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Everything posted by Motfati
[size=1]General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Male Otaku of the Year: Syk3 Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Staff Member of the Year: James Funniest Member of the Year: wrist-cutter Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Cloricus Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: James Best Newbie: Best Oldie: Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1 Most Improved Member of the Year: Favorite Banned Member: Thread of the Year: Silliest Thread of the Year: Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Semjaza Azazel Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): Sara Best Location (Best Specific Location): Drix D?Zanth Best Otaku Couple: Best Looking Otaku: Babygirl Otaku Clique of the Year: OtakuBoards? League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen Best MyOtaku: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Writer of the Year: Mitch Orginal Story of the Year: OB: Enter the Net Role-Player of the Year: Raiha Brawler of the Year: RPG of the Year: Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: ChibiHorsewoman Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior Otaku Anime Otaku of the Year: maladjusted .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Dragonball Guru of the Year: Digipeep of the Year: Gundam Member of the Year: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Otaku Gamers Otaku Gamer of the Year: Shinmaru Nintendo ?Mario? Award: Shinmaru Sony Award: X-Box Award: PC Gamer of the Year: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3 Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): maladjusted Best Spriter: Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Square/Enix Member of the Year: PokéPlaque (Pokemon): The Triforce Award: [/size]
[size=1]I'm pretty sure this goes in the Literature section... Okay, this might be fun. What I'm going to do is start off a random story, and whomever wishes to, can add on! You don't have to sign-up or anything! Just carry on the story as you wish. It's from a first person view, so it's just one character that we'll be sharing. Here's the first post, have fun! Remember, you can make the story go in any direction you want! (Moderators, if this is illegal in some way...sorry) I truly saw it with my own eyes. Hundreds upon hundreds, thousands upon thousands of the gleaming monsters, all lined up and prepared for battle. Everything was deathly quiet and then all of the sudden, each and every single pair of those blank, metal eyes lit up to reveal the beginning of it all. Slowly, one line by one, they walked out of the gigantic room through an extremely large opening in one of the titanium walls. I could see the mountains beyond the desert that they were walking out to and knew that the human race was in serious trouble. I couldn't figure out a way to get from where I currently kneeled in the dark to Theadon before these destruction machines did except run. Fast. But before I could start to even tell my mind to tell my muscles to run, a hand grasped down on my shoulder. I gasped and turned around. A tall, pale man in a long, black overcoat was standing over me, two body guards at his side, each clothed in the same black ensemble. He lifted me up without saying a word and handed my almost limp body over to one of his 6'5", fully muscled guards. They turned around and walked, carrying me by the shoulder, down the hall which had sat behind me. I turned around. The pale man smirked silently and watched as I vainly struggled to get free. Alll of the sudden, I felt an impact on my head and I couldn't see. I woke up and found that I couldn't move any of my limbs because they had been tied down to a vertical surgical bed. The pale man once again stood infront of me, flanked by his two cronies. "So," the pale man spoke. "We have ourselves a little spy," his expression turned harsh. "What are you doing here, kid? What side are you working for?" "I- I- I-" I stuttered. This man was creepy. "Well...?" I still said nothing. "Boys, take him into the Room and get him to talk." The two body guards untied me and I fell to the floor, but only for a moment before I was picked up again and thrown into a doorway. This doorway belonged to a completely white room with no windows and no other doors besides the one, which was blocked by the two men. I stood there, unaware of what their plans were and I started to hear something. The door to the room slid shut. I looked