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Everything posted by dragonrose

  1. Heh, you guys come up with the best schedules.^^ I can't top those, so here's Adult Swim's current schedule and Toonami's schedule. Weekdays on AS: 11:00 p.m. Family Guy 11:30 p.m. Futurama 12:00 a.m. Sealab 2021 12:15 a.m. Sealab 2021 12:30 a.m. Inuyasha 1:00 a.m. Case Closed 1:30 a.m. Lupin the 3rd Saturdays on AS: 11:00 p.m. Venture Brothers 11:30 p.m. Futurama 12:00 a.m. Inuyasha 12:30 a.m. Wolf's Rain 1:00 a.m. Cowboy Bebop 1:30 a.m. Trigun Sundays on AS - no anime, so why post it? Toonami: 7:00 p.m. Dual Masters 7:30 p.m. Rave Master 8:00 p.m. Teen Titans 8:30 p.m. Justice League 9:00 p.m. Megas XLR 9:30 p.m. Yu Yu Hakusho 10:00 p.m. Dragonball GT 10:30 p.m. Gundam SEED It's hard trying to navigate through Toonami's schedule now. I can't even see if they're going to add/change a show or what episodes are playing. ~*dragonrose*~
  2. Here's something I didn't expect...a new weekdays schedule!it takes effect this Monday. 11:00 p.m. Family Guy 11:30 p.m. Futurama 12:00 a.m. Aqua Teen 12:15 a.m. Aqua Teen 12:30 a.m. Inuyasha 1:00 a.m. Case Closed 1:30 a.m. Lupin the 3rd Does anyone know if WHR is returning around October?I have a feeling it might. ~*dragonrose*~
  3. Yay for you Dagger! Some of us aren't that lucky. The schedule has changed, and Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, and WHR fans need to take notice. It goes into effect July 3. Here you go. 11:00 p.m. Futurama 11:30 p.m. Sealab 2021 11:45 p.m. Sealab 2021 12:00 a.m. Inuyasha 12:30 a.m. Wolf's Rain 1:00 a.m. Cowboy Bebop 1:30 a.m. Trigun Take notice everyone, and a few people might have to change their VCR or DVR timer settings.^^ ~*dragonrose*~
  4. [QUOTE=Silent Shadows]wait, I couldn't watch CN last Sat., and what were the times for those? was it adult swim's entire line up? If so, what about WHR and Wolf's Rain? :eek: [/QUOTE] The schedule that I posted yesterday is the current one. The episodes listed there are the ones that are playing this Saturday. WHR takes FLCL's timeslot at 12:00 midnight, while Wolf's Rain is still at it's normal time slot at 11:30 pm. Like I said before, it does an encore of the exact episodes, exact order. so basically, it's like that schedule times two. :) ~*dragonrose*~
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sorry, I tend to confuse people a lot. I'll quote my source on this one, so that I don't confuse anymore people. [QUOTE]Very little was changed in the transition from manga to anime, with one exception; the endings of the two are entirely different. - Animerica, Anime Spotlight of April 2004[/QUOTE] Again, sorry about that. :) ~*dragonrose*~[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Black_Phoenix'] What is CN thinking? :confused:[/quote] Maybe they want to test the loyalty of anime fans or something.^_^ Anyways, here's the current schedule of Adult Swim for Saturdays: 11:00 p.m. Inuyasha - Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell 11:30 p.m. Wolf's Rain - Moon's Doom 12:00 a.m. Witch Hunter Robin - Stubborn Aesthetics 12:30 a.m. Big O - Legacy Of Amadeus, A 1:00 a.m. Cowboy Bebop - Jupiter Jazz -- Part 1 1:30 a.m. Trigun - Live Through And then it does an encore of the same episodes, so I'm not even going to bother posting after 1:30. I noticed that they got rid of FLCL...more line-ups later. Bye! ~*dragonrose*~
  7. I thought it was really good...though the drawing was kinda weird. Anyways, I thought it was good, a perfect ten. There is one difference, however. In the manga series, [COLOR=Black]the ending is [B]completely[/B] different[/COLOR] from the anime series ending. I think I spoiled it for those who haven't read the manga series, did I? Oops. Sorry. ~*dragonrose*~
  8. Yep, boys are not likely to blab their hearts out. Neither can some girls. We just like keeping some things to ourselves, kinda like a diary. But if he really does something like what you posted in your second post, then that should've never escaped his mouth! :mad: It should've stayed in his weird [I had another word for it, but I don't want to get in trouble by a mod!] little mind. :cool: It may be a common practice like Undefeated said, but it has to be the grossest thing I have ever heard!! Good luck with dealing with this though. :D ~*dragonrose*~
