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Everything posted by Skitto
Sorry Arunue, it's done now.
Then Riv remembered something, "Hey!" he said with hope, "Odin is still alive! Maybe he could tell us how to contact my brother and Katea in Yggdrasil!" (OCC: That is its actuall spelling.) Everyone stood up and looked at Riv, "Well, what are we waiting for!?! Let's go find him!" Though Asunan's outburst reflected what was in the hearts of the other two, their minds instantly told them that it wouldn't be that easy. Riv smirked at their sudden joy, then sorrow, "Aren't you forgetting something?" The others looked at him in puzzlement, Riv continued, "I recently unlocked some of the hidden powers that Lemaria posesses, and can you guess what one of them is?" The others expressed that they did not, "A mental global positioning system," he paused as the silence grew deeper, "that means that I can find out exactly where I am in relationship to exactly where I want to be, I can find Odin in just a minute if we have the time." Instead of an answer, Riv got two greatful hugs simultaneously from Celestia and Asunan that immediately toppled him over. Riv stood up slowly, he felt like he had been hit by an over zealous train, the other two helped him up, "We can go to Yggdrasil after all!" Celestia said as Riv sat down on one of the beds in the room. "We have hope is what we have," said Riv as he rubbed his aft end, getting one of his "wisdom" moods, "now are we gonna do this, or just sit here talking for another hour like those Japanese cartoons?" As if wanting to add a bit of comedy, Asunan thrust out her hand in a peace sign and said in a cute little voice, "Yeah! Let's go get him!" Riv took Lemaria from its sheath. One minute later, the group headed east on the four legged Lemaria transport and hoped that Riv was really as confident as he sounded.
On the peak of the highest mountain in the densest forest on the new Earth sat Riv, kneeling next to a long rectangular patch of recently dug up dirt. Riv sat crying over this hole, and its occupant was six feet under the peaceful grass of the hill. The tall rectangular rock, cut by Lemaria into this unnatural shape, below the charred image of a cross, peace symbol and a flame, were enscribed the words "Here lies Rein, the resourceful god of fire and peace through war." Riv wiped his eyes and stood above his brother's grave, bowed low, and walked away, wanting to look back, yet knowing he couldn't let himself. He then, promptly, allowed himself a slight backward glance to say, "Rest in peace, brother, I will try to control my anger as you had tried to tell me... goodbye Rein." Just then he lost control of himself and dropped to the ground from grief, and lemaria came out of its bindings on his waist and fell to the ground. In that instant, he was Izzy again. "What the--?" he said, looking at his black and red coat and clothes with confusion, then he had a revelation, "The sword!" Izzy picked up Lemaria and was instantly Riv, white clothes and all, "Well, I guess I've got to not do that again." Riv walked halfway to the sunset, glanced back once more, this time with some confusion, and leapt into the sky, headed towards the the strongest life signal from his friends, which happened to be a hotel on the eastern seaboard of the most populated country on the planet, Finalga, the new Earth's equivalent of the US, and in its most crowded city, New Optik. OCC: Implying Nefertimon's group.
OCC: Not yet you don't! I want like 2 or 3 more pages before we do that, we should have the final book be larger than the other two. Also, Box, please PM me your idea for the ending. Better yet, PM it to everyone and ask them what they think about it, you need to get some of our opinions before you go and end the story blindly, okay? IC: Riv stood on the beach on the other side of the acidic, alien ocean, supporting his brother who was still out cold and keeping him on his feet, while it was all his mind could do to support [i]it[/i]self. OCC: God that was short, sry it was, I'm pressed for time here.