around the room. Through a few of the cracks in the back wall, I saw water streaming out of them. They're going to threaten to drown me, I realized with a jolt. I hurreidly looked around for somewhere to escape and not suprisingly enough, found nothing. My feet were getting cold. I looked down and saw that the water level had already risen to my ankles. More streams had started when I was searching the room. I stood there, desperately trying to think up a quick plan and then I saw it. The one fault in the room. A small ray of light was in the room and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from until now. A small hole had been carved into the wall, obviously a past prisoner had had a knife about him. I dug my finger into the hole, trying to widen it. By this time, the water level was half-way up my calves. The wall cracked. Not enough, but just a little it did. I attacked the wall with all my strength. I beat my whole body into it. Soon enough, I had a hole wide enough to fit my arm through. Doing so, I clawed at the wall and the water level was up to my knees, but I had a hole big enough for my body to just barely squeeze through. I stuck one leg, my head, then the other leg, smoothly out the hole and I was free! The water was pouring out of the hole now. Thinking quickly, I took out my canteen and filled it with the fresh water then victoriously ran to the village beyond the mountain that was my home to report my news... [/size]
[size=1]Excuse the [*b][*/b] on the title, I accidentaly put the tags in the wrong place![/size] [size=1]In the far off land of Makora in the deepest depths of the Wandering Woods, 5 Golden Powers were created for use of the Chosen Ones when they should come. These special 5 people would be granted the Golden Powers and could do with them whatever they wished. But, as curses have it, the year these five beings were born, an unspeakable evil arose and stole the 5 Golden Powers. Now, in a journey to get back what they were rightfully born for, the five Chosen Ones are on a quest to retrieve the Golden Powers and defeat the evil Lord Kamwa. Wow, what a great evil name, eh? But- seriously... I need four people who would like to join to... join! You can completely make up whatever character you would like! Race is yours, age is yours, gender is yours, you can even have it be...wait- no. No animals. What I require is four people who will be dedicated and that's pretty much it. All the rules are posted below. [list] You must have correct (it doesn't have to be perfect) grammar and spelling. If you lack this...talent, you may not participate. You can drop out if you wish, but at least put a last post up, killing your character off or something of that sort. This can be a funny RPG if you would like or we can keep it serious, but it should be one or the other. Put your preference after your character analysis. Just complete the steps below! [/list] [/size] Character Thingie! [size=1] Name: Race/ Species: (this can be anything you would like although I do wish that if you make something up, to have a short explanation with it!) Special Powers You'd Like To Have: (note: you can not have complete power. That is annoying when you're trying to be killed) Age: Place of Birth: (nothing specific, I just want something like the woods, the city, etc.) Personality: What he/she looks like: And I think that'll do it... If you wish to add anything else, feel free! I know some people have complete characters written out and want to share everything. As for my character, here she is! Name: Erila Maelin Race/ Species: Half-elf, half-human. The elven part is like Tolkein's, nothing big. Special Powers: Telepacy's good. I seem to like this power. Age: 17 Place of Birth: the woods Personality: She's quiet, but fun to be around. What she looks like: She has long, light brown hair with bright green eyes. Her bangs are black. She is tall and thin and very good-looking. I would like the RPG to be serious, but still have humor. Not humor like a parody, but humor like, someone trips over a log. I dunno. A serious comedy. Lol. I hope all goes well![/size]
[size=1]Yeah, I remember doing those wierd, pointless, little things in 5th grade TAG. They were wierd and pointless. I was the architect because I was the only one that could draw. One girl was the person who went and bought stuff (supplies: toothpicks, glue, etc.). Two guys built and uh...yeah. Ours held about 60 pounds I think (seriously, I'm not lying!). Yeah, it was wierd and pointless...[/size]
For people that are and/or still in school.
