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Everything posted by Skitto

  1. People remaining now there are: ArunueShekamari Noƫlle Cyriel Hey, Pheonix! D'you know Arunue's email? Maybe you can tell her that the final book is going to start.
  2. Skitto

    Unbalanced World

    Gonn had disappeared as soon as no one was looking at him, to meditate. He had figured out a chant that he had proven to double his strength, but only took effect after he recovered from the meditation, "Ia noru heshi natu," he repeatedly chanted quietly, he found that he recovered much faster, in about two minutes or so, if he was lodged in the ground thanks to his powers. Otherwise it would take several hours or so depending on the condition that nature was at in his immediate surroundings. Luckily, the natural conditions of the town weren't that much worse than an untouched forest or wetlands and the ground was pretty healthy due to the rather heavy rain that the town had about every week or so according to an underground weed he had found before he started his meditation. Meditation which he knew he would need soon.
  3. Skitto

    Unbalanced World

    If you happened to be at the most secluded island on the planet two years previously, which is unlikely, you would have seen why the man Gonn's memory had fled. Gonn was flying through the ground, causing the trees, brush and the ground itself to flicker in his wake and reach for his enemy. One particularly large palm tree caught his enemy by the leg and held him up by the ankle. His enemy was a tallish, sneaky man, and not even himself ever since he had become posessed. Gonn rose from the ground and grabbed his captured prey by the neck, "I finally have you, Waki, now give it back," he said. "Never," the demon in the man said with a harsh and gravelly voice and a grin. "You don't even have me, and you will not get the amulet, or your friend back. I will kill him then you, and keep it for myself." Gonn couldn't use his power to kill his friend, so he backed away, let his enemy free, and awaited his fate. Waki phased through the limb of the tree, and it withered with his presence inside it. The demon cackled and walked through Gonn and out of his friend. Two years later, Gonn didn't know this. He knew his name, his abilities, his weapon's names and their abilities. The rest was lost, he didn't even know that he had survived a very certain death. At this time, also two years later, Gonn sat in the forest of the same island, trying to remember. [i]What happened? Why can't I remember it?[/i] These were questions he asked himself constantly ever since that incident, and he didn't even want to care about it anymore, yet still he did. He felt a disturbance in the air through the trees, a dark shape flew over them and a small piece of paper came fluttering down to the ground in front of him. He read it, and cast off towards where the Earth told him he needed to go. Gonn sank into the ground where he sat and flew through the ground and then through the seabeds until he reached the general area of the Fountain. A few minutes later, at the Fountain of Control, Gonn walked in with wide mysterious strides. A girl ran up to greet him partly out of that was how she was, and partly out of the fact that Gonn was a very handsome man, but was deflected by a confused and repelling stare from him. After that, no one spoke to him for a long while.
  4. Weapon: Inola (sword of holy light)(cuts through anything physical and has a nearly blinding light that comes from it, Ekranos (dagger of foulmindedness)(causes the wielder to become sneaky and use the dagger in many ways he would not wish to), combining the two weapons cancels out Ekranos' curse. Element: Earth Magic: Ability to move freely through natural things, full control of natural things, (spell) overgrowth (target is suddenly leaped upon by plants which grow into the target and kill it) Side: Can he be a confused rogue due to his loss of memory? You like the pic? Sorry to say, but it's not mine. Got it from a friend. Or were you talking about my avatar? That I did myself.
  5. Here you are! But it's pretty simple don't ya think?
  6. We've talked about this... the creator or, if you may call it, father of Uni and Ios was the universe itself!!!!! Don't be a dumbs*** and F* it up!
  7. Name: Gonn Age: 21 Description: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19834[/img] Background: Loses memory in the beginning
  8. There is no Hawk, never has been. Or is he gonna be the bad guy in this one?
  9. Skitto


    Prologue: There comes a time in everyone's life (if they aren't rich and pampered) in which they have a challenge to overcome. Be it getting the best job you have ever had or building an organization, it happens to everyone (except those exempt few). Fate gives all beings the chance to defeat something or create something, and it is about to happen for a group of friends. It is the year 2117, nothing much has changed in the last hundred years, the world and its citizens have gone with on much like it always has. Leaders have been elected, a war arose, a few scientific discoveries made, but nothing drastic or special... but a very drastic thing is about to happen. Derek Jechian was one of those, the band of friends who were to start it all and end it all. Derek was about to find out what it was and lose a good friend in the process... himself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We can talk about what the thing is that happens and see what it progresses to as the story goes on. Anyway! Welcome and please join my story. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criteria: Name Age Height Personality Description Background story _____________________________________________________________ Mine: Name: Derek Tudra (pronounced Too-druh) Jechian Age: 15 Height: 5' 11' Personality: Never constant, Jechian can be anything from bouncy and happy or gothic and self absorbed. Description: Magic clothing given to him by his grandfather shapeshifts and changes color reflects his mood and present personality, and effects his hair as well. Background story: All will be revealed in the story.
