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Everything posted by Skitto

  1. Tyr sat in his house, thinking about recent events. It was not true that everyone was disappearing, just the weak humans, not the strong ones like Toshi, Rayne, Toshi's girlfriend Veil, and Hiroshi were all still here. The Elves were still in full population and so were the Dwarves, Giants and other races of beings. No god was reported to have been missing, nor were any of the warriors whom had earned their residence in Asgard gone, only the humans... [i]peculiar that it should only be them,[/i] he thought. Tyr then went through all of the gods that still lived in Asgard and tried to sense their energy. He found all but Thor, god of thunder, the second strongest Aesir god ever known, next to Odin, and Rein was the third. It all came together in Tyr's mind, all the relatively weak minded beings were being taken because they were the only ones that could be taken, a stronger mind would resist and break free of whatever hold Uni or Ios had on their minds that enabled Ios to capture them and take them... where? Tyr got up with a flurry of two realizations, the second strongest and most weak minded god was gone, controlled by Uni, and had been taken somewhere unknown to any being. They didn't know where he was, he could strike them down under the enemy's control at any time. Tyr went outside to tell his grandson.
  2. "Wait," said Riv, "Takechi was my grandfather! Maybe I could try to remember something that would be useful." Riv put his hand to his chin in thought, "He always was humming this oddly familiar tune, everyone thought it was familiar though they had never heard it, it went like this," he hummed a few notes. Toshi and Rayne were surprised, it was familiar to them. By now they had all sat down in the triangle formation. They all began to hum the tune. And suddenly in the minds of all who hummed, a feeling of peace came. The peace grew, and grew, and then it finally happened. Toshi and Rayne drew together and fused their bodies, souls and minds, while the godly brothers did the same. The two newly created entities opened their eyes, startled. Hiroshi looked around, he seemed different to himself. He still looked like himself but something had changed, he looked around and thought to himself [i]Those stupid a**es finally got it, when I knew it all along.[/i] It which wasn't true, and yet wasn't really his own thought either, it seemed like something he would say, yet wasn't. It was Arunue, yet it was him. They all had stopped humming by now and were looking around, they were just as surprised as he was. Riv/Rein was looking at a mirror that he had conjured up with his godly powers and staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar face to be looked at in the mirror. Toshi/Rayne was looking at his hands and trying to figure out what to think while his thoughts were his/not his. The newly formed three looked at each other and remembered what had happened and what they had to do with it. They began humming again, and this time the peaceful feeling increased until they all thought their heads would burst with pleasure. Now they were drawing towards each other. Symoni looked on, too amazed to do anything. OCC: We need to keep this story going until it makes the size of a novel
  3. OCC: we need to keep this story going so that it'll be a good sized book plz, don't end it now. IC: Suddenly Kieko came into the room from upstairs where she had been moved from the capital infirmary, her eyes were glazed, her face expressionless. Symoni came up to her not realizing these strange features, "Welcome back Kie!" she said cheerfully, "you were out for so long we almost forgot you---were." The others were now looking at Kieko, the lifeless entity walked around Veil's couch and out the door, now Symoni saw Kieko's zombie-like facial features. Rein had a thought, "She'll take us to the missing humans if we follow her," he said, "but we'd have to let the second verse called Ios take us, [i]and[/i] we're not ready." This last part was much quieter as Rein finished his thought and realized that if they were taken to Uni they would have to be as strong as possible to defeat him. Riv got the general idea of Rein's thought and clarified it with his brother, "You're thinking that we need to fuse first, right?" Rein nodded, "But we need to fuse our souls temporarily in order to gain full control of the physical fusion, and Toshi wants full control," Toshi looked up as if he had suddenly been chosen to be the first person to go into space without a helmet. "No, I don't want total control!" he exclaimed. "I just want to have [i]some[/i] control, not all of it!" Rein nodded to him, then looked around the room at Hiroshi/Arunue, Riv, Toshi and Rayne, who nodded at him in answer to his unspoken question. "Alright then," he said, "let's do it," Riv then explained how they were supposed to fuse, they were to make a triangle with the pairs of siblings, then hold their right hand in front of them, palm facing the inside of the triangle. Riv said that when they did that, if they were the right people for the fusion, they would be drawn towards the inside of the triangle and fuse into one body, one mind, and one person. "Who told you about this type of fusion?" Rayne asked, Riv shrugged, "I've just always known it I guess, born with the technique etched into my soul, we should do it now." Without fuss or any more nods, the six meant to do the fusion stood up and formed the triangle, Toshi and Rayne were one corner, Hiroshi took one by himself, then Rein and Riv as the third. They held their hands out in front of them, and began to be drawn towards the center and towards themselves.