Motfati replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in General Discussion
[quote]So she wears her clothes 2-4 times a weekl! A WEEK!!! EEEWWW!!!!![/quote] [size=1] Um...you can wear jeans twice...it's not like you're rumbling through the mud or anything while your sitting at your desk in school... Anyway, that's really not the point of the thread. I have this one kid at my school and he's one of those "punky" people I guess. He wears pretty much the same thing everyday; the same Nirvana sweater and the same pair of Hot Topic jean type thingies... But, what's wierd is that in 3rd grade, he was in the SpEd class and he's in TAG now. (8th grade) I think he even skipped a grade...4th or something. But, he's really perved and he's really evil. One time in Language Arts, he cut a piece of my friend's hair off for no apparent reason...he got ISS. Lol. And, he pretty much scares everyone in the school, has no friends, to me seems to be faking depression for attention even though through a few reliable sources I've been told otherwise, and is just plain creepy. He has an obscure (usage?) laugh too. Very...uh...unique... It's almost as if it's accented every two breath intakes...hm. [/size] -
[size=1] I made a list of my favorite names once but...I lost it... So, yes, it is Japanese (whatever!) but I have always liked the girls' name [i]Hikaru[/i]. It's just so fluent off the tongue... My name's pretty unique only for the reason that it's spelled differently than normal. Instead of [i]Kayla[/i], it's [i]Kala[/i]. I hate it when stupid random boys at school call me [i]Kahla[/i] like with two short a's. Gr. As for boys' names...I've always been particular to Isaac. Hm. Lol. Isaac and Hikaru...perfect names for a brother and sister pair, eh? And I suppose if you did get stuck with a cruddy name like...Hot Dog, you could always go for a nickname and when you move out, change it. Only 18 years of worrying the stupid substitue will use your real name...[/size]
[size=1]Noire still hunched over Callum, squatting down on her haunches. She gently glided her hand over to where Callum's knee cap had been punctured by the arrow. Her hand was shaking a bit as she reached to pull it out. Not only was she confused about the scenario that had just taken place, but she was also in the midst of 20 or so ghost elves. [i]It's lucky he was punctured in only and just the knee cap. It will be safe to remove it from here,[/i] she thought. The arrow came out with little hassle or pain. She took Callum's hand in her own gloved hand and with some effort, helped him to his feet. She looked up at the mysterious ghost elf with the hood covering her face. Then to her own group who was also close by Callum, brushing him off and saying random things such as "Are you okay?" or "What happened?". Noire turned her mutated back against the party of ghost elves and put in her share of odd questions. "Ryean," a voice interrupted. "Are you ready to continue on?" Ryean hesitated. She didn't know what it was, but for some reason, she felt as if she belonged with this strange group. "I- I don't think so," she finally stammered. Some of her tribe gasped, others shook her head, the ghost elf with the hood stayed calm and continued to speak. "I suppose there is a reasoning to your choice. But, I don't want you to be alone, so in that case, I should like to carry on with you. That is, if it's okay with your...group here." Ryean looked hopefully at her new friends. She would love to have another ghost elf with her to protect her while she was sleeping. She still couldn't trust that blasted shadow elf. Daro was silent. Callum, too. Noire simply stared at Daro. He was sort of the leader. Ereshkigal raised an eyebrow at the small caravan of people. Daro turned the corners of his mouth down, then smiled and said: "The more, the merrier," But with little emphasis of sounding so. "All right. It is settled then," she turned to her tribe. "Ryean and I shall be leaving you know. Good luck." she had not much to say. The crowd of ghost elves was silent as well as still. Not a single soul stirred in that instant in which the party of now five, walked with their back towards the sun, about to go through the city of Nikaron this time. When all seemed as still as it could get, a slight wind carried through to the south. And if a small insect happened to be traveling in that wind, it would have seen ten ears; six elven, four human, perk slightly up. [/size]
[size=1]Hey guys...after reading the beginning posts, no offense to anyone or anything, but...I'm going to quit...so...uh...just...try and do without "Legolas". Yeah...okay. *akward moment. runs away on the back of a giant ferret* [/size]
[size=1] Oh, yeah. I forgot. How do you do that bar line thing though? I'd like to put that in there so it doesn't seem like one whole story. Hey, man. Don't-a insult the Italians. It's not-a their fault they-a talk-a that way. Kerr. [/size]
[size=1]PT Cruisers all the way! I love those things! They're so sleek...so stylish...so original. There's no other car like them... I love how they can have those wooden panels...that's like, 70's retro... And the silver ones are my absolute fav. That looks like modern meets old school or whatever. Lol. I just love the look of them and the way they're so original although those stupid Volkswagen things are trying to steal in on its originality...heh. *goes off to burn a Volkswagen dealership* [/size]
