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Everything posted by DDG
Yes, it's colored pencil. The next one is attached for everyone to see! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532862[/IMG]
[i]Wonder what this is all about....[/i]Kayla thought to herself as Mai followed Vash into another room. [i]Wonder what he wants to talk to everyone about....I hope he hurries up, I haven't saw him in ages....[/i]It was true. Kayla hadn't saw Vash for a few months now as she had been on important business with Mai. [i]I hope this isn't going to be something bad...[/i]Kayla sat down next to Castillo and waited patiently for Vash to finish talking with Mai.
Hi everyone, sorry I'm so late in the story.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kayla looked down over the fight from a building. She watched as Julie the Typhoon shot her angel arm in a blinding flash of light. After the light had disappeared, she saw that Legato was dead. She glanced down as she heard sobbing in the alley below her. It was her friend Mai. She had been following Mai because she knew that if she did, she would eventually meet Vash the Stampede. She went to the ladder she had used to climb up to the roof and climbed down. Mai hadn't noticed her yet so she spoke to her. "Hello, Mai. It's been a long time, hasn't it?" she said smiling at Mai. Mai looked up at her. "K-Kayla? Is that you? I thought you were going to visit your family!" Mai screamed at her. "Well, I really don't think visiting [i]them[/i] is very important. But meeting my hero Vash the Stampede sure is!" she said and smiled again. Mai got up and looked her straight in the eyes. "Kayla, you know that if you don't visit them soon---" she interupted Mai. "I know, they'll be gone and I won't have anyone left. But that's not true you know. I'd still have you as my friend." she said. Mai new she was beaten and didn't respond. "Well, I guess you should meet everyone then..." Mai mumbled wiping away a tear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC- Hope that was ok!
[color=navy]My favorite bands are Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, and Simple Plan. My favorite Linkin Park song is My
Oh, well, ok, but still, if you weren't paying attention to the side where the padlock is....
I hope this works now. The three Megamans are cut out so the file sizes are smaller. Please give me your feedback! Each one must be posted individually because they were seperately cut out. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532651[/IMG]
Why don't locked(or closed threads) get deleted? Because, if they were, this would save users browsing forums time, I mean like, if you were browsing through a forum and you saw this thread and you clicked onto it to see what it was, to only find out that it is a closed thread. Now, if this happened, and you were on a computer that you share with other people and you only have a certain amount of time to be on it, you would have wasted a few minutes time, looking at a closed thread, that you would not be able to post on. Plus, these closed threads will just get in the way while users are trying to find an interesting forum thread to post on and come across a closed thread. I can not think of any other way to explain it. I just feel that keeping closed threads on the forums boards will get in the way.
[i]In the Pokemon Region of Pleasant, trainers train to compete in the Pleasant League, in League City. Trainers must earn 10 of the 12 badges in the Pleasant Region to be elligible to compete in the Pleasant League. Trainers who have earned these 10 badges will face off against four Elite Trainers and the Champion. After the deciding battle against the Champion, winning trainers will be recorded forever in the Hall of Fame and losers will be sent home to train more. Whether a Trainer has won or lost, most of them continue on to Mount Pleasant to face the Pokemon Master.