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[color=navy][size=1]"No way Botan! Not a chance! I'm not gonna let some punk girl help me! I've done more things than her plus, I have Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama to back me up when I'm down!" Yusuke shouted to Botan. "Yusuke! You're so stubborn! Besides I'm pretty sure she's a 'street fighter' from another school. Koenma told me that he's had his eye on her, and she was supposed to come fight you today. She's the type who goes after the big fries." Botan said. Yusuke looked intrigued. "Yeah? What school?" He asked. "Um...I think it was Nagataki Junior High" Botan said, putting her hand to her chin in a thoughtful way. Yusuke jumped up. He knew who she was. "You mean that Kie chick? No way! Not for a million dollars! I am NOT working with her!" He yelled. Botan looked at him angrily. "Litsen here, Yusuke! You've got direct orders from Koenma to work with her as soon as she gets her life back!" She said in a as-a-matter-of-fact voice. Yusuke looked at her. "You mean she's going to be a spirit detective, too? What did she do to get a second chance?" He asked, a lot more calmly. "I don't know! Jono's taking her to Koenma not me! I'm stuck arguing with you!" Botan huffed. Yusuke frowned. "You don't have to be so rude about it." He joked.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Kayla watched as Kana Gated Out. Mia turned to Kayla. "This is a very interesting ordeal. I'm not sure what to say." she suddenly looked around. "I'm sorry, Elk, Kayla, I really must go." she Gated Out and left Elk and Kayla alone in [b]Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b]. Elk turned to Kayla. "Well, maybe I will go, too." Elk said silently. Kayla looked at him dreamily. "If you don't have to go, why don't we go somewhere together?" she asked him. Elk blushed. "Um, okay." [i]A little later...[/i] "Um, that was fun, Kayla. I have to go now. See you tomorrow, maybe." Elk smiled and Gated Out. Kayla smiled to herself. "I better go then, too." she mumbled. [b][u]Real World[/b][/u] Kayla took off her Neuro Goggles and set them on the floor. She walked out into the living room and flipped the channel to the news, hoping to hear more about Kia. OOC- Oh my, things are spicing up between Elk and Kayla, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Name: Yusuke Uremeshi Age: 14 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearence: Green jumpsuit, black slicked back black hair, brown eyes. Bio: Killed saving a little boy from getting hit by a car. He earned his life back after throwing his Spirit egg down into a fire to save Kayko then afterwards, Koenma told him that since he had threw his egg into the fire he had to have someone who wanted him back to kiss him. Good or Bad: Good Weapons: Spirit Gun and Shotgun I'm Yusuke! Yay![/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC- My, that is a very interesting twist. IC- As Kayla and Kana walked down to the end of the alley, they saw Kia's character disappear. "Where did she go?" Kana asked. Kayla shook her head. "I have no idea. Maybe something happened in the real world and she didn't have time to log out or something." Kayla concluded. Kana slowly nodded. "Well, do you want to go to an area or something?" she asked. Kayla nodded. "Yeah sure. We could catch up on old times." she said smiling. "I found this new area. It's really beautiful." Kayla and Kana quickly ran to the Chaos Gate. [b][u]Real World[/b][/u] After logging out, Kayla took off her Neuro Goggles and put her controller down. She walked into her living room and turned on the T.V. She flipped it to the news. 'A young teenage girl was found earlier this afternoon outside in the freezing cold weather. She had been playing "The World" Officers said after she was took to the hospital. A young teenage boy had found the girl while walking in the park. The girl's status is currently unknown. A word to everyone watching, remember to dress warmly when going outside!' Kayla flipped the T.V. off and went back into her room. [b][u]"The World"[/b][/u] She logged into "The World" and looked around. She saw Kana on the bridge waiting for her. Kayla ran to the bridge and greeted Kana. "Hey, Kana, did you hear the news? About the girl?" she asked. Kana nodded. "Yeah, I did. It makes you wonder that maybe it was--" "That maybe it was Kia? And that was why she just disappeared?" Kayla finished. Kana nodded. "Kana, lets go to [b]Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b] and think about this." Kayla suggested. Kana agreed and they both walked to the Chaos Gate. [b][u]Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b][/u] Kayla looked around the sparkling white snowy area. She saw Mia and Elk and led Kana over to them. "Mia, Elk, this is Kana, my friend." Kayla said introducing Kana. Mia and Elk said hi. Kayla then explained about what Kana and her had heard about on the news to Mia and Elk. OOC-Hope that was ok. I don't want to mess anything up.