[size=1] I live in Atlanta, Georgia and it's freezing. Cold. Really low temperatures. I lived in Las Vegas until I was ten and the temperatures there never go below like, 48... But...here it's really....cold. Another thing about those differences is that it's too green in Georgia. There's like, no trees in Las Vegas...a couple of sticks planted in the ground along the SIDEWALKS and some palm trees every which where, but that's it. And I like it that way. Easier to see. Lol. [/size]
Hello everybody, this thread is basically going to be a bunch of short stories that maladjusted and I will write on a daily basis. Feel free to reply, but don't write stories and post 'em here...since...yeah. The first one is by me, so comments and criticism are welcome! [size=1] [B][U]My not-friend Kanchana[/U][/B] Okay so...one day there was this girl named Kanchana and uh...she came over to America and she...uh robbed a bank- wait. Okay, anyway...so this girl was like, walking down the street except it wasn't girl. It was a ferret. Since ferrets have super smell powers, it smelled her coming and ran for its life. So, she kept on walking and saw this Korean hobo that plays the cello. She was sitting on the sidewalk playing a viola. So, she couldn't play. Everytime someone would walk by, she would scare them off by screaming: "MAH! GET AWAY FROM MY CART! REAL HOBOS DON'T WEAR GLOVES! MAH! MEEP! MAH! AGH!" [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/hobo.bmp[/img] So, Kanchana kept on walking and fell over a cliff. At the bottom of the cliff, she saw a magical cello. It glowed in radiance and um...stuff. It said to her: "Hello. I am a cello type thing. Nice to meet you. Wait. So, I need to get to my Korean hobo friend. Can you help me?" "Dikana mic ono be lala sonota laka bo." "Uh...anyway," it said. "Let's-a go!" *Mario theme song* So the Korean hobo's cello and the...other girl skipped merrily along in the flowers until they came to a magical city named SKALGHTFNMG. They went into the magic city named SKALGHTFNMG. It was there. And uh...yeah. So anyway. As they were walking into the city, trying to find there way back to where the hobo was, they saw City Hall and thought that it would help them. So they went into it. But, they didn't know how to use the door (aw.) so they were stuck outside until someone came and opened the door for them. YAY! They went inside... The mayor was standing right infront of them He looked like this: [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Artwork/MAH.bmp[/img] They gasped. No, not really...It was more of a grunt...mrgh...yeah. [/size] TO BE CONTINUED WHEN MALADJUSTED IS NOT BORED. P.S. The hobo is definately Mal. Kuukuukuu... [size=1]empty space...ooooooo[/size] [B][U]Luigi's Rage: The Story of a Rejected Italian[/U][/B] [size=1] Hello, friends. It's-a me! Luigi! I just-a wanted to say that-a my brother, Mario has-a always put-a me down. It all-a started... When I was-a born. Mario was of course-a born-a first-a and-a he was-a named after my-a father, while I got-a named after my distant cousin three times-a removed. Then-a I remember when we was about a year old. Aww...how-a cute-a we were. Mario spoke first because I was-a mute and-a didn't know how to talk. So-a my mother praised him while I-a said my first-a word: "Plumber". No one-a heard it. Then when we were-a two, Mario took his-a first steps..first. I-a ran into a tree. When-a we were five and started school, Mario a-got enrolled-a first because-a he's-a older. Only during role call was-a I ahead of him. Only then. I-a remember all throught-a school-a. If I-a would get a 99, eh, Mario would get a 100. It-a happened like-a that all throughout high school. I-a once remember we was-a both in the school play, eh? Well, Mario a-got the lead role and me? Oh, I was-a his dog-a. Then-a one shining moment came-a during 10th-a grade-a. I-a was completely in love-a with-a this girl named Peach. Oh, Peach-a. She-a was so pretty. *sighs* Anyway...I asked-a Mario to hook-a me up with-a this girl on a count-a that he was-a more popular than-a I was. So, he-a did it for me as a favor-a, considering he was-a my older brother and all. But...what-a ended up happening was-a this: Mario a-got Peach to fall in love with-a him instead. I was-a so sad. Then later in-a 12th grade at the prom, Mario a-got crowned king with Peach-a as-a his queen, while I was-a runner up with-a Daisy. Daisy was-a prettier anyway. So, we-a were now-a for college and-a we-a both-a wanted to be plumbers. But-a...my-a mom did not have enough-a money and only-a Mario got to go. Well, I would-a have to wait until next-a year for this-a college opportunity, but it-a never came for-a you see-a...the college I was-a gonna go to sort of well, blew-a up. Mario was-a the hero who-a got everyone to-a safety. He was-a awarded a big award-a. Big-a. I-a never-a went to college. *sighs* So-a yous see? I-a was-a always shunned down in-a life...Shadowed by-a my older brother...Mario the III...*sighs* Now-a I'm-a gonna commit-a suicide. *jumps off cliff* [/size] Aww....