  4. Back in his house in Asgard, Rein made an interesting discovery. He was sitting in his comfy chair eating chips and thinking about what would happen next, when a thought almost knocked him over. The thought was, [i]Where have all the people gone?[/i] It seemed that ever since he had appeared to help Arunue, Garren and the rest on their quest, the general populace of humans had disappeared. Rein stood up and went to the bedroom that he and Symoni shared, Symoni looked up from the book that she was reading, "What is it Rein?" she asked. Rein walked over to her, "I need to go see my brother, it isn't a time of peace yet," he said and kissed her before leaving. Rein didn't even think to wonder why she had just let him go, but he did think that [i]We should get married soon if we love each other this much[/i], then he left. Rein decided not to take the easy way to see his brother, he would dimension travel to Midgard, but he wouldn't instantly transmit himself with his divine will. He would fly and check the major cities to see if any people were there at all, just to make sure, and then he would fly to his brother's location. Rein transported himself to Midgard's "Realm of Reality" and went to the closest city he could find. He searched and searched, all over the metropolis he searched for any humans... none. He went to city after city, looking here, looking there, looking underground, and in the air, but no matter how hard he looked, no one was there. He had a thought and transported himself to the Sera, he was relieved to find... half of the population. As he watched, people disappeared into thin air. [i]How is this possible, what force could be-[/i] he broke off mid-thought as he caught sight of a dark figure moving through the crowd and taking them to an unknown place. He hadn't seen it before, but he realized that he hadn't been employing his godly powers. Now he was employing them, and he saw the figure. It was Ios, the second verse of creation, the creature created after Uni. Uni was first made to be life and beginning, Ios was made for death and end. But now that Uni was evil apparently, Ios had joined his side. So now he was taking humans to? where? The void? Nifleim? After Hodur?s death Rein was sure that other evil beings might reside there, but why were the humans being taken there? And if they weren?t being taken to Nifleim then where were they going to? Rein couldn?t be sure, but he would have to tell his brother first, Toshi would probably act foolishly and do something drastic. Rein transported himself to where Riv was sitting under the shady tree. ?Riv,? Rein said this to get his brother?s attention. It worked and Riv looked up at him then back at the ground, ?I let her go, I couldn?t stop her. Rail is going to keep destroying because of --,? Riv was cut off by Rein using his powers in rage, he burned down the tree with ease and fury. ?Stop seeping in guilt when there is no need!? he yelled and almost instantly Riv looked up again with the usual light in his eyes, he said, confused, ?Oh-- sorry Rein. I guess that I?m not used to failure and slipped into a guilt soaked alter ego.? Rein stopped his flame and shook his head with a smirk on his face, ?Riv, you are going to have to get used to failure. Failure will happen to you more than once, you can?t get around it,? he said. Then he remembered what he was there for after a pause and said more seriously, ?Riv, we need to stop Uni, he is taking all the humans somewhere. Didn?t you notice that they are gone?? Riv looked surprised. ?Well, I guess I guess I knew,? he said, ?but I never really noticed it, strange that no one else has either.? Riv suddenly remembered something, "Rein, I know how to defeat Rail," he told his brother. Rein looked at him as if he were the enemy, "Why the HELL didn't you tell me before!?!" he exclaimed, "I forgot," said Riv simply, "I've been sort of out of it for a while now." Rein looked at the sky in exasperation at him, "Just tell me." "We need to get Hiroshi, Toshi and Rayne back before I will tell anyone," Riv told him. Rein rolled his eyes and sighed, "Lets just get going then," he said. Rein and Riv searched for Hiroshi's signal first, he was in the same realm they were in, two miles south, sitting and conversing with Arunue who was inside him. Riv got up and used his sword Lemaria to move him through the air by using its light as legs while Rein flew beside him. When they arrived Hiroshi was still talking with his sister, they told him the situation and that he was needed to help destroy Rail, and he of course wanted to get back at that bitc-- bit of a meanie (the author winks to the reader) for what she had done. Next was Rayne, he was no problem. Since Rayne was dead they could simply go to the void and get his body and bring it to Asgard where his soul was and Rein could revive him. After they did this Riv explained to Rayne what he was needed for and he obliged as well. Next was Toshi, who might not be that responsive. Rein sensed that he was, to their utter surprise, FIGHTING RAIL! The group went as quickly as they could to save Toshi from getting himself killed. Rein used his realm jumping technique alternatively to jump through the space of the "Realm of Reality" instantly to where Toshi was about to lose his life for nothing. Meanwhile, Toshi was lunging at Rail and commencing the battle, but when he got about five feet away from her when the Rein, Hiroshi, Riv, and Rayne appeared and grabbed him and used the realm warping space warp alternative to take him somewhere safe. Ten minutes later Toshi and Veil and the others sat down in Veil's main room. All eyes were on Riv. Riv told them what they must do, that they must fuse their bodies, except for Hiroshi who already had in a way fused with his sister. Rein and Rayne understood Riv, while Toshi had totally missed the point. "Hey, he's my brother, but I'm not going to go so far as to do [i]that![/i]" The others, including Veil looked at him as if he were, well, him. ?Toshi, I have no idea how you got that kind of twisted idea,? Veil said, ?just do it for me, okay?? Toshi swallowed hard and nodded his agreement.
  5. The creature Uni looked into Toshi's eyes, Toshi found he couldn't move, his mind struggled with Uni's for control of his body yet was failing. Helios laughed from the corner where he had fallen, his body had been healed! Helios smirked at Toshi, then said, "Did you really think that you could destroy the creature that helped create the universe?" A black figure of a substance that Toshi couldn't identify appeared and continued for Helios, "He can manipulate all of the universe," it said. Another figure came out, it was a deathlord, "He can create," it said. Yet another creature came out of the darkness, "And he can destroy," it finished. Toshi's hands were at his neck now as he made a great realization at what was happening, Uni was calling the souls of all the greatest evils in the world together. First Rail, then Helios, the unidentified creature must be the evil creature Rimnil which Riv had slain so many years ago, and then there was... "SHAKIA!" Toshi finally was able to move himself and had control of his body. "Yes, Toshi. But remember, I am Hodur, the dark lord." Shakia said, Hodur rather. Hodur seemed calm about Toshi's escape from Uni's mental bind but Uni himself was totally surprised, "Who did that?!?" he yelled at the sky. "Only I have that power, who overrid my power?!?" In answer to Uni's question, a sentence made of clouds appeared in front of him, it read, "Your master has overridden your power." The clouds dissipated, everything seemed quiet, the other evils were staring at that spot in the air, another cloud sentence appeared, "Your master who is all around you has deemed you unfit to rule it." The sentence again dissipated, Toshi had no idea what "master who is all around you" meant, Uni yelled at the sky, "Master! Why have you done this!?!" the clouds did not appear to answer him. Toshi didn't hear Uni because as soon as he did say it, Garren, and Rein appeared in the gateway (aka. the void) and walked through the pain and took Toshi back to Asgard.