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC- Oh my. Now I am confused. I thought I was running towards Kia's Alley, well, I guess I'll just have changed course when I saw you. IC- Kana[oh my, another K name..] looked at Kayla happily. "I would love to help! It would really give me something to do!" she smiled and Kayla forced a half smile. Kana looked around at people passing. "So, what're we going to do first?" she asked. I leaned over the railing and looked into the crystal blue water. "We should find Kia first. I believe she was looking for me at [b]Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b]." Kayla looked up into the dazzling light blue sky before looking back at Kana. Kana was still smiling. "Let's get going then!" Kana said and began to run towards the Item Shop. Kayla stopped her. "No, wait. She's probably in her alley." she informed Kana. Kana came back and followed Kayla past the Magic Shop and into Kia's Alley. OOC-That's all I got for now.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC-Now the story is getting very interesting... IC-Kayla, Mia, and Elk continued through the dungeon. Discovering no more monster portals to be found. They reached the end of the dungeon where the Gott Statue should have been and there was only an empty room. "Where are all the monsters? Why is the dungeon empty?" Elk asked. Kayla shook her head. "I don't know. But this is freaking me out, let's leave." Mia and Elk nodded. Kayla used a Sprite Ocarina and they were teleported out of the dungeon. Kayla looked around. She saw footprints in the snow. They looked like a Twin Blade's. "Oh no, Kia must have been here looking for me." she sighed. "Well, let's Gate Out then." Kayla, Mia, and Elk nodded in agreement. They gated out and appeared in Aqua Capital Mac Anu. Kayla quickly looked around and ran off to Kia's Alley.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][font=Palatino Linotype][i]I believe she is using Paintshop Pro. I also like the up close picture of her better. The lines going through her is a nice touch. You might want to put some text in the big blank space though. It doesn't look very good with just a blank space.[/color][/font][/i]
[color=navy][font=Palatino Linotype][i]Ok. I lightened up the background and put on a border. I think it looks much better now. ^_^[/color][/font][/i] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=544996[/IMG]
[color=navy][font=Palatino Linotype][i]Ok, I made the banner smaller and changed the background. I think this one might be a little better. I can't believe how much better my banners look now, though. I've improved so much. Oh, and I tried to make it glow around her, but I haven't yet discovered how to do this with PhotoImpression4. I hope to figure it out soon...[/color][/i][/font] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=544898[/IMG]
[color=navy][i][font=Palatino Linotype]Heh, thanks, I thought the edited one was a lot better too. Here's one I made after I made the unedited Aura banner.[/color][/font][/i] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=544872[/IMG]
[color=navy][size=1][font=Palatino Linotype][i]Very good! I like these two a lot but that's probably because I'm not much into happy bright and sunshiny banners and avatars. Not really much I can say, they are both very well done. I like the font you used. It really makes the banner unique. The picture is very good also. Great job, hope to see more![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[color=navy][size=1]That was amazing DW. It was so funny. I loved it when you were trying to escape and you hit the ceiling and fell on the floor. I fell out of my chair laughing at that. Oh and it might just be me, but in that movie, you seem to bear a striking resemblance to James in How the James Stole Christmas and yourself in Super Otaku Bros. But, can't wait till next Saturday![/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Ok, I went back and edited my banner. I did a few of the things that you said and here's how it turned out. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=544777[/img] I wasn't sure about the glow but you'll see what I did. I'm not sure if I should have lightened it up more or what. I also changed the text.