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Everything posted by UnsungHero
I purchased Breath of Fire II on the GBA the other day (superb game I might add), but there is one problem. The bloody thing won't save! I've had to retsrat the game at least five times. Whenever I quicksave or talk to the Dragon statue, turn off my GBA and return to the game later - there is no data! Somebody help me because it is becoming a pain in my *** (metaphorically speaking...)
So anyways, I was cruising Otakuboards and came across "Special Youth Forces" and things like that and I wondered to myself, "are there any old people on Otakuboards?" Which leads me to the main question of this post: How old are you? I'm seventeen - but that's besides the point I'm looking for the oldest, most decrepid, most senile fossil out there. I'm talking ironing out wrinkles old. You get the picture? Good.
So here I was with my friend getting a lift on a bus. He gets a phone call. Instead of pulling out a mobile he pulls out his AU$600 N-gage and answers it. The people on the bus were laughing at him!!!!!! Friggin' N-gage! "Oh well!" he said, "at least the games are sweet..." Sure if you like ports of Tomb Raider and Sonic. Who else thinks it sucks and would rather not answer a brick with a ring tone?
I can't believe I couldn't vote for Jericho!!!!
....well I do! True story! Allow me to reminisce... It all started back in 1998... It was Christmas Time and I was at Primary School for some Carols by Candlelight thing with my good mate at the time, Ryan. The basic premise of this Carols thing, is you sit around a stage with performing artists (who funnily enough sing carols...) holding candles that are inside polystyrene cups. The bottom of the candle sticks out through the bottom of the cup so you can hold it. Anyway I remember having a hell of a good time until Ryan's cup caught on fire. He started running around like a mad man waving his cup around, all the while I was having a good old laugh. That was until a little fireball flew off the cup and onto my hand and started burning away the flesh... It was me who was then the mad man, hollering and stuff. And to this day I still have that scar on my hand (although not as big...) May I ask if any of you guys have any disfiguring abnormalities?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B]Poo patrol? Whereabouts do you live, UnsungHero? [/B][/QUOTE] I live in Toowoomba, QLD, Australia. It's not like it's a profession. It's a job that I must do for my parents or I don't get money... :bawl:
Well the holidays are nearly at an end. We've experienced the good times and the horribly bad. What would be your worst experience of the holidays? I've got two words for you: poo patrol. That very title cojures up images of vileness. Poo patrol involves "patrolling" your backyard, with a shovel in one hand and a plastic Woolworths bag in the other scooping up animal faeces. Now I know that you Americans are in the midle of a winter wonderland or whatever, but over hear in Australia it's Summer. And summer in Australia equals temperatures of forty friggin' degrees celcius!!! Yes it is blistering hot which is torture enough, but the job of poo partol is made worse by...you guessed it - flies. These bastards crawl all over the ****, and when you try to pick it up they attck you landing on your skin. Believe you me, this is not good. So listen up yanks, while you throw snowballs at one another, and sit in front of the fore sipping hot cocoa, spare a moment for the ones that work above and beyond the call of duty - the few, the proud, the poo patrollers. What's that? Oh yes! What is your most harrowing moment of the holidays. P.S. I'm sorry I had to share all that with you guys...
Wasn't Rare partly owned by Nintendo?
Oh well, can't wait for the Ruthless Aggression Tour 2004 in Australia. YEEHAWW!!! HBK pisses me off for many reasons. 1) His intro: "I've got the moves, you know I'm sexy..." yadda,yadda,yadda. Dude, he's not hot. 2) Age The guy trots around in his homo tights like he's half his age. 3) Comparison Anyone remember when HBK took on Triple H on PPV? WTF!?!?! How can he stand up to one of the biggest men I've ever seen? 4) Chest hair Do something about it man! 5) Wrestlemania XIX Anyone watch his gay entrance with the stupid confetti bazookas? Y2J should've have one. Jericho was dominating the whole match. Where did he pull all that stamina from? 6) Retirement He's done his dash and I'd like to see cool new talent coming in. It's over Shawn, give it up!
Bigotry Shielded by Religion & the First Amendment...
