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Everything posted by DDG
O.O.C.: Guess its enough for me to write a little somethin. DG slowly opened her eyes and looked at Kia. Kia was all dressed in her normal clothes. DG stood up and changed into her own clothes also. "Where have you been Kia?" DG asked sitting back down in front of the window. Kia sat up. "I was sending a letter to grandpa. I told him I would." she answered smiling. DG nodded. She picked up her sword from the floor where it had fallen and put it into its sheath. She stared out the window and looked at the hotel next to the hospital. Kia looked also. "I saw someone looking at me from one of the windows. I think they were following us also. Maybe they are looking for Kenshin too."she said. DG looked at all of the windows. "Or, they could be working with Ebirus" she mumbled, in thought. "but, we will never know, until we find out." she found a window with a boy looking out at her in it. She smiled. The boy's face went pale, he disappeared from the window. "Well, it looks as if our followers have noticed I've found there whereabouts..."DG counted how many windows it was up and over. "Lets say we pay our "friends" a visit, shall we?" DG suggested and stood up.
O.O.C.: wow, now that was interesting. That did turn out pretty long but it was really interesting, cool, and just plain awesome! DG silently watched a fight break out. From the way one of the men fought, she knew that he was Ebirus. DG was know intent on studying how Ebirus fought and moved. While Ebirus and fought the other man DG opened the window to hear better. She suddenly recognized Ebirus voice and was for sure it was him. DG leaned out onto the window sill and watched more closely, it was a little hard to see throught the trees at the edge of the forest but she could see the fights outcome. Ebirus seemed to be threating the other man. But the other man had tripped Ebirus. He dashed for his sword but did not reach it before Ebirus had thrown a Kunai at him. Ebirus suddenly dashed off. DG was astonished at the way Ebirus and the other man had fought. She slowly came back inside and closed the window. She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. She slowly drifted back off to sleep.... O.O.C.: That turned out more interesting than I thought it would. It was fun to type too!
DG suddenly woke up. She knew something was going on. She silently got out of the hospital bed and went to the window. She looked out into the forest and saw two dark figures talking. She saw the one man jump into the air and land behind the other. She could not hear what they said, but It sounded serious. Fearing that one of the men could be Ebirus, she went back to her bed and grabbed her sword. She sat next to the window and continued to watch the two men talk. --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Sorry if its so short, can't think of anything to write at the moment.
DG sat up in her hospital bed, still recovering from the poison. It was late at night and everyone else had gone to bed. She looked out the window and stared at the moon. She tenderly touched the bandage that was covering the slice on her shoulder. DG and Kia had been lucky, if they had not gotten to the hospital when they did, they would be dead right now. DG looked over at Kia, she was peacefully snoring. DG didnt know how she could be sleeping when DG knew Ebirus would be coming to finish them off soon, she did not know when, she just knew that it was going to be soon. DG lifted her sword off the table next to her bed. The edge gleamed in the moonlight, she sighed and put it back. Unwillingly, she slid down under the sheets of the hospital bed and fell alseep.
As they approached the town, DG drew her sword, feeling the same prescence she had felt inside the forest, only it was stronger now. Kia drew her sword also. DG cautiously looked around. They came to the entrance of the town and saw a man, dozing by the nearest building. Sensing that he could be the strange prescence she had felt, DG stopped and stared at the man. He slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at DG. "So you're the one who is searching for Kenshin, eh?" he said slowly standing up. DG prepared to fight. "Well know, before I kill you I feel it is in your best interest that you know who I am. My name is Ebirus." he pulled out his shuriken. "now, I'll try not to make this, too painful." he suddenly jumped up into the air and landed in front of DG. He started to slash at DG but DG was ready for him. She blocked his slashes with her sword and jumped backwards as he lunged at her. She yelled out to Kia. "Try and attack him, while hes distracted!" Ebirus heard her yell to Kia and dodged out of the way as Kia charged at her. DG jumped up and swung her sword back, intending to hit Ebirus as she came down. She swung it forward as she neared him, he laughed and put his shuriken up to block the attack. DG fell backwards as Ebirus pushed her back with his shuriken. She quickly regained her balance. Kia slashed at Ebirus, cutting part of his shirt on his back and creating a slice across it. He retalliated by slashing at Kia with the shuriken. DG charged at Ebirus and slashed at his legs. He turned around and slashed DG's left shoulder. DG held her shoulder and slashed at Ebirus one last time. He laughed and quickly turned back around to slash at Kia a little more. Kia hit his shuriken out of his hands. She tried to hit him with a killing blow but he jumped up and landed behind Kia. He dashed away, leaving Kia and DG breathless.
