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Everything posted by zidane11

  1. zidane11


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B]All I know is that they named it differently because of different ways of fusing. I don't know why, though. [/B][/QUOTE] It's because one looks more like goku than the other and vice-versa. I always thought that it depended on who was stronger at the time that decided the fusion.
  2. It seems like a lot of people found this place while looking for zelda or pokemon cheats. It's a good thing that this sight comes up on the yahoo search engine also.
  3. I was wondering if anyone had any pets or not. What kind do you have? For some reason I'm feeling really curious today.:cross:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] The most annoying songs are usually the most catchy too, and that is very, very annoying... :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] That's absolutely right. Once I found myself reciting the "Check into Cash" commercial.
  5. Is it just me, or does nobody get grounded. I guess its just my parents. I get in trouble for the stupidest things. Once they took my tv completely out of the room! lol
  6. Thanks a lot. That helped clear up a lot of stuff. I like this place now as much as I did on version 1.
  7. I thought that the game was very interesting but I got a little bored of it. I'd buy it but I could use the money some where else.
  8. Zelda is what brought me to otaku all those years ago. I bought my first gameboy along with zelda. I was on ign.com and out of this big list of places with zelda info I came here. I asked questions and then I found my self to like this place. I've come here ever since the version one boards. This is my most favorite site ever. Thanx adam and everyone else on otaku!!! By the way, what ever happened to Blanks777? I know james is here now and I was wondering if anyone knew if they were the same person or not. How did you guys find otaku? [color=indigo]I got your message and moved this thread to Otaku Lounge. And don't worry about it, it wasn't any trouble at all. - Desbreko[/color]
  9. There is a legendary sword in seasons. Give the code to Farore. The code for the Tokay is !/t Diamond & [COLOR=blue]If you still have any questions or problems then just post them here.[/COLOR]
  10. What ever happened to the moderators from Zelda? This forum sure has changed alot. It used to be a strategy and help type place.
  11. I have a strange habit of singing songs that I hate. I wonder.
  12. They weren't all written at the same time. Toriyami invinted the super saiyans like ss3 solely to try and make them look stronger.
  13. I never did see that commercial. It probaly isn't going to come true though. I've already heard talk about ps6 and 7 too.
  14. I'm a hardcore gamer and I don't usually use walkthroughs. The point of the game is to get the satisfaction from knowing that you completed it yourself. I can play a game for hours and days and still not get bored of it. I don't think you sound arrogant at all.
  15. I'm kinda like that to. I know how it feels.
  16. [I]Originally posted by Blue Gender:[/I] [Quote][B]I was grounded for 2 weeks one time and I read books and began listening to the radio I also did my homework ith more effort and most of all I slept. Or I snuck and played my gameboy color with the sound al the way down.[/B][/Quote] :stupid: j/k [COLOR=blue]That's more like how I'm grounded.[/COLOR]
  17. How much is the game worth? I got it when I was about 5. Is it worth anything? I still have a mouse that came with it. In a way this is kind of a answer to your question. (If I get a reply that is.)
  18. Do ya mind, I'm just gonna post a little bit on the story. Nothing big.
  19. I think that both of the shows rule. I like meat wad!
  20. They probaly just wanted to get a game out fast and make sales. They need to take more time with what there doing.
  21. I would like a sequal to either one. They had tons of people who had wrote saying that they wanted a sequal to FF7. As long as it was a good game then It would probaly get better sales. The prequal sounded like a good idea to. There are tons of thoughts about this.
  22. Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic front is an excellent game. It's mainly alot of strategy and fighting. It's really cool. Which game are you talking about though. I think that the only other Gundam Game for the ps2 is Journey to Jaburo. I'm not sure what that one is like though. I heard it's ok, maybe a rental?
  23. I'm not in it for the sport or anything but I have fun biking any way.
  24. Cool, have you told your parents yet? You should be proud of yourself.
  25. Just the other night some kid in high school was beaten to death with a two by four outside my school. There is a small road in some woods that goes between the middle and high school and I think that's where it happened. It was after the prom and he was probaly walking to his car or the middle school. This world is crazy isn't it?
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