Megumi momo
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Everything posted by Megumi momo
Many of the characters of Gw have complex story lines but the one that seems to facinate me the most is Wu fei. Wu fei was a prince of a tribe that seemed to honor themselves as being the strongest. The daughter of the tribe cheif was supoosed to wed Wu fei(it could be the other way around):( . She intended on showing Wu fei that he needed her but she did not need him. When a war broke out the girl piloted the "Nataku" a dragon gundam. Quickly shot down Wu fei was at her rescue. His true feelings became visable. Seeing her death Wu fei took control piloting the Dragon gundam. Wu fei wants to know what true justice is but in return he wants atonment for the death of his wife. During a time when Wu fei loses against Treize he says"I am sorry Nataku but i am not worthy to Pilot you... I am weak" His quest for atonment is only masked by his pain for justice that he will continually seek...
fave couple? I adore the relationship between Wu fei and his fiance in the manga GUndam wing. He finds her irratating and she finds him a waste of breath, but during a dark moment before her death Wu fei lets her know that he cares. Another realtionship is melissa and Louie from Rune solider. It's so cute! Karou and Kenshin is quite good too
anthing that has to do with rap annoys me... and the girly punk also i have my own band and there is now way in hades we sound llike that
Personally I like endings that suit the anime. Endings that are sappy tend to infuritae me while endings that are sad tend to rather make me sad. I like an ending to make you think or imply that the story does not end here.
Anime which cartoon do you prefer out of..
Megumi momo replied to Anime`babe's topic in Otaku Central
I adore Kenshin but placing Inuyasha right beside of it was kinda of hard. One of my all time fave though is the Real Bout Highschool dvd collection (which I own:D ) Inuyasha I love due to the fighting and my favorite charater Koga. Kenshin would have to be the oav's mainly because the art is done beautifully and so is the story. -
Dragonball z should have stopped where Akira Toriyama wanted it to. After the cell saga I think.. The Buu saga at times was worthwhile but after a while I got annoyed. I think the movies should have done their thing but the anime needed to stop at the one and only DBZ because GT sucked.
My favorite moment is actaully three. My first favorite is when Goku saw kryllin die and just turns saper saiyan. the anime was good but I like that part in the manga especially when he says "How could you kill someone so good? Prepare to die Frieza" My second favorite moment is during the Buu saga when Vegeta blows himself up*brings tears to the eye* My third is Z warriors prepare.. Bulma tells vegeta to take a bath and gives hima pink shirt "Men where pink on this planet how obsurd" quote The prince himself
[QUOTE]HE CALLS GOKU GOKU! It's supposed to be Kakarotto. Also the best lines were altered. Even in the uncut version it was altered[/QUOTE] Okay kakarotto is the korean version of the japenses kakarot depending on which version you saw depends on what each charcter says. I have the dbz movie number twelve "The rebirth of fusion" It's my favorite given that it pairs unlikey allies to gether. But to amplify what i said eariler in the japanease version of #12 Janaba laughs but in the korean versio he says die! also bardok is the japenese version and korean it's bardokoso
Anime Gundam Wing and Relena*asking for trouble*
Megumi momo replied to Verykawaiineko's topic in Otaku Central
I'm not really a big fan of Relena but I understand her reason for being infatuated/ in love with Heero. Relena has a overwhelming need to save mankind from destroying itself so naturally she feels she must save the lost hero from destroying himself. As you get closer into the story anime or manga the relationship with Heero and relena get's closer. Into the manga there is a point where Heero does not confess his feelings to Relena but instaed acts on them *blind target* As for Duo he may act like he is close to Heero but only to an extent. The outwardness of Duo will only push Heero away. Trowa and Quatre are close given the fact that neither of them feel quite whole. The both feel lost and often wonder why they pilot the heavyarms and sandrock. Wu fei had once been married to a girl in his clan/tribe etc. who had piolted the "Nataku" or hence his dragon type gundam. she had died in the process which forever changed Wu fei from bookworm to fighting for justice. he is most unlikely to find a parring because of his forever search to find atonment. I hope this gives insight to the fact that relena may be annoying and agravating but she is only infatuated with heero because of her overwheling desire to save him. -
Okay to tie loose ends up the manga can do so. Read Blind target- there is no 2nd to blind target this will help you undestand endless waltz to undertsnad endless waltz even better get the manga Episode zero this manga explains how trieze and lisa barton get together it also sets up a very well explaned time line
I am but nothing I live inly to die. I am but what you want me to be. I have seen many sorrows that have beckoned my heart. You are a lost soul asking direction. What direction you ask I can't help you seek. The road you point to is bloody cold and dark. I only wish that my urge to see blood would be forgotten. Your eyes are so innocent... so confused that they are. You have stared at a murder smiled laughed with the bloodlust. It is only mutual that I do the same near your corpse. You see I kill, I have no reason to Love hate or care. I have been forsaken by the cross yet I carry it. Eveything I told you, you have dismissed. So now I stare into those lifeless eyes I wonder why you did not run. Your blood is fruit to me only it's naturel that I make haste to taste the nector. You silly useless girl, you just saw your last killer. so this is a vamp poem i hope it's good!
