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Everything posted by DDG

  1. DDG


    [SIZE=1]Ok, now that Cliché is up, here's a little more information that you might need to know: - "The Town" is situated about one mile east of Vanderville(the town everyone should be from). - "The Mansion" is easily seen towering above "the Town" from Vanderville. - A map of "the Town" can be found attached to this message and a map of "the Mansion" will be provided later on in the story. If you want to use HTML(tables and whatnot, as seen in my post(s)) then I am willing to make post backgrounds for you, if you'd like, but you're free to make your own as well. My own post backgrounds are 400x1000 px, while my table's are 375 px. I've also done my best to make it so that its hard to distinguish where the background repeats itself. Just so you know, in case you were wondering, heh... If you do want me to make you a background, then request it via PM with what you would like it to look like(colors, pictures, etc). Please do not post in the RPG too much per day. If you're posting in the RPG, say, four, five times a day, then it really is unfair to others of whom cannot post as much, which can cause them to become lost or be left behind in the story. I will say that 2-3 posts per day in the RPG is recommended. Any questions? PM me or ask them here(if you PM me the question, I'll most likely answer it here so everyone knows if they were wondering the same thing). [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/SIZE]
  2. DDG


    Cliché: The horror begins... "Why did you summon those children to this town?" "Because it's part of my evil plan to take over the world and its what evil villains do!" "Uh huh..." "Yes, all will go according to plan... the children will come here, explore the town, have some "fun" and then be brutally murdered!" the villain cackled with glee before his assistant interupted him. "Um, sir?" "Yes?" "What does that have to do with taking over the world?" "Everything! It has everything to do with taking over the world!" "Right, sir." Claudia smiled sweetly into the webcam as she prepared for her and her boyfriend's live sex show a little later that evening. Even though the camera wasn't on, she was practicing for when it was; making sure that she appealed to everyone who would be watching her. She undressed herself and slipped on a see-through shirt over her frilly pink bra along with a pair of button down pants over her matching underwear; the articles of clothing she had chosen for that night made it much easier for her boyfriend to undress her once the show had started. She was also being paid heftily by the owner of the website who was broadcasting the shows--even though she didn't need the money--so she wanted to be at her best in performance and did not want to disappoint the viewers. She walked over to the webcam and turned it on so that she could make sure the angle of it was just right by previewing what the camera saw on the computer moniter. She moved the small camera into the position where viewers would get the best view and she skipped merrily over into the camera's view. She quickly sat on the mat she had placed onto the floor, removed her socks and just as she glanced at the clock and heard her boyfriend knocking on her bedroom door, she vanished. * * * She awoke inside a run-down building with shattered windows, destroyed furniture, cold, bleek jail cells and a blood stained floor. She glanced around the room and immediately noticed she wasn't alone. Just a few feet away lay four other kids she recognized from seeing them either at school or around town. [size=1]See the underground thread [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42896]here[/url] and the recruitment thread [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42509]here[/url]. Have at it! And be sure to check out the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42896]Underground thread[/url]![/size]
  3. [size=1]That sucks that you can't do it. If I didn't have my own RPG that I needed to get started right now, I would take this one over for you. Well, I do hope someone will volunteer to take it over because, this really would be an awesome RPG. [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  4. DDG


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Man, this contest is harder than I thought it would be. We've been plucking beats for an hour now! What are we missing?"[/COLOR] Sakura complained as the group plucked the last beat they could find. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Wait, what about what Balmung said in his message? [I]A beat is neat, but a gourd is adored.[/I] You think it might have something to do with that?"[/COLOR] Kayla pointed out. Sakura's face brightened up. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yeah! That's it! Come on! Lets find some gourds!"[/COLOR] she said and ran off towards the nearest patch of gourds. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What is a gourd anyway?"[/COLOR] Sora asked the rest of their little group. Elk answered, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Its like a pumpkin!"[/COLOR] he said exuberantly, anticipating finally finding the grand prize. The three glanced over at Sakura who had just plucked a gourd from the ground only to find a Pumpkin Head, ready to attack her. She grinned and quickly killed the weak monster and tackled the treasure chest when it appeared where the monster had been. She opened it and pulled out two odd outfits. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What is this? A joke? What the hell is Balmung thinking? What kind of a prize is this???"[/COLOR] she shouted, angered at the stupid prize she had received. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I think Balmung's finally lost it..."[/COLOR] Kayla mumbled before snickering at the prizes Sakura had gotten.[/size]
  5. DDG


