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[font=tahoma][color=#666666]Well, I was born Saturday, September the 14th, 1991, at around 8 PM. My mom went into labor at 7:30 AM, Friday the 13th and didn't have me until thirty-six hours later ^^; So, I was almost born on Friday the 13th which is pretty interesting in itself. Since I was born in September that makes me a Virgo(and let me tell you, I definitely am one. A majority of the time the horoscopes in the newspaper are right on the button) and I was born in the year of the Ram(which also fits me pretty well). My birthday is three days after September 11th(can you imagine how much fun my birthday was [i]that[/i] year? T_T) and at the time, they turned the day into "National Prayer Day", though I don't know if it still is. September 14th is also the day that Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the Star Spangled Banner. Pretty nifty. The 14th of September was also the day that CBS obtained "Nick on CBS" which plays every Saturday morning(this was in 2002 I believe). From [url=http://www.scopesys.com/anyday]this[/url] site I've learned that quite a few either violent or painful deaths happened upon my birthday >> To list them: 1901- Pres William McKinley dies in Buffalo, of gunshot wounds inflicted by an assassin. 1911- Piotr Stolypin Russia's PM assassinated by Mordka Bogrov 1927- Isadora Duncan dies as her scarf became entangled in her car's wheel 1982- Bashir Gemayel Lebanon's president-elect, killed by a bomb 1982- Grace Kelly princess of Monaco, dies at 52 in a car crash 1984- Janet Gaynor actress, dies at 77 from a traffic accident 1988- Louis Quinn actor, dies at 73 of cancer 1991- Julie Bovasso actress (Saturday Night Fever), dies at 61 of cancer If you'll notice, Julie Bovasso died the very day I was born >> One life comes into the world as another leaves, eh? The above deathdays are eight out of the fourteen listed on that site. A celebrity(that I feel is worth mentioning =P) that was born on September 14th: Nas(September 14th, 1973) And a marriage or two: Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani(2002) and Magic Johnson and 'Earleatha "Cookie" Kelly'(1991, same day I was born, hehe). This year I'll be turning 14 on the 14th, cool huh? Just one more thing to mention(actually, more than one thing, eheh): I share the same birthday as Abumi Zaku from Naruto. My birthday is also the day before Hatake Kakashi's, five days after Aburame Shibi's(Aburame Shino's dad), eight days before Nara Shikamaru's and nine days before Yamanaka Ino's.[/color][/font]
[FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666]I'm going to be attending JAFAX in Allendale, Michigan. It takes place June 25-26 and is the first anime convention I've ever attended. Its probably the only convention I'll get to attend(unless I somehow, someday, scrounge up some cash to get plane tickets or to pay for gas money or something). So far I'm the only one who I know who's going. I might take my friend Alexa, but I haven't yet called her to ask >> I haven't checked JAFAX's website to see what guests will be there so at the moment, there aren't any guests I'm looking forward to seeing, hehe. Since this is my first year going to JAFAX I really don't know all what to expect(or much of what they have to offer). If anyone else happens to be going, it'd be great to meet up ^^.[/FONT][/color]
[font=tahoma][color=#666666]Thanks for the great banners you two ^^ Its actually hard for me to choose...[strike]I think I'll save both of them and then switch them up in my signature every week or so because I honestly can't choose which one I'd rather use more.[/strike] Again, thanks to the both of you; you've really helped me out ^^ [b]Edit:[/b] On second thought, I'm only going to use Rising Sun's as my image host 1.) resized Turdle's to the same size as Rising Sun's and 2.) I'll just say that the banner didn't exactly look the greatest after the resizing. -DDG[/color][/font]
[FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666]*dittos both Baron and Hevn* I see mySQL errors all the time. Most of the time its in my backroom and instead of showing my guestbook stats there's a mySQL error. Other than that I'm plagued by them on my page and others pages. It is getting quite frustrating...[/FONT][/color]
[FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666]It looks great(despite the smallness). I hope you don't mind but I think I'll wait and see what Turdle does(if he/she is still going to do it). If Turdle's not going to make one then I'll definitely use yours, Rising Sun ^^.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666]As I have been cursed to be without a program that can animated images, I've come to request the help of one of you blessed with such programs. If someone could do the following for me that'd be great ^^: Start the banner out with image A(see below) and have it fade into image B(again, below). Then, have image B fade into black when the words ".hack//G.U."(without the quotations of course) appear in the middle of the banner. If possible, I'd love for one of those blinking cursors to appear at the end of ".hack//G.U." for a few seconds. Then, the black would fade back into image A, A to B, etc, etc. You get the picture? Image A: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23699&stc=1[/img] Image B: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23700&stc=1[/img] If someone could do that(or something similiar) then tha'td be great ^^ -DDG[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A few months ago in English class, my teacher asked everyone in the class to write a short story, 3-5 pages long. I've been wanting to post my story here for quite awhile now, but it had to be put into my writing folder and last Friday we were finally allowed to take the folders home. So here it is. My short story that I wrote for English class. I wanted to be a bit more graphic, but I needed to keep it school appropriate so that was out of the question.