  10. Wazzap Pheonix! *heartily shakes hands with FirePheonix*
  11. Okay, I'm the reincarnations of Riv and Rein, Riv's reincarnation: Name: Isisku "Izzy" Ojima Description: Night black hair, handsome Italian face, flowing black and red leather-armor coat and 3 layered pants (From outside to inside: Black denim, chainmail, thin polyester) with leather belt. Slightly tan complexion and handsomely thin. Powers: In development (?) Background: Born 3000 years after the re-creation (as were the others in contrast with ages at the end of the first universe), Izzy is an outgoing, cocky ex-actor. His carrer started when he was 14 at his debut on screen as Jin on the soap opera "Utter Enemies" and ended 10 years later. Now, 5 years after that, Izzy has taken up professional swordfighting and is the 4 time runner up next to the mysterious "Yeix". Rein's incarnation: Name: Yeix (real name unknown by even himself) Powers: None, possibly magically enhanced speed and strength. Description: Bright red short hair, blood red eyes that convey a sense of loneliness to the one that looks into them. Has a light tan, is 6'7" and has a scar starting at above his left eye and extends to the right part of his waist. Clothes have only one constant, the giant rapier sword (named Ikulla) sheathed at his left hip.
  12. We need to move this discussion to [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=581213][COLOR=DarkRed]this[/COLOR][/url] thread.
  13. This is meant to be a discussion thread for me, ArunueShekamari, Box Hoy, Firepheonix727, Noelle, and Kieko. But others may submit their ideas. Topic is; the final novel What are we gonna do in the final book?
  14. No! We need to go to the [url=s4.invisionfree.com/DA_SAI]Drowning Artists' Society of Anime Institute[/url] forum, there are lots more people there and many of them love anime and final fantasy, that kind of stuff. We need to get a hold of Firepheonix, Noelle (I miss her), and Kieko and tell them to go there so we can talk about it. We may get many new recruits for like, extras and stuff too.
  15. Good Arunue, my friend :D Sorry you have so much work, wish I could help :(
  16. OCC: We need to start getting ideas for next book and write prologue, we need to get Arunue, FirePheonix, Noelle (I miss her), and Kieko to help us. They haven't been posting for so long, this whole page was between me and you Box! They haven't had much say in the end of this book either, not just Arunue.
  17. OCC: How about all of our characters die at the end of this book, the universe is reborn and our characters come back in the third book reincarnated and eventually find each other again, we also need to think about what the bad guy is gonna be in the third book too... hmmm. IC: Rein looked up when the light had dissipated, Symoni was cowering in fear behind him, afraid that she was going to die. Garren had gone behind Arunue and been saved, and Riv had used Lemaria's light as a shield to protect himself and Rayne from the blast that had eminated from Uni and killed him, Ios still remained. And Toshi was laying in a bloody, dead huddle on the "ground". Rein and Arunue, since they were gods, though Arunue was adopted, had been hardly scathed by the large blast. Symoni and Garren came out from each of their respective lovers and looked at what had happened, Shara had transferred her cursed tatoo to Uni and destroyed him, then had used the last of her energy to explode in the hopes of killing Ios as well... and succeded. She hadn't been as bad as they had thought, she had been controlled by the first and second verses who now were just floating atoms in the air. Both Rein and his brother Riv thought they could hear the first two verses of the song that had created them, "Hemana e kariatuna" and "A kianus devinadichi o ekria" which meant "I will build for you the worlds" and "I will take them to a safe place when they die". Those verses of the song of life were then accompanied by the three parts of the third verse in harmony with the first two, they said, "And we three will know what will happen in between to them, the young and healthy, the aging and plain, and the old and dying." Then, suddenly, the harmony of all three verses stopped, and a cloud appeared before the remaining group of beings which formed words which read, "Your help I much appreciated, I will save all your souls, your Toshi, Riv, Arunue, Odin, Rein, Symoni and all who have helped with my eventual rebirth will be saved and reborn with me" then all existence vanished. OCC: End, unless we want to add a Prologue.
