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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Don't ya know why? Because, the higher ranked you are, the cooler you must be. lol. And the opinions of people online are important.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1]Oh, yes. Mustn't forget that you need people who live 500 miles away to think you're cool or your self-esteem might diminish. And if that happened...why, I don't even want to think of the consequences![/sarcasm] But seriously: the opinions of online people [i]should[/i] be put at the highest importance. It should even be put above bathing or eating! Well, maybe not bathing. But atleast eating! Ah, I do hope that the new ratings system will satisfy people who are concerned about what their ranking is on myO. Truly. I, myself can not wait to see it, because it just sounds so marvelous from your teasing hints, James.[/size]
[size=1]Hah, I was wondering the same thing earlier this week. I've been at 165-168 for the past few months and now I'm suddenly 159. I figured that a couple of accounts had been removed or something, though. I'm glad you're going to have a different way to calculate ranks. It will be so much nicer. Its just so horrible how people would want to be #1 so much that they'd cheat with a hit accelerator. I say if you want to get farther in the ranks, then you got to do the hard way. Plus, why be so concerned with ranks anyway? As long as you've got friends who you know care about you and you care about them, why care about what rank you have or how many visits you've got?[/size]
[size=1]Everything was calm, relaxed, as it had been all day. The constant flipping of pages in a magazine was the only thing that was disrupting the stony silence of the quarters. The cover of the magazine bore a large picture of a crudely drawn, large headed, green alien. The title reading, [color=gray]"Aliens: Masters of the Anal Probes?"[/color] Hidden behind the magazine, her eyes sweeping across each and every page, studying each and ever paragraph down to the last mark of punctuation, was a women known only as Abby. Rarely seen from the confines of her room, she kept to herself and liked it that way. Being occupied with any magazine she could get ahold on about aliens or UFOs or anything of the like, she had put most of her free time lately towards reading. The past month had been uneventful. Few to none new cases of time terrorism had cropped up, leaving her, as well as the other agents, with quite a lot of free time on their hands. The rare appearances that Abby did make outside of her quarters were more than often unnoticed by the other agents. She kept far from them and made her trips outside her quarters unfrequent and usually just off to the library for a book. The books usually related to the supernatural of any kind, but sometimes they were just a book that seemed interesting. The library was not the only place she went within the University. She ventured around the building and made sure that she had explored every area that she could until she was sure she had the floor plan of each floor etched into her mind, right down to the tiniest detail. It was, of course, impossible to avoid all of the agents during her ventures. Although any time she bumped into one, small conversations might spur. They were usually cut drastically short as Abby responded to whatever the other agent said with nods or a few words here or there; hardly a way to keep a conversation going. She regarded the other agents as "friends" and did have a few convulsive urges to speak to a few of them at times, but her normal habits usually kicked in and pushed the thoughts of conversing with any of them out of her mind. Part of her wanting to speak with them at times was that she knew that knowing a person more personally and knowing what they would do in a situation could be crucial during critical moments, when lives could be at stake and when the history of the world was in danger. She knew about her fellow agents, but not as much as she'd like to know. A single thought that pushed her conversational urges away was that her fellow agents may want to know about her own self; a topic that she was attempting to keep away from conversations when they arised. Her past was the past; she was an stubborn person who would not divulge its secrets. Flipping to the last page of the magazine and quickly reading through a small interview with a man who claimed to have been probed. [color=gray][i]"I saw a bright light, shinin' in the sky!"[/color] the man exclaimed to reporters as he pointed off into the distance. [color=gray]"Then, all of a sudden, they was liftin' me up with some kinda beam o' light. After that, everything's a blur; all I 'member is wakin' up the next day in the middle of the corn field, in the middle of a crop circle, and that my ass hurt like it had just been..."[/i][/color] and the man went on, explaining more of why he believed there was an anal probe inside of him. Sighing, Abby tossed the magazine onto the coffee table next to the overstuffed armchair she was seated in. Standing up, she stretched, yawned and forced her way towards the door and out of it, into the desolate halls of the University.[/size]
[size=1][b][color=dimgray]Name-[/color][/b] Abigail "Abby" [b][color=dimgray]Age-[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=dimgray]Appearance-[/b][/color] [img]http://www.serienjunkies.de/NCIS/ncis.jpg[/img] Fourth from the left(the one with the black hair in pigtails). She's normally seen with her hair in a ponytail. Her usual attire consists of blue jeans and a black t-shirt with some kind of heavy metal band logo on it. She stands around 5'5'', has black hair and black eyes. [b][color=dimgray]Bio-[/color][/b] Born March 27th, 2130, to parents of whom identities have remained unknown[color=slategray][b]*[/b][/color], Abby grew up in what was a normal neighborhood. Her parents were said to have been part of the local police enforcement. Whether that's true has yet to be determined, but nonetheless it is known that her parents had a great influence upon her behavior. Their constant insistence upon her to keep good grades in school caused her to withdraw from everyone and focus on studying. [color=gray]By age 15 she was taking college courses. Some say she was a profound genius, while others seem to think she's insane, as she could always be found with a book on supernatural occurances on her. Had she accepted any of the offers she received to take IQ tests, people were sure that she would have scored well above that of a genius. She became quite interested in her parents field of work[/color][b][color=slategray]*[/b][/color] [color=gray]when she was around the age of ten. It was about this time that she also began researching the paranormal, shortly after reading an article on crop circles in the newspaper. Soon she began studying the field of law as well as reading as much as she could on UFO's, aliens, crop circles, etc. Her research was so intense she completely lost all interest in most other things. Soon her only two interests seemed to be the supernatural and law. She had very compulsive urges to become a police officer of sorts after studying its field of work so much, that she finally followed her urge.