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Everything posted by Asim

  1. I challange anyone, and everyone able to fight into a battle. I don't care if I fight ten people on my own, but if anyone wants to join my side they're welcome to it. The number of people joining this spar will depend on you, I will set a deadline when the signups stop. Oh and if I see any poor sign ups, I'll let you in, but I'll rip your heart out in the first post, so I want to see some good work. Sign up: Name: Age: Gender: Side: With me, against me. Appearance: Personality: Weapons: 3 Maximum Abilities: 1 Only, and nothing too much. Others: Anything additional you can think of. I'll post my character later.
  2. I have a certain question regarding the RPG, so here goes : Is Ares after the exact same bandits that killed his parents, or is he just getting revenge from bandits in general? I ask this because if he is after th exact same bandits that killed his parents, then we've all made a big mistake because they'll have to be in their 40s since this takes place 22 years after the first time they've showed up, and the ages of the bandits that have signed up are barely in their 20s, 0r 30s. So I'll be awaiting an answer.
  3. Cruising on the highway , his senses tuned to the rhythm of the music and the driving . Aerosmith's " Take me to the other side " put to it's loudest , the sound of the guitar , and drums truly rocked the atmosphere . Yellow street lights passing through his sight , and reflecting their image on his wind shield . Then a faint booming sound caught his attention , he turned down the volume of the music , and then there was another boom . His head turned to the direction of the loud noise . A red flare gleaming down in the horizon he glimpsed . He got out of the highway , turned up the music again , and was on his way to the scene . After a short while he reached the place , there he saw Trix down on her knees , watching the remains of her charred car blazing like a bonfire . He was surprised , but decided that it was none of his business , he had enough action for one night , so he drove on and headed for his pent house . He pulled over in front of his building , got out and went up to his place . After a while of channel surfing , and having dinner , he went to bed . He kept on turning and turning in it , there was no sleep to touch his eyes tonight . He got up , wore his clothes , and then drove to The Black Wind's headquarters . There was no light there , only the moon gave a faint silver illumination that reflected on the glass windows . He opened the main gate , then went to his quarters . He looked at the sword cabinet , and a grin was drawn on his face as he walked to it , and opened it using a small key he had picked up earlier . He took a long Katana in it's sheath , then opened a small door near the cabinet . Behind it there was a Dojo built for him , as he had requested before his return to L.A He took off his vest , T-shirt , and shoes . Then he walked up to a large CD player placed on a brown desk , the device was linked to very large speakers . There were four of them , a pair at each side , and beside it there were CDs stacked one above the other . He chose one , and placed it in the CD player , then pushed play on the remote . It had a collection of many hard rock songs . The first was "Poison" by Alice Cooper . As the music started to pump , he walked to the middle of the Dojo , unsheathed the blade , and started to perform many Katas using the sword . Blazing cresents were gleaming in the moon light , as the blade swayed and cut through the air . Many songs went on , and he did not stop . Then after seventeen long tracks , he finally stopped . Drops of sweat slid down his face , so he picked up a towel , and wiped them . After that he took a shower , and then a short rest watching TV . He still could not sleep , so he decided to do a little tuning up for his car .
  4. Driving through the empty streets , the music smoothly flowing into his ears . A smile was drawn on his face as he remembered the dogs of that girl with Mitsubishi Lancer . She was fiesty and it was ok by him , but then it hit him that he did not ask for her name , and the smile turned into a chuckle . He pushed the gas peddle to it's limit , and car roared as it accelerated . He picked it up his mobile phone with his right hand and started dialing . " Hello " He said . " Well , if it isn't Asim " The other said . " Shut up and listen Cyber , there is a girl that drives with DSVs , she drives a Mitsubishi Lancer , I need a name " He said . " Man! you haven't been back for like three days , and already your picking up chicks , it's going to kill you y'know " Cyber said . " Did it seem like I asked for your opinion , because I really think I didn't , so put a sock in it , and start the info rain " Asim said . " Ok , suit yourself " Cyber said . " Well?... " Asim said . " The winner is Shelly Kang " He said . Asim was looking about him , and something caught his attention . Whatever it was it made direct contact with his more serious side . He pulled over immeadiatly . " Hello?... " Cyber required " Yeah thanks " Asim said , but his eyes were still fixated on the darkness that inregued him . " No problem , I'll be sending you an E-mail regarding... " Cyber said , but Asim shut the phone before he could complete what he wanted to say . It rang a few seconds later , but Asim was already out of the car . He shut the doors , put on a coat he had in the car because it was cold , and ran in the darkness near the beach . As he progressed , he started hearing screaming sounds , it was a girl . " Shut her up " A man said . Asim approached catiously , and looked about . Then his vision caught a glimpse of a girl being dragged by two men , her dress was almost completly torn . They threw her against the sand , she tried to run , but she tripped and fell . An angry grin was on Asim's face , he did not get angry easily , but this really ticked him off . " Stop ! " He exclaimed . " What ? , who said that ? " One of the men shouted . " I did ! " Asim said , and with these words he jabbed him on the nose , and then spin kicked him in the face . The man was immeadiatly knocked out . Asim was trained in martial arts in his early years as a hobby , but he continued training until his current age . The stench of alchohol he sniffed , as the wind blew , he knew that the other man was coming in from behind . He quickly turned around , and saw the steel of a switchblade gleaming in the moon light coming at him . He grabbed the man from wrist , and twisted it until it broke , the man fell on his knees screaming at the top of his voice because of the pain . The man cursed , got up , and then threw a punch at Asim with his other fist . The futile attack was also caught , and Asim twisted the man's arm until his shoulder was dislocated , but he still held on to it . He held the man's thumb , and broke it , then he kicked him away . The fallen one kept on turning in the sands trying to scream , but he was out of breath , and choking in his tears . Asim slowly walked towards the girl , her tears were racing down on her cheeks , and she was scared . She quivered because it was cold , and she had nothing on , but what was left of her dress , so he took off his coat and wrapped it around her . At first she was afraid of him , but then she looked at the badly beaten men , and she was reassured of his intentions . He carried her to the car in his strong arms , and put her in . After turning on the engine , he ws going to the nearest hospital . " Do you want to use the phone ? " He asked . She nodded her head in approval , and so he gave her the phone . She called a friend , and asked her to wait in the designated hospital . She remained silent through the way , her eyes staring at the road , her brown hair streaming down over her shoulder , she was a very good looking woman to say the least . They finally reached the hospital , and as she got out she bent down smiled and then said : " Thank you " " No problem " He said , with a grin . He was now back to his former cool , and playful self . After revving up the engine for a short while , the car sped like a thunder bolt . Driving to DSV headquarters for a little fun , he saw Shelly there , so he pulled over near her . " So Shelly , you never did tell me when will we race ? " He said with his usual grin on his face .