Riv and Yeix/Rein were not taken, the part of Yeix's brain that was in control of Rein's body (Rein himself) had taken the precaution of casting a divine spell on himself and his brother called Random. Random had kept Rein and Riv constantly out of the line of fire yet not away from each other, every time that a Hawk copy found them, they would instantly poof somewhere else and kill the Hawk copy before it had a chance to telepathically tell Hawk that it had found them. It worked very well and had kept Yeix and Riv away from Hawk constantly, yet the consciousness within Yeix didn't stay, since it had almost fallen out of Yeix's mind completely, after a few such jumps, Rein's consciousness slipped until it could hold on no longer and was left in the dust next to the corpse of a Hawk copy. On a silvery beach on the planet Hida in the Tiezek galaxy of an unknown dimension in a completely different universe from our own, 890 million light years (89 light decades), a dimension and a universe from the recreated Realm of Reality. A furry off-white creature about the size of a small butte and as hard as a bowl of hot seven grain breakfast cereal squirmed over to the beach on the end of it's journey to it's Summer vacation home. Its kind did not call the season Summer in fact, they called it Zalfartikonubratizpop in the same time as humans can say the first syllable of Summer, but that is completely irrelevant to the fact that this particular butte sized furry creature found the two beings sitting in the silver-glinting sand, picked them up and hurled them across the ocean for no apparent reason. The unconscious Riv and the soul-less body of Rein/Yeix flew out across the greenish orange acid that filled the sea of Hida. Their trajectory began to lower them closer to the sea, until they both skimmed along the acidic sea. Riv immediately woke up with a resounding, "[CENSORED]", and started scratching the rest of the sticky acid off the grass stained white jacket on his back. Once that was accomplished, if there had been some human watching this scene, all humor would have gone out of it in the blink of an eye. Riv saw his brother, beginning to have a greenish orange tint itself, the body of Rein floated to the bottom of the alien sea, and would be separate cells then atoms before it reached the bottom. Riv saw this and immediately yelled, "Rein!" sadness wrenching his whole body into its cold, blue depths. Then love for his brother came and took Riv's consciousness out of the mind numbing sadness, dried it off, and set it back in it's rightful place. The effects of all this metaphoric imagery was that Riv stood in the air, with tears in his eyes, shook himself and zipped down to where his brother was sinking. Riv's tears became more than emotional as he submerged himself into the burning sea, he grabbed his brother and yanked him to the surface. OCC: Hmmm, I am both funny and a master of emotions.
Chunks of the earth, trees and miscellneous debris came flying from the riverside quaint hill country that Riv was completely and utterly destroying. He was almost completely controlled by his anger, but not so utterly that he couldn't give himself enough control to leave Lemaria sheathed. A scream seemed to pass the river as a tree was hurtled from off it's east bank. The tree landed miles off the coast of Yetresua Bay, on the other side of the planet. Riv had exploded out of the spot in the ocean where Krii had been, had searched for places to let out his anger, given up and used his last resort, he realm warped to new-Alfheim. Riv had no thoughts in his head other than the one that said that he should keep destroying until his anger was gone. The one that said that that would take weeks had been swallowed up in the gargantuan yelling of the other, and had given up. A red dot emerged from behind a rather large hill, miles away, and Riv immediately darted toward it. Then the dot came running toward him, the dot had suddenly developed legs, then a head, arms and then hair, and as Riv came closer to it, it was revealed to be Rein (Riv still thought of Yeix as his elder brother, even though Rein was only 15% in control of him) "Riv!" Yeix yelled from still a mile or so away, "This madness must stop! What will you prove? What will you accomplish?" Riv didn't answer, but increased his speed. There was a sonic boom to be heard when the two collided. The two fought, and almost immediately had gotten into a hand-locked position and were desperately trying to get out of it while trying to keep the other balked so that he could knock the other out. Rein was the one that succeeded in doing this, and Riv sat, calmly on the ground, eyes closed, breathing calmly. "Wow, that went fast," said Rein to himself, "I guess I am truly stronger than he is, but then again he might just be held back because of his anger. I guess I might never know." Then he thought about the chaos that everything had succumbed to, "Why has all this happened, what is the reasoning for such confusion. That is something that I should know, but most likely won't discover until the moment before my life ends." He had meant it as a joke, but had he known that he was absolutely right, and that time was to come sooner than he would have thought, he wouldn't have even thought it.