    [quote name='Yunsung][color=darkred][size=1]Well, have you gotten to the Hoenn region yet? If so, then you can. You just have to unlock the ability to go to the different regions, I think.[/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1]I think all you can do is trade with Ruby/Sapphire. I don't know, though. I only have 7 badges as of today, so I'm not yet far enough to know all the kinds of things you can do after you enter the Hall of Fame. [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  6. DDG


    [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]My little brother picked up Fire Red and seems to be enjoying it far more than Sapphire. I'm not sure why exactly. I did have a couple of questions from him though... I know you can trade between Ruby/Sapphire and Fire/Leaf. However, at the point he's at it says "We can't accept trades from far away regions yet, sorry." What do you have to do to enable these trades?[/QUOTE] [size=1]I was wondering why I couldn't yet, either, so I read the trading section of the instruction manual and learned that you can only trade with Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire once you enter the Hall of Fame. There was something else about a special trading area in the manual, but I can't remember exactly what it said so I'd just suggest to read the trading section of the manual for more information on it. [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [QUOTE=Elec_Man_X]Hello people, I herd from a couple of my friends the other day that there was an original .hack series, but they never finished it. =/. Is this true? I for one just found out about .hack so I don't really know anything about it. Could anybody share some basic information about the show? Also, does it air on TV or not? Thanks[/QUOTE] [size=1]I've never heard of an original .hack series that wasn't finished. I know that SIGN and Legend of the Twilight ended with a sort of cliffhanger and left you wondering, but I've never heard of one that wasn't finished. SIGN finished airing on Cartoon Network awhile ago, but I believe Legend of the Twilight re-runs are airing at 1:00 AM on Friday nights on Cartoon Network. [b][color=DarkSlateBlue]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  8. DDG


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"No! Its mine! Let go!"[/COLOR] Mistral and Sakura shouted at the same time, each tugging on the end of an item they had found. The two glared at each other, still tugging on the item. Kite, Kayla, Elk and Sora were standing off to the side with nervous looks on their faces. Kite finally stepped up and pushed the two apart, him grabbing the item. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If neither of you can decide who's gets it, then nobody gets it."[/color] he announced and destroyed the item. Mistral and Sakura glowered down at Kite and began shouting at him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Kite! How could you! That item was mine!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"No! It was mine!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Nu-uh!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yeah-huh!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Um, can we just get going and look for some other items now?"[/color] Elk piped up, eager to end their fighting and look for Aromatic Grass. Mistral and Sakura glared at each other and ran off in opposite directions. Kite, Sora, Kayla and Elk stared at them for a moment before the group split up and followed one of the two. [i]Elsewhere and a little while later in the field...[/i] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Let go of the Aromatic Grass!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Its mine! I found it first!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"No you didn't! I did!"[/color] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Its mine! Give it up!"[/color] the four hung on tight to a small piece of Aromatic Grass, each wanting it and not willing to give it up. Mia was tugging the hardest on the Grass in an attempt to wrench it from the other three's hands, Kia was pulling almost equally as strong, Kayla had a grip on the Aromatic Grass, but not too strong of one, and Elk was just loosely hanging on, his fingers slipping ever so farther off of it. Suddenly, Mistral appeared out of nowhere and ran past the four, swiping the Aromatic Grass from all of them. The four blinked at each other for a moment, before realising that the Grass was gone and that none of them had it. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Hey! Mistral! Get back here with that!"[/color] they shouted, before chasing after her.[/size]
  9. DDG