  5. Lying back on the hood of his car , his arms folded behind his head . He stared at the stars , and took a deep sigh . He always came here to relax , and put his thoughts together , but then the sound of roaring engines broke the silence . " What the hell ?! " He exclaimed , as he stood up on the ground . He was standing on an abandoned bridge which overlooked "Thunder Road" . Looking over the rail he saw Trix , and Nate racing his way in speeds like that of falling meteors . " Trix racing ? " He whispered to himself in question . Soon they were passed the bridge he was on , and were speeding away . He watched with keen eyes , and then grinned . After that he quickly got in his Porsche , and rushed back to El casa de Gato . Reaching the place , he saw that other racers were fixated on the race , although sight was no good , but they could still hear the engines . He stayed in his car , and awaited the arrival of the racers , he wished to see what he was going to race against in The Street Wars . Looking about him he saw a crazy looking fellow in a Gremlin , he looked familiar , but Asim just couldn't remember who he was . Anyway he got out of the car , and walked to the bar . He looked about at the bottles , then calmly said . " Do you have anything without Alcohol ? " " What ? " The bar tender asked . " Never mind , just give me a bottle of mineral water " He said . The bar tender handed him a cold bottle of water . " Thanks " He said as he walked away . Asim never drank Alcohol on his usual days , because he considers it to be filth , and he was not going to before a potential race . He leaned against the car , as he opened the bottle , and took a sip . Looking at the driveway , there was still no sign of the racers only the roars of steel were heard . Looking about him he saw two cute girls , one sitting on the hood of her Ferrari , and the other one leaning against a Mitsubishi Lancer . Both of them watched the race with great intrest , then he remembered that the girl on the Ferrari was Nate's sister , but the other he was not sure who she was .
  6. A grin on his face , as he watched Trix dissappear behind the cars . He was a bit annoyed , but also enjoyed the challange . He wanted to follow , but decided that he should save his energy for a real race . After that he followed the map on his GPS to reach the Black Wind's new headquarters . The place was a large complex of warehouses , it had a lot of workshops to tune up cars , chop up cars , and even make cars . Asim stopped in front of one of the warhouses , the door was closed of course , so he honked a few times in a certain tune , which the gang remembered him by . After a few seconds the large door opened , and he drove in . After parking the Porsche he got out , and he was greeted by the other gang members . " Back at last , The Street Wars are for us to win this year " One of them said " Other cars should watch out for the sand storm , 'cause the Crazy Stallion is back people " another exclaimed , and the others cheered for him again . " Yeah yeah , ok now you lazy bums , get back to work , you don't want to have your knee caps busted now would you ? " He said , the gang was used to his attitude , they respected him , and considered him to be somewhat of a leader . " Hey Stallion , they wanted a word with you , check out your new place , just walk straight forward through that corridor then take a right , you've got a computer terminal there " One of the gang members said . " Thanks for the info " He said as he walked in the direction the man told him to go . He came upon a large black door . He opened it , and found a faintly lighted room , with an oak desk that had a laptop on it , and two cabinets , one with a lot of books , and the other had a collection of swords in it , plus a few pieces of polished antique car parts . On the desk there was also a collectors item , it was that of the first Porsche ever made . He smiled , as he saw that all his old stuff was in place . Then he calmly walked at the oak desk , pulled up a chair , cracked his knuckles , then started to work on the computer . He had an E-mail which instructed him with another riddle it read : " Go to a place were steel sings , in a melody of sparks and fire , you can hear it through out the night " " Again with riddles ! " He whispered . " Cyber needs to get a life " He laughed . Cyber was the alias of the man that gave Asim the important info , he was one who called him earlier. This form of connection was established so that the police would not get any news of The Black Wind's underground activities . Their methods were catious , and wise . He grinned , as he shut the computer , but he understood his orders , the riddle was meant to tell him to go El Casa de Gato . It was a gathering place for underground drivers , where cars raced all night long . He slumbered through out the afternoon , and woke up at sundown . Washing his face with cold water , he felt quite refreshed . He was a bit thirsty too , so he filled up a large glass with cool mineral water, and gulped it down to the last drop . After that he wore his gloves, got into his Porsche , and drove off to the designated place . On the way he stopped at a traffic light , and his mobile phone rang . " Asim here " He said . " How did you like the riddle ? " Cyber asked . " You really are getting annoying ! " He exclaimed . " I see that understood it " Cyber said . " Of course , it was easy " Asim replied . " Good then , because the boss decided to give you full control you can do as you see fit from now on , I will only call to check your progress " Cyber said . " Ok thanks , now buzz off I need to focuss on the racing " Asim said . " Signing off " Cyber said . Asim shut the phone , and as he did he saw Trix pass by in front of him , on the way to El Casa de Gato . This was intresting he thought to himself , as he took off with a roar of steel , when the light turned green .