Rena stared at the veiw. Whitey had carried Kanjii over now it was her turn. The moutain was covered in a thick white blanket of snow and the trees seem to shake silently. When Rena got to the scene Kanjii's face was very grave. "Someone is trying to strenghten you father" A lite blue sparkle seemed to move up and down as if agreeing. Rena's eyes enlargened "Maskuet" she replied uncertain. Maskuet revealed herself. Her face in surprise as well. "Rena Kumakari....." she said. "Rena we must stop him he seems to be multipying his strenghth by feeding of the GOd's energy. It seems that only a few of us has answered the call.. but as few as we may be we still have to save Percantia." Rena swallowed and looked at the three grim faces "Where do we go?" Whitey and MAskuet looked at the ground and simutanously said "Rasda forest, where a man becomes a boy and the strong fall weak." Whitey lifeted his head his heart felt heavy a dark presence was with them. It was not prominat it must be a trapped soul sharing someones body but who would have this strength? who could assume this power that was like that of angel?" he thought. Kanjii's fingers traced his sword as he watched Rena do the same with her Halbred. "Fine then to Rasda forest we go, may we come out alive" Maskuet flew over to Rena"Rena... I am glad I found you.......
Hey a Naginta is my halbred my girls name is rena but that's okay!
Anime The movies you have to have to be an anime god
Megumi momo replied to Megumi momo's topic in Otaku Central
I like that people are giving ideas. Yes the Mecha anime should be considered in this but i wanted to give the three most(highly acclaimed) movies. If I wanted to fully go out i would have to interduce Record of lodos war Millenium Actress Any of the Dragon ball Z movies(hence Akira Toriyama) NInja Scroll Ruroni Kenshin(the oav's) Robotech GUndam wing Spriggan these are kust a few but to sum up the movies to be a god would have to be a long list so i took the most revered and made this post -
My favorite car is the 1967 cuda' The main reason is before my dad left my life he would always pick me up in this 67' cuda' that was black i could always here the car purring as i got closer to the door and when i sat behind the wheel for the first time and flet this awsome structure beneathe me i almosy passed out at the sheer exctasy that this car gave me. within seconds i could feel this power coming from the pony car and i knew that i was queen of th road.
1. Akira 2. Armitage the third 3.Ghost in a shell My friends and I got into the decussion of if you are an anime god what movies do you have to own to be revered that... so i thought you have to have movies by the godfathers themselves... Especially Akira..... I am Tetsuo....
Okay not to be mean but what is the facination with jumping around on pads with arrows? I just see no fun in that what so ever ......:therock: :butthead:
Anime Favorite Dragonball Video game of all time!