    [size=1]Ok. The sign-ups are officially closed and I will be going over them and choosing who will be able to participate soon. And, I'd really appreciate it if the PM's about starting it could be held off for a little while. I'm really busy this week and probably wont have much time to do much with the RPG, like writing the first post. But, I'll try not to keep you all waiting too long. Thanks for signing up everyone. ^_^ Oh, and Queen Asuka, all you still need a description. Thanks! [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color] [b]EDIT:[/b] Ok. I've now chosen who's going to be able to participate in the RPG. [u]Participants:[/u] Yunsung Queen Asuka Angelus_Necare Aqua Blackjack Dragonblood Venge Mai_Minase Crucifix All of your sign-ups were very good, so it was sort of hard to choose between them. I say sort of because 1.) The Pro was banned so he was out and 2.) Deimos PMed me saying that he was dropping out. That left ten sign-ups which meant I needed to choose one person who wouldn't make it. >.> But trust me, the decision wasn't easy. But, I plan to get started on writing the beginning to Cliche ASAP. I've had quite a busy week so I haven't been able to get anything done. I should have a free schedule next week, however, so I'll plan on getting to writing it then. I'll probably have the Underground for the RPG up soon after the actual RPG goes up, so look for that after Cliche is up. Other than that, good luck to you all. ^_^ Oh, and remember that you can PM me any questions you have or ask them here if you'd like. I'll also explain more about the RPG a bit(don't expect much more to be explained, its pretty simple as is) in the Underground thread once its up.[/size]
  10. [size=1]When I viewed your site, it said that it was turned off. So, just head into the 'Edit Profile' section of the backroom and on the part of the form that asks Off or on?' set it to 'On'. This should solve your problem. [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1]Wow. With all of those interconnecting lines, I'm like, related to more people than I realized, I think... It looks really good though! I'm sure you spent a lot of time on it, and it really payed off! It makes me feel important, because I'm right in the middle of four people. =P Of course, there are a bunch of other members who are surrounded by more than four people. o_O I think I'll look at it a bit more closely later and see if I can figure out how I'm related to all of these people... Nice job![/size]
  12. [quote name='Kairi37']*nods* K. Sry...Um, the thing is though, the other sites that I use don't seem to work on MyO. They just give me a thing that say "this img is hosted by whatever" but they don't show it. Know of any that work?[/quote] [size=1]I use [url=http://photobucket.com]PhotoBucket[/url] to host my images, and they're pretty good. I've also heard that [url=http://imageshack.com]Image Shack[/url] and [url=http://250free.com]250Free[/url] are good, but I've never used them. Just don't use places like GeoCities(they don't allow hotlinking of images unless you've got a premium account with them), AngelFire, and Tripod(none of them allow hotlinking, either).[/size]
  13. DDG

    OB banner

    [SIZE=1]I don't know if this is just my computer or something, but the banner at the top of the boards seems kind of, odd. Like, its got white spots in the background and I'm sure that I remember the background being entirely blue. I'll include a screenshot attached so you can see what I'm talking about. Has it always been like this and I'm just noticing it now or...what? [B][COLOR=Indigo]-Ouka[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  14. DDG


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]"So Balmung, what kinds of things do you get to do as an Administrator, huh?"[/COLOR] Kayla questioned Balmung as he walked around Fort Ouph. Kayla and Sakura had begun following him, pestering him with questions the entire time. [COLOR=Indigo]"Oh, lots of things."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Like what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Well, I can ban people for one."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"We figured that, dork."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Hey, don't call me a dork! I'm a System Administrator now!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Would you rather Pig-Head the II?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Well, no..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Then dork it is and dork it shall remain!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"Why am I arguing with you two? I have other more important things to do!"[/COLOR] Balmung yelled, outraged, and warped out. [COLOR=Indigo]"Jeez, I wonder what's eating him?"[/COLOR] Sakura wondered out loud. Kayla laughed. [COLOR=Indigo]"He's probably just nervous, this being like, his first day on the job."[/COLOR] Sakura laughed. [COLOR=Indigo]"Yeah, maybe. Or he's got a bug up his butt and wants to be a jerk..."[/COLOR] [i]Early the next morning...[/i] [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Subject: Special Event Sender: Balmung To: All Come one and all to the abundant Garden of Gaia in celebration of the start of Summer! The first 100 players to solve my challenge will receive an ultra-rare artifact, guaranteed to enhance one's summer life. This special side quest lasts today only! And remember, a beet is neat, but a gourd is adored! Lord Balmung System Administrator[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  15. DDG