[/font][/color] Hero [PG] by DDG "We can't screw this up, you know this Danny," a tall, bald headed man with piercing blue eyes said to a shorter Italian man with black hair and dark brown eyes. Danny glared up at the bald headed man, the leader of their little four man group. "You think I forgot? I'm the one who came up with the idea! Me, all me!" A blond headed man smacked the side of Danny's head. "That's a bunch of bull, Danny. A bunch of it. We all came up with this plan together, you know that." Crossing his arms in annoyance, Danny stated defiantly, "Well, I've done most of the work." "Shut your face Danny," a brunette said in frustration. She threw a pencil down onto the table between the four of them and the lead snapped off the end. Small, black marks now covered a small area of the floor plans to a state bank located on 31st Street. The woman stomped away towards a beat up, dirty couch situated parallel to a brand new flat screen TV placed upon the wall. A brand new, stolen, flat screen TV that is. Danny's eyes flashed with rage. "Was that an insult? You mocking my heritage? My family, eh Christie?" he questioned, turning towards where Christie had sat herself on the couch. Christie twisted her head around and said, "No, Danny. I'm not mocking your Mafioso family or heritage. It's just an expression, stupid." She turned back to the TV and hit the power button on the remote. The TV flashed on and a show began playing. Danny made to sprint over to Christie and strangle her, but the blond haired man, Adam, grabbed his shoulders and held him back. "Calm down, Danny. We need her, this is a four man operation. You can kill her after it's all over, all right?" Danny merely snarled at Adam and wrenched his shoulders from out of Adam's grasp. Sullenly, he sat down in the nearest chair, crossing his arms and staring indignantly up at Bruce who was now looking down at the plans on the table. Bruce sighed and shook his head. "Guys, gal, this is going to be the toughest job yet. Now," he turned to Adam and the tone of his voice changed completely. It had gone from worry to discontent. "Adam, I hear you've been doing some other work outside our operation here." Adam was puzzled. "I thought it was agreed that we could have other jobs? That it was encouraged that we set up legitimate fronts?" Danny was laughing but managed to say, "Yeah, but this wasn't the kind of front we were talking about." He placed a book on the table with gold lettering and a red cover. "Adam, you truly are a great writer, but I'm afraid your book is troublesome to us, your friends," said Bruce, a cold look in his eyes. "Thought the characters in your story may have different names, they still completely portray all for of us in an accurate representation. And the title, Breaking the Bank, says a lot. If any cop were to wise up and put two and two together, as you've so wonderfully written about a few of the banks that the four of us have robbed in the past, we would be in deep trouble. "And furthermore, Adam, you did not even bother to use a pen name," Bruce leaned over the table and began speaking to the blond in a more hushed voice. "You will become a liability to us if you continue writing these books the way you have been. And you know what I do when people become liabilities." Adam gulped and did not respond. Figuring he got the picture, Bruce smiled to himself and swiftly left the room. Danny grinned as Adam sat down in a chair, distraught. From the couch, Christie asked, "Adma, are you really ready to risk it all for this job? We know you've got a family and everything, something to lose if it all goes to hell." "Yeah," Danny added, "are you really a committed member of our group? This book can be saying a lot of things depending on how you look at it." "I swear, I'm with you all the way. I pledge my allegiance, my full committment to you. I've already 'made my bones', you know I'm serious," Adam said, ending the conversation. "Is everything set?" Bruce questioned the group as they huddled behind a few bushes in front of the bank. "Yeah, you and Christie will head to the safe while Adam and I watch the hostages." Bruce smiled. "Good, good. Alright, let's do this!" He commanded. Immediately, the four stood and rushed into the bank, weapons drawn. Adam cocked his shotgun and pulled the trigger twice. The security guards fell and lay motionless on the smooth, marble floor. As screams began erupting throughout the room, Christie and Bruce slipped off into the back where they began work on cracking the safe. Quickly, Adam and Danny rounded up all of the hostages and forced them to sit in the middle of the large room. Nervously, Adam checked his watch: five minutes had passed. What was taking those two so long? An alarm suddenly sounded: a hostage had slipped away undetected and hit the alarm button. Adam could already hear the squad cars in the distance. Outraged, Danny shot the hostage who had hit the alarm. Four bullets pierced the man's chest, came out his back and lodged themselves in the wall behind. Now panicking, Adam called out an order. "Danny! Start grabbing anything that might contain something valuable or be of value! If we have to bail, we might as well get something out of the deal!" Danny nodded that he understood and began threatening the hostages to hand over their cash and valuables. Adam approached a middle-aged woman and placed his gun to her head. "Give me your purse, now!" he demanded forcefully. The womann refused and closed her eyes, waiting for the deafening shot that would end her life. It quickly came, Adam's shotgun sending six bullets into the woman, straight through her where they collided with another fleshy object: her son. Both fell to the floor, dead, almost instantly. Adam leaned down and grabbed the woman's purse. Just then, Christie and Bruce emerged from the back with sacks full of money. Glancing back at the two bodies lying in front of him, Adam spotted a backpack that the boy had been carrying. Thinking maybe there could be a CD player of something else of the sort, he swiped it and quickly caught up with his three partners who were making a hasty back door exit. A few minutes later and the four were safely back at their hideout, inspecting the goods they'd swiped and counting the money. Three of the four of them were happy with the days haul at least. Adam was not, however. He was troubled by what had happened. He'd killed innocent people before, but never had he killed anyone who had idolized him. For in the backpack that he had taken from the poor boy he had murdered, was an essay entitled, "Breaking the Bank." The essay was about Adam. In his slight state of panic at the bank he had not recognized the boy and woman for who they were: his nephew, Colton Machowsky and his one and only sister. He had killed the one and only person who had written an essay that called Adam the one thing he was not: a hero.