[size=1] Well, I don't come into the story 'till much later, so...I won't be doing it a lot in the beginning either... I've got school until 4:00 and I'm never EVER on in the mornings...my homework takes forever so don't expect me to be on unless it's a weekend...I'm usually on from 4 to 5 in the afternoons, too...like now...[/size]
A Few Questions [size=1] 1) About how many more people need to sign up? 2) The plot's going to be the same as the Lord of the Rings, but a parody, right? 3) Uh...okay, so a [/size] couple [size=1] of questions... I'm looking foward to this! I've only seen the movie once, but I can watch parts I'm going to write again...so when I write, it'll go...with the flow... (to post below this) [/size] YIPEE!
[size=1] Inspiration is a funny thing because it can come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Just to make this post fit in a little better and not seem off subject, here's a poem I found that deals with inspiration.[/size] DON'T YOU QUIT! [size=1]~Anonymous (Submitted by Raynee) When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT! Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Often the struggler has given up When he might have captured the victors cup; And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Don't give up though the pace seems slow, You may succeed with another blow, Success is failure turned inside out- The silver lining of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit... It's when things seem worst that you MUST NOT QUIT! I usually get my inspiration from dark and rainy days...Where do you get yours?[/size]
New Year Stories- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Motfati replied to ssj3borjan's topic in General Discussion
[size=1] Well, I went over to my preppy cousin's house and we watched some wierd thing on the history channel and LOTR 2. We played a lot of games (board games mainly) and then at 11:45, we watched the Georgia Peach Drop and uh...that's it. Yeah, I don't get the big crack about New Years...mine always end up being finding ways to stay up, at 12:00 dance around a little, then go to bed...Not. Fun. Lol. [/size] -
[size=1] I haven't been here for that long, but I just transferred from the unspoken Neopets..and, uh, around there, you never speak to the same person twice on the chat boards! They have almost 6 million people there! I'm just glad the Otaku Boards isn't like that, or else I'd probably ditch this too. Even though I'm new, everytime I go into a board, I see so many people I've talked with or have seen post many times before. So, to me, the OB's quite contained and I like it that way. Oh, and I like the fact that you can't spam...actually, no. I love that fact. Around that [I]other[/I] site...You can't have a decent opinion or chat about anything or with anyone! And the other (and last) thing that bothered me that I noticed doesn't happen here (thank God) is those dumb screen names! Hottcandypants...lillollipopgrl (I'm making these up) They were so stupid! At least these have a little bit of sense and thought put into them! Chibihorsewoman (girl?)...I've learned the story on hers, and Shinmaru's...and a few people know the reasoning for mine. With those shallow screen names it's "Oh, it sounded cool!" "Oh, 'cause I'm so hot!" "Because everyone else has one like this!" Uh... Wow...I tend to get off topic a lot...excuse me... [/size]
[size=1] OOC: Ugh! I just posted! Okay...whatever... Noire was in shock. She could have sworn a dirty ghost elf was just standing right there in front of her, chalenging her to a fight. Maybe it was just the mutations getting to her head, but, no. Hadn't Daro and Callum seen their group too? She looked around again. No sight of the elf anywhere. She knew all elves could slip in between realms...but...but not that fast. She turned her back to return to her new friends and suddenly, felt two hands go around her shoulders. The ghost elf had returned. "What?!" Noire cried. She picked up the nearest rock with her telepacy powers and hauled it behind her, hoping to hit the elf. She was released from the elf's grasp and had turned around just in time to see the rock going straight towards the ghost elf. She smirked, ready for it to hit her, but it didn't. As soon as it had touched the highest hair on her head, she had vanished. Noire's arms unfolded. Her mouth gaped open. She turned back around and ran as fast as she could back to Callum and Daro. "Go! Hurry! To Nikaron!" she screamed. Daro and Callum did not