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Everything posted by Asim

  1. Name : Asim Harith . Age : 29 . Gender : Male . Nationality : Iraqi . Appearance : A tall man , about 6 Ft 6 in height , he is strong framed and muscular , yet slender . He has black eyes , and straight brownish hair , his complexion is slightly tanned . His right eye is scarred , but he can still see with it . Wears a black uniform that is of his squadron , it consists of a black vest , and black army trousers . He wears black leather army boots , and over his vest he wears a long black coat . He also wears a pair of black gloves made of a strange durable fabric mixed with light titanium alloy . His uniform , and coat are also made of the same mixture of components , that his gloves are made of . He sometimes wears shades . Military group : The 29th Black Serpents Air/ground Special Ops team ( consists of five members including Asim ) . If anyone is interested in joining this squad , just Pm me . Position : Team leader . Code name : King cobra . Rank : Unknown . Weapons : A gunblade , that has a long titanium blade , and it also has a twirling cobra engraved on the handle of the weapon . He uses it for close range combat , in addition to it?s excellent long range capability , uses special customized 49 caliber APIT ( armor-piercing-incendiary-tracer ) russian bullets for it , he puts it in a black holster on his left side . A customized AK-47 long barrel assault rifle , that fires titanium tipped armor piercing rounds , and two large silver double barrel Mikarof 45 Russian automatic pistols , with Cyanide tipped bullets . Bio : He became a soldier from the age of 15 , through time he witnessed countless wars , and proved himself to be a natural born soldier . His IQ was way above average , and his combat skills were very great , which gave him the position of team leader in the 29th Black Serpents Special ops team , but before he was given the position he was sent to train in Japan , Russia , and Germany . Time passed , and with it Asim?s skills grew even greater than they were before . Extremely experienced in both martial arts , and weaponry , he truly became a great soldier , he handled assassinations , field combat , and espionage . He was even trained as a fighter pilot , so he also handled air strike missions . When this war broke loose his team was assigned for all large scale missions on the front , and beyond . His opinion of this war is that it is pointless , but he will give every last drop of blood that runs in his veins to defend his country , and he will break down the enemy no matter what the cost . He is a strong willed man , that knows not the meaning of fear , nor failure . He is a man of his word , and he always maintains a state stragtegic thinking . His Team members like him are extremely loyal to their country , and were also carefully selected , and trained for the special Ops team . If there is anything you want me to change , just let me know .
  2. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    Riding through the silver clouded horizon , Asim and Kaiyumi , pushed their steeds to the very limitation of their speeds . Then they slowed down when they reached the outskirts of the town . “ Now why did come after me ? “ Asim asked . “ I found you to be a great warrior , and I wanted vengeance upon Ino , and his sick hordes “ She said . “ But don’t you spy for him ? “ He asked . “ Yes , but I was not a spy for that disgusting beast my whole life . I was the only one left alive , after a murderous raid that his assassins carried out on a village that me , and my family were at . My father was a European merchant , that did a bit of exploration as well , he married my mother a Japanese woman from that village , and stayed there . I can still smell the blood that was on the hands one of the assassin that took some pity on me , and kept me alive . Afterwards I was taken by this man to the assassins’ fortress . He kept me hidden for a month , he secretly took good care of me . Until … “ She said , then paused . “ Until what ? “ Asim asked . “ Until one of Ino’s dogs found me , and took me to Ino . He asked for the one who brought me , the man came , and as soon as he did , he was pinned down by five arrows , from Ino’s guards , but still he fought , but there was no chance for him , h was left to rot in the courtyard to rot like a dead animal . Then Ino found me to be helpful , I spoke the language of the foreign merchants , and I knew a bit of Japanese , so he employed me . I was only ten years old , when he made me work in that disgusting place , that you sought me at , then he started to train me in the arts of his assassins . He thought of it as a long term investment , that bastard ! “ She said , as a tear came down her smooth ivory cheek . “ So why me ? “ He asked . “ You are different , when I saw the hellish flame in your eyes , as you held me . I knew that you hated Ino , and his kind as much as I did for one reason or another “ She said , while she was wiping the tear of her face . “ Where I am going there is only death , go and get a new life somewhere else “ He said . “ No , I will go with you … “ She said . “ Because no matter where I go , I’ll be dead in a matter of a day or two , word will spread out of my treachery , and the assassins loyal to Ino will hunt me down , with you at least I can die an honorable death fighting the ones I despise in broad daylight , and not in the cold shadows “ She said . Suddenly she noticed a movement . An assassin in the near woods behind Asim was taking aim at him , with bow , and arrow . He somehow followed them from the castle . “ Look out ! “ She cried , as she jumped from her horse knocking Asim down from his steed , just when the arrow was released , from the assassin’s bow . The arrow struck one of her lungs , it was a fatal wound . “ No ! “ Asim shouted . He carried her , and went behind an old broken stone wall that there stood as a ruin , to take cover from the shower of arrows . “ Damn it ! , why did you come here “ He muttered , with a great regretful tone in