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Everything posted by DDG

  1. DDG

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Kia had brought up something that DG had never thought about. She pondered at it while Kia thought aloud. [i]What a question....how could I have not thought of it before....if Kenshin is so strong....how did he get captured....[/i]DG thought to herself while looking around. [i]How had I not thought of it...how...how could it have happened....something fishy is going on....something that needs to be stopped, immediately.....[/i] O.O.C.-Writers block, sorry bout the short post.
  2. This one is the same as the one on the first post, I just put it here so I could put it in another thread. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=531703[/IMG]
  3. Yup, thats what I did, just did it actually. LOOK AT THE BANNER!!! *jumps up and down impatiently*
  4. ok, this sounds cool so far. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alita had been up early, getting ready to go get her first Pokemon. She packed up her backpack and looked around her room for the last time before she left. She looked at the clock. It was 6:30 AM. She grabbed her watch from her dresser and put it on. She opened her bedroom door and walked into the kitchen. Her mother had just finished breakfast. Alita sat down at the table and grabbed some food and put it on her plate. She ate quickly, stood up and said goodbye to her mother. "Bye mom" she said and hugged her before leaving. "Goodbye honey, have fun and don't forget to call everyday." her mother said. "Allright, everyday." Alita mumbled and walked out the door. She walked down the dirt trail that led to the city. Alita's home was located just outside Enertun. It had a large field behind it where her mother and father studied Pokemon. Alita watched two Furret run across the trail in front of her. She smiled at the two and continued walking. She arrived in Enertun a few minutes later and walked up to the lab. She went inside and looked for the Professor. "Professor! Professor!" she called out his name throughout the lab before finding him in the field behind it. He recalled the Muk he had been studying and walked over to her. "Ah, Alita. You are here for your Pokemon I presume?" Alita nodded and the Professor led her to a room filled with Pokeballs inside the lab. He went to the small table in the middle of the room and hit a button. Three Pokeballs came up from the middle of the table. He picked one up and let the Pokemon out. It was a Chikorita. Alita looked at the Chikorita with interest. The Chikorita kind of glared at Alita. "Uhm, I think I want one that's a little nicer..." The Professor returned Chikorita and let out the next one. It was Totodile. The Totodile hopped around the room and hit a wall. It fell over laughing and got back up. "How bout one thats a little smarter, Professor?" Alita said now getting impatient. She didn't mean to be picky but the first two Pokemon just weren't what would suit to her liking. Their personalitys wouldn't mix with her own very well. The Professor picked up the last Pokeball and let out the Pokemon inside. It was Cyndaquil. Alita looked at the Cyndaquil as it smiled at her. "That Cyndaquil has been feeling a little down after some other Trainers said that he wasn't strong enough." The Professor said and smiled a big wide smile as the Cyndaquil walked up to Alita and looked up at her. "Well, I guess I'll take him! He's perfect!" Alita picked Cyndaquil up and put him on her shoulder. The Professor gave her 5 Pokeballs, her very own Pokedex, and a Potion. Alita put the Pokeballs on her belt, the Pokedex in her pocket, and the Potion in her backpack. She said thank you to the Professor and left the lab.
  5. Name: Kayla Goterelli Gang:Mafia(Goterelli) Position: Head Weapons: MP5-K and Colt 45 Vehicles: Motorcycle and a Lamburgini Diablo Description: I will get a pic later, I'm at school right now so I can't Any extra notes: Well known, sneaky, devious and very smart
  6. hmm? so I'm in the bar also, yes? guess I'll just write that I am. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alita stared back at Clarence. Why must he stare at her so? she thought to herself and wickedly smiled. Not only was her search for angel arm owners now proving successful, she was also getting guys attention for her beauty. She ordered her drink and looked at the other two. They werent paying much attention to her but after a minute or two they looked at her also. The waitress gave her her drink and she drank some of it. She began looking around the bar at all of the drunk men. So stupid these men were...wasting their lives away in the bar...she laughed to herself and drank a little more.
  7. DDG

