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Everything posted by MickeyJ
Ebirus sat outside, deep in the forest, in front of a flickering campfire. There were sixteen men gathered around him. All were dressed in black, but carried different weapons. Several carried the regular Katana's. several the straight ninja swords, others merely had a pair of daggers. As Ebirus looked each of them over in turn, he nodded approvingly. "You have all been summoned here because you've been found to be excellent fighters." He said to the group. "And also because you don't mind making a little extra money, now and again." There was some scattered laughter. "There is party of 5 in a nearby town, that are searching for something. I don't want them to find it. If you men can take care of them, you will be rewarded handsomely. These people, two girls, two boys, and another, a young man, are not novices at the art of fighting. They have, thus far, survived all attempts on their lives. Since I am making a trip up north, I do not wish to spend any more time trying to deal with them. So I leave them in your capable hands." Several of the men smiled cruelly. Ebirus looked them over one more time. He was sure they could get the job done. Ebirus sent them on their way, with orders not to attack all at once. He'd suggested doing it slowly, keep them off balance and always on guard. Much as he wanted to stay and see the job done himself, it was tiem he made himself scarce in these parts. He only hoped that his spies had enough endurance not to reveal anything if they were caught. Otherwise, the girl and her firends might follow. And he didn't want that to happen. O.O.C. ok, this may be my last post for a while. I'm hoping you guys can stretch out the conflict with these 16 new enemies for awhile, and then, since I'm sure you're going to follow me, pretend that I keep sending more spies. I'll try and get up and post at least once over Christmas vacation, but I can't promise anything. Happy fighting! :)
O.O.C. The fight was cool, I have no problem with it. Ebirus trudged in slience through the woods. His characterisitc smile played on his lips. Things were really starting to get interesting, and he liked it. The young man using the Hiten technique had been a surprise, he had to confess, but that just made things more of a challenge. He had yet to meet the two brothers, but he felt sure it would happen soon. He anticipated the meeting with great pleasure. He liked nothing better than beating a new foe, learning their strengths and weaknesses while hiding his own, and then slowly zeroing in for the kill. The zanbattou was a fearsome weapon, but it had many weaknesses. The weapon's sheer weight and size were it's greatest strength and it's greatest weakness. It took a great deal of power to block a full fledged blow from one of those large swords, but if one were agile enough, they could dart in on the backswing, when there was no chance the they could bring the massive sword back to block. Yes, he looked forward to that meeting. He had no doubt in his mind that the 5 would eventually band together, and work with each other to gain the same end. This would require all Ebirus's cunning and concentration, and he looked forward to it. His hideout come into sight. He hailed the guards hidden in the bushes, who stood upright at attention. He walked into the new hideout, to await DG's next move. Spies were ordered to watch each of the people who were looking for Kenshin. O.O.C: Not a whole lot of action here... Hopefully enough for someone else to build off of. (Maybe someone could notice that they're being watched by the spies, or something.)
O.O.C.: Hmm, this is an unexpected twist. I wasn't going to come back yet, but I think this will make things a little more interesteing. I'll give you a choice: Fight now, (and you can have the first blow), or you can choose, and see were the story goes. Ebirus ran furiously toward the young man, who drew his sword in readiness. At the last minute, He crouched low, and launched himself into the air, he flew over the young man, and landed on his feet on the other side. As the startled man turned, Ebirus smiled, as the other man's brow furrowed with concentration . "Why fight me?" asked Ebirus, softly. "I've done nothing to you. Why do you not leave me be? If you sheath your sword now, I will let you live. Otherwise, someone's going to get hurt." Ebirus smiled once again, waiting expectantly for the young man's response.
O.O.C.: A few things that need to be clarified... 1. Shuriken are used mostly for throwing. They come in many different shapes and types, but the most common form is the throwing star. That's what I was going to use here. For the sake of continuing the story, we'll pretend I was using swords. 2. Is this how a typical RP battle goes? Being a newbie, I don't know... Thought I'd have more of a say in it. But oh well. I don't care. It's cool. 3. Wow! I din't know I was that good! Now back to the story at hand... Ebirus Walked casually through the forest, heading for his new hideout. He didn't mind the scratch on his back. It stung a little, but he liked it. Pain made for endurance. He was quite pleased with the days work. He had no need to kill them completely, though he could have. No, the wounds he'd inflicted were purposely light. That way less poison was wiped off on the skin, and more made it into the blood. Right about now, they should be lying in the middle of the road, gasping for breath, nearly blind. Some poor old herb-woman was probably trying all her antidotes right now, but to no avail. Suddenly, Ebirus stopped. "The hospital!" He cried in anguish. "They would have the antidote!" He hated to lose more than anything. He slammed his fist into the nearest tree, and screamed with rage. When his fit of rage had passed, he looked toward the sky, which was turning grey with thunderclouds. "It will be done!" He swore to the approaching clouds, shaking his fist. "I will not accept failure!" He would let the girl survive the night. Not out of mercy, but because he hated an uneven fight, especially when it was in his favor. He smiled.They didn't call him the laughing killer for nothing. This was going to be fun. He laughed with maniacal glee as the rain began to pelter his body.