    [size=1]Photobucket automatically gives you the tags you need to put an image in your signature. Use the very last tag that they give you beneath the image in question and you should be alright. I think that's it anyway. The first tag should be an HTML tag, the second the regular URL and the third the IMG tag. [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1]I've been eager to be able to start posting in Torment since I got in, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer for you to get it up, so, no rush. ^_^ I do think that this RPG is a good chance for me, and for others I'm sure, to post with some of the other RPers of whom we probably haven't had too many chances to post with. Once its up, Torment'll be a great RPG. :) [b][color=#55448B]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  17. DDG


    [SIZE=1]Kayla thought out loud as she stared up at the ceiling from where she was laying on her bed. [COLOR=Indigo]"The next phase is Gorre. Gorre's Phase 5, which means that we'll be fighting Phase 6, Macha soon. But, first come's Gorre..."[/COLOR] [i]Gorre schemes when swallowed by the Cursed Wave. When engulfed by the Waves of Calamity, Gorre will plan.[/i] [COLOR=Indigo]"Gorre sure doesn't have much in the Epitaph. I wonder why..."[/COLOR] [i]Next morning...[/i] Kayla sat up in bed and glanced at her calendar. She grabbed a pen from her bedside table and crossed off yesterday. [i]5 more days...[/i] she though to herself. [i]Then we'll finally find out who Macha is...and then we'll fight Tarvos; and I can finally get my revenge for what it did to Trevor.[/i] She quickly wiped a tear away from her eye and jumped out of her bed. She grabbed her Neuro Goggles and clicked on 'the World' icon. [COLOR=Purple]---ALTIMIT Browser---[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]"New mail, huh?"[/COLOR] Kayla mumbled as she clicked on the link to open the new mail. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]To: Kayla From: Helba Subject: Its time for a change It seems as CC Corp. as hired some new staff, and you probably wont believe who it is. Balmung is a new Administrator for 'the World', which is a great help to us, seeing as the Pig-Head is inconsolable. To fulfill the requirements said in the Epitaph, however, we may need the Pig-Head to help us out later. I should be able to have preparations for Gorre complete in 5 days time.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]OOC: Sorry, I would have typed more but I have to go.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [size=1]Yeah, its somewhere in the art forum. Here's the link to it though: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37977[/url] I'm not sure if they're still adding avatars anymore, either. Or if they're still accepting them. [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  19. DDG