his voice . “ I had my wish , I will now leave this wretched land at last … I thank you … for such … a glorious moment … “ She said , as her beautiful eyes stared at Asim . She was going through a lot of pain . Then she passed away , Asim gently shut her eyes with his fingers . This scene awakened a fierce storm of anger , and rage from long forgotten past . The vision of many friends that died in front of his eyes , and now Kaiyumi , his heart was starting to pound faster . He could not hold the anger within his soul anymore , as he roared like raging lion . Laying her down on the soft green grass , he got ready to finish off the assassin . “ You will pay for this ! “ He muttered , as he charged at the assassin who came down to see where Asim, and Kaiyumi were . The assassin sent three arrows flying at Asim , but the warrior violently smashed them with his Scimitar . The assassin threw his bow , and drew his blade . He tried to attack Asim , but the attack was useless , for Asim’s speed , and force were too great . Asim’s blade rendered through the assassins flesh , the warrior split the assassin in half with a great hammering slash , which struck like a blazing bolt of lightning . Asim looked down , at the mutilated corpse with hateful eyes , as the rain washed the dripping blood off his blade , then he turned back , and walked at Kaiyumi . He picked up , a small shovel from his saddle , and started to dig , after a short while he stopped digging , then he placed Kaiyumi in the pit . He took one final glance at her beautiful face , and released a deep sigh of sorrow , and pain . After he completed burying her , he marked her grave with a few stones he found lying about . He took a vow to destroy all the assassins , and end their era in this region . Then he got back on his horse , after setting Kaiyumi’s steed free . He rode on through the town , and back to Oda’s castle .
  3. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    His mind was in a state of chaos , his head was spinning . The lack of defense of the castle , and the continuos bloodshed were making him see that these soldiers were not really fit to fight the assassins at the moment . There was only so much that he and the warriors can do , so they needed time to think up a plan , and gather their strength . He cursed , as he walked back , and forth through his chamber . Then he remembered one of the assassins telling him that Lord Ino had eyes , and ears in the region through the houses of the so called madams . He decided to take the initiative , and behead the serpent , instead of killing the little snakes . He would now seek out this Lord Ino , and take his head , to at least weaken the assassins , and break their attack . He knew that there was a bit of rashness in his decision , but he wanted to do this no matter what the cost . He was angered by the recent attacks , and how easily they were conducted , how could these assassins pass so easily through the castle ? , he thought to himself . The castle would not last much longer . The warriors needed time to gather their strength for a real attack , for he knew that these raids were nothing next to the real charge that was in the works by the assassins . He took his cloak , and went to the stables to get his horse . Walking in the rain of blood , he felt a great battle coming , he almost smelled the blood that was about to stain his steel . The only one who was informed of this plan was Lord Oda . He smiled , as he entered the damp stables . He looked into his horse’s eyes , a war bred animal it was used to the smell of blood , and the loud clash of steel . “ Come on Naizek …. “ He whispered in the steed’s ear , as he pulled it from it’s bridle . He then made his way to the main gates . “ Open the gates “ He muttered . And as the guard was opening the gate Taro came . “ Where are you going ? “ He thundered . “ Ask Oda ! “ Asim said . With these words he rode off into the muddy path heading towards the town . It was night , and with rain the streets were empty , only torches from the house of Madame Kaiyumi were faintly lighting the place . She was a known woman , and her house was a very famous place , but no one knew what she looked like . Asim dismounted his horse , and tied it to a nearby wooden pole , and as he was approaching the structure he heard sounds , and voices of women coming out of the place . He kicked the door open , there were two guards behind it . “ Where do think you are going ? … “ One of them muttered , as he pulled his blade in front of him . Asim twisted his hand , breaking it , then knocked him against a wall , and knocked the other out with a hit from his elbow to the man’s nose . There was another door in front of him , he also kicked it open . He saw many rooms on the sides of a long corridor , leading to a staircase . He took the staircase up . There in front of him was a large door guarded by three guards that were half drunk . He casually approached them , and knocked one out after the other , he threw the last one through the door , and walked in behind him . Behind it was green eyed girl , her hair was brown , and her features were half Japanese . She was dressed in a black Kimono that contrasted with her pale skin . She was quite beautiful . Sitting on a silken pillow , combing her hair with an ivory comb , she did not get up . “ Where is Kaiyumi ? “ He asked . “ You are speaking to her “ She answered calmly . He was a bit surprised , she was not what he expected , and she was too young for such a vile job . “ You are Kaiyumi ? ‘ He asked again . “ Yes , what do you want ? , speak quickly if want , my guards will come , and slay you in a matter of minutes stranger “ She said in the same calm tone . “ Not if I can help it “ He murmured . “ You will now tell me where your lord Ino is “ He muttered . “ I have not heard of such a name before “ She said , as she quietly got up . “ Do not waste my time girl , speak now , or I will beat the words out of you “ He said , as pushed her on the wall , and placed his scimitar on her neck . “ You are not like other men , I see that you