  18. The floating now emotionless creatures Uni and Ios, the first two verses of the Universe, descended and landed upon the ground or whatever it was that they all were standing on. Then, just as they all were about to have their chain of thoughts end in the group taking out their weapons and preparing for battle, a mysterious cloud descended between the two adversarial groups, then a second and a third appeared. The third verse of creation in its three parts came down to represent their master. The clouds lifted and left behind three women whom had only been seen other than Odin himself, Toshi.
  19. Odin contemplated recent events, it seemed as if a larger power than the enemy was trying to "wipe it clean", what he didn't know and he wasn't even sure it was his own thought. Odin remembered when he sensed in the Void that the universe itself had told Uni that his power was going to be revoked or something, and shook his head with the not-so-surprising realization that the universe must be pushing the greater beings like Uni, Ios and himself towards that goal. ----------Back in the Realm of Reality---------- The rather large group walked through the portal doors of the church and out into the street, Arunue was leading. She seemed to be walking towards something that wasn't there, or couldn't be seen, and (in order from front to back behind her) Garren, Rayne, Toshi, Symoni, Rein, and Riv followed her, Rein had had to move behind Symoni because her mind was wandering because of recent events and she would get distracted and start to walk away and towards what had caught her attention, and Rein had been constantly going back to get her, find the group, and bring her back, though a little more attentive. Riv seemed enveloped in his own thoughts as well and was looking at the ground distractedly, his pure, white, well kept hair waving in front of his face as he walked, and suddenly, Arunue stopped. All the others except Toshi and Rein had taken this time to sort things out and think about what had been happening in their lives recently, and plowed right into the hypnotized Arunue, and all fell into somewhere still unknown by any beings in current existence.
  20. I like Homsar, "Yaauauauaaa, I wanna bite! I'm Homsar, the captain of the gravy train. Climb aboard, cause I put my best foot floward." Homsar is creepy, yet cool. Then there's The Cheat, "Meaw, maaw," The Cheat is my hero. Also check out [url=http://www.homestarrunner.com/memorabilia.html][color=red]the Homsar menu page[/color][/url]. It's funny! :wigout: "Yaaauaauaauaa!"
  21. Ios heard this, hiding just behind the world's vision, his skeletal frame shaking at the idea that they might be defeated. He left for the void and told Uni, and they made the final decision... Toshi and Arunue spoke to each other for a while longer, then departed to tell the others. On the way, Toshi had another vision, or something like it. He saw Hodur (in his mind he still called him Shakia), directly in front of him, and holding his hand in front of Toshi, forbidding him to go any further. Toshi stopped, and yelled at the figure, "I know that you are dead Shakia! Stop haunting me and let me pass!" the temperature in the hallway dropped sharply, and Hodur dropped his hand and started walking away. Toshi got one last backward glance from the apparition before it departed, and stepped forward to his doom.
  22. Rein sat on the couch and contemplated, then Kieko came into the room, walked over to the breakfast table, grabbed a handful of bacon, and left. Rayne shook his head, "Hmph," he grunted. "She's getting more and more withdrawn these days, I wonder what happened to her before she came into the care of the elder of Toshi's hometown." Symoni was staring at the food, too hungry to listen.
  23. OCC: Nefertimon! We ARE in the desert, Rimnil PUT US THERE! IC: Riv looked up wondering where Tr'shiel was, he walked around and searched for her. As Riv came around a large mound of sand and saw a pheonix, it was a dark colored little bird and resembled... "Tr'shiel!" exclaimed Riv at the sight of her, the pheonix looked at him, "Yes?" she said inquiringly. Riv walked up to it and leaned down to pat it's head, and almost instantly bumped into an invisible, soft and warm thing, Tr'shiel giggled, "Hey! I'm ticklish!" "Wha?" asked Riv, he then answered himelf, [i]It is an illusion! But how did Celestia gain flight? Oh, she must have already been able to do it. Might as well try to find out what caused these illusions.[/i] Riv hugged the invisible Tr'shiel and kissed the invisible lips, "Where did that come from?" asked Tr'shiel, "I thought I'd lost you," replied Riv a bit quietly, then he felt it, he was finally balanced thanks to Tr'shiel and his love for her, Riv looked into where he thought the invisible eyes of Tr'shiel might be and said louder after his pause for this realization, "I can do it! I can use my sword now!" he kissed her again and stepped away from her and took out Lemaria and willed it's power into being. Instantly the blade glowed, it glowed more and more than it had the last time and kept going until it was a blinding light. Riv shielded his eyes and toned down the holy light, then Lemaria's blade of luminescence extended with his will and changed with his will and mirrored what he wanted it to be. Riv smiled and said, "We will be able to destroy him now!"
