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Everything posted by DDG

  1. [size=1][color=gray]Sure, it wasn't as great as some of your other chapters, but it was still great, Meth. It was a bit slower, maybe a little less dramatic, bu there was a certain subtlely to it that was marvelous. And anyway, all stories have their slow points and upsides and downsides, etc. It all makes the story what it is, though. Whoo, a detective! Detective DDG... Yeah, that sounds great. *pulls out a "GO METH!" banner and waves it around*[/size][/color]
  2. [color=gray][size=1]ShoPro Entertainment has licensed Naruto. ShoPro has also announced an upcoming merge with VIZ, LLC to "form one of the entertainment industry's most innovative, comprehensive manga and animation licensing and publishing companies." There's a link to the article on ANN [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/pressrelease.php?id=851]here[/url] and also in the Naruto thread. [/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=gray]I rarely pop into Anthology but boy was I glad I did tonight, er, this morning. Meth, your story is just wonderful, absolutely magnificient. Beautifully written, intriguing, exactly the kind of story that catches my fancy. Being a big CSI fanatic, along with other detective/investigative/crime shows(ie: NCIS, Without A Trace, whatever. I'll watch it and be entranced by it) as well, this is quite an appealing story. Every time I reached the end of a chapter I was just left wanting more. Its suspenseful and creative. As well as a large change from the usual OtakuBoards centered stories. Its seriousness is enthralling. I love it. Great job, Meth. -DDG And I hope I'm not being too modest but is there anyway for myself to make a cameo appearance? I'm happy with any position you could give me. No preferences here.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=slategray]This is just the kind of RPG I've been looking for ever since I finished reading [u]Soldier X[/u](A good read, by the way, if you haven't read it. I couldn't put it down ^_^;).[/color] [color=gray][u][b]Sign up:[/b][/u] [b]Name-[/b] [i]Kayla Ribelle[/color][color=darkslategray]*[/color][/i] [b][color=gray]Codename-[/b] [i]Sapientone[/color][color=darkslategray]**[/i][/color][color=gray] [b]Country-[/b] [i]America[/i] [b]Position-[/b] [i]Rebel Leader[/i] [b]Gender-[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Age-[/b] [i]28[/i] [b]Appearance-[/b] [i]Estimated to be around 5'5" and about 140-150 pounds. Medium length dark brown hair, normally worn up in a ponytail. Occasionally seen wearing a black baseball hat, pushed down to restrict the viewing of her eyes. Nearsighted, she sports contacts, unseen over her light brown eyes. Her attire varies depending on her mood. Usually seen in blue jeans and black leather jacket. Has a silver chain with identification tags hanging at the end always around her neck. Slightly tanned complexion, she comes from Italian descent and is of slender build. Tattoo of a dragon in black and white covers most of her back. Flames spouting from the dragons mouth spread over her shoulder and down her arm. Black leather boots are always seen on her feet, polished and looking as good as new.[/i] [b]Preferred Weapon-[/b] [i][url=http://www.airsoftpro.net/page/AP/PROD/SG/28120]Sig Sauer P228 with silencer[/url][/color][color=darkslategray]***[/color][/i][color=gray] [b]Personality-[/b] [i]Outgoing and never outspoken, Kayla has an arsenal of witty remarks. She is quite temperamental and is easily angered. Sarcastic, unforgiving and unforgetful, she feels no remorse for her actions.[/i] [b]Bio-[/b] [i]Always one who enjoyed asking questions, at an early age she began to ask in school why they were only taught about the great things that had been given to them by the Prime Ministers and Presidents of the last century. Why did they not learn about events before then? She was scolded for asking such questions but never ceased in questioning every little thing, "[/i]why, why, why?[i]" Always wanting to know more. For a high school research project she decided that researching the past that they were never taught in school would be a great concept for her paper, surely it would get her an A. This thinking could have been considered ignorant, but at the time her only thought was that it was a great excuse to do research on the eras before this past century. Surely the world was never this peaceful in the past? It didn't seem likely that it was, she had thought. Intensive research brought her to discovering amazing facts about the past that she had never known, never even realized could have happened. Dictatorship, book burnings, Concentration camps, war, famine, terrorism. All were things that currently did not exist in the world of today. Although most things she had discovered