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Everything posted by Motfati
[size=1] Noire's eyes slowly opened. She saw Daro, wide awake and another figure at the mouth of the cave. Behind this figure, a raging storm. She flinched. The thought of three creatures in this cave upset her for some reason. Daro was the first to reply to the stranger's query. "I do," he said. "Daro. Along with a Shadow Elf by the name of Noire." "I am Callum," came the strange man's reply. He stepped forth deeper into the cave and his face became more visible. His most noticable features were his eyes; catlike. He had longer than average canine teeth and long, blonde hair that had been tied back. "I have been traveling for a few days, looking for shelter. May I stay here?" Noire looked at Daro. He seemed to be in a deep thought about it. "Yes," he finally uttered. "You may." Noire looked back at Callum. He looked exausted and ready to collapse. She walked over to him and helped him onto a flat rock to sit on. He opened his mouth as if he were about to say something and then passed out right there and then. Noire gasped. Daro got up and walked over to the rock, said nothing and went back to where he was sitting. Noire looked first at him, back at Callum, then back to Daro. "Are you not going to help him?" she asked. "What would you propose we do? We're in the middle of nowhere in a cave with no supplies!" Noire was silent. "Don't...you think that...we should be going off then?" Daro took a deep breath. He knew they would eventually have to leave the sanctity of the cave, but he felt that everytime he moved, he became more and more mutated. Finally he said: "Yes, we should. But there is a storm raging and Callum is tired. We should rest up and wait until the storm is over." Noire nodded her head slightly and walked back to where she had been lying, thought better of it, then sat down next to Callum's passed out body. "I'll sleep here for the rest of the night...incase he should awaken and need care." Daro shrugged and flopped onto the ground, also feeling exausted. This adventure was getting to be too much for him already and his mind weakened at the thought of going on, but he knew he had to do it...that tugging sensation was too much... He decided not to think much more about it until morning and he drifted off into sleep. Unpleasant dreams followed...[/size]
[size=1]Who's your favorite character on Mario Kart? I'm personally attached to Toad...that little guy is wicked fast! Next to that, I'd have to say one of the heavy wieghts...Bowser, Wario, and Donkey Kong...It's funny when they start out and as they go, they knock everyone to the side:laugh:...of course, it's not all that funny when it happens to you...kerr...:therock: I heard Mario and Luigi have the best steering but I think it depends on what you're driving on...sand, dirt, road... What are your thoughts on these characters?[/size]
[size=1] Maladjusted has a point...winter break is much better than summer...kerr... As for video games, I can only suffer through those kinds of things for so long...then I get tired of either winning or losing... I would love to work on projects...if I had any...*twitches* We have an assignment for Orchestra...I'm actually thinking of doing it...*shudders* Although I'm sure everyone's excuse for not doing it will be a) I don't have a metronome b) I was on vacation or c) I lost the paper...psh...our orchestra sounds like crap anyway...except for a few perfect people like...*coughlinacough* Wow, I'm certainly getting off topic...*goes to play nintendo* [/size]
[size=1] Many people think winter break is really fun. They think it brings joy, presents, a new year, and a chance to turn over a new leaf. I don't. I think that it brings complete boredom especially if you're stuck at home with nothing to do except be on a certain website you love. That's pretty much what I do all day...sit around...play Nintendo...and hang around here at the OB...There's only two other people I know that complain of this disease called "Boredomness" and I have to know...what do you people do to keep yourselves busy? Even when you're with a friend![/size]
[size=1] That's a great perspective. I'm going to have to keep that idea in mind when I write stories, although I'm not so sure that I will resort to such brutality! Lol If you want my opinion, I say don't waver the eight people rule because we don't even have eight yet. We only have six people and none of them except you and me have replied to the RPG (but that's probably because I have nothing better to do than be on this site all day! Lol). As for correct writing on the RPGs, I suggest you check yours, because it could use a little bit of work...I'm going to print this RPG out after it's done and not as a demand or anything, but I'd like it to be as neat as possible. Speaking of the RPG, I noticed that on your second reply, your character doesn't seem to think much of [/size] N-O-I-R-E [size=1] and I was just wondering if you were leaning towards those two being enemies. It's perfectly fine, but I didn't want to try to be so kind to Daro if he hated her. [/size] N-O-I-R-E [size=1] will always be polite to people even if she hates them (unless its you know, like...evil hate) but she never feels as if she has to be kind to them. *sighs* You keep saying you need explanation for my powers. Why don't you just spell out what I need, because I'm not quite sure I get it. She's telepathic. She can't control water or life forms. Do you need anything else? P.S. Sorry if I sounded a little rude, I'm not trying to be! [/size]
