Megumi momo
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Everything posted by Megumi momo
Azumi casually walked behind Rayne her face modest. She had not been given a weapon but she was okay with that. Her attacks were dangerous enough. She tried to keep quiet though she had been meaning to ask Rayne many things. Rodya was still being hardcore leading the group and the others were following timidly behind him. Azumi fell behind for a brief second. In a brief moment she ran to Rayne and tackeled him. Rayne annoyed the Azumi would do so turned around angerly. Rayne-WTF did you do that for? Azumi's face was stern as she pointed to the arrow that was embedded in the ground where Rayne has previously standing. Azumi- It's Only one person..But they have been hiding...I know not where they are or I would have attacked now. Rayne opened his eyes Azumi was not like the others she had training. Azumi looked at Rayne beside him and noticed a cut on his cheek. She touched his cheek breifly and pulled her hand back after wiping the small wound. Azumi- I don't know why I saved you...so don't ask me. Azumi then walked off confused and agravated at herself.
Azumi sighed her face was dripping with blood and sweat. The group of people were still talking. Azumi cocked her head around and grumbled. Azumi-I don't know why Master Kapwhan wanted me to come to Japan. What was wrong with Korea. Stumbling for footing in the tree she still watched the group when a small arrow flew by her hair. Azumi's footing slipped when she hit the ground the group had thier wepaons at her face. Azumi- If your gonna kill me do it, Otherwise I have to find my classmates. Rayne stood experssionless and pointed at her asking his question with force. Rayne- and that class is? Azumi still on the ground looked up at the group and grumbled. Glaring at the people who would decide her death. Azumi-Japan... Rayne walked up to her and Azumi bent her head as if expecting a blow but was shocked at the hand that helped her up. Azumi dusted off her Dojo uniform and looked at Rayne's ears. She touched them and then stepped back. Azumi-Sorry, really sorry, had to know. Rayne-Know what? Azumi looked at him not smiling. But her face showed that she felt like smiling. Azumi-If they were real...May I join your group? Rayne shrugged his shoulders and looked at her face. Rayne-Yeah (Thinking) Something about this girl is familair...But what?
I read this book in 5th grade. I loved it. I thik showing human nature as primal and showing how we really act without rules is an amazing way to chnage humaity's outlook on life. When I read the book alot of things I never thought could be possiable seemed to ring an answer. As you get further in the book things you never susepct from a gruop of kids will start to unfold.
Asuka noticed the warriors her eyes hit Shino and he glanced away. She felt almost lost within the masses of people and even though they were all on her side she felt alone. She saw a young male sitting with his back against the wall a hat covering his eyes. She noticed that he was trying to keep a low profile. Knowing that she felt the same she leaned against the wall with him her hands still touching the sword. The guy looked over at her and noticed that she was wearing a Kimono and that her hands were resting on two swords. Guy-(Thinkin) She has a Katana and A Wakizashi...A girl Samurai? Asuka saw his eyes glance at her and she shrugged her shoulders. He noticed that she seemed to not speak up and that was fine by him. He leaned against the wall and realized that she may become his good friend. Her casual demaonr was comfertable and he felt like he did not have to say anything. She nodded her head as if to answer his question. Laying her hands on her sword she began to close her eyes remebering so cite the honor code. The man noticed she was begining to feel sad and even though his shy qualties would get in the way he grabbed her hand for a brief second. Guy-Shyquan is my name....Yours? Asuka saw his face it was becoming red and smiled. Her smile was warm and she had often not been able to have such a warm smile. Asuka-Shyquan what a lovely name....I am Asuka. Shyquan returned his hand to his side and leaned against the wall pulling his hat over his eyes. Asuka also returned to the wall her hand returning to the side of her wakizashi. As they leaned against the wall the crowd of people kep chattering and surronding Shino an the young girl Veil. Asuka and Shyquan needed no words, they understood each other perfectly through the silence. As Shino looked at the two he noticed that they were talking without words.