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Navy]OOC: I was going to mention that exact same thing. The whole, "Mia's gone MIA." And, you know, shouldn't "chum" be "choom"? He doesn't say chum, as in, how someone in England might call their friend their "chum." Or, "chum" as in dead fish. But I wont elaborate.[/COLOR] [center]- - -[/center] [COLOR=Red]Kayla shook her head. She was irritable; Sakura and Sora had been giggling about Kia's email for the past fifteen minutes. No progress had been made on the subject of Mia's disappearance and her not being in the user database.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"What if she changed her username?"[/color] [COLOR=Red]Contributed Sora, finally able to contain his laughter. Sakura nodded in agreement.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Yeah, what if she changed her username? Then her old name, Mia, wouldn't be in the user database anymore."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Is it possible to change your username?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Everyone turned to stare at Kia. She gave them all a searching, puzzled look.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"What? Can you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Kayla figured out Kia's naivety in the matter first.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Its a new feature that came with the latest version upgrade of 'the World.' Since you're a trapped player, the system probably doesn't recognize you as an 'actual player,' someone who could read and receive emails so the system treats your character more or less like an AI, meaning you don't get the service upgrade emails. However, that's just one part of the system, the part that sends out the upgrade emails to the users of the game. The rest of the system treats you as a regular player -- to an extent. You can access all the servers, areas, view the board, read and send emails, but you cannot log out. "Due to Morganna's programming, all AI created by her are endowed with the abilities of a normal player, other than the fact that they're AI's and cannot log out of the game. Since trapped player's characters become similar to AI's in the fact that they cannot log out, the game treats them and considers their character data as an AI's. And because Morganna is the one who caused the said player to become trapped, her programming treats the trapped player as an AI that it created, bestowing it the abilities of a normal player."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]The other four blinked at her in response. She laughed tentatively.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Basically, Kia doesn't get upgrade emails, meaning she doesn't learn about the new upgrades to 'the World' via official announcement in the emails. So, ah, back to the original question: players can change their usernames by filling out a 'change name' form."[/color] [COLOR=DimGray]"Well, uh, that was, uh, extremely, um . . . ."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sora finished Sakura's thought.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Extremely educational."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]He held his head in mock agony.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Oi, too much information for my poor brain to handle."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"D-did you come up with that by yourself?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Elk questioned, forming a new admiration for his friend.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Kayla grinned at the four.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Not all of it, no. Helba explained some of it to me, then I put a few things together myself. Things that just seemed logical. It all came together after awhile."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sakura rolled her eyes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Well, the next time you explain something, put it simply and bluntly! Don't go into a huge talk about AI's and Morganna's programming and stuff like that!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"So, Mia could have changed her username?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Kia asked again, to bring the conversation back on topic. Kayla nodded.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"But then again, even if she changed her username, that doesn't explain why she disappaered all of a sudden. Unless . . . ."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Kayla's thought trailed off and she left the others in suspense for the next five minutes. It was finally Sakura who brought the Wavemaster to speak her thoughts. Sakura raised the butt of her right blade and slammed it against Kayla's skull. The force knocked Kayla forward. She stumbled, but caught herself, turned for a moment to observe the four standing around her and then spoke:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"The mystery of Mia's disappearance could be something quite simple, really. Are any of you familiar with IRC?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sakura raised her hand straight up into the air. Kayla frowned, ground her teeth together and continued.