[/color] [color=slategray][b]**[/b][/color]At the age of 19 she attended a law enforcement academy and graduated two years later with high honors. Her adeptness in the field of law allowed her to quickly become a high ranking officer at the precinct in her hometown. After four years at the precinct, she attained a job as an undercover FBI agent. Her work hardly ever made mainstream news and if it did, she was never mentioned, obviously, as she was an undercover field agent. She preferred it this way, as that was why she took the job in the first place. She was very seldom seen not working on a crucial case and when she wasn't working, she was often seen reading some kind of novel involving the supernatural. [color=gray]Then, when she was 27 years of age, an intriguing offer came her way. An offer to participate in a special program that only the "elite" officers were accepted into. The offer[b][color=slategray]***[/b][/color] stated that her "special skills" and "advanced knowledge" were needed and necessary to the success of the program. Looking at what her life was like, day after day, working on cases, reading any material on any kind of paranormal activity she could get her hands on, a realisation that she needed a change. Her life needed a change, she accepted the offer and was immediately transferred to work with the TPD.[/color] [b][color=slategray]*Since her parents identities are unknown, no other information on them was ever available. She refuses to speak of her childhood for some reason, as well as her parents. Adding to that fact, she never gives out her real last name. She assumes a new last name wherever she goes and assumptions are that something involving her parents caused her to drop her last name and never refer to her parents again. She seems to have some kind of grudge against them and because of this, it has even been questioned whether or not "Abby" is the name that her parents gave to her. Assumptions on the fact that her mother and father were police officers are all that has been given. If the fact was proved to be true, then her interest in law would become more clear. **This information is the only information that has been proven to be true. ***The form that this offer came in is unknown at the present time. Discussions of how she was asked to join the TPD are rarely brought up in conversation, and if the subject arises, its quickly tossed aside and turned into a completely different topic.[/b][/color] [b][color=dimgray]-Sounds like an awesome RPG![/b][/color] [color=gray]EDIT: Changes instated. Hope its ok now. EDIT II: All areas colored in [color=gray]gray[/color] are parts that have been re-edited. I've done my best to rewrite most of it, but unfortunately, I'm out of time on the computer and can't edit anything else. I do hope that its better now and is up to scratch.[/color][/size]
[size=1]A different way to play the music on people's site would be great. Half the time on my computer I get the "Your browser does not support this feature, sorry!" when I was just playing music on the same site the other day or a few hours earlier.[/size]
[size=1]By the way it looks from your screenshots I'd say its just some spyware/adware that's infected your computer. Most likely from Fun Web Products. A pop-up blocker would solve the problem and I'd suggest you get a spyware/adware remover as well.[/size]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]"Ouch!"[/color] Kayla muttered to herself as she rapidly pressed the buttons on her controller. Her thumb had been pounding the buttons on her controller for over an hour now as she healed and attack the Physical tolerant Gorre and now all of that was catching up to her. She heard a small pop as the knuckle on her thumb snapped out of place. Her eyes watered slightly as she continued playing, ignoring the pain; just wanting to finish the fight. She was sure that the Protect Break would come soon and once Kite had Data Drained Gorre, she would take a break and let everyone else handle the situation. But at the current time, Kite needed everyone he could get to attack Gorre so that the Protect Break would come sooner than it would if some of the group were not fighting. [i]Protect Break, damnit![/i] she thought to herself and as if by coincidence, at that exact moment, Gorre's Protect Break surrounded it. [color=darkslateblue]"Yes! Do it, Kite!"[/color] Kayla exclaimed in an exasperated voice. Kite ran up to Gorre and in a determined voice shouted, [color=darkslateblue]"DATA DRAIN!"[/color] A stream of data from Kite's bracelet shot through Gorre and rearranged its own data. As Gorre's appearance changed into that of what the other phases looked(a couple of rocks with strange symbols on them), Kayla dropped her controller on the floor and gingerly touched her now throbbing and swollen thumb. Her lip quivered slightly as the pain in her thumb increased. She typed a quick message to everyone as they continued to fight Gorre. [color=darkslateblue]"Everyone, I..."[/color] she stopped and thought about it. She didn't want to leave now, just because of a dislocated thumb. No! She was going to continue fighting. This battle was important to her. Once this battle was over, she would be one phase battle away from fighting Tarvos...then she would get her revenge for what happened to Trevor. With a new determine outlook, she picked up her controller and painfully continued playing.[/size]
