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Everything posted by Skitto

  1. Rein awoke from his trancelike slumber and walked over to the balled up Symoni on the floor, looked at her then walked to the window. Rein then opened the window and lifted himself through it with his imagination instead of his power to save his energy. He floated to a remote place in the air and thought, [i]What am I to do? Should I go to Rail and disobey the request by Hiroshi or shall I stay here?[/i]He clenched his fists.[i] NO! I won't let Rail destroy this Realm as she did to Trinia! It was my fault before, now it will be me that will take revenge for the destruction of half the humans and many gods in Trinia![/i] Rein closed his eyes... and remembered back two hundred years... [b]He had been a helper to his father who was a very scientific mind. This day his father was working on finishing the time machine he had been creating for five hundred years. His father had said, "Rein, this is the best achievement a god has ever made, we will soon be able to travel through time ,as well as the our origninal talent to move through space and dimensions, to solve past problems, and help all our kin become better than they are," Rein then asked him if he was going to pull the lever or not. They were inside the machine now and Flerik his father was giving it a proper send-off. Flerik pulled at the lever, then used his power to control gravity. That helped but in the process Flerik was now outside one side of the machine to get better leverage on the thing. Rein could only watch the next events, in a half a second his father yanked a bit on the lever, it finally went down, connected the time circuits, the time machine zipped into the future and most of his father's body rotted away as the head stayed inside with the arms, still grasping the switch. After the half-second Rein's dying father said "Don't help me, help the ancient ones," he then let go of the lever and sat on the floor, dead in an instant.[/b] Rein remembered this, he clenched his fists and tears came to his eyes, he let them run down his cheeks, then remembered what happened next. [b]Rein was flung into the future, he was still in shock from his father's death, crying and alone now. He came back to his senses and pulled the control lever to neutral, then remembered what his father had said in his last moments of immortal life. Rein pulled the lever to reverse and watched as the past flew past him, his house became new, he saw his father and mother seeing it for the first time, he saw the world in reverse. Rein reached the year 487 BC and stopped the time machine, his home was not there, not built yet. Rein got out of the time machine and stared into the emptiness of the still green Asgard. He then made the jump to Trinia. It was there, the hustle and bustle of a giant city where humans and gods lived together in a sudo-equal life. Rein moved through the crowd, then lifted himself up into the air. The crowd wasn't a crowd, it was a fleeing mass of citizens. The spirit Drin of the underrealm was leading an army to take over Trinia. After about a month or so Rein convinced Drin that there were other realms to ravage and rule, because none of them had been discovered yet and Trinia was thought to be the only world. Since Drin did not know how to travel the dimensions, Rein took him there himself, to the planet Iros (eye-rowss) in the realm now known as Vanaheim, from which position Drin and his desciples turned all the creatures to his will. They became the Vanir gods. Rein returned from Iros and and met with Rail, the king's daughter at the time who was just a young spirit. He let her see the world as he had seen it. He showed her all the realms, [i]all[/i] of them. She couldn't take the idea that there was more outside of the realm of Trinia and went insane. She ran from Rein and hid in Trinia because it was the only dimension she had learned to travel to. Rail stayed there for years. Rein had given up on finding her because she would not be the same innocent soul he had met only a month before. Rail grew strong, she grew for decades until she got to the point that she thought in her insanity that if Trinia was not the only realm then it would not be needed anymore... and... destroyed it.[/b] At the recollection of this memory, Rein clenched his fists harder, blood dripped down between his tightened fingers, he could have stopped her. [b]Rein found out that Trinia was destroyed when he got back to his own time, he went back and saved as many people as he could. He saved a few of them... but many were dead already. Since Rail took so long to get strong the gods found two realms, Asgard for the gods, and Midgard for the humans. The gods Rein didn't save took as many humans as they could with them to Midgard and left them to forget their origins.[/b] Rein went back to the building and went inside his room, picked up Symoni and left to find Rail. OCC: Pretty long huh?
  2. Rimnil sat in his mountain being very annoyed and very, VERY pissed off. "I must get these beings away from me or killed but I can't do either," Rimnil shivered so violently that it made the whole mountain shake. Rimnil then calmed down, having just hade the most brilliant idea, "I'll send out all of my armies against them! They won't possibly be able to fend them off while trying to destroy him," Rimnil giggled, and that giggle turned into a gigantic laugh that eventually got too loud for Rimnil's ears and he had to stop. Meanwhile, back at the cave... The whole group was sleeping peacefully except for one member. Riv woke up after an hour of insomnia and was studying Lemaria and trying to figure out how to work it. [i]I've gotta figure out how to awaken this darn sword's powers![/i] Riv thought, [i]The wisemen said that I would be able to use Lemaria to it's full potential if I had balance within myself, and that when I did get it to work I would be the only one able to use it, and that when I died my son or heir would be the only person able to use it... BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK SO THAT WAS A FRIGGIN WASTE![/i] Riv tried everything to get himself into balance, he balanced on a fallen tree in the deeper forest, he balanced upside down on his head, but he couldn't get Lemaria to work. OCC: Riv will not be able to get Lemaria to work for awhile so don't say that he does!
  3. Rein had had his eyes open when Hiroshi spoke to him of the Cascade, now he was back in his thoughtful state again. Symoni walked up to him, "May I join you?" she said, and with a flick of mental energy from her imagination Symoni came up and floated on the side of Rein that Garren wasn't standing chanting at, the right side. Rein's right ear pricked up as he heard the air move around her ascending body, "Hmmm," he said, "do you wonder what I am thinking about?" Symoni looked at him meaningfully, "Not really," she said. "I will tell you anyway." "Okay!" "Well well well, I thought you didn't really want to know, that 'Okay!' makes it seem like you want to know." "Alright, I do want to know, but it doesn't really matter much." Rein had stayed motionless, even in the air, through all this but now he leaned towards her and said, "I am thinking about that man's possible connections to my grandfather," "Tyr?" "Yes." "How could Hiroshi have known your grandfather?" "He didn't." Symoni didn't reply, still looking confused. "His ancestors did." "What?"
  4. Skitto

