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[color=navy]Well, I'm not for certain, but I think my mom and my stepdad are throwing a party in our basement. It's gonna be pretty cool if we do. My mom said I could invite my friend Xio(Mai_Minase here at OB) over to the party. My best friend Tre'll probably come over with his mom and my uncle Jimmy too so it'll be fun. Heh, I probably won't even be in the basement with the party, I'll probably be upstairs in my room with my friends playing my PS2. Before the ball drops everyone's probably gonna come upstairs and watch it drop on the Big Screen TV. Then probably party for a little while longer, then go home. My friends'll probably get to spend the night though. If all that doesn't happen, I'll probably just be lazy and play my PS2 until it's time to watch the ball drop, then go out in the living room and watch it drop with everyone. Hopefully we're gonna have the party! ^_^[/color]
[color=navy]It looks very good! You did a nice job. I only have a problem with one thing: their fingers. Their fingers are a little weird. Kind of shaped funny. Other than that though, the shading and coloring is excellent! 8.5/10[/color]
[color=navy]Wow, I could never draw that realistically... But, I really liked the coloring and shading. Really made the picture look realistic. Fire's left eye is smaller than her right though, making it look really...weird. Her head is a little oddly shaped too. Other than that, it looks pretty good. 8/10[/color]
[color=navy]Yes, thank you for explaining it more kamemaster. Boy, if I could of thought of that... But yes, as kamemaster said, it wouldn't take that long because Bandai already has the models of the servers and the script for the Chaos Gate. They would just have to put them into an environment more suitable for a MMORPG. [/color]
[color=navy]Wow, you did a really nice job on it. I agree with Inuluvr1, it does look like a Tsunami. The colors look great together. The way some of the colors come together looks kind of like a patch quilt. It's a cool pattern.[/color]
[color=navy]Oi...Why do I even try?? I'm not saying that this is something we want done now. I'm just saying, something that could be done in the future. I know it will cost a lot to make and to play. But I'm willing to pay the costs. I would argue more but I'm lost for thoughts...[/color]
[color=navy]Well, if you look at the thread I started called "The World Petition Site" you should find some kind of answer that Death Bug said, that would say "writing letters will help".[/color]
[color=navy]Someone suggested that I start a thread about this so I am. I am organizing a letter campaign about making "The World" a real game. What I need you to do is to write a convincing and professional letter to Bandai about making "The World" a game. Also, ask other people to do the same. We will need as many as we can to send letters in to Bandai. I already have a few people willing to do it, but I need lots more people! If you're going to send a letter here's the address: Bandai America 5551 Katella Avenue Cypress, CA 90630 Please help make this game real! Send a letter to Bandai![/color]
[color=navy]Yeah, I have a few theories. 1. Mimiru, from the show, is Blackrose, in the games. 2. Orca, from the games, is Bear, from the show. 3. Elk, from the games, is not Tsukasa, from the show, despite what you think. Well, that's all I got. I'll add more when I think of more.[/color]
[color=navy]Well then, you've got my attention. I'll start asking people I know who would be willing to write letters to *thinks of company*probably Bandai in this case. Allright, well, I'm going to have to get the address of the company, so if you want to [i][b]really[/i][/b] help make "The World" a real game, PM me and I'll give you the address once I find it. I don't want this thread becoming full of spam from people asking for the address. It shouldn't take me too long to get the address, it's probably on the back of the .hack// games anyway. I know that from personal expierience, that's where I found Rockstar Game's address, on the back of Grand Theft Auto lll's game case. Oh and I would post the address here but, I really want to see how many people are interested and willing to do this, so please just PM me. Like DeathBug said, it takes hardwork and committment.[/color]
[color=navy]The very first time I watched Cowboy Bebop I was hooked. The only reason I actually was watching it was because it was late at night, round 12:30 or so and there was nothing on. I had flipped the channel to 15(this is cable tv so that's the TV guide channel) to see what was on and it was going past Cartoon Network. My friend who was sitting next to me was like "Hey, look at the funny name of that show! Let's watch that!" so I changed the channel to 60(cartoon network) and we started watching Cowboy Bebop. This was back when they played 6 episodes in a row(man, those were the days...). My friend and I were both instantly hooked on Cowboy Bebop. The six episodes they were showing that night were the very last 6, I'm pretty sure. The last episode ended with Spike killing this guy then dieing himself, I think. This show is the best Anime by far. Its interesting characters, weird plot, and cool space theme make it an awesome Anime. I don't get to watch it anymore(no dish or cable at my mom's house and when I go to my dad's he's always playing the PS2 so I can't watch TV) plus, I'm not sure if they still play it on Cartoon Network anymore. I really want to see the movie though. Oh and before I forget, my favorite character is Ed. She's weird and funny, like me![/color]
[color=navy]Well, I actually signed up yesterday and tried to log in, but it didn't work and I never thought about posting about it here until right now. Yes, I do remember the password though. EDIT: Got it to work. I now have a MyOtaku account.[/color]