DG ordered a couple of small things to tide her over for a little while. She was thinking too much to want to eat. Kia ordered the lunch special and looked out the window she was sitting near. "Do you really think, that we alone, can, can save him?" she said with uncertainty. I leaned back in the booth. "The chances of us doing this alone and being successful in the end, are low, very low..." she mumbled and took her food as the waitress handed it to her. She began to munch on the food while Kia mowed down on her plateful of food. Kia soon finished and looked at DG. "Shall we get going then?" she asked. DG closed her eyes still in thought. "Yes, I guess we shall." she ate a few more bites of her food, left some money on the table and left the resturant with Kia. As they walked outside, DG felt as if they were being watched. She looked out into the forest, off to the side of the town, worried that someone was following them, someone who wanted them dead. Kia took no notice of DG's worry and began walking to the end of the town. "Well DG, are you coming?" she yelled to DG. DG took one last look into the dark and mysterious forest and ran to catch up with Kia. Kia began to laugh and joke with DG, while DG continued to worry about the prescence she seemed to feel was following them. Kia still had no idea that DG was worried about anything for DG hid her emotions well. They walked on, away from the town, following a trail that seemed to lead on into the forest. Kia hurried ahead anxious to get to the next town. Since DG had told Kia she had had no luck in finding any information about Kenshin at the town they had just lefts town square, Kia had suggested that they go to the nearest town where she had heard that there was a dojo where people gossiped a lot and it would also be a good place to get some practice. Not wanting to get left behind, DG ran to keep up with Kia, even though she did not like the idea of going into the forest where she could feel some odd prescence, that she did not like, she did not like it at all.
O.O.C.: It's ok about the short posts, I dont mind, the story is only beginning and I can understand that you are having trouble thinking of anything. DG walked with KIa to the nearest resturant and they sat down. DG quietly confided everything she knew so far with Kia. "So, what else has been happening since I left, Kia?" DG asked with great concern. She had been greatly missing her grandfather. Kia laughed. "Oh, nothing much. Sanosuke is the same as always. Oh, and he told me to tell you that he is very proud of you for trying to do what is right and going out to free Kenshin. He wishes you much luck on your journey." Kia suddenly stared down at her feet. DG was concerned. "Kia, what is wrong?" she asked. Kia looked into DG's eyes."Well, now that I have told you what Sanosuke asked me to search you out and tell you about, I am wondering if you would let me stay with you and help you" DG's smile faded. "Kia, I would not mind you staying with me, but if you get in the way, I will have no choice but to send you home." Kia noted that DG's happiness wavered if she was kept being nice for too long. Kia grabbed a menu. "Shall we order then?" she suggested. DG also picked up a menu now in deep thought of how Kia would help her on her journey to save Kenshin.
DG continued walking away from the body of Jonathon. She did not no where to go now. She decided that the best place to go would be the nearest town. She put her sword away and continued along a beaten path. Soon in the distance she spotted the outline of a town. Nearing the town she noticed movements in the shadows of the buildings ahead of her. Sensing that she was about to fight again, she drew her sword. A dozen men suddenly ambushed her. They surrounded her. "Look at her! She's only a little girl. What kind of a threat is she?" one said laughing. "Well, she must be some kind of a threat to have gotten past Olowski and wanted to be killed by the Master." a smaller man pointed out. "Shut up Danisten, what do you know?" one of the larger men yelled at the the smaller man, known as Danisten. Danisten kept quiet and moved to the back of the group. DG was being to become irritated. The largest man approached her with his sword drawn. "This should be one of the simplest jobs I have ever---" DG had slashed the larger man while he was talking so quickly that it had looked as if she hadn't even moved. The man fell over, dead. The other men quickly scattered, all except for Danisten. "That was amazing." he said astonished. He looked around to see if any of his fellow comrades were watching before speaking again. "My name is Danisten. I shouldn't be doing this because it is against my orders but if you wish more information about Kenshin visit the town square. There is usually much gossip going around about something or another. Finding out what is true and what is not will be up to you." Danisten informed her. DG let out a slight smile. "Thank you, Danisten. You have been much help. Now go, before I change my mind of not killing you." Danisten ran off and DG put her sword away, happy of her days accomplishments.