[size=1]Ah, I think know what Baron's talking about. The one's that pop-up a window that says, "You must download this now to run blah blah blah" or something similar, right? I know some of the stuff that's being asked for you to download is essential to actually running someone's site(like Windows Media Player or something) but some of it that I've gotten has nothing to do at all with the site. One pop-up download window in particular I'd like to speak about was one that caused my computer to get a virus instantaneously after I clicked the "no" button on the window. That virus completely destroyed my mouse(it would no longer work, no matter what I did) and made me have to do a complete recover for my hard drive. I hate to put the blame on theOtaku for that incident, but theOtaku.com, myOtaku.com and Otakuboards were the only three sites I was surfing at that exact instant. I only wish I could remember the name of the company on the pop-up, but everything had happened so fast that I didn't quite catch it. Maybe in the future there could be some kind of intense background check on the companies that wish to advertise on theOtaku/myOtaku before they're allowed to? Although, the virus that infected my computer could have been there for days or months even I suppose, seeing as I hadn't had the money to renew my subscription to Norton Antivirus(which I still haven't done and will not because I now use McAfee). But other than that I was running a spyware/adware detector and remover and I also had three different pop-up blockers. Ads do majorly suck.[/size]
[size=1][color=navy]OOC: Sorry, Lao, but you can't join the RPG this late into it. If you really like the RPG, however, I suggest that you continue to read it. However, since this RPG is so far along, you would not be able to join.[/color] Turning to the group as they defeated the group of monsters that had appeared after the portal was opened, Kayla took a quick head count; just to make sure they still had everyone, in case someone got lost or took a wrong turn or just got seperated from the group. As she finished, it dawned on her that they were in fact missing someone. She had thought that someone was missing during the last few battles, but she couldn't tell; there were so many of them in the group that it was sometimes hard to pinpoint when someone was missing and who that person was. She glanced around the room, just to make sure she hadn't miscounted or missed someone who was standing behind something, before recounting again. Again, she came up with the same number and the fact that someone was gone. She looked at the faces of everyone in the group as they talked for a moment, waiting for Kayla or someone to start leading the party, and it was then that Kayla realised who was missing. [color=darkslateblue]"Hey, everyone,"[/color] she said to get the group's attention. They all looked twoards her and gave her questioning looks and answers of, "What?", "What is it?", "Where's the fire?", and so on before Kayla spoke again. She took another look over the crowd. [color=darkslateblue]"Has anyone seen Sakura?"[/color] she questioned them with a completely serious tone. A few people shook their heads; others shrugged and looked around to see everyone else's reactions. Finally, someone spoke up. [color=darkslateblue]"I think I saw her run ahead."[/color] Kia piped up and everyone looked at her. [color=darkslateblue]"Are you sure?"[/color] Kayla questioned, hoping that was the case. It was better for Sakura to have run ahead, then for her to be somewhere far behind the group, taking on the tough monsters of the dungeon alone or lost in a completely different area of the dungeon. Even with the aid of a Fairy's Orb and the map, this particular dungeon was quite confusing and easy to get lost in. But then a thought struck Kayla: what if Sakura had ran so far ahead that she was facing Gorre? What if she had absentmindedly ran into the Phase room and was in trouble at this very moment? The thought was horrifying. Before Kia could answer Kayla, she spoke quickly and pointed to a tunnel off to the group's right. [color=darkslateblue]"Everyone, we have to hurry. Sakura may be in trouble! Go down that tunnel right there; it should take you to the next level of the dungeon. Once you get there,"[/color] Kayla checked the map of the dungeon she had gotten by hacking into the system. She quickly told everyone where they would need to go and informed them that she would meet up with them later. As the last person in the group become no longer visible down the tunnel, Kayla walked up to a wall nearby. [color=darkslateblue]"I know I shouldn't be trying this new hack I learned right now. I should test it out in a different dungeon, but, Sakura may be in trouble and if I don't try it now, we may get there too late..."[/color] she glanced towards the tunnel the group had went off down. [color=darkslateblue]"They should get there a little bit after I do if this hack works right. But...if it doesn't...well, I don't want to think of what'll happen."[/color] Kayla typed a few long, complicated commands into her laptop and was immediately sucked into a vortex that appeared in front of her on the wall in the dungeon. Praying that the code would take her straight to where the phase room was unscathed, she entered a few more quick commands. Her feet hit the ground and she glanced up, seeing for the first time, Gorre, the Schemer. She took a quick look at her stats and health and noticed that there had been an after effect to using the new hack that she'd learned the other day: all of her MP had been drained and she had lost quite a few items. [color=darkslateblue]"Hmm..the items that I lost...it could hurt the group later in battle if anyone else runs out. I don't think...I'll use this hack again in a situation like this."[/color] she mumbled to her self and sprinted towards Sakura who was dodging Gorre's multiple attacks.[/size]