I hope I can join... Name-Azumi Kiribiyashi Age-17 Sex-Female Nation-Unknown Legal Guardian-None she lives with her Tae Kwon do Master Eyes-Dark Hazel Hair-Black Addreses-Kapwhans Tae Kwon do Dojo Occupation- A tae Kwon do and Judo instuctor Personal information- Azumi was orphaned as a child and was taken in by the local Judo/Tae Kwon do master. she learned his art and now teaches it. She Answers to the name Hurricane at times but is not kind at all. Her face has never shed a single tear. She transferred to the school late and excels at most subjects. Her skills of aglity and speed and strntgh are known. Azumi seeks atonement for her anger and fear of human emotion. Description-Azumi wears her Tae Kwon do Uniform with the korean symbol for demon on her back. Her Personality is rude and and she is not caring of other feelings. Distinctive markings- She has a tatto that says #13 Hurricane on her right arm and a cross chaped scar under her left eye Backround infor-Nothing in legal documanets the girl known as Azumi does not exist
Asuka kept her Wakizashi close to her stomach. Pulling out her Katana her fingers traced the Japense writing. Asuka-God-Killer, Please keep me safe....I need Atonment. As Asuka walked by a Cherry Blossem Tree she saw the petals fall and remembered what her father had said. Remembrance- The Cherry Blossem though short lived forever leaves a imprint of it's beauty on the people of Japan. May you do that with God-killer and Nova-Blade. Resting her hands on God-killer Asuka began to walk out to the crowd of people. A little girl had been watching her and she ran up to Asuka tugging her Kimono. Little Girl- My name is Rin...I am an orphan. Please the monk has been kind to me and the other urchins please save my town..I need a home and this town gave it to me...Please kind lAdy please. Asuka her face becoming soft and her hard eyes gently becoming more loving oicked up the little girl and kissed her forhead. Asuka-I will..And when I come back I will Take care of you. Rin hugged Asuka's Kimono and smiled glancing at the swords. She did not know Asuka well but still hugged her as if they were realted. Asuka began to see a purpose in the fight. Lifting Rin up in her shoulders she walked by a mon k who bowed. Monk-Praise Budda..We have many who have come to fight. And we have on who comes to love. Asuka set Rin down on the steps and smiled. Rin Grabbed a small hand and showed Asuka another child. Rin- This is my brother Yuhi. Can he wait for you too? Please Kind Lady? Asuka bent down and hugged both the children as if they were her own. She knew the two had seen many trial and she kissed both on the head. Asuka- Rin, Yuhi I am Asuka. I will return to both of you. When this over You will have a True home. Rins eyes welled up with tears and her brothers face began to show a wideing smile. Rin and Yuhi- Thank you Asuka Return! Please Return! Asuka waved her hand at the two children as they picked up sticks and began to pretend that they were her shouting out about how the God killer would strike down Nova blade. Asuka smiled and said Asuka- I will return for them. Father I found where I will leave my imprint. I will Leave my imprint on these children. The Imprint of hope.
Lyndis was standing against the auditorium door. Her white hair slopply standing up with her bangs aginst her face. The black-trench was covering her feet and she sighed. Lyndis-This really bites.....I hate listening to insperiation coaches. They always have nothing so say. As Lyndis picked up her staff she beagn to walk towards the exit. Another young mutant grabbed her hand. Mutant-You....Gravitron is not finshed speaking! How dare you show such disrespect young girl. Lyndis casually shrugged her shoulder releasing the mutants grip. Lyndis-Let go....I am not little when I am angry. The Mutant did not hesitate and he threw Lyndis in the middle of the crowd. Mutant-Names Firestarter...I challange you brat. Lyndis looked at firestarter and smiled. Lyndis-Names Lectrix. Now....I hate to see u lose in front of your buddies but you annoyed me...It's time to die. Gravitron watched the battle and noticed the girls supreme skill. She had not used her ability yet but he could see the metal starting to lift around her feet. It's began to levitate. Lectrix-Die! Lextrix grabbed Firestarter's arms and his body began to vibrate as the elctricity began to slowly disenegrate his skin Gravitron watched the anger in Lyndis's eyes. Gravitron-She will be perfect.
