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Everything posted by zidane11

  1. First of all I've only heard of Jackie chan and his movies are funnier plus he has his own cartoon, you can't beat that.
  2. I don't need a permit to have a paintball gun. Tipman customs aren't the farthest shooting guns without a flatline barrel system but they are no where near as accurate as mine. My field has 7 different fields. 3 woods, 1 is dirt mounds, 1 is corrugated pipes, 1 is x-ball(a new kind of airball), and another 5-man airball field. It's pretty cool.
  3. I love this game. My friend bought it and got stuck on the last story boss and I borrowed it and beat it on my first try. The battle lasted for about 45 minutes though. I'll be buying the next one this time. The dungeons tend to get boring though, that's the only problem. EDIT: I just realized that the friend I was talking about is the one that posted right above me. That gives me a idea.:stupid:
  4. Try using Kaza or a search engine. That should help.
  5. Paintball!!!!! Hell yeah, that's why I haven't been here as much. I got over 1000 dollars worth of equipment and my favorite gun the Black Magic Autococker. I'm not in tournaments this year so that I can focus more on school but I sometimes work at the paintball fields on the weekends. One more thing, CAMO sucks!!! It's only for newbies just like sniper guns, but the newbies will eventually find that out.
  6. I like eating cake and icecream and getting presents. Yes, presents. If you say you don't like getting presents and you love all the good memories then your lying. I like all that stuff too and presents.
  7. I was on ign.com which I found about through my magazine PSM which I found when looking for a magazine called TIPS & TRICKS for codes but the didn't have it. So I'm on IGN.com when I was looking for help in my zelda game and I saw a link to here and I joined and went to the zelda forum and asked for help and then after a little while I ventured out into the other forums and the rest is history.
  8. I like version one because it helped me beat my zelda game which is how I found this place and I learned what spam was. Here is what some of my posts were like. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I reached 500 posts!!!! aldjfalkdjflajfajfal. I just felt like typing something. I'm bored, what about you? And of course there were always more posts that had a point to them but every now and then I would have one of those. Moderation? Oh yeah, that was when you wanted to change a post just for fun.
  9. You should try going to a ski resort. I can ski black diamonds but I can only snowboard on intermediate. From now on I'm going snowboarding. I'm pretty new to it.
  10. That's really good. I wonder how it's going to turn out.
  11. I like all of them. I love materia, I love experience points. There is just something about leveling up. I don't mind spending a couple hours just getting stronger. It's just the idea of having this bad a** character.
  12. I've never seen anything like you people have. Once when I was four I stole a squirt gun and later that nite I cried about it and told my mom. lol
  13. Oh yea, I recently got a job at my local paintball field. It's really cool. Free food, lots of fun, and I'm somewhere that I like. I reff some of the games and work a little at the counter. I get to play for free on any day I'm not working and for one day of work I get two bags of paint. The value is a little over 40 I think and If I don't want to use it then I sell it.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]*wonders if it is worth going through the whole game again to get all the Coins and see the new ending* Indeed, if the changes are only slight, is it worth seeing? It's like playing the game [spoiler]in under 12 hours[/spoiler] to get a special something or other for Steiner. What's the whole point? I mean, really, who's gonna try for that?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I did and it was great, that was on my 3rd play through though.
  15. I also like that stuff. I like the mideivil times or however to spell it and I also like swords and lord of the rings. That's pretty cool.
  16. I know that most people aren't old enough to have a job yet but I was just wondering what everyone's 1st jobs were and what you thought about them.
  17. I play soccer, basketball, and football. My most recent and my favorite sport is paintball. It's so expensive to play that I got a job there and it is really fun with great benefits. Oh and I play shelf ball while I'm at school.
  18. A good way that I found when getting out of the junkyard is have a helicopter waiting outside and then get him out there and get in. You have to be quick to avoid the cars and some of the people.
  19. zidane11


    I have never changed names in any of the games. It just doesn't seem the same to me.
  20. zidane11


    Axel the Ignition told me that he read it on a japanese site. He said that it said it was only going to be available for playing for a year. Most ffxi japanese sites do have some english on them. I still might buy it even if you can only play for a year. It's only 50 bucks plus a monthly fee if they have one.
  21. It's about time they had a new book come out. I'll probally get it.
  22. How could anyone do something that evil!? I wonder what charge she is going to get. People like that are just crazy.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark-clown [/i] [B]where i play Pb the is 1 seting and that is on a HUGE hill with trees and natural stuff like that, you paly CTF/every man for them self/teem death mach and protect, it's sooo fun, i play 1 a month, it's £15 for 300balls the mask gun overalls are included but you can pay to rent better guns (semmi/auto/single/sniper) price depends on the gun and it's power (sniper costs ALOT something like £50) it's SOOO much fun i love it, lol "try it you'll love it" [/B][/QUOTE] It only has one setting? They should build more and at least have man made obstacles.
  24. zidane11


    Is it true that you will only be able to play it for 1 year then no one can play it? I really hope not.
  25. I hate people like that. I don't know what else to say.
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