  6. Rein and Symoni left their room and followed Riv to the main room of the dojo. Riv sat down, Rein and Symoni followed suit. "What is it brother?" asked Rein, Riv looked up at the ceiling, "Uni is real," he said with a tone of fear. Rein stared at him wide eyed while Symoni stared at Rein, trying to figure out what had so surprised him, "The myths were true?" Rein inquired, Riv looked down from the ceiling and at Rein, "Yes," he said. "And he has called all the major evils from the past. He has done this by controlling the less mentally strong into summoning them," Rein's look of surprise turned into one of wonder, "He is that strong?" "Yes brother." "Why is he doing this?" "He has become overwhelmed by the power that he has been consuming. He has become evil over his countless millenia of eating the darkness and void of the universe and now wants to destroy the universe itself." "But why would he do this?" "Because besides being evil he is now insane." "Just like Rail." "Hmmm?" "Oh, you don't know that story, I forgot. You are still young for a god." "Yes I know, what happened? Wait, since we don't have all day, make it a sentence of story." "I was transported by accident back in time and saved Trinia from war, then brought war back to it, from which it has become a wasteland. Sorry for a second sentence but, I brought war back to Trinia because I showed Rail all the wonders of the realms and she became insane and now wants the same goal as Uni." "The second sentence is fine, that sounds like a pretty long story... we need to-" Riv was cut off by his brother saying, "Symoni needs to have some of this explained," Symoni nodded to him. "It can wait, though, my love. We have to get to Uni before he destroys the whole universe." Riv looked up, "That reminds me," he said, "we can't access the void, we need an inexperienced realm traveler to make a mistake and take us there," Rein got the same thought. "We need to get Toshi," the brothers said in unison. OCC: Hey Noelle, I am creating a message board like 'Runue did and I need just one more moderator. Do you want to be it?
  7. OCC: Hey I've got an idea for a name of the third book of the trilogy, [u]End of the Realms[/u]. I don't know, I don't think that is very good, do you? Anyway, I want the story to go on for at least one more page because I have more ideas for it, okay? I'm asking a lot of questions... Skitto out! IC: Riv saw this in his mind and was surprised, he had thought that Toshi, Rayne, Rein, and himself would fuse their souls to completely defeat the threat, but now there was a third party to which the whole would be composed. Humans, gods, and now there would be the cascades contributing to the fusion. Hiroshi was now charging Rail with a slightly more crazed look, the look of hating Rail for what she was going to do to Kano. KANO! Riv had totally forgotten about him, where was he? Riv looked around with his mind and did not see Kano, he looked back at the group of warriors, now without Arunue, to see if Garren had the boy. He didn't, so where was Kano? Riv searched the universe for the boy's life signal, and unfortunately found him nowhere. Except nowhere was somewhere, it had to be. Riv felt the boy's energy but could not find its placement... but that mean't he had to be between realms, in the void. If Kano were there that would mean that Uni had him. Riv gasped, he had heard rumors that Uni had become evil feeding off the darkness for so long. But no one could go there without experiencing extreme pain because of the gravitational pull that the realm had on them. [i]No one[/i] could go there, and those who were too experienced at realm leaping would not be careless enough to make the same mistake as when they had first made that mistake of losing conentration. Then Riv had a thought, Garren and Toshi, they weren't that experienced at that form of travel, and he had heard that Toshi had already visited the void and had seen Uni. Riv couldn't jump realms as his brother could, he had to wake him up. Riv jumped off his bed and took Lemaria with him, which Hiroshi had given back to him when Riv had been released from Hiro's body. Riv practically ran into Rein and Symoni's room to hear that they were not asleep, he didn't need this, if it was possible to be too in love, his brother and Symoni were too in love. Riv rapped on the door and said loudly, "Rein get out here! There is something important that has come to my attention."