    The Dark

    "Helios," said Luceus (Helius is pronounced "Hey-lee-ohss"). "I see you remember me, my friend," said Helius. "We are not friends!" "Hmmm? I see you have changed also, you were on the path to my fate as a deathlord, but what I see before me is Luceus... an angel." "I turned from the path to the fate you endure a long time ago Helios! I am not evil!" "That's funny, that is the same exact thing that I said to the Devil when I was dropped into hell." "I have been true to my word and will always be Helios!" "Ummm. Excuse me can we get on with fighting each him instead of talking to him uncle?" This last comment came from little Celestia, who had gotten up and was floating upwards to Lucius with an innocent face. Lucius and Helios glanced at each other, growled at each other, grunted at each other, then Luceus went back up to the heavens and said from behind the clouds, "You will need me. Not now I see though," so saying, the shadow with wings upon the cloud faded from it.
  5. OCC: Yo 'Runue! IC: Rein stopped humming as he was reminded of the chant that Arunue had used. He conjured up a tree with his thoughts and sat down by it, trees always seemed to help Rein think better. [i]Hmmm,[/i] thought Rein, [i]this seems like the alternate method of resurrection than that of which I use. I thought only myself and my grandfather Tyr knew that alternate spell... could grandfather have taught it to the girl's ancestors?[/i] The rest of the group had no idea what he was talking about but did notice that, though sitting, Rein was not on the ground. He had drifted up about 4 feet from the ground while he thought and was now floating just below the leaves of the tree. The newcomer Hiroshi noticed this first, "How did he just do that?" Toshi replied to him, "URP! Sorry! Rein can do that because he is a god. All the gods can fly." "Not that, flight is not that uncommon here. I was talking about that glow," Hiroshi said a bit quietly. Rein had developed a only slightly visible reddish-greenish glow. Toshi was thinking that he should take something for those burps so he wouldn't be even more embarrassed in front of the girls, then a bottle full of colorful round pills, the bottle was marked [color=blue]TUMS, fast effective gas relief-with calcium[/color]. Toshi ate one and in a few minutes he stopped burping, he liked this realm! Meanwhile the others had been talking about why and how Rein was glowing. Symoni tapped him on the shoulder and he came out of his trancelike state of contemplation. He seemed to be confused about something.
  6. Rein the fire god had transported Toshi, Garren, Symoni, Kieko and himself to the Realm of Imagination and what awaited them there was equally if not more amazing than what was at the Realm of Technology. They find that all of their dreams were true yet that it is not heaven, it is not all sunshine and butterflies like they had imagined, half of the realm had been taken over by an unknown force covered in it's own mysteries. "So this is it," said Symoni, "I guess so," said Kieko, "It looks just like the Realm of Reality!" exclaimed Garren, "I'm hungry!" said Toshi. "I want some food!" Just then a table appeared in front of Toshi, it was full with food and had a blue table cloth, Toshi also gained a napkin tucked into his collar, a fork and a spoon. "[i]This[/i] is definitely not just like the Realm of Reality!" said garren. Rein watched all this and simply hummed a simple tune as he watched this, he had seen this before. OCC: Sry I didn't get this out sooner! Sammich needs to wait and add his character later on, maybe 3 posts into the story.
  7. COULD SOMEONE JUST POST AND TALK ABOUT MY STORY INSTEAD OF CRITISIZING THE POSTING! I really hate this right now, I just posted this thread to see what people thought about my story!
  8. Flaid drew Druinle the cursed sword of the black flame and held it with one hand in front of himself. "I know you from somewhere, Flaid is it? Yes, I have seen you before, that black skin, those flaming red eyes. We met in hell once didn't we?" Inferna said to Druinle in the language of the Demons, Flaid smiled calmly and said, "You do not remember me? You should but you don't, I will tell you after you fight me," Inferna laughed at Flaid and said, "You know and I know that fire can't beat fire, we just settled that with this annoying little pest with the light sword," Lex heard that and said, "Hey!" but the demons ignored him. Flaid just smiled wider at Inferna for saying this bit about the equality of fire, " ,'When ice battles fire the strongest wins, fire may melt ice or ice may put out fire,' said the monks under which I trained, 'but when fire battles fire, the strongest flame overpowers the other and therefore can merge with the weaker and increases its strength,' we will see who is the stronger Inferna," he said. Inferna made a grunt that mean't that she still didn't believe him. Druinle's flaming blade began to change color, first to red, then to orange, then yellow, then a white that was so hot that no one could look at it and had to turn away. No one but Flaid and Inferna, "It has been a long time sister," said Flaid. Inferna stared at him.
  9. Skitto