were horrible acts of cruelty and violence and she understood why these aspects of the past had never been taught in school, there was a small part of her that wanted these things to happen again. Slowly, over the course of a few years, this small part of her grew as she paid more and more attention to the current state of the world. She disliked how the past was being kept a secret from the public. She disliked how each country continued to be on friendly terms with one another, working together in a false friendship. Two centuries wasn't enough time to have settled all of the disputes of the past. She knew that sooner or later, whether she helped or not, a revolution was on its way. To aid her in learning more behind the thoughts of the American leader, she joined the military when she was nineteen, but was booted out and fined on fradulent charges. The charges of which are, as she says, "[/i]undisclosable to any and all those she meets and knows.[i]" It was a sick, twisted fantasy to wish that the world would backtrack into a state of violence and hostility. A sick, twisted fantasy that she was going to help become true.[/i][/color] [color=darkslategray]*The first name of "[i]Kayla[/i]" means "[i]wise child[/i]" while the last name, "[i]Ribelle[/i]" is Italian for "[i]rebellious.[/i]" So, there is some logic behind why I chose this name. (If you say it last name first it'll read "[i]rebellious wise child[/i]") **"[i]Sapientone[/i]" is Italian for "[i]wise guy.[/i]" She was given this nickname by her father as she was always responding with a sarcastic remark or some other witty comeback and she decided it would suit as a codename while she worked with others to cause a revolution. ***Although the gun is on an Airsoft gun site, it is an actual gun if you'll take the care to read the description on the page.[/color] [color=slategray]I've been working on this since midnight and its two AM now so please pardon any mistakes in spelling or grammar I may have made. Also, I hope my bio wasn't too long and that this sign-up is satisfactory, heh. [/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=gray]I was getting database errors earlier today here on OtakuBoards, but they've all seemed to have stopped now. And when I headed over to theOtaku and myOtaku and saw all of that strange coding up at the top of the page I came to the conclusion that it was probably because of the server change or the site was being worked on. I'm glad everything's getting cleared up, though. I'm not sure how much longer I could have went without OtakuBoards, myOtaku or theOtaku. ^_^;[/size][/color]
  6. DDG


    [size=1][color=gray]"Hit me."[/color] Kayla tossed Katsuki a card. [color=gray]"Hit me."[/color] [color=gray]"Again? You're face up cards totalled are already at seventeen!"[/color] [color=gray]"I don't care. Just give me another card."[/color] [color=gray]"Alright, its your money."[/color] Kayla tossed her another card; a three. Katsuki grinned and flipped over her face down card. [color=gray]"Twenty one. I win."[/color] Her face down card was an ace. Katsuki grabbed the spare change that had been placed on the table and and deposited it in front of herself. [color=gray]"Wanna play again?"[/color] Kayla asked, shuffling the deck of cards. Katsuki nodded and began counting out change to place as a bet when an enraged older woman stomped passed them, towards where the Silver Knight was sitting on a towel, tanning in the sun. Kayla and Katsuki stopped what they were doing and carefully observed the following events. [i]Later, in Kite's van[/i] [color=gray]"That was so funny! Knighty, I didn't know your mom could hit so hard! She just looks like such a frail woman!"[/color] Kayla commented as the van moved quickly down the highway and away from the beach. The Silver Knight held his hands over his face to hide the horrible welt now forming on his forehead. Katsuki snickered. [color=gray]"And it was even better when she turned you over her knee and---"[/color] [color=gray]"Please! Spare me the pain of remembering!"[/color] The Silver Knight shouted and shoved his fingers in his ears. Katsuki and Kayla shrugged. They both pulled their laptops out from their bags and logged into "The World." [color=navy]OOC: Now that the Beach Party is officially over, its time to get back to other events. We have to fight Cubia next, if I'm not mistaken. So, lets get this RPG active again ^_^[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=gray]Just an idea that I'd like to suggest: In the "Edit Styles" page, would it be possible to have an option to make the background of the page stationary? That way, backgrounds that were not meant to be repeated on a page will remain in place and not move as the page does. Currently I use a code in my introduction to keep my stationary, but this code only keeps my background stationary on the main page of my site and not any of the others. -DDG[/size][/color]