  8. Riv sat on the floor of his room. He of course had heard the exchange between the four, now comerades they were seeking death upon the one being they could not destroy. He was angry that they did not take him with them, but sort of relieved. Two pairs of brothers which had close to equal had to merge with each other to create a being that would thoroughly destroy beings that were as powerful as Rail. Even her atoms and soul had to be destroyed to fully destroy her because if they weren't, she would be able to come back. One pair of brothers had to be strong warriors of the human race and the other had to be warriors of a divine (god) race. Riv had known this would be essential to their smite of evil for a long time, that Toshi and Rayne would be the human brothers and Rein and himself would be the divine brothers. He was relieved because he knew that Rail would spare their lives out of the plan that could be found in the mistakes of the one that included Kano's training and death associated with Rail's rebirth, those mistakes had been planned so that she would destroy everything but herself in the universe, including the realms themselves. This meant that she would create the world anew. Then Riv remembered something, [i]everything[/i] would be destroyed, including the creature which the universe had created to aid its own creation, the true god of the gods, Irunakriasha, or Uni [you neye] of the first verse of creation. If Uni were dead, Rail would create the universe again, and without the competition of another. Riv now sensed that Symoni was stirring in her sleep, he went into her subconscious mind and observed her dreams. She was in Alfheim, sailing on a ship, she was on the deck holding a five year old child in her arms- one that was not hers- and showing him the sea and the world's beauty. She leaned over the side to show him more and slipped. Symoni dropped the child into the water on the side of the boat, she tried to regain her child from the water by reaching out and trying to grab the boy but the boy sank further the more she tried, then the sky went dark. Clouds shrouded the sky and the earth in a veil of darkness, and out of it appeared a black creature which flew from behind the clouds and into the water. It took the boy, who came out unconscious because of his lack of air. Symoni cried out for the child but it was too late, he had been lost, she had failed in protecting him. Then the dim creature showed it's face, it was Toshi. Riv thought to himself that this must be representing her emotions concerning Kano and Toshi training him to be a warrior, and then thought [i]she is correct in that fear, but it should be Rail who took the child.[/i] for that was who really wanted him. Riv entered her dream and spoke to her, [b]Symoni[/b] he said, [b]Riv? How can you be here?[/b] she asked him. [b]Because I can,[/b] he replied, and Symoni seemed to be pleased with this answer for some reason. Riv continued, [b]Do not worry, it is not Toshi you should fear, it is Rail, she wants to take Kano and use him for her own gain. Do not blame Toshi, he did not know at the time, but he is gone now to the Realm of Reality to save him from her because he now knows the truth.[/b] Symoni seemed to relax, and dried her unreal tears, Riv then went out of her dream because the task was done, and Symoni did not yell after him for she knew now one more of his powers. Riv's meditating body now came to life again as his spirit re-entered it. "It has not begun yet," he said quietly.
  9. OCC: Pheonix, it is spelled deity not diety. Diety sounds like, "I'm on a diet so I'm all diety and stuff, hu hu hu!" lol! I'm not saying that you are stupid or anything, just making an example. IC: After Symoni's impatient pause, Rein said " No." Symoni looked very disappointed at this, then Rein continued, "I will not willfully hurt you, I love you too damn much... And besides, why do you want to be rid of the chance to bring another person into the wonders of these worlds?" Symoni looked at him with tears welling in her eyes, "It's not that I don't want a child of my own... It's just... those wonderous worlds are on the brink of serious danger for all people... and that means our child will be born into a world of chaos and destruction. [i]Our[/i] child will be better off never born than living and living with a constant fear of death. Don't you see Rein?" Symoni was about to say something else but she couldn't hold back the tears or the mournful thoughts she had. Symoni clung to Rein who comforted her and then he had an idea. "Wipe away your tears, there is no need for them," he said quietly, "I have had the most wonderous thought, we could keep you away from all this. I could take you to Alfheim, I know a few elven women who would be glad to take care of you, and the elven magic would keep the possible enemies away." Rein had been looking down at her when he had told her this and now knelt and looked slightly up at her, "What do you say?" he asked, still comforting her. She flicked a smile at this idea, "I'm sorry, but I'll need to think about it." Rein smiled too, he had been hoping she'd say that, "Then I'll take you with me wherever I go and [i]I'll[/i] protect you until you have decided." Rein stood there Garren heard this, but wasn't really listening to it, he was too worried about his own child who had been resurrected in this time of imminent doom, he finally got up and walked past the two lovers and into the dojo just as Symoni said, "Yes, I will go with you." Riv stood in the corner of the room watching the three converse. Garren had finally walked in after his real time two minute think session, Riv looked up at his brother, "Rein," he summoned as his 'brother' came into the dojo. Rein walked over to Riv's corner and looked at him, "Riv?" he inquired, Riv just looked at him, letting his eyes do the talking, Rein got the optical message and said, "I can't feel them either." The two turned to Toshi, Garren and Kuro, Toshi was wrapping his wound as he listened with half an ear to Garren's babblings about his now lost and "needs to be found" son, and KuroKy was doing acrobatics and dancing around like a hyperactive child. Riv walked up to Toshi and said, "Notice anything missing?" Garren heard this and said loudly, "Yeah! My son is missing! What kind of legend do you have, a legend of your stupidity?!?" Riv stared at the over-protective father with increasing menace and said, "Don't push me, I [i]know[/i] that Kano is missing, I was talking about something else." Toshi had already noticed but Garren now made the same realization, "Kieko and Rayne!" Riv looked at him with the look that portrayed the message, "No ****?" and then actually said it, then Rein looked up and told the two other than himself and his 'adopted' brother, "We must find them, me and my brother cannot feel their life energy so we must go by foot and by realm-crossing technique to be sure to search everywhere." Riv took out Lemaria and said, "Rein, you seem to forget that I can meld the light of Lemaria to any shape for any use, i can make it so It forms legs that walk across the land and make something with the incandescency to hold Toshi and Garren in the sky while you fly low, we can cover more land that way." Rein paused for a while to think, or possibly something else since Symoni had just walked into the room, and said, "I cannot sense Kano either," Riv stopped to sense for the boy too, "Neither can I, someone must be surpressing their life signals so no one will find them without looking physically rather than spiritually... strange though that Arunue and Hiroshi can be sensed when you'd think that they'd be hiding themselves, interesting..." The group went to the four rooms and slept, one room for Symoni and Rein the lovers, one for Toshi and Riv the old friends, one for Garren the lost father, and one for the obnoxious kid KuroKy.
