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Everything posted by Asim

  1. If anyone has any questions, or suggestions regarding the RPG, please post here. [B][I]Edit:[/I][/B] Ok Nefertimon, here's what I think: All the characters you mentioned were good, but not what I had in mind fo the RPG. I think Chibu will fit best, but I have some suggestions regarding her; maybe you could give her some sort of weapon, or something I mean if that age she's on an elite search and destroy crew she must have something extra up her sleeve, in addition to the fangs and the sea weed strand, don't you think? :animeswea. Psychic powers are fine by the way, nothing too over the top though. So I just have the weapon comment about Chibu, otherwise you can feel free to modify or leave things as they are with her. I hope this clears things up, let me know what you think. :animesmil
  2. Asim


    Thank you very much for the info :animeswea , I really appreciate it. :animecry: :animesmil Thanks :cool: Edit: :animeknow I have yet another question :animeswea : If the audio file I intend to include in the post is available on my PC (i.e is available to me offline) how do I insert it's URL? :animeswea as I'm having a problem with this :animeangr, can I only include files available on the internet? or what? a bit of help would be appreciated :animesmil
  3. [B][I]The Voyage:[/I][/B] Ten years have passed since the Great War. The galaxy has been seemingly peaceful, but underneath the star crested curtains of space the fight still roared on. The victor of the Great War was an allied front known now as the Federation; the hand that holds the scepter. The thwarted were the followers of the Veilenion Empire. After the war the five heads of their clans, which were the only ones to survive, scattered out into the recesses of space. There was no good and evil in that war, but only the hunger for power, and wealth at the expense of ordinary people. The Empire had lost its majestic army to treason, and the overwhelming power of the Allied front. The blood of many was spilled in vain. The five chieftains of the lost Empire have been working secretly for the past ten years, weaving their web of darkness to form The Quasar Brotherhood; a secret society planning to resurrect the empire. At first, news of this society were laughed at, but with time the invisible threat of the society was materializing, as they held the strings of many powerful politicians. The Federation was aware of existence of the brotherhood, but could not find a solid trace to track them down. One politician is highly suspected to be deeply involved with the Brotherhood, a certain senator Hyo. They've tried to pressure him in every possible way, but nothing worked, and they can't just arrest him, because that would destroy their image, since Hyo is a very well known man of charity, and public service. He has a weakness though; his young daughter. The federation has been toying with the idea of using the daughter to their advantage for sometime now. Recently they started to consider it seriously, since the threat of the Brotherhood was progressively exceeding the safety line, and it was getting clearer that Hyo was indeed deeply involved with the Brotherhood. Another problem was rising in the Federation's agenda; the eastern pirates known as the Star Gazers. They've been looting, and destroying every supply and cargo ship passing through the very active Stardust Pass, which inflicted loads of financial losses to the Federations budget. These pirates were known to have once served the Five Clan Chieftains, during the reign, and after the fall of the Veilenion Empire. The Federation managed to ambush Dragon's Tear; The star gazers' ship. After a gruesome fight the crew members were captured along with their notorious leader Captain Strange. Since these were familiar to the ways of the brotherhood, they were offered a chance for forgiveness; a full pardon from the death sentence in exchange for kidnapping the daughter of Senator Hyo, and bringing her back to the Federation. This way if they were to fail then the federation could slip away unnoticed from direct suspicion. This would require the pirates to enter the Brotherhood's circle of trust again, how they did that was not of the federations concern. Captain Strange accepted the offer; he knew if he played it wrong or tried to double cross the federation there'd be even a higher price on his head than there is already, and that every bounty hunter in the galaxy would be on his trail. As for the pardon he and his group were offered, he was sure that it would be burnt to ashes once his task was complete, so he needed to buy time for the time being. The Federation however did not trust Captain Strange well enough, so they secretly sent a search and destroy force after him, lead by a skillful and decorated captain, to clean up after the job is done. The brotherhood would never stay still should such a disaster happens, and they would surely send Assassins after the pirates if Hyo's daughter is kidnapped. Turbulent times lie hidden in wait for the storm to break? [B][I]The General Idea:[/I][/B] This will be an action adventure/romance/comedy RPG, so keep these elements in mind when you post. There will be a time for seriousness, a time for love, and a time for the good old nose bleed. As for the events to unfold in the RPG be sure that there is more than meets the eye, the people accepted in the RPG will receive PMs from me giving them hints as to what happens next in the RPG, but I won't give away too much to keep things interesting. Also this will not be solely about the kidnap there's a lot more in store, a lot? Quality is required, so please revise your post before umm well posting it, as will I to keep a certain standard. This RPG is not politics it's about people, and emotion, keep that in mind. [B][I]Notes:[/I][/B] There will be three sides involved, the federation, the Star gazers, and the Brothrhood. The Federation will consist of the search and destroy crew (4 or 3 members plus the captain). The star gazers will consist of Captain Strange's crew (4 or 3 members plus the captain) Last, but not least the brotherhood will consist of two assassins, and the heroin. I will leave the number of crew members on side to the result of the sign ups, NPCs may be involved. Music by the way will be used in this RPG to intensify it's feel, if you want to add music to your post, it will have to be relevant tot the events occurring in the post, and you'll have to run it by me through PMs first, the use of music is not mandatory, I'm just saying that it will be used. By the way I'll be playing Captain Strange. Ok here's the sign up sheet: [I]Name: Nick name: Age: Gender: Side: Personality: Originality will be appreciated. Appearance:[/I] Picture, or detailed description. [I]Weapons:[/I] 3 max, and it can be anything you want, even if a bit retro, but no super weapons please. [I]Ability:[/I] only 1? mildness and variety would be nice. [I]Flash back:[/I] Your character in action doesn't matter when or where, or what the character is doing. I edited the sheet, and added side.