  7. The night sky was decorated with a silver full moon , and the winds whispered through the empty streets of L.A . A silver Porsche purred , as it stopped in front of a very large and prestigious skyscraper . Then the engine stopped running , and a tall man in a very well made , and expensive suit got out of the car . He walked to the other side of the car , and opened the door , a beautiful girl in a black dress got out , her golden hair glistened in the moon light , her yellow eyes shimmered like burning comets . She smiled as he took her hand , and shut the door . Then as they walked the large glass doors of the building entrance opened , and they went through . There was a man that sat behind the marble desk , The tall one signaled him with his hand " Keys please " He said . The man was the usher , so he took the keys from a small silver deposit box , and gave them to the other one . " Any messages ? " The tall one asked , as he walked towards the elevator . " Yes sir there is one , but it is rather strange " The man said . " Well , what is it " The other said . " I think it's better that you read it , I wrote it down , but the caller didn't say who he was " The man said , as he gave the other one a piece of paper . " Thanks anyway " the tall one said , as he turned around with the woman holding his arm . He read the piece of paper quickly , then he placed it in his pocket . He then got in the elevator , and went to the 40th floor . The doors slid open , and they walked out of the elevator , the tall one then whispered something in the girl's ear , and she giggled in the most beautiful way . He opened the door to his pent house , after she entered he walked in , and shut the door . It was early in the morning time . The sun broke through the shaded glass of the expensive apartment in the form inclined rays .Only the sound of splashing water was heard in the quiet apartment , a while later , the water stopped , and a muscular figure wrapped from waist down with a towel came walking out brushing his wet hair with his hands . He looked to his side , and saw the beautiful golden haired woman lying peacefully . Silk sheets wrapped around her lithe figure , she was softly awakening , like a blooming flower . " Where are you going ? " She softly asked while gently rubbing her eyes . " Sorry Countess , I have to run now , as much as I would like to , I can't spend the entire day with marvels of breath taking beauty like you , because that may drive my poor mind to absolute insanity , for It hurts ones eyes to stair at the sun for too long " He said with a slight grin . " But ... " She tried to speak with a smile on her face . " Shh " He whispered , as he placed his finger on her lips . " I'll be right back " He whispered , with a smile . Her cheeks blushed , and she bit on her lower lip . He then carelessly walked to another room , which seemed to be a closet . After a while he came out wearing a deep blue T-shirt , with a black vest over it , and black baggy trousers , with blue and white sneekers . He went back to the other room , and went to a small oak desk , there was a pair , of leather gloves , a bandana , and a watch . He put the gloves in his belt , wore the watch , and put the bandana in his pocket . He also remembered the note he left it in the suit he wore the night before , so he picked it up from a chair , and pulled the note out , placing in the pocket of his trousers . The girl had taken a quick shower , and was back in her dress now , she smiled at him again , and he walked her down to the building entrance . When they reached the street , he had already called a limousine for her , and it was parked in the street , while the driver waited for her near the building entrance . " What is it that you wanted to say ? " He asked . " I will be leaving tonight " She said . " Back to Germany ? " He asked . " Yes , I'm afraid that this is farewell I will not be able to come back here anymore " She said . He frowned ,as his slender finger grazed her face , the news disturbed him , but that's life he thought to himself . " Who knows maybe we'll meet again someday " He said . He shut the door , and took one final look at her , she smiled , and so did he . Then the Limousine moved away . He clenched his fists in a bit of anger , but then he loosened them , after all he had his obligations to The Black Wind , and that would have gotten in the way sooner or later . He then remembered the note , so he pulled it out of his pocket . It read : "They are great in numbers , but their strength lies in one , the wounds of the beast are healing , be catious" He then tore the piece of paper , and threw it away , he knew that the letter was about the DSV , he had heard of their recent problems , and gave no importance , but he decided to see what they were doing , just to be on the safe side . The sun got in his eyes , so he took out his shades which he had kept in a pocket in his vest , and wore them . He got into his Porsche , turned on the music , revved up it's powerful engine , and then he took off like a blazing bullet . Racing through by the other cars , at a great speed , this was one of the things he truly enjoyed . The sun gleamed against the polished exterior of his car , and as he changed gears he felt that rythm of the engine , and the hardrock music were like blood pumping through his viens . After some time he reached the DSV place , strangely there was Trix from the White Lightning , what buisness did she have there he thought to himself , but soon he remebered that she was somewhat of a friend to the DSVs . A grin was on his face , weakness was clear on the faces of the DSV members , their time was up he thought to himself . He then revved up , and moved through that street with great speed , whether they saw him or not he did not care . Then his mobile phone rang , so he picked up . " Hello " He said . " Hello there Asim " The caller replied . " Did you get my message ? " The caller asked . " Yes , when are you going to stop the riddles ? , man ! you watch too much TV " Asim said . " Does this mean you did not understand it ? " The caller asked in sarcasm . " No , don't worry about that I did , but what if the DSVs are getting their ace car fixed , what's that got to do with me ? " Asim replied . " That ace car is what gets them going , without it they cannot win " The caller said . " And ... ? " Asim said . " Listen I don't care if they drive rockets , I am going to beat them , and that's all you need to know , so stop ruining my morning " Asim exclaimed . " Good that's the kind of attitude you need to win " The caller said . " Ok , now where are the new headquarters located ? , I go away for a few months , and they move the entire place , without even telling me " Asim asked . " We had to move , because there were some problems in the old place , anyway it's near you , I'll download it on your GPS , check it out " The caller said . " Ok thanks " Asim said . " No problem " The other replied . And now Asim shut the phone , and was on his way to the new headquarters of the Black Wind . Who would he run into on the way , he did not know , and did not care .