[size=1][b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/b] Anku Temanari [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Age:[/COLOR][/b] 15 [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Gender:[/COLOR][/b] Female [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR][/b] *see attachment* [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Bio:[/COLOR][/b] Orphaned as a young child after her parents were killed in a car crash, Anku at eight years old, moved from orphanage to orphanage, never staying at one for more than a month. She was constantly shuffled from foster home to foster home as well; none of her foster parents wanted to keep her, however, each saying that she was so withdrawn from the rest of the world it scared them and that she seemed to have a sort of, evil persona that followed her. Anku was quite content with having no permanent home; she enjoyed the constant moving. The entire wondering of where she would end up next excited her. She began making it a goal to cause her foster parents or current orphanage home to be forced to move her. It was all to her likiing, as she didn't want the company of others anyway, and enjoyed how she was ignored in most orphanages for being strange and feared in most foster homes for seeming to be constantly followed by an evil aura. She even once attempted to kill one of her new foster parents when she was twelve, so she could spread the fear and hostility of her presence. Of course, the incident landed her in a Juvenile Detention Facility for two years. Then, at thirteen years old, she received a Digivice and a Digi egg. Surprised at what she had received(she had heard the stories of other kids her age who had received a Digivice and Digi egg), she was skeptical about taking on the responsibility of a Digimon. It was at that time that she decided that she would no longer attempt to force her foster parents to get rid of her. Instead, when she was adopted again, she did her best not to scare her new foster parents off so she would have a suitable environment to keep a Digimon in. She is also completely entranced by Ninja's and wishes to be one constantly. She collects Ninja items and even carries them on her person most of the time. Along with that, she is an avid reader of Naruto and can usually be found with her nose buried in the latest issue or her eyes glued to the TV, watching the latest episode. [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Personality:[/COLOR][/b] Anku is usually quite withdrawn from others. She rarely speaks and some people make her out to be shy. However, she is from the least bit shy. If you happen to get to know her well enough, you could be surprised to discover she's can be quite outgoing. But since she is withdrawn and extremely dislikes the idea of "making friends", no one, except her Digimon has ever been able to become close enough to her to discover how she really is under the surface. [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Digivice:[/COLOR][/b] Gray, with red colored buttons and black stripes. [u]Digimon[/u] [u]Baby-[/u] [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/b] Snowbotamon [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/b] Micro [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/b] Data [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/b] Diamond Dust [b][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR][/b] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SnowBotamon.gif[/url] [u]In-Training-[/u] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/B] Nyaromon [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/B] Lesser [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/B] Data [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/B] Galactica Magnum Tail, Atomic Bomber Tail, Tail whip [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Nyaromon.gif[/url] [U]Rookie-[/U] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/B] Salamon [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/B] Mammal [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/B] Vaccine [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/B] Puppy howling, Petit punch, Sledge crash [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Salamon.gif[/url] [U]Champion-[/U] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/B] Shurimon [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/B] Mutant [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/B] Data [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/B] Double stars, Ninja wind [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Shurimon.gif[/url] [U]Ultimate-[/U] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/B] Karatenmon [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/B] Wizard [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/B] Virus [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/B] Crow swords, Ballistic Feathers, Enlightenment [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearence:[/COLOR][/B] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Karatenmon.jpg[/url] [U]Mega-[/U] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR][/B] Ornithmon [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type:[/COLOR][/B] Ancient Bird [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attribute:[/COLOR][/B] Virus [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Attack(s):[/COLOR][/B] Cosmic ray, Tempest [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearence:[/COLOR][/B] [url]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/op/Ornithmon.jpg[/url] Whew, hope that's alright.[/size]
[size=1]I really don't think that your rating matters. I figure, as long as you know that you've got a lot of friends and are popular, even if your not high on the rankings, then you shouldn't worry about it. I do still think its really annoying how people who want to be high in the rankings are cheating to do it. You should do it the way it was originally supposed to be done. Not by cheating. I mean, I worked hard to get where I am in the rankings today and its really annoying how people who haven't worked at all, are cheating to make themselves high in the rankings. Just despicable.[/size]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]"Hah! Checkmate! You lose!"[/color] Kayla called out for the eleventh time in a row. Sora put his head in his hands and shook his head. [color=darkslateblue]"I don't like this game...can't we play something else?"[/color] he questioned and Sakura laughed. [color=darkslateblue]"Why would we do something like that? This game's the best game ever!"[/color] [color=darkslateblue]"But I'm horrible at it! Why can't we play something that I'm good at?!"[/color] Sora complained. [color=darkslateblue]"Because we don't want to play anything else, so that's that. End of discussion."[/color] Kayla stated before glancing over towards the sound of someone warping in. [color=darkslateblue]"Oh, hey, Kia! You here to wait for everyone else to arrive so we can fight Gorre?"[/color] Kia smiled. [color=darkslateblue]"Yeah, I guess. I was also kind of..."