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Megumi momo

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Everything posted by Megumi momo

  1. I've been playing the bass for two yrs I'm so so on that. The Guitar I been learning. I am more of the singer in the band called Konkretepedal69. I also have another band which I play primarly bass nad I am the lead singer. That one is really hard since mainly all our songs are heavy. That band has been around since 2000 we had a song onlocal lix but Our 2nd bassist seems to be having family problems so we never get to play that much anymore. Here is a piece- Monsters crawling in my closet or maybe it's just a young child dream. I just got lucky But Lucky is not what it seems. I promise life will get better But my mind isn't where it's suposed to stand I forgot my canopener to open the one-minute-life-is-beautiful can. From black utopia
  2. It seems that I have two manga's that I am creating. Percantia-descent into darkness was orignially an anime that I had created with unique storylines. Here is a piece from Percantia- Father Shugo- It seems that the evil is terrorizing Percantia....We can't allow that to happen. If Percantia falls this life we know will be destroyed. Ryuko- Father...It seems that we are in dire need of help...Have you found the vessels? The ones sent to save earth, percantia and mankind Father please say you have found them.... Father Shugo- Yes I have. These two will create the offspring known as Yin. Half good half bad a neturel force. Maybe then the darkness will forever dissappear. Ryuko- Who are they Father? Father Shugo- Your brother Kanjii and the Clentai Rena. God help us, even though that is just a saying. If anyone can draw and can create good character profiles please pm me or just inform me somehow.... And for the android lovers my other manga in the works.. AeMaW- After Earth Mars Android War This is about robots and a virus called the ZI (Zero Immortal) Won't go into detail ....don't have time But here is a Piece Kira- Do you think that androids can coexist with us? Shigure- No....We want supremcy they want peace...how can we coexist with that? Kira- But Reika he seems different he almost seems human.... Shigure- He seems human becasue he has not had a chance to fight us yet...We created them....We made this war...Earth is no longer habitable because of us not them, Yet we blame them for our problems. Kira- Have you forgave time yet? Shigure- No...I'll Never forgive time...Not until I die when There is no time left. Get some sleep Kira tomnorrow we hack into the Mars war unit we have to stop this war this Virus before it kills us all. Kira- I....Lo.. Shigure- Stop! your idle feelings will only interfere. But if it will help I'll hold you tonight...Maybe then your tears and sympathy for the sick race called humans will cease to exist.
  3. I have bought Fire Emblem for the GBA and I think that it should be an anime!
  4. The art is by the same artist of Ranma 1/2. Rumiko Takahashi Inuyasha seems to have quite an audience beacuse of what it deals with. Despite all of the seriousness and fighting Inuyasha doesn't lack a Shojo kind of feeling. Each character down to ones that are only in a few episodes like the "Thunder Brothers" still have their importance to the storyline. The art is quite good but that is from my own opinion. Demons and fighting satisfiy the action but the warming parts of Inuyasha and his love for Kikyo can be quite propelling for the Shojo feel. It deals with everyday life and how you can manage, but not alone, regardless of what others say. Try to watch Inuyasha without your opinions getting in the way you might surprise yourself.
  5. The Bebop is a good show I find the characters quite amusing. I have read and own the manga and that still proves to have it's perks. Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star By Cain Kuga is quite good but only two volumes were made *sniff* But still the art in Cain Kuga's storytelling will blow you away. My favorite episode is when Spike is about to fight Vicious and Faye tries to stop him. What Spike says will forever sound in my ears. "You see my eyes....One sees the past the other sees the Future....I am not afraid of the enevitable...Because I can't see the present"
  6. It seems Mecha is a phenomon but still Gundam wing will always rise out the victor.
  7. I would be Stephen King. Only becuase he has so much to say and his mind is like an asylum. In reality I would rather be no one but myself because only I am who I am and there is no one else like me.
