters, he didn't consider it necessary to go check on his crew; he trusted them. Upon entering his room, he lazily fell back into his chair, and placed his hands behind his head, and stared into the nothingness. He began to dream? [I]Fields of gold swayed left and right under the invisible brush of the teasing winds. The sun glared down softly upon the magnificent scene. There he was?captain strange?his strong frame standing out amidst the golden sea, and his shiny mane struck a hint of fantastic fire. He rushed swiftly and effortlessly through the wavering tides. He could only see the whirling tip of a white silken scarf. The sweet scent it trailed was intoxicating. His eyes were changing from black to dark red; they gleamed with desire. Like a fleeing dove the scarf glided away. At last after a while it drew very close; only an arms length away. He softly grabbed it, and with it he pulled a supple figure into his arms?He still couldn't see her face?she was turning around...[/I] "Captain?" burst in the man he saw in the corridor. Strange was startled out of his dreamy state, he jumped out of his chair; eyes as red as hell. "What is it DAMMIT!!!?" He exploded. "Uhh?umm...Uhhh?We?We?We successfully evaded the destroyers?" The man stuttered; shiny beads of sweat sliding down his forehead. "I hope you're going somewhere with this!" The captain snapped, his canines were now closer to vampire like fangs than teeth. "Do you have any orders sir?" The other asked as he shrunk back. "Hmm?" The captain closed his eyes, as he hung his head low; a cross shaped vein knotted on the side of his forehead. "Head for Kasumi the mist planet?we shall attempt to make contact with the brotherhood there?that is all for now?" "By the way?the next time you barge in on me like this I'll kick you?re a?" "Y-yes sir?it will never happen again?" "You should know better Kamuzo?" He opened his eyes and they were black again. "Now get the hell out of here, and tell that drunkard of a pilot we have, to smoothen this ride up for heaven's sake?move" "Right away sir?"Kamuzo fled. He let out a sigh once again, and decided to head for the command room. [I]Viper?Nightwalker?I wonder if they'll buy it?[/I] .
  19. Ok, cool more sign ups :animesmil : [B][I]DeathKnight:[/I][/B] Cool sign up...good job :animesmil . [B][I]Stark:[/I][/B] Cool sign up...Nice work :animesmil . [I][B]TheZeroSystem:[/B][/I] Still in progress...I think it'll be very cool :animesmil . [I][B]The_first:[/B][/I] Funny stuff, I like it :animeswea , but it would work better with some more detail, and try to space out the paragraphs, it'll look better :animeswea . [I][B]Jaybc:[/B][/I] Your sign up needs a lot of work, in terms of detail, and overall quality :animedepr, please try to improve it. :animestun The role of the S&D Captain will remain open, until Jaybc edits, and improves his sign up. :animeknow This RPG will start soon :animeswea . Sign ups are still open. :animesmil
  20. I'm going to take this to the underground thread in case it's not fit to discuss this in the Inn :animeswea check it out.
  21. Asim


    yes it is an attachment, and it's a yahoo account. :animeknow
  22. Asim


    I tried to use the URL of a song, in which I have in my e-mail inbox. I thought since it had a URL address, and is theoratically available online it might work. When I tried it the player bar wouldn't show, like when a picture is unavailable; y'know the empty gray space, and the little red cross at the corner. So I'd like to know if it didn't work because I did something wrong :animeswea , or was it because it wouldn't work in the first place :animestun
  23. An extra pic to help you out with your work, since the other ones are a bit hazy. :animeswea
  24. Ok, cool?it's good to see that people signed up for this :animesmil However I do have something to say about the sign ups: [B]Neko Sama:[/B] Your sign up needs more attention to detail, and you haven't said which side you're on. :animeknow [B]Sky Moonflow:[/B] nice sign up, but it could use more attention to detail in general, or in terms of weapons. Try to work on it, and give it some good old tweaking. :animeswea [B]Nefertimon:[/B] Cool sign up, I like it, but I must say that I'm also interested in seeing plans B, C, and D that you mentioned :animeswea ?however it's up to you, if you think that your other ideas would work better then feel free to post them. :animeswea [B]Illusion:[/B] Well done?good sign up. :animesmil [B]Sin:[/B] cool?good sign up. :animesmil As for the remaining sign ups, I need the captain of the S&D ship, and the heroin; these are very important :animestun . Other crew members would be nice, but if there are spaces left at the end I can make them NPCs. :animeswea Also about the music, it turns out that I can't do it by myself, because I would need web hosting, so if anyone could help me out with that it would be most appreciated. :animeswea