  8. Here goes : Name: Asim Harith The Crazy Stallion. Age: 26. Eye Color: Pitch black Hair Color: Brownish . Gender: Male Personality: Easy going , calm , and in control . He has quite a charm over the ladies , and is considered to be a bit arrogant , although he really isn't . He is a focussed , and really skillful driver in the race . Intemedating to many other racers , because of his confidence , and as cool as ice attitude , although he sometimes on very rare occasions gets a bit angry . Not much is known about him , he and his gang have appeared recently , but word is that they are top notch drivers , and they proved it for they have won in every race they joined since their appearance . He is sleek , and can handle himself quite well . No one knows who the true leader of his gang is , but it is known that Asim is one of big names in it . On the streets he is known as the Crazy Stallion. Appearance : Stands at the hieght of 6 Ft 6 , and his built is muscualr , and wiry . His skin is a little bit pale .He wears a deep blue T-shirt , with a black sleevless vest over it that has the design of a demonic black stallion on the back , and a pair of black baggy trousers . He also wears wears a pair of white/blue sneekers (attached) , and a pair of black leather gloves with shapes of silver fire etched on them . Around his waist is a brown leather belt , that has a black buckle which has the shape of the head of the same stallion on the back of his vest . He always wears a silver analog watch . On his left arm there is a tattoo of the porsche shield crest broken in half by a galloping black stallion leaping out of it . He also has a pair of shades which he wears a lot ( attached ) . He sometimes wears a black bandana with the words ( If we must die let it be like this ) etched on it in red . Gang your in: The Black Wind. Car Make: Porsche Car Model: Porsche 911-GT2 ( With special modifications ) . Car Color: Silver Horse Power: 660 (800 with Nitrus Oxide ) Modifications: A powerful V10 engine especially made for his car , enhanced Twin turbo Kit , Nitrus Oxide , advanced intercooler system ,customized VarioCam Triple plus (the latest evolution of the Porsche VarioCam variable valve timing system, it features variable valve lift to deliver maximum torque and power at all engine speeds. It also helps improve fuel economy. Dry-sump lubrication ensures a reliable supply of oil to the engine - even under extreme lateral and longitudinal g-forces ) , improved special models of the twin Motronic ME7.1.1 control units, one for each of the two banks of cylinders. Especially made to adapt with his car , the system incorporates a comprehensive range of management functions, including on-board diagnostics, electronic throttle, air-flow metering via hot-film air-mass sensor, and stereo lambda , of course the twin electronic engine management system ensures optimum engine performance under all driving conditions. The system also controls the electronic throttle across the entire rev range , and a PCCC ceramic clutch system which he has modified for the 911-GT2 model , essentially it is a two-plate dry clutch, Porsche ceramic composite clutch offers unprecedented power density and a rotating mass approximately 10 times lighter than on a conventional clutch. The result is a more immediate throttle response and a reduction in synchromesh load. Pedal weight and travel are specially configured for a more intuitive and comfortable drive. Plus an enhanced prototype Motronic unit also helps control the VarioCam Plus and cylinder-selective knock control systems , and an exterior Carbon package , this includes a carbon-fiber rear spoiler, exterior mirrors and radiator ducts . He also installed a pair of large high output speakers in the back and front of the car , in addition to a CD player ( His favorite song for racing is One Wild Night by Bon Jovi) . Picture of car when stock: ( attached ) Editing Finished !
  9. Two ships glided through the clear sky . Their metallic armour gleaming in the sun , and the blue blaze of their jets trailing behind them . There were two ships one small transporter , and a large cargo ship . The small ship came down on the landing pad , followed by the cargo ship . A tall man descended from a small staircase on the side of the transport ship . Gusts of wind from the landing cargo ship , raced at him . His eyes squinted , as he watched the large ship slowly land , then he paced to a large glass door , and entered the base . Striding through the hallways , the tall man calmly paced . He then stood in front of the elevator doors , as he waited for it to reach the floor he was on .His right hand rested on the hilt of one of his long swords . A battle from the past flashed in his mind , a scene of destruction it was . Gunfire blazed like golden blisters etched on the clear night sky . Then suddenly his thoughts were interrupted . A beep was sounded , as the metal doors in front of him slid open . Entering the elevator , he punched in the number of the floor he wanted to go to on the conrtol pannel , and stood still , his right hand still resting on the hilt of the blade . As the the doors opened again , he lifted his hand in front of his eyes for a very short while , as beams from the golden sun came through . In front of him was a bridge , which stood high above the control room . He heared a little bit of noise , coming from beneath , so he took one shifty glance , and with it he saw a girl running to her radar station , she seemed quite confused , and not in proper order. A faint smile was drawn on his face , then he continued on his way through the bridge to a large pair of doors . There was a slot which required him to slide his security pass through it , and so he did . He continued to a small corridor , which ended with a large door made of oak . Upon entering , he saw a very large glass desk , and behind it a chair that was turned in the other direction , towards a very a large window which let in a lot of sunlight . " Had a pleasent flight Captain ? " A rough voice asked , as the chair turned , and a man was in it , he had a black file in his hand . " Yes , General Burnhoff " The man calmly replied . " Sit down " The man pointed to a chair . " Thank you sir " Asim said . " I presume that you were informed of the current situation ? " Burnhoff asked . " Only bits , and pieces sir " Asim replied . " I was only told that this post needed help to terminate a new Zeon threat " He continued . " It is not just that , here you will be a very effective element in the destruction of those Zeon scum , because many of the critical , and more dangerous battles are being fought here , and a pilot of your skills will be extremely helpful " Burnhoff said . " More information wll be supplied to you later , and as we speak your weapon is being loaded in the cargo bay " Burnhoff continued . " Your reputation preceeds you Captain , and much is expected from you " The general said . " I will crush the Zeon threat sir . I assure you when I am finished here there will not slightest trace left to indicate that they once existed " He calmly said . " Good , Feel free to inspect the base for orientation purposes , you have full access " Burnhoff said . " Your belongings have been brought to your quarters , which are in the eastern wing , you are now excused , and here read this it will bring you further enlightment regarding the nature of your work here " He said , as he handed Asim the black file . Asim got up , and slightly bowed , then he turned and walked out of the chamber.