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Ok, well, I used to use paint, but now I don't. Well, I still use it to put borders on my banners, but that's all. I agree with Baron_Samedi. When using Paint, do not resize your images. They come out pixellated. Advice on the words, you don't have to have a background! When you click on the font button, two little pictures come up under all of the other buttons. One has a square with a white box behind it (or something like that) and the other has a square with a clear box behind it (or something like that). If you click the one with the clear box and then type in your words, you won't get a background behind your text. I would also suggest saving atleast two copies of each banner. One with text and one without, just in case you mess up on the text because once the text is on there, you can't edit it. All in all: For these being your first banners they are pretty good. I hope that one day your banners will be great and that the PhotoDraw program will help make them great because Paint is just killing your potential. ^_^;[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Heh, not much to say, eh? Yeah, I thought the text looked good, too. For once someone agree's with my text choice. Gladly, with my PhotoImpression4 program, I was able to resize it nicely so it wasn't distorted or nothing. EDIT: I am no longer using paint to make my banners. I am completely using PhotoImpression4. Here is my latest banner. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=544733[/IMG] I wasn't sure on what to put for a quote then I remembered from the game that in one of her emails she says over and over "There's still time...there's still time...there's still time..."[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Well, since I love Good Charlotte, I figured I'd make a banner of them so here goes. I scanned a photo from the little book that comes with the cd then cropped it and added words. I really didn't do much. I would have added some effects but I'm in a bit of bad mood right now. Tell me what you think and what I should change about it.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC-Wave_of_Death has told me she will be absent from the story for a few days and she has put me in charge of it. Make sure not to do anything with Kia until Wave_of_Death gets back! IC-Kayla, Mia, and Elk entered the dungeon and looked around. It was just a normal Castle Wall dungeon with high towering ceilings and banisters. Mia looked at me. "Well, lets get going then." She ran ahead of Elk and Kayla into the next room. Elk looked at me and blushed. He ran ahead after Mia and Kayla quickly followed. In the next room, a portal whirled and three monsters appeared. A Magical Goblin, a Water Witch, and a Rock Head appeared(I'm still not sure about the monsters in the area, this weekend I'll go the area in .hack//Mutation and see what the monsters are and edit my post). Mia ran up to the Rock Head and began slashing at it with her sword. Elk and Kayla stood at a distance from the monsters. Elk used Juk Rom to easily kill the Magical Goblin. Kayla's main element was Fire, so she was a perfect match against the Water Witch. "Vak Kruz!" she yelled and fireballs converged upon the Water Witch. An elemental hit appeared above the Water Witch's head and it fell over, and disappeared. Mia shouted out one of her skills, struggling to kill the Rock Head. "Revolver!" She slashed at the Rock Head a few more times before it finally died. It vanished and Mia, Kayla, and Elk all recieved 3 experience points. "Only 3 experience points? This sure is a weak dungeon, Mia." Elk said. "Yes, but it is very beautiful, is it not?" Mia said in her mysterious tone of voice. Elk nodded in agreeance as did Kayla. Mia started walking to the next room. Elk and Kayla quickly followed. Once in the next room they looked around. There were no monster portals and it was a very large room. "Mia, why aren't there any monsters?" Elk asked. "Hmm..." Mia thought to herself for a moment. "I don't know Elk." Kayla looked around and then began walking into the next room. Mia and Elk followed. "Where're we going, Kayla?" Elk asked. Kayla looked back at him. "To the bottom of this dungeon." Elk nodded and continued following her and Mia. OOC-I'm going to stretch Kayla, Elk, and Mia's time in the dungeon out for awhile, until Wave_of_Death gets back.