    [size=5][center]Cliché The most cliched horror story [i][b][u]ever[/u][/i][/b][/size][/center] [size=2][color=white]"Its just an abandoned mansion. What's their to be afraid of?" "Deranged murderers, psychopaths, lunatics." "Here? Naw, just go in! Its only ten minutes!" "If you're so brave, then why don't you go in." "Fine then. I will!" That was the last time anyone ever saw that poor kid who dared to enter the cursed abandoned mansion, just outside of town. That freaky mansion with all the lightning and other dramatic effects at all times of the day. Yeah, you know which one I'm talking about; the only mansion in the town, sitting at the top of the hill, towering down over the entire town. The mansion itself attracts numerous teenagers, all wondering what was inside it, most forced to enter the mansion on a dare or for promises of money after spending a set amount of time within the mansion. All of these unsuspecting, ignorant teenagers of whom entered, never exited. The friends of the teenager of whom had entered the mansion, always encountered the same fate as their friend as they entered the mansion in hopes to find their missing friend. The mansion is haunted, no doubt about it. Everyone's seen their fair share of horror flicks. Everyone's seen those cheesy and overused cliche's that populate horror flicks. The cliche's that can absolutely ruin a movie if used too frequently or inadequetely. But, have you ever wondered, what would happen if you put all of those cliche's together? Here's a story that'll be chock full of 'em. Full of the worst, most popular, and most commonly used horror cliche's of all. It was a dark and stormy night; the night that the children disappeared. Ten of them it was. They just vanished into thin air one night, only to magically reappear far away from their homes, in a distant town; a deserted town. A supposedly haunted town. These children didn't know that of course. They had no idea what was going on. It was a typical beginning to a horror story full of violence, blood, gore, love and best of all, cliches. If you can't tell by now, this is a horror RPG. A graphic, horror RPG full of suspense, plot twists, action, violence and the main focus of the RPG, cliches. The cliches are what is going to make this RPG what it is. The mansion is a crucial part of the RPG. The mansion is where the children will discover the truth behind the mysterious deaths of everyone in the town and where the children will face the monster behind it all... They're reason for being summoned to that deserted, desolate town is unknown. All that is known is that they'll never be able to return home until they uncover the mystery of the mansion that had plagued the town for decades. And even then, they're return to their homes is uncertain. [u]Extra facts:[/u] The name of the town is unknown. It was forgotten many years ago after it was deserted. The approximate date is November of 2006. Zombie's and other monster's roam the town and the mansion. Literally anything can be used as a weapon. Clue's to what the characters will need to do next are located in various places in the town and the mansion. Character's can be killed, keep that in mind, but there's always that strange twist of fate that they can come back(cliche!!! cliche!). Horror cliche's can be hard to think of sometimes, but here are a few sites that list some more commonly used cliches: [url]http://www.securenet.net/members/patrickt/HC-new-site/archi-cliches.html[/url] and [url]http://community-2.webtv.net/MissDecaY/TheBurialGroundof/page2.html[/url] [u]Sign-Up:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (13-17) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Items:[/b] (1-2, these are items that your character had on them at the time before they vanished and were transported to 'the town') [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [u]My Sign-Up:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Claudia De Lane [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Items:[/b] A purse full of cosmetic supplies along with several sources of ID. [b]Bio:[/b] A girly-girl, Claudia was raised in the glamor and glory of modeling, both her father and mother being successful models with acting jobs on the side. Her family was rich and she was completely spoiled as a child. Even as she grew older, her parents gave her whatever she wanted, no matter how expensive the item. Despite her family's immensive wealth, Claudia was not happy. She gave everyone the impression that she was happy, while the truth was that she was crying on the inside. Her parents had no real feelings of love towards her; she had been an accident that her parents had decided to keep. Her parents didn't care much for her and paid no real attention for her, causing Claudia to have a massive amount of free time and what better to do with her free time than to shoot her own porn videos with her boyfriend? Despite her being two years under the legal age, she looked 18 and her videos were sent to porn sites everywhere. She became an online porn superstar. The night she vanished, she was minutes away from shooting another video. [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-61]click[/url][/color][/size] [size=1]Feel free to ask any questions about the RPG either here or through PM. [b]-Ouka[/b][/size]