have restrained yourself with anger , and guilt , you seem quite troubled “ She said . The guards came in then . “ Leave her now “ One shouted . “ If you wish them to stay alive , I suggest you tell them to go “ He said . “ I tend to think that you are the one that is going to die “ She said . “ Very well “ He said , as he turned around . There were four guards . The first approached trying to stab Asim , with a lung using his spear . The warrior caught the spear , cut it in half , then he kicked the man against the wall , and threw the metal spike at his neck , plunging it’s sharp head in the guard’s neck . The other two leaped at him with there blades gleaming in the candlelight , he blocked both blades with the Scimitar , thrusting the blades back , then he quickly drew his dagger , slashing both guards in the stomach , then kicking them both with a continuous circular motion . One was left , he wielded a large , and hefty pole , with a big iron ball at it’s end . The man was large , and he towered over Asim , although the warrior was tall . His bulk weapon swayed , and dropped left and right smashing the surroundings . Asim evaded with quick shuffles , and leaps . Then in the right moment , he found the opportunity to strike , so he did with a cross slash , from both sword , and dagger in the giant’s face . “ Now speak girl “ He muttered , as he turned facing the girl . She was surprised , but also a bit impressed . Her green eyes burned strangely , as she gazed at the desert warrior . “ I said speak “ He murmured , as his fist was tightened around the girl’s smooth neck. “ If I tell you I’ll be dead before dawn “ She said , with a chuckle . “ If you don’t tell me you will die now ! “ He said . “ I don’t think you can kill a girl “ She said . “ Do not test my patience ! “ He muttered , as he tightened his fist even harder on her neck . She felt pain , but then he loosened his grip . “ He lives in an abandoned fortress in the middle of the forest , there is a path leading there from east of the town “ She said . He then let her go , and turned around getting out of the place without a word , leaving the destruction behind him . He went back to his horse , and followed Kaiyumi’s instructions . He somehow knew that she was not lying . Travelling through the dark forest , he felt some unseen eyes watching him , then they were suddenly gone . He then tied his horse to a tree . He could now see the main gates of the castle . There were very few guards , but he decided to enter in a stealthily manner , using his enemy’s weapon against him . He used his whip to get over the wall , then moved silently to the main building . He was not noticed by anyone , as he moved through the castle to the upper area , he found chamber there which seemed to be the leader’s room . He carefully moved the slide door open . There was a dark man there , sitting in front of a table , and writing , under the lantern light . “ Ino ? “ Asim hissed . The man quickly turned around , his eyes widened from the surprise , but Asim sensed no fear from the man . “ Yes , I am him “ He said . “ It seems your dogs have left you defenseless. You will die now “ Asim said , as he drew the scimitar with his left hand . “ I am not weak enough to need their help “ The other said , while pulling a large Katana from it’s sheath . They moved around carefully , then they stopped like lions waiting to attack . “ This will end with one move “ Ino said . Then like two blazes of lightning they attacked each other , although Ino was a bit old he was still a great swordsman . They stood still giving their backs to each other , after a quite moment Ino fell down dead from a large wound in the chest . Asim had a minor cut in his shoulder . He wiped the blood from his blade , then sheathed it . Just when he was about to get out , an assassin came in . “ Intruder ! “ He shouted . Asim quickly silenced him with a slash , then he ran down through the corridors , killing anyone in sight . When he reached the courtyard it was filled with assassins , but still he dashed through , slashing relentlessly . It was a storm of blazing steel , and red rain of blood . He broke out of the castle leaving countless slashed , or beheaded corpses behind him. Running to his tied steed with a group of assassins on his trail , he was like a phantom moving through the shadows . At last he reached the horse , and just when got on it , he heard three faint whistles of traveling darts . They were not at him , but at an assassin , who was up in the tree Asim had tied his horse to . Getting ready to attack . He fell down dead , and the other two darts were two other assassins , coming Asim’s way . They were also killed . Then a dark , and lean hooded figure , came down from a tree crouching . “ Please take me with you “ It was a woman’s voice . “ What !? “ Asim surprised . The woman removed the hood , and it was Kaiyumi . “ What do you think you are doing ? “ He asked . “ Just take me with you , I saved your life , repay me by granting me this favor that I ask of you “ She said , still crouching . “ Get up ! “ He muttered . “ Do you have a horse ? “ He asked . “ Yes , I’ll get it “ She said , as she brought it from a nearby tree . “ Come , you will explain yourself on the way , and then I will decide , if you are to come with me or not “ He said . Then they started ride back , towards Oda’s castle . Although he killed Ino , he knew that Enishi would sooner or later come for revenge leading the assassins , or perhaps by himself . O.O.C : Kaiyumi can be played by a player , if anyone wants to , after Hatake’s approval of course , but the player has to be a girl . Kaiyumi’s weapons , and …. Etc , you can probably be posted in the Assassin Rebirth sign up forum by the player . If no one signs up for the next few posts , I'll make her an NPC , then just kill her or something . Contact Hatake first if you are interested to get his OK , then contact me . Sorry if the post is too long .
  4. Can anyone make a Final Fantasy Bahamut banner , and Avatar . Put some real effort into it , and let it be original . Thanks .
