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Everything posted by zidane11

  1. Paintballs don't hurt unless all you have is a t shirt and get hit very close. I usually wear a long sleeve shirt with a pullover.
  2. I would have to say snake, Cloud from ff7, and everyone else from ff7. God!!! I want to go play it now. I don't really want to play a game for a hundred hours again for the 4th time again.
  3. Here's a reason they stopped making them, the story ended. The guy who made Db didn't even make DBGT but I still like it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Hexadecimal was the funniest character on the show; hands down! This is the virus who froze the entire system just for kicks. Bob (the only person not frozen) sneaks up behind her and kicks her across the room and all she had to say was "Funny. I sense a presence." Then there was the time she got ahold of Paint and started cropping and pasting and copying and recoloring the entire "city." Every few steps Bob took in Hex's lair, a cardboard cut-out was copied and pasted behind him. Let's not forget how she loved to play with her mask/face. Everytime she felt a different emotion, she'd wave her hand over her face and a new mask with a different expression would appear. One second it's a sad face with a tear painted under the eyes, and (literally) the next second, it would be an evil face with fangs. And when she lost controll of her army of nulls... Nullzilla! Gotta love Hex. She was pathetic when she turned good, though. Too busy trying to prove to everyone that she was a harmless virus. [/B][/QUOTE] I forgot all about her. I didn't know they were called nulls though,
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B][color=darkred]Geesh, nobody goes outside. [b][center]Monday - Friday[/b][/center] 7:00 AM: Wake up 7:30 AM: Catch the bus 8:20 AM: School starts Whatever time lunch is PM: Talk to girls and EAT 3:30 PM: Schools out, wat for mom to pick me up 4:00 PM: Get on the computer for a quick look over OB, or maybe some chit chat over aim 4:30 PM: Go [b]OUTSIDE[/b] and skate. Usually I meet up with friends somewhere 7:00 PMish: Go home, get on OB. 9:00 PM: Watch That 70's show 9:30 PM: Take a shower 10:00 PM: Raid the fridge 10:10 PM: Watch Boy Meets World 11:00 PM: Watch Gundam/G.I. Joe, play THPS4 or sleep Repeat// On weekends I skate when it's light out and I am on OB when it's dark out.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I go outside on weekends. Going outside used to be my whole life and nothing else but now it's just sometimes. By the way, I hate boy meets world. No offense though.
  6. I do that too but I can't think of any examples right now. What do people think of my name.
  7. I'm selling a new spyder e-99, it's only used once. 150$. It's electric and has semi-auto, 3 round burst, 6 round burst, and full auto and you can adjust the rate of fire and everything. I shoot about 700 paintballs a day and my friend who gets more money shoots about 1500 paintballs. I have a season pass and equipment so I only pay for air and paint. My local field has 7 fields and I like it a lot.
  8. I used to watch that show all the time when I was little. Then toonami played for a while and I kinda got lost with enzo changing and bob changing, it just wasn't that good anymore. I think enzo looked kinda cool.
  9. I remember seeing a thread about this a long time ago but now that I'm interested I thought I might ask. Does anyone play paintball? I just got into a few months ago and now I think about it all the time. There's just something about it, but it is a VERY expensive hobby in my eyes. If you do or don't play then what do you think about the sport?
  10. Try finding a hobby or maybe even getting a gf but if it's a bad relationship then that could make things worse.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]School is my only routine, and I don't even go to that sometimes. Everything else, including meals, homework and sleep is totally random. Sometimes I don't sleep at all, sometimes I go to bed at 10. Just depends on how I'm feeling that day. [/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly like me. My parents make me go to bed but I just turn down the volume or get on my computer. In the summer time I use to pull all nighters at least 3 times a week. Now I've changed and I usually fall asleep if there's nothing to do. If I have a good game like final fantasy then it's a whole different story. If I buy a game then you know it's gotta be a damn good one. I've played all my games at least 50 hours. Double that for final fantasy games and then multiply it at least 3 times for replays. Sorry I got off topic there for a sec. That's all for my routine, I used to be like juuthena in 6th grade.
  12. I haven't had a cavity yet. I used to think I was cursed because of my mouth, I couldn't fall with out hitting my mouth. I had stitches on my lip, 8 teeth pulled in all, not at once and 4 of them were so that there would be room for my braces and I have had chipped teeth. Once I had a shot in my mouth so they could get a cavity out then they found out that I didn't have a cavity. It really sucked.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I'm sick nearly all the time. Not deathly, but I usually have some sort of headache or something. I'm not one to go to the doctor, and I won't take medicine unless forced... So there isn't much left to do heh. [/B][/QUOTE] That's how I am, about taking medicine. I only take it if I have to. As for being sick I was a couple days ago. I was coughing a lot.
  14. I would have never known any of that. Especially the belt thing. That's gotta be pretty bad.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ_WILLIE [/i] [B]Ok, What is this? There is a Metal gear solid special missions game? I didn't know that. Is it for the ps2? My favorite game is mgs. I've never even heard of mgs sm. Is it like VR missions for the original Playstation? [/B][/QUOTE] First of all you must be pretty clueless in seeing that you missed the sequal to your favorite game. MGS is for the ps and MGS2 is for playstation 2. After MGS2 they made a MGS2 SM which is sort of like vr missions except it's for MGS2. Now there making a new game which has more gameplay and modes but it is the same story as MGS2. I know it sounds confusing but it really isn't.:wigout:
  16. That's just plain stupid. First of all, why didn't she have a life jacket? It would be harder to drown with one on. Also, how did they know she was searching for spongebob? It should have been obvious once she started running out of breath or choking that she needs air. Someone could have jumped in and saved her. This is like when that lady at Mcdonalds sued because she didn't know that her coffee was hot and she spilt it.
  17. I'm pretty sure that their faces are black but not because of a shadow. It's been a while but I recall seeing vivi's face as he looked up at the sky. It can't always be shrouded because of his hat and stuff, that just wouldn't make since. I guess the yellow eyes are just because that's how they were made. Haven't any of you seen Yuna's eyes? I don't think her magic changed them, but then again anybody elses guess is just as good as mine.
  18. That's pretty cool. I hope Final Fantasy online will hold me till then. Even though that's not even out yet.
  19. That guy must have been drunk or something. I would have just ignored him or something.
  20. Name: Joel Age: 14 DOB: January 28, 1988 Location: Greensboro, N.C. USA One Word: Word No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Funny Occupation: Video games, anime, otaku boards Color: green Food: pizza Beverage: Mountain Dew Alter Ego: Dream Job: Zoo keeper, with barely any pay Self-Proclaimed: Final Fantasy Master Ethnicity: White Extracurricular: Math Hobby: Anime, video games Dessert: Whipped Topping with Ice cream on top.!?@?!. Musician: It's a secret Group: N/A Mac or PC? PC Nics: Zidane11 Blog: Home Page: [url]www.msn.com[/url] Religion: Christian Book: Lord of The Rings series Collections: anything Sport: Soccer Won't Eat: Fruitcake, onions, anything green. TV Show: Inuyasha Words to live by: If your going to be a pyro then be a smart pyro. Addicted to: Cheez Nips Comic: ??? Movie: Lord of the Rings series is one of them. I have others. That's pretty much me.
  21. I couldn't even imagine how they feel. I can't stand people like that. That's just to far.
  22. It's my favorite otaku skin yet. It's really easy to use as well as eye catching.
  23. I'm in the middle of it. So far it's really good. I haven't read the other two.
  24. People who do those kinds of things are just plain messed up. What's the point of it anyways? It buggs me a lot.
  25. Most people don't think of me at all. Plain and simple.
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