  8. Many years had passed since Ceres had unleashed her hatred for the Mikage family. Aya the Young girl who had grown into a woman now held her daughter in her arms. Things did not turn out the way she planned but Saka was indeed beautiful. She gazed upon Toya as his harsh demeanor washed away at the sight of his daughter. A loud crash outside let Aya know that Yuhi and Suzumi had arrived. Yuhi was holding in his arms his son whom's bright smile resembled his father. Yuhi-Meet Benimaru, Aya, my son. Aya's face lit up but quickly changed as she told Yuhi of the trouble to come. Aya-I have seen her...Another celestial being In my dreams Yuhi... Yuhi looked around the room and then back down at Aya. Yuhi- "Aya who is it...Is it Ceres?" Aya-No Yuhi it is Ceres's daughter. Somehow Tomo wants to have revenge for her mother's anguish. Yuhi-But how can that be Aya? This being was half human..." Aya looked at Yuhi and smiled a grim smile Aya-...Yes but she has the robe...How she has it I do not know but she has it and I feel Tomo wants my daughter. Yuhi glanced at Toya who was watching for Aki. Toya turned around and looked at his wife. Toya-"Aya..I think that Yuhi must teach his son the ways to protect Saka and we should meet on their sixteenth birthday." Aya shook her head Aya-But Toya why must...Very well I agree, Yuhi In 15 yrs I will see you. My brother wishes not to see his neice. I understand." Ceres what havoc have you wrecked upon my family." This is a subsidary of the Ceres celestial legend by YU watasae The stroy line will be quite different but new characters and old characters are welcome. The spots that are still open as of now are Benimaru, Aki and his son Naku, Yuhi and Kagami's daughter Reiha The spots that are taken are Toya and Suzumi, also Aya These characters however can be used by everyone since they are helpful to new and old story plots Say you character, Bio eyes hair personality spercailty and reason why you are in the story. for example Saka/Tomo Age-16/Unknown Hair-Blue/Red Eyes-lavender/yellow Personality-Sweet and kind is a good martial artist perfers to not fight. She is quiet and seems to be very mysterious./ Tomo- Harsh and cruel wants revenge on the person who defiled her mother. She only is calm when around Yuhi. She is destructive and angery. Bio- Saka is the daughter of Toya and Aya. On her 16th birthday she feels and ominant presence and starts to have dreams, horrible dreams. She knows not much about the hidden past of her mother and father and wishes not to know. Tomo is a celestial being who wants revenge on the Mikage who have defiled her mother. She appears at Saka's 16th birthday in saka herself but is repressed by Benimaru, Yuhi's son. Please post amd pm me is you want an original character in the storyline
  9. Ishtar confused and feeling lost walked up to her pegusus a small tear traveling down her face. Ishtar-"I was foolish to ever believe I had a chance" she said in shame. Gently patting Kanda she unsheathed her sword looking at her reflection. When she glanced away and back at the shimmering silver another face was along side hers. Ishtar-"Step back and I won't kill you..... Man-"I suggest you not try that young elf. Ishtar confused stepped back placing her feet on the ground looking for an opening to attack the figure. When the moonlight streamed across the sky the light showed the shadow. Ishtar- You.... You called yourself Xvirran did you not? The reptailian beast shook his head his scales lighting irredescent with the moonlight. Ishtar still alert kept her Mani katti at eye level making sure the beast had no way of attacking. Xvirran smiled a cunning smile and looked at the elven beauty right into her Torquoise eyes that were becoming laced with red. Xvirran-Just thought to let you know that they are serving drinks now... That is if you are thirsty" Ishtar kept her guard up looking at the beast a glimmer of hostility edging her voice. Ishtar-What are you doing here, Who are you,Why do I feel like I know you?" Xvirran started to walk away his wings engulfing his body. Not even looking back he remained silent for a moment then answered with calmness. Xvirran-Your questions mean nothing...Go on Get upset... Your human feelings mean nothing to me. I am along for the ride that's all I intend be here for. And one more thing We have met....but you need not know when. With his final words the being took flight. Ishtar resheathed her sword and walked up to her pegusus. Ishtar- Kanda..take me to the moutains maybe the rain will hear my pain and wash my tears in it's dew.