  5. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    The man ran towards the source of the loud noises that disturbed the silence . He went down a corridor near the east wing , and saw trails of smoke . He went in following the movement . Deep , and thick was the smoke in that passage way . Asim soon came out the other side , as he caught a glimpse of Taro running after the assassins . He followed , as he drew his Scimitar , and dagger . Reaching a large ceremonial chamber , Asim saw Taro crushing the group of raiding assassins with his fist , and No- Dachi , but two assassins hurled at him from behind , and the giant warrior was already fighting the three in front him . Asim sent both dagger , and sword flying swiftly across the room , turning and whirling in the air , the dagger got one of them in the neck , impaling him to the wall , and the sword took the other’s head , and stopped by thrusting itself in the wooden wall . Asim then charged with his bare hands , his powerful Karate attacks flung the assassins in the air half broken or dead . Two assassins then lunged at him , he grabbed the nearest from the wrist , and flipped him on his back , he used the assassin’s blade to stab the other assassin that came jumping in the stomach . The fallen assassin then got his neck broken , with a punch from Asim . Another attacked , so Asim kicked his sword away , and delivered an array of severe punches to the assassin’s chest , braking his ribcage . Then he performed a round house kick to the assassin’s face which broke his neck , and beat him against the wall . An assassin dashed with a murderous force , Asim attacked him with an upward punch to the stomach , followed by an elbow to the chin . He then delivered a straight drop kick to the top of the assassin’s head , which sent a breaking shock to his spinal cord , killing him instantly . He felt one last assassin coming from behind , so he jumped up with a spiral spinning kick , which violently twisted the man’s neck to break point , and flung the assassin in the air . Asim landed with a Karate stance , as he breathed out . He saw that Taro was handling the others , with devastating bone breaking throws , and punches from his powerful fists . He was like a wave that swept through the assassins , destroying every last one of them . Asim slowly walked to his blades one pinned to the wall , and the other stuck in a dead assassin’s neck , and pulled them out , as he watched the giant wreak havoc . A short while until Taro finished the last of the raiding assassins by breaking his back , with his fist . “Thanks for the help , though I could have done this on my own “ Taro laughed out . “ No problem “ Asim said . “ Where is Gen ? “ Asim asked . “ I was looking for him having heard sounds of clashing steel in the east wing , that’s when these dogs attacked “ Taro answered . “ Then let us see what is going on there “ Asim , as he ran towards the east wing , followed by Taro . They reached the place after a short while , and there they saw Gen , and Ayami fighting a strange assassin .
  6. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    The man was talking to Oda , he was still a bit angry about the attack , but he was cooling off . He explained the situation to the shogun , and told him to have trust in his warriors .He then got out , as Taro was going in the room . The Arab wanted to regain his wits , and clear of the mist the disturbed his soul . He went to the Dojo in the east part of the castle . It was well organized , no one was there , and the setting sun along with a few faint lanterns were lighting the place . There was a large , and thick oak pole covered with thin ropes that wrapped it , at the end of the large chamber . It was set for practice . The Arab took off his turban , cloak , chain mail , and boots . He also put his weapons aside on the floor . He started to deliver punches to the pole , then switched to kicks . He was forming combinations of Karate attacks , beating on the wood with his trained rough fists . He kept on beating it without any pause . Until he finished with a Karate stance . He then turned around , and performed many Katas . His skills in this art were extremely great . After a while he stopped to rest , as sweat was dripping down his forehead , and battle scarred body . He was thinking of Ayami , her actions , and glances at him were an enigma . Then the name Enishi , she reacted to it strangely , many things puzzled his mind . A sound of movement was heard outside , clanging of swords , and armor . He looked out of the window to find that Ayami was leading a group of soldiers to the temple . His eyes recognized her immediately , why did she choose the path of blades , he thought to himself , she could have just enjoyed the wealth of her father . He admired her persistence , and her will , but felt her suspicions upon him . He took one glance at the temple , and spotted a moving gleam , a gleam of black polished armor that the crimson sun revealed , moving lightly through the shadows. He wanted to alert Ayami to the assassin , but he was too late the other had already jumped in front of the soldiers , they fought , but fell easily to his swift blade , it was Ro-Ken-Jin . Asim grinned his teeth in anger , he watched the battle closely , as the soldiers were falling down , and only Ayami , and the black armored assassin were left . She fought gracefully , but the other was a skillful warrior . He could not take it anymore , so he kicked the window open , wore his boots , picked up his whip , and Scimitar with a hastily manner , without knowing what he was doing , and jumped down the window , by using his whip to cling to a strong tree branch that was near the window , a gigantic , and tall tree it was . He swung down , and landed safely without any harm . The battle between Ayami , and Ro-Ken-Jin was at it’s flaming top , steel blazed , and great combat skills were being witnessed . Ayami delivered an array of side slashes , followed by a diagonal drop kick , to the assassin’s face , but although he was hit , his blade traveled to the girl’s shoulder , and slashed it . Asim then ran with full force to reach them before