  8. [quote name='XenoSamurai']I've beaten all four games, but I can't seem to beat the last level it's really hard I always die because of the bracelet, there must be a way to beat it.[/quote] [size=1][color=gray]I've heard that if you have your level at 99 your Data Infection doesn't increase as much as it would if you were at a lower level. Other than that its just plain luck because the monsters that come out of the portals are random. Another tip is to skip clearing the field if you've been doing that and go straight to the dungeon. That helps a bit. Also make sure to take someone who's strong, like a Heavy Blade such as Blackrose. That's who I used and I got through the dungeon on about my fifth time of trying.[/color][/size]
  9. DDG


    [SIZE=1]It didn't seem possible to ever get bored of torturing the Silver Knight, but after about a half hour of taunts, jeers and the likes, Kayla was off in her own little dream world; her head resting on the counter, drool trickling from her mouth and forming a small pool beneath her face. A half empty glass was in her hand, early having been filled to the brim with a non-alcoholic drink(not normally served at the tiki bar). Sora, Elk and Katsuki sat at the other end of the bar, now just chatting. The Silver Knight has somehow slipped away and was nowhere in sight. Kayla slowly lifted her head off the counter and glanced around. [color=gray]"Eh? What time is it?"[/color] she asked. Katsuki turned her head towards her for a second. [color=gray]"Six maybe? I don't know. I don't have a watch."[/color] [color=gray]"Where'd Knighty go?"[/color] [color=gray]"Dunno."[/color] Sora replied, munching on a chip. He shoved his hand back inside a bag in his right hand and pulled out a handful of chips. Kayla jumped up from her barstool and began looking around erratically. [color=gray]"Well, I'm going to find him! He doesn't deserve to have any fun on this vacation!"[/color] she shouted before sprinting off to the water. Sora, Katsuki and Elk glanced at each for a moment before following suit. As Katsuki caught up with Kayla, she questioned her. [color=gray]"Why'd we come to the water?"[/color] [color=gray]"Well, I figure, that Knighty would want to 'drown his sorrows,' and, since this is the closest water to us, he must be around here somewhere!"[/color] [color=gray]"Oh, brilliant deduction, Detective Kayla."[/color] [color=gray]"Detective Kayla... I like the sound of that. Detective Kayla... Sounds familiar though."[/color] Katsuki hit her over the head. [color=gray]"Of course it does, you dimwit! You're probably thinking of Detective Conan! You know, Case Closed?"[/color] Kayla nodded. [color=gray]"That sounds right. Man that show rocks."[/color] [color=gray]"Yeah, but now's not the time to obsess over it. Look over there!"[/color] Sora said and pointed to an area of the water far out from the shore. A man was flailing his arms and continuously sinking beneath the water before jumping back up again. [color=gray]"Hey, is that guy drowning?"[/color] Elk questioned, wading a little farther out into the water. Katsuki nodded. [color=gray]"Yeah, and not only that, its Knighty!"[/color] Immediately, the four of them waded out as far as they could before swimming as fast as they could possibly muster towards Knighty. By the time they had reached him, he was under the water. Kayla took in a deep breath and dived under. Moving her feet as fast as she could behind her, she swam deeper under the water, ever searching for Knighty. Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around her mouth. Kayla pulled the hands off and spun around. Knighty was there, grinning, with a snorkel and goggles on his face. Kayla shook her fist at him and he made the appearance as if laughing. [color=gray]"Jerk."[/color] she said, releasing all the air in her lungs and out into the water via large air bubbles. He laughed again as she began swimming to the surface. He swam along side her and surfaced a few seconds afterwards. Kayla swung a punch at his head, which he quickly dodged by diving under the water for a few seconds. [color=gray]"What the hell? What's up with this?"[/color] Katsuki asked, noticing the Silver Knight's goggles and snorkel. Kayla scowled. [color=gray]"He was faking drowning to play a trick on us. And he tried to drown me!"[/color] she accused, shaking her finger at him. He shook his head quickly. [color=gray]"No, no! I wasn't! I swear! I was merely trying to make it seem as if I--"[/color] [color=gray]"If you were saving me? Yeah, shove off Knighty. These three all know that I'm a pretty damn good swimmer."[/color] Kayla finished with disdain resinating in her voice. [color=gray]"But, well, um, uh--"[/color] [color=gray]"Come on, lets go teach him a lesson."