You should ask Box Hoy to confess, he's said himself (in real life) that he is.
Celestia sat there for a while, the two couples of Garren and Arunue, and Toshi and Veil were settling into comfortable cuddling, Symoni and Mereduin were fast asleep, and Kieko and Rayne were long gone. But no one knew, noticed, or cared that Yeix was gone. They didn't notice nor care either that the ground was slightly rumbling and that there was a slashing noise coming from the east. The noise and the rumbling was being caused, of course, by Yeix, out of Rein's insatiable desire for training. Yeix leaped above the trees, did a flip and landed on the ground with nothing but his index finger, spun, whacked around a few trees with his feet, came up and drew his sword. Yeix ran through the foliage, slicing one and sometimes two trees at a time, cleanly and efficiently. He was also thinking. [i]Why can't I come back?[/i] the little voice in his head asked no one, [i]I thought that if I wanted to and did the right things that I could come into full control. But I seem to be like a ghost posessing my own mind, only half controlling myself, letting my instincts do the rest. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I CAN'T EVEN TELL MY FRIENDS WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME![/i] his thoughts were interrupted by his attention being called to a small villiage to the northeast, because someone who could help him was in it. Rein ran to see his relative, the now un-allfather, Odin. He ran instead of taking flight because he was still training himself.
Yet again, Rimnil came from behind the treeline, his body slinking on the ground and leaving a giant trail of slime on the forest floor. He lifted his hand, and more creatures than before came out from the trees, his army. Trolls, leviathans, warlocks, evil wizards, witches, hydras, goblins, harpies, dragons, black unicorns, and many, many more. Rayne ran straight into the mass of the army, killing random beings with random attacks, as his logic told him he should. "Come on!" he yelled at the others, "Help me!" Yeix shook his head, then said back, since it wasn't loud enough for him to need to yell, "They'll just keep dividing. We need to find a way to destroy kill them without physically damaging them!" he started to yell at the end because a almost deafening roar came upon all them, the army was plugging their ears, as were Veil, Kieko, Symoni and Arunue, and Rayne and Yeix were trying to ignore it and find its source. But Rimnil and Hawk were looking to the sky directly above them, and Toshi came down on Rimnil, killing him on impact from the shockwave. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Riv landed on the rocky shore of the island. There was a cliff about fifteen paces into the beach and nothing to help Riv get up it other than to climb. Riv climbed. When he was standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the battered old ruins of the villiage he said only one thing, "Krii." No one was in the villiage of Krii, at least no one he could see. He felt presences everywhere he went in the villiage, scared, frustrated, or angry. Always one, never a combination of the three. He went to the old two story building that used to be his home, then to the old shack by the main entrance to the villiage. He went inside, sensing more powerful presences inside. As soon as he was inside the shack, he saw seven men, dressed in white tunics, all old and bearded, ghostly looking in the little light that the four torches put into the small, wicker walled room. Their eyes were closed, their mouths were shut, and Riv sat down among their ranks. The man in the middle, the oldest of them all, was the first to speak, "You wish to know what we cannot tell you, leave now or you will die." Riv shook his head, "You gave me Lemaria, why can't you tell me?" he said, not angry, just asking. "We are not the ones who created the sword, only Odin knows, and he is long dead. I say this for your own good, leave now or you will die." "NO!!!" now Riv was angry, "I want to know! You're supposed to be wisemen! You have access to the spiritual resources the same as the allfather did. You can access his knowledge and tell me. SO TELL ME!" before the old man could speak, Riv went on, "Why do I have all these questions inside my head? Why have I come here? How and why did Lemaria spring to life on its own and kill Esdad?" Riv stopped, because as soon as he said "Esdad" all the wisemen looked straight at him and spoke to him as one, "Esdad cannot be killed, he is truly immortal, what you say is either a lie or an illusion." Riv was annoyed, "IF YOU CAN'T TELL ME THEN YOU'RE USELESS!!" Lemaria came to life again and started attacking the wisemen, they leapt into the air and were semitransparent, ghosts. Lemaria formed spears and ran them through, then sliced them into bits. Their spirits were destroyed. The sliced bits faded away and so did the room, then the other presences... then the island.