Wow MickeyJ, when I asked for a detailed description and bio, I never expected anything that good. It's perfect! Now, I'm not completely sure, but I think I am going to stop taking recruits, I feel that we now have enough people to make a pretty decent adventure story. Thank you to everyone who joined!
well, i dont get to watch the show that much(no cable or dish) but I like Tsukasa because he's very interesting and I think he's kinda like me. I would love to be stuck in "The World" like him, it would rule! I'd also like to meet all those weird people he meets, too...
Goku and Chun fight until they both run out of energy, it then comes down to who can stand up and say "I am the champion". Goku fails by not being able to say the last two syllables of "champion".
huh....well, maybe its just because he was training with king kai? I really wouldnt know though.
I rollerblade, skateboard, BMX, mountain bike, mountain board, snowboard. I've never participated in any contest. and i dont know why.
hmm...my real name is kayla. i dont have many nicknames but since i like dragons people call me DG, short for dragongirl, my mom calls me princess grace cuz im a bit of a clutz sometimes. I think thats all.
This sounds cool. Name: Kayla Age:14 Gender: Female Weapons: .22 collapsable rifle(so she can hide it under her trench coat easier)and a knife about 6 inches long Description: 5' 4'' tall, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, silver chain necklace with initials on it, black and red trench coat(to hide the rifle), and skinny. Bio: She ran away from home after her parents divorced and wandered from town to town, bringing in criminals for cash. After a run in with Vash she decided that her strengths could be used for greater purposes. She joined up with him, thinking that it was her destiny to have met him. Side: Vash's
well, im writing a kenshin story so i decided to make one here. Please enjoy and make sure you check out the recruitment section if you want to join, do it quick though, I only want about 2 more people. DG walked alone through the town. She recieved odd stares as she passed some store fronts and dojos. She silently walked to the edge of the town and looked back. The information she had recieved from an unknown source had been false. Sanosuke, her grandfather, his friend Kenshin Himura, had not been here. Not even once. To her disliking of being lied to she spit at the towns edge and continued to walk away from it. Out in the distance, the unknown source of information watched her walk from the town towards him. He laughed silently to himself. "She must be killed. She is intruding on my masters business...Batosai the manslayer is a threat to society....he should never be freed..." he drew his sword and prepared to battle with her as she approached. DG noticed a man standing on a small hill in the distance. She walked closer and noticed the mans sword. She unsheathed her own sword and slowly approached the man. The man saw that she was prepared to fight and quickly charged at her. DG saw the mans moves before they happened. After charging towards her, he would slash to the left, then the right and then try to finish her off. She laughed and jumped into the air and over the man. He hadnt expected her to be so quick. He tripped over a rock and his sword flew out of his hands. DG landed and turned to look at him. "How pathetic..." she said in disgrace. "to think you could attack me?" she laughed and pressed her sword into his back. "Who are you and why are you trying to kill me?" she demanded. "My, my name is Jonathon, Jonathon Olowski. Please....please dont kill me....I was only obeying orders..." he pleaded, but DG took no mercy. She pressed her sword into his back enough to make a small slice. "What were your orders?" she demanded, thouroghly annoyed with his pleas. "My orders were to kill you! You're a threat to, to my master!" he blurted out. "Who, who is your master?" He closed his eyes in pain as her sword dug deeper into his back. "I do not know...I am too low in rank to know his name...all I know is that he does not like you meddling in his business...." he had obviously given all the information he knew. DG decided to finish the job. She stabbed her sword through his back, took it out once he was dead and walked away.
I am now only taking recruitments for "bad guys". We have enough good guys so if you would like to become a bad guy in the story please sign up. I'm new and this is my first rpg thing, hope you like it! The plot is that Kenshin has been kidnapped. DG is Sanosukes granddaughter. She heard about Kenshin from him and that he was kidnapped for being Batosai the Manslayer. She believes that he is no longer batosai the manslayer and that he has been wrongfully kidnapped. She will do whatever it takes to save him. I am playing DG, here is her bio and stuff: DG is 14 years old. Has medium brown hair, light brown eyes, wears black pants, and a black shirt, has a sword like Kenshin, a reverse blade, doesnt respect authority, doesnt have much respect for anyone for that matter except her grandfather, Sanosuke, and Kenshin. She ran away from home when she was 12 and lived with Sanosuke for a year until she turned 13, then she began her search for Kenshin when she overheard Sanosuke talking about him, saying that he had heard that someone had seen some strange men whispering to each other about Kenshin and that he was still alive. Hope thats enough info, PM me if its not. If you wanna be in the rpg, heres what i need: Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Weapon(s): Side(good or evil or neither): Thank you to everyone who has joined so far!