    Ruroni Kenshin

    DG looked at Gene with interest. This man wouldnt tell anyone his fighting style...she thought to herself. It was not a strange thing because she understood that he did not want it used for evil, but interesting was all it was. DG suddenly looked around. She thought she had heard something. Kia looked around also. "Did anyone else hear that?" DG asked. Kia, Gene, and Mal nodded. "It was probably just another spy." Kia answered and continued through the forest. DG shrugged off the thought that Ebirus was following them. And if he was, DG would have felt him. But, she was now dwelling on the thought that someone was following them. She tried not to worry about it as they began walking through the heart of the forest but did keep and eye out for anything else suspicious.
  8. Course a photographer can have Pokemon. PS- In a minute, I am going to scan the region, but I need someone else to post so I can post a new reply so i can attach it. If you can post here, so I can do that, thank you.
  9. Yes, since you are an ex-gym leader, it is fine for you to already have a team.
  10. Yes, that is fine Swordmaster. Since you are a breeder it is ok for you to have a team of Pokemon. Oh, and Eevee is spelled like that, and this is how you spell Vaporeon. Sorry if I seem rude, I'm kind of a grammar and spelling freak.
  11. Well, I created this region a few months ago, over the summer while I had a broken hand and some graph paper. I made the region and the towns, and decided to name the region Pleasant, after my hometown. It is the region with a connection to every region, for some cities are named after people like Professors and so forth and some towns have gym leaders from other regions living in them. Once I get enough people to start the RP, I will post all of the towns and gym leaders and their Pokemon. The region of Pleasant is a very peaceful place. Loved by trainers everywhere. It has 12 cities with gyms located in them, 5 islands and all together, 16 cities. It has many fascinating places to visit and is a great place to take a vacation, however, Pokemon Thieves have been spotted in the area and tourism has died down somewhat. The main attraction of The Pleasant region it Mt. Pleasant, where it is rumored, the greatest Pokemon Master lives and trains, awaiting the day, a challenger will step forth to battle. [font=bold]Sign up[/font] Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Starter Pokemon: (it can be anyone of the starters or any Pokemon of your choice, just nothing like legendary Pokemon or anything) What you want to be: (I mean like a trainer, breeder, elemental trainer{by this I mean training only one type of Pokemon like just water or just fire, etc}, Photography, Artist, etc.) [font=bold]My Sign Up[/font] Name: Kayla Age:12 Gender: Female Description: Medium length brown hair, brown eyes, black hooded sweatshirt, green cargo pants, 5'2'' and a half Bio: Her parents were Pokemon researchers so she had grown up around Pokemon and knew almost all there was to know about them. Her parents decided that she should go on a Pokemon journey and gave her a starter Pokemon and told her to go to the Pleasant region. She did as they said and ended up in the wonderful region of Pleasant. Starter Pokemon: Eevee Trainer
  12. Sweeeet.....It looks awesome. I will proudly put it in my siggy.
  13. That would be really cool Ryu_Sakura. I'd like that very much.
  14. Wow, Ryu_Sakura, you make awesome banners. I really wish I could make banners as awesome as you. I think all of your banners are perfectly color coded(i could never color code anything, my mom even says i can't color code and neither can she), they're sayings perfectly express the picture, and the pictures completely match the sayings. I love your banners.
  15. It's attached tell me if it works please, I tried to do what you said to do Ryu_Sakura but your instructions were a little confusing. (If it does work) It's not the best, but It is the best I have ever made. It could have been a little better but my mouse hates me right now.... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529510[/IMG]
  16. Wow, those are some nice banners. BTW, Hiei is the one with the sword and Kurama with the rose, I don't mean to be rude or anything. But, continue making nice banners! I look forward to seeing more. Your banners make me remember how much I love Anime. I especially like the Cowboy Bebop one, I remember that episode perfectly. That is one of my favorite episodes.
  17. Name: Alita Age: 13 Town: Enertun Pokemon:Cyndaquil Apperence:[img]http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3fda49a6_acf8/bc/anime/__sr_/alita.jpg?phcxA3_ApAqu.HqH[/img] I didn't want to explain what she looked like. I hope you do not mind. Personality and/or Bio: She is an outcast. Ever since she first stepped foot in a Pokemon School, she was always the one cast out for how much she knew about Pokemon. She attended a Pokemon School until she was 13. Her knowledge about Pokemon is widely known throughout the region. Trainer or Gym Leader: Trainer I don't get to watch the show anymore, but I love the games. Hope this RP rocks!
  18. DDG