question right then, but followed her hurriedly towards the city. "I thought you said you could handle her!" called Daro, breathing heavily. This mutant thing wasn't getting on the best side of his athletic ability. Noire frowned and ran faster, but skidded sharply to a halt. Daro crashed into her and Callum the same into Daro. Two inches from Noire's face was the ghost elf. The same one she had been fighting. She backed up. She never wanted to be that close to one ever again. The elf stared at her. "What did I do to you, eh? What gave you the feeling that you had to attack me? I even told you that you'd never be able to! But, noooo!" Noire's face grew hot. She turned her head. "I was just on my way to the city because I felt a danger! I was trying to protect my former-" she paused. "My tribe. And you just randomly attack! Oh, that's a good one!" Noire pushed past her and led her two confused companions past the first couple of buildings in Nikaron. The ghost elf followed. "Well...?" she asked, expectantly. "Well what?" Noire snapped. The ghost elf was taken aback. She followed them a little longer. Daro caught up with Noire, while Callum stayed behind a bit to talk with the ghost elf. "What's with you and Noire?" he asked. "If, I may." The ghost elf gave him a look like he had lost his mind. "She's a shadow elf!" she exclaimed. "A dirty, no good, evil shadow elf!" Callum looked ahead at Noire. "Uh..." he hesitated. "Shadow elf..." she pointed to Noire. "Ghost elf..." she pointed to herself. "Not a good mix, if you know what I mean." "Ah." "So, what's with you and that Ghost Elf?" Daro asked Noire. She sighed. "It's a long historical aspect, really. But, if you must know... Shadow Elves and Ghost Elves were part of the same clan once...When the cataclysm erupted, we all fled across the Gulf of Existence. But, an argument broke out, and half of us, the Shadow Elves, went to the lands of Mersia while the other half, the Ghost Elves, went to the misty plains of Algar." "Oh," said Daro. "I remember that. I heard it in a tale once." "Yes." They both went silent. "Ah! Here we are!" Daro said, breaking the akwardness. They stopped infront of a bright cement shop. Although it looked nicer than most on the outside, Noire figured it was just as filthy and shady on the inside as everything else those days. Callum and the Elf soon caught up with them. "Guys, uh...Daro, this is Ryean. She's a uh...Ghost Elf, obviously," he said, feeling a bit out of place. "Hello," Daro said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Daro. This is...Noire," he finished. Noire and Ryean merely nodded at eachother. "So, is this the place?" Callum asked. "Yes, it is. Let's go inside, shall we?" The group of four filed away their arguments and entered the shop, none of them expecting the best.[/size]
[size=1] Yeah...my childhood dream has always been to be a writer, but now that I've gone through five more years of school, my horizons have broadened a little bit. I think it would be fun to become a fashion designer, a culturalist, a cartoonist, or a...*coughnewsanchorcough* Lol. I'm thinking about going to Middlebury College in (try and guess) Middlebury, Vermont. It has a lot more writing classes than any college I've checked out and they do so many language classes! Arabic, Chinese, French, German (which is probably what I'll take since I'm taking it now and will throughout middle school), Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Russin, and Spanish. I wish they had Korean though, because I have some wierd obsession with pretending I'm Korean...uh...*coughcoughsneezehackdie* There's so many majors you can get, too...Like...37 or something. The campus, too is absolutely gorgous! And, since it's up in Vermont, there will be snow which will make it even prettier. But, unfortunately, if you have a dorm room or house on the campus (which is what I'll have to ahev since I live in Georgia), you can't have any pets except fish and gerbils (hamsters, etc.) NO FERRETS! AGH! *quickly leaves* [/size]
[size=1] Lol. Okay well, what do you mean "the characters not chosen?" Yeah, I guess it should be a little revealing, but nothing that would feel at home in a Hentai strip or something...:cross: Maybe like...Xena...yes...that's good... So.....how many people are you aiming for? I'm going to get you and MGuyPersonDude mixed up, because you have the same avatars...Lol. [/size]