[/color] Kayla said, grinning mischieviously. [color=navy]OOC: Ok, finish er up Mai.[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=gray]Do you use the WYSIWYG editor Patronus? I had issues like that as well when I used to use the WYSIWYG editor, especially when I was posting in an RPG which required lots of paragraphs and spaces and the likes. I have no idea why in the world it would happen, but after I'd post the post there'd be these huge horrible spaces between my posts and when I went back in to re-edit them, all of the paragraphs would be grouped together instead of spaced in the editing box. So that helped lead to my "WYSIWYG editor does not exist, never existed and even if it did exist I would never ever use it again" phase as you could call it. Meaning I quit using the thing and went back to the standard text box editor. But if you're not using the WYSIWYG editor, then just listen to what Azure said. And if you are using it, I say downcast the evil editor! Cast it into the flames and forever condemn it! ^_^;[/size][/color]
  11. DDG


    [size=1][color=navy]OOC: *hates Kamui* I don't know how she could be so heartless.[/color] A large snore erupted from Kayla's mouth as she laid on her towel, dozing in the sun. Kite gave her a sidelong glace from his beach chair before continuing to read the book he'd brought along. Elk sat on a towel next to her, peering down with an odd look on his face. As another snore emanated from her, Elk slowly reached down and plugged her nose. Her eyes shot open as she was denied a breath through her nose. Seeing Elk towering above her, his fingers on her nose, she smiled and laughed a nasally laugh. [color=gray]"Was I snoring?"[/color] she asked as Elk removed his fingers. He nodded and grinned at her. She shook her head and slowly sat up, looking around the beach. Little kids were running about, making sand castles and splashing around in the waves as they crashed against the shore. Older kids and teenagers were huddled about, listening to music, dancing and some even off in secluded corners, making out with each other. Adults were scattered about here and there, most were sitting back in beach chairs while others were out in the water, swimming together and the likes. Kayla glanced all around the beach and finally spotted their "adult supervision." The Silver Knight was sitting at a tiki bar on the far side of the beach, sweet talking a beautiful woman. Kayla grinned devilishly and looked for Katsuki. Spotting her and Sora over near where the waves were breaking against the shore, she shouted out, [color=gray]"Hey! Katsuki! Sora! Come here a moment!"[/color] The two looked up, took one look at Kayla's grin and quickly left their sand castles to meet her. [color=navy]OOC: And I think I'll let Mai finish up this little scene. Then maybe one more post for the "beach party bonanza" before we get back to the story...[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=gray][quote name='Shinmaru']He's Bombu now. Tell him to stop changing his name![/quote] Oh, don't worry. I will. He'll feel my wrath... [quote=Mr. Changes-his-name-a-lot]I was on a Metroid high when I decided to change it again, and now I'm not. I'm an idiot. School is both the barrier and the borderline that stops me from surfing OB as much as I used to, which is why I no longer get to do neat stuff like AIM, RPGs, and myOtaku. I just about manage to pop in here every now and then to make the odd post, and maybe an insult or two.[/quote] Well, atleast you've given a legitimate reason. And now for a person I completely forgot but meant to add: [b]Semjaza/Tony:[/b] He's really awesome. A video games expert, listens to some awesome bands...he just plain rocks and it'd be cool to meet up with him. Although I doubt it would ever happen ^_^;[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=gray]Oh, there are plenty of people I'd love to meet. Plenty of people. I know I can't name everyone, but I'll name a few atleast: [b]Dragon Warrior/Gavynn:[/b] Well, for one, he's just damn sexy. Plus he makes the best animations, has a great sense of humor, is fun to talk to, is just a plain wonderful person and he doesn't live all that far away from me! =P [b]Solo:[/b] He's just such an awesome and wonderful guy and I have so much fun discussing Digimon with him. ^_^ [b]Mimmi:[/b] How could I not mention Mimmi? She's a very nice girl and plus, she helped me out when I needed a site where I could download Naruto! *hugs* [b]Panda-chan:[/b] Aw, who wouldn't want to meet Panda? [b]DeathKnight/Ken:[/b] We just have the most interesting conversations over AIM it'd be fun to see what we'd talk about in a real life meeting. Plus he's just awesome. [b]Shinmaru:[/b] I'm going with Bombu on this one: I just want to meet him so I can shout at the top of my