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]After coming home from a long day at school, Kayla walked into her room and put on her visor(I don't know what else to call it, oh well). She picked up her control paddle and logged into "The World" to cool down after her horrible day at school. She quickly checked her email. [b][u]Email[/b][/u] [i]From: Kite To: Kayla Kayla, I'm not sure if I'll be able to meet you in Kia's Alley today. I'm trying to help someone out who's in danger.[/i] Kayla deleted the message and logged into Aqua Capital Mac Anu. She looked around. It was now crowded with people, most likely kids just getting out of school. Not wanting to talk to anyone in case there was someone from her school logged in, she turned to the Chaos Gate and input the keywords [b]Delta Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b]. She looked around the marvelous, sparkling white, snowy area and then saw footprints. Two sets of footprints. She followed them to find another Wavemaster and a cat-like Blademaster fighting monsters from a portal. "Revolver!" The cat-like Blademaster shouted and swung at the monster(I can't remember what kind of monsters are in the area). The last monster fell over and disappeared. Kayla took a step and the cat-like Blademaster twitched her ears and turned to face Kayla. The Blademaster and the Wavemaster ran up to her. Kayla greeted them. She wasn't always so shy and silent when in her favorite area. "Hi, what brings you to my favorite area?" she asked. The Blademaster laughed. "Oh nothing, Elk and I were just inputting random keywords and then we just went here. So, what is your name?" The Blademaster asked. Kayla smiled. "My name's Kayla. What's yours?" The Blademaster smiled cattishly. "I'm Mia and he's Elk." she said, pointing to the Wavemaster standing behind her. Elk said hi and Mia continued talking to her. "By the looks of it, you're not new to "The World" are you? Elk and I are not either so would you like to join us?" Mia asked still with that cattish smile on her face. Kayla nodded. "Sure, I'd love too." what she didn't know was that Mia had been watching her, Kia and Kite ever since they had started to try and uncover the mysteries of their friends' comatose. Mia wanted to know more about it and she didn't mind making a friend in the process of trying to know. Mia looked toward the dungeon. "C'mon, lets go down!" she said and ran towards the dungeon. Elk blushed at Kayla and ran after Mia. Kayla stood awestruck that she had just made two new friends in "The World" before following after the two. OOC-Hehe, I've been planning on meeting Mia and Elk somewhere in the story...[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC- I'm a bit confused now, but I'll post anyway. IC- Kayla tracked down Kia. She had down by the Weapon Shop. "Kia, it was only a trick. Only a trick by a Hacker. Trust me, I've had my expieriences with them." Kia was still afraid as the battle music faded away. "Yuki must be some kind of a Hacker. I know I've seen similar character data before. She must have been a Hacker who has been banned multiple times." Kayla explained and Kia followed her back to Kia's Alley where they thought Kite would still be. They walked to the end and saw him nowhere. "Where'd he go?" Kia asked. "I don't know. Maybe he's going to meet us tomorrow or something." Kayla answered. Kia nodded. "Maybe.." she then got an email. "Well, I better go check that. I'll see you tomorrow, I don't think I'm going to log back in later." Kia said bye and logged out. Kayla heard in her head that she had new mail but she didn't want to check it just yet. She slowly walked to the Chaos Gate and entered the Keywords [b]Delta Expansive Gluttonous White Devil[/b] and was intstantly transported. This was her favorite area. She loved to come here to calm down after everyday. She slowly walked around for a little while, fighting any monsters coming out of portals she came too near and finally Gated Out back to Aqua Capital Mac Anu where she logged out and checked her mail. [b][u]Email[/b][/u] [i]To: Kayla From: Kite Subject: Tomorrow Kayla, meet me tomorrow at Kia's Alley. Hopefully, I can tell you and Kia where we need to go this time.[/i] Kayla sent a reply saying Ok and then completely exited "The World".