When Arunue thought back to it when she was on her way to Toshi, going through the space time continuum so that she would get to Toshi in no time at all as far as anyone else was concerned, had no idea how after Riv had destroyed him and she had seen his dead face, Esdad had walked out of the white blankness of Yggdrasil again, right beside his dead body. For Arunue, this would give her an hour to think about it while the rest of the confusion of infinite infinities (let's just call it the WGMM (whole general mish mash) for now) slipped through the smallest fraction of the smallest decimal amount of the smallest amount of time you can think of. OCC: Sry so short, work in 1hr. gee, I wish I could be doing the same thing as Arunue right now... THEN I WOULDN'T BE LATE!
Here's an unedited version of how it's gone so far, please don't fix the problem with how Esdad is still alive after Riv destroyed him, I'm gonna fix it. You can say that it was a weird thing etc. but that's it. I'm gonna fix it later.
Could you send me the edited version please?
OCC: TIMMAH!! I just had to say that some time. Riv had, all this time, withheld from using Lemaria's special powers. Staying a swordsman was not the best idea in this situation and he hoped no one would notice, Lemaria needed to recover from the fight with Hawk and regain it's strength. Yet just then, Lemaria sprung to life all it's own and started using it's light without any mental command from Riv, the light leapt from the tip and separated into three tentacles that swished around in the air and caught the hooded figure with two of their number, the third separating into two and running them through multiple times. Riv looked up to see his face, then almost flung himself away from the person. The light dropped him, dead, and Riv stood, white faced and staring. "That was a little gruesome don't you think?" said Veil to him. "I didn't do it," said Riv, a scared tone creeping into his voice, "I did nothing," "But-" "Lemaria did it on her own," "It's a her now?" "Yes, now I know why she has that name, I just released her spirit from chains that bound her to my control, and she did it all her own. Now I know why the wisemen gave me Lemaria, they knew what danger they were in way before Rimnil attacked my villiage so long ago, they planned ahead everything that would happen. I don't know why or how, but... nevermind. I went on about it and it's not that big a deal." "But-" "I SAID NEVERMIND!" Riv then used Lemaria once again to lift him into the air and carry him with four legs of light away from the group. Yeix flew out after him, and many of the rest were very confused. "What just happened?" Kieko asked to no one in particular, Toshi was probably the only one who fully knew what was going on, "He just needs some time to think." "We do as well," Rayne said, a serious tone in his voice, "But not as much as Riv may, I sense that Hawk and the duo of Uni and Ios are regenerating as we speak." "We need to figure out a plan of action," said Hiroshi decisively, "How can we destroy Hawk for good? And how do we go about doing so? Those are two questions that Riv probably wanted us to assimilate and think about in his temporary defeat of Hawk." "But who is this?" But before Symoni could look at the face of the man, they were back in the forest, and Toshi and Arunue were still gone. * * * * * * * * * * Riv flew over the northern sea and exceeded speeds of 250 mph trying to find anywhere that looked familiar, and of course there was none. He had lost Yeix a while due to his speed, he had probably already gone back. [i]What is this?[/i] Riv thought [i]Where? Where is it? What am I looking for? I don't even know. But I'm still looking for it. Why am I looking for it? But- THERE![/i] He stopped on a dime, creating a few more light-legs to do so and turned east to go inland to the villiage that he thought would never come back, yet had. OCC: The villiage is his home of Krii if anyone wants to extend it, remember though that it's in ruins.
I found it. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36424][color=red]Here's[/color][/url] the link to it.