lungs, "nerd!" But seriously, he'd be an awesome person to meet. We could...uh, discuss video games? Or maybe he could just rant on about Futurama or something... [b]Annie:[/b] She was one of my very first friends here and helped me out when I was just beginning to RP. Its impossible to say that I wouldn't want to meet her. [b]Japan_86:[/b] Because I want to play cards with her. Like I said I did in a comment on one of James' posts on myO. Wonder what we would play... [b]Baron:[/b] Wait, no, this has to be a mistake. Guess it's not. He's just an interesting guy who'd be cool to meet. And it'd be fun to take a trip to Australia to meet him. [b]James:[/b] He's just...cool. That's it. [b]Lady Katana:[/b] The creator of Plushies and the Illustrator of Enter the Net, its a wonder how anyone couldn't want to meet her. Plus she's a great person who'd be fun to meet. [b]Blanko:[/b] She's a great RPer and a lover of Digimon. It'd be awesome to meet her. *hugs* [b]Sen:[/b] Ok, this has to be a mistake, right? No? No. It'd be awesome to meet him and discuss Metal Gear Solid with him. ^_^ [b]Methuselah:[/b] Just a great, nice, friendly, wonderful person. Love to meet her. [b]Syk:[/b] Its Syk we're talking about here. What's there to say about the reason of why I'd like to meet him? [b]Katana:[/b] One of my first friends on the board and she's the creator of the Tomboy Club! Tomboy's unite! [b]Wasabi:[/b] Four words: Squeaky Hammer of Doom. [b]Mai_Minase:[/b] Oh wait. I already know her in real life. [b][strike]BlueYoshi/Wingnut Ninja[/strike] Bombu:[/b] Where did he get off to? He introduced me to just so many awesome movies, plus he's an awesome guy and he's my only bro. *hugs him, wherever he is* [b]cheese_master:[/b] Yep and I know this new, unknown member because she one of my friends from school. And she loves cheese >.> Ok, I could go on a lot farther, but I feel this is enough. I've got a large friend list and I'd love to meet everyone on there, so don't feel bad if I left you out. ^_^ [/size][/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] He's a funny dude. In particular, his rabbit picture. Yes people, fear the "[b]I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head[/b]" picture. Priceless. But I am shocked and hurt how little I mean to people ;_;.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=gray][size=1][u]More memorable moments:[/u] [b]1.)[/b] Meeting and befriending Baron. Happy now? [b]2.)[/b] All of DW's animations. [b]3.)[/b] DW's sexy, sexy Black Mage avatar. [b]4.)[/b] The Piro Revolution [b]5.)[/b] Annie's return. [/size][/COLOR]
  15. [size=1][COLOR=gray]This year's been so full of memories its hard to remember them all...but I'll list a few. Most are more personal to me, but...yeah. [b]1.)[/b] The launch of v7 [b]2.)[/b] Starting [i].hack//TRUTH[/i] [b]3.)[/b] Finally getting around to reading [i]Kill Adam v1[/i] [b]4.)[/b] Participating in a few hilarious AIM chats and meeting DeathKnight! *gives Ken a friendly hug* [b]5.)[/b] Hitting my first year anniversary on OB [[i]12-06-04[/i]] [b]6.)[/b] Hitting my first year anniversary on myO [[i]12-28-04[/i]] [b]7.)[/b] Signing up for [i]Kill Adam v2[/i] [b]8.)[/b] Meeting all of my great friends! [b]9.)[/b] Solo finally posting another chapter in [i]Enter the Net[/i]. [b]10.)[/b] And lots of other stuff I can't remember. [/size][/COLOR]
  16. DDG


    [size=1]Pushing one last newbie out of her way and off the narrow bridge, her scream echoed throughout the town for a moment before her character disappeared, Kayla heard Kia shout her name. Glancing over towards the Chaos Gate, she saw Kia huffing and puffing as she made her way over. [color=gray]"Hi Kayla! I've been looking for you!"[/color] she greeted exhuberantly. A sign of distrust flickered in Kayla's face before quickly turning into a smile. [color=gray]"Well hey Kia. Something up?"[/color] Shaking her head slightly, Kia answered. [color=gray]"Nope, not really. Nothing big."[/color] There was something in her voice that made Kayla suspicious. Was Kia hiding something? [i]No, no. If she was, I'm sure she'd tell me...[/i] [b]Would she? Do you really think she would?[/b] There was that damn voice again; conflicting with her thoughts, arguing with her. Or moreso how it should be said, that damn voice, causing her to argue with herself. [b]This isn't just a game anymore. There are lives at stake. Kia's hiding something that could be crucial to this entire operation; something that could ruin the entire operation.[/b] [i]No, that's impossible. And even if she is hiding something, who's to say that she might even know what she might be hiding? What if...what if somehow, the game, Morganna...has done something to her character data. Changed her somehow. Or what if one of the Administrators did something? What if somehow one of them screwed up her character data and changed her significantly? What if she turns into some horrible monster and...and...