Asuka cleaned her blade and felt a sudden sorrow about her father diapperence. She looked at the inn keeper and smiled but the Inn Keeper could tell that she was in pain. Her sword was resting on her thigh when a small face appered in the Inn door. Person-Uh, Are you Asuka? The one who has decided to help us? Cause if you are Asuka Narako then the Shinobi has asked for you o join the celebration. Asuka-A samurai cannot enjoy the fruits of nature when they have lost the tree that bore them. My father has not returned but I cannot even begin to think how a celebration will help my pain. Person-Please the Shinobi has asked your guidence. He needs you to challange the men, The need to learn somehow.... Asuka stood up her face showing little emotion. She grabbed her sword. Her Wakizashi was dangling on the end of the bed and she grabbed it making sur eit was against her katana. Asuka walked out into the village and began to slowly walk up the steps of a nearby temple. Getting on her knees she slowly lowerd her sword and prayed a few words. Standing back up she glanced at the gruop of men holding the swords as the struck at small mounds of dirt. Asuka-Father give me strength to weild God-killer. Give me strentgh to hold this might sword.
I'm scrared as you touch me, I'm scared as you whisper those words. I tremble when you love me and I tremble when you hurt. It's been a long time since I felt this way It's been a long long time, But now that I found you I want nothing but everything I only want you tonight I've been waiting and I found you . I've been crying and you cease my tears. I've been falling and you guide me. I've been hating but now, love, I no longer fear. I want you to touch me, I want you to care. I want you to hold me and I swear...That one day I will cry out your name when I am in your arms. I will let you protect me safe from harm. All I want is to love you though it's so hard for me to try. All I want to do is love you can you let me...can you let me try? I let you touch me, but I feel no pain. I let you whipser those words and I am no longer wanting to refrain. When you hold me I'll keep my tears in keep my face dry. And when you love my I'll whipser those word back beacuse I will love you until I die. I hope it's good...
This is my favorite anime of all time. I love this show and all of the characters I only wish Megumi was animated. I was wondering is there any other Real bout fans out there?
I have slayed many. I killed without honor. When I was refused death I could no longer...Wish to be a Samurai of truth. I could no longer honor that any more. I am merely a lost soul looking for a signal, a sign that can bring me home. My home...What of it? Where has it gone? I have been following down a dirt road of atonment stained with blood. My atonement? What I wished for is no longer in my grasp...It takes so much strenghth to breathe. I have yet to breathe anymore, I have yet to do what I was made for on earth. I keep wandering around this pit called earth, I keep walking over the same sins I so desperatly tried to get rid of. What have I done to deserve this? What have I said....I am a samurai of sorrow I carry nothing but my sword....nothing but the blood of a thousand men whom I have slain and never gave a chance to ask for mercy. And Mercy what of it? I have none, so please this time strike me down...I deserve death please give it to me...
I have one scar. It's under my left eye and it looks like and x. I got it one day when a friend and I were dualing with samurai swords. (My friend Tamaru from korea) He missed a spot sliced me and I sliced him and then so on. So now Tamaru and I have twin scars(almost twin like....
At one time 800. All together i have over 5000 dollars of anime the cost to buy it is not a limit. Unlimited anime is always best.
Anime Which ANIME character would make you weak in the knees?