"I've met fate once," said Riv, "All three of them, in fact, and they said that with Lemaria came the power to avoid them, I can make my own fate when I'm concentrating, and that is exactly what I intend to do." Hawk, standing, one arm cut off, seemed intimidating to everyone, and Riv knew that this would be a long and tough battle, and that they would have to try some old tricks if they wanted to win, tricks that hadn't work before but had to work now. They just had to. He knew that Lemaria would get exhausted of it's power after a while of interaction with a nonexistent being for this long, and he had to find a way to transfer power from somewhere else so that he could give them some time to think about what they were going to do. He swung Lemaria around, not saying anything, forming a giant wrecking ball of light on a collision course with Hawk who, of course, evaded. That was what Riv wanted. He formed the Light into a thin blade and cut right through Hawk. Hawk split in two, and fell to the ground. Riv rushed to him and cut him up until he was unrecognizable. "That should keep him out of our way for a while," Riv said to himself, "it'll take him a while to heal from that much damage." Suddenly, Riv noticed a more familiar energy signal in the near forest. "Rimnil," Riv growled. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Arunue hovered in the air for a while, trying to asses their problems from a bird's eye view. [i]As it seems, the army can't be destroyed because their source of power is Rimnil, and Rimnil can't be killed either, for a likely different reason.[/i] It was hopeless. Then Riv came into the clearing, Lemaria sheathed. He turned to Rimnil and unsheathed Lemaria. [i]Then again[/i] Gaitei, Hiroshi, Kieko, Symoni, and Yeix had joined Toshi and Rayne in fighting back the army and could only take a few glances at what Arunue could only stare at. Riv didn't even use Lemaria's light for this - an old fashioned physical sword attack. He leaped into the air to almost as high as Arunue was floating, Lemaria facing down. With one stroke it seemed, Rimnil became decorated with the nicest, reddest, gridlines that you might have ever seen on a 3D wireframe model. Rimnil fell, in twenty thousand perfectly shaped cubes. And all this happened in about, 10 seconds.
OCC: Hey! So you have access to a PC there in AZ do you Box? Also, someone needs to contact Noelle! I miss her! IC: As soon as Arunue had done this though, a giant, slug-like creature came from outside of the clearing that they had been fighting in. Toshi instantly recognized it as Rimnil from Riv's descriptions of it.It was followed by an army of evil-looking beings, the three just watched as the army and their leader surrounded them and faced them. It was like a giant slug as said before, except it's skin was pale from lack of sunlight and the only hint of color it had said that the skin was humanoid, and it's head seemed to meld with the rest of the blubbery body. The eyes were dark and piercing, the mouth sliced through half of the neck area, Rimnil was a truly hideous creature. When Rimnil spoke it was in a deep and raspy voice as if it was rarely used, the mouth opened widely to accomidate the volume it used, "I am Rimnil. Know that name well, as it is the last one you will ever learn." "Isn't that--?" "Yes," Toshi cut off Arunue, "Riv's former arch enemy. HEY!" he said to Rimnil, "Ain't you supposed to be dead or something?" Rimnil ignored him and, though there was no apparent signal, his army lunged at the three, in all a few thousand evil creatures, swords unsheathed. Arunue, Rayne and Toshi instantly formed an out-facing triangle and readied their weapons. They would have decimated the army in a few minutes if it weren't for the fact that whenever they struck down a soldier, the separated parts would turn into separate soldiers and lunge at them four fold. Toshi and Rayne decapitated their enemies and Arunue blasted them to bits. They all came to the conclusion that this was hopeless, "We need to get to Rimnil," Toshi said, "He's the source of their Hydratic aspects," Rayne added, "The more we kill the more there are in their place. Arunue thought for a while about this, still blasting grotesque creatures into oblivion, even though they never reached it. "I'll go, I can transport myself there," before the other two could say anything else, she was gone, disappeared through the