[/i] [b]And what? Maybe that kind of stuff has happened; maybe she will turn into something horrible. Something horrible enough to kill people. Not just put them into a comatose, but actually kill them.[/b] The voice was getting to her. [i]Its just one of those stupid voices that argue with the other voice. Like the whole, "angel on one shoulder and devil on the other;" the two arguing with each other over every decision.[/i] Kia was snapping her fingers in front of Kayla's face. [color=gray]"Kayla? You okay?"[/color] Coming back to what was going on around her, Kayla realized she had zoned out for a moment. She stared at Kia, making a decision in her mind. [i]I need to do some research...and...I think I need to stay away from Kia for awhile.[/i] [color=gray]"I'm sorry, Kia. I have to go do some stuff."[/color] she quickly logged out.[/size]
  17. [quote name='DotHackerX']Is there any way (other than killing a normal monster) to lower the data infection level in Kite?[/quote] [size=1]To my knowledge: No. [quote name='DotHackerX']iv been looking for a long-*** time and cant seem to find a Lv.99 Rare weapon for twin-blade. if any knos how to get oen or if you even can plz post[/quote] Yes, you can get a level 99 rare weapon for Twin Blade. Here's the information on it: [b]Weapon:[/b] Sin of Hades (Lvl 99) [b]How to Get:[/b] Data Drain Hou=Go&m (Earthman Drill Data Bug) [b]Enemy Location:[/b] Delta Reincarnated Purgatorial Altar[/size]
  18. [size=1]I've read that if you have your character's level all the way up to 99 that the Data Infection does not increase as much as it would if your level happened to be lower than that. The only other things I can really say for advice is to skip all of the portals outside the dungeon and take the shortest route to the next level of the dungeon. Also, I'd suggest taking a Heavy Blade with you as your third party member. Other than that, its purely luck. It took me about three or four times to finally get all the way through it, but those three or four times were spanned over about four months, heh.[/size]
  19. [font=verdana][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Kayla Abumi [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Title:[/b] Assassin [b]Summon:[/b] Fox [b]Team:[/b] Evil [b]Weapon of Choice?:[/b] [color=gray]Devices implanted in both arms to control supersonic waves and air pressure[/color] [b]Village:[/b] Otogakure [b]Rank:[/b] Jounin [b]Jutsus:[/b] Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, Henge no Jutsu, [color=gray]Kage Shuriken no Jutsu[/color], Kawarimi no Jutsu, Kuchiyose no Jutsu, Kyoumeisen, [color=gray]Zankuuha, Zankuukyokuha[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=gray]*see attachment Far right. Her appearance is very deceptive as she looks nothing like her age. Also, her hair is only shoulder length when let down from under the bandages that she wraps around her head.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=gray]Silent but deadly some could call her. She speaks little and few are spared if you are unfortunate enough to fight with her.[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] [color=gray]Born to the Abumi clan, Kayla grew up learning much about the properties of sound. An ultimate knowledge of sound allowed her to master techniques that dealed much with sound faster than her classmates. She was an exceptional student and graduated far before her peers did. Becoming a Chuunin was a simple task for her and a few years after becoming a Chuunin, she became a Jounin. She soon left Otogakure pursuing a dream of ultimate destruction or domination. She, along with three other S-Class criminal ninja's, began ambushing and destroying entire villages. Their ambitions and reasons for doing so seem unknown at the present time.[/color] [color=slategray][strike]I'm going to have to finish this later.[/strike][/color] [b]EDIT:[/b] [color=gray]Ok, all done.[/color][/font][/size]
  20. [size=1][quote]He cannoned through the air and straight into the trolls, destroying them all with one phenomenal nad-kick.[/quote] That was brilliant, Solo! I never expected Des to come out of that SpamMa Gun! But then again, who better to destroy the evil trolls than Des the super nad-kicker? Great Solo, absolutely great. Can't wait for the next chapter![/size]
  21. DDG