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Well, its a chat program, one of the very first that was ever made. Anyway, within IRC are thousands and thousands of channels, or chats. Many people use these channels to leech manga, anime, music, etc. from other users offering the files, but that's irrelevant. "Sometimes in a channel, the admin's of the channel, will perform a sort of 'clean-up' of the channel. I'm actually not sure the details of what the clean-up does, but I do know that when it happens quite a few users in the channel are forceably booted and made to restart the channel. "And in other cases, such as sites or programs that use servers, the administrators will perform annual clean-ups of the servers. Such is the case with the instant messenger program, MSN Messenger. They perform clean-ups for their servers on occassion and upon doing so, all people currently signed in are forceably signed out and not allowed to sign back in until the clean-up is done. "If you take in consideration that 'the World' uses servers and that they would need to be cleaned up every once in awhile, to remove excess, useless data, and in doing so, certain users may be forced to log out and unallowed to return until the clean-up is complete, then maybe that's what happened to Mia. Because if you mix what happens in IRC channels and what happens on programs such as MSN Messenger, 'the World's' server clean-ups could force players to log out(possibly because of the deletion of a cookie or a certain cache file during the clean-up) and disallow them from returning until the clean-up is complete. "But, uh, that's just a theory and it could only be proven if we found out 'the World's' server clean-up schedule. Then we could see if there was a clean-up going on at the time Mia disappeared."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Kayla let out a breath of relief and sat on a nearby box, leaving her companions to ponder what she'd said.[/COLOR][/font]
[QUOTE=r2vq]Chapter 257, Page 8 (Translated by Inane) Kakashi: [spoiler]It also presents a great risk to your eyes as well doesn't it...Itachi[/spoiler] Chapter 257, Page 8 (Translated by Shannaro) Kakashi: [spoiler]It would seem that the Jutsu carries a great deal of risk for your eyes, too, doesn't it... Itachi.[/spoiler] Chapter 257, Page 9 (Translated by Inane) Kakashi: [spoiler]How far has... your eyesight deteriorated?[/spoiler] Chapter 257, Page 9 (Translated by Shannaro) Kakashi: [spoiler]Your eyesight... How bad has it gotten?[/spoiler] So yeah, it seems that the Sharingan [spoiler]does have the ability to blind somebody.[/spoiler] -ArV[/QUOTE][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Red]Ah, I see. Thank you for clearing that up. I should have downloaded the Inane version as well; things seem to have been a lot clearer in theirs. I was wondering what Kakashi meant by, [spoiler]"Your eyesight . . . how bad has it gotten?"[/spoiler] [QUOTE=ReFlux]I was wondering if anyone could answer a question of mine. I read in a character profile at wikipedia.net about Rock Lee that he, [spoiler]after getting his surgery, grabbed a bottle of sake in mistake of a bottle of medicine on his way to go and help save Sasuke. Drinking from the bottle, he becomes drunken and shows that he is naturally a master of Drunken Fist Taijutsu. Can anyone confirm this, and if possible, show me the send me a PM showing him doing this?[/spoiler] Also, who does he fight during this?[/QUOTE][spoiler]Yes, Lee does mistakenly grab a bottle of sake thinking it was his medicine and heads out to help save Sasuke. He was fighting Kimimaro at the time and paused to drink from the bottle, thinking it was his medicine. He became drunk and it was revealed that he is a natural master of Drunken Fist Taijutsu. If I wasn't at school, I would send you a few pages from the manga showing him doing such, but as I am, I'm afraid I can't.[/spoiler][/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Lunox]As for the manga: [spoiler'] I just read the latest chapter. I was never really interested in Itachi or Sasuke's little "I-need-revenge" romp (I think I died at one point when watching episodes 129-131), so it's just a passing thing for me to do when I'm bored. I was sort of 'what?' when I learned that using the Sharingan too much would make the eyesight go bad. What a crappy side effect. *sigh* I wish there was more of Gaara. >_>[/spoiler][/quote] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Red][spoiler]Yeah, yeah, same here. The whole revenge thing is just kind of *yawn* I don't like Sasuke has a character anyway, so I just kind of half-heartedly read the chapters that went over Sasuke's past and why he wants revenge . . . As for the "using the Sharingan too much makes the eyesight go bad," where'd you read that? I only read the manga(and I know the anime isn't that far yet) yet I'm a bit confused at what you mean. Maybe its just some kind of context clue I didn't quite take in, but I don't remember anything being said about that.[/spoiler] Oh, I can't wait for chapter 258 to be translated. Looking at the raw just isn't satisfying(and downloading it anyway would be a waste of space on my manga CDs, of which I have so very little left to which I can download files onto).[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='RizaHawkeye']Hmm. I remember Kakashi. Oh well, guess I was wrong? :animeblus[/quote][COLOR=DimGray]At first, I thought Sasuke was talking about Kakashi and I didn't learn until later in the series that he was really speaking about [spoiler]his brother, Itachi[/spoiler]. The way that its worded(in the copy that I read anyway, I read the official translation of the first volume of Naruto by VIZ because I asked for it for my birthday and I didn't know about downloading manga from online yet) it gives off the belief that Sasuke is speaking about a hatred towards Kakashi. So, yeah, you were wrong, but if you ask me, its an easy mistake.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DimGray]Ah, good. I'm glad the problem is being fixed. *waves goodbye to the evil, annoying, noisy ads* Thanks for the information, Justin. Its great to know that something's being done about it... especially since it was already happening before I complained, heh. -DDG[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DimGray]Certain banner ads on myOtaku have become an extreme annoyance lately. Namely, the ads that ask you to "swat the fly", or "shoot the paparazzi". Some ads similar to these are not as bothersome, mostly because they do not make any kind of noise at all. However, ads such as the "swat the fly" ones are irritating as they are constantly making some kind of noise while you are viewing the page in particular. Yes, there are certain measures that could be took to ignore these ads, no matter how annoying. Such as, muting the speakers or turning them down. However, sometimes this is not feasible. Say you're listening to some music on