[/color] she stopped speaking for a moment before smelling the air. [color=darkslateblue]"Is that Aromatic Grass I smell?"[/color] she questioned the group. Kayla lifted an eyebrow. [color=darkslateblue]"Yeah, it is. I was saving some to give to Mia, why do you ask?"[/color] she asked Kia. Kia grinned. [color=darkslateblue]"I want it."[/color] she said with a gleam in her eyes. Kayla frowned slightly. [color=darkslateblue]"I'll give you some of it if you'd like---"[/color] Kia pulled her blades out and threatened Kayla. [color=darkslateblue]"No, I want all of it."[/color] Kayla shook her head as Kia charged at her, slashing her blades in an attempt to PK Kayla. Kayla blocked as many hits as she could with her staff but Kia didn't seem to be tiring. Her stamina seemed to be increasing and she wasn't giving up on getting the Aromatic Grass. Finally, Kayla had a few moments in which she shouted out a spell. [color=darkslateblue]"Mumyn Lei!"[/color] Kia's eyes drooped and she fell over to the ground in a deep slumber. Sakura shouted over to Kayla. [color=darkslateblue]"You ok?"[/color] Kayla nodded, displeased at the fact that even her best friend hadn't even tried to help contain Kia. Sakura offered no reasoning to not helping, other than that it was "quite humorous to watch." Kayla pushed the fact out of her mind and glanced over as a few others warped into Net Slum for the fight with Gorre. [color=navy]OOC: I hope you don't mind what I did with Kia, Wave_of_Death. If you have any objections just tell me and I'll change it. Also, the next person to post may start the fight with Gorre if they wish.[/color][/size]
[size=1]The amount of rules is insignificant to the fact that they're all quite easy to follow. No double posting, proper spelling and grammar, etc. What could be easier than doing that sort of stuff? As well as going back and editing your post if there was a mistake of some sort, its all just basic stuff. Without these rules, Otakuboards could just become one of those forums where every thread is filled with replies that make no sense at all, have nothing to do with the subject or are just plain idiotic like a post that says, "I like cheese." in a thread about Inuyasha or something. If the rules were ever removed or even if there were a few less of them, then havoc would wreak across the boards. *shudders at the thought* [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1]As she heard laughing, Kayla glanced over in the general direction of the noise. She spotted Komo and Sakura as they walked towards her, chuckling uncontrollably about something. Kayla frowned slightly, not seeing how Komo and Sakura could be laughing on such a serious occasion. Then a though occured to her, that she and Sakura had made various jokes during Phase fights to cheer everyone up. [i]Well, laughter is the best medicine...so maybe jokes are a great way to keep everyone high-spirited and still willing to fight until the end...[/i] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Komo, Sakura! Over here!"[/color] Kayla shouted out, waving at the two. She stood up as the two ran over and greeted her. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"When're we going to fight Gourde?"[/color] Komo questioned. Kayla snickered. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Gorre, Komo, Gorre. Just as soon as everyone gets here Helba will give us all the keywords to Gorre's area.[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"How long do you think it'll take everyone to get here?"[/color] Sakura queried. Kayla responded in a dull tone. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Who knows...it could take hours..."[/color] Sakura sighed. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, what're we going to do 'till then?"[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"How am I supposed to know?"[/color] Kayla responded and turned around as she heard a few people warping in. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Welcome, to Paradise!"[/color] she greeted the group as Helba would do. Just as soon as she had finished speaking, she stepped back and put out her wand in front of her. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"State your business."[/color] she demanded. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"We're just here looking for illegal players..."[/color] The head of the group stated. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"New System Administrators, then?"[/color] Kayla responded. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Something like that. We're a group of System Administrators similar to the Crimson Knights, only with more power inside 'the World.' Our first and foremost course of action is to search and destroy illegal players."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, then you've no business here. No players here are, as you say, illegal."[/color] Kayla snapped at the leader. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Shall you ever run into such a player then, make sure you report them to me, Kamui of the Cobalt Knights, immediately."[/color] Kamui said before warping out with the rest of the Knights. Kayla turned around and faced Sakura and Komo. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"More System Administrator idiots to deal with...shall we have some fun?"[/color][/size]
[size=1]Kayla let out a yawn and scratched her head as her alarm clock continued to blare louder and louder as each second passed. She sat up and smacked the off button on it before glancing over at her calendar. She read the day quickly and was about to jump out of bed when she took a double take. [i]June 4th, 20XX[/i] Her eyes widened as she read the small print she had written inside the box for that day. [i]Phase 5: Gorre[/i] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Today? We're fighting Gorre TODAY?"[/COLOR] she mumbled to herself before standing up and plopping herself down into her computer chair. She turned on the computer and stared at the blank screen as it started up. She rubbed her eyes slightly and grinned as she remembered what her mother had finally allowed her to get the other day: cable internet. [i][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Thank god,"[/COLOR] [color=indigo]she had said to herself as her internet ran even faster than it had before with DSL.[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Now 'the World' will run even faster for me!"