  10. I like all of the series in which you had mentioned. Truly I started out one day when nothin was on and Gundam 0083rd was on. The moment I saw the Zaku's I was hooked. I found that despite story line the action was cool. Personally I AM a Gw fan none to say the least but I still apperciate the other Gundam shows and what they had to offer. I even gave the ancestor shows props like Robotech. G Gundam was a little on the flop side for me but even so the Gundams had me hooked. I just find Gw more intriguing because of these warriors who are but young boys tyring to find who they are by fighting.
  11. Ryoko son Gender- female Weapon- She has none but is nknow for her power ball called Bi Ryu shuu kann also she can do a Gallick gun and forcefeild attack along with energy blasts. Apperence- short spiked black hair and a good muscle toned body. She wears a black fitted tee and dark grey jeans that are torn and ripped. Aeound her neck is the familar necklace that broly used to wear that even she is not aware of. Personality- She bases most of her life on honor and loyalty her passion for fighting is quite high which sometimes can be her downfall. She has an arrogant attitude and seems to not generally care about anyone. Bio- Ryoko is a full fledged sayian. Her brother was the legendary Broly. Ryoko was out into suspended animation when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Her father tried to find a cure for her wounds but was at lost. When Goku and Vegeta along with the other came to The new planet vegeta they found Ryoko In an container that was labeled Up4 Ultimate power 4. Ryoko has no memeory of her past and only sometimes can remeber her brothers face. She was sent to earth to find Goku and destroy him but instaed found Goten whom she fell in love with. She keeps her idenity of being a super sayian hidden until a battle with hot-headed Vegeta pulls out her true form. Ryoko seems to have a killing desire wiithhin her but she supresses it around Goku and the Z warriors. Side- Can she be neither.... She is confused.
  12. Name- Ishtar Sakazaki Aka Taka Age- unknown Gender-female Race-Elf Hair-Long flaming hair which is never down. Held high in a ponytail. Eyes-Torquoise Blue But turn red when she is fighting. Armor- Ishtar's only armor is a knight crest that was given to her father by a gallant knight. The knight crest is a long sheild made of manthane-and elven metal which is unpentraable unless magic is used. Kanda- has metal plates that cover his hooves and wings. Weapons- Mani Katti- a magic sword that was passed down through Ishtar's family. It engulfs the weirlder in pure flame when the weilder is damaged greatly. It also cannot be used by anyone with an evil heart. A silver lance- her silver lance is only used when she is riding Kanda her Pegusus Powers- Ishtar can call upon elemnts at anytime earth air fire water thunder rain lighting. Using these powers Ishtar can summon magic which strikes down her emeny. Ishtar can also multpy herself for a single attack. Personality-Ishtar is a warrior elf so she never lets her guard down. She is quiet and mysterious, but when with Kanda her pegusus, she is sweet and kind. Ishatr is quick to act and hesitant to act on her true feelings. She is more of a dangerous creature and entering combat with foul intention could mean losing your life. Apperence- Ishtar has Torquoise eyes and long flaming red hair tyed in a high ponytail. two long strands of hair are her bangs which is a navy blue. She has a fully matured body and muscles that look like they have been through rigours training. A small tattoo for the Symbol of fire trails down her left cheek in black ink. Ishtar has light skin with a beautiful face that is often hidden beneathe her long bangs. She wears a gray tank top with a skirt that covers only her front and back leaving her long-muscular legs to be shown. Another tattoo on her bare stomach is in elven language meaning loyalty. Biography- Ishtar was trained as an warrior elf at a very young age after her father was killed. During her training she sought a number of human bandits egging on fights to get stronger. There she met a Drow who at first sight fell in love. Confused at her feelings she ingaged a battle with him. The bandits saw her weakness and attacked. The drow later revealed himself as Aris as he took Ishtar to a nearby inn to treat her wounds. Confused and afraid Ishtar left the inn seeking atonment for her feelings. When the tribe heard of Ishtar's mistake they sentenced her to death but a Mysterios mage saved her on his winged horse. The Mage was known as Erk a great magician who used anima magic. Erk taught the young elf all he could before he died giving his winged horse Kanda to Ishtar. Later Ishtar became a mercenary for hire known as Taka. Kinship to the Chosen one- She has fallen in love with the lone hero and seeks atonement for her feelings. Deep down Ishtar will never say what she feels. She meets the lone hero again but not on good terms she is asked to kill the lone hero but instaed joins with him to save the land. Is this okay and can Kanda be in the story? Kanda is Ishtar's pegusus