    [size=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Subject: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Summer Miss Helba is so cool! I mean, her outfit is so awesome! I wonder where she got it. I've only managed a few glimpses of her, but I know she spends most of her time in an area called Net Slum! I've heard a couple girls saying that. Lucky, I bet they're all friends. So, who wants to form a fan club for Miss Helba?![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Mamimi Yeah! Miss Helba's sooooooooooo awesome! I've heard about that Net Slum place. I was told it's where hackers and data fragments hang out or something. Is Miss Helba a hacker?![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Nenene Of course she is! That outfit is illegal, and so is that weapon! Plus, haven't you heard the rumors? She's supposed to be the hacker that's leading all the attacks on the web![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Kerrek Whatever happened to the "Miss Gardenia Fan Club"???[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Summer Miss Gardenia is soooooooooooooooooooooooo uncool! She tried telling me and the other memebers of the M.G.F.C. to stop following her, and she did it really rude like, and so we then knew she was really mean. But Miss Helba's nice! I just know it![/COLOR] Laughing to herself, Kayla typed up a reply to the messages. [COLOR=SlateGray]Re: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: Kayla A fan club for the reknowned hacker? Boy, I wonder how long until Lios deletes this and sends warnings to all of you have replied to this thread, supported the idea, and said complimentary things about "Miss Helba." Hehe, lets just see.[/COLOR] Now choking back laughter, Kayla logged in. [COLOR=Indigo]-Theta-Highland-City-Dun-Loireag-[/COLOR] She'd read Kia's email, but there was something keeping her from wanting to speak to Kia. Something...some kind of force that told her that Kia was bad news. So now as she wandered around Theta server, avoiding the disgruntled wild Grunties that ran here and there, she wondered. Wondered what in the world could be keeping her from wanting to speak with Kia. Something was wrong and she felt it. It was a kind of preminition it seemed. A kind of feeling that was causing her to fear a confrontation with Kia. Was she still afraid from the last time Kia had visciously attacked her over Aromatic Grass? [i]No, that couldn't be it,[/i] she thought to herself quickly. [i]Or could it?[/i] [i]NO! Don't think like that, you idiot![/i] she thought with contempt towards herself for thinking such horrid thoughts. [i]Kia's your friend. She would never harm you without a reason.[/i] But was that true anymore? Kia had visciously attacked you over Aromatic Grass, a voice in the back of her mind shot out. [COLOR=Gray]"Stop that."[/COLOR] she said suddenly, causing a passing player to freeze in their tracks. The player turned towards her, afraid he had done something wrong. [COLOR=Gray]"W-who? Me?"[/COLOR] he questioned nervously. Kayla glanced up at him. She'd sat down on a rock and hadn't even noticed. She grinned suddenly. [COLOR=Gray]"A guilty conscious can be the downfall of a man. Better go clear that up, if I were you."[/COLOR] The cryptic message startled the player. He gave a look of terror and ran off. [COLOR=Gray]"Random passerby- 0. Kayla- 1."[/COLOR] she laughed to herself for a minute, having completely forgotten what had been troubling her a moment ago. Then it all rushed back to her. [i]Why,[/i] she wondered. [i]Why don't I wish to speak to her? What's stopping me?[/i] [i]A guilty conscious can be the downfall of a man...[/i] Why was she thinking of that now? [i]Stupid distractions...[/i] [i]There's just...something in the back of mind, telling me that Kia isn't to be trusted. Not anymore.[/i] A look of disgust crossed her face. [i]Has Kia ever done something to actually hurt me somehow? Could that even be possible?[/i] Then a memory crossed her mind. Her father, playing The World. Her father, lying unconscious on the floor. His Neuro Goggles still on, The World still loaded on his computer. Her father, lying in a hospital bed. A sudden detest towards Kia formed inside of Kayla. [b][i]She[/b] did it. She hurt Dad. She put him in a coma. Its all her fault.[/i] But that wasn't possible. Kia didn't have the power of Data Drain. Only a Phase did. And Kite and a few select Administrators. But the Admin's Bracelets were weak and could never put someone into a coma. Plus, they hadn't even been around three years ago, during the first crisis. [i]The first crisis...That's when Dad went into a coma. Three years ago. Kia did it. I know it. I don't know[/i] how [i]she did it, but she did.[/i] Standing up from the rock, Kayla pushed a couple of newbies out of her way and headed for the Chaos Gate. [i]Meanwhile, on the boards...[/i] [COLOR=Red]Subject: Miss Helba Fan Club Author: DELETED [center]---====================--- -----MESSAGE DELETED----- ---====================---[/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]OOC: Contempt? Dislike? What is this strange hatred that fills Kayla? Tune into my next post to find out![/COLOR][/size]
  22. [size=1][COLOR=DimGray]Are you using a lot of these smilies? >.>