[color=navy]Ok, so I signed up for MyOtaku and everything and now I'm trying to sign in but this is what it says everytime I try: Incorrect login, password and/or your account has not been activated through email. So I went to my email and there was no new mail about activating a MyOtaku account. Please tell me, what can I do about this? I don't know, but maybe I typed in my email address wrong, who knows? I think there might be something wrong with my email maybe, too. But, if you can help me, please do.[/color]
[color=navy]Wow, Shizoku, that picture is much better! Once again, the shading and coloring is wonderful. I especially liked the background. It really made the picture very interesting. But, does Kenshin's scar really go that far down? I'm not too sure because I haven't looked at a picture of Kenshin in awhile, but if it does go down that far, then you did a nice job on it. All in all: I'd say an 8/10. Hope to see more artwork from you![/color]
[color=navy]I know the Trigun one needed work. I did [i]mention[/i] above the banner that it was my first banner, did I not??? Well, I'm glad that everyone likes my Mia and Elk one. I love it! I'm glad that you think that the font goes good with my Anime Kitty banner. Finally, someone thinks my font goes good with something! Here's a banner I made a little while ago. It's missing something, yet, I don't know what it's missing. Oh yeah, and on this banner, I wanted to put a picture of like Kuwabara or something about to get hit by Yusuke's fist, but I couldn't find any good pictures. EDIT: Good news! I have a lot more fonts now! I'm going to keep downloading them! *does the "has lots of fonts now" dance* lol.[/color] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=535086[/IMG]
[color=navy]Well, I hate to point this out. But what you are talking about has already been talked about in another thread. That thread is called "The World". Almost everything you talked about was discussed in that thread. Online petitions may not be the best way to convince a company to make a game, but atleast they [b][i]are[/b][/i] a way. Organizing a letter campaign, how can you organize a letter campaign in an area where people don't even know what an RPG is? That's where I live. The only people who know what an RPG is are my friends. But, if I did organize a letter campaign, do you really think a company would pay that much more attention?[/color]
[color=navy]What I got for Christmas...well, prepare for a long list. I got just about everything I wanted. [b][u]From my Mom, Stepdad, and Stepbro:[/b][/u] 1. A Stereo System 2. A dragon Statue 3. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 4. An Italian Dictionary 5. A Nightmare On Elm Street 6. 2 Pairs of Jeans 7. A Gray Nike Hooded Sweatshirt 8. A Skeleton Hockey Statue 9. Snowpants 10. Laminating Paper 11. Dragon Ball Z Figures Tien, Piccolo, Majin Buu(Fat), Hercule, Dabura Cookie(lol!) and Bee 12. A kitten(yay!) 13. Desktop Basketball 14. A Pencil Sharpener 15. A poster with a Cat on it 16. A small photo album to put pictures of my cats in [b][u]From my Dad, Stepmom, and Stepsis:[/u][/b] 1. RPG Maker 2 2. Bad Boys 2 3. Yu Gi Oh Cards 4. Dragon Ball Z cards 5. USB Keyboard 6. A blue fuzzy Sweatshirt [b][u]From my Grandma and Grandpa Barz and the rest of my family on my Mom's side:[/b][/u] 1. A Cat Calendar 2. A gray Mickey Mouse Hooded Sweatshirt 3. A nice new Watch 4. More Dragon Ball Z cards 5. A scarf 6. A black shirt [b][u]From my Grandma Bonnie:[/u][/b] 1. Notebook Paper 2. Gel Pen Paper 3. A new Notebook 4. 2 new folders 5. 2 more cat calendars Well, I think that's all.[/color]
[color=navy]OOC- K.K.C., Swordmaster13, you two don't mind if I split off from you two do you? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kayla watched as Cay began to fight with the trainer. Kayla turned to Alex. "Hey, Alex, I'm gonna go off and train on my own, allright?" Kayla said. Alex nodded. "Allright Kayla." "Cool, bye Alex! Tell Cay I said bye." Kayla walked away from the two towards Beach Town. Kayla walked through the forest watching all of the Pokemon play. She was thinking about what types of Pokemon she should catch. "I already have a normal type and an Electric type. So, I guess I should catch a fire type, water type, grass type, and a ground type probably." she looked around and didn't see any of the types that she needed, when suddenly, a Shroomish came running out in front of Kayla. It was being chased by a Beedrill. Kayla looked at Eevee in her arms. "Eevee! Go get that Beedrill!" Eevee sprang from Kayla's arms and hit the Beedrill with a Headbutt attack. "Allright Eevee, now use Bite!" Eevee bit the Beedrill's wing and the Beedrill angrily buzzed at Eevee. The Beedrill flapped its wing and Eevee dropped off of it. The Beedrill buzzed angrily and tried to use a Fury Attack on Eevee. Eevee dodged the attacks and used a headbutt attack. Eevee hit the Beedrill head on. The Beedrill flew away. Kayla looked at the scared Shroomish. "It's ok now Shroomish." the Shroomish looked at Kayla. It ran behind her legs, trying to hide. Kayla sighed and pulled a Pokeball off of her belt. She threw it at the Shroomish and it disappeared inside it. The Pokeball rolled back and forth a few times before it stopped. Kayla picked up the Pokeball and continued walking to Beach town.[/color]