    The Dark

    Veil and Riv finally dug up the tattered, bruised, and filthy body of Toshi up from the pile of rubble caused to be by Morak. Quite simply Morak had been 20 miles from Arrav and used his mental power to make all the stone inside the kingdom's weight increase to the point that it could not hold itself up. Five seconds later Morak could be seen flying over Arrav making sure that it had been thoroughly destroyed and that all of its citizens had been killed or trapped so that they would all be dead either instantly or after time had passed. But our heroes had been too busy to notice at the time because they had been trapped, but eventually got themselves loose and freed themselves of the incredibly heavy stone blocks and rubble. As soon as Toshi had been helped out of the pile, wounds and all, Riv had ran to Tr'shiel's side and would stay there until she woke up. Riv waited until the sun went low and below the treelines of the forest to the west of the westernmost city, Anrelia. Linë walked up to Riv once the night settled in, "You should get her somewhere warm, you don't want her to catch cold or something like that," Riv looked up at her, "I will," he said and lifted Tr'shiel up from the ground that had been littered with rocks and pebbles and went to the giant pile of boulders that had once been the palace. Riv found a spot where he could put down his lover and so doing, put Tr'shiel down on one of the now scarce patches of grass left in the remains of the courtyard. Riv drew Lemaria once again and let the light go out from the sword once more, the light became the shape of giant tweezers and began picking out the boulders and making a small shack from the unbroken bricks. Riv had almost finished when Toku came up to him and said, "That sword can do anything can't it?" , "Almost," said Riv in reply, "It cannot enhance my strength, as it lifts up the boulders I am holding them in addition to the sword's considerable weight. It is only making up for what I lack in size to lift these giant boulders and bricks." Toku looked at him with shock, "Y-you- you mean that you can actually lift that much?" Riv finished the hut, put Lemaria back into it's scabbard, looked back at Toku and said, simply, "Yes, but these are not that heavy."
  10. Skitto

    The Dark

    Toshi and Riv stepped forward, this is what they had all come to do, but now only Toshi and Riv had stepped out of the line to confront Morak. Lemaria glowed a blue that fluctuated between red and back, Riv's hair did the same. Toshi's blue hair flowed in the wind, his black sword drawn and ready. All was quiet for an eternity it seemed, but Riv then yelled at Morak, "You will not kill any more people!," Toshi then said also to Morak, "My task that was given to me to become a knight is to kill you and to save Arrav. I will kill you, even if I get some help, I will kill you," Morak once more drew his sword, "Not yet!" yelled Morak, and then held his sword in front of him and Morak disappeared, leaving nothing but a night black feather that drifted slowly towards the ground.
  11. Aight then! I'll start the new rp as soon as I can. Yaay, thanks Noëlle! We were all waiting for you and worried that you would not even post. [b]but you [i]did[/i][/b]!
  12. Skitto