  24. Rein also awoke at that same hour. He had felt in his subconscious state that Toshi's "Toshi," he said, "you still do not know that this time you cannot beat the enemy like you beat Hodur," he bowed his head in mourning for him. For Rein knew that he would not be able to persuade his young friend into coming back, for Toshi was a foolish hero, bounding off into war, totally blinded by heroism. "May the Fates be your allies my friend, so that you will come back to your love." [i]In the Gateway, otherwise known as the Void...[/i] Toshi stood in the pain trying to find Uni and Ios, the enemies. He searched for an hour before the pain became too much for him and he fell into the deep oblivion of the Void (Gateway) and slept. He was wakened later to the sound of Uni laughing, Toshi stood up and almost fell again as the pain found its way into Toshi's thoughts, so he resolved not to think about the pain and to focus on his fight with Uni? then had a stray thought about the pain which sent him back into the frightening pool of pain which seemed to have built itself up while he had forced himself to not think about it. He had all these thoughts and feelings in about the span of fifteen seconds as he stood up and took a step towards Uni who was standing right in front of him. Toshi then lost hold of his ignorance of the pain and was engulfed in it, Uni was still laughing. Toshi awoke once more to be in a great, lighted, white room with three white thrones fashioned purely of marble. Three beings appeared on the thrones and looked straight at him, they were women, one perfect and beautiful on the right, one average in the middle, and one horridly misshapen and ugly which was on the left. They all fixed their eyes on him, "You are very lucky, Toshi, to be in our presence," they all said in unison. Toshi was frozen under that gaze, but gathered up his courage finally to ask them who, or what, they were, "We are the Fates, or Norns as the Aesir call us," they responded, still in unison, "no mortal or immortal has been saved by us, helped or hurt by us, but if you are to help save the universe, you and your friends will need our help." [i]Back in Asgard?[/i] Rein had gotten up and moving and so had the rest of the group, and were having breakfast, cooked by Arunue since it was her apartment. Amazingly, it was good! Riv sat and ate his third helping of pancakes and sausage, Rein and Symoni shared a plate , Rein was just barely restraining himself from gourging on bacon, and Symoni was trying to keep her figure by eating only one slice of bacon and one of Arunue's delicious waffles, Arunue herself [i]was[/i] gourging herself on food, it seemed that she needed food to feed both her and Hiroshi. Veil and Rayne, however, had said that they weren't hungry and were sitting and looking out the kitchen's glass door.
  25. Shara still sat floating in the Under Realm, she decided to take a walk around the Void and explore it. Now that she couldn't feel that much of the pain that had plagued everyone else who had gone there she would'nt be distracted by it. She tried, urged her newfound powers to go there, but it wouldn't work. "What the hell?!?" she yelled at the darkness, "Uni could do it! He is a part of me now, why can't I do it!?!" Rein flew up to her having heard her yelling as all else in that realm had, it was so quiet. "He has fooled you Rail," Rein said calmly, using her real name. "Don't you see? Uni can't be defeated... except by his master," Rein stared at the ground, then regained his composure and took the equivalent of a step in midair towards her and held his hands before her in a menacing way that... could it be!?! "Uni!!!" Shara exclaimed. Rein melted away right in front of her eyes, she looked around but saw nothing. She kept looking. Then, suddenly, all of the captured humans and weak minded beings, Thor included, appeared. Then Rein followed suit, then melted away to leave the visage of Uni floating in front of her, but he seemed not to be floating. The air below him had solidified into a fully translucent floor. Shara lowered herself to it, then dropped her mind's hold on the gravity around her, and she plummeted straight through it. "Farewell, you fool!" Uni called down from the floor that was his alone. "May your soul no longer exist after your death," the first verse muttered to himself. Then another being appeared beside him, it was Ios. Ios looked down at the forever falling Shara, or Rail the Confused. He turned to Uni, "I have already taken her, we will have no further trouble," said the second verse to the first. Uni didn't smile.
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