  20. [size=1]myOtaku's like, a place to express yourself so implementing a word filter could hinder some people's freedom of expression. However, a sort of, user preference word filter would be a good suggestion. Such as, letting the user choose what kinds of things they would like to have blocked(ie: No blockage, no swear words are censored, mild blockage, offensive swear words are censored, complete blockage, all swear words are censored). I don't really see how you could stop people from flaming others in their posts, really. Then a report an offensive post feature could be very time consuming since probably 1,000's of posts would be reported every day and the Admin's of the site would have to take a large chunk of their time to read through all of those posts that were reported, time that could have been spent doing things elsewhere on the site. [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  21. [QUOTE=Wingnut Ninja]It seems no one has any love for this lone Ninja. *sniff* I'll show myself the door.[/sympathy][/QUOTE] [size=1]Maybe they just feel intimidated by you or they're fearful that their lives might be in danger if they have any kind of relation towards you. But despite that, I'm completely willing to become your one and only family member. ;)[/compassion] [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  22. [quote name='WolfMaximas']ok, i'm a new .hack fan, and i love the anime. I'm also an rpg fan, so you see the connection. I was wondering, what are all the classes in 'the world'. if theres a website that can explain all of that and more, that would be great.[/quote] [size=1][u]Classes of "the World:"[/u] [b][color=indigo]Twin Blade:[/b][/color] A character who uses two small swords. [b][color=indigo]Heavy Blade:[/b][/color] A character who uses a two handed sword. [b][color=indigo]Blademaster:[/b][/color] A character who uses a one handed sword. [b][color=indigo]Heavy Axeman:[/b][/color] A character who uses axes and scythes. [b][color=indigo]Long Arm:[/b][/color] A character who uses spears. [b][color=indigo]Wavemaster:[/b][/color] A character who uses wands/staffs. [u]Classes of "the World" only found in .hack//DUSK/UDEDEN:[/u] [b][color=indigo]Career Werewolf:[/b][/color] A character who fights hand-to-hand and can take the form of a wolf. The 'career' part of the name is only given to high-level players. [b][color=indigo]Fighter:[/b][/color] Basicly just a character who uses hand-to-hand combat. There are other more detailed things about the character classes as well. Such as Twin Blades being faster than other classes and Wavemasters having the highest Magical stats, but what's above are the basics. Its not too hard to find .hack websites that could explain about the classes in more detail. Just do a simple search on Google and you should find a bunch. [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  23. [size=1]God, its been a long time since I thought about my OB family. My family was pretty messed up, too. I can't even remember half of the people who were in my family, either. Of the one's I do remember, though... [b][color=indigo]Twin sister:[/b][/color] Ryu_Sakura(we had about, three other sisters and became quintuplets, but I can't remember their names...I'm a horrible sister. @_@) [b][color=indigo]Older sister:[/b][/color] Mai_Minase [b][color=indigo]Mother:[/b][/color] Ruby [b][color=indigo]Daughter:[/b][/color] JoyKaiba I know there were a lot more, but I can't remember anybody else, heh. Other than that, I'm happily single and plan to be for a long time(until I meet the man of my dreams anyhow). [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [size=1]Here you go. Hope you like them. ^_^ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20845[/img] Avatar [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20846[/img] Banner [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][i][u]Real World[/u][/i] [color=indigo][b]Name:[/b][/color] Kayla Hanazaki [color=indigo][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=indigo][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=indigo][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] CC Corp. employee, Administrator of 'the World.' [color=indigo][b]Description:[/b][/color] A tall, around 5'8'', slenderly built woman. Medium length dark brown hair, light brown eyes, oval shaped glasses. Normally seen wearing a navy blue colored vest with a plain white t-shirt beneath, baggy blue jeans and sneakers. [color=indigo][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Kayla's been into gaming since she was a young girl. She just recently got into online gaming a few years ago and got her first job as an Administrator of 'the World.' She's just graduated from College, majoring in computer programming. She also seems to have an extensive knowledge in the art of hacking. [i][u]'The World'[/i][/u] [color=indigo][b]Character Name:[/b][/color] Kayla [color=indigo][b]Character Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=indigo][b]Level:[/b][/color] 1 [color=indigo][b]Class:[/b][/color]Wavemaster [color=indigo][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Staff of Truth [color=indigo][b]Weapon Lvl:[/b][/color] 99 [color=indigo][b]Abbilities:[/b][/color] Vulcan Pha(creates a large blast of fire on the target), Yarthkins Pha(drops large boulders on the target), Wryneck Pha(bombs the target with bombs of darkness) [color=indigo][b]Description:[/b][/color] Indigo colored Wavemaster robe and stocking cap. Medium length black colored hair with bangs that hang in front of her black colored eyes. Brown boots and black baggy pants underneath her robe, brown colored gloves and navy blue check shaped markings on her cheeks. [color=indigo][b]How long you've been playing:[/b][/color] 2 years and three months. I hope this RPG turns out really well, oh, and if there's anything that you'd like me to change with my sign-up, just tell me and I'll change it. ^_^ [b][color=indigo]-Ouka[/b][/color][/size]
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