  10. OCC: K 'Runue, I'll send you that. IC: When Rein and Toshi got back into Rein's abode they sat down, Rein hadn't even told the story yet. "I will start with Rimnil," Rein said, commencing his novel-in-words, Toshi though wasn't really surprised at him for mentioning Riv's first arch enemy. You couldn't really mention Riv without mentioning Rimnil, Toshi reached up and picked up a piece of pizza out of the tray sitting on a table next to the couch, Rein's pizza was gone though Toshi could swear that there was still five pieces left when Rein had transported them to the tree of evil. "After Riv, your ancestor Ki, and the others of that group completed their journey to defeat Rimnil," continued Rein, "they came back without one member. You know who had been destroyed?" he asked. "Riv," Toshi answered gravely. "Yes, in destroying Rimnil... Riv destroyed himself and since he died a heroic death he was sent here when he died, Odin had already known this by the time he arrived and had sent his sister to a foster home because she was interfering with his godly duties." "Sister? I thought Riv only had a brother!" "No, he had a sister also, his mother had been pregnant for seven months after his father had died, but the baby was recovered only a few hours after Riv left for the mountain-dwelling of the dark creature Rimnil [OCC: read The Legend of Riv for further info]. He never knew he had a sister until now." "Who-- who was his sister?" "The one named Arunue the Cascade was the great swordsman's sister." "ARUNUE!" "Yes, and the one who rescued her from death was Freya, the god of earth. She had felt all the deaths caused by the evil creature and had been searching for even a single survivor out of the half of the population that had had their lives drained away. She had been searching for a while when she came to the two storied house that had been Riv's home. She saved the child and took her here where Odin healed her wounds and raised her until she was five years of age. Odin then had to give her to another family to raise her further and that family was where she got her godbrother Hiroshi until her godparents died. Then Hiroshi raised her then died and she was alone, but that is getting off the subject." "Yes, that is getting to the point where I met her, now what of Riv?" "Oh yes. Riv had come here and knew of his relationship to Arunue whom he had come to love after the half-decade he had raised her, and told Riv that he would use his power to bring him back to life for a full year, and in this time he found a nice girl named Tr'shiel, a brown skinned girl with black hair and green eyes, but you already know this so I shouldn't have to tell you. Riv lived with his love for that full year, then when his time was up his life was taken back to Asgard and away from his girlfriend. But then Odin decided that he should have a son that was nearer to him because all of his descendants were more like subjects to a king than children to a father, so he made Riv a god, the god of nothing but the great sword Lemaria, and Riv went back to Midgard but couldn't find his love." "And so he found me and my quest when looking for her. That was why he joined us, it was just a better way to find Tr'shiel." "And so he did. The new god found his love the second day of his being on your quest [read The Dark for more info], but they kept it from you so that you would be under the illusion that they had just met each other. But when he found her she had been dead for a century and a half, Riv had been searching for her for two. Riv then resurrected her in secret and then joined back up with you while you were distracted. But a few months after, he died in secret too, killed by Morak, the source of your quest, who had snuck up on him and severed his head. He went back to Asgard where Odin saw his son's suffering and healed his wounds but took his immortality away because of his foolish ness. This was also a ploy to keep his son with him after he died. Then your quest was finished without your knowledge of his death or anything concerning his immortality which I have just told you. And now Riv is getting his own body back with the help of his sister." "You can feel it?" "Yes. Would you like to go and witness it?" "Of course!" After this whole conversation was finished and their pizzas too, Rein transported Toshi to the Reality world in Midgard. But they were too late and all of them, Arunue, Riv, Symoni, and Hiroshi were all gone back to the Realm of Imagination. Rein then transported Toshi and himself there just in time to see Toshi's lost friend walk out of the imagined building.
  11. Rein stood with Toshi for a while, then said, "So my lost brother has returned," Toshi looked surprised, "You're adopted [i]what?[/i] Rein, Riv is a human, how can he be your brother?" Rein just kept his expressionless face, "Toshi, how about let's go inside and have some munchies and I'll explain it to you," he proposed. Toshi nodded, "Okay," he said, "I'm pretty hungry. Haven't ate since that feast in the Realm of Imagination," he nodded again and went inside followed by Rein. When they were inside Rein transported to another realm and back with a small half inch high rectangular box that said Pizza Hut on the top. He opened to reveal a tiny frozen pizza, "We can't eat that!" exclaimed Toshi, "it's to small!" Rein looked at him as if he were stupid, but then remembered that he kind of was and said, "This is a dehydrated pizza from the newly discovered Realm of Technology," Toshi nodded in understanding and then asked, "Isn't Midgard the realm that the humans spawned from?" "Yes." "Then where do the realms of Reality, Imagination and Technology come from?" "The humans only call them that, they are actually different inhabitable planets in Midgard enchanted by the good elves in the extremes of reality, imagination and technology, the three essential elements of invention," "Oh... but... I'll ask you later. I want to know about Riv," "Ok. Just a minute while I rehydrate this pizza and cook it," Rein smiled at the "cook it" part and left into the kitchen of his dwelling. What Toshi heard next was Rein filling a sink, then a plunk, and a suction sound. Toshi went into the kitchen to see a large uncooked pizza in a kitchen sink, "Jeez you must be hungry, go back into the living room and wait," Rein said when he saw Toshi. Toshi went back into the living room and laid down on the couch, he then heard Rein pick the pizza out of the sink then putting it onto something metallic, then a "foof" and then Rein came out of the kitchen with the now cooked pizza on a pizza tray. Rein obviously hadn't employed his powers in a while and was eager to use them. "I can't resist making a little fire once in a while," Rein stated, he then sat down in his recliner and lifted half of the pizza off of the tray with his godly mind power and handed the other half on the tray to Toshi, and held the first half in the air next to him. Rein got comfortable in his chair which was a sign to Toshi that this would be a long story. OCC: Please keep the story focused on the others until my next post.