Megumi momo replied to Sweet Pie's topic in Otaku Central
Koga...From inuyasha. Eveytime i see I fall in love. And shizumaa Kusunagi from the real bout highschool series. And From the ANC I love Yuhi...I always feel so lost when I see him. -
Name- Lyndis...Last name unconfirmed. Aka Lectrix Sex-Female Age? Group- Brotherhood... Bio- Lectrix was a test subject in Weapon X program years ago. Lectrix after hearin what she was being used for killed Professor Doyjii who was working with her at that time. Fusing Wovlverines blood with hers Professor Doyjii made Lectrix sustandable to most attacks. Lectrix know's nothing of her family or friends and can't remember anything of her past. Lectrix mat up with wolverines son and seems to have hatred for him because of some uknown reason. Appearence- Lectrix is 5'4 with White hair that is spikes straight up ecept for two pieces of hair that are bangs. Her eyes are a crystal blue and she wears a black trench coat over black lycria pants and a tight black tee shirt. Weapons- A metal Bo'staf which she uses frequently to multipliy her attacks. Mutant ablities- Lectrix can create and manuplate Eletric mainly lighting.
Name- Azumi Kiribiyashi Age-Unknown Gender- Female Occupation- Mercernary for hire. Build- Azumi is slender with strong muscles and strong calves. Race- Clentai-elf- Ancient Race of warriors. Using elven magic the Clentai is a unique race of elves made only for battle. Appearence- Azumi has long navy hair that is held up with a red sash. She also has a headband with eleven language written on it meaning warrior. Azumi's eyes are also navy and she has one scar on her cheek in the shape of a cross. She wears a blue-whit kimono Weapon- Bo'staff and her Naginta. (Japenese halbred) Bio- Azumi is born of one the highest warriors, Sir Callhad. Sir Callhad is known for his fights against many evil enties. Azumi was forseen to be a male but when a slight change of plans occurred, Sir Callhad was born only one child. Azumi's mother died at her birth and for a while Sir Callhad denied his daughters name. When Azumi was 5 a band of bandits attacked a nearby Villige. Azumi angered at the fact that these bandits would attack her home picked up her fathers Bo'staff and went to fight the bandits. When Sir Callhad arrived Azumi had already taken care of the bandits sitting on top of the pile swinging her feet with a smile. Sir Callhad finally claims Azumi as his daughter teaching her the Art of Sashinmu. Azumi becomes an elite student and assassin. Leaving her home when her father was assainated Azumi searches for atonmet. She meets serge on day at a diner and eggs on a battle. They have yet to decided who won. After agruing on who was the victor Azumi joins Serge hoping to find atonment. Inate-Red Special Skills- Azumi can multiply herself during battle creating an astrel projection. She also has the ability to get stronger during each battle natuarlly. Her move called the San de ka re ma-It's an over flowin amount of energy from her chi and intenisty for battle that striked down an oponent.
RPG Knights of Neshaia (Mature language and situations)
Megumi momo replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Taka knowing that her love would never ever return to her she left the deck. Looking at Kanda with sincere tear filled eyes she glanced to left. Rin who was still sitting on the floor his hair messily tossed to the left of his face looked at Taka. Taka- You...I don't remember you at all...Who are you? Why do you insist that we know each other? Rin dusted his pants off and casulaly strolled up to Taka smiling the whole way. Rin- I was jealous of Aris at one time. He made things so complicated. I joined up with a mercernary group, to kill him. You were there. We fought side by side sword with sword. Now it seems I am again jealous of our hero. Rin shook his head and motined for Taka to follow him. Taka a little perplexed by Rin's demeanor followed the young man down to the cargo hold. Rin- My guitar is down here. Uh....Mind if I play? Taka glared at Rin and shrugged her shoulders. Taka- Do what you will. Rin started to play a melody that Taka knew so well. It was almost a peek into the past. Taka bent her head a small tear dripping down her face. As the chords progressed Taka leaned into Rin remembering all the fights they had shared. He was the only human that had ever stepped in her