it was too late , unleashing his lashing whip to be plunged in the assassin’s blade carrying fist , that was falling down to strike Ayami . Ro-Ken-Jin was extremely surprised , and so was Ayami . “ You again ? “ Ro-Ken-Jin muttered . “ Yes “ Asim hissed , as he violently pulled the whip back , inflicting a large cut to he assassin’s hand . The assassin made a back flip , as he picked up his blade from the ground , Ayami also pulled back a bit , holding her shoulder as it bled . “ Go , I will handle this “ Asim said , with a great dash at the assassin . His whip he used to attack relentlessly , it cut many parts of the other man’s body , striking like the hungry head of a serpent . Ro-Ken-Jin tried to capture it with his fist , so Asim cut him again in the other hand . Asim now charged with the Scimitar , powerful whirling slashes he launched , the assassin was barely catching up , with the attacks to defend himself . Tired , and weakened from his wounds the assassin was trying to retreat from the battle , but Asim caught his leg with the whip , and slashed it in the same place the assassin had slashed him previously . “ Not bad “ The assassin muttered , As he threw his Marasuma suicide sword at Asim . The desert warrior beat it down with the whip pinning it to ground , but by that time Ro-Ken-Jin had crossed a long distance , and reached the walls . “ We will fight again strange warrior “ The assassin muttered loudly , with a grin on his face , then he disappeared .He then picked up the assassin's blade , and smashed it with a devestating vertical slash . Then Asim looked back , and saw that Ayami had collapsed , although the wound was not fatal , it gave a lot of blood , and she was already tired . An entire day without food or sleep got to her . Asim picked her up with his strong arms , and ran into the castle , avoiding the corpses , and pools of blood the assassin had left behind him . He went directly to the doctors quarters , who asked Asim to leave the room , so that he can concentrate on his work . After a while the doctor came out . “ How is she ? “ Asim asked . “ Good , it was nothing just a little blood loss , she just needs some rest “ The other answered . “ After I bandage the wound , she’ll be able to fight , the wound won’t bother her much “ He continued . “ Can I see her ? “ Asim asked . “ Certainly “ The doctor replied . Asim walked in the room , she was awake yet still resting on the bed , the wound had just been cleaned . “ How is it ? “ He asked . “ Not too bad … “ She answered . “ I thank you “ She said , with a slight blush . “ It was my duty “ He said , with a bit of happiness on his face that found it’s way to his usually expressionless face . Now that he was sure that she is well . “ I suggest that you take a bath , get something to eat , and rest before complete nightfall “ She said . “ I’ll do that “ He replied . As he was walking out their eyes met , an invisible smile they exchanged . He then indeed took her advice , and did what she said , after he went back to the Dojo , and took his weapons , and clothes . He thought about what was happening . It has been a long while since he felt the way he did towards a girl , he was starting to like Ayami more , and more . Did she feel the same way ? he thought to himself . His feeling were hardened , and he had lost many friends to the blade , he did not want to go through that pain again . He shook his head to get back to his reality . He had to focus on the task he had on his hands . Then he drowned once again in his seas of thoughts . After two hours of sleep he got up to see what was going on .
  7. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    The man stood in a dark corner near , he leaned his back against the wall crossing his arms , and thinking about the blind spot that the assassins were using. He heard the chatter of the other warriors as they came walking nearer , they did not notice his presence . His eyes were shifted to their position , a young girl , and two men . he did not recognize any of them , but he had heard of them , so he knew who they were in general . He was alerted to the message delivered to Oda , but he decided to check the exits , instead of Oda since he was not harmed . Just before Gen was about to speak , Asim interrupted . “ What is this brewing a plan without me ? “ He asked with a grin on his face . They drew their blades not knowing who he was . “ Sheath your weapons , I am a friend not a foe “ He said . “ Who are you ? “ Gen demanded . “ I am the warrior from the deserts of Arabia “ He answered . “ So you are the foreigner , I am sorry if we offended you by starting without you , but you were not found anywhere “ He said . “ It matters not “ The Arab said . “ I am Sakazuma Gen , and this is Taro Shinjuku , and Lady Ayami daughter of his lordship Oda “ He explained . “ Now , I am sure you know about the situation , so I … “ Gen was interrupted , by Asim once again . He pointed his finger upwards , to the ceiling , then quickly sent one of his scimitars flying at the direction he pointed at . A loud shout was heard , and a man in black Ninja garb came down falling , with the silver blade stuck in his knee cap , because he was in a crouching position . But then the sound of running was heard up in the ceiling . “ There is another one , I will follow him . Stay with this one , but do not kill him just yet , wait until I come back “ Asim said , as he ran down through the corridors . He reached the castle gardens , and saw a dark figure running like a mirage in the shadows . He followed silently , the dark figure was alerted to the Arab’s presence , so he made a reversed somersault while throwing a handful of sherukins at Asim , and rushed at him . Not a word was spoken , as the Arab quickly drew his scimitar , and dagger , and blocked the deadly flying objects with swaying movements from his blades . Now the Ninja was close enough , the only sound that was heard was that of steel clashing against steel . Asim attacked with a swirling slash with his sword . The Ninja blocked it , but dislocated his shoulder , so Asim slashed his side with the dagger . The assassin then attacked with a spinning