  4. Ok, the basic outline is kinda ok, but more detail would be appreciate it; I know that the pic you chose in particular is a bit far, but for example you can use details found in one of the other two pics to complement this one. :animeswea Anyway, if it took you only ten minutes, I think I'd like to see what would come up if you took your time to do it, so please go ahead and sketch the others. By the way feel free to use PhotoShop effects, tools or whatever to your advantage, and it'd be cool if it looked a bit anime-ish, of a serious anime though :animesmil you know what I mean? :animeswea, but if you think you can do a better job in sort of a portrait like sketch, then go ahead. Also if possible could you redo the one you posted? :animeswea , you did say you did it in only ten minutes, so I'd like that you take your time with it. :animesmil Thanks, and looking forward to see what comes up.
  5. Asim


    Cool, nice feedback... :animesmil When I was asking about including music with a post, RPGs were kinda what I meant :animeswea, since the Adventure Square is the only place (I think) where the addition of the music element would take the RP-ing experience to kinda of a new level. Relevancy of course is a must, otherwise there would be on point in doing it, and posting music in the first place, since the whole objective of it is to magnify the idea or thought intended in that certain part of the RP, and intensify it's feel in the entire story. :animeknow So, you're saying that music can be embedded in an RP, my questions are: :animesmil 1-How many songs per RP are allowed? 2- Is there a size limit? 3-How does one do so in [/..] [ ] terms? or is there another way? Thanks :animeswea
  6. Thanks for the tip Retribution, but I was just trying to make things interesting :animeswea Anyways I've edited the request, and am hoping it works out :animesmil
  7. Asim


    I have a question...well actually a few: Can music tracks or songs be included in a post? If so then what's the size limit? If not then I guess I'm making a suggestion to make it possible. :animesmil Thanks. :naughty:
  8. Hi there... I'm in search of a good sketching artist to make me a good banner and avatar. I've attached pictures of myself below. I want a sort of sketch like version them as a banner and avatar, feel free to change the background, and mix them up together, but make sure the natural sunlight effect remains present. It would be preferable if you can sketch them from scratch into an anime-ish, or just ordinary sketch (Either black and white, or in colour). oh and put either one of the following quotes in the banner: :animeswea "Time is the thief of memories" or, "Basking in the golden tide of the shifting sands" Thanks and enjoy :animesmil [B][I]P.S:[/I][/B] One of the pics (the really narrow one) has me riding on something that's not fully visible; it's a camel. There's also a guy looking in my direction in it, please do not include him in the sketch.
  9. Well, it appears that my idea was somewhat...well already done. I only read Blayze's firespark thread this morning for the first time, and found out that it was quite similar to what I had in my mind, though not entirely, well the ideas were different in plot; I had drama/romance/comedy in mind, but what's the point right? Anyways to cut a long story short thread closed.
