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Everything posted by DDG

  1. [color=navy][b]Name:[/b] Jessebelle Torado [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Federal Agent [b]Appearance:[/b] About 5'7", she has medium length straight black hair and black eyes. She has a tanned skin complexion and she wears a long blue trench coat with black combat boots. She has navy colored sunglasses and gold earrings shaped like skulls. [b]Personality:[/b] She is very determined and has a bad temper problem. Her determination keeps her from getting too angry to where she can't concentrate and makes bad decisions but when she does get too angry, her plans usually fail. [b]Weapons:[/b] MP5-K with a silencer hidden under trench coat and a small knife hidden in each of her boots. [b]Bio:[/b] When she was younger she looked up to her father for his work as a Federal Agent. Once she was a teenager she started training in Martial Arts and practiced shooting guns at the local gun range. When she was 15 her father was killed trying to catch a notorious hacker. She vowed revenge and when she turned 18 she went through the Federal Agent training and tracked down the hacker who killed her father. Now she is a top Federal Agent and is chasing Aura Jones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope that was ok![/color]
  2. [color=navy]Well, I did download more fonts and I have been using them on my new banners. I actually have one that I made a couple days ago that I say I perfectly used one of the new fonts I downloaded on, but I will only be able to post it tomorrow because I am not on the right computer to do so. I'm very happy that you all like my banners. I'm also very glad to say that I have been using everyone's advice when I make new banners. Please keep giving me advice so I can continue to make better and better banners. EDIT: Here's my newest banner. It has my favorite phrase from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on it.[/color] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=534341[/IMG]
  3. [color=navy]AishKatsuya, I'm really disappointed but I can't see your drawings. I can see the very top of them, but that is all I can see. Maybe if you tried attaching them to a post, then right click on the shortcut, click copy shortcut, then edit your post, click the "IMG" button, paste the shortcut into that and press "Save Changes". Then it should work. But, it might just be my computer. I'm not sure, but I do know that I had trouble putting the banners I made into a post by doing what you've have done and being able to have people see them. So I guess if other people can see them, then you don't have to do what I suggested to do. I hope to one day be able to see your drawings.[/color]
  4. [color=navy]Yup, no problem. I just hope that everyone can sign it so "The World" may one day become a real game.[/color]
  5. [color=navy]Well, allright. I really kind of figured that they were there as an example to people of what not to do, before I posted this thread topic, I just needed some clarification(wait, is that the right word?). But, *looks to see who said something about too many examples* I do agree with Shinji Ikari, they're are a little too many "examples", but the I will also agree that it really is up to the mod whether or not these "examples" get deleted or not.[/color]
  6. [color=navy]Look, I know it says, you're done taking recruitments, but I did PM you ya know to join and Artemis asked to see my sign up so I'm posting it here, allright? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Kayla ???(she doesn't like to disclose her last name) Age: 19 Apperence: Tall, brown haired woman, brown eyes, black leather jacket, green cargo pants, black boots Weapon(s): Pistol and a large dagger Bio: A woman on the edge, she gave up trying to bond with her family as she was a loner and they were hard to understand even to her. She gave up on many things in life all except one, meeting Vash the Stampede. She continued to search for him and left her family and all other aspects of her life behind and devoted her life to searching for him. She is also good friends with Mai, this is the only other thing she didn't leave behind with her (what she calls) "Past Life". Good or Bad: shes good and bad if thats ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I changed it just a little from what I sent you JoyKaiba.[/color]
  7. DDG

    Most Recent

    [color=navy]Oh yeah! I saw that banner before! The choice of colors is awesome. I love how you have Renamon in her true color and a full body pic and then have head shots of her in different, kind of, transparent colors. Being the big Renamon fan that I am, I love the way she is positioned in the banner. Love the banner! Hope to see more work from you![/color]
  8. [color=navy]I love the colorfulness and choice of colors. My own opinion is that I can tell that the thigh is getting slightly thinner as you near the end of the paper so I know that the knee is probably just below there. I like the hair ok but, the sharp kind of feathery thing seems a little....well, odd. I think it would do much better being more wispy I guess I should call it. Her left hand is strangely creepy. As PyroPhobic said, it would do good to either turn the hand so the knuckles were showing or so that the palm was showing slightly. One last thing, I think the upper body seems a little big. Looking at it made me think: Why, what a abnormally large upper body. It seems to stretch on a little too much. And, also, if you shortened the upper body a little, you would be able to clearly define where the knees were. Ok, I lied, here's the last thing, how here head is proportioned is very interesting indeed(lol, I said indeed). If you had pointed her nose in the other direction, it would not make it look like your trying to break her neck or something. But, anyway, it's very well done despite those odd little things I mentioned. I hope to see more artwork from you.[/color]
  9. DDG