  10. Here goes : Name: Asim Harith ( The Charging Meteor) . Age: 26. Gender: Male. Faction: Earth. Appearance: He is a tall man about 6 ft 5 in hieght , he has quite a muscular , and athletic built . His eyes are pitch black , his hair is slightly brownish , and his skin is a little bit tan . He wears a very prestegious black tunic , and black trousers , with black leather boots . The silver ranks on his shoulder are always polished . Around his waist is a silver buckled belt . Two decorated scabbards that hold a pair of long Katanas hang from the right side of his belt .The buckle of the belt has the shape of the head of a serpent . He also wears a short black cape over his left shoulder , it bears a silver symbol , which signifies his family's crest . Plus a pair of black leather gloves , which he always wears . Mech: Janyu Alpha- it is very new and unknown to the Zeon and even some of the Earth forces. Other Weapons: A pair of long Katanas placed on his right side , the blades are made of a strange material that will endure even the heat of an energy saber , and a short shotgun gun like nine barreled pistol , with very powerful rounds . Position: Elite infantry division . Personality: He is confident of himself , quite , and a bit dark . He conducts his missions with calmness. Always in command he is respected by his comrades , and looked highly upon by the Earth leaders , because of his extremely skillful piloting . Though he seems a little bit arrogant , he really isn't . Some people admire him for his skill , but others are a bit intemidated by him . He is very loyal , but sometimes he will do what he sees fit . Also he has a certain charm over the ladies . Bio: Born of a well known family thought to be in Iraq , which was famous for it's long line of warriors from his greatest grandfather to him . His father began to train him at the age of 10 , he was amazed by the piloting skills of his son , because of this he was given a special , and advanced training program , which molded him into one of the best earth pilots . He was always the top of his class , and in combat with the highest number of enemy kills , he was also the best in martial arts combat , and fencing using the Nito-Ryu style ( Fencing with two swords ) which was taught to him by his father who had traveled through all the continents , and learned quite a lot about the world. When the Janyu Alpha project started , Asim was already one of the very few pilots chosen by the commanders of the Earth armies to pilot the new mech model . None of the pilots on earth knew of the secret project , except for Asim , and the few that were chosen with him . Until recently when the final model was made , but still not much information was known about the pilots including Asim , or the new mechs .He was chosen to be the pilot of the first Janyu Alpha . He struck fear in the hearts of enemies . Almost nothing was known about him or the new mech , and his existance was sometimes considered to be only a rumor . although his rank is very high , and he has the authority to command many of the armry divisions if nessecary , he still moves from one unit to another where his skills are needed .He aquired the nickname Charging Meteor among his comrades , because of his skills in battle that crush the enemy . Tell me if there is anything I should change .
  11. The sign ups are still open here , but only until ColourDeaf completes his Bio , after that there will be a period of three days for anyone who wants to sign up . So if anyone still wants to sign up I suggest that you get to it , because this will start very soon .
  12. Good work there Doukeshi03 , and thanks . Of course I would also like to thank the others for their contributions , so thanks .
  13. The banner is good Hikari no Yugi ,but if you could just do some changes on the Avatar .
  14. Ok , can anyone make an Ifrit banner , and avatar . It can be from any Final Fantasy game . Remember now keep it good , and put some effort into it . Thanks in advance .
  15. Ok , good sign ups there . Now about the abilities here's as an example of what these abilities can be : The character can have keen eye sight , or knows more than one language ( can communicate with European and Chinese merchants ) , or perhapas the character can be good at brewing herbal medicine , poison etc... Anything simple would be good , as long as your character cannot breathe fire , or shoot lightning bolts than it is Ok , but slightly enhanced physical abilities are accepted . I Hope this clearifies things .
  16. can anyone make a dead or alive 3 Hayate or Ein banner , and Avatar ? . Thanks in advance .
  17. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    O.O.C: Come on now , nobody likes loose ends , and this RPG deserves to be properly finished , so let's do this . The blue blaze of steel , the sparks that fled like fire flies , indeed there was a battle in the temple , Asim was sure now , for not only did he hear the clash of steel , but saw it . He rushed with all of his strength , brandishing his Scimitar which he held by his side . He roared like a lion would , as the deafening claps of thunder blasted in announcement of a wild storm . His right hand reached for the silver shield on his side , and clenched it , he entered the darkened stone chamber in search of blood . He could only see shadows , and these were enough for his keen eyes to distinguish friend from foe . His right arm he pulled back , and then he unleashed it in the direction of illusive enemy , which only knew of the presence of his opponent at that moment . The silver circle hurling at him like a falling moon , as it sounded it’s dusky whisper . Eyes dilated with surprise , and out of breath , Maboroshi was frozen with confusion , and did not know whether to move back or forward . With his focus disturbed , Ayami’s blade at last found it’s way to his flesh , it’s tip cut his chest , and if he was a second slower to move the whispering circle of death would have taken his head . He jumped back , but the flying shield did manage to inflict a wound close to a fatal point in his neck . Asim drew the shield back , and like a shadow he glided at his opponent , with the grace of a panther . His blade swept through the air , as it formed Crescents of silver that gleamed against the flashes of light given by the lightning blasts . As he attacked he took large strides at his opponent , pushing him back , trying to give him very little space to move . Bleeding and aching , Maboroshi was desperate to find a way out of the continuos slashes , that were growing faster and stronger . At last he found the right moment to attack , and so he did , with an upper vertical slash , but the warrior parried this assault and recoiled with a smack to Maboroshi’s face with the sharp edge of his circle shield , blood spluttered down to the ground , and then with a circular motion he took a step forward to destroy his opponent with a final hammering slash . Although Maboroshi was weakened by his wounds , he still sustained his senses and combat skills , so he leaped to the side in a very critical moment , and once again fled the murderous blade of the warrior . “ Cowering away like the dog