home. The forest of Naertania. Taka looked at Rin her face solum and full of pain. Taka- You...were there when they attacked wernt you? You saved my family...And lost your own. What were my fathers last words....? Rin laid the guitar down and touched the elf on her scar. Rin- Your fathers last word were...Keep her safe,protect her from the evil that is buried within her blood,Protect my Ishtar. Taka looked at Rin her body becoming limp. Her shoulders heaved as tears of turmoil washed down her face. Rin saw the pain and remembered what her father said. Her face and body was so innocent he could not help himself as her reached out and began to hold her. It was at this time that Sira noticed that Taka was gone. He had finished cleaning Kanda and looked to find Taka. He knew that joining up with Aris would be painful but there was one more thing he had to do...If he had to join with Aris again. Sira had to love Taka...Like a man should. If only he could find her. Passsing the room where Serenity had gone he noticed Aris standing near the bow of the boat. Aris- So where are you headed? Sira- To find Taka....She has so much pain. Aris- We love her but Serenity is more important. Aris- There is someone more suited for Taka aboard this ship. If only he would just admit his feelings things would move more calmly. Sira- Your talking about Rin arnt you? Their bond is so....intimate. There is something Rin has not told us. Sira- I have to find Taka... Aris- Be careful..You and I..I mean we have caused much trouble. She may be fragile on the outside but there is a powerful force underneath her. Something that could kill us both. Sira huffed at Aris and noticed that Aris was whisteling. Sira- Damn He gave her the ring already...I still must love Taka before I go. I owe her that much. Sira walked across the deck looking for Taka. Finally he started to walk down to the cargo hold. Stepping lightly he heard rustling coming from a room. Peering in he saw Rin with his back alonside the side of the boat with Taka curled up on his legs, her arms grabbing his waist. Sira enraged looked at Rin. Sira- You...I have caused trouble...I have caused her great pain but I...still Love her! Rin shook his head looking at the angered Sira and calmly replied. Rin- Her pain right now is not of yours. Though Yes...You have caused the elf great torment you have no idea of the pain she is bearing right now. On top of that you annouced that you love her but can't be with her. I was there.... Sira- What do you mean there? What do you mean? Tell me! Rin- I was there when Firand killed her father. Do you know who her father was? Do even have a clue? He was the great elf...The maker of rain. The thunder god. His family...They tried to save evryone by sacrificing themselves. They stood up to Firand...Fought bravely, died.....Bravely. I protected her...I saw her pain berfore you even knew her. My family died protecting the elves. Her pain and hatered her turmoil and frustration is only mutually shared with me. I...Think you should leave...You caused enough damage. Sira was outraged at the comment made by Rin. He walked up to him his whip inches from Rin's face. Looking down he glanced at Taka who was sleeping soundly. For the first time Sira felt regret. Sira- She is happy? Rin- No she is at peace right now. Beware though...That power within her is ages old. It has the likeness of god's...That power almost killed her... Sira- I should Take my leave. Rin I am not giving her away...I am only letting her find peace until I can love her like she should be. If I find that, That right has been stripped form me...after this ordeal you and I will be enemy's. Sira walked out onto the deck his eyes catching the stare of Aris's. Aris smiled calmy and walked up to Sira. Aris- I told you...Someone was more suited for her than we... Sira- So...Taka, before I leave this relm as Sira, I will have you...Beacuse You deserve that much. Down in the cargo hold Taka still slept her hands tugging the back of Rin's shirt. Rin stroked her back and saw the other scar that many had never laid eyes on. Rin- They did that to you Taka...They will pay. For my family and for yours..I promised you father that...I can't back down. -
I only seen the first episode but you are right it's great! My favorite part is when they are talking and they see the old people turn to Shrooms. It's quite a funny series.