[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Sweet, another .hack// RPG. Sign Up: Name: Kayla Position: Hacker Class: Wavemaster Level: 59 Weapon: Muddy Rod Height/Weight: 5'2'', 122 lbs Appearance: She has medium brown hair, light brown eyes, pale skin with green markings on her face and hands. A navy blue baggy shirt and pants. Black combat boots and a dark blue hat with rubies encrested on it. Personality: She is not normally cheerful nor kind to most people. She only feels comfortable around other hackers, but not too comfortable. She generally stays away from other players and goes off by herself. Cause: She originally began playing to get away from problems at home but now she plays just because the game is fun in its own ways. She knows of all the problems in "The World", most likely because of all the gate hacking she does. IRL: Name: Kayla Neff Age: 12 Occupation: Middle School student Height/Weight: 5'2'', 122 lbs (same as in "The World") Appearance: Medium brown hair, light brown eyes, black baggy hooded sweatshirt that says "Eat, Sleep, Skate", green cargo pants, and black Vans (skateboard shoes). Personality: Mostly the same as in "The World". She tends to stay away from people. Likes to do everything by herself. She is very independent. Bio: She started playing "The World" when she was 11 years old to get away from problems at home. Her parents were divorcing and she couldn't stand any of it. She is a straight A student at her school and soon after she began playing "The World" she met two hackers who taught her how to hack. Hope that's ok, I'm kind of in a rush, it's almost 11 PM I have to get off. I'll add more tomorrow if it's not enough, allright?[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]After reading the email Kite had sent to her and Kia, Kayla logged into "The World" without even thinking about it. It had become a daily thing for her now, she used to just come whenever she needed to get away from home but now she had a purpose to come, to help Kia. Kayla smelled the clean fresh air and watched the glimmering water reflect the sunlight and with boats moving steadily through the water. She was taking her time, as she usually did with most things when she saw a Heavy Axeman run down the alley where Kite was meeting Kia and her. [i]I wonder who that is...[/i] Kayla thought to herself. She finally stopped leaning on the edge of the bridge and walked slowly down the bridge and the steps, past the magic shop and she began heading down the alley. The Heavy Axeman was already talking to Kia and Kite. Kayla approached the three. Yuki looked at her strangely. "Oh great, let me guess, another newbie." she said seeming to not care for anyone's feelings. Kayla slyly smiled. "No, I am not a newbie and I do not like how you speak to me. It is mean and unkind." Kayla frowned after she finished speaking and looked at Kia and Kite. Yuki glared at her and spoke to Kia and Kite. "Well, I don't really think that you two newbies will be able to do anything on your own. Later, n00bs..." Yuki began walking away when Kayla grabbed Yuki's collar and pulled her up. Kayla was exceptionally strong for a Wavemaster. "Listen here, they can do whatever they want as long as they believe that they can! And they're not doing this alone, I am helping them and with my help they can most definitely achieve their goal!" Kayla let Yuki down. Yuki frightenedly backed away from Kayla, Yuki continued to stare at her before turning around and running from the alley. "Wow, Kayla, you really showed her." Kite said.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC- We really need more people. The story can't go on us two alone! Where's Ryu_Sakura? ---------------------------------------------------------- IC- Kayla checked the board before she logged into "The World". She didn't see anything interesting so she logged in. She looked around Aqua Capital Mac Anu. Not too many people today. The normally bustling, busy town was quieter than usual. Kayla slowly walked down the steps and past the recorder looking for Kia. She walked over the bridge and was almost past the magic shop when she saw a boy Twin Blade run down an alley. She decided to follow him. She wanted to know what was going on. She slowly followed behind him. He ran to the end of an alley where Kayla saw Kia being beat up by a Heavy Blade. The Twin Blade boy suddenly attacked the man. He rammed both of his swords into the man's skull. The man dropped to the ground. Kia thanked the boy, still quivering in fear from almost being killed. Kayla slowly approached the two. Kia saw her and ran up to her with the boy following. "Kayla, this is Kite. He may know something about that statue of that ghostly girl we saw." she said looking over at Kite. Kite and Kayla exchanged friendly greetings. "So, what about the girl, Kite?" Kia asked. Kite explained how his friend, Yasuhiko a.k.a. Orca, had been attacked by a monster with a large red wand and that a ghostly girl had given him a bracelet after the monster had