  9. [QUOTE]One thing I don't like/ want to have changed is the song thing. I mean it is cool and all but it doesn't work on everyone's computer, I know this because it doesn't work on mine and five other friends I have. So I would like it to go back to the way it is. [/QUOTE] I'm going to have to agree with 50 cent on this one. I have IE 6 and it says, 'Your Browser doesn't support this feature.' Same thing with my other browser. I've also noticed that it sometimes [I]does[/I] work, but most of the time I get that meesage. If they were back to normal, I bet a lot of people will be happy. Just an opinion. ~*dragonrose*~
  10. [quote name='morpheus13']i have heard a rumor on the internet that YYH is coming back the first of may with new episodes and i was wondering if anybody knows if this is true[/quote] Well, I'm not sure if this confirms it but, yes new episodes of YYH start tonight at 9:30 pm sharp!Yay! [About time too.] Also, there is suposed to be a new line-up, but I'll edit this post and put it up later. ~*dragonrose*~
  11. [quote name='morpheus13']i have heard a rumor on the internet that YYH is coming back the first of may with new episodes and i was wondering if anybody knows if this is true[/quote] Not likely. I checked the shcedule and I didn't see anything for May 1st. Also, as usual, they will start from ep. 1. Bye! ~*dragonrose*~
  12. [QUOTE=DDG][font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]No, just sign up for a free account. I mean, use their pages to put your images on, such as quizzes and buttons, then provide a link to those quizzes/buttons/other images in your introduction.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]You wouldn't even have to use their servers to upload the images to, because as long as they have a place where you can use HTML to insert images (I know that both Freewebs and Geocities do) and you know the URL to that image, you can just use tags to insert images onto the page.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]I completely agree. Today when I went to edit my Introduction, it deleted half of it because there were too many characters. ;_; I barely even had anything there either. It was just three image tags to my buttons, one to my intro banner, and some font tags. Nothing extreme at all. Now my intro is pretty bland, it's just a sentence or two and an intro banner.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Oh, that's what you meant. I thought you meant actually uploading the images and using the URL to post it up. Okay, I get it now. You kinda lost me on that one. I was about to ask you to pm me a translation. ^^ I won't have to edit my Intro. because it's so short, but yeah Adam should change it otherwise he will be getting lots and lots of angry emails....and for the sake of all the other people who use images and extreme HTML coding like all of my friends. ~*dragonrose*~
  13. [QUOTE=DDG][font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Yes, I know this has already been said but there should maybe be something that just limits the number of images on a site, in introductions and maybe even on posts. That way, people with lots of coding in there introductions can get it all in.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]It would still be somewhat of a problem for members with buttons on there sites, though. A simple solution would be to create a webpage somewhere, (such as Freewebs or Geocities) and then put the images there, then link to that site in your introduction or something. ^_^[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] But wouldn't that require them to pay a certain amount of dollars per month. Geocities and Freewebs don't support image hosting. [Trust me, I tried.] Also, most image hosts would give 1.1 megabytes or something like that for free image hosting. I'm not sure about you guys and your images, but I have some big file sizes for some of the smallest images. :( ~*dragonrose*~ Edit: I agree with Desbreko on this one! It'd really put a lid on creativity for the sites!Try and make it 1,000 so that people can stop complaining about no images showing!