kick , Asim blocked the kick with his arm , and broke the assassin’s other leg , with two devastating side kicks to the man’s ankle , and knee. Then he cut the assassin’s arm which pulled out a Sai that targeted Asim’s neck , with a swift movement from his silver blade , and sliced off the assassin’s hand that held the blade , with another silver gleam . “ Wretched dog who is your master ? “ Asim demanded . But the assassin was in too much pain to answer , and he was already dead , he would now bleed himself out dry , so he thought to himself why should he say anything to his killer . “ Damn this ! “ Asim muttered , he wanted to question the assassin , and not just kill him . Then he delivered one more slash , that ended the assassin’s life . He went back to the castle after wiping the blood from his blade . The other assassin was still alive , the others were interrogating him . “ Never I will not speak a word to you worthless pigs “ The assassin spat out . Taro lifted his fist to beat the words out of the man , but then Asim stopped him . “ No , let me handle this “ He said . “ Very well “ Taro agreed . “ But wait , what of the other one ? “ Ayami asked . “ He is dead “ Asim replied . “ First of all I think you have something that belongs to me “ Asim said , as he violently pulled out his sword out of the assassin’s knee . The man cried out in pain holding his knee . Asim then pulled out one of his poisonous throwing knives . “ Now then do you what this is ? “ Asim asked . The man did not answer . “ Very well , I’ll tell you . The blade of the knife has been drenched in the poison of the desert cobras , you will not find an antidote for this in all of Japan . A little scratch from this should kill you two hours , I happen to carry the antidote with me “ Asim said . “ So talk , before I decide to take this seriously “ Asim said . “ Rot in hell ! “ The other shouted , but fear was clear in his angry eyes . Asim inflicted a small cut to the assassin’s arm . “ Talk , and you have my word , I will give you the antidote , and set you free “ Asim said . The assassin refused to talk , but after a short while when the poison , started to take effect . He began to spit out the truth . “ My master is lord Ino , he is the one that plans to kill Oda , but he is gathering many assassins for this mission led by a bloody man that he considers a son , he is called Enishi “ He said . “ Enishi ! …” Ayami whispered to herself , the name echoed in her mind , and reminded of a long forgotten past , Asim heard her whisper , but decided to ask her later . “ We were only meant to spy , or weaken your forces , but not carry out the mission “ He continued . “ Where do they hide ? “ Asim asked . “ I do not know , I swear . He sends us messengers , that tell us what to do . He also sends us information through the houses of the so called madames “ He answered . " You mean pleasure houses ? " Asim asked . " Yes " the other answered . “ That is all I know , now help me I beg you “ The man cried out . “ I will “ Asim said , as he pulled out a gourd of a strange potion , after he sheathed his blades . “ What are you doing ? “ Taro asked . “ I am fulfilling my promise , a man is nothing without his word “ He murmured . He gave a bit of the potion to the man , and signaled him to go . But just when Asim turned his back , the treacherous dog pulled a small dagger , because his sword was taken , and lunged at Asim to stab him in the back before he escaped . Asim sensed this , so he caught the man’s hand . He twisted it until he broke the assassin’s wrist , then delivered a straight Karate punch to the man’s chin , the punch was so powerful it broke the assassin’s neck . Then Asim kicked him out of the window , with a thrusting side kick , before he reached the polished wooden floor . “ I suggest that we set a plan soon , before others come “ He said . “ We still do not know your name “ Gen asked . “ It’s Asim “ He answered .
  8. Asim

    Assassin Rebirth

    A lone figure rode on a slender pitch black steed , his eyes were burning in a cold lifeless flame , and staring at the path in front of him . The wind whistled in the woods around him . He was seeking the castle of the shogun Oda . The sun sent it’s bright rays from between the silver clouds , the man then suddenly stopped , pulling his horse , as it sounded it’s neighs . His ear had picked up a faint sound of fast light steps , and when he stopped the sound was clear . He was now sure that he was not alone . Then the sound stopped , the area was so silent that his ear was able to pick up the sound of his stealth enemies’ breath out of the songs of the forest sparrows . A sudden , and violent movement followed his pause , the assassins jumped out from many directions , they were as light , and as fast as a shadow . A grim grin was on his face , as he dismounted his horse . “ I thought you dogs only attacked at night “ He muttered . “ These dogs will send to the after life stranger “ Their leader said as he jumped from a tree to join the three , that preceded him . “ I doubt it … “ He said with a grin . With this the leader of the assassins signaled the assassins to attack . The approached cautiously , as the Arab moved his cloak a bit , and pulled his whip from around his waist , and moved in front of his horse . The three assassins lunged at him at once , his whip then lashed out in the air . The spike at it’s tip went through the first one’s neck , as he gurgled with his own blood . The other two continued to approach , so he quickly drew back the spiked tentacle , and sent it to the other assassin’s forehead . Only one was left , and he was too close for a whip , so the warrior’s left hand quickly went for the scimitar on his right . A vertical silver blaze ended the third assassin’s life , his sword was broken in half , and so was his skull . “ This cannot be ! “ The leader of the killers muttered . “ You will die here , and now ! “ He shouted , as he drew his blade , and dashed at the cloaked man . The warrior drew back the whip , and wrapped it around his waist , then he pulled the other scimitar from it’s sheath . His hands were on his sides , his blades gleaming in the sun . The assassin lifted his blade , and sent it down to the other man’s head . The Arab blocked the blade , and launched and array of slashes to the assassin’s chest , and stomach . Then pushed back the blade that was still over his head , and took the assassin’s head with whirl slash . It rolled over to the side , leaving a bloody trail . A silent , and grim glance his eyes took at the bloody scene . He pulled out a small cloth from his pocket , and removed the blood from the silver blades . Then he mounted his horse , and continued in his way with so much of a blink from him . After a while he reached the castle , the guards stopped him . “ Who are you ? “ One of them asked . “ I am one of the warriors your master requested “ He said . “ How can you prove this ? “ The other asked . Then the chief of the guards came out . “ Let him pass ! “ He said . So they opened the gate . The man welcomed him , and was about to take him to his master . “ You were expected earlier “ He said . “ I had some business to attend “ The warrior replied grimly . “ Before I meet your master , take my horse to your stables , and make sure that he is properly fed “ He said . The man called on a low ranked guard , and told him what to do , so he took the horse. After a short walk in the castle they reached the warlord’s chamber .The warrior took his boots off , and moved the hood back from his head , then entered . Oda waited for the man to bow , but he did not . “ So you are the Arab warrior , that the coasts speak of his sword ?! “ He asked . “ That is true “ He answered . “ Very well then . The Geisha near the door will show to your room , feel free to examine the castle before night fall , to figure out your maneuvering in here “ He said. “ Is that all ? “ The man demanded . “ Your name I have not yet had the honor of knowing it “ Oda said . “ Asim Harith “ He said . “ You may go now “ Oda allowed . Asim got up , and went to his room , he put his things there . Then he started to wander in the castle to take a look at the structure , for his mind to figure out a battle strategy , and perhaps meet the other warriors that were summoned to fight the assassins . His weapons he still carried with him .
  9. The chopper finally reached the city , he was staring into the emptiness that bewildered him . Pleasant memories were on his mind , they were followed by horrid visions of pain , and blood . He once more remembered his hatred for the cursed creatures , as he put left hand on one of the black at his waist . Then he shook his head to awaken from this state of mind focussing on the current mission . His head rested on the interior of the chopper behind him , as he looked up at the ceiling . A deep sigh he released , as he lowered his sight back on his black guns , he examined them , and checked their bullets . After a minute the man near the exit of the helicopter signaled him to move , so got up and put his shotgun , and it’s ammunition on his back , after holstering his guns . Then he grabbed the rope the man gave him , and attached it to his belt . An invisible grin was on his face , as he made an easy landing to the ground , and freed himself of the rope or cable . He saw the man that landed before him checking , and exploring the environment around him . “ Stay within sight corporal “ He said . “ Yes sir ! “ The other acknowledged . He turned his head looking at his surroundings with sad eyes . Burning streets , charred and torn corpses . Indeed this is the work of the same damned creatures he thought to himself . A painful flash back rushed into his mind , as the gusty winds from the helicopter blew in his face . Then he signaled the helicopter to continue with sending the others , as he moved a away a bit further .
  10. Any place left for a warrior ? Name : Asim Harith . Age : 26 . Gender : Male . Origin : Iraq . Side : Fighter . Style : Kick boxing , Karate , and Ikedo . He learned them from his travels through the orient . Weapon(s) : Two silver Scimitars , on his back a very deadly one handed straight Arabian sword and a small silver circle shield , that is very sharp edged , and has a long chain attached to it . An extremely long and durable whip with a spiked tip , a curved dagger with a massive blade , and a lot of poisonous throwing knives . He carries the antidote for their poison with him . ( He wields his blades with an Arabian fencing style for daggers , and one handed swords ) . Appearance : A tall , and muscular man , he is about 6 ft 5 in height . He has black eyes , brownish hair . Wears a prestigious black and white turban with a very strange design of a falcon on it . He also wears a chain mail , a pair of chain gauntlets , a pair of black baggy trousers , with black leather boots , and a durable hooded cloak . Personality : A man of chivalry , and honor . He is an adventurer , a risk taker , goes where the wind takes him , a bit moody , but generally speaks nothing , but the truth . Hates liars , and deceivers . He knows no mercy when it comes to a sword fight . A very calm and expressionless person he is , controls his rage . Quiet and always in the dark analysing , and thinking . He is annoyed by people who lose control of their emotions , and thinks of them as foolish , he also dislikes the irresponsible . He takes responsibility for his mistakes , and actions . He is an extremely great warrior . Bio : He has ventured through the seven deserts , wandered through out the continents , at last fate has brought him to Japan , the country of conflicts at the time . He has led soldiers through the bloodiest of battles , saw many of his friends die in front of him , their ghosts haunt him day and night , enemies , friends the vision of their deaths stuck in his mind . He found Japan to be the perfect place to end his living nightmare , his past simply vanishes when he is in a battle , so he will not stop fighting , until he kills his inner demons , or they kill him , so when he heard of the assassination attempt of the Japanese warlord , and his demand for warriors to defend him . He thought to himself why not ? , he has nothing else to fill his need for war , and blood . He will fight this through to the end .