    The Dark

    Tr'shiel placed her hands on Veil's forehead and closed her eyes. A glowing light could be seen traveling from her heart, up to her shoulders, and down her arms where it was taken in by Veil whose wounds started to close and her bruises to fade. Veil blinked once, twice, three times. All the group minus Riv and Tr'shiel gathered around her, hugging her, starting to cry because they were so happy she was alive. Riv and Tr'shiel were exempt from this as has been stated. After Tr'shiel had finished and Veil had been healed, she became very weak and had fallen backwards into Riv's arms, Riv had been watching the healing and was the only one to notice Tr'shiel becoming fatigued. Riv's pure white hair went over Tr'shiel's face as he lifted her from the ground but Tr'shiel didn't seem to mind. Without noticing it Riv had gotten involved in a kiss, at the other end was Tr'shiel, who with her eyes closed looked so innocent and helpless. Riv pulled away having noticed this was happening and his white hair which had seemed to develop a slight glow, (not as blindingly bright as it had been when Riv was fighting Morak, just slightly) darkened a bit and stopped glowing. Tr'shiel's eyes were still closed, she had seemed to get involved in it also. "Don't... don't go away... Riv... please stay with me," said Tr'shiel in a weary, tired, voice. She opened her eyes to look at him, "I won't," said Riv quietly. The others by this time had helped Veil to her feet and were now staring at this whole scene. Riv blushed then felt very foolish and [i]seriously[/i] embarrassed, Toshi started to laugh, then Asunan, then Veil (though a little weakly). Soon everybody was laughing at Riv's embarrassed-ness. Riv got even more embarrassed at all this giggling.
  13. Yes! Almost everybody has joined! I'm happy now :) So I'm probably gonna start a totally new story. It will be called Dreamcatcher or For Love of Dreams or somethin like that. I'll start this RPG as soon as Noelle says somethin' to the effect of "I'm in!" or "I'm out" but until she does we're gonna have to wait.
  14. Riv woke up and walked outside to see the frightfull sight of Kioto, he was posessed, Rimnil had taken him. Riv thought to himself that he must bring him back to his senses before Rimnil gained full control of Kioto's body and would be lost to them. He knew how to handle ghosts so he thought he would try that technique on posession by other beings, he walked up to Kioto and said, "Hey Kioto, couldn't sleep either?," Kioto didn't answer, he then yelled at the top of his lungs, "Kioto!" At that moment Kioto came back in posession of himself, "What?" Riv looked at Kioto as if he were stupid, which was quite possible, "You were being posessed by Rimnil is what! What I want to know is what evil thought entered your mind to allow him to enter you," Kioto looked straight at Riv, it was and yet wasn't Kioto, "He was thinking of leaving," an evil voice that came from Kioto said, "he is weary of this quest and does not wish to go on," the Rimnil/ Kioto being held it's sword in front of him in a stance that said [i]fight me[/i] as clear as it could. Riv took out Lemaria and stood facing his enemy in an equal stance.
  15. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv was on the verge of losing consciousness in Morak's grip, he was weaker than Rimnil but stronger than Riv so he was still a great threat. But Morak only held Riv for a short while, in this time a fleeting second passed that Riv actually passed out then immediately woke up in anger and pain. Lemaria flared a blinding white, Riv's white hair grew longer and burned a pure light. "AAAAHHHH! YOU WILL NOT DESTROY ALL I HAVE WORKED TO SAVE!," Riv screamed at Morak, Lemaria went ballistic, grew to a giant length and snaked out again at all the underling demons while Riv slashed with the physical yet glowing physical section of the sword. Morak's gigantic figure lurched backwards and almost tripped over a catapult which was inconveniently stuck directly behind him, "Rein has granted you the gift I see, the great warrior of Krii is immortal," said Morak to Riv, "I see that if I must kill you it should be now," Morak sighed and reached to his back and drew out an immense sword and gripped it with both hands. Morak then came at Riv with an attack that would have shattered mountains if directed at them, but instead it was directed at Lemaria who took in it's light at that moment to fend off Morak with half strength while still attacking the minions. Toshi was at that time glad that Morak was going to be killed and mad at Riv for not letting him fight, he ran up to the raging battle on the plains of Krii, he was not going to see Morak die without himself having a part in killing him. OCC: we need to get out of Krii
  16. Skitto