Ebirus was getting irritated. He'd intended to followw the girl close enough to dispatch her with one Shhuriken, and be done with it. But there were others, too. It seemed that everyone was interested in Kenshin. He knew that DG was aware of hi presence, or at least aware that there was something behind her. Her frequent glances behind, and her tense footsteps betrayeed her nervousness. The other girl had no idea anything was wrong. The two boys, probably the one's Ebirus had been warned about, followed not to far behind her. They too, knew he was there. They were trying not to show that they knew, but the younger one was having trouble keeping his curiosity at bay. He turned only twice to look behind, an innocent gesture, perhaps, but he was obviously looking for something. And then there was yet another. A young man, who carried only one katana. Because he had no other weaponry, it impressed Ebirus twice as much. But he didn't have time to worry about that. He ran into the woods, and began skirting the people following DG and the other girl. Moving swiftly and silently, he began to catch up. He finally passed by them, and continued running on to the next town. As he ran, he was thankful for the many years of strength, endurance, and martial arts training. It allowed him to dart through the woods with ease. When he got to the next town, he sat down outside a building on the main street. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. In each hand, rested a poison tipped Shuriken.
Ebirus moved quietly through the dense forest that surrounded the town where the girl was last sighted. He wasn't really all that worried about her, but any obstacle to his plan had to be removed. He'd recieved news of others, two boys, most likely brothers, who had left behind a number of coprses in the road. The battle there had been done roughly at the same time that the girl met up with Eribu's men, and so they might have been following her. Perhaps they meant to kill her, or perhaps they too were looking for Kenshin. Ebirus never took chances on these things, though. Any job left undone, could come back and haunt you. Ebirus had learned that from experience. If he didn't take care of the girl, and these others now, they could very well pop up again at an inopportune moment. Sicne his men had been unable to take care of the problem, he was going to have to do it himself. As he walked, he dipped the sharpened blades of his many shuriken in poison. He would either kill the girl tonight, or find out what kind of a fighter she really was.
Ebiru stood on a distant cliff, gazing at the setting sun. His lips curled into a faint smile of amusement, as he thought of the trap he had laid. Covered holes, used for centuries, were hardly an original method of dealing with enemies. The sharpened spikes littering the bottom were also a well-used method. But Eribu hadn't stopped at that. No, his mind had taken the whole thing a step further. Even if someone survived the fall, and avoided the spikes at the bottom, they'd not live for 2 minutes at the bottom of the pit. Poisonous gas, heavier than air, had been leaking into the pit for several hours now. Anyone who fell in would pass out after a few breaths and be dead within two minutes. The perfect trap, for sure. Eribu, sensing something behind him, suddenly swung around, drawing his sword and swinging it with ease. The blade stopped, touching the neck of the man standing behind him. Funshisu, Eribu?s second hand man stood behind him, trembling slightly. ?What is it?? Snapped Eribu, sheathing his sword. Funshisu gulped, obviously wishing he were somewhere else. ?Olowski is dead. So is Perusen. All the other men returned, except Danisten. He may have been kidnapped. Do you think that she means to ransom him? Danisten for Kenshin?? Eribu laughed harshly, and turned back to the sunset. ?If that?s her intent, she?s even more foolish than I thought. As for Danisten, send out a few men to find him. If they can?t, we?ll forget about him.? Funshisu clenched his teeth. ?But what if she has him?? Eribu turned slowly, till he was once again facing Funshisu. ?She can have him. What do I care for Danisten? He?s nothing to me. Now go. Leave me alone.? Funshisu?s face was flushed with anger, but he turned and walked away, as his master had commanded. Eribu lingered on the cliff top for a few more minutes. Before turning to go back, he noted that the glowing sunset made the sky look like freshly spilt blood. He laughed all the way back to camp.
Name: Ebiru Mikukeiju Age: 27 Gender: Male Description: Tall, broad shouldered, with longish blond hair. Typically dresses in red a red robe, black pants, and black boots. Wears asa no ha gusari arm guards, and leather armor covering chest and back. Bio: Was trained from a young age to be proficient in a variety different martial arts techniques. Can wield both the curved katana favored by the samurai, and the straight ninja sword. Is deadly accurate with most forms of the Shuriken. Has been constantly on the run since destroying a village at the foot of Mt.Tounotake. has led a life of crime and destruction since. Weapons: Carries a katana, and a straight (ninja) sword. A multitude of Shuriken, and a jutte. Side: bad I don't know that this is what you're looking for. I'll change anything you want me to. This might be a little too much info, I might have made him a little too well equipped, etc. Let me know.