  14. Yeah, I've noticed that images won't show for the Introduction becuse some of the image's HTML either goes over 600 characters or makes the Intro. really funny-lookin'.[that doesn't affect me 'cause I have a short intro^.^] I know I posted a long time ago when this thread first opened, but I made another wish-list that is surprisnigly short.Here goes! - Optional Comments on posts - [If a person doesn't want comments on their post and turns comments off, they won't be able to see any of their other comments on other posts!That would really bite!] - Graphics Manager or an Image Limit [How many images can be shown at one time. A lot of MyO sites take a [I]very[/I]long time to load due to too many images.] - Put up an Ignore list like on the OB [If you can't really stand someone who spams on your shoutbox and won't stop, what better way to get them to stop than by putting tham on an ignore list!] Also, I know this isn't MyO.- related, but Adam can you do something with the Submit Wallpapers?!It's only the Fruits Basket section that keeps on accepting my wallpaper as a greeting card!I tried emailing you but no reply.Well, bye! ~*dragonrose*~
  15. For those of you that missed most of Toonami on Saturday, I'm putting up the schedule so you can know what you missed and times.[COLOR=DarkRed]Note: All times are in Eastern/Paciffic.[/COLOR]At least, what it is now.I'm not sure if they'll change it during the first week of May. Here you go! :D 7:00 - Duel Masters 7:30 - Movie of the Week: - Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug* 8:00 - 9:30 - Jackie Chan 9:30 - Yu Yu Hakusho 10:00 - Dragon Ball GT 10:30 - Gundam Seed *: When it's May 2 & 3, the movies will start at 7:00 and end at 9:00. I'm not real sure if it's a typo on both of them, since those shows are on Sunday [2nd] and Monday [3rd].What do you think? ~*dragonrose*~
  16. The final, final word for AS on Saturdays just came in...AS is getting Saturdays back, but at a price: the schedules will change from one Saturday and even Sundays will change over this month! I hope you have time, because my post is a long one. Here are [I]all[/I] the schedule changes for this month: [CENTER]Weekdays [Monday - Thursday] [current and remains the same!] 11:00 pm Futurama 11:30 pm Family Guy 12:00 am Witch Hunter Robin 12:30 am Inuyasha 1:00 am Big O 1:30 am Cowboy Bebop 2:00 am Futurama 2:30 am Family Guy 3:00 am Witch Hunter Robin 3:30 am Inuyasha 4:00 am Big O 4:30 am Cowboy Bebop Saturdays [[COLOR=Red]NOTE: Changes several times![/COLOR]] [takes effect:Apr.10] 11:00 pm Star Wars Clone Wars [11-15] 11:30 pm Teen Titans 12:00 am Star Wars Clone Wars [16-20] 12:30 am Knights Of The Zodiac 1:00 am Teen Titans 1:30 am Cyborg 009 2:00 am ToonHeads 2:30 am ToonHeads 3:00 am Chuck Jones Show 3:30 am Tex Avery Show 4:00 am Bugs & Daffy Saturdays [second time] [Takes effect: Apr. 17] 11:00 - 1:00am Animatrix 1:00 am Cowboy Bebop 1:30 am Trigun 2:00 - 4:00 am Animatrix 4:00 am Cowboy Bebop 4:30 am Trigun Saturdays [Third and final time. Hopefully...] [Takes effect: Apr.24] 11:00 pm Inuyasha [new episode!] 11:30 pm Wolf's Rain 12:00 am Fooly Cooly 12:30 am Inuyasha [old ep!] 1:00 am Cowboy Bebop 1:30 am Trigun 2:00 am Inuyasha [encore of new ep!] 2:30 am Wolf's Rain 3:00 am Fooly Cooly 3:30 am Inuyasha [encore of old ep!] 4:00 am Cowboy Bebop 4:30 am Trigun Sundays [Note: [COLOR=Red]This, like Saturdays, changes too![/COLOR] [ current ] 11:00 pm Futurama 11:30 pm Harvey Birdman 11:45 pm Sealab 2021 12:00 am Aqua Teen 12:15 am Space Ghost Coast To Coast 12:30 am Oblongs 1:00 am Big O 1:30 am Cowboy Bebop 2:00 am Futurama 2:30 am Harvey Birdman 2:45 am Sealab 2021 3:00 am Aqua Teen 3:15 am Space Ghost Coast To Coast 3:30 am Oblongs 4:00 am Big O 4:30 am Cowboy Bebop Sundays [second time] [takes effect: Apr.18] 11:00 pm Futurama 11:30 pm Harvey Birdman 11:45 pm Sealab 2021 12:00 am Aqua Teen 12:15 am Aqua Teen 12:30 am Ripping Friends 1:00 am Oblongs 1:30 am Popeye Show 2:00 am Futurama 2:30 am Harvey Birdman 2:45 am Sealab 2021 3:00 am Aqua Teen 3:15 am Aqua Teen 3:30 am Ripping Friends 4:00 am Oblongs 4:30 am Popeye Show Sunday : Apr. 25 :confused: Unknown :confused: [they haven't posted it yet!] [/CENTER] Well, that's all for now. :confused: For those who aren't sure if this is right, you can got to their site and check out the schedules.[[URL=http://schedule.adultswim.com/servlet/ScheduleServlet?action=selectASDay]site link[/URL]] I would also recomend that you go there so you can see what episode is playing when. Bye! ~*dragonrose*~ [I'm happy, are you? :D :D :D ]
  17. The only thing I can think of is putting in an HTML or CSS section for the Introduction [or something close to that]. I've noticed a lot that when I visit a MyO site, some parts of the html code is clearly visible.I find it kind of annoying when a new member puts in a HTML or CSS effect and it doesn't work because something went wrong with coding. If there was a manager like the color manager, people would have a [I]real[/I] easy time putting up graphics.[and not making it look like chaos.]Well, that's just my thought on the matter anyways.Bye! ~*dragonrose*~
  18. What about this? Would this work? :confused: ~*dragonrose*~