  11. Name : Asimovich Petrofkin . Age : 29 Military rank : Captain Appearance : He has yellow eyes , black hair , and is generally hawk faced . About 6 ft 6 in height . Wears a pair of black military trousers , and a black T-shirt , with a vest over it . He is muscular yet still light in his movement . History : Was sent to investigate the accidents , and rescue the remaining survivors . He was involved in a similar incident years ago when he was a young cadet in Russia , but on an extremely smaller scale . He was the only one that survived from his class . Experienced in combat , and remains cool under the most chaotic of circumstances . Never leaves anyone behind , but believes that sacrifices must be made sometimes for the good of the group . Has a lot of guilt inside , because he lost a girl close to his heart in Russia to the hellish creatures , her name was Eliza Demorkif . Hates these creatures endlessly , and would give anything to redeem himself from that guilt . Now he has at last found the chance to get his revenge . Weapon(s) : Two extremely large custom made Magnum 45 revolvers of black steel in two holsters on his sides , carries their ammunition in the diagonally placed belts on his waist . An AS12 shotgun with a belt of R.slug shells for it hanging on his back , two 9 millimeter Glocks in his shoulder holster , and 6 fragmentation grenades .
  12. Here's the bad guy profile . Name : Asim Hairath . Age :15 Gender : Male Appearance : ( Should be attached ) Personality : Keeps everything to himself , and does not trust himself to do anything , driven by a bit of insanity that is covered by his coolness . Always an expressionless face . Hate , and guilt consume his soul . He seriously dislikes himself . He only knew love once , but she disappeared one night , leaving him confused . He searches for a girl that can replace her in his heart , but does not force himself over women . Death is seeking him , and he is seeking it . He went wrong somewhere along the way . He knows this , and hopes that someday his death will purify his past . He’ll go berserk for seeing a child being beaten , but can kill an adult with a smile on his face . He is extremely intelligent . Bio : His country was torn by wars , so his family forced him to leave , in order for him to escape the disturbing environment , but he wanted to stay with them . In the end they convinced him to leave . Has a bloodlust , and just wants an excuse to beat the hell out of anyone . Still he is quite an extraordinary student , he excels at all subjects . Knows many languages . Father : Hairath Yasif . Mother : Sophia Alexander . Siblings : Kadurik , and Aboudor ( His brothers ) . Who : No one around him stayed alive long enough to know for sure . Weapon(s) : A large curved dagger , a large automatic pistol in which he customized to fit his left hand shooting style , and for extra bullet capacity , he is quite a good sharpshooter with it , and a long chain around his left arm . He is also a formidable kick boxer .
  13. I'll be C.I.D . Name : C.I.D Gender : Male Appearance : ( Should be attached ) Bio : A loyal follower of the gang leader , he knows the wrong doings of the gang leader , but hopes that he can someday make him see the light of good . Still he follows his orders most efficiantly . He is a great warrior , and is greatly respected by the people around him . Does not get angry easily , but when he is angry he really gets angry , only a few can stand in the way of his sword skills . And he is cunning advisor of the gang leader . There is some evil in his soul , but he tries to block it out , yet sometimes he uses it to channel anger into strength .
  14. Can anyone make a metal gear liquid snake avatar , and banner with metal gear ( the robot ) in the back . The more original the better . Thanks . Farewell for now . Asim
  15. Can anyone make a Coboy bebop Vicious banner , if animated then good , if not it's Ok too . Thanks . Farewell for now . Asim
  16. Can anyone make a Raphael banner and Avatar from Soul Calibur 2 .It doesn't have to be animated , but it would cooler . I don't really care , if it is not animated then good , and if it is animated , then it is even better .Thanks . Farewell for now . Asim
  17. My all time favourites are ff8 , and vagrant story ( if you see it as an rpg ) . Here's why : FF8 has an incredible combat system plus the complex and deep story and characters , everything is good and intresting , from the Seifer Vs Squall conflict , to the Fujin and Raijin dillema . Vagrant story is also good because of mystery , the story line is completly shrouded by mystery Asim , but call me ( the frost duke )
  18. I think ff8's seifer Almasy is the best , he is always in somekind of conflict with Squall , his character comes of evil and complex , but really he is kind of a evil/good guy , any way his intentions are vague , and he is torn by confusion , mayhem , he has to be the best . Asim , but call me ( the frost duke ) Anyone wants to join me in world conquest , join me now .
  19. I would like to have the ability to understsand everything about anything in a matter of seconds . Simple but very effective . For anyone who knows how to make a banner or can send me one please contact me by Pm mail . And call me ( the frost duke )
  20. I think that love is reduced by most people to ridiculas desires , while it really should about liking one another for what they really are deep in the sharp gorges of their souls .
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