  12. OCC POST: 'Runue, just so you know, you don't have the right to say that kind of thing. Box had the idea for the prequel The Dark and I prequelled that as the Legend of Riv [b]because of the good original storyline[/b] okay. Don't blame me or Box for our own idea, just because you started it doesn't mean you have copyright laws forbidding us from branching off the story. I just had to tell you that, sorry if it sounded like I'm mad but I'm not, I'm just stating the facts.
  13. OCC: Riv's hair and eye color are supposed to be pure white, not green! You should ask me before telling parts of the description of characters created by Skitto! IC: Riv sat on the beach, Hiroshi was begging in his mind to come back into control but he wouldn't [b]let[/b] him this time. Riv stood up and turned around to see... "Oops! Sorry!" Riv covered his eyes and turned back, "What was that?" asked Kano, "Oh, nothing," said Riv quickly while shielding Kano's eyes as well, he quickly changed the subject, "Just so you know, I'm your other uncle, uncle Riv," Kano looked at him suspiciously, "But mommy said you are Riv-Al-Niche!" he said sternly, Riv smiled at the child, "Your mommy didn't want to tell your daddy because she wanted to keep it a secret for a while so he would be really surprised when she tells him," Riv said gently. "I won't tell," said Kano with a finger up to his mouth to signify his silence. "Heddely-i heddely-ho! What'cha talkin about kiddo?" said KuroKy brightly, walking up to the two. "Nevermind," said Riv, Kano turned to the clown-boy and put his finger on his mouth again, "We can't tell you, its a secret," whispered Kano. KuroKy looked around the hill that Riv had walked by just to avoid anybody seeing the love scene behind it, "What'cha hidin' from?" asked Kuro, "they're just sleeping." Riv peeked around the hill also, [i]Jeez I've gotten stupid! They weren't... they were just sleeping![/i] Riv thought. He got up and changed the subject yet again to hide his idiocy and asked the other two if they wanted to see his father.
  14. For the next hour or so in the High Realm A.K.A Asgard, Toshi sat in bed and thought over what had happened, [i]How can he be that strong? How could Hiroshi use his power in such an evil manner?[/i] Toshi asked himself in his mind. Meanwhile, back at the Tyr's abode on the outland of Asgard, Rein was persuading his war god grandfather to help him in taking down Hiroshi, "Grandfather," Rein yelled at last after a long pause for Tyr to think, "stop being so senile! We need to destroy this man and save Riv before he gets here! To home!" Tyr's blonde hair and eyes seemed to be glowing as he came to a realization, "Give me five bucks and it's a deal," the old bugger said, now Rein's red hair and eyes seemed to be glowing as he reached into his pocket and took out a green bill with the number 5 on all four corners and a picture of a dead person on the front, Rein shook Tyr's hand then sighed, "Deal." Also meanwhile, Riv sat hovering in the prison of Hiroshi's mind trying to bring himself to balance to get himself out of there. Riv could feel what Hiroshi felt, did what Hiroshi did, but he was not Hiroshi, he was Riv. He was the legendary man transformed into the almost forgotten son of Odin, a god, an immortal.
  15. Later that day, the group was finally reaching the mountain when they heard, "You are not coming for me yet!" it was Rimnil, he sounded scared and angry, he knew he would be defeated. "Away!" he yelled from his pit inside the mountain. Riv lay on a bed of sand, he got up and looked around, his white hair flailing wildly, "Where is everybody!" he yelled at the sky. He walked away from the lake he had woken up by, and walked for a while, until he met a griffin, its lion tail up and aggressive. Riv started to fight it and couldn't beat it, then he remembered to keep himself in balance. Riv closed his eyes and kept his anger at bay. Lemaria glowed, and turned white like his hair. Lemaria's light extended and Riv readied himself with a smile of satisfaction. Just as he was going to slash at the bird/beast, it said, "Riv don't hurt me!" That was Celestia's voice! The griffin had eaten Celestia! "Celestia!" Riv yelled, "I'll get you out of there!" The griffin looked at him, "Get me out of where?" Celestia asked, "I am this bird thing." Riv was confused.
  16. OCC: a lot of meaning in so few words 'Runue IC: "Hmmm, interesting idea my lord," said Tyr to Odin, Odin looked at Rein, "I see my lineage extends farther than just sons and grandsons, I really [i]must[/i] be getting old!" he laughed, Tyr looked at him with the kind of and-you-are-talking-about... what? kind of look "I loved my Cascade, but I eventually had to give her up and let her live with her own kind, with the humans. And this Hiroshi is her brother you say? He must have been in the foster family I left her with, but not her real brother. Her real brother died the first time Rimnil came to anyone's knowledge, Riv I think was his name, Riv the Legendary Swordsman I think they called him, he was the only person capable of handling Balder's sword of light, Lemaria. It is still unknown what Hiroshi has turned into. I will have to think on this matter, you are dismissed." Later, outside Val Halla Rein and Tyr were telling Symoni and Toshi what Odin had said. "Riv," said Toshi pausing to think, "I knew him... he went with Veil and I in our conflict with Morak and the deathlords, of which you most likely know. Right Rein?" "Yes," replied Rein, "grandfather has told me the stories," he paused for a long time as if keeping something from them.
  17. "Tyr, my son, why have you come to me?" asked Odin the allfather as Tyr and his grandson Rein entered the hall of Val Halla. Tyr and Rein kneeled before him and bowed their heads, "Father, I have to ask you something," said Tyr looking up at the lord of all the gods, he paused then asked, "Hiroshi Kalamara, brother of Arunue Kalamara the Cascade, has made a transformation in the Reality division of Midgard." "Yes?" said Odin, "Go on," Tyr continued, "What do you wager this Hiroshi has changed into?" Odin closed his eyes in thought, then spoke with his eyes still closed, "I had originally created Cascade in the first place, she was human that I took in as a child whose parents had been killed by the first onslaught of Rimnil, this Hiroshi could have turned into her but I am not sure."