    Ruroni Kenshin

    DG glanced back at Gene and Mal. They had fell back a little and were talking. Kia hit DG on the arm. DG glared at her. "Yes, Kia?"she asked. Kia pointed to the dojo. "Come on! Let's go!"she pulled DG over to the dojo and inside. They looked around. "Wow, look at all the people!" Kia ran off. "Kia! Wait up!" DG yelled and ran after her. She followed Kia to a crowd of people. They listened to the master(is that the right word?) of the dojo, speaking to the pupils. Kia and DG joined the crowd. Since the crowd was so large, they didn't even notice that a spy of Ebiru's had stolen their weapons and was getting away.
  19. DDG

    Ruroni Kenshin

    DG looked at the two men strangely. They wanted to fight Kenshin. That was all. "Yeah, I have a question."she said. The men looked at her. "What are your names?" she asked. They laughed. "Of course, I am Gene and this is my brother Mal."Gene said. "Well, my name is DG and this is Kia." They all looked at each other for a few seconds longer before Kia said. "Well, come on! Let's go!" The small group began walking through the town, looking out for spies. O.O.C.- sorry its so short, I can't think of anything at the moment.
  20. I haven't saw much of .hack//sign so I'll need a little help here and there.... I don't know Helba's real world info so If you do know, PM me. Name: n/a age: n/a description: n/a bio: n/a occupation: n/a In the Game: Name: Helba Description:[URL=http://www.gaming-media.com/rpg/hack/images/08-19-02/art-helba.jpg]Helba's Pic[/URL] Weapon:Staff Class:Wavemaster
  21. Yes, you did a great job. That was very funny. I wish I knew how to do something like that. You are very creative, although, I didnt completely understand what it meant.
  22. Yes, that is a very good Renamon drawing. I also like Digimon, but you are right, the fad has died down. Renamon is also my personal favorite. Your drawing reminds me of what my cat Eevee(Dec 18 2000-Nov 27 2003) used to look like when she was mad.
  23. Yes, save us a whole bunch of trouble and post the link! If I have to go through a bunch of PM instructions I will go crazy and destroy my computer! Please, just post the link! This will save everyone a whole lot of trouble. Everyone! I think this is the site, but I am not completely sure, but all the same, it is a petition to make a "The World" so please check it out and sign it! [url]http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/236858228[/url]
  24. Well, I would like the honor of being the first one to apply for your Trigun RP. Name:Alita Meguto Sex: Female Age: 19 Role: Descendent of Vash, Light Angel Arm Owner Appearance:[url=http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3fda49a6_acf8/bc/anime/__sr_/1043372565_lackanime2.jpg?phf4y2_ANQCDhnZ4] Check The Pics[/url] [url=http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3fda49a6_acf8/bc/anime/__sr_/alita.jpg?phf4y2_AyUK5.HqH]This ones a little better[/url] Bio: Hating her family, she abandoned them when she was 15 and set out to search for other angel arms. After four years of no luck, she finally gave up search until, she saw, the descendent of Nicholas(sp?) D. Wolfwood in the town she had finally come to search. Weapons: MAC 10 Uzi, .45 Colt, and a 6 inch retractable knife hidden on her belt. Hope this RP turns out really good.
  25. These are two of my banners. I have a lot more. This is my chibi banner. Don't chibi's rock? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=531703[/IMG] This is my Anime Kitties banner, aren't anime kitties just the cutest? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532088[/IMG]
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