you are ?! “ Asim roared with anger . The other was now drenched in the shadows , and Asim could not see very well . The assassin answered with a silent stride at his opponent , followed by a quick slash to Asim’s chest . The warrior could not defend himself against that attack . Vanishing again into the shadows like a coiling cobra , lurking in the darkess to hunt down it’s prey . “ You are quite a fighter I’ll give you that “ He hissed . “ Show yourself you coward , I will skin your hide like a snake’s “ Asim said , in a grim tone , regaining his dark calmness . Then he heard light footsteps coming toward him , so he started to move as well . They could sense each other’s position , but they awaited the right moment to attack . Circling like around , as if vultures around a carcass , so much of a blink at the wrong moment could mean the loss of their life . Asim held his shield in front of him , and his sword to his side , whilst the assassin pointed his blade forward . Lightning burst into the sky , and with it burst a flash of steel , both the warrior and the assassin seized the moment , and attacked . Their steel whistled as it traveled through the air , but both of them missed and hit nothing but thin air . Again they started to circle around , awaiting the next flash of light , and so it was . Another thunder bolt crashed down . Both of them drew their breath , and attacked with a roar as their steel whistled in it’s bitter sting once again . Ayami only saw two blazing arches etched against the darkness . She could not tell who was her friend , and who was her foe in her delirious vision , and she dared not step in the middle of this battle . For she would be in danger of falling under her enemy’s blade , or perhaps distract her friend and be the cause of his death . All she could see was two shadowy figures standing with backs given to each other , like black statues , frozen and motionless . Asim , and the assassin had both struck , but they did not know whether it was a fatal slash or not . The truth was that both of them had inflicted quite a wound to the other , and were bleeding . Falling down and clutching their wounds , the pain was horrid , for the slashes went deep . Asim was hit in the chest again , and Maboroshi was slash near his stomach . They knew that they could not finish this battle now . “ Damn it ! . we’ll finish this later stranger , next time our battle will be in the light of day “ The assassin said with a grin on his face , as he fled with large and silent strides out of the stone chamber , while clenching his wound . Asim turned as quick as he could , and sent his sword flying at the fleeing enemy , but it was thrust in the wall , and did not hit the assassin With a mouthful of curses Asim struggled to get up , and he walked to Ayami , and carried her on his shoulder , she did not resist , for she was half a sleep with her forehead burning with fever . He pulled his blade out of the wall , and staggered his way through the muddy earth to the castle , where he ran into Taro . He led them through the rest of the way , Ayami was taken by the maids to a separate place to be treated , and Asim was led to his chamber . “ We must clean this , bring us some Sake woman ! “ He muttered . “ No , I will not cleanse this wound with that fil… ! “ And before he could finish his words , he had a surge of pain in his chest . “ Bring me water ! “ He exclaimed . “ Shut up ! , we need warriors more than ever now , and you will have to deal with it , whether you like it or not ! “ Taro muttered . “ This wound needs to be handled quickly “ Taro said . “ Hold him down “ He exclaimed . And two soldiers walked in and tried to hold Asim down while Taro was using the Sake to clean the wound , but the wounded giant beat the soldiers away with his strong fists . He was in a state of delirious rage . “ Hah ! , More guards ! “ Taro thundered . And two more soldiers came in , so the four of barely manage to hold Asim , but it did work , and Taro poured the Sake on the wound , it stung Asim like a wild flame spreading threw his blood . Then his vision went blurry , and he fell to deep sleep , all the energy within him had been used . A few maids came in after that to treat the warrior's wounds , and bandage them .
  18. Asim

    Rival Schools

    His face was expressinless , but his fist was clenched , and ready to fight . “ Let me handle this … “ He murmured as he took a few steps in front of Kokyo , and awaited the approaching attackers . They attacked with violent punches , and kicks , which Asim evaded with simple shuffles . They were tired now , so they stepped back a bit to catch their breath . “ Are you quite finished now ? “ He murmured with sarcasm . He released a dark chuckle , as he took a side stance . His attackers rushed at him again . He knocked out the first one with a straight thrusting punch to the stomach , and an elbow to the face . The second one he attacked with a front sweep , that made the attacker drop on his back , then Asim continued with a punch to the neck , which left him twisting, and clenching his neck in pain . Kokyo walked towards Asim , as he jumped back standing upright on his feet . “ Who are they ? “ She asked . “ Just fools trying to get answers , never mind them let’s get to Gedo high now “ He said . “ Very well “ She said . “ I suggest we look for Daigo in Gedo , because he may be the only that can be reasones with in there “ She said . They finally reached Gedo High , it was in a bit of chaos , but nothing out of the ordinary . “ Hey what do you want ? “ A student muttered . “ Where is Daigo ? “ Kokyo asked . “ He is not around , and will not be for a while “ He answered . “ Well , does someone know where he is ? “ She continued . “ None of your business you Justice maniacs , now get the hell out of here before … “ He was interrupted by Asim , with a punch to the nose . Asim then grabbed him by the neck , and began to strengthen his grip choking the student . “ First of all no one talks to her like that , now apologize before I break your neck … “ Asim calmly said . The student tried to push Asim away , but he caught the student's arm , and twisted it to near breaking point . “ I said apologize “ Asim repeated with the same calm tone , as his fingers were crushing the other one’s neck . “ I’m … sorry “ The student barely hissed out . “ Good , now who knows where Daigo is ? “ Asim asked . “ Possibly … his … Sister… Akira “ He hissed . “ And where is she ? “ Asim asked , loosening his grip on the students neck a bit , but he was still twisting his arm . “ Either Seijyun , or Taiyo High . Some say that she was transferred , but I doubt it if she knows something “ He answered . “ And why is that ? “ Asim muttered . “ Because she is looking for him too “ The other said . “ Useless information “ Asim murmured , as he set the student loose , that ran away . “ We should get back to Justice High now , Gedo is in just as much confusion as the other schools are “ Asim said . “ I agree “ She said . They were heading back to Justice High now , and as they entered the courtyard , there was Sakura fighting with the same strange student , that Asim , and Kokyo had fought earlier in the hallway.