Louie the Rune Soldier Louie-Nice to do ya Louie-Fooood*stares hungerly at food* Akira- Tetsuo-I am....Tetsuo Ranma1/2- Ranma-Give me back that Shampoo, Shampoo
RPG Knights of Neshaia (Mature language and situations)
Megumi momo replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Taka pulled out the stave and ran her fingers over the pegaus's back. She looked at the man who claimed to Aris and sighed. Taka- I am not worthy to fight alongside of you....I am merely a consolation prize for your pain. I feel that it is my time to go. White-Aris- Are you really going to go? Taka wanted to embrace Aris but she shook her head. Placing her hands on the Pegaus's mighty wings she climbed upon his back. Taka- I'll meet you on mainland....But I will be different from who you see now. I will be stronger. You should have never done what you just did. Changing who you are....I underatnd that you were looking for consolement in me. NOt a lover. I feel angered, Hatered even. Remeber I was always love you unrequited love. White Aris smiled trying to look understanding but still he did really understand what Taka was saying. Reaching out to touch her Aris was not ready for what she did next. Before Aris's hands to touch Taka's body her sword was at his neck. Her eyes were a bright red her flaming her hair elevating around her. Taka- you have forsaken me. The love from a true elf should never be questioned. Not like the Half-breed who you so dearly love. You're weaker half loved me! And you think I would be satisfied with your body torn in half? Saying the weaker half loved me! You are sadly mistaken....I am Taka the warrior elf...Out of honor I will not defile this boat with her scarlet blood..But remeber this she shall never walk amongst or with me as an equal. White Aris tried to move towards Taka but her eyes were still burining with intensity. This was the true form of a warrioe elf. If he could just provoke her he woouls see her full powers. Whit Aris remebered the tale that was told to him about this elf. The one that caused many deaths. She was powerful....Very powerful. White Aris started to walk to Taka consoling her as he watched her rage continue. Taka's body became engulfed in a flame of fire and Aris noticed that the boat had begun to shift and toss widely. Glancing out onto the ocean he saw what was happining. A large storm was coming large bolts of lighting were danicing upon the water and the thunder that could awaken the dead was souding. Taka- I am no longer who you wish for...I am...A warrior...My family died...I am Taka. Just then a familar face came running into the room. Grabbing Taka's body he fell to the floor. Rin-Taka stop! Remeber the fights we had? Mercernary's Remember? This is not you please you will kill someoen out here! Please stop Taka! Taka's eyes for brief moment cascaded back to being her beutiful torquoise. But instantly turning the dark blood-red again. Taka- You....Unhand me! Rin fell back and his his head against a barrel filled with salt. Aris continued to watch Taka her rage unfolding. Serenity glancing at the fallen Rin walked up to the two Aris who were both standing in awe. Serenity-She has power like that of god's. I must stop her.... Serenity tried to make a binding spell saying chant after chant but Taka was already on the move. Taka- You dishonered yourself. You touched the wing horse with a vengeful heart. I am no longer keepin that promise I made vby not hurting you! Half-elf begone! Serenity flew in the air almost touching the ground before being caught by the watchful Dark Aris. The Dark Aris knew her powers were only rising not weakinging but he still felt like he had to do something. Glanicing at the Whit Aris his face full of shame.He did not want to ask his half for help but they would need it... Dark Aris- We can't kill but we can bring her down. I hate to fight an elf. Taka- You.....Disgust me! A battle with you...You dishonuered me! Your wench disgraced Kanda...I have no intention of holding back. Both Aris's looked at the elf feeling her rage that was engulfing them. Botht thinking- Neshaia what have you done? Sending me two? I am your servent but now I question my faith. and what is with Rin? How is he and Taka related? -
RPG Knights of Neshaia (Mature language and situations)