UnsungHero replied to Shinken's topic in General Discussion
Ok fair enough, some of you have suugested ignoring the site and not going to it - but I think you're all missing the point. What type of absolute **** wit would create a site like this? This type of thing pisses me off that there are people with no common sense in the world today. Oh! How I know I'm not the bigot? [QUOTE] [B]Two years after God, in His providence, brings down the symbol of America's financial might, made the Pentagon square, and plunged thousands more hateful Americans into hell, you continue to ignore His messengers, and in fact spit in His face by legalizing sinful filth. Hear the word of the LORD, America, ***-enablers are worse than the fags themselves, and will be punished in the everlasting lake of fire!! "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:32. The death count continues to climb, America, or have you been so busy in your orgies to notice? God Almighty is punishing you!! God Hates America![/B][/QUOTE] I think this speaks for itself. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]There will always be people that do things like this. The best way to get rid of them is to ignore them.[/B][/QUOTE] Here, here. Just like that God awful show The Shield. In Australia, nobody watched it and it got axed. Ace! -
Why not make a new forum where people CAN ACTUALLY talk about anything? The Lounge seems to be limited to ridiculouos questions like "Hey, I have a dog do you?" or "How old are you?" To discuss off the topic stuff? Really I mean if you aren't asking a stupid question it gets banned. Ok, you try posting something informative, letting people know about something the post gets banned because it is considered spam. Just a suggestion people... it couldn't hurt after all
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I think that RAW is getting better slowly. I?d like to see some more face time for Y2J[B][/QUOTE] Dude me to. But if you've been watching Y2J is slowly turning Face. He declined a Round Two of Battle of the Sexes against Trish because he was concerned about her :smirk: He even tried to track her down and apologise. I think next Season of Raw we will see Chris Jericho turn Face once more and once again have Trish as his manager. BTW if Y2J beat both Rock and Austin for the Undisputed Title then how could somebody like Edge beat him !?! As for Booker T I HATE HIM. Stupid freak! Chris Benoit needs more attention - it seems to me that the WWE have forgotten about him. Of the two Franchises Raw shits all over Smackdown! Overall my favourite wrestlers are Y2J, Benoit, Rock, Matt Hardy. HBK SUCKS!!!!
By now all of us know of Bill's almighty buy out of Rare for $350,000,000 which in my opinion was not worth it (Grabbed By The Ghoulies is shite and Kameo is looking that way. Perfect Dark Zero is long way off - 2005). But are you guys aware that bill has charged around to other companies trying to buy them as well? One company in question is SquareEnix which Microsoft have spoken to many times. Although they are not interested Microsoft recently employed a former COO of SquareSoft that helped make Final Fantasy RPGs popular in the West. His job is to increase Xbox sales. Who better to negotiate with Square than him? Another company is Nintendo. Now before GameCube or Xbox was released Microsodt approached Nintendo with a deal. It was declined, however, rumors state that possibly neither Xbox 2 nor Gamecube 2 could be on the horizon but rather - (wait for it!).... .... a new joint Nintendo/Microsoft console. This would not be a bad idea. With Microsofts supreme power and bottomless pockets full of cash combined with Nintendos popularity in Japan, they would be a serious rival for upcoming console The Cell (PS3).
Bloody Hotmail! I get about 20 messages advertising porn sites a day! I'll create a new email and for some odd reason it also gets sent these messages. Blocking doesn't help! I've tried everything and now I've completely given up. No more emails for me. Now I only use my email address to log into MSN.
It's the holidays. A perfect excuse to stay up late. I usually go to bed at 1 in the morning after watching Letterman and wake up at about 11. My breakfast is my lunch....I've got nothing
If you were turned into an action figure
UnsungHero replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
DUUUUDDEE!!! Who would I be? I'd be Jesus! Who else? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530708[/img] -
OK, Otaku Fitness Freaks. Beat This!!!
UnsungHero replied to UnsungHero's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Okay, I live down the road for you. Tomorrow good? [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, ok. I get it ok. Whatever... Do you really live near me? Or is that a pun that I didn't get? -
Aussie, aussie, aussie...and so on and so forth
UnsungHero replied to UnsungHero's topic in General Discussion
How did I manage to come acroos these boards? Well actually a fella called Tim pointed it out to me. I know a few people from Downlands that may or may not be part of your "crew". I know Tim "man with freak hair" Bertoldi, I was mates with Danny Kauter in Primary School and I work with a couple of guys from Downlands: Freaky Joe Thompson and Bryce (I dunno his last name, his a stumpy, little bloke with bleached blonde hair). I go to Centenary Heights and I'm in Grade 11, same as you guys I guess. My name's Sam. liam, cloricus, who are you guys? Who else from Downlands posts on these Boards? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]\Who cares if they are black/fa.g/anti-Christ if they know what the hell they are doing? [/B][/QUOTE] The voters?
Just curious to know exactly how many ppl live in Australia on the Boards. I live in Toowoomba, Queensland.
Swordsaint, you do Ninjitsu? Sweet! How is it, man? I wanted to do it myself but unfortunately I can't find anywhere in Toowoomba that teaches it
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] Dang, can you tell I study law? [/B][/QUOTE] 'Twas an educated guess :)
OK, Otaku Fitness Freaks. Beat This!!!
UnsungHero replied to UnsungHero's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]To get on an army cadet course you have to be 13 to 18 years old and must complete a BFA which has 25 sit-ups, 15 push ups (real ones) followed by a 2.6km run which must be completed within 12 minutes. All of this is to be completed in rapid succession. Basically, you've got jack. [/B][/QUOTE] I've got jack? Listen up assclown, I'd like to see you run that as fast. 25 sit-ups and 15 push ups are nothing. Mate, I'm only 15. I've got, what 5 years to train? I'm proud of my accomplishment and all you ppl can do is berate me? P.S. I haven't mentioned other sports. I also do Rembukan twice a week, I have swimming training twice a week and I lift dumbbells. I think I made this thread to competitive...