  10. Asim

    Faded [PG-LV]

    [SIZE=2][COLOR=Teal][B]Name:[/B] Asim Harith Yousuf. [B]Nickname(s):[/B] Dreamer, or sometimes Golden Boy. [B]Age:[/B] 19. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Origin:[/B] Baghdad, Iraq. [B]Current Residence:[/B] A friend's apartment in the Hamptons in New York City. [B]Appearance: [/B] He is 6ft5 in height, with an athletic, muscular, and well toned body. He wears light beige cotton cargos, and a light blue collared cotton T-shirt, with a sleeveless navy blue vest over it. Around his waist is a brown leather belt with a square shaped silver buckle. He also wears mirror lens shades (Think Top gun in shape), a pair of blue and white basketball sneakers, a silver analog swatch on his left wrist, and white, blue streaked cotton socks of medium length. He always carries his MP3 player with him in his side pocket. Sometimes he wears a pair of reddish brown fur lined leather gloves, when he doesn't wear them you can see them sticking out of his back pocket. Has a scruffy very light moustache, and beard. His hair is dark brown, and his eyes are also dark brown. He has a sharp nose, and long eyebrows. His eyes are slightly slit, and his ears are a bit pointy. He can look very fierce at times, yet so gentle at others; considered handsome, and positively strange. [B]Curse:[/B] Gravity Break: He can manipulate gravity to almost every possible extent, this combined with his formidable knowledge of martial arts is very dangerous indeed; it enables him to perform maneuvers that are otherwise impossible. He can also shift his body weight freely, and magnify it with his gravity control (i.e. he can shift his entire weight and magnify it into a punch, use it to jump, levitate himself, walk on extremely thin or narrow surfaces by balancing himself?etc). Also there is somewhat telekinetic characteristic to this ability, since he can move objects or hurl them by focusing his thoughts. This power has been increasingly growing stronger since the day he discovered it; his jumping ability, speed, agility, range of control, strength?etc. This power however is starting to affect his peace of mind; he hears voices, and chaotic sounds to an unbearable extent at times. It troubles him greatly, and can make the simplest task impossible at times; it is literally driving him insane. He hates this. It also cripples his ability to speak when he taps into the curse. He puts on the MP3 player, and raises the volume to the maximum level to keep the voices out, when he uses his power. It gets very frustrating at times, causing him to lose his grip on sanity. However these voices do not make him paranoid, they just disturb him by screaming incoherent things at him, and reduce his focus to a dramatic level until he faints when it gets too rough sometimes. He knows that they are just in his mind, and that they are not real, but can do nothing to silence them. [B]Personality:[/B] Even though he tries to be stable, he can sometimes be very moody; Proud, but humble, brave, and very difficult to scare. He is well read, and sophisticated. He has a taste for poetry in any language he understands (Arabic, English, French, and Japanese), but of course being his mother tongue he enjoys it more in classical Arabic. He is not ashamed of crying, or expressing himself freely, though he bottles everything up most of the time, and then just burst s at any moment. He likes to help the ones who seem helpless, and get them through their crisis with everything he can get his hands on. Sensitive, but can also be heartless, and extremely cold. He likes opera, as well as other types of music (very eclectic), not so committed to a certain genre, though he took up learning the guitar a few years back. He loves his country with every fiber of his being, and gets very sad when he hears of something bad that's happened there, and longs to return home though he doesn't always show it. He dislikes ignorance and hypocrisy very much. He is also romantic and dreamy and likes to bring joy to people. May seem quiet, and shy to some, and sometimes he really is. He speaks English with a classical British accent, and has a very nice voice. [B]Biography:[/B] He was somewhat of a lonely child, but very intelligent, and always the top of his class. He discovered his curse during a basketball game when he was 10 years old. He was very happy with his powers at the time, as would any child in his place. Soon the voices in his mind began to faintly take action. As he grew older the voices grew louder and more frequent, until the war came, and that's when he almost completely lost it; he fell into deep depression, and his grades dropped for the next couple of years. During this period he met a girl that is still a mystery to him; she took his mind off of his hysteria for sometime. He only knew her name, and their conversations were those of smiles, and eyeing; he never managed to gather up the nerve to speak to her, though she made her infatuation quite clear, as did he, but never in words. She lived nearby, and he used to walk past her house whenever he had the chance, she would wait by her window, or fence to see him walk by. Eventually he stopped going there, he just wanted to spare them both the trouble