[/COLOR][/i] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yay! Its finally ready!"[/COLOR] she said exhuberantly and then double clicked 'the World' icon before placing her Neuro Goggles on her head and grabbing the controller. [color=purple]---Net-Slum---[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Alright Helba, is everything ready for today?"[/COLOR] Kayla questioned as she walked around Net Slum with Helba; it would still be a few more hours before anyone else would be up and logged into "the World." Helba smiled. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes; with Balmung now helping out in replacement of Pig Head for the time being, things have gone smoothly."[/COLOR] Kayla frowned slightly for a moment before responding. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Pig Head is necessary for the proposition in the Epitaph to be fulfilled, correct?"[/COLOR] she queried to which Helba replied, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, that is true. But I'm hoping that he'll come around...eventually."[/COLOR] she mischieviously smiled at Kayla before warping out. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Hey, wait, what do you mean by that...?"[/COLOR] Kayla laughed to herself. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Maybe she has something up her sleeve...you never know with Helba."[/COLOR][/size]
[size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]"Lets head--"[/color] Kira was blatantly interupted by another tremor. As the ground shook violently, she fell over and landed in Renamon's arms. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Don't worry, Kira. I've got you."[/color] she said reassuringly, and Kira nodded. As the tremor ceased, Kira stood up and glanced at Azufe and Bolt. Bits of debris from the surrounding rocks covered their clothing, along with Kira's own clothing. She quickly brushed it off and turned towards the entrance to a dark tunnel. As she walked farther into the tunnel, it became impossible for her nor anyone else, to see. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Would anyone happen to have a flashlight?"[/color] she questioned the other two. From what she could make out in the dark, it seemed as if they had shook their heads. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh! I know, Renamon, Digivolve to Kyuubimon! You can light the way with your tails."[/color] she said thoughtfully. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Of course, Kira."[/color] Renamon answered as a bright light enveloped her. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Renamon...Digivolve to...KYUUBIMON!"[/color] A flash of light and now the three could see in the darkness, all thanks to Kyuubimon's tails. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Thanks, Kyuubimon. Great job. Now lets go!"[/color] Kira announced and hopped onto Kyuubimon's back. She motioned to Azufe and Bolt to hop on as well. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Come on, its much faster this way."[/color] she told them and they hesitantly climbed on behind Kira. [color=navy]OOC: I hope its ok that I didn't include Tera. Blanko hasn't been around for awhile, so I wasn't sure if I should. But if she comes back or if you want me to include her, Solo, I'll just edit my post and get her in there.[/color][/size]
Claudia smiled slightly. Her work as a sort of, porn superstar on the internet had given her reknowned fame with all of the teenage boys and men whom had viewed her shows and watched her videos. It had given her attention, the only thing that she truly had wanted throughout her life. It was even now giving her the attention of her fellow peer, James and his camera. Then seeing that James had redirected his view towards Sheldon, she frowned but glanced over at him as well. She focused on the camera and noticed the eerie red glow around its lens. "I think you should...put the camera down..." James said to him. Sheldon merely shook his head. "This is a once in a lifetime shot. If I put my camera down I could lose this magnificient photo." he answered and snapped another photo of the sacrifice from a different angle. "You're an odd one. Who in their right mind would enjoy taking pictures of a ritualistic sacrifice?" Claudia scowled, obviously annoyed with the lack of attention towards herself. Cindy glanced at her before speaking, "Enough of this bickering. Why don't we get out of here? The whole jail thing is starting to freak me out." she suggested, heading towards the door. "Yeah, lets get out of here before something even more freaky happens." Jacob added and hurried after Cindy. Claudia watched as James and Sheldon followed afterwards, taking a few last looks around the jail. Claudia looked over at the shackles hanging on the walls of the cells and noticed that they seemed to be moving slightly and making "hissing" noises. She gave them a puzzled look before scurrying to catch up with the others. Directly after stepping out of the doorway into the jail, the door slammed shut and the clicking of the lock could be heard. The other four turned around and glanced at Claudia and the door for a moment. "Well, I guess we wont be going back in there." she stated and sheepishly smiled. James shrugged. "I don't think I would have gone back in if I had wanted to anyway." he stated before turning back around to face the group. Claudia frowned again and pushed her way into the middle of the group. "Well, where to now?" she questioned. Sheldon shrugged. "Anywhere in this town would probably be a great place for some pictures..." he noted, pointing out the splashes of old blood all over the buildings, the broken windows and doors, and the complete dreariness of the entire town. Jacob glanced at the building across the street. "Hey, a bar!" he shouted and ran over towards the bar. Upon reaching the door, he wrenched the metal pole beneath the door handle and tossed it aside before dashing into the building. "Wow, now that was fast." Cindy mumbled before following him cautiously inside. Claudia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe he should be a marathon runner or something." she added and followed Cindy towards the entrance to the bar. James grinned and pulled out his camera. He placed it over his eye and filmed Claudia as she walked away, before he filmed the rest of the town for a moment and walked into the bar, directly after Claudia.