[/i] Ok, heres the gyms: [b]Oak Town Gym[/b] Leader: Nora Type of Pokemon: Normal Pokemon: Sentret, Zigzagoon, Delcatty Badge: Senzidel Badge [b]Pleasant City Gym[/b] Leader: Steven(recognize the name?) Type: Steel Pokemon: Mawile, Skarmory, Magnemite Badge: Maskarmite Badge [b]Tree City Gym[/b] Leader: Grady Type: Grass Pokemon: Shroomish, Grovyle, Breloom Badge: Shrovyleloom Badge [b]Boardwalk Town Gym[/b] Leader: Fischer Type: Fighting Pokemon: Meditite, Makuhita, Hariyama Badge: Mehitayama Badge [b]Fort Town Gym[/b] Leader: Flairity Type: Flying Pokemon: Noctowl, Fearow, Swellow Badge: Norowswell Badge [b]Maple City Gym[/b] Leader: Buggy Type: Bug Pokemon: Scyther, Ariados, Surskit Badge: Scydosur Badge [b]Beach Town Gym[/b] Leader: Wakine Type: Water Pokemon: Pelipper, Wailord, Croconaw Badge: Pewailcro Badge [b]Dark City Gym[/b] Leader: Darren Type: Dark Pokemon: Mightyena, Murkrow, Houndour Badge: Mightmurhound Badge [b]Light City Gym[/b] Leader: Simon Type: Psychic Pokemon: Alakazam, Medicham, Lunatone, Solrock Badge: Alunarock Badge [b]Fire Island Gym[/b] Leader: Firene Type: Fire Pokemon: Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken Badge: Chartyblaz Badge [b]Ice Island Badge[/b] Leader: Icene Type: Ice Pokemon: Walrein, Glalie, Jynx Badge: Walglajyn Badge [b]Lightning Island Gym[/b] Leader: Electrene Type: Electric Pokemon: Raichu, Jolteon, Electrike Badge: Raijolelec Badge On the map, the cities without gyms do not have either a box or a rounded off rectangle around them(the corners are kind of curved) and they do not have a thick colored border around them. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC- the starting town is Birch City for new trainers. If you are a new trainer, you will recieve your Pokemon from Professor Birch's assistant at the lab. If you already have Pokemon, then you can pick any city that does not have a gym to start out in or you can just start out in Birch City like all of the new Trainers. IC- Kayla walked out of her house and down the road to the Pokemon Lab. Today was the day she would get her very own Pokemon. She saw the lab ahead of her and ran to get to it. She ran inside and found Prof. Birch's assistant playing with the starter Pokemon. [b]Assistant:[/b]Why! Hello Kayla! It's good to see you! I'm assuming you're here for your Pokemon? [b]Kayla:[/b]Yup! I sure am! [b]Assistant:[/b]Well, I have the perfect Pokemon for you. He called for a Pokemon. A small Eevee came running up. [b]Assistant:[/b]Kayla, meet Eevee, your new partner. Kayla smiled and picked the small Eevee up. [b]Kayla:[/b]Wow, she's so beautiful. I'm sure we'll be best friends in no time! Eevee smiled and said its name happily. [b]Assistant:[/b]Now, that Eevee doesn't like being inside Pokeballs, you don't mind, do you? Kayla shook her head and took the 5 Pokeballs and Pokedex that the Assistant handed her and left the lab, hugging her wonderful new Eevee.
Yup, absolutely fine. I could not scan the region, but I did draw it on paint. It will be attached. I have enough people now to start the RPG so I will also attach it to the first post there. I will explain more about the map in the RPG. So if you have any questions, wait till then. Then, after that, if you still have any questions, PM me about them.
Kayla and Mai walked up to Castillo. "What are you doing here, Castillo?" Mai asked. "Just helping out Mike."Castillo said and put his gun away. This was odd because Castillo rarely talked to anyone. "Yeah, well, Vash doesn't like the idea of you two wandering off to do whatever you please!" Kayla yelled at him. "Well, tell Vash that---" Castillo was interupted by Legatos voice in each of their heads. "[color=green]You three! Vash wants to see you immediately![/color]" Legato said and the three nodded. "Allright then, looks like Vash is going to talk to us all." Kayla said. "Hope it's something good!" Mai said happily. "Yeah! Like a pay raise." Kayla smiled. Kayla saw Castillo shake his head. She shrugged and began walking towards Vash's hideout. --------------------------------------------------------- OOC- I'm having trouble thinkin of stuff at the moment. But once more people start writing I'll be able to think of more stuff.