  13. I've been falling down the bottomless pits of despair and I have finally hit the bottom. I've been staring at my reflection in the mirror of an empty Vodka bottle. I've accepted me when I should have tried harder to change. I denied myself happiness just so I could stay the same. The pain is familar I know it's every move but something new could destroy me. So I accept each tear, each razor that seems to scar me. My inabilty to change is a curse to some but to me it brings freedom, a resting place free from pain. But one move in unfamilar terrortoy I make a millon mistakes so I refrain. But seasons come and go and sometimes just to live you have to change who you are. Even if that means giving up on what you beleive in and letting down barriers in you heart. Ive been through so much and I still have alot to go through. My eyes have been covered but I have seen all my faults through the blindfold. I've learned many things and I have forgotten everything that I wanted to know. I tried to love but I have given up on everything beacuse I would sink so low. So day after day Lie after lie I get lost in what I want to be. Every moment every whipser seems to change me. I've said evrything about pain but not about why I am falling here. I realized things don't happen for a reason they are coincedences that come from fear. The fear to change so many things are wrong with that sentence. with that words. But again I am afraid to change then the difference could be worse. But now a grown person who has been down the bottemless pits of despair and has finally hit the bottom. Is ready to change and leave fear to be forgotten.
  14. Well Thankfully this poem is not mine. I heard it from my friend John who seems to be in tune with everything about the matirx. Another thig John is quite young and due to the fact that I am older He asked for me to post. I find his poem lacking in certain areas and I also find it irratating but I still think in some ways something here could have been said or could not have been said. I apperciate you veiws and yes Posion Tounge you have a great sense of touch for the Matrix I commend you.
  15. The Prolouge Many months have passed and the worlds fighters have returned home. The evil known as Bison has been destroyed by a young man. And Project Krizalid was finished. The world was at peace or so it thought. A force of pure evil, a giver of death, the original known as Shin Akuma was ready to kill again. He travelled land after land looking for the mysterious clone known as Krizalid. Krizalid was finished but not deleated. When Shin Akuma found what he had been searching for the response was deadly. Upon awaking the Clone,Shin Akuma and Krizalid joined forces. The Pycho drive was still usable and with that power Shin Akuma would destroy mankind. Upon hearing this america's forces rushed to the cry for help. The fighters from all over known as "The Street Fighters" And the fighters from the Orchi battle known as the "king of fighters" awaited the arrival of their allies. an person can have a 2 team group from either of the Kof series or Street Fighter. Give brief discription of you team duo and why they want to join the fight. No 2 people can have the same character. If you wanna have your own Character in the story...Give an brief explaination of how your character is connected to the stroy line. Benimaru- Age-unknown Group-Kof Reason for fighting this battle- Wants to get revenge on Krizalid for what he did to K'. Apperence- Dyed his hair from blonde to Flaming red that stands straight up. His outfit is a fitted black tee and a pair of faded gray jeans. Weapon-none Known for- He can manupliate lighting,electricity etc. also can multiply himself for a single attack giving an holographic image which attacks the opponet. His partner Kasumi Age-unknown Group-Kof Reason for fighting-Good friend of Shingo Yabuki who was killed during the battle with Krizalid. Hopes to become a better fighter. Apperence-Blue hair tyed in a high ponytail with a red sash that was given to her by her father. Wears a blue kimono with a white top. Known for- Ectasy crunch- waves of chi that attack the opponet within seconds. Also known for the Invisable body throw-this allows her body to asorb any attack that has been thrown at her and change the flow of chi(energy) from that of enemy to that of her own. Weapon-none
  16. Thanks for the insight the only way I can become a better artist at what I do is to have people tell me my faults. In reality I write better poems when I have a intrest in what I write. Vampires have been a fave for a while but the poems are dead. I apperciate all of the commets and I only wish to try harder at what I write. Somethings are what they are because of how they came to be. You will never suceed until your faults are placed in frot of you on a platter. Chinease Proverb.