Megumi momo replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Taka awoke in sweat. Her body shivering from torment. The sheets of the bed were wrapped around her bare body and it felt like she was choking. Getting up Taka got dressed, staggering to the floor she fell. His pain was so much more stronger now than it had ever been. Looking at Kanda Taka touched the Stallions face and embraced his wings. Taking up her sword Taka looked for a quiet room so that she could think. Taka- If I just swing my sword...If I just forget all about this pain...I can clear my head. Taka walked into an empty cabin and placed her feet in backward stance. Raising the sword she swung it high and gracefully practiced strokes on where she intended to attack her imaginary foe. Faster she swung the sword her thoughts becoming less painful and more understandable. Aris walked by the cabin and watched in awe. The elf looked beautiful swing her silver sword with ease it almost looked like a dance. She was so gracefull but one swipe with her Mani Katti could mean death. Walking in he saw her shoulders relax and Aris put his arms with hers. Together they swung her sword in motion...A bond all their own. helping Taka swing Aris took in her breath and the smell of her hair. he felt her body race with each swing and each movement.When Taka was finished she looked at Aris a smile that could not hide her true anguish. Aris- You...Saved me did'nt you. Taka- I did what I could do. Aris- No...Not the wounds. But the Pain, The dreams, the turmoil Taka looked at Aris and raised her sword. Taka- If I just swing my sword my head will clear. Aris seeing Taka was doing this for him held her arms and gripped the Mani Katti, closing his fingers around Taka's shaking hands. Aris- Let me swing with you...I long for comfort...I long for My head to clear. Taka realxed and turned toward Aris her body becoming frail in his arms. His face was so close to hers that she could not help what she felt. Dropping the Mani Katti to the floor Taka kissed Aris. She felt his arms and gripped his back hoping that he would return her love some day. When Taka's lips left Aris she again picked up her sword. Aris- You will stay and fight with me...Do you care that much? Taka- I said I would share your pain. I meant it. Every night I see your pain and I share it, I console it I will even take it. Please...I am here for you...I... Aris looked at the elf hushing her lips and guiding her with the sword. Taka- If I just swing my sword.... Aris-I can clear my head... -
Okay I know exactly what you are going through. I also am forever trying to beat and prove guys that I am the ****. Don't sweat it keep your gaming and do what ya want. And if they still give you a hard time challange them. Beat my friend Tamaru at Kof and Street Fighter alpha 3 in 9 out of 11 battles 6 perfects. thats how ya do it.
Dog- after this can we kill the photograper?
Over 5000 years ago Dasdil was a land of great harmony. Each race lived amongst others in pefect harmony seasons came and went while rivers and food flowed in abundence. It was the home of the elves some say. But all that changed when an enity of pure desruction decided to destroy that beutiful land. This enitity was known onlt as Scarent the war god. Scarent traveled through the lands of Dasdil creating havoc and death where ever he went. A woman named Elibe who had been following this evil became aware of the trials to come. Calling upon fallen warriors she asked for their help. No one would answer the call until an elf who had been known only as Kasumi stepped forward. She was a young elf but she also saw the fate of Dasdil and offered her sword. Elibe looked at the Kasumi and answered the young elf's wish. Elibe-Destroy the ring in which he is searching for and you shall save Dasdil along with it's inhabitants. This is a fantasy rpg magic and other mytical elements are allowed. No future stuff at all though. Give you name, bio, personality,apperence,reason for joining Kasumi and race. You can use mine as reference Name-Kasumi Age-unknown Race-Elf Apperence- Kasumi wears a dress made from dragon hide. Her hair is short and a light shade of blue. Kasumi's eyes are deep green. Weapon-Sword and Bo'staff Bio-Kasumi is the daughter of the LIghting god.(elf) she vows ro save her homeland in search of her brother Narsa whom she is set to marry. Narsa at the time is no longer folowing elven ways and has begun to follow Scarten. Kasumi feels she must save her brother but has no intention of marrying him. More will unfold in the Rpg about her hidden past. Reason for fighting-To save Dasdil and find her brother. Personality- Kasumi is quiet and keeps to herself. She tortures herself for not being able to save her family after Scarten destoyed them.
Okay I am a big fan of Dbz and now i collect the cards. I was wondering if anyone else does. I own over 9367 cards total without the doubles. I also have three cards that are so rare only four were made. Also does anyone collect Jaks pacific Characters dolls? Does anyone play the Dbz game either? I wanna learn.