your computer while you're browsing myOtaku and one of these aforementioned ads appears at the top of the page. What do you do? If you mute the speakers, there goes your music. If you turn the speakers down, it becomes harder to hear the music. So you think of another plan: you refresh the page, hoping for a new banner ad only to be given either the same banner ad as before or a different one that makes just as much noise. The ads would also be background noise as you're listening to the music. This is just one example and one probable cause of the ads being an annoyance. Another solution could be to do what the ad says and [for example] swat the fly. You think this might eradicate the problem because you know [from personal experience or otherwise, I enjoy messing around with those kinds of ads when I get bored on occasion] that with certain ads whatever you were told to 'get rid of', after exterminating it will not come back, thus removing your problem with the noise. This is not the case with the ads on myOtaku that make noise. With every ad of this type I've came across, a few seconds after "swatting the fly" or "shooting the paparazzi" the said target returns to annoy you further. Personally these ads give me a headache. A nice pounding, throbbing headache and I've even got my speakers down as low as they'll go without completely muting them. I've made this thread and stated my case for one purpose: to ask if these types of ads could be removed from being displayed on myOtaku. I'm not talking about the ads that are similar to ones such as "swat the fly", ones that don't make any noise whatsoever(a good example being "shoot the spy"), only the ads that [i]do[/i] make noises. I understand that the noise draws attention to the ad, but the noise is also extremely repetitive and annoying. myOtaku can do without the ads that make noise and give DDG a headache. Stick to the silent ones, please! If its in any way possible, I'd like to see if the ads could be forever removed to never, ever come back. Thanks for your time. -DDG[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DimGray][b][u]Atypical[/b][/u] ?This,? a scarred finger pointed to a picture on the wall, ?is the target.? Astonishment was portrayed by everyone present. The captain was smirking. ?There?s a serial killer in all of us. One screw up and even the most famous person can be driven to insanity. Murderers don?t have to start out as atypical people.? [B][U]Born Killer[/U][/B] ?We inherit dominant and recessive genes from our parents which determine our traits. Our hair, our eyes, our nose, and more, it?s all genetics.? If genes are what determines our traits, is that what gives me this obsessive need to kill every living thing around me? My father was a hunter and I am, too. [B][U]Crimson Eyes [M - V][/U][/B] The eyes that told the inner most secrets, the underlying emotions, they were his, his to keep forever. ?Your eyes are deliciously deceitful, mistress,? he paused. ?No one would ever believe what I?m seeing now.? A grin. [spoiler]Sadistic pleasure came as a woman writhed in pain below him. Sockets crimson, face stained: blood dripped slowly.[/spoiler] [B][U]Red Carousel [M - V][/U][/B] ?[i]What?s your favorite color?[/i]? ?[i]Red! Red, Daddy![/i]? [spoiler]Deep red blood splattered over the wall.[/spoiler] ?[I]What?s your favorite amusement park ride?[/I]? ?[I]The carousel![/I]? A chipped tooth, a broken nose . . . ?[I]One last ride, how about it?[/I]? [spoiler]. . .a lifeless body slumped over a metal horse.[/spoiler] The amusement park was closed but one man remained, forever riding the carousel. [B][U]Super Heroes Exist[/U][/B] ?The world cannot be changed by only one person. Cooperation is required and is more than impossible to obtain.? A child?s hand shot up into the air. ?But what about super heroes?? Shaking his head, the teacher responded, ?Super heroes are fiction and only exist on paper.? ?I was talking about the men in blue.? [B][U]Wasteland[/U][/B] Hot and arid, not a cloud in the sky. The sun was bearing down, dehydrating all who walked beneath it in the desert wasteland. Sand was everywhere; it was endless. A man hovered above us. My throat was scratchy; my speech merely unintelligible sounds. Gun drawn, the man aimed and I pleaded forgiveness. He fired. --- Writing a story that's exactly 55 words is great fun. I probably didn't need to spoiler those certain parts in "Red Carousel" and "Crimson Eyes" but I figured I should, just in case. They weren't all too bad... but for common courtesy, those parts have been spoilered, eheh.[/COLOR]
Ah, that was my mistake, sorry. [spoiler]I realized after I got offline that Sasuke had just developed the third tome and did not have the Mangekyo Sharingan yet.[/spoiler] I would have edited my post, but I sort of forgot. Guess that's what I get for having a bad memory for certain things. *edits earlier post*
[QUOTE=The Drizzle][spoiler]I REALLY want to see kakashis new move, and i think it will be very interesting to see kakashi naruto and sakura work now as a team. I also LOVED how they do the bell exercise again and how it ends... hilarious...[/spoiler] :D [COLOR=DarkGreen]I also have a question:[/COLOR][spoiler]How does kakashi get the third shwoosh(cant think of what its called)? does he kill his best friend because kakshi doesnt seem like the type of person to do that. if so that is so sad :animecry: [/spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler]No, no. If you'll take a closer look at Itachi's sharingan, you'll notice that Kakashi's is different than theirs. Itachi's tomes(as the 'shwooshes' are called) are connected, while Kakashi's are not. Kakashi originally started out with two tomes but apparently evolved the Sharingan to its gain its third tome at a later time. Itachi's is the final stage of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo, while Kakashi's merely has three tomes.[/spoiler] I hope that helped you a bit. If you need to know more, try [url=http://www.wikipedia.org]Wikipedia[/url]. They're a great online encyclopedia and I learned quite a bit I didn't quite catch while reading the manga.
