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About AishKatsuya

  • Birthday 06/01/1988

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  • Biography
    I... want the Yami No Matsuei DVD collection and I'm not going to get it, so... pretty much, I'm going to die. x_x; Why must good anime be so difficult to find? O_O;
  • Occupation
    Student T_T

AishKatsuya's Achievements

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  1. I think Silent Hill would make a really good anime. Anyone that has played all of them would probably agree. ^_^x;
  2. *Clears throat* Rurouni Kenshin is the greatest and best anime in the world. *Goes on and on about it, in the context of the song "Tribute" by Tenacious D*
  3. Haha! I hate Krustuba. Seto is mine. *Hisses at the little black-haired spoiled brat* Not that I make up fantasies with all my friend about YGO. Yes, that's right, all my friend. Note there is no 's.' LOL.
  4. Heheh, I like you ^^ You sound a lot like me. You see, Seto is my private property, and he also reminds me a lot of myself. Not afraid to express his aggressive, angry self, not at all void of a phobia of 'normal' human interaction. I can see almost all of my traits in him, and none other in any of the other characters (except maybe a little in Jonouchi) except my complete lack of good looks. :p
  5. Does it go through the duel monsters or just the plain series?
  6. I [i]just[/i] purchased the Samurai X reflection DVD, and was moved, literally, the the strongest river of tears I have ever encountered in my entire life. Sometimes you have more feelings for "characters" than you know. Anywho, this takes place AFTER all of that, and the Samurai X Director's Cut takes place BEFORE all of that, and I have a DVD of the "Wandering Samurai" series... the introduction of characters, from the first time he meets Kaoru (when she 'attacks' Shinta) until the fight he has with Sanosuke which is interrupted by Kaoru's caretaker/aid's granddaughters' appearance. :D
  7. The card game is okay, I have some cards but I don't play, I just collected a couple for drawing purposes for practising my manga, and just to look at and stuff... to have around, ya know? But my favourites are Kaiba Seto, Jonouchi Katsuya, Bakura Ryou, and you've gotta love Noa (Kaiba) but I'm not sure what he's called in the manga. Yeah, PM, Yuugi Muttou [i]is[/i] a whiny dork, sometimes I want to kill him. :p Anywho... :D
  8. It's no problem. *Thinks, [i]Gee, I really miss the Silent Hill Forum on ezBoard... :([/i]* :p
  9. I'm very sorry, especially to dark_dragongirl. I fixed the links, however, I admit they are quite large. I have gone over my bandwidth for today on Angelfire, it's going to be down for awhile, but as soon as I can get back onto my webshell, I'm going to save them onto the computer I am using (my cousin's) and size them down, and attach them. :) Again, sorry ;)
  10. I understand that, I only thought that since other popular anime had their own boards, RK should have one, too. I did not mean to intrude on your well-defined and sculpted forum indices.
  11. Here are some RK drawings I did a while back. They might not be the best looking things ever, and I have improved since then, but I thought I'd share them anyways and get some feedback from yuze all. --; [URL=www.angelfire.com/anime5/seto_sexy/Kenshin_1.jpg]Kenshin 1[/URL] [URL=www.angelfire.com/anime5/seto_sexy/Kenshin_2.jpg]Kenshin 2[/URL] [URL=www.angelfire.com/anime5/seto_sexy/Kenshin_3.jpg]Kenshin 3[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/seto_sexy/Kenshin_4.jpg]Kenshin 4[/URL]
  12. I could if I spent a lot of time on it, because I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to my artwork that other people see... --;
  13. Sorry, I've not been here long, because chatting about anime didn't really interest me much, but I've heard about the boards for a long time and it really surprised me that such a beloved, well-animated, popular anime didn't have its own board. O_O;
  14. I hate Tea from the dub. She's annoying and talks only about friendship, just like everyone else except for Kaiba, but in the manga I'm sure she's cooler. Seto is quite a lot more violent in the manga... I couldn't believe that he smacked Sugoroku in the face with that metal briefcase of his that he carries everywhere! LOL
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