Yeah, I know, I can't help it. On the next banner I make (who knows when that'll be, I've got so many other things to do right now....)I will take your advice. I will make the pics smaller, different text, etc, etc. But, heres one of my earlier banners when I first discovered how to make banners on paint. Actually, I think this might be my very first banner. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532408[/IMG]
Your obsessed with dragons too? Well, this is what I want for christmas and I know I'm getting most of it already: 1.DBZ Budokai 2 2. A cat 3. All of the Jason Movies 4. All of the Freddy Movies 5. USB Keyboard 6. Italian Dictionary This is the stuff I have already been allowed to open(hehehe, I'm lucky aren't I?) 1. RPG Maker 2 2. Dragon Statue
[color=teal]*Mod-approved double post. Spam post has been deleted above. -Syk3[/color] Yup I love fluffy! I make a bunch of banners about him. I'm not sure if I have any more about him but heres another banner! I couldn't find a good place for the text or a good color for the text. I'm thinking now that I should have made the font different. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532364[/IMG]
[color=blue]DG looked at the two men. She drew her sword. "I will fight also." she said with confidence. The two men starting attacking Gene and DG. DG blocked the bigger one's attack with his katana with ease. She pushed him backwards and caught him off balance. She quickly slashed at him a few times. Slices appeared all across his body but he wasn't ready to give up that quickly. He lashed at her with his katana. She blocked it but he pushed her backwards with his katana. She tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. Her sword flew out of her hand and landed a few feet away. He laughed and swung his katana downwards to kill her but she quickly rolled out of the way and grabbed her sword. She jumped up and swung her sword at him. His fell backwards, clutching his stomach. DG came closer to him for the kill. OOC- cliffhanger!!!! The suspense is killing you isn't it???[/color]
Ok, I'll make the picture smaller next time. Heres another banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532195[/IMG]
Yes, I am using MS Paint. It's very hard to find quotes to go with the pictures I have. And, those are the background colors that were originally on the picture, don't blame me, I didn't choose them. I don't have many good text fonts that go good with pictures and for some reason, I always seem to use that one...but, anyway, heres another one. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532137[/IMG]
ok, these are some really good banners. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532131[/IMG]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hayate [/i] [i]Shuno rushes at them and seems to diappear amonst them though he is always seen it is just before the strike of his blade very soon the entire group has slight cuts all over their bodies[/i] Shuno: So how do you like my new demons eye It gves me the ability to move almost undetected and as you can see it's quite effective judging from how sme of you are bleeding but to be a sport I will give you all one chance to hit me and then [i]Smiling cruelly[/i] Everybody dies [/QUOTE] That is where the demons eye is mentioned. FYI, I am now part of this RPG. JoyKaiba said I could join. I know I'm kind of late in the story but still....sorry, if I don't post anything, I'm completely confused about what's going on.
Here are my last four entries! I've changed them from Sesshomaru banners to new banners that I have made that are pretty cool. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=533343[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=533335[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532088[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=531703[/IMG]