[QUOTE=Kawaii Seth]Yes... I do. Here they are! Sasuke: Seto Kaiba from YGO Sakura: Misty from Pok'emon Naruto: Vash from Trigun Kakashi: Spike from Cowboy Bebop I don't really like the choices... but no one said that I have to watch the dubbed version in the first place. ^.^[/QUOTE] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Definitely not the voices I would have chosen for them. I find it absolutely horrible to imagine Sakura with Misty's voice... Its times like these I wish I could download the anime ^_^;; I've never imagined Naruto with a voice like Vash's. It just seems too high pitched for him. I agree with you; I don't like the choices either. But I guess if I want to watch Naruto I'll have to deal with it. Well, a lot of people will have to deal with it anyway. And you're right: no one said you had to watch the dubbed version. *shrugs* I actually think I'll go without watching the Naruto anime rather than watch any subpar version of Naruto, especially if they do the sort of things that VIZ has done with the manga. I'll wait for as long as I must until I get DSL, rather than watch the dubbed version.[/COLOR][/FONT]
DDG replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=darkred]I'm only halfway through it myself, but my dad finished it not too long ago. He said that [spoiler]all he got were a few more movies, backgrounds and some music I believe. Whilst doing it though he finished off his monster list for the Ryu Books, so that was a plus. He said it was a ***** to find everything and he even had me look up items and find areas for them online. In my opinion the prizes are worth it, but that's just because I like the movies and the backgrounds and stuff. My dad was mad though because he doesn't pay attention to any of that. Basically its all in how you feel about it. If you think that some backgrounds and whatnot would be worth it, then go ahead and attempt to finish it. But if you don't, then don't even attempt to finish it. I swear my dad's was trying to finish it since sometime late last year(round April-ish, May-ish maybe, maybe before that. March-ish I think actually). And he just finished it about two, three weeks ago maybe.[/spoiler] I probably didn't have to spoiler tag a lot of that... but I figure its easier just to spoiler tag it all. Not like its hurting anything, eheh ^_^;[/color][/font] -
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Kayla took a moment to ponder the question. She wasn't sure herself when they would be fighting Macha. Helba was still tied up with her legal issues and hadn't been online for a few days, leaving a lot of the work involved with the Phases in Kayla's hands.[/COLOR] "I'm not sure, Kia," [COLOR=DarkRed]Kayla finally said.[/COLOR] "I'd say a few days to a week until we fight Macha. I'll have to see if I can contact Helba." [COLOR=DarkRed]Kia nodded her head absently. A silence sat between the two for a few moments, only broken by the talking of players nearby. After almost ten minutes of silence, Kayla finally spoke.[/COLOR] "Ah, we're almost home. Sorry Kia, I'll have to get off now. Plus, my laptop battery's going dead. I'll log on again later when I'm at home, okay?" [COLOR=DarkRed]Without waiting for a response from Kia, Kayla logged out. --Back in the van--[/COLOR] "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Please tell me we're there!" [COLOR=DarkRed]The Silver Knight exclaimed desperately as both Kayla and Katsuki had shut their laptops off and were tormenting him. Everyone else in the car was beginning to get sick of hearing the Silver Knight scream out random things to block what Kayla and Katsuki were saying. A sigh of relief went through the group as Kite pulled up next to the first house: Kayla's. Gathering up all her things from the van, Kayla wrenched open the door and hopped out.[/COLOR] "See you everyone!" [COLOR=DarkRed]She shouted and started up the driveway to her house as Kite pulled away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]OOC: I'm a bit out of it on ideas. I'll try and write some more next post, but for this is all. Sorry its so short, though ^_^;[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]A crumpled piece of paper flew through the air and landed with a slight bounce right beside full-to-the-brim wastebasket. The wastebasket was full of other crumpled pieces of paper as well as a few uncrumpled pieces. Each paper contained the failed attempts at the beginning to a story Claire had been hired to write. She'd been given a week to complete the story and she'd already wasted four days. She was stressed. This was one of her toughest stories yet but she had to finish it by the deadline. If she didn't, he reputation could take a serious blow. Taking a wary glance down at the blank sheet of notebook paper in front of her, an idea took shape in her head. It began to form and a few minutes later she was sure she had the perfect story. She used her tongue to adjust the pen cap in her mouth that she happened to be chewing on; a bad habit she couldn't seem to shake. Placing the pen on the paper, her hands began to flow over it, back and forth across it, filling up every line, margin to margin, with words. She was still at it almost four hours later, still in the same hunched over position, she was still writing. She'd filled up almost twenty pages of notebook paper, front and back. Dropping the pen onto the desk, she stretched out her fingers and took a break; she'd been getting bad cramps in her hands for the past hour, but hadn't wanted to stop, afraid that if she lost her momentum now she'd never get it back and the end of the story wouldn't be as adequate as the beginning. Almost