in the turbulent times his country was, and still is going through. His family was never concerned with politics, but life was getting harder for everyone. The confusing thoughts were almost all that he can think of, though he sometimes smothered, and controlled them in order to force himself to study. It By the end of high school he made himself friends that he would remember all his life and he managed to raise his grades again. The situation in his country however was getting worse by the minute. As much as he wanted to stay, his parents sent him abroad for college for his own safety, as was the case for all his friends who were financially well enough to take such a course of action. He vowed he'd return soon. Now he's starting his first year at the NY university medical school, he still thinks he would've been better off in Baghdad, but he decided to make the best of the situation, and learn as much as he could. His power or curse is getting more abrupt with every passing moment. He currently lives at a friend of the family's apartment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. "Lord Asim the dreaming crane and Lady Sakusa?"The announcer spoke. Hand in hand; they entered the fabled domed hall of Diwa. The stars shined through the glass ceiling; shedding their tranquil beauty upon the mingling guests. Greeting his friends, and clansmen, he suddenly paused. A mysterious woman in a blue dress caught his eye; an old acquaintance. He slowly paced towards her with a wicked smile on his face. Sakusa was caught up in a conversation with someone. "Countess Aya, how gracious of you to add your beauty upon this already wondrous evening?" "Surely you think not to seduce me with such alluring words?" "Very presumptuous of you my lady?if you would've taken a pondering moment you could've seen that my heart is already in the hands of another?just beautiful as you?but far less twisted?" "You can have me now if you want, I don't mind?you know that other men bore me?they're so obvious?you on the other hand always left something for the imagination" She whispered as she grabbed him close, and kissed him on the cheek. "I have had my share of your games?sorry to disappoint?"He smirked, as he gently pushed her back. "Never my dear?you will come back to me sooner or later?" [I]I know you will?[/I] "Do not count on it?" "There you are my love?"Sakusa came, and held his arm. "Countess Aya we have not been in the grace of your presence for sometime now, I do hope all is well..." "Oh no need to worry yourself my dear?I just needed to retreat from all the excitement for a while?" "Very well then?" They exchanged pleasantries, but the atmosphere was a bit tense. "Please excuse us?We must go and greet Lord Diwa for this splendid setting" Asim said, as moved away with Sakusa. They talked with the host for a while, and then the music started. "There are rumors of an upcoming revolt?tell me Lord Asim do you see some truth in this?" Lord Diwa asked. "It certainly is true to some extent, but still the mob has a weak position, and there are many of our agents infiltrating their lines?If such a thing would happen I think we'll be prepared?" "Yes, but what of our fragile leadership?" "I say we leave politics for more serious times?let us enjoy the rest of the evening?our more gentle companions are in need of attention at the moment" "Ah yes, always a man of the ladies Lord Asim?very well please enjoy yourselves" Said Lord Diwa, with a smile. He was good man, and Asim trusted him. "Would you like to waltz??my love" Asim spoke to Sakusa. She blushed, and slightly tightened her grip on his hand; Pulling him into a corridor. He was pushed back into a wall. "Keep this in mind?" She whispered before pouring her soul unto him with an excruciatingly sweet kiss. [I]I love you?[/I]The sword reflected her thoughts. [I]And I love you[/I]?He thought. There was a moment of silence, and tears flooded their eyes. "I will?"He softly replied. "Now let us dance?the time is ripe" He continued. They stepped into the middle of the dance floor, and began to waltz under the moonlit sky. Aya stared with an envious gaze, as she squeezed on the wine glass she held. There was a smoldering fire in her large jade green eyes. Asim never knew such exquisite happiness, and neither did Sakusa. They wished they could linger forever in eachother's arms. To them there was no one else in that hall, but them; everyone else gradually faded away.
  12. The scorching pain in his heart wept like a helpless child. The brutal weight of defeat set in on his shoulders. Dazed, and nauseous; he could barely tell shadow from light. [I]Not yet?I will not be defeated not yet![/I] Veins knotted on his temples, and neck. The rope snapped against the shear fury of his bulging muscles. Clenched teeth parted to make way for a mighty bellow that echoed manically. Blood trickled down into his eyes. He rose, nay he glided to his feet; it was almost as if he walked on air. The soul consuming darkness of his eyes searched for the blade; his inseparable friend, and companion. [I]There you are?[/I]A dark grin was drawn upon his face. Trembling fingers ached, as they groped at what they desired; the bane. [I]I told you young master?you did not listen?