  18. Lex laid on the ground, entranced, Inferna came at Flaid, the hole in her chest fading into new flesh, all the others could only watch, Fera wept for Lex. All seemed chaos for an eternity it seemed, Flaid now was whacking Inferna with the side of his sword, he didn't seem to want to hurt her... but something in all the minds of the ones involved nagged at them. At first they couldn't tell what and just ignored it, but it still nagged at them. It grew in their minds, even Inferna's mind, and became a mental scream of warning. This is what the scream was... "LOOK UP!" The two demons stopped there battle, Fera stopped crying. They all looked up and saw flame which seemed to be reflected off the sky, then they looked down... the sky was reflecting off of flame. They had all been transported somewhere else, not earth, but a world of fire and chaos and torture. A giant demon walked up to them with loudly pounding hooves, it then spoke with a voice so deep that they had to strain their hearing to make out the words, "The Grand Demon will see you now Inferna," it said. "It seems you have been stirring up trouble, you [i]and[/i] your brother will pay for your escape!"
  19. Veil knelt down beside Toshi who was slowly slipping into death, "No," she whispered to him, "not so soon, you just got back," she fought back tears as she yelled out to the empty street, "I won't let you die!" Just then in the house of Tyr in the world of Asgard, Rein felt this all happening. He looked at his grandfather who had just at that moment looked at him, "It's Toshi," he said to Tyr, "he's dying," Symoni stared at Rein, "No, why is everyone I know dying!" she let her tears flow down her beautiful face, she ran over to Rein and hugged him tight for fear of losing him. "I'm not dying just yet," he said, he lifted his hand to touch her face, "If you can still see me, hear me and feel me, I'm not gone." Rein looked over to his grandfather, "Grandpa, go over to the kingdom of Sera and do your best to heal Toshi, I've got to calm down Symoni." Tyr nodded and did the dimension travel technique, just before he vanished he said, "Take care of her," so saying he vanished to appear at the same time behind Veil's home. He walked around to where Veil was crying over the loss of her love and took a vial of glowing bluish liquid from his pocket, " 'sniff' what are you doing?" asked Veil. "Who are you?" Tyr didn't look up, "I am healing him, I cannot tell you my name," he said and poured a small bit of the liquid onto Toshi's wound, turned him over and poured some on the back side of the wound, turned him back and Veil saw life in Toshi's eyes once more.
  20. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv, having gained control of his conciosness after Helios's lapse of concentration, now sat atop the humble house formed to celebrate Helios's death. He felt it was time to tell them. Riv jumped off the roof and walked into the house, and found the group in the living room watching a futuristic movie about a man called the Trminatre played by Arnuld Svartzinaggre. He sat and watched it to its end and got up just as everyone else was and stood by the doorway, "There is something that I must tell you all," he said. Tr'shiel said, "What baby?" "I must go home now where you can't follow," Riv replied, "Why?" asked Tr'shiel. "Because I am not fit to live here anymore," he paused then continued, "Because I am dead, and have to return to the realm of the dead." Tr'shiel couldn't take it and cried and hugged him, "Don't go.... I don't want you to go!" she yelled with tears in her eyes. "I must go, I have been away for too long, I must," he stepped away from her and looked into her eyes, "Goodbye," he said and disappeared.
  21. Riv and the others walked in a tight group because of the rain and of the wilderness that surrounded the mountain. Riv walked with Lemaria held out in front of him, studying it. Finally he got it and Lemaria began to glow but faded just as it was getting bright. "Well, you're getting closer," said Celestia, "but you must find the secret yourself, you must get your balance perfect." Suddenly a Leviathan came out of the wood, in a pouncing position. OCC: attached is a depiction of a Leviathan
  22. OCC: I had a girlfriend, GIRLfriend mind you, who liked to call herself Edward Wong Hai Blue Bibbloski the first (or Ed), since the Ed from Cowboy Bebop was Edward Wong Hai blue Bibblosky the third, I think that is how the whole name is said. Or maybe Booboo Brosky the third. Hmmm. IC: Rein paced in the rain, contemplating yet again. Then he popped into his own room in the building with his mind and walked over to Symoni, lying down and weeping on the bed. "I must go," he said simply, "Go then!" Symoni yelled at him through her pillow, she is beautiful in any position or mood, Rein thought to himself, then walked up to her and said, "You need time to get used to her death but it will pass, it will pass more quickly here..." Rein paused, "but I will ask you anyway." Rein paused again then said, "Will you go with me to find Rail?" Symoni rolled over and looked at him sternly, "No!" then calmed down a bit."Give me time," she looked at Rein's handsome face, his red eyes seemed so calm to her than usual, compared to when she first saw him when there were flames in those eyes. Rein was bent over her and was very close to her own face, his red locks freely dangled forward freely. "Alright," he said and kissed her on the cheek, "I will give you time to recover." Rein came up from bending over and looked down at her for a while before laying down beside her. He gave her a hug, she cried on his shoulder, "She was like a sister to me," she said, still crying, "I know," Rein replied in a comforting voice, "I know." Two hours later Symoni was still crying in Rein's arms, then she finally stopped, "Ok Rein," she sniffed then continued, "I'm ok now, let's go." Rein offered her a tissue, she blew in it, tossed it into the trash can and after a few minutes of preparation and food, went off to find the rest of the group. "Where the!..." said Hiroshi when they found the group, "oh... forgot about Symoni," Rein flashed him with a look that had the same fire in his eyes as long ago, Kieko ran up to Symoni, "You ok now?" she asked. "Yeah," replied Symoni, Rein looked at the group and said, "We're gonna go try to find Rail again, no you can't change our minds and no we're not taking Garren," Hiroshi looked amazedly at him, "How did--" he started, "--I know?" Rein finished, "I am a god, I am mean't to know, we will leave now, bye guys." Kieko stepped away from Symoni as Rein picked Symoni up and flew out of the hole that had imaginatively appeared in the ceiling of the living room. OCC: Rein is gonna be gone for a while now so don't bring him back ok? And I have my reasons for him to bring Symoni along. :)
  23. Skitto

    The Dark

    OCC: STOP THE MUSIC! Riv was being controlled, I had mean't for Riv to be bad for a while. Oh well, I'll just make up for that. IC: Toshi and Riv began their united sword attack, "You may have taken my army, but I will not be left alone! Riv! Come to my side!" Helios said as he concentrated on Riv, he hadn't before because the deathlords did. Riv's white light became the evil flame yet again and he walked away from Toshi and to Helios. "No! I won't let you take him again!" exclaimed Toshi as he ran towards Helios with his sword in front of him ready to make a futile attempt at dismantling Helios of his mind powers. Helios concentrated on him, and flung him into a wall with his mind and held him there. Toshi struggled but could not move, just as Riv struggled to gain consciosness, but couldn't.
