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Everything posted by WolfAngel

  1. i'm like meatwad, cuz i like the simple things in life...like candy... :) i like meatwad because he's so innocent and yet cool as well :)
  2. Agree: Gojyo x Hakkai (Saiyuki) 1- Gojyo saved Hakkai's life for no apparent reason, he took him in and cared for him, when he didn't even know who Hakkai was 2- After that, they lived together in an apartment for 3 years- it takes a bit more than simple friendship to live that closely for that long 3- Everytime that one of them gets hurt, the other is the first to run to their aid- Hakkai always panics when Gojyo is hurt and vice versa 4- They seem to be closer to each other than the others.
  3. poor Hakkai- in the original he's a pig!!! quite a far cry from our cute and mildmannered Hakkai of the anime/manga!! i've heard that Sanzo is quite the weenie in the original as well- I LOVE this version, the characters just crack me up, I love them!
  4. I only recently started seriously watching this show (because Spike came on, of course). I've enjoyed all of the episodes so far with spike, but I really thought that last weeks was a good episode. it was fun to have Andrew turn up again, and I liked that they dealt with the end-of-buffy issue of girls becoming slayers.
  5. I know it's kindof stating the obvious, but have you seen "Spirited Away"? it's great! and the Cowboy Bebop movie is pretty standalone from the rest of the series, altho a lot of the symbolism in the movie comes straight out of the show.
  6. WolfAngel

    Big Fish

    I've seen Big Fish twice now, and it hit me just as much the second time as it did the first. I thought it was just so powerful in portraying this wonderful character, and all of his adventures were so amusing and entertaining! I really enjoyed it, I thought it was one of those movies that makes you feel good about going to the movies, like you enjoyed yourself and had an intriguinng and exciting 2 hours.
  7. I like a lot of the bands mentioned, but haven't listened to some of them and will give them a try- I've been meaning to listen to Opeth, they've been recommended to me a couple different times. I love static-x, godsmack, system of a down, powerman 500- that kind of stuff. Anyone into hardcore girl-bands? like Kittie, Jack off Jill (alas they are no more, last i heard), kidneythieves, Otep, My Ruin- I love these girls!!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]As much as I hate Dracula constantly being remade and revamped (no pun intended), I'm looking forward to Van Helsing. I heard about it a month ago, while searching through Yahoo Movies (which I do way too often). Hugh Jackman will make an interesting Van Helsing, especially since Anthony Hopkins was the last person to play that character. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm looking forward to this movie, but I really hope that they don't screw up the Dracula story as well. In many ways it could be a great remake, or it could be a huge flop (i.e. League of Extraordinary Gentleman). but Hugh Jackman is indeed yummy, and it'll be interesting to see him in another role besides Wolverine.
  9. See, I like Kevin Smith's other movies, but I thought that Chasing Amy was a complete disaster- it had potential, but when came right down to it, didn't deliver. I hope that Kevin Smith has a better grasp on serious scripts with this one, because I'd hate to see another Chasing Amy! In any case, I'll see it, because I like Kevin Smith and my bf is way into him as well. Hopefully it will be entertaining at the very least.
  10. oooh! Petshop of Horrors is my latest manga craze!!! I've only read the first 2 volumes, but looking forward to the rest. from what I've read in this thread, the anime seems to be a bit of a disappointment- do you guys think it's worth checking out anyway? I think I'll still try to get my hands on it somewhere.... I love Q-chan, he's sooooo adorable!!
  11. I loved Hellsing the anime and am sooooooo excited that the manga is coming out in english! I'm very pleased with the translation and art in the first english volume (can't wait for the second!) the main thing I liked was more action for Integra (she's obviously my fav), and the style of the art is pretty awesome!
  12. I agree about Victoria's character being the only one who goes thru a change- i just found her boring, and a lot like any other anime girl- girl goes thru transformation/goes on a journey and has to deal with the consequences- she seemed cliche to me. on the other hand- Integra rocked! maybe i'm biased seeing as I love Integra, but she was just so intriguing. and the fact that she is so unique, so unlike any other female anime character- I really liked that. then again, I just think Integra rocks (points to ava) but overall, I loved the series! it was so fun and funky and gruesome and awesome!
  13. i enjoy Hot Hot Heat, cuz altho their sound isn't completely original- they're fun! their songs are very wacky, which i like :)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B] Hmm, was Nicolas Brendon (Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) in it? I heard some where that he was in a movie like that, with a similar title. [/B][/QUOTE] this is how i heard of the movie, but haven't been able to find it anywhere. were you guys able to rent it at the local video store, or did you have to buy it somewhere?
  15. I've seen the first several episodes, and what I've read on this thread seems to be just what I thought as well- the first episodes were intriguing, but not spectacular. to me, it seemed a bit too much like Hellsing, but then again, I haven't seen all of it. animation was great, tho.
  16. hehe, this thread is cool :) Alucard (Hellsing): *demonic laughter* you filthy trash think you have the right to speak to me, a true vampire? I shall enjoy watching your death, PUNK!! *more demonic laughter* Kirika Yumura (Noir): if you'd like, you can leave a message for me at the beep....but who am i? do you know?
  17. Wolfwood (trigun) or Spike (cowboy bebop)- quit smoking!
  18. my favorite anime music has to be Cowboy Bebop, hands down. the jazzy feel is just so perfect for the show, and it's way catchy! fav songs: rain blue adieu cosmic dare (from the movie) tank! the real folk blues
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