killed Orca. Kite also told them that Yasuhiko, in the real world, had gone into a coma. Kia gasped. "That's what happened to my friend, Kiara." Kia retold the story to Kite. "I wonder what that thing is..." Kayla pondered out loud. The three of them decided that they needed to research a little more about "The World" and parted from each other. OOC-Heh, Kite, Kia, and Kayla, all start with a K, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Kayla and Kia slowly walked from the inside of the castle, there footsteps echoing through the great hall. They walked outside of the castle and looked at each. "Well, I guess we should Gate Out." Kayla said. Kia nodded and they both disappeared from the area in a golden swirl. Once back in Aqua Capital Mac Anu, they went to the Recorder. Kayla saved today's work and so did Kia. "Well, I think I'm going to Log Out. I've had enough adventure for today." Kia said good bye and logged out. Kayla watched other people trade trade, buy, and sell items for a little while. She soon grew tired and logged out to check the board. [b][u][i]The Board[/b][/u][/i] [i]Subject: Strange Ghostly Girl Author: Usagi I have seen this strange ghostly girl in an area I went to. Is she a secret in the game? Who is she? What is she? Has anyone else seen this strange girl? The area I saw her in was [b]Delta Hidden Expansive Sea of Sand[/b].[/i] Kayla decided to reply. [i]I have also seen a ghostly girl. I only saw a statue of her though. I know no more than you do about her though. I saw the statue of her at [b]Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground[/b].[/i] She posted the reply and completely exited "The World".[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]OOC- Heh, guess we're kind of starting out like in .hack//Infection. That's cool though. BTW, you're an awesome poster. ---------------------------------------------------------- IC- Kayla Nodded. "Yeah, we should definitely check it out. It sounds interesting." Kayla and Kia walked over the bridge, admiring the how the sun beautifully reflected off the water, past the shops and to the Chaos Gate. Kia input the keywords [b]Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground[/b]. Kayla and Kia both disappeared in a whirl of golden light. They reappeared in the same golden light at [b]Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground[/b]. "Wow, it's eery here." Kia said looking around. The castle ahead of them was dark and gloomy. It was casted in shadow and very creepy looking. Kayla started to walk toward the castle. Kia quickly ran to keep up. They both walked up the steps, hearing echos of every step as they stepped inside the castle. Kayla looked back at Kia who was following closely behind her. She looked terrified. Kayla understood why. She was just a Newbie, she hadn't expierienced as many things as Kayla had, to not be scared when going into an area such as this one. Suddenly, a goblin jumped out of nowhere. Kia jumped backwards and Kayla cast a spell on it. "Juk Rom!" a tornado of leaves surrounded the goblin. The leaves hit the goblin. It fell over and disappeared. Kia quickly ran up to Kayla incase there were any more monsters. She suddenly looked ahead. "Oh wow!" Kayla looked ahead also to see what Kia had seen. It was a statue of a beautiful young girl.[/color][/size]
[color=navy][size=1]Ok, here's what I think of them: Princess: Very beautiful. I like the choice of colors. The font looks nice, the colors make it a little hard to read, but the font looks good. #2: Looks nice. Font color looks good, font looks good overall, could have done with some more effects, looks very nice though. #3: The avatar is good. Matches the banner very well. The font color just makes it very hard to read. #4: The picture is great, effects are great, only problem is the text. Some of the letters blend in with the background and are very hard to read. #5: This is by far my favorite. The water looks very very very nice and very well done. The picture also looks very good. The only problem, once again, is the text. A little hard to read in some places, change the font color and it will look very good. #6: This one is ok. The font and font color are good. The picture is very good and so are some of the effects. The only thing I dislike is the kind of folded effect in the corner. I don't know why, I just don't think it looks too good. I'm not familar with Paintshop Pro so I couldn't tell you what might look better. Overall- They are very good. Just the text color needs to be changed on some and you need borders on them also.[/color][/size]