  19. Asim

    Rival Schools

    A wolfish grin was drawn on his face , as he leaned against the wall . “ Oh really ? “ She said , as she put her arms around his neck , and leaned against him . “ Yes “ He whispered , as he looked into her eyes , and put his arms around her . Then a sound of a girl’s scream , and running was heard . “ What’s that ? “ Asim hissed , as he turned his head . “ It’s coming from downstairs “ She said . “ Stay here … “ He said , as he ran to the stairs . He slid down on the railing of the stairway , and rushed in pursuit of the sounds . He looked about the sunlit hallway , and made his way to the source of the disturbance . There was a girl getting attacked by someone . “Hey ! , leave her alone “ He muttered . The other man quickly turned his head at Asim , but did not let go of the girl , which he held from her arm . He also held a small knife in his other hand , in the midst confusion the girl somehow slipped away from his grip , and ran away . “ What is the matter with you ? “ Asim angrily asked the student . The other replied with a grim stare from his eyes that were expressionless , and almost dead . Suddenly he threw his knife at the Asim , and dashed at him . Asim made a back flip evading the flying blade , and landing in crouching position . The strange one attacked with a drop kick , which Asim blocked by crossing his arms over his head , then he pushed the attacker back , and stood on one hand while he kicked his opponent with both legs in the chest , and neck . Asim was back on his feet now . He heard Kokyo coming down running through the hallway , so he quickly kicked the attacker in the chest once more pushing him back more , and turned around crouching , as he tangled his fingers together , like a net . He winked at Kokyo with a grin , she knew what he meant , so she increased her speed . His palms gleamed in a strange blue light , he was charging up Ki power . When she was close enough she jumped using his palms as a launching pad for a devastating flying kick , Asim used his Ki power to add more strength , and momentum to the attack . He hurled her at the attacker , in splendid technique , and strength . Her flying kick sent the attacker gliding across the hallway , smashing him against a wall . Asim stood up , and walked at Kokyo . “ So our training paid off after all “ He said , with a smile . “ Now , let’s see where the unfortunate attacker is “ He continued . They walked at the fallen one , blood was coming down his nose , he was in some sort of seizure . “ Must … bring… more people … for … the Master … “ He murmured continuously . “ It looks like he’s brainwashed or something “ She said . “ Yes , I’ve read that in certain types of hypnosis , that the one subjected to the mental force , will suffer from a psychotic episode , or seizure , if the Hypnosis lasts for too long , or if he is violently traumatized out of it , but he will soon regain senses “ Asim said , as he checked the symbol on the man’s jacket , it was the symbol of Gedo High. “ I guess we just kicked him out of it “ She said . “ Well , now we know where to start looking “ Asim said . “ Gedo High “ She said . “ Yes “ He agreed . They turned their heads back , and the raving student was gone , he simply vanished . Both Asim , and Kokyo were amazed . “ This is really strange “ Asim murmured .
  20. Asim

    Rival Schools

    It was still early at the beginning of the day , the rays from the sun pierced their way the silver clouds . He was Cruising on his motorcycle going to Justice high school , on the seaside road . He suddenly stopped to admire the view . The silver tide crashing on the shore , the sun awakening , and rising above the horizon , his eyes reflected a grin through the glass of his black racing helmet . Some strange thought went through his mind , then he revved up the bike , staying in the same place , while his tires screeched , and put up a little smoke from the friction with the asphalt . The engine roared , as he lifted it’s front , and like a racing bullet he rushed back on the road . After a little while he reached the parking lot of the school , he dismounted his bike , and removed his helmet putting on the seat of the machine . “ You freaks ! “ He heard an angry voice . He turned around to see who was it , with utter calmness . There were three students , one from Gorin , and the other two from Pacific high . He knew this because of their uniforms . “ Everyone knows that you’re the ones responsible for this chaos “ The Gorin student said , as he pointed the bat in his hand at Asim . “ I do not have time for this , I suggest you take your anger with you , and get back to your schools“ He said , as he turned around to finish locking his bike . “ I have lost three friends because of your school . Hey! Are you listening ? “ The other student said . Asim did not respond . “ We are talking to you “ The third muttered . Asim still ignored them . “ That is it ! “ The Gorin student said . Then he pulled out a baseball from his pocket , and flung it in the air , then he hit it with his bat . Hurling it with great speed at the calm student . Asim put spun in the air , and kicked the ball back at the Gorin student , with great speed . It went to his stomach , as it spun in a spiral motion . He held his stomach in great pain , he was completely out of breath he fell on his knees , then on his face . Twirling , and twisting on the ground , as he clenched his stomach in agony . “ What! “ One of the other two muttered . Then they attacked Asim , with a double dash . He stood still , with a unique Karate stance . Awaiting the attack , by the time they reached him , he had gathered enough Ki power in his left fist . He launched a straight thrusting Karate punch , that released a shock wave in the atmosphere , and a blue light that gleamed in his palm . It violently threw them a few meters back , near the other fallen student . Their minds were distorted , it was as if they were hit with a sledge hammer on the head . An utter feeling of dizziness , and disorientation they felt , as they held their foreheads trying to regain their senses , and wits . He calmly walked at them , after he picked up his bag from the bike , and he slightly bowed in sarcasm as he said , with a calm tone . “ You idiots make sure that you never bother me again , with these foolish acts . I might not be so peaceful next time “ . Then he continued walking to the school , he went to his classroom , no one was their yet , except for Kokyo Makihari . She was looking out the window , something bothered her . He did not say anything at first . “ Good morning “ He said . She turned around quickly a bit startled , she tried to hide it . “ Good morning “ She responded . He then left without a word slowly pacing to his locker , which was near the classroom . She came out standing near the doorway , then she slowly walked beside him . Something occupied her mind , a problem of some sort .
  21. Asim

    Rival Schools

    Name : Asim Karizama . Gender : Male . Age : 17 . School : Justice high / Dark side student council . Position : Student . Height : 6 ft 5 . Weight : 175 lbs . Appearance : He is quite tall . He has dark sliver eyes , and black hair . His built is athletic , and muscular . He wears a pair of black trousers , with a white T-shirt that has the design of a black dragon on it , and he wears a loose black jacket over it . He also wears black sneekers , and black fist guards . Short Bio : Appeared in Justice high just before the chaos began , he is a strange man that likes to be alone , and dislikes rowdiness . He is a very calm , and silent person . No one knows much of him , but he is known to be quite intelligent . He is a member of the martial arts team , and is a member of some sort of secret society . Also he has a black racing motorcycle . Girls easily fall into his arms . Fighting : He masters Karate , Jujitsu , and Aikido . He combines them with his Ki blast moves . Very powerful . Let me know , if there is something you want me to change .