[/I] "That is no dragon, but only a cowardly lizard?" He smugly muttered, as he stared at his glorious weapon. [I]Her flames will consume you?[/I] "Not before I sheath you in her scaly flesh" [I]That maybe so?I am honored by your undivided trust?you may yet escape the blazing agonies I predict?[/I] A shifting sound caught the attention of his keen ears; it was the old bartender; Chuck. He heard the shout, and came as fast as he could. Freya had told him to keep Asim restrained. He went away to arrange a cell in the storage room. "And what do we have here, a lowly patriotic dreamer?" Asim chuckled. The bartender had an old double barreled shotgun in his hand, and was taking aim, as he came running He hung his head low, and placed his left hand on the hilt of sword. "Sorry old man" He whispered. The blade was jolted out of the scabbard. Slicing through the air; it shrieked a horrible song. Blood sprouted out of the man's mouth as the blade was thrust in his belly. He fired a couple of shots, but in vain for the pain was too great for him to concentrate. The dreaming crane moved in with a slow and sure stride. Chuck was hopelessly trying to load the shotgun, before Asim could reach him. He managed to load one slug, before the katana was wrenched out of his stomach. His gun arm was then sheared off. He screamed until his breath ran out. "Before you beg me to finish you off?I want to know where those Halflings went" Asim uttered. "Never you Neoaristocratic swine" The bartender spat. "I see?" and with these words Asim calmly cut off the man's other arm, and laced the tip of the blade between his victim's eyes. "Never" The man shouted with tears flowing down his cheeks. "Very well" A faint silver flicker was the last thing Chuck saw before his head rolled off his shoulders. [I]Why did you not interrogate him further more?[/I] "He was bold enough to shed his tears of pain in front of me?It was the honorable thing to do... he protected his companions?it's very refreshing to see such loyalty at times like these?" Asim murmured. A small crimson puddle was forming under the dripping blade. [I]You are very strange?[/I] "That I may be?" He said as he wiped the blood off his glimmering reaper, and sheathed it once again. He then went to the bar, and picked his fallen cloak. Like a shadow coming to life; it embraced his body. The hood spread darkness upon his face. He calmly left the tavern. "One way or another I will find you fire breather?" He whispered. Coming out of the bathing chamber; he wore nothing, but the towel wrapped around his waist. Steam swirled about his wet body. He took a long look in the mirror; his face had not really changed over the years except for a scar here, and there. "I have missed you my love?" A sweet soothing voice glided to his ears. He smiled, as he turned his head towards his bed, which was at the far end of the room. On it was a supple figure in a silver silk robe; her name was Kasuka. He paced towards her with quickening steps. She lithely stood up, and threw herself into his strong arms. He closed his eyes, as did she. Nothing was said for a while. They only listened to the heartbeats of one another. His fingers gently stroked her long dark hair. She opened her beautiful eyes; they were filled with life, and hope as they shined under the moonlight coming through the windows. He took a long deep look into them; dreaming away. "I had urgent matters to attend" He said. "I understand, but still I missed you?" She said, as she tightened her embrace a bit. His index went under her chin, and lifted her head, so that he can look straight at her. "The masquerade ball at Lord Diwa's palace tonight?" He asked. "let us go" He continued. As her full luscious lips parted to utter words he softly, but intensely kissed her. "I won't take no for an answer?" He said, with a gentle smile. "Very well" She said blushingly. She then left the room to get dressed. He called upon Geigzer to ready his formal outfit. It was pretty much the same as what he wore previously, only white not black, with a golden belt, brown knee high buckled boots, and light brown suede gloves. He also told him to bring his mask. It was of silver, and had a long red feather; abstractly resembling the red crowned crane. He also took his weapons. "Excuse my intrusion sir?"Geigzer said. "You are excused?" "I have been informed that there is a possibility that the mob might raid the ball tonight?This comes from a reliable source?They want to steal something from Lord Diwa, but I don't know what...I was also told that they might ignore the peace treaty" "I appreciate your concern Geigzer, but I can handle myself, and those foolish rogues are nothing, but that fools?They will be crushed" Asim said. "Besides all the nobles are well armed, so let them come?" [I]They do have a plan?I can feel it?[/I] The bane spoke. "So what I will destroy them?"Asim said "Sir?" Said Geigzer in bewilderment. It was at that moment that Asim realized that the sword spoke more often, and freely than ever, and was doing so increasingly. "Nothing?nothing..." Asim said. A chariot halted in front of the entrance of massive palace. The place was alive with laughter, and people. A very charming couple descended, and gracefully walked in.