  25. [B]Name:[/B] Unknown. [B]Nickname:[/B] Captain Strange. [B]Age:[/B] Unknown (Looks like late 20s) [B]Side:[/B] The Star Gazers. [B]Personality:[/B] Strange in every sense of the word. Eccentric, a bit shy at times, and has a strong sense of righteousness, though he tries to ignore it at times. Sensitive, and a hopeless romantic, he likes to admire beauty in every form, from a sunrise, to a rose. Brave, and headstrong, but can get caught up in his obsessions. He strongly believes in giving his all to a just cause. He likes to help poor people, and may cry at the sight of a weeping child, but never shows his emotions. He can turn his heart to stone when needed, though he knows it will certainly eat at him from the inside later. He bottles everything up most of the time, and then just bursts at any moment. Even though he tries to be stable, he can sometimes be very moody; Proud, but humble, confident, and very difficult to scare. He is well read, and sophisticated. He has a taste for poetry in any language he understands, quite a daydreamer. [B]Appearance:[/B] He is tall; about 6ft5 in height. His body is muscular, athletic, and very well toned. His eyes are dark; at times they appear black, but at others they appear dark red. He has a sharp nose, slightly slit eyes, and long graceful eyebrows. His hair is of medium length, brownish, glistens goldenly when struck by sunlight, and is parted from the side in a messy sort of way. His features may appear sharp, yet gentle at the same time. He wears a black tank vest, and with an open, short sleeved red tunic over it. Around his waist is a brown leather silver buckled belt. He also wears a pair of light beige baggy cargo trousers, with a pair of brown leather knee high buckled boots. His fists are always covered with a pair of brown leather gloves, which have glyphs emblazoned all over them with threads of silver, when he's not wearing them you can see them sticking out of his back pocket. He has a pair of mirror lens goggles, which wears sometimes, and also a worn out leather jerkin, which he sometime wears instead of the tunic. He also wears shoulder holster, and has another holster on the side of his belt. [B]Weapons:[/B] [I][B]Phoenix pinion:[/B][/I] It is a retractable beam sword with a curved white blade of pure energy; it is of extreme intensity and radiating heat. It has a long silver hilt, and it also has an extension hilt, which one attached elongates the blade, and charges it with more energy. The letter X is etched on the second hilt in black. The extension hilt is kept on the left side of the shoulder holster, and the original one is in his belt holster. He is an established swordsman, and quite a formidable opponent when wielding this weapon. [B][I]Dragon's breath:[/I][/B] A pistol sized blaster that fires fiery red pulses of energy. It has quite a powerful impact, and penetrating force. Captain strange is somewhat of a trick shot with it, and is a moderately good quick draw. The muzzle has the shape of a dragon's jaws. It is placed in the holster on the left side of his belt. [B][I]Secret arts:[/I][/B] A lost form of hand to hand to hand combat involving rapid, but powerful, and direct attacks. It also involves some acrobatic maneuvering, and techniques. Captain strange is a master of these arts, and perhaps the only person alive that knows them. (Think Shotokan Karate/Ninjutsu). [B]Ability:[/B] Is slightly telepathic, and has a keen sense of danger. [B]Flashback:[/B] The moon stared wistfully upon the marvelous rose gardens; amidst the crimson beauties sauntered a tall young man. He paused for a moment or two, and inhaled the sweet aroma the mingled with the fresh evening winds. He loved it there, it reminded him of things that were, and were no longer. Nostalgia was his sweet torment, in which he happily inflicted upon himself every chance he got. "Roses?"He smiled, as he did back then when life was simpler. The word rippled in his sea of memories; sketching a face that has always lingered in the back of his mind. He smiled again. He continued in his slow paced steps as he gazed at the stars; the flickering gems that blissfully lit the night skies with their precious glamour. They were his only true companions through out his life. He never got bored of watching them. He never wanted them to change. Just beyond the hill he faced, a faint rumble resonated. The Dragon's Tear was ready once again to venture into the darkness of space, but then the sound just faded away. [I]Still not ready?[/I] He headed toward the top of the hill where a large and lone cherry tree stood. He sat on the grass under it, put his back against the trunk, and started to fall into dreamy slumber. His ship down at the foot of the hill, two of the crew members were silently working on her from the outside, and the others were inside. He took one final look at them, and then surrendered to the quiet symphony that bid him to rest.
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