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Everything posted by zidane11

  1. It's been forever since I played the game and I'm only on the 2nd level but, when do I get the level two sword. Or how? I'v gotten to the 7th level on my last game but my sister deleted so now, years later I am playing it again.
  2. If I were you guys I would never be bored. I've been grounded for 3 weeks and it's going to last until the end of the school year. Why you ask? It's because I had 3 D's on my interem reports. I only got those grades because I had a lot of work to make up and some other stuff. I've done a whole lot of extra credit, made up all of my work, and in at least every class I got a 100 or A on a test. In science for example, I have the only A on a test and made 3 more A's on quizes. I'm still grounded until report cards though. I'm not even supposed to be on the internet. That's why I don't get to come here that much lately. What's a manicially kind of laugh?
  3. Are school has two rooms full of computers. There is also at least one computer in every classroom. My math teacher has like five of them. I don't think it's all that great. That would be cool if I could make all of the cd-rom drives open at once.
  4. Here's what he's going to do, Nothing!!! If you read it then you would know that the company was talking about pokecheats.com. He doesn't care about that site anymore at least from what I've interpereted. Not trying to be rude or anything.
  5. Wutcha talking bout? I said "I think that both shows rule. I like meat wad!" If you don't believe me then look at my post! j/k I've only got to see 4 episodes though.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Well at my school we have uniforms, so unless people wore different colored ties.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] Do you mind wearing a uniform? Do they suck? I've always wanted to know that. Does anyone else wear uniforms. Do not reply if you won't answer the thread topic also. Like I said earlier, I'm glad that we don't have to many gangs or violence.
  7. I live in a house j/k I live in North Carolina and I am 200,000 moons old.
  8. zidane11


    That guy is hilarious!:laugh: I think he is a very useful character and I don't hate him. He was a little annoying at the beginning though. Other than that he is great. A lot of people think zidane is dumb (even though he is) but I just have his name down because he's the main character.
  9. We don't have to much of that at my school. (luckily)
  10. Nope, I don't like them. I think that the other ones are better. Just get what ever you want.
  11. That's funny. I wonder how you did it. I mean open all of the cd-rom drives. I wonder how you people can do this stuff.
  12. zidane11


    He probaly doesn't care that much about them. If I was that rich I'd be doing it too. He might just be trying to advertise or something.
  13. That was hilarious! I wonder what they will do when they read that message.
  14. Are school has a lot of computers too but we don't get labtops. I'm only in middle school though, maybe that's why. Do you know what the email said? Like the topic?
  15. there is nothing wrong with downloading. As long as what youre downloading isn't illegal. The internet would be boring if nothing could be downloaded.
  16. My homework average use to suck and that brought down my A. I almost always get 100's on my tests and quizes though.
  17. I loved the first one. It was so cool. I can't wait to get my hands on some new information.
  18. It's been so long since I've seen these episodes. Everyone seems to sound so different. I'm probaly going to start watching them all over again.
  19. Are you serious about that? That's pretty amazing.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]I'm a straight A student. Below a B is simply inacceptable in my little world. I suppose that that would be one of the reasons that I attend Harvard.... [/B][/QUOTE] That's how I am, but I'm not in college yet. You must be really smart. [COLOR=blue]I don't think being smart is overrated, its just that some people might not be at that same level. In most cases people just don't won't to work for it. I commend all those who really try hard to do good in school. Don't take it the wrong way, two of my friends are as dumb as nails.[/COLOR] That message wasn't directed at anyone specifically.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]I haven't gotten grounded since I was in 9th grade. (COme on people, I was 13!) That was only for a week, though. Now that I'm in college, my parents no longer are able to stalk me, so I don't get grounded. But, when I'm bored I usually do the computer, do homework, write or hang out with my b/f. [/B][/QUOTE] You were 13 while you were in the 9th grade!?:eek: :excited: Are you sure about that?
  22. I was wondering what you people thought about school and what king of grades you make. It seems to me that there are some really smart people here. I make A or AB honerall.
  23. Can anyone provide me with information about the zelda games for gameboy color? I already have zelda: Links Awakening and I loved it. I will probaly get either seasons or ages. Are there any other newer games besides these two? I was lost a long time ago.
  24. By the way, I have two cats, a bird, two fisheys, a gecko, and a rabitt. I used to have more when I was little like frogs, lizards, and turtles. I always kept them in a aquarium. (I didn't have all those pets at the same time but I did use the same aquarium.) I fed them crickets that I bought at the local pet shop.
  25. Wow, these are some interesting stories. Someone got married (supposedly) and what other website could have brought you here by missplelling? I guess it doesn't matter how you got here as long as you are here. By the way gouf, I got cloudstrife to join and then he got you to join. I guess it all worked out. More members!
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