  13. Silence reigned in the tavern. He knew it was because of him. [I]Interesting...they're tense enough...Maybe its time to test their steel...[/I] As he took a sip of the cheap wine he was served, he looked into the eyes of the nervous bar tender. [I]This guy doesn't look like he's from around here...is that a sword he's carrying?[/I] The Katana's voice echoed in his mind. "Hey Chuck," Major said. "How's the wife?" Chuck shook his head sadly. "It's lookin' a bit rocky, Major." [I]Such a cheap trick...I don't think they'll be talking anymore now that I'm spotted[/I] He smiled. He silently unholstered his gun underneath the cloak, and pulled the cock back. He would strike in a few moments. He cracked his knuckles by clenching his fist, and took a deep breath. He whirled out of his seat; flinging his cloak in the air. The golden glyph on his cape gleamed under the dim lights. The gun revolved around his trigger finger, and then stopped with the muzzle gawking at Freya and her companion. The breath was let out. A sharp hiss was heard as the shot was fired; trailing a blurry streak in the air. Freya had expected the attack, and jumped aside; dragging Major with her out of harm's way. The blazing pellet smashed the booth into tiny splinters, and continued its destructive course through the wall; bringing it down. He had not intended to kill his foes with the shot, but just toy with them. The gun revolved once more, and was then placed back in the holster. His left hand firmly clenched the hilt of the sword. One the Chimeras at the bar dashed at him. A glittering arc flashed for less than a second, and was followed with a splatter of blood. The blade was now back in its scabbard. A long cut was etched across the wolf Chimera's chest, and shoulders. The half beast retreated a few steps back; shielding the female with his body. It wasn't too deep, or crippling a cut, but it would make his attacker think twice before trying to charge him again. "Know that it could have been your head..." He said calmly. The chimera clenched his chest, and grinned angrily. "Is it bad Oran?" The one called Freya asked. 'It's nothing" The Chimera answered. Asim's eyes then turned to Freya. She seemed somewhat familiar, but he did not know why. "Come on let's see if you fools can match the Dreaming Crane" He chuckled, and drew his blade. [I]She will destroy you...[/I] The blade whispered, and with it singed a flash back from one of his nightmares. "So you are the dragon in my dreams..." He muttered; his dark eyes burning with twisted curiousity.
  14. Sitting in the waiting lounge for quite some time now; Asim grew weary, and tired of Jinn's disrespectful behaviour. [I]This is getting too much, to hell with this meeting[/I] He headed towards the door, the secretary tried to talk to him, but he gave no heed. On the way out of the palace he met one of his friends; a spy that worked undercover amongst the mob. "It's been a long time your Lordship" The man slightly bowed. "Raise your head friend, we've known each other for far too long for these formalities..." "But tell me...what brings you to this rotting hole at this time?" "You know that such information is to be displayed in front of certain others before being shared in the circles of the pure blood" "Yes that's the way it should be done...But since the house of the Crane has the exhaulted honor of protecting the leaders of our clans...and since there is an unpredictable maniac in wait for leadership...I think I deserve to be intensely involved with the outgoing of things even if it means breaking a few procedures" "You should not speak in such a manner..."The man spoke in a low tone, as he took Asim aside. "You could be executed for uttering such things, be careful for Jinn has eyes and ears everywhere..." "Why should I care? I serve his father not him" "Yes, but sooner or later you will be under his wing of command, it's only a matter of time old friend" [I]Maybe sooner than you think...[/I]A voice echoed in Asim's head; his sword was speaking to him. "I will worry about that when it happens, now tell me what do you have to inform" "It is reckless of you, but do as you wish...anyway I've strong leads that point to a union of Chimeras, and the Mob...there is a slight possibilty of an upcoming revolution...sources say that their heads are meeting as we speak in the large tavern down at the old city...you know the one...but my informers didn't dare to go there...For if they're found out, then well...you know how it goes, just a lot uglier than usual" "You blundering idiot why not send in a platoon of elites to exterminate them?" Asim muttered. "That cannot be done, because of the recent peace treaty we cannot take such a course of action, or total war will break out" "Ah you stupid bastards, I'll handle this mysellf" Asim said, as he stormed out. [I]This will not be allowed...not while I'm around...[/I] He stood silent as the dusty winds blew; cloaked in a large black hooded robe that fluttered profusely. He decided to learn as much as he could before giving them a little scare, and shaking things up. [I]This should be amusing[/I] He grinned from beneath the shadows that covered his face, as he entered the tavern.