rings of light. "Great," said Rayne, looking at the army closing in on all sides "now it's just us." Arunue appeared in the air just in front of Rimnil and held herself there, arms pointed at the enemy's neck. Rimnil smiled, "You won't be able to kill me that way," he said. Arunue quickly said, "I'll give it a good try," and Rimnil's head fell into the living sea of his own army, the body deflated as if it were a balloon. The army was still attacking Toshi and Rayne, but now the separated parts were staying dead. Rimnil had controlled their weakminded evil and now that they were uncontrolled, they were fighting each other as well as Toshi and Rayne. To Arunue it looked like a giant mosh pit, everyone attacking everyone else. They continued fighting for a while like this, then, suddenly, they were all attacking Rayne and Toshi again, and another sluglike being slithered out from where the last one had come. Rimnil looked at Arunue, "I told you," was all he said. OCC: This should create some confusion :smirk:
"We have to get you out of here," said Celestia decisively, she reached out to help Mereduin to her feet, but she didn't take her hand. "We can't, it's impossible," a tear rolled down her cheek. Celestia looked at her for the first time it seemed, "I know, I know," Mereduin continued, "you're thinking I haven't tried, you're thinking I've given up. That's not true, first I tried to get out of here the old fashioned way, find an opening to let me out. I found one, but the raven blocked my way. I kept trying to out wit it and fight against it, all of that stuff, but he wouldn't be balked, no matter how hard I tried. Now I'm trying to find a place in here that has a freak time-space warp by looking through all past time with that crystal ball, I think I'm up to about a few minutes ago, and I haven't found a thing. There's no way out unless the raven lets us out." * * * * * * Hawk stared at the transformation as did... whoever else was able to see it, a reincarnated being made into one of it's past states, that was unheard of! But nonetheless, it was there, in front of their eyes, Riv, the legendary swordsman, alive and well. Yeix knew that he knew this new ally, but couldn't put a name to the picture. Riv looked at himself, "Wow, I'm back," was all he could say. Riv looked to Hawk, then his eyes went wide, the thing standing in front of him was something he had seen and killed before, though in another form, yet it was standing in front of him! He didn't even think, he leaped into the air on a course to land on Hawk, the Light drawn from Lemaria forming spikes that would skewer Hawk on impact. Hawk evaded the light, but forgot to take down Riv, who turned in midair just as fast as Hawk was evading and formed the light into a hook which took off his right arm. Now it was Arunue and Yeix's turn to be wide eyed, how come he could hurt Hawk when they couldn't even touch him?
OCC: Since when were Izzy and the rest there? Edit that post and add the part when Izzy and all of them get on the scene okay Nefertimon? We need this story to flow and we need no blank spots if we want this book to be bought by anyone. Okay? IC: Yeix stood in front of Hawk, the flame of Lemaria was in full force trying to pin Hawk down and pierce him, but he seemed to be made of smoke and was not hurt when the spikes of flame came down upon his heart. Hawk laughed at his failed attempts, "Just because you have that sword doesn't mean that it'll work. Big deal, you used your remaining powers and melded them with what you could use of the Light, it won't work no matter how hard you try, the fire is as material as you are and therefore holds no candle to my power." Yeix thought about this for a moment, contemplating his predicament, then retracted the flames back to the sword from whence they came. "I... can't beat you," he said in despair. Then he tossed the sword into the air and yelled "Isisku! I give you your sword!" Almost immediately the dark figure of Izzy came running from the forest, going so fast that he seemed to be flying, even though that was not on his talent list. He jumped and caught the sword just as it came into his reach and turned on Hawk, "My brother may not have been able to stop you, but I will be... hey! Where'd that come from?" It seemed that as soon as Izzy took hold of the sword, everything changed, Izzy's hair was now white and so were his clothes, he was Riv again.