  22. Name : Count Asim . Gender : Male . Age : 26 . Appearance : A tall strong framed man , He has black eyes , and black hair . He has a diagonal scar , that marks his face . Always wears his gray imperial uniform , but does not wear the hat . His black boots are always polished , and around his waist there is a thick black leather belt , it has a circular shaped metallic buckle , plus two holstered silver buckled belts , that are placed in a tilted sort of way , forming an X ( Think the belts that Squall wears in FF8 , but with holsters ) . Over his uniform he wears a short black jacket , with slightly wide sleeves . He also wears a pair of black leather gloves , and near the polished silver ranks on his shoulders , theirs a strange symbol . It is the symbol of his noble family . He sometimes wears his black hooded cloak to conceal his appearance when he is in field missions . Species : Human . Class : Noble/Seth . Team : Imperial . Disadvantage : Vengeance consumes his soul , he’s too loyal to the empire , and at last pride . Advantage : He can use the force . Home world : Kamino ( It lies in the outer-rim ) . Bio : He is the only surviving member of the nobles of Kamino , his family he doesn’t remember a lot about , he was told that they were killed by a group of raiding mercenaries . He was only 5 years old when he was taken in by a Seth warrior , who saw the boy’s potential powers so he raised him like a son , and trained him in some of the arts of the force , making Asim his student , but after 6 years he died at the hands of a Jedi . Therefore the Seth was unable to complete the Count’s training . Being only a child at the time The young Count watched from the darkness he hid himself in , as his master was killed in the battle , and somehow the Jedi did not sense The Count's presence . Asim then started to hate the Jedi , and swore vengeance upon them , he took the path of the Seth , and continued his training by himself . When he reached the age of 19 he joined the imperial army . His high intelligence , and skills were recognized by the emperor , and soon Count Asim became one of the finest of the imperial army , his rank was going up rapidly , but he did not announce himself a Seth , though the emperor knew what the man was . Asim wanted his powers to remain hidden , until the right time , so he also trained himself in gun fighting , which he excelled at , combined his skills to excel at both gun , and light saber fighting . He joined the empire to satisfy his vengeance , and destroy the Jedi and anyone who stands by their side . None shall rise against the empire anymore he decided . Although their he is somewhat evil , he is still quite an honorable man . He was now assigned to ensure the safety of an imperial weapon factory , because their were rumors of a rebel group planning to destroy it . The emperor sent the Count to give a helping hand to the imperial forces there , and even lead them . The soldiers , and officers fear Asim , and respect him , because he was considered to be one of the emperor's top special guards . He was sent to a Star Destroyer hovering over the designated planet , to start the mission . The scar on his face came from one of the many battles he had fought . There was a lost love in his life , a girl he met as a teenager , but he was somehow separated from her along the way , he found her again in Tatooine , but she died in his arms from a blast that was meant for him , but she incedently got in the way . The assassination attempt by the rebels failed , but his heart was now filled with darkness , and hatred for them , as well as the Jedi order . He blamed them both for the losses he had suffered from in his life , this made him accept the current mission to destroy , and crush the rebels on this planet . Equipment : Customized Blaster : A large custom made blaster pistol ( it’s as powerful as a beam rifle ) , he’s one of the fastest quick draws around , and is indeed a great marksman with it . He puts it in his right side holster . Light saber : A long red light saber , that has a one handed curved handle , that can be extended to fit a two handed style , this also gives extra length and power to the generated light saber . He puts it in his left side holster , and the extension hilt in a small holster in the back of his belt . Skills : Ranged : 7 . Melee : 7 . Stealth : 0 ( He doesn’t need to be stealthy ) . Grace : 3 . Health : 3 . Body strength : 3 . Mind strength : 4 . Piloting : 4 . People skills : 0 ( He commands everyone , whether they like it or not ) . Sorry if the Bio is too long , if there is something you want me to change let me know .
  23. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    ? Open the gates! ? He muttered. The guard opened the gates without questioning, for he recognized the warrior. Asim rode in through the gates to the stables, where put his horse to rest. He walked in the bloody rain, the sound of splashing rain drops had deafened his tired ears, and his face was shaded by the hood on his head. The darkness hid his grin of anger, he was still enraged by the recent events, but then he took a deep breath, and calmed down. He did not like it when anger, or hate took over him, he considered them to cloud a person?s judgement. Continuing to the interior of the castle, his boots slightly splashed in the shallow puddles of water, and blood. He made his way to Oda?s chamber where he heard Taro, and Gen discussing some matter with the Shogun. Asim slid the door aside, and stood grimly. He did not enter , as if a gaunt phantom from the underworld , he lingered at the entrance , then he pulled back the hood from his head , revealing a dead stare from his pitch black eyes , that burned through the shadows . ?Is it done? ? Oda asked, with a bit of hesitation. ?Yes, Ino is dead ?Asim answered with a grim tone. ?It will take them a little while to gather their forces. The death of their master has left them in state of confusion, but they will come for vengeance I am sure of it ?He continued. ?And then? ? Oda asked. ?Then they will die! ? Asim calmly muttered, in an expressionless stare of anger. Then without a word he left, shutting the door, and walking down the candle lit corridors. The area was calm, he only heard the sound of his boots pounding against the wooden floor, and the faint sound of rain drops tapping on the surfaces of the roof tops. He went out in the rain again; he felt that something was amiss. He looked about him, but found no troubling thing; he thought it was only his mind deceiving him after a long day of tiresome events. He then decided to take a walk to the temple, and then head back to his quarters, but as he got closer to the destination, he sensed a disturbing movement in the area, so he quickened his paces, and put his hand on the grip of his blade.
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