  24. [i]So they can take care of these themselves I see. They don't need me[/i] thought Rein, he walked up to Symoni, told her to put her daggers away and waved his hand in Symoni's direction, instantly she sobered and Rein stared into her eyes for a moment, "Will you go with me?" he said, "Where?" "To kill the true menace." "Yes." Rein picked her up and held her, she was so soft and lovely in his arms, he thought. Then Rein disappeared with his imagination. The others didn't notice this because of their current battle. Instantly Rein and Symoni were in the air, Symoni felt the clouds against her bare legs below her shorts and had a thought, she turned her head to look at Rein, Rein stopped and looked at her, "Yes?" he asked her. She looked a little embarrassed as she said to him, "We're alone right?" "Yes." "Then--?" She broke off and kissed Rein on the lips, then gave him a hug. "[b]Oh[/b]. That." "Yes that." "Now?" "Now." "Alright then!" She hadn't seen him this happy before. She held onto Rein as they plunged through the clouds, then stopped. Rein turned his head a tiny bit of a tiny bit and they were gone into another world. They appeared in the sky of this other world. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping. "What world are we in now Rein?" inquired Symoni after they had landed on a grassy hill in this seemingly endless plane of natural beauty. "We," answered Rein, "are in Alfheim, the realm of the Elves, we'll only be here for a few hours then we're back to finding Rail ok?" Symoni looked around and smiled at him, "Ok." The two lovebirds walked around the green landscape of Alfheim hand in hand for a while, then Symoni sat down, "Come sit with me Rein," she said after she had settled down on the soft grass. Rein sat down, Symoni stared deeply into his eyes, "How much do you love me Rein?" she asked innocently, "I cannot express it in words, only in actions, how much I love you," Rein explained. She hugged him and they kissed, the kiss and the embrace did not end there, it went on and on until eternity passed by and they were the only beings there, making love in the grass. OCC: purty long, I am just thinking alot now i guess. So, now Rein and Symoni are head over heels in love with each other, and will be seperate from the party for a little while ok? Rein left because he analyzed the situation carefully to come to the conclusion that they could win the battle. Rein is not a coward ok?
  25. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv and Lemaria began to glow, the death lords saw this with fear as the duo came closer, then salvation. They began to concentrate on Riv and the great sword. Riv swayed, and fell, his hair still as luminus as before, then he got up, his hair and eyes now flared the deep reddish-orange, just as when he lost control before. A smirk appeared on his face, Riv charged back, Lemaria extended and burning with a demonic flame. "Riv! Don't!" said Asunan, knowing that he would, knowing what had happened. Surprisingly, Riv's head jolted back as he came back to being himself once more, "I will not kill you, I won't let myself, don't worry Asunan!" then Lemaria's light, which had gone out when he said this, came back. It was made by Riv, who was not mean't to last in posession of himself. The deathlords, who had been advancing through this distraction made by Riv, stopped, and stared at him in concentration. Riv blinked once and the flame came back to his eyes and hair, as well as Lemaria's light turning into the deadly flame it had been before. Tr'shiel couldn't take it, she cried, knowing that Riv could not hear her. She cried out at the shell standing a few yards yet a million miles away from her, "Riv!" she got on her knees and prayed that something would happen, crying to the gods. Toshi stared at Riv, whom he had not met but a few months ago. Sure, he kept himself secluded from the others except when needed. Toshi was now being opposed by the friend who emerged and changed the course of history all those years ago before he was gone. Without knowing it, Riv had become a friend to his family, he would not let that friend be killed, but that friend was going to kill him. What could he do? Then he remembered that Riv would not stare and contemplate, Riv would do something, Riv would destroy the opposition, even if they were friends. Riv was not himself anymore, Riv was now a deathlord and he had to keep it from taking innocent lives. Toshi, Veil, Tr'shiel, Ravene and the rest of the group stood against four seperate foes, Helios, the deathlords, the non-Riv, and their fear of having to kill their friend/companion/lover (Tr'shiel's lover at least) to win the war and save the world... but did it have to be this way?
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