done with the story now, as it was only intended to be a short story, not a novel, she felt that her thinking had slowed thus slowing how much she happened to be writing on the paper. It was the perfect time for a nice break, maybe a nap to refresh her mind as she'd been up for almost eighteen hours straight now. She pushed back her chair and made for the bedroom, but decided the couch was closer and slumped her tired body down onto it. She laid back and stared at the ceiling, her eyelids slowly drooping until sleep finally overcame her. [center]* * *[/center] Who knew what time it was when she awoke, but all Claire knew was that it was light outside and she had slept for longer than she'd wished. Sitting up, she carefully stretched her sore joints and muscles and noticed an irritating pain in her back from sleeping for so long on the couch. She stood up and leaned forward, letting out a sigh of relief as she heard and felt her back crack. A low grumble came from her stomach as she was about to make her way back to her desk. She glanced at the clock: it was morning, going on late morning actually. Her stomach growled again.[/COLOR] [B]"Maybe some food, eh stomach?"[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]She frowned, remembering she didn't have much money left from the last article she'd written. But then again, if she wanted to continue working at her best, giving one hundred twenty percent, she needed food. The food would keep in brain in prime, top condition, as well as her body, and it would ensure that hunger pains would not interfere with her work. Quickly, she slipped on her shoes, pulled on her jacket, grabbed her keys and left her apartment as her stomach gave a few more angry threats and stabs of pain.[/COLOR][/FONT]
DDG replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed][font=Trebuchet MS]Woah, slow down. You'll have to be a little more specific as there's more than one part where [spoiler]Lios says he's going to delete you.[/spoiler] Are you talking about after [spoiler]"blank stage"?[/spoiler] And as for the Goblin question, raise your level and stats. Acquire some powerful magical attacks, buy speed charms, and a few bane's(namely one's that will remove magical tolerance). Also, you can always try to paralyze or put the Goblin to sleep, but the chances of that working are very slim. The last goblin is a major pain. [spoiler]She always is and she just keeps getting worse, too.[/spoiler][/COLOR][/font] -
[quote name='animemonkey13']3.Maho...I don't know. I heard Maho was an old friend of Tsukasa's mom.[/quote] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed][spoiler]Macha is the first form of Mia from the .hack video games. Macha is turned into Mia by Morganna some time after .hack//SIGN ends and some time before the games begin. Mia then transforms into Macha(Phase 6) in .hack//QUARANTINE. After Macha is defeated, she transforms back into Mia and later becomes Macha(.hack//SIGN) again, once all of the phases have been defeated. Macha is then transformed for the final time, into Mia after the "Dawn Wanderer" is defeated by Kite. So, Macha is not an actual character, but more of an NPC created by Morganna. Mia was meant to collect information on love and relationships(which is why she befriended Elk) and to collect Aromatic Grass which contained Macha's(Phase) data. Whether Macha is good or bad is all up to you really. On one hand, she's a phase and ultimately an enemy while on the other hand, she was Elk's idol and best friend, which you could say made her more of a "good" character. From Macha(.hack//SIGN) to Mia to Macha(Phase 6) to Mia(briefly) to Macha(SIGN) and back to Mia again[/spoiler] :animeswea [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]OOC: My mistake, next we're supposed to fight Macha, then Cubia, Tarvos, Cubia for the final time and then Corbenik.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Kayla's character materialized before the spinning Chaos Gate. She slashed her staff at invisible objects before sighing.[/COLOR] "I still miss my old staff," [COLOR=DarkRed]she muttered, anger now coursing through her body.[/COLOR] "Damn Lios, damn him!" [COLOR=DarkRed]She bashed the end of the staff against the ground in a rage before swiftly making her way down a set of steps, past the Recorder and across the large bridge curving over the slow moving river. She wasn't sure where she was going and she wondered where Sakura had gotten off to. Hadn't she been right beside Kayla at the Chaos Gate? [I]No, I guess she hadn't. If she had been, she'd be right beside me at this very moment. Maybe she's wandering around here somewhere, I mean, I did take a little whlie to check my email before I logged into the Root town. She probably got here before I did... Guess I'll just have to find her.[/i] [B]And if I run into Kia, I'll tell her I can't talk because I'm looking for Sakura.[/B] Her conscious, popping in again. Another argument with herself was going to ensue. [I]No. I refuse to treat Kia that way. If I run into her, I'll ask her if she'd like to go to an area with me. She probably hasn't had anything much to do since we all went to the beach.[/I] [B]...Refuse to treat Kia that way? You did it before, just earlier today. What's the reason for not doing it now?[/B] [I]Plenty of reason not to. She's my friend and even if... there's something manifesting inside of her, she deserves to be treated like any other person, er, player.[/I] [B]Just keep telling yourself that. You'll regret it in the end...