Shakia appeared from the gathering afternoon mists, "May I be of service?" he asked. Hawk looked at him as if he were stupid, "I think I've got it thanks Shakia," Shakia smiled, "And who did I ask if I could help?" Shakia seemed to melt away, and in his place was the smiling figure of Rein aka. Yeix. "Evil guys always trick others then don't protect themselves from tricks from the good guys," Yeix said, still smiling. He looked at the others fighting him, only Arunue looked back, she had been given some time to rest and heal since so many others were fighting in her place, "They always think that we are too bullheadedly good to be as tricky as them, and I pity them in their ignorance." Yeix lifted into the air and unsheathed his sword, rather, Isisku's sword and the familiar light manifested as had not been accustomed. It was a light blue fire this time and Yeix used it to lift the others back away from Hawk. "This will be our fight, Hawk, at least until my rival Isisku gets here." OCC: I'm back, dum dee dum da dummmmmmm da da dummmmm, BOOM! ... CRASH! :lol:
Izzy still felt annoyed. Ever since he left the cave he could feel Yeix's presence as if he were two steps behind him all the time, but he'd look back and no one would be there. Was Yeix being a coward? Was he forgetting his honor and trying to kill him quickly from behind? Izzy didn't know. But something wasn't right. Izzy was behind a bush and now beyond the sight of Toshi and Veil, who had started out talking to each other and had moved on to other topics. After a moment for him to think about where Yeix could be again, Asunan and Celestia came into view. OCC: First really short one in a while.
Izzy walked slowly out of the cave as well, Arunue inquired what he was doing as well. "I'm gonna go with him. From what you tell me and what I remember, Riv was pretty strong, that must mean that I am too, even though Yeix has my sword... YEIX!!" Arunue realized it as well, "Where'd he get off to," then she calmed down, "oh well, I guess you'll find him sooner or later." Izzy smiled, "If my luck prevails, it will be sooner." So saying, he gathered his sword and left. Toshi was just a few steps outside the cave when Izzy came out, "Let's go, old friend," said Toshi. Izzy was a little confused "Why did you call me that?" he asked. Toshi smiled and turned to face him, "Riv and I were good friends, there's no reason that I can't treat you like I treated Riv so long ago." The two left, descending the steep, rocky surface of the mountain, and after a few minutes the beach that Celestia spoke of came into sight and Toshi immediately took flight towards it, leaving Izzy to walk in the gathering winds. [i]Where are you[/i] he thought, [i]I know you're here, come out of your hiding place even though I can slightly sense you I can still sense you[/i]. As soon as Izzy said that, Toshi was almost out of sight, and a large figure came flying at Izzy, sword drawn to settle the score. OCC: Hey, I'm here too you guys!
[i]I wish to see their skills as well as my enemies'[/i] Gonn thought Takal looked straight at the ground he was under, [i]WHAT?!? HOW CAN YOU KNOW?!?[/i] she thought. [i]I know all about you, your powers, your height, your fears, your thoughts. Didn't you know that the element warriors of the nature element when in or around many natural things are told everything they want to know by the Earth herself? You can't hide anything from the planet you stand on.[/i] Takal was astonished and then angry at the Earth warrior, [i]"How is it that I didn't know that and you did?[/i] her thoughts were more calm now. She heard a chuckle from under the pavement, [i]Didn't you hear a word I just said Takal? I'll slim down the words for you, I can know anything with a single thought when I'm in the ground.[/i] Takal held her forehead, amazed at how unobservant she had become. OCC: Come on guys, don't give up on it yet!