  23. [size=1][quote]Adam inspected the object very carefully, being careful not to touch anything but the borders around it to make sure he didn?t accidentally click on the link and get spirited away to some far-off place. Or to make sure he just didn?t get Spirited Away. He already had it on DVD.[/quote] Haha, that's got to be my favorite part. I was laughing throughout most of it. The way you spoke about how they were dealing with the pop-up banners and what had happened was just...hilarious. Great chapter, Solo! Can't wait to read more![/size]
  24. [size=1]Abby had been so absorbed in the new book, she hardly noticed that she had sat herself down into a chair. She watched over the top of her book as a man approached her. He looked down at her and gruffly walked off with a disgruntled air about him. He sat down on a couch nearby and opened up a book he had grabbed off one of the thousands of shelves called, [u]Summa Theologica[/u] by Thomas Aquinas. She stared at the book for a moment, before looking closer at the man who was reading it. She'd seen him around before, but couldn't quite place his name. Then she realised that the man was staring back at her. She quickly pulled the book up in front of her face and continued reading the chapter she'd abandoned ten minutes ago. Just as she began reading the chapter, the man's name came to her. [color=gray]"Will..."[/color] she muttered absentmindedly. Will glanced over towards her with a questioning look on his face. [color=gray]"Did you say my name?"[/color] he queried. She put her book down and stared at him. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it almost immediately afterwards to rethink what she was going to say. [color=gray]"Well?"[/color] She smiled one of her rare smiles. [color=gray]"Yes, I did. But I was merely stating the name of the man in this book."[/color] A complete lie. The name of the man in the book was not Will, it was Jethro. [i]Jethro,[/i] she thought to herself with an urge to laugh. [i]Such an outlandish name. Who in the world would name there child "Jethro?" Of all names...well, obviously someone had the hilarious idea that their child should be named that. But the fact that someone[/i] would [i]still remains.[/i] Will's facial expression gave Abby the fleeting impression that he knew she was lying, but she decided not to think about it and continued reading.[/size]
  25. DDG


    [size=1]After a night of watching all three Matrix movies six times over, it was a miracle that the two had woke up in time in the morning. Just as Kayla was hopping on one leg, pulling her pants on in Katsuki's room, there was a knock at the door. She heard Katsuki run through the hall and downstairs, obviously having already dressed in the bathroom. Just as Kayla fell onto the floor, still groggily trying to slip her pants on, she heard Katsuki greeting someone and inviting them in. More talking ensued and Kayla heard Katsuki shout up the stairs. [color=gray]"Hurry up, Kayla! Kite wants to get going before the morning traffic starts up!"[/color] Pulling her pants the rest of the way on and slipping a shirt on as well, she grabbed her duffel bag and put the strap over her shoulder and around her neck. She picked up her laptop and, putting it under her arm, rushed downstairs. As she jumped the last three steps and landed with a large thud on the floor, she spotted Katsuki and and a teenage boy she presumed to be Kite, talking. Katsuki grinned. [color=gray]"Finally! What took you so long?"[/color] With a sheepish grin, Kayla responded. [color=gray]"Oh, well, I had trouble getting my pants on."[/color] Katsuki laughed and Kite gave a small grin. [color=gray]"No wonder, you idiot! You put them on backwards!"[/color] she pointed out. Kayla glanced down and noticed that her two back pockets were in front. Looking behind herself, she saw her zipper and laughed. [color=gray]"Er, guess I'll be a few more minutes then..."[/color] she muttered before dropping her bag, setting her laptop down and running back upstairs to flip her pants around in the bathroom. A few minutes later and Katsuki and Kayla were in the middle seats of Kite's mini-van. Kayla was looking around and figuring out where everyone could sit. [color=gray]"Ok, Elk can sit here,"[/color] she pointed to the first of the two seats in the very back. [color=gray]"Sora can sit here,"[/color] she pointed to the passenger seat. [color=gray]"And we can force the Silver Knight to sit here!"[/color] she announced and pointed to the seat inbetween herself and Katsuki. Katsuki laughed hysterically and Kayla had to hit her a few times to shut her up. [color=navy]OOC: Lets try not to make this little trip last too long...Gotta keep moving along with the story, ya know?[/color][/size]
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