[size=1]Mmmmmmmmm.....why not? Name: Alicia Who you're making fun of: Legolas ('cept I'm a girl) Species: (Wow, what a choice! Lol.) Slut Description: Really pretty I guess...uh...sluttiest mideval clothing possible (no idea what that'd be) Bio: She spent most of her life in the bathrooms of bars...need I say more? Wow...that was short. ^_^ [/size]
The Evil Creatures known as "Siblings"
Motfati replied to Hittokiri Zero's topic in General Discussion
[size=1] Well, from the sounds of it, thank God I'm an only child, but sometimes, this does have it's disadvantages. 1) You have to do WAY more chores! It's not evenly split out or rotated with one or two other people. You do them all yourself! 2) You get bored...easily. Although brothers and sisters are pretty annoying most of the time, at least you've got someone to play cards with, someone to bother...*coughcough* 3) You can't get away with as much stuff. If you do something, parents KNOW it was you. There's no other person to testify with... I know there are way more advantages than disadvantages, but...that's not the point. You should love your brothers and sisters...mainly because you can frame a lot of stuff on them ('specially if you're older...hee, hee!). [/size] -
[size=1] Tired and grumpy? Lol. Hey, could you explain the plains thing to me? Where it's like a pool? I'm going to finish up my post soon and I'm going to make them leave the cave and go somewhere...Do you have any specific places or general places you'd like them to go? Oh, and...what does "OOC" stand for? [/size]
[size=1] When Noire had woken, she had found that no body was in the cave. She sat for a moment, fully waking up when Callum walked into the cave and sat down next to her. "Since we did not recieve a formal introduction when I arrived, I do believe it is necessary here," he said. Extending his hand, he clasped it with hers. "My name is Callum and I thank-you for your care." Noire shook hands with Callum. "My name is Noire. I am not sure if you're aware of this, but when you entered this cave, you passed out." "Yes, I figured that's what happened," he replied, letting go of Noire's hand. At that moment, Daro walked into the cave. "Well," he said, directing his words towards Noire and clapping his mutant hands together. "I guess since the storm stopped earlier than I thought it would and since Callum is better, we should probably rid ourselves of this dark cave and head on into the city to get some...uh, stuff." Noire's head jerked up. She nodded. "Yes, that sounds reasonable." She turned to Callum. "Are you well enough to walk to the nearest city?" she asked him. Callum nodded. "I am." Noire walked over to the fire and started packing up her things from the night before. She left the half-burnt piece of wood there, stating to Daro's disbelieved face that 'the next person who should come looking for shelter can use it'. She hitched her backpack upon her shoulders and followed Daro out of the cave. Callum trailed shortly after them. Far out into the distance, the city of Nikaron stood high over the flat plains they were walking on. They were side by side now and getting more acquainted with eachother. Callum, who was in the middle, spoke first. "So, Daro. What are we to buy in the city?" "Basic supplies," he replied. "We'll need more food, maybe a weapon for Noire..." his voice trailed off as he looked across Callum to Noire. Noire stared straight ahead. "I'll be fine without one," she said. Callum and Daro glanced at eachother. How was she to defend herself without a weapon? "Anyway..." Daro continued. "We'll also need-" "Wait," Callum interrupted. He sniffed at the air. He could smell something. "What is it?" Noire and Daro chorused. "It's...it's..." he couldn't quite figure it out. He looked in all directions across the plain and he saw something coming from the north. Smuged glowing figures were coming closer to them every second and they were, for the moment, unrecognizable. "What are those?" Daro wondered aloud. Callum sniffed the air once more, then took from his side, a long, thin rapier. He held it at the ready. Daro followed in step, taking out his sword. He looked unsure about fighting, though. Callum could see them perfectly now even though they were a good mile away. "They're...a pack of Ghost Elves..." he said. [/size]
[size=1] What's the deal on posts? Someone told me that when you have a certain number of posts, you become something else...like...*tries to explain* Let's say you have 100 posts so you're an Otaku...or 500 posts and you're a Member...300 you're a Junior Member...How does this system work? [/size]