Megumi momo replied to Heretic_Hatred's topic in Otaku Central
My favorite game is ultimate battle 22 why because it rocks it may be old but i love the fact that when your life gets really low you can do a totally differnt veriation of your orginal super attack i aslo like gt 500 or something like that not because it is good but because i want to own it since only about 2000 were made -
I remember getting up early and hearing my dad yell"why don't you be more like a girl" as sat in front of the tv watching teenage mutant turtles and screaming at shredder!. eating my coco puffs
This story takes place in the mythical land of Percantia where dragons and gods make peace. Percantia was once peaceful until Drakos Kumakari a ruthless god decided to take over the land. With Percantia's god's obeying Drakos's evil orders Percantia was thrown into years of death and blackness. The elders decicded it was time to act calling forth the last of the gods who were in hiding they held a council. "What should we do?" cried Shugo the god of fire "The time has come!" Seto replied the god of water "we most call forth warriors from all over to take back percantia" This land belongs to us! Sanda the god of earth smiled "Who do we call forth?" Sanda's brother Lusta stood up with grimace written on his face "We call forth the spellmasters,the clariks, the warriors,the angels, anyone, Percantia can no longer stay in Drakos's hands. Shugo shook his head "Very well we will result to war" Seto ran his hands through his hair small tears flowing from his eyes "War is how we bring peace dear brother Percantia has seen many wars but peace has always found it's way back into Percantia" Sanda grabbed her brothers hand "elders we must call them forth now!" Lusta held his sisters hand tightly "What about Rena Kumakari? Do you believe she will help us?" Seto glared at Lusta anger hinting in his voice"how dare you speak her name in the god's presence! She may be human but she is the daughter of the god who is destroying Percantia! have you lost your damn mind at the thought od Percantia falling?" Shugo shook his brother and slapped him across his face "she is human but not just any we need her to stop her fathers massacre." "Fine shugo what about the wandering clarik-samurai? Kanjii? Shall we ask him?" Shugo looked at the frigtened faces of the remaing gods "yes" he said trembling. The age of darkness shall come to a close. Rena sighed as the wind slowly danced in her hair. "I wonder who will answer the call" she thought. Her eyes seemed to show much though as she sat down on a large rock that overlooked the Town of Masters. Rena took out her Naginta and looked at her reflection that seemed to stare back at her. She glanced down at the small dirt path and smiled weakly. "The notice was put out where are the others?" she said out loud. Soon as the words left her lips she saw a familar kimono. Rena's heart began to race "Could it be" she wondered. Rena jumped up and began running down the sloping rock carefully watching her foot movement. As the man in the blue-white kimono got closer Rena noticed the same flaming red hair that was tied in a ponytail. Her body began to shake as goosebumps began slowly travelling up her spine. With a desperate smile Rena shouted"Kanjii is that you? Kanjii have you come to help?" The man looked up his sword resting on his fingertips. When his eyes laid upon the young woman who had called his name he felt an ominous presence."Rena, he said We are not safe here....please we need to take shelter away from this mountain I feel a darkness." Rena saw the seriosness in Kanjii's eyes and unsheathed her Naginta. She looked at Kanjii's feet and noticed that they were slowly moving into backward stance. Rena nodded and followed Kanjii's movement. "What's happining?" "I don't know Kanjii replied "but get ready I think the only way in is to fight that....Kanjii pointed to the large dragon like monster. Rena gasped "A Basilisk what's it doing her it belongs in the city of darkness" Kanjii smiled and unsheathed his sword."It's party time"
In some ways I understand your problem given the fact that I have dealt with many problems concerning parents and their descions. This may have been told to you but Simply put "Tell your father. And don't just tell him bits and pieces tell him everything. Tell him that this is your life and that you apperciate his concern but only YOU can decide what to make of your life. Don't do it harshly or he may turn away from you not being able to hear you out because of your hostility. Be sincere with everything you say, and say it from the heart. And one more thing...you are what you are because of the choices you make. YOu wanna be a video game designer..so be that. Even if you are downlooked on upon family friends etc. or whomever may feel that you are wrongly making a descision just remeber this WILL YOU BE HAPPY DOING SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T WANNA DO...BE YOURSELF AND NOTHING ELSE.
Okay i love rune solider i bought the first one on a whim! now i'm collecting the whole series!!! Genie is awsome "Are you an idoit tell me underneathe that hair is there brains" Louie is dumb-"NIce to do YOu" Merriyl is weird-"I promise I wasn't gonna kill him" And melissia is whiny"this is aginst my will"
My first time was when Taomaru my friend from korea handed me the Korean version of Shonen Jump he read it loud to me and said "they make it in american too" the next day i saw shonen jump and bought it along with vampire princess miyu i was 10!
Okay Chiverly is nice. I think treating me like a lady is cool but i love football and pizza and getting into fights with guys i love cars and all that so the way i see it is treat me like a lady but don't overdue it!!! i hate wheni can't open my own door or when i'm asked for help when i'm workin on my Cuda'! But nice men are always welcome!