  19. I just read about a new series that will get to the US on April 27.[the manga series will be released June 2004 or July 2004]The new series, [B]Saikano[/B], has a bit of a shojo twist from the usual shonen story in the anime and manga series. It all starts out with a high school couple named Chise and Shuji just barely confessing their feelings to one another. After a date, Shuji see's Chise off to go home.That's when things turn worse for Chise. She is kidnapped by the Japanese Government for some reason. Next morning, Shuji is at the mall with his friends and an air raid from a foreign country starts raining missiles. Shortly after the attack begins, the japanese air force takes action and a glowing spark appears and takes down the jets with no trouble at all.The glowing spark crashes right near Shuji and every building within the block is destroyed.Shuji gets up and sees the weapon.I'll give you one guess to who it is.Yup, it's the tiimid and very clumsy Chise. Now Shuji has to deal with the fact that his girlfriend is now the government's weapon of mass destruction. Honestly, I like this anime.[It has sort of an Evangelion twist]Orignally a seven volume manga series created by Shin Takahashi, the anime is being done by Studio GONZO, [Hellsing, Blue Sub 6,Vandread] but I noticed that the CGI effects were almost gone from the anime.Believe it or not, most of the stuff wasn't changed when the anime was created.Only one detail changed: the ending is completely different from the manga series ending. ~*dragonrose*~
  20. I though it was really funny that AS put mustaches on the characters, but I must agree even CTN has really started to bore me.I was always watching it, and now I only pop in to see if it has gotten any better.Who knows? Maybe since CTN has started to go backwards in thier introduction on anime, they might[after April, of course] put some shows that were the best. [Gundam Wing,Tenchi Muyo!, and others] ~*dragonrose*~
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Speaking of shows that are/was onToonami, here is the new schedule for Toonami: [CENTER]5pm - 7pm [Monday - Thursday] 5 pm - Dragonball 5:30 - Dragonball Z 6 pm - Dragonball Z 6:30 - Dragonball GT 5pm - 7pm [Friday] 5-7 - Weekly Movie This Week: Pokemon: The Movie 2000 :ball: [/CENTER] [/COLOR]~*dragonrose*~
  22. [quote name='yalborap']Wait, why not just turn all the TVs in wal mart and in your house to adult swim? That'll give them a lot of ratings if everybody did it.[/quote] I doubt that would work. Didn't you read the last paragraph of Undefeated's post?We can't protest. It's just a matter of time anyways until AS gets Saturdays back.I'll quote Undefeated on what you can do to help get Sat. back: [quote name='Undefeated']I know many of you will ask if there is anything you can do to change this decision. There is not. But strong ratings on the forthcoming Thursday action night would certainly go a long way towards solidifying our case in the future. As always, we appreciate your continued support.[/quote] Sorry to sound real negative about it,but that's all we can do.All we can do is just give AS the ratings they need so that they can have Sat. back before the end of September. ~*dragonrose*~
  23. [QUOTE=Undefeated]April 17th marks the return of AS to Saturday starting midnight to 5 AM. The premeir has the Animatrix. The according to the AS news board, it will play a double strip everyweek of Inuyasha episodes 52?-100+. Also some show called Wolf's Raine or something and I heard a rumor about Ghost in the Shell movies ( ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ::happiness:: ). [/QUOTE] Wait a second that doesn't make any sense. I read previous post written by shadowfire saying that AS on Saturdays isn't going to happen due to "concerns from our ad sales department about giving up one hour of sellable children's inventory on Saturday night".This is getting me really confused.If anyone knows whether this will happen or not, pm me.Anyways the Yu-Gi-Oh copycat, Duel Masters, will be added to the Sat. afternoon line-up @ 7:00pm. ~*dragonrose*~
  24. [QUOTE=Domon][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1] I want to know what happened to CNs quality of brining us new episodes and not continually repeating episodes two and three times in a month. I mean look what they did to Yu-Yu Hakusho, the DVDs are ahead more than CN is letting on. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]The only reason why they are running the episodes over and over again is because most of the new episodes are still being dubbed,touched up,etc.The DVD's either contain unedited/uncut episodes that are practically untouched except for the character voices and stuff like that.CN has to edit it a lot so that it would be fit to be shown on TV.Though I can agree with you that they show reruns too often,that is their decision.Who knows, maybe when April ends they might show new episodes of the anime we all know and like. ~*dragonrose*~[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. Oh.That's good news! Well, at least CTN is getting better with the anime shows. I'm tired of watching the same shows and the same episodes over and over. Maybe they won't do the same thing that they did to YYH and RK. [Remember? they kept on restarting the series for no reason] But...one can only dream. ~*dragonrose*~
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