[size=1]Daro kept staring at the figure. It moved closer to him every time he blinked. When it was so close, he could almost hear its breath, he finally realized what it looked like. It was a shadow elf. Tall and black skinned, it wore a pair of gloves on its hands and nothing else. "Hello," it said, its voice was graceful. "May I share this cave with you?" Daro was hesitant, as many people that hadn't gone crazy were. But, after a minute of studying it, he slowly shook his head yes. It sat down, and from its figure, Daro guessed it was a woman. He could not stop staring at her, for he had never seen a shadow elf before. The shadow elf could not stop staring at him either, for it was the first time she had met a decent minded human and although it didn't show, she was excplicitly afraid of them. "My name is Noire," she said, making the first introduction. "Daro," he replied. "Well Daro, I'm glad to see that some of us have not lost our sense of hospitality with all else." She took off a backpack she had been wearing and pulled out three objects. The first was a small square of wood, only as big as her hand. Daro gazed at it longingly. The second was a smaller bag. She set this on the floor, close to herself. The last object was simply a tattered and torn, thin blanket. "Do you mind if I use your...fire?" She said, holding up the piece of wood and looking at the small flame. "No, no! That would be fine." She placed the wood next to one of the smoldering Karatch bones and it soon caught one fire, although it was not much bigger than that of which Daro had already started. Daro looked up at her. "It will catch flame soon." She took the smaller bag from the side of her and pulled out two ribs of a small creature. She put these directly on top of the flame, paying close attention to them. "So, where have you come from?" Daro asked. "Far away," she answered. "From Mersia obviously, right?" "If it was that obvious, would you have to ask?" she replied. Daro kept silent. In a couple of painfully long minutes, Noire pulled the ribs out from the flame. She handed one to Daro and hungrily bit into the other one. "For me?" Daro asked. "No, I just want you to hold it. Yes, you may eat it," she said. Daro wasn't so sure he liked this girl. She always seemed to have something sarcastic to say. But, then again, at least she was better company than what else he could imagine. Noire curled up against a rock alongside the wall of the cave and remained still. Daro put out the tiny fire, took the neglected blanket and did the same on the other side of the wall. As they both slept, they had the same thought race through their heads. What would the future hold for tomorrow?[/size]
[size=1] Sooooooo, does that mean I'm in? I did a little more on her powers, tell me if that suits you... Oh! And- I know I'm not really supposed to be saying this, but- so you don't get into trouble with the mods, remember to use correct punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc. and also remember to make your replies and posts longer than a few sentences. I can say I'm looking foward to this RPG and it's the first one I've ever been in. The others were either too complicated or there weren't any good characters left...Lol! Oh, Pinball_Wizard...where in the [/size] world [size=1] did you get this idea? I mean, to have every one mutated? That kind of freaked me out a bit and I almost didn't want to join! Lol! But, it's good...it's different... In the starting post, what did you mean by they have to "change"? Like, go through the hero's journey or something? If you could explain that a little more, that would be good. Thanks. [/size]
Name: [size=1]Noire (Pronounced: Nwyer)[/size] Race: [size=1] Shadow Elf [/size] Age: [size=1] 20 [/size] Description: [size=1] Standard shadow elf appearance, grotesque bumps on her back, no clothes (she's not naked, she's just like Mystique from XMen), a pair of black gloves she never takes off because she is hiding a scar from her past...[/size] Equpiment: [size=1] None [/size] Ethics: [size=1] Right: Using power to get what you want, wisdom, putting yourself before others in times of sheer danger Wrong: Using others for your benefit Personality: She is wise and values this beyond all other qualities. She is very graceful and quick with her movements. She also doesn't like to take orders from other people well, which gives others the idea of her being snotty or vain and although she does like to keep to herself, this isn't true. She keeps her feelings hidden, especially sorrow and sympathy. [/size] Bio: [size=1] Noire was born in a town in Mersia called Muaji. Her mother was killed in a freak accident. When she was 16 her father left to join a band called the Mohaio to try and get revenge with the group who killed her mother, leaving her to defend herself. Two years later, Noire was kidnapped by a crazed group of humans who mentally tortured her. It was then that she discovered she had telepathic powers when she tried to break free from her shackles. She tried in vain for two more years to find her father. She found the group of eight by stumbling into an alleyway by chance. [/size] Powers: [size=1] Telepacy meaning she can move objects with her mind. The only things she can not move though, as a result of the mutation is water and humans (elves, dwarves, etc.) [/size]
[size=1] Wow! I just finished the book "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini yesterday! It was an awesome book! If you haven't read it, you should if you liked Lord of the Rings! Anyway, what did you all think of it (if you've read it that is)? The story kind of sounds like an RPG someone might come up with...hm... [/size]
[size=1] This is my [size=2] copyrighted [/size] poem and I was just wondering what you all thought of it, what your idea on what it means is and um...any suggestions to make it better or edit it with a better word! The door slams shut on the horizon And it seems so far away All the feelings from deep inside left That you thought were there to stay But then dawns on you a new day And you'll look up towards the sky With nothing there but confusion A tear glimmering in your eye You'll throw your hands up in fustration But you'll walk away with pride You'll smile at the people Who stand there as you pass by Your feelings are so special Each and every one unique And now that tear has met its end And is running slowly down your cheek You'll wipe away that tear with dignity But you'll be afraid to say why it was there Now you look at that horizon And you'll find that it is bare Everyone has left you You're now on your own time And all those things you've worked for Are finally starting to shine You'll turn back with one sad, tiny glance And your heart will seem to wizen But you'll turn around and keep on walking To that the door on the horizon Anyway...uh...*looks around at all the people with blank expressions* *runs away* [/size]