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Everything posted by zidane11

  1. Just ignore them. There are people like that at my school but most people don't know I like anime. Those people get on my nerves a lot.
  2. zidane11


    First of all, my friend is a pansy, I don't use them. Except for when I'm having fun. I have codes now any ways. The one thing I can't find is any planes, can someone help me please.
  3. zidane11


    Iggy, don't double post. I did find a few codes, they put them on gamefaqs.com. When I was their there were no codes but they have some now. It's not that many though and some sites have codes that don't work.
  4. Blowing up buildings is a part of a mission. I think you only do it once. Another thing that I found out is that the whole city isn't opened at the very beginning and not all the vehicles are accesible. That sucks doesn't it?
  5. Another note is that when goku and vegeta fuse it depends on who is stronger for a different outcome. I don't think it matters about the technique used to fuse.
  6. No, he means on the internet. Like regular internet sites. I'm sure you can just use a search engine. There has to be some sites where you can veiw some pics.
  7. He did it to try and kill buu but he failed. He gave up his life to help the others. Enough said.
  8. zidane11


    My friend just got the game and he thought it was really great but there aren't any codes for it. The only ones that I could find for him were game breaker or code breaker codes and a flying car code. So what I ask is does anyone know any programmers cheats or gameshark codes. I think that there will eventually be gameshark codes though. Thanks for any help.
  9. I think it was good. It was a little repetitive but it's still ok.
  10. They felt the effects of the energy but I do believe that they could feel the energy because it was so emense.
  11. Goku fought the guy in a tournament and then in the cell saga the same guy saw gohan and noticed the resemblance.
  12. By the fact that they had Trunks they must show it in one way or another.
  13. From what I can tell it's already a clickable link. Just put [url ] Your link here [/url]. That's all you have to do.
  14. I like it. It's real good food for the mind.
  15. It's one of those shows that seems like nobody watches it but you still like it. I'm just waiting for it to go off air but In the mean time I like to watch it every now and then.
  16. I like most music. I don't really know if I can say I like it all. I don't like classical and a few others. Besides that I like almost anything.
  17. It seems that Ravenstorture is recieved if you answer all the negative choices. That is if it's not random. Lol.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I have a sixth sense when it comes to...cars. Or at least that's what I'd call the talent of being able to recognize the brand and model of any car just by looking at its headlights or tail lights. It's not like I really paid much attention to cars for a long time, I was just suddenly able to tell what cars were very easily. So I guess that's my sixth sense ^_^ Oh yesh, and a lot of times if I think of the worst thing that could happen in a certain situation, it usually happens. That's why I constantly have to say, "But that hasn't happened yet, Knock on wood!" Otherwise it happens. Spookeh :shifty:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly how my dad is. He can tell any car just by looking at the head lights or tail lights. My sixth sense is knowing what people are going to say. Another thing that happens to me that really isn't a sixth sense is that when I think something is going to happen my ears start to feel funny and move. Or if I hear something that I think is going to turn out bad the same thing happens. Kind of like spider sense.
  19. What took you so long break? I was always wondering who you were.
  20. I got anna twoce, strange huh? I even chose different answers. That's pretty nifty. Seems like Cera is pretty popular.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trumen [/i] [B]Well my name stands for TRI....RUN....UP....MIDDLE....END....NADS [/B][/QUOTE] I don't get it, what's that supposed to mean? Is it supposed to be a joke or something?
  22. Don't worry, I'm kind of like that too. Now if I get sick my parents just say live with it or do you want medicine. They won't even take me home early from school. I am also a big anime fan but all my friends hate it. Except for one friend but all my other friends hate him. lol. Don't worry you have nothing to fear. A lot of people have the same feelings.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Long, long story... I get really long winded about it, so scroll down to the bottom if you don't want to read it all... it's summarized down there. [b]Long version: [/b]Azazel isn't exactly "satan" as so many movies make people believe, even if his name is one of the infernal names contained in LaVey's Satanic Bible (so are Ifrit and Shiva, for FF people hah). Long ago books of the Bible, which came to be known as the Apocrypha, had not yet been removed from the Bible, and so they were still considered Scripture, and therefore the Law. Most people don't know about these books now, but they were more or less removed. Among them were the Enochian Gospels and the Infant Gospels (which detailed the child life of Jesus, a lot of which involved him acting out in anger and killing others as he got used to his powers). Anyway, the books also tell of the Watchers, angels whose duty it was to watch over mankind. They became too interested though, and came down to earth to teach man what they knew, as well as having childen with some of then women (all Watchers are male). Two hundred of them, led by the great angel [b]Semjaza-Azazel[/b], are said to have come here in the age between Creation and the Flood. They taught men many things they weren't exactly supposed to know... medicine, astronomy, writing, weapsons making, smithing and even birth control and abortion. Most importantly they taught man the art of magic. The Apocrypha makes it very clear that magic is something from Heaven, a skill given to people directly through these angels (with ironicly is one of the reasons it was removed, considering magic is considered "evil" as of now). Of course, considering man wasn't supposed to know this, the archangels angels complained to God (Michael, Gabriel, Sariel and Uriel). I'd imagine mostly because these were sacred and secret things only angels were supposed to know of at the time. God had punished angels for giving men secrets in the past (such as Prometheus for teaching man fire), so he sent his angels to punish the Watchers. They were defeated in battle, forced to watch as their families were slaughtered (their children were known as the Nephilim, mostly slaughtered because they were simply not [i]supposed[/i] to exist - although it's not very clear that they were completed eradicated, as stories say they are the ones resonsbile for the Tower of Babel), and then imprisoned in the mountains, deserts and seas of the earth until Judgement Day, when they will be cast into the lake of eternal fire. Basically, Hell. A lot of this leads into the start of Vampires as well... The Nephilim are said to have basically become the slaves of men until they rose against them... Killing them, devouring them and drinking their blood. Apparently, they did this to eachother as well. A lot of stories seem to make reference to this, especially paper based Vampire RP games (Book of Nod comes to mind). [b]Short version:[/b] Semjaza-Azazel taught man weapon making and usage, and I also belive the art of war. Like the rest of the watchers he is basically considered a fallen angel. I am not very clear on if he is considered the same angel as Azazel, but Azazel is more or less considered a demon at this point. If anyone read all that, I owe them a cookie :D [/B][/QUOTE] You owe me a cookie!!!:) I knew most of it but not all of it.
  24. Why does everyone hate Funimation so bad? All because of DBZ but they still aren't all that bad.
  25. I know the way you spell her name but that is just what I thought of then. I was insisting that that is how you spell her name. Sorry about any of the confusion.
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