[size=1]You've got a few things mixed up, heh. I'll explain what I can from what you're wondering about... [quote]I also don't get how this happends too... Skeith dies in .hack//infection when you beat him...or did I miss somthing? But anyway he comes back in .hack//sign... and also is Morganna and Skeith on the same side? Because when Sora made her mad SKeith came and data drained him....[/quote] [spoiler]Yes, Skeith does die in .hack//INFECTION when you defeat him, you didn't miss anything. He does not come back in .hack//SIGN. SIGN is placed a few months [i]before[/i] the games, so when you see him there, its before everything in the games has taken plce. Morganna created Skeith and Morganna had Skeith Data Drain Sora because he betrayed her.[/spoiler] [quote]Then this is the Kicker, If the games came before .hack//sign, then HOW CAN THE GAMES HAVE MEMERIES FROM .HACK//SIGN???? Like the ghost thingys you have to find in .hack//outbreak and the M:wavemaster, M:longarm and all that crap.... THIS IS SOOOOO CONFUSING... They do go in this order right? 1.games 2. sign 3.dusk I know that is right!!!! but it's confusing[/quote] The games did not come before SIGN, they were placed a few months after the conclusion of SIGN. The official order(of all of the parts of the .hack Project and its as close as it'll get) is this: [spoiler]1. AI BUSTER (novel) 2. SIGN (TV series) 3. INFECTION (video game) 4. LIMINALITY 1 (OVA) 5. MUTATION (video game) 6. LIMINALITY 2 (OVA) 7. OUTBREAK (video game) 8. LIMINALITY 3 (OVA) 9. QUARANTINE (video game) 10. LIMINALITY 4 (OVA) 11. INTERMEZZO (OVA) 12. UNISON (OVA) 13. GIFT (OVA) 14. ZERO (novel) 15. DUSK (manga)/UDEDEN (TV show)[/spoiler] I'm not sure on the other two questions you have, though, about Aura and Blackrose.[/size]
[size=1]Its ok. ^_^ No biggie, I understand that you're all busy. I've been quite busy as well. Since your characters were never introduced(or, atleast I don't think they were, I know QA's wasn't, but, I'm not sure about yours Angelus..), then it wont be difficult to not worry about them. But, even if they were, it'd be a simple task to write a post killing them off so no harm done or anything, heh. So, don't worry. I do hope that even if you don't have the time now, that maybe you'll read the RPG in the future.[/size]
[size=1]I tried entering the Cerulean Cave to capture Mewtwo, but the man standing in front wouldn't let me pass. I'm guessing its because my Pokemon are quite low leveled right now (upper 50's as of today). But, anywho, you have to have Colleseum to obtain the other Johto Pokemon? What a rip! Not only do I not have the money to purchase Colleseum, I definitely don't have the money to purchase a GameCube and the special link cable! And I was really hoping in FireRed and LeafGreen they would finally give you the ability to travel to every region that's been played in so far. What a load of crap. But, don't mind my bickering; I do love the new games. They really did a great job in these re-makes of the original games. And that's saying a lot from me, I don't usually like re-makes. =/ Ah, well. I guess I'll just live with what I can do with Ruby/Sapphire and FireRed/LeafGreen and catch as many of them in each game as I can.[/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Say, Chief,"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Will you stop calling me that?! You don't even work for CC Corp.!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"But, its your rank; your title. We just want to call you it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If you worked for CC Corporation it would be a different story, but you don't so stop it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Alright, say, Pig-Head--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me that as well."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"But, its your na--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You know its not my name."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, its your nickname and we have the right to call you by it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"It may be that horrible hacker's nickname for me, but I don't acknowledge it as my nickname."[/COLOR] Kayla and Sakura grinned. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh, you'll acknowledge it one day..."[/COLOR] they mumbled before warping out. [COLOR=Navy]OOC: I would type more, but, I have to go... Maybe I'll edit it later, but I can't type anything else right now. *curses soccer game*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]"Wow! This is really awesome, Sakura!"[/color] Kayla exclaimed as she walked into Sakura's new hideout. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Yeah, I know. ^_^"[/color] Sakura responded and showed the three around her new hideout. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"And this is where I put my weapons..."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"And this is where I put my rare weapons..."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"And this is...blah blah blah..."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Blah blah blah..."[/color] Sora elbowed Kayla. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"You still listening to her?"