  15. He looked deep into the swaying red roses, as he twirled one between his fingers. [I]The nightmares are finally starting to decrease maybe it's because of her?[/I] He extended his sight, farther away into his beloved gardens. She sat on an oak bench under a blossoming cherry tree with a rose much like his in her hands; watching the winter cranes in the lucid lake. She truly was a magnificent sight to behold. He smiled. She was a new mistress of his, but he liked her more than he ever did any other; there was something strange about her. [I]They started when the chimeras escaped a few years back could there be a connection? [/I] He took a delightful sniff from the rose, gently kissed it, and then softly tossed it into the stream that ran beneath the arched bridge he stood on. [I]This brat that calls himself our future leader, I didn't like the way he looked at her at the party the other night.[/I] He walked through the corridors of his mansion. Hearing swift steps and abrupt breathing he quickly loosened his blade in its scabbard, but did not draw it. A wiry man, in a very elegant outfit came jogging from behind the corner. "Your lordship?his highness Jinn No Dante has just sent word that he urgently requests your presence?" The man panted. It was Asim's chief servant. "Very well, Geigzer thank you?you are excused" He said, and the wiry man bowed, and then turned away. All who served the house of the Crane did not call Jinn by his self proclaimed title, by orders of Asim. The house was one of the most known, ancient, and purest of all the Neoristocrat houses. They were revered by the others, and that is exactly why Asim sensed that Jinn had something up his sleeve for him. [I]Damn it! I could've killed him, I'm getting careless I should be more aware.[/I] After some time, Asim arrived at the presedential palace. There he first met Csir Abriel Valentine; Jinn's most trusted advisor. Asim did not like him at all. He just nodded, and went right past him without speaking a word. In fact Asim didn't like the way things were going ever since Xavier appointed Jinn as public representative. Things on the surface went smoothly, but Asim could feel that something eerily wrong was going on; things were just too good to be true. However Xavier was respected by Asim and his loyalty to him was solid enough.
  16. 'cracks knuckles' let's go: [B]Name:[/B] Asim Haraith A.K.A The Dreaming Crane. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Age:[/B] 26. [B]Caste:[/B] Pure blooded Neoristocrat. [B]Appearance:[/B] About 6 ft 5 in height, he is muscular and has a very well toned body. His hair is dark brown, and his eyebrows are long. His complexion is a little bit tanned. He wears a black vest underneath a black high collared silver buttoned noble's tunic. On his left shoulder is a silver rimmed short black cape with a golden glyph emblazoned on it. Around his waist is a black leather belt with a circular metallic buckle. He wears black trousers, and knee high black leather boots. His hands are always sheathed by a pair of gray suede gloves. His face is both ferocious and calm at the same time. Scars are found here and there on his body and face. His eyes are dark brown (They seem black). [B]Personality:[/B] He is a bit Playful at times, but always calm. He is proud, but humble, and may strike as a bit shy at times. He is sarcastic, bitter, and cold when he wants to. Bravery is also a trait of his. Underneath the façade of tranquility slumbers a beast, but through out his life he has never turned to this living nightmare that dwells within. He is very intelligent, and highly sophisticated. Called a lady's man, and is truly one; passionate, and emotionally scarred. [B]Weapons/Skills:[/B] [I]The Bane:[/I] An extremely long Katana with a two-handed polished white hilt, the Titanium blade glitters darkly with an extreme mirror like clarity. It can slice even through the toughest of steel. The Sword is placed in a decorated gray scabbard the hangs by the right side of his belt. He is an extremely skilled swordsman, and is a grandmaster of almost every style of sword fighting there is. He claims that the blade sometimes speaks to him, and tells him what people are thinking. [I]The Hunter:[/I] A single-barreled flintlock like blaster; the barrel is 16inches long. It uses magnetic fields to fire Titanium pellets, which are charged with pure energy at hyper velocities. It's range is indefinite. Each pellet is about 2 centimeters in diameter. It is extremely accurate, and unbelievably powerful. The only downside is that it has to be manually loaded every shot like an old flintlock, but it doesn't take long. He keeps it in a decorated holster strapped on his left thigh. [B]Writing Example:[/B] [I]Thunderous roars blasted through the silver horizon, bright red scintillations blazed, and the winds danced over the glistening edges of the crashing waves. A dark monstrous cliff stood valiantly as it looked over to the distance where a titanic storm was brewing. Near the sharp edge knelt a man; his grim desolation radiated in the darkness of his cold stare and fabricated eerie shadows of howling creatures here and there on the drifting winds. The flashes of lightning revealed his darkened face at irregular intervals. His head drooped over his broad muscular chest, which heaved with heavy gasps. The slender, and steel tempered fingers of his naked right hand lay pausing between his long dark locks, which seemed to gleam against the booming bursts of light. He was naked except for a pair of white crimson stained trousers, and muddy leather boots. On his back a great bleeding gash gaped, where blood slowly seeped down. The rusty katana limply clenched in his gloved left fist reflected the grim and