    [color=navy]Heh, I really like your megaman banner. And, if I'm not mistaken,(please correct me if I am) you were probably talking about my Megaman thread. The blankness on the top left could be fixed by putting in a user name yes. I'm agreeing with boo here, another way to get rid of some of that would have been to cut down on the size. The Kenji banner was very good. I loved the background and the butterfly landing on the K was a cool thing. All in all: I love your banners. They are awesome. If I ever get a better program to make banners with I hope to someday be as good as you.[/color]
  10. [color=navy]I liked it Shinmaru. It was very funny. You could do with a few more !'s and 1's, like K.K.C. said but I understand that there's not enough room. Your avi is also funny. I never knew that dissing yourself could be fun but, well, everyone has there own ideas of fun. And, lol, I'm hungry, so you think you could make me a sammich too?[/color]
  11. [color=navy]HAHAHA! That was the funniest thing I have ever saw. It was very well animated. Your jokes were very funny. Your drawings were very good. I really enjoyed watching it. Please continue making these movies! Can't wait till the next one![/color]
  12. Life is like a box of chocolates. Yes in some ways it is. It is a very random thing. But unlike a box of chocolates, you can sometimes choose what you want and choose what you want to happen. What I percieve life to be is just a major drug deal gone wrong at sometimes or a nice bank heist perfectly pulled off.
  13. Hi Xio! *ish being forced to sign up* Name: Vash the Stampede Age: around 125 Gender: Male Description: It's attached Bio: Legendary outlaw, around 125 years old, owner of the angel arm, put a hole in the 5th moon, responsible for the destruction of July and Augusta Wepon(s): .45 colt
  14. Well, here's a site with a petition to make "The World" a real game. [url]http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/236858228[/url] Please sign it, it really needs signatures!
  15. hehehe, no problem Mai. Heres my latest work, I think its one of my best yet. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=533343[/IMG]
  16. Ok, Mai, heres your banner! Wear it proudly, I made about six different versions of it and this is the best one! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=533335[/IMG]
  17. "Well, we better get going then!" Kayla said smiling. She was excited to be in a forest full of Pokemon to capture. As Kayla, Alex, and Cay continued through the forest they admired all of the beauty of it when a Minun and a Plusle came walking out of the forest together. "Whoah! Awesome!" Kayla exclaimed. "Eevee! Come on! Let's catch that Minun!" she turned to Cay. "You can take the Plusle, allright?" Cay nodded and let out her Cyndaquil. She began battling with the Plusle and Kayla began battling with the Minun. "Eevee! Tackle attack!" Eevee charged at the Minun and slammed into it. The Minun retalliated by shocking Eevee. Eevee just brushed the attack off like it was almost nothing. "Eevee! Use your Mud Slap attack!" Eevee dug its hind legs into the ground and began kicking mud into the Minun's face. Minun lost some of it's accuracy and missed when it tried to shock Eevee. "Ok Eevee! Now, use Headbutt!" Eevee ran at Minun and hit it straight on in the head. Minun fell over. Kayla threw a Pokeball and clenched her fists as it rolled back and forth. It stopped and the red light turned white. Kayla walked over the Pokeball and picked it up. "Yes! I caught Minun!" she then went and watched Cay's battle.
  18. Well, I don't know what you would do. Maybe go to the doctor about it, but all I know is that I have kind of the same problem as MaggieMehve. Except that it only happens when I've been playing my gameboy or watching TV or playing my playstation 2 or something for a little while and when I stand up I see a bunch of dots, then my vision kind of goes black and I have to stand there for a couple seconds and wait for my vision to clear up.
  19. [color=navy]OOC- Since I'm Julie's reincarnation, I'm gonna include stuff 9for the memories)from Trigun: A New Start. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Juliana fell to the ground hard. She slowly got up and looked around at everyone else. They were all holding their heads slightly. Juliana noticed she had a pounding headache. She closed her eyes and held her head. She suddenly saw memories of which she never had before. Julie the Typhoon in the hospital, recovering from a gunshot wound, Julie the Typhoon using her Angel Arm to save Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Shuno. She remembered every aspect of Julie's life. [i]Is this real...could something like this be true...could I really be her?[/i]She thought to herself and opened her eyes to look at everyone else. [i]Could they see stuff like this too?[/i] Juliana decided that this was all too much to handle at the moment and went back inside the bar to finish up her whiskey.[/color]
  20. Purplish, eh? Well, I don't have many different colored colored pencils, so it's hard to get the right colors and I have to improvise a lot but I make do.
  21. [color=navy]Juliana noticed how much Tyler was looking at all of them and how strangely also. She had no idea why he was doing this. She decided to forget about it and drank a little more whiskey. Nick looked at her and she blushed. Nick smiled and gave her another bottle of whiskey. "Thank you." she said and smiled. Tyler suddenly stood up. Juliana looked at him. "What's wrong Tyler?" she asked. "I-I...it's nothing really. I just have to get out of here. I need some fresh air." he walked out of the bar. "What's his problem?" Vanesa asked. Nick shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't know."[/color]
  22. Interesting...eating Pokemon, never heard that before but, It's fine I guess....
  23. Wow, thanks. Well, heres the last one. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532926[/IMG]
  24. Kayla walked into the room and stood in front of Vash. "Good to see you Kayla. From what Mai has told me, you two did accomplish something. Not very much I tell you, but something. You probably haven't heard, because I just told her, but Mai has gotten a promotion. She is now on the same standards of power as Legato." Vash said. "Uh huh, and what does this have to do with me?" Kayla asked. "Well, with Mai getting promoted, her old position is now open---" Kayla excitedly interrupted him. "You mean I get Mai's old position?"she put her head down. "I'm sorry for talking out of turn, sir." she mumbled. Vash continued. "Well, as you've guessed, yes, you do get Mai's old position. Now, begone with you and send Castillo in." Kayla walked out of the room. "Castillo, you're up."
  25. DDG

    Ruroni Kenshin

    DG swung her sword at the man but he had a trick up his sleeve. Well, he literally did. He shot throwing knives out of his sleeve and into DG's legs and arms. "Ahh!" DG fell to the ground and dropped her sword. The man stood up slowly and brought his sword up to her neck. "Prepare to die, little girl!" he yelled and brung his sword back but before he could make the killing blow, Kia slashed the man with her sword and pushed him into a tree. As Kia began fighting with the man, DG crawled off to the side with Mal.
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