OCC: I thought that Mereduin was Celestia's big sister... ??????? IC: Ios got up after the attack that should have killed him, but it wasn't Ios that the group saw. Izzy saw with some lingering feelings, his brother. And yet it wasn't Rein, through the dust and smoke was another man in Izzy's eyes. He had bright red short hair. Has a light tan, is 7'7" and has a scar starting at above his left eye and extends to the right part of his waist.His blood red eyes that conveyed a sense of loneliness to the one that looks into them. His clothes are not important, but one amazing thing to Izzy, the Celtic common longsword (named Ikulla) sheathed at his left hip. Isisku had always felt some connection to this sword yet didn't know why, now he knew that it must have been something that Riv owned, and yet was now his rival's and the Riv part of Izzy knew that he wouldn't give it up until he knew what it was and what he was. Toshi, Izzy, Arunue, Hiroshi, Celestia, Asunan, and even Mereduin looking at them through the crystal ball were pop eyed. It was Rein to all of them, except Izzy, and Gaitei had no idea what everyone was looking so surprised about. Toshi walked up to him, "Rein?" he asked, "is that you?" The large man looked at him, "I know that name, but it is not mine, my name is-" he was interrupted "YEIX!" yelled Izzy, "My rival in the top pro swordfighting league! What the hell are you doing here? I have been looking all over for you so we can settle our differences and now it's time!" Izzy drew his sword from it's mahogony sheath, the magical sword that changed from Celtic leafblade to swept-hilt rapier. Izzy had never bothered to name it in his hurried life and it wouldn't help him to name it at this point when Arunue was suddenly in his face saying, "What do you think you're doing?!? This man," she pointed at Yeix, "this man is Rein, your brother in your past life and our friend, what are you thinking drawing a sword against your brother?!?" Izzy lowered his sword, "I didn't know," he said, "that he was my brother before, but he isn't now. I don't know how he could look the same even though he doesn't remember who he was but right now... right now, this man is my rival until we settle the score. I have been second to him for 7 years in the swordfighting championships and I don't intend on having an eighth green ribbon." Izzy walked away and all was silent, Hiroshi was the first to speak up, "What a way to end a fight" . . . . . Uni and Ios [i]both[/i] sat in the remaining bit of their home made in the Void of the old Universe. "That was a great plot Father thought of, wasn't it Uni?" said Ios, "copy our souls and put them in the bodies of their friends. Me as Rein, you as, OWWW! What was that for!" Just before he finished, Uni whacked his brother on the head, Ios was all bone but it hurt him anyway. "Yes, brother," Uni said, annoyed, "my copy was put into a commoner, I don't know why Father did that to me, I'm the strongest! Even though he is stronger than us we should get some respect!" "You mean 'You' should get some respect. OWWW! What was that for!?!" [i]Why does my only brother have to have a brain that is made of bull-headedness and not smarts?[/i]
OCC: Dude! You changed the story so much! I'll just have to patch it up so that it can be understood by our readers. IC: As Toshi, Rayne and Kieko walked down the street, none of them recognized the technology. Obviously it was much more advanced than that which they were used to, but why were they here? As they walked, Kieko, closest to the road, bumped into a man with night black hair, a handsome Italian face, flowing black leather armor long coat with red leather in style with the coat and thick pants with a black leather belt, slightly tan complexion and handsomely muscle toned. "Ey!" he said with an Italian accent, annoyed, she had bumped him into the street where he was waiting to cross the road, the streets were almost emptied of the rainwater they had gathered from the storm a few hours previously, "watch where the hell you're goin'- huh?" He said as his eyes finally looked at Kieko. She stopped and looked at him, they stared at each other dazedly for a moment, then the man said "... I- I know you, don't I?" Kieko swallowed hard, he knew her and she knew him, but he didn't look the same, finally she introduced herself. "Kieko?" said the man, quietly, "then that must be... Rayne... and- Toshi." Finally the confidence came back to his voice "Nice to meet ya! I'm Isisku Ojima, but you can call me Izzy." He shook hands with the three, who were all startled, who was this stranger, really? Toshi finally recognized him, "Riv!" he exclaimed, "is that you?" Everything seemed to stop... the wind ceased, the gazes of many passers by fixed on Toshi, then Riv. Izzy's voice quieted once more, "Don't call me that, somehow I know that's my name but I've already used it as a ringname in pro swordfighting and got run out for cheating that I didn't do, don't call me that 'kay?" "Let us go then, before some of these people come at you." _____________________________*___________________________ Far away, in dimensions unknown by man, Uni and Ios stopped their destruction and met, "They've awoken, we must tell Hawk," said Uni to Ios. "All these infinities that the beings in them call the Universe are so weak, I'm bored and tired of destroying them." OCC: We'll meet Yeix later.