[/B] The "Devil's Advocate" side of her conscious had craftily ended the argument, leaving Kayla with menacing thoughts and plenty of other things to ponder on for awhile. She slowly came back into reality and wondered when she'd sat on the ground at the end of the road that ran through the Mac Anu, in the corner of the spacious square where players congregated to trade items, areas, information, etc. Her staff was resting against her shoulder and she was staring at the ground. She lifted her head up and observed a nearby group of newbie players; there sure were a lot of those lately. Level one players who had no idea what was currently going on within "the World," no idea of the danger that was increasing in intensity with each and every passing day. The group was currently trading items and chatting away; they all seemed to know each other quite well. School friends presumably.[/color] "I'll give you this Kai for your Steel Blades." "How about your Kai plus your Amateur Blades?" "No way! You'll be totally ripping me off!" "Alright, alright. Kai for Steel Blades." [COLOR=DarkRed]Kayla giggled at the idiocy of the two. They glanced in her direction with glares on their faces.[/COLOR] "What's so funny, huh?" [COLOR=DarkRed]the female Twin Blade asked. Kayla smirked.[/COLOR] "Its just that, you're actually the one ripping him," she nodded her head at the male Twin Blade, "off. Steel Blades are a better weapon as they increase Physical Attack by three, Physical Accuracy by two, Magical Attack by one, and Magical Accuracy by two. While on the other hand, Kai increases Physical Attack and Accuracy by two and Magical Attack and Accuracy by one. Also, Steel Blades' attack is Tiger Claws which blows Kai's attack, Saber Dance, right out of the water." [COLOR=DarkRed]The Twin Blades stared in dismay at the Wavemaster's knowledge of weapons. The male pulled his Steel Blades back from the female's outstretched hands and equipped them. The female frowned and re-equipped her Kai before grumbling about how she could have accidentally just received a better weapon, while giving her male friend the worse one. Together the two walked off, along with their other friend who had been watching with curiousity as the Twin Blades had been conjuring up a deal. Chuckling to herself, Kayla failed to notice a pink haired Twin Blade stop beside her.[/COLOR] "Kayla, I thought that was you," [COLOR=DarkRed]said the Twin Blade, smiling at the Wavemaster. Startled, Kayla's eyes scanned the square and finally spotted Kia, towrering above her.[/COLOR] "Hey Kia. How ya been?"[/FONT]
[size=1][color=gray]Just a quick question here: What has happened to the Kill Adam website? I was attempting to go there the other day to check it out as I hadn't in awhile, and I got a "404" error page. I've also noticed that the images that were currently hosted off from the Kill Adam website(such as the post backgrounds in the Kill Adam thread) are gone as well. Was the Kill Adam site removed? Or has it just been relocated?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=slategray]This is the first romance RP I've ever been interested in, so, kudos to you Meth for hooking me(a lot of your RPG's have a way of hooking me actually, sometimes I just don't end up thinking of an adequate sign-up...)[/color] [color=gray][b]Name:[/b] [i]Claire Marino[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]25[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i][/color][color=darkslategray]Dirty blond, shoulder length hair worn up in a ponytail. She wears a frayed, gray jacket over whatever shirt she pulls out of her closet that day. Usually sports blue jeans and dirtied tennis shoes, originally white. She stands around 5'6" and has blue eyes, which her first boyfriend called "sparkling, dazzling, and magnificent," though in recent years, her old boyfriend(which she's kept a good relationship with) has noted that they seem dull, pale, and void of life.[/i][/color][color=gray] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]Freelance writer[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i][/color][color=darkslategray]Usually cheerful and lively, she can sometimes suffer from severe mood swings, most notably when she's working on a piece of writing. Once she accepts to write an article or short story, she'll completely commit to it, giving up all other activities until its finished. Because of this commitment she puts towards finishing her writing, she can sometimes disappear for days, once even a few weeks, at a time, though her close friends know she's just working on a new piece. Often when she's working on a new piece, she'll become sullen and irritated, another reason of why she stays away from the rest of the world for a few days.[/color][/i] [b][color=gray]Bio:[/color][/b] [i][color=darkslategray]Aspiring to one day become a famous author, Claire currently only does freelance work, making whatever kind of money she can. She was born an average girl, to an average family and lived a boring, normal childhood. Or at least that's the guise she's put up for people to believe. She lives in an apartment building a few blocks away from Chris and is an "acquaintance" of Xander's.[/i][/color] [color=slategray][strike]I'll finish this later. I need like, a day or two to think more about my character... *puts up an "Out To Lunch" sign*[/strike][/color] [color=darkslategray]*removes "Out To Lunch" sign and puts up a big "Sold" sign* All done. I didn't elaborate on the bio, as you said it didn't have to be long and I'll reveal more about the character as time goes on in the RPG(little by little, she shall be broken down and revealed...). [b]Edit 2 on 2/21/05:[/b] Two days after I say I'm finished and I realize I never put down a description. Hopefully, its all done now...[/color][/size]