[/color] he questioned since Kayla had just been nodding absentmindedly for the past few minutes. She glanced at Sakura who was still pointing things out before answering, [color=DarkSlateBlue]"No, I stopped listening about ten minutes ago..."[/color] she mumbled and received a whack on the head from one of Sakura's blades. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"I heard that! Now pay attention all of you!"[/color] she commanded and grabbed her blade back up. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, ma'am!"[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, ma'am..."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, sir, I mean, ma'am."[/color] [color=purple]---Lambda-Cultural-City-Carmina-Gadelica---[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Alright, Chief."[/color] [color=DarkSlateBlue]"You got it, Chief."[/color] Were the responses of the small group of System Administrators that were surrounding Lios. He motioned to the group to follow him and as they walked off, Sakura and Kayla slid in with the group to listen in. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Now, when you find a player disobeying the Rules, then your first course of action is to what?"[/color] he questioned the group. Kayla raised her hand. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, you in the back."[/color] Lios said and Kayla grinned. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Your first course of action is to run like hell! Oh, you mean, what's your first course of action as a System Administrator don't you? If that's the case then you should punish the member with your almighty powers!"[/color] she answered and Lios' face turned red with rage. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"What are you two doing here?"[/color] he yelled and Sakura and Kayla grinned madly. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"We just wanted to see what kinds of things your new System Administrators had to go through! That's all, we swear!"[/color] the two answered in unison and Lios turned away from them, outraged. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"Just stay out of the way!"[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1]I thought it might be a cool idea to create an Underground for .hack//TRUTH, so here it is. Use this to like, discuss latest posts, the RPG itself, suggest ideas for the next post(er) or if you're just plain confused about a post then ask about it, etc. I've got quite a few interesting ideas for the RPG right now, some I might put in upcoming posts by myself or I'll ask or suggest to someone else who's an avid poster in the RPG to post them. There are a few others that I don't plan to reveal until later on in the RPG, though. This has been my only successful RPG since I've been here at OB(I think my record of RPG's is like 1/15 or something like that >.> I blame bad ideas and/or storylines) and I hope that it will continue and become my first RPG that has actually made it to the end, heh. But, use this thread however you wish avid readers and/or posters. Whether it be to ask about a recent post or to suggest an idea or just something of the sort! [i][color=green]-Ouka[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1]Kayla grinned as she heard the Silver Knight cry out with rage as he attempted to get his helmet back. She had snuck off to Elf's Haven to retrieve her own Silver Knight helmet to tease him with it. As she withdrew it and placed it on her head, Sakura ran past her with the Silver Knight directly behind her. He glanced at Kayla's head and registered what was sitting on it before he grabbed the helmet and ran off in the opposite direction. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Hey! My helmet!"[/COLOR] she yelled in protest and quickly chased after him. Sakura snickered and placed the Silver Knight's real helmet on her head and cheerfully hopped off down Kia's Alley. * * * Kayla took in deep breaths as she and the Silver Knight were having a stare down; they had just had a small battle over the helmet which was now lying off to the side with dents in it, and were quite exhausted. Kayla lifted her staff up and attempted to zap the Silver Knight with Rai Kruz but discovered that she was out of MP and anything that could restore her MP quickly. The Silver Knight knew he had triumphed and laughed. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Finally! I can reclaim what is mine!"[/COLOR] he shouted out and grabbed the helmet. He placed it on his head and grinned like an idiot. Kayla laughed. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Rai Kruz!"[/COLOR] she shouted and the Silver Knight was zapped with a lightning bolt of electricity. She grabbed the helmet from his head and placed it on her own. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Idiot. Just because I'm out of MP doesn't mean I'm out of scrolls!"[/COLOR] she yelled defiantly and ran off to Elf's Haven. * * * [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Mia! I have some--" "Get back! I've got Aro--" "Me first!" "No, me!"[/color] Kayla and Elk pushed each other back and forth until Mia grabbed the Aromatic Grass the two held in their hands and walked off with it with a dazed grin on her face. Kayla frowned. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I was going to give some of that to Kia, too..."[/COLOR] she muttered and quickly ran after Mia in hope's to get back some of the Aromatic Grass she had "given" Mia.[/size]