[color=navy]OOC- What color are Vash's thoughts? Well, I guess for now I'm going to make them [color=red]red[/color] just correct me if I'm wrong and I'll change the color. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kayla and Mai walked into a room with Vash. [i]"Wonder what Vash has is going to have us do...."[/i] Kayla wondered to herself. Vash had heard her thoughts. [/color][color=red]" Oh, you'll see Kayla. You'll see."[/color] [color=navy]Vash walked to a door at the back of the room. Kayla and Mai followed him. He opened the door and went into the next room. Kayla gasped as she saw hundreds of different kinds of weapons, filling the walls from floor to ceiling. "Wow!" Mai exclaimed. Vash laughed. "Yes, wow indeed." Vash led them over to a small table in the back of the room. "Years and years of collecting weapons and the only guns you two need are these ones." he picked up two small handguns and handed them to Mai and Kayla. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC- I would type more but I can't think of what Vash wants us to do.[/color]
[color=navy]Kayla and Mai saw Julie run past the door with Knives and Nick following. Mai was shocked. "Knives! Then where's Vash?"she asked standing up and running out the door after them. Kayla stood up. "Vash? Hey! Wait up!" she ran out after the four of them. She caught up to Mai who was trailing Julie, Knives, and Nick by only a few steps. "Where are we going?"she asked Mai. "I don't know, where ever they're going!"Mai answered and ran a little faster so she could catch up to the three. -------------------------------------------------- OOC-Hope that was ok! I've got so many things to think about right now, that I don't know what to type.[/color]
[color=navy]*smiles* Well, it is a nice banner but, it has a few problems that I would like to address. 1. The coloring of the names Ryu_Sakura and dark_dragongirl They are nice colors but, they blend in too much with the picture, resulting in not being able to read the names very well. 2. Hehehe, finally, I can get back at the people who complain that I don't put borders on my banners by asking the same question. Where is your border??? I now have a suggestion about the names. I can't tell just by looking at it, but maybe, if you put sunnybunny7 down on the bottom of the banner and Ryu_Sakura and dark_dragongirl at the top of the banner, you would be able to read the names more clearly. Or, maybe if you made the colors a little darker, they might be easier to read. I really do like the banner though, it's very well done. Oh, and who is this dark_dragongirl and how come I do not know her? Oh yeah, that's me...LOL![/color]
[color=navy]Your new banners are looking very cool! I don't really know what "Boogiepop Phantom" is but the banner looks cool. Although, it does look a little bright in some spots, or is that just what it's supposed to look like? Oh, and lol, is "Boogiepop Phantom" a boogie from your nose that when you take it out it goes "POP!" and becomes a phantom? j/k, I really don't have a clue what "Boogiepop Phantom" is though....[/color]
[color=navy]Well, I've already been told a few times that my quotes don't match. But, I do always enjoy hearing it a few times...lol, anyway, the "Dangerous Driving is a crime" banner was just something I made for fun. My Mia and Elk banner: Yeah, I'd say it's my best too. I spent a long time getting the pictures in the right place and picking out the best fonts and colors of the fonts and then finding the best place to put the fonts. Hmm....*searches computer for more banners* ah yes, I still have a few more. This one is my Anime Kitties banner. I wanted to put more Anime Kitties on it, but I couldn't find anymore. EDIT: I know the pictures are pixelly, allright? It's hard making pictures look unpixelly when you have to resize some of them![/color] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=534485[/IMG]
[color=navy]Yeah, you do look really new at Anime Style art. Kenshin Himura- LOL! It looks like he has an affro. But, you did a pretty good job on him. Your shading and coloring looks wonderful. The Second Picture- This one's pretty cool also. I really like how you put that woman in the background with the sword. I think you did an awesome job with the guy. I personally suck at drawing the sides of people's faces....and once again, your shading and coloring is awesome. I'll definitely check out your myotaku art.[/color]
[color=navy]All this year, I have had to answer this question and I could never decide what I wanted to do more, but, I know I'm only in 7th grade, I think I've made a decision. I would really like to be an author. My English teachers say I'm perfect for it. I've actually already written a few stories about Grand Theft Auto and stuff related to that. Right now I'm writing a .hack//Sign Story. I would also really like to be a professional rollerblader or a professional snowboarder. I started snowboarding last year and I would have snowboarded more that once last year but it didn't snow enough and this year so far it hasn't snowed much, only about an inch or two. I've been rollerblading since I was about 7 years old so I've had a long time to get good at it. I started going to my hometown's skatepark shortly after it was built last year and started practicing rollerblading on ramps and on the quarter pipes. Unfortunately, we moved out in the middle of nowhere and I'm deprived of the sport I love but over this past summer I helped my step dad put together a small quarterpipe and well, I had an accident on it. Well, actually, it wasn't even on the quarterpipe, it was on the cracked cement in front of the quarterpipe so, that crossed rollerblading off my checklist of "things to do during the summer" but despite my small accident(I only broke my knuckled and fractured a bone in my hand, not [i]that[/i] serious) I still continue to dream of becoming a pro. Colleges I would like to go to, well, I haven't really thought about colleges but I would like to go to CMU(Central Michigan University).[/color]