[color=navy]Alita looked at Meg and smiled. [b]Alita:[/b]Sure, I'd love that. [b]Meg:[/b]Allright, let's go then! Alita and Meg walked outside of the Pokemon Center leaving the commotion inside behind. [b]Alita:[/b]So what kind of Pokemon do you have? [b]Meg:[/b]I have a Torchic and a Wurmple. What about you? [b]Alita:[/b]I have a Cyndaquil and a Scyther. [b]Meg:[/b]Wow! You have a Scyther? Alita nodded. She took her two Pokeballs off of her belt that had Pokemon inside and let them out. Scyther and Cyndaquil appeared in a flash of red light. [b]Alita:[/b]Don't want to keep them cooped up in those Pokeballs. Alita watched her two Pokemon play while Meg let her two Pokemon out also. Meg's Torchic and Wurmple began to play with Scyther and Cyndaquil. Alita suddenly laughed. [b]Alita:[/b]That's weird. We both have a fire type and we both have a bug type. [b]Meg:[/b]Your right that is weird. They both looked at the forest that loomed ahead of them, dark and gloomy. [b]Alita:[/b]Well, there's Kentat Forest. [b]Meg:[/b]Then what're we waiting for? Let's go! Meg and Alita returned their Pokemon and ran into the forest.[/color]
[color=blue][font=Serifa BT]Alita walked through the rest of the forest thinking about how great an addition to her team Scyther was. She reached the end of the forest and looked at the town of Kentow before her. She smiled and walked into the town. Alita walked to the Pokemon Center at a hurried pace. She didn't want to be behind any other Trainers because she had had to battle with Scyther and its old trainer. She made it to the Pokemon Center and walked inside. There was a line of people waiting to sign up for the Yanton League. She joined the back of the line and pretty soon it decreased and she was at the front. Nurse Joy came talked to her. [b]Nurse Joy:[/b]Are you here to sign up for the Yanton League? Alita nodded. [b]Nurse Joy:[/b]Ok, may I take your Pokemon to be healed? [b]Alita:[/b]Yeah, they both got a little worn out. Alita handed Nurse Joy her two Pokeballs and gave them to a Chansey who hurried them to a back room. [b]Nurse Joy:[/b]Ok, I am going to need your Pokedex now. Alita handed Nurse Joy her Pokedex. Nurse Joy inserted it into a slot in a machine next to her. It registered her and Nurse Joy handed her her Pokedex back. Alita walked over to a couch and sat down, waiting for her Pokemon.[/color][/font]
[color=navy]Juliana walked into the bar. She noticed three men in the corner making fun of the deceased legendary typhoon. For some strange reason, this made her a bit angry every time someone talked bad about the deceased legendary typhoon. She glared over at the men and sat down a few seats down from the bartender and a man with blond hair to whom the bartender was talking to. Juliana continued to look around before the bartender came over to her. "What would you like to drink, ma'am?" he asked politely. "Oh, just a bottle of whiskey'll do." she answered smiling at him. He walked away for a minute and returned with her drink. "There you go." he handed it to her and she paid him what she owed. She opened the bottle and began to drink some of it when one of the three men in the corner really insulted, Julie the deceased legendary typhoon. Juliana slammed down her whiskey and angrily walked over to the men.[/color]
RPG Trigun: The Descendants [may conatin sexual content, smoking, and violence]
DDG replied to Mage of Asgard's topic in Theater
Alita looked at the four. They had all just participated in a gunfight. She would have herself if there were more enemies. Instead, she had just ducked under a table and pulled out her gun in case any bullets came her way. She decided that if she was going to travel with the four they should atleast know her name. "Hello, my name's Alita." Bal just kept smiling and the other three introduced themselves. Kal led them out the door of the bar and down the street. After that little incident, they needed to get out of the town fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------- O.O.C.-Sorry it's so short....Writers block you know. -
[color=navy]Ok, this sounds like fun. Like all of the other Trigun RPG's. Name: Juliana May Tragen Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon(s): A .45 Colt and a short katana hidden under her jacket Description: Juliana has shoulder length black hair, light green eyes, she wears a black t-shirt and jacket, and black jeans. She has a pair of purple sunglasses and army boots. Bio: Juliana has always been a bit odd. She always had strange visions while she was awake and strange dreams while she was asleep. She has always been very playful and goofy. Then one day, she becomes who she has dreaming about in a flash of light. Reincarnation or Bad Guy: Julie's reincarnation[/color]