  17. [COLOR=crimson]I don't believe in voting. Call me weird but the thing is America sits around and blabs about freedom and all this other stuff about how we are not a hiarchy but in reality we are the king who proves hiarchy has it's usuage. If somone is not what you want ruling you country and the rest aint fit to do it then why in the hell would you waste your time on someone else who is not qualified to do the job. Personally I do not vote but I give bush a little respect he has the country in mind not his check.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=crimson]He sucks. His music tends to have the same beat and contantly he talks about things that mean nothing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]This bullet proof nonsense is just a way to get noticed. Hell I could wear bullet proff stuff and become more important than he is and actually have something worthwhile to say.[/COLOR]
  19. Bruce almighty....one of my favorites but I like the old school I adore Ace ventura pet detective when nature calls. "nonsesense poopypants" "everyone loves a slinky you gotta get a slinky slinky slinky go slinky go" It's in my hair it's in my hair I think he is talented in everyway he rocks....
  20. Dreams Sometimes I see it...I see how fake this world is. Sometimes I believe it..I belive that someone else notices. When I wake up from a dream I realize that my dream was more real.' I don't have that common feeling when I dream because I don't feel. There are so many lies that this world tells so many things this world hides. That when reality comes back into focus I feel more dead than alive. I try to understand the truth.. Try to understand why things happen the way they do. But I give up hope... and watch for a message something that is actually true. One day I will have my answer, one day My dreams will be reality. And when that day comes I will find him the man they call Morpheus
  21. Megumi momo

    old songs

    Okay I ran by the flock of seagulls and Tainted love by soft cell... the 80's were cool Love me two times by The Doors and the best song about being messed up Double vision by forigener
  22. Kurt Cobain was murdered...some say and another group say he committed suicide. The stress of being big was getting to Kurt cobain so he overdosed. answer number one. He was murdered by his wife love because she did not lke all the attention he was getting plus his multi millon dollar asscets. answer number two. If you wanna really find out look for unsolved mysteries...the show They did a very good piece on Kurt Cobain and it opens new areas for how he died got any question just pm me no prob
  23. A deadly trio would have to be.... The Deathscythe, because of it's quick attacks that can be also used underwater and in the air. The sandrock because of it's quick moblity and usauge of the turrain on which the battle is being fought and the Tallgeese, it's quick can do long and short range attacks and the Mega cannon rocks...
  24. Gundam heavyarms? I think it's cool Gundam but it is quite heavy, okey on the mobility, but it has a lot of ammo. If i wanted to go into a fight I suggest the Sandrock or Deathscythe. Mainly because they are both fast in moblity good in a turain and have many types of attacks. Though No name Trowa and the Heavyarms is a good team Duo and the Deathscythe are better
  25. My fave character is Duo Maxwell. I love is outwardness and the way he seems to light up the worst situations, but at the same time Duo himself can be quite serious quoting " I am the GOd of Death". I think he shows more than he's telling and I also like his hiddden past at the Maxwell church. Plus the Deathscythe Hell Custom rocks! "Hell scisscors slash"
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