miserable image of his broken spirit. Leaning on the sword; he got up, staggering, and barely dragging himself to move. His sharp hawk like eyes carelessly scanned a strange, and violent, but presaged movement within the shapeless chaos erupting far above in the mysterious vastness of the skies. A tired smile was dimly etched on his dry lips, and with it glided a curse. Flash backs of bittersweet memories rushed through his aching mind, the disturbing vision of a city of shadows, and torn flags, strangely accompanied with the warm image of someone dear to his lonely heart, a girl nay a woman of both spiritual, and physical beauty. A grunt escaped his clenched teeth; he shook his head, refusing to bind himself to the past, his tapping on the sword?s hilt played an interesting, but painful tune of long lost fortune. The storm grew wilder with crimson comets, hurtling down in the horizon. Standing upright, the chaos above approached with monstrous velocity. One hand rested on his waist, while the other pointed the blade towards the flames. A whirl of darkness and light swept through him. His nerves were as tense as the tip of a blade. A knee quivered involuntarily under the stress and twisted excitement. Death was swiftly gliding like a fiery arrow aiming for the very core of his soul; a gigantic figure jetting out of the shifting clouds, cloaked with the blaze of hell. The smile turned into a grin. He sprinted to the very edge of the cliff to meet his doom. It shot down at him in graceful flight. He was showered with glittering globes of liquid flames flung off the massive serpent like behemoth that writhed continuously. Gathering all the strength left within him he leaped to meet the plummeting rush of the beast with his flailing sword? [/I] He woke up startled, and sweating in his bed; his muscles tense. Turning to his side, he sunk into the arms of a beautiful woman lying to his left. "hush my dear" her sweet voice soothed him. "Will these nightmares ever cease?" He whispered. "They will for what's left of the night..." She smiled, and kissed him.
  17. Ok here goes: 1-Yes, there's a very good chance that I will be using the Chapter System. 2- I guess you can use some weapons, but not all. It will depend on the style of fighting you''ll choose for example you can use the Kobo-Jutsu style which is an Okinawan style of Karate characterized by the large array of weapons it uses. Still Kijo's school is a bit emphasized on empty hand fighting, and the farmers had no real contact with weapons for sometime, but I guess some students may have eventually made their own weapons, or were taught to use the tools they had as weapons, so you can put in weapons, but like I first said not all weapons. For example you can use weapons such as Tonfas, Bo staffs, even Sais, and Nunchakus, but keep it within a certain variety.
  18. I want to see if soemone can make me a Kadaj banner, and avatar using all the attached pictures plus the one below, and of course it'll have to look good. It doesn't matter if it's a slide show, or not. The challenge is on, but who can accomplish it?... [Img]http://www.ff7-2.com/screens8/big/10.jpg[/Img]
  19. Welcome to the Underground thread. If you have anything to ask post here.
  20. [B][U]This thread is rated Mature for LSV![/U][/B] [I][B]Karate is an ancient martial art whose origins date back over one thousand years. Karate can trace its roots to the Chinese Shao Lin fighting art. The Shao Lin style arose from the training methods introduced by Dharma at the Shao Lin monastery. Designed to build strength and endurance, these methods helped the Shao Lin monks carry out their religion’s strict discipline. The Shao Lin style migrated to Okinawa, where the authorities forbade the use of weapons. The Okinawan style of "empty-hand" fighting and self-defense soon arose, combining Shao Lin with indigenous fighting techniques. This martial art was called karate in recognition of its Chinese origin. ("Kara" means "Chinese"; "te" means "hand".)[/B][/I] I've been thiniking about an RPG that revolves around Okinawa in this period of time. It will involve a secret Dojo built by a man who's rebelling against the points of authority resident there. This man will teach people how defend themselves against the vile soldiers. I also wanted to throw in Zombies conjured by some mystical evil, thought to be the governor's consultant, and a ninja, and a samurai that were once frinds, but now enemies sent by rival generals in Japan to investigate the area, because they're both racing to take over the island for strategic power, but find that there is more than meets the eye going on there. Also I thought I could put in two lovers, a young ronin, and his mistress, a princess exiled to Okinawa, and there struggle to be with each other. I wanted to mix all these elements, and others still not mentioned in the RPG. This will basically blend natural elements, with others that are supernatural in a horror/fantasy adventure/Romance kind of way. It's all still a bit a messy in my mind, but I have many other ideas, so just let me know if this is interesting, so that I'll know whether to go through with it, or not. Keep in mind that this is only a very simple draft, and that the real thing will be far more well made, and detailed. I just want to know if the idea, and basic plot are attractive, or not.
  21. Well actually it would be better if you used another picture, and maybe you can put one, or two stripes at one corner, so that they they won't block the image. Thanks.
  22. Nice I like it, but can you perhaps change the avatar?
  23. Can anyone make me a Squall banner, and avatar? Please put some effort into it, and thanks in advance.
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