[color=blue]Alita walked out of Enertun and looked back at it. It was so beautiful a town. She was going to miss it. She sighed and walked along a path to Kentow. Along the way she spotted many Pokemon. Wurmples, Caterpie's, and Weedle's. Sentret's, Furret's, Zigzagoon's, and Linoone's. But none of them seemed right for her. She continued walking through a small forest when she heard a trainer yelling at a Pokemon. [b]Trainer:[/b] You stupid Pokemon! Why won't you evolve? (hears a whip) Alita runs through some brush and finds the Trainer. It was a young boy. He was whipping his Scyther. Alita ran up to him and pushed him away from the Scyther. [b]Alita:[/b] Stop it! Stop whipping that Scyther! [b]Trainer:[/b] Why should I? It's my Pokemon. I can do whatever I want to it! [b]Alita:[/b] So what if it's yours? What you are doing is mean! [b]Trainer:[/b] Well, if you care about it so much why don't you fight me for it? [b]Alita:[/b] Allright then! [b]Trainer/Alita:[/b] Go! Bellossom!/Go Cyndaquil! Alita laughs. [b]Alita:[/b] Grass against Fire? This'll be an easy match. Cyndaquil! Start out with a tackle attack! [b]Cyndaquil:[/b] [i]Cynda! Quil![/i] Cyndaquil charged at the Bellossom. Cyndaquil needed to be warmed up a little before it could use fire type attacks. Cyndaquil slammed into Bellossom. [b]Trainer:[/b]Bellossom! Use razor leaf attack! Bellossom spun around and sent a flurry of leaves at Cyndaquil. [b]Alita:[/b]Cyndaquil! Evade the attack! Jump up into the air and use headbutt! [b]Cyndaquil:[/b][i]Cyndaquil![/i] Cyndaquil pushed against the ground and flung itself into the air. The razor leaf attack missing it by inches. Cyndaquil changed its direction in the air and aimed itself downward with its head down, ready for a headbutt attack. It fell down towards Bellossom and hit Bellossom right on the head. The pretty flower Pokemon was dazed. Cyndaquils flames on its back suddenly spouted up in a blaze of yellow and orange. Cyndaquil ran in front of the dazed Bellossom, ready to attack. [b]Alita:[/b]Cyndaquil! Ember! Now! Cyndaquil sent out a shower of sparks at Bellossom. Bellossom was hit by the sparks and caught on fire. The fire went out quickly and Bellossom fell over, knocked out. [b]Alita:[/b]Good job Cyndaquil! [b]Cyndaquil:[/b][i]Cynda! Cyndaquil![/i] Cyndaquil ran back to Alita and put its flames out while jumping into her arms. She held it and approached the Trainer as he recalled his Bellossom. [b]Trainer:[/b]Fine! Have the stupid Scyther if you really want it! He ran off leaving Alita, Cyndaquil, and the Scyther behind. Alita cautiously approached the Scyther. [b]Alita:[/b]Scyther? [b]Scyther:[/b][i]Scy....ther....[/i] It hissed at her and put up its scythes, ready to fight. [b]Alita:[/b]I do not wish to fight you. But if it is what you want to do, then I will. She looks at Cyndaquil. [b]Alita:[/b]You up for another battle so soon Cyndaquil? [b]Cyndaquil:[/b][i]Cyndaquil![/i] It jumped out of her arms and flames sprouted on its back again. [b]Alita:[/b]Ok, lets go Cyndaquil! Leer attack! Cyndaquil looked at Scyther with leering eyes. Scyther's defense started to drop. [b]Alita:[/b]Cyndaquil! Ember attack now! Cyndaquil sent a bigger shower of sparks at Scyther than it had at Bellossom. Scyther used Swords Dance to block most of the embers, but it still got hit by a few. It was now burnt and weaker than before. [b]Alita:[/b]Ok Cyndaquil! Hit it with a quick attack! Cyndaquil quickly ran towards Scyther and slammed against it. But Scyther just pushed Cyndaquil away even in its weak state. Cyndaquil rolled across the ground aways before hopping up. [b]Alita:[/b]This Scyther just doesn't want to give up. Cyndaquil, try a headbutt attack! Just as Cyndaquil charged at Scyther with its headbutt attack Scyther used Slash attack. Cyndaquil met the slash attack head on but just charged through it into Scyther. Scyther fell down and so did Cyndaquil. [b]Alita:[/b]Cyndaquil, you did great. She recalled Cyndaquil and pulled an empty Pokeball off of her belt. [b]Alita:[/b]Well, here goes! Pokeball! Go! The Pokeball opened in a flash of red light and Scyther was swallowed up by it. Scyther disappeared inside the Pokeball. The Pokeball shook for a few moments before turning white. Alita went and grabbed the Pokeball. [b]Alita:[/b]Wow, the first Pokemon I ever caught. She put the Pokeball on her belt and continued on her way to Kentow.[/color]