    The Dark

    Toshi turned back to Riv to speak to him about the army approaching them but he wasn't there. Riv was already on the frontlines with Lemaria drawn and readied with the now familiar blue light. "You will not destroy the kingdom that I have fought so long to protect!" he yelled at the coming onslaught and Lemaria grew in length and began snaking around at the army, picking off many of the strongest and annihilating their catapults with a single strike.
  17. OCC: Rimnil is in the mountain and no one will see him until they reach the mountain ok? Celestia's vision of Rimnil and the army was split, a vision of a pure darkness (presumably Rimnil) and a vision of the army marching on towards them. That night the group sat huddled around a small fire, "We need to start formulating a plan," said Riv after they had eaten and warmed themselves for a moment, "we are getting very close to the mountain and will be there by about sunset tomorrow and we have no idea of how we will get into it, any ideas?"
  18. Flaid drew Druinle which had been glowing a fire red ever since he had joined up with this group. As the demons drew closer Druinle's enchantment sensed their evil which balanced out the good and evil in the immediate area, Druinle's light faded away as the demons came to a stone throw away from the team and stopped. There was no movement for a long moment and the demons then drew their weapons, two with bows, five with black metalled swords, and one with a spiked club. One saw Flaid and stared at him with desgust "Traitor!" he yelled at Flaid "Good is the path for long life evil brothers," replied Flaid in an annoyed voice that was even deeper than his already deep speech, "you will soon learn that this is true when a group of seven evil demons faces a pure group such as ours." The first to attack was the demon who had first yelled, he was bearing the club and went for Flaid first. The rest of the group was contending with two demons at a time. Lidora was facing a swordsman and an archer with her magic staff, Lex was fighting two other swordsman and was fending them off with his own sword, Fera's sword was flashing with immense speed and great technique as she fought off the other swordsman while blocking all the arrows slung at her by the second archer. Flaid was not having trouble against his opponent yet was holding back to see who his attacker was. He recognized him after a while as one of the minions of the Great Demon. After all the weapons were struck from the demons hands the minions of Inferna took out the heavy artillery, their power over flame.
  19. Flaid had disappeared into the forest when Lex and Lidora had stopped. "Where did that demon go?" asked Fira when she noticed he was gone, Lidora and Lex stared at her, "Do you ever give up?" said Lex, "the demon is not evil and he proved it, give up this 'kill the demon' thing okay?" Fera: "I've realized that he is a good demon but I also have realized that he is gone demon." Lex: "Oh, well he'll show up, hey Lidora can you see him with your orb?" Lidora: "Yes I can... he is 5 miles ahead us on the left side of the road, he is watching an intersection... Oh no! He isn't watching the intersection, he is watching a horde of demons coming from the right branch of the intersection! We must prepare to do battle now so they do not catch us off guard!"
  20. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv had to do one more thing before he left, and he went to the kingdom cemetery and found his parents' grave along with his brother's. The group followed behind him to the three headstones as he knelt before them and preyed. Tears welled in his eyes as he thought more and more about the family that he left and the brother he never knew. His anger at himself welled as inside his heart in the same way as his tears and he had to walk over to a nearby tree before it burst out of him. His eyes and Lemaria first glowed then burned blue, the light and innocent blue transformed to a hateful and deafeningly strong orange. Lemaria grew to the height of the heavens until it's tip could not be seen in the sky. Riv pulled it down with his will and the fire intensified, he swung at the tree with precision and speed. In 10 seconds the tree had been turned into hundreds of little cubes of dying wood that lay on the ground. For a moment there seemed to be a weeping trailing on the wind as if the spirit of the tree was weeping its own death and was gone. Riv now knelt on the ground weeping also, he had always been able to control his anger before and channel it. This time it was uncontrolled and vengeful, Riv hated himself even more for it.
  21. The thing with the crystals and stuff was Box's story the Dark not the Realm of Imagination which is the Realm of Reality kept going. Box Hoy is accepted, and Arunue will be if she posts her description, name, background and that other stuff in this thread just to refresh our memories Hey, Pheonix, please please please sign up for this one, the story wouldn't be complete without Garren. And Noelle and Kieko need to sign up too please?
  22. OCC: okay guys, there is no Lex in this story, Box just messed up and said Lex instead of Kioto because in another thread his character is called Lex. Edit Lex out and replace the name as Kioto. And Rimnil is spelled RIMNIL not RIMNLI IC: "Rimnil sent these creatures with his influence on their evil thoughts, he is trying to protect himself. He knows what we are seeking to destroy," Riv said quietly after the barrage of barbarians had been defeated. "But why?" said Ki, "We weren't on the right path, we could be miles away from Kivanri now." Reading Riv's thoughts, Celestia said, "It is because we are going to hurt him and he just wants the threat gone," Riv thought [i]huh, oh thats right. Celestia has that mind power thingy.[/i] And in reply Celestia sent her thoughts to his head, she thought [i]Yes I do.[/i] Riv then thought [i]Oh[/i] then said, "We need to get going if we want to get in the remote vincinity of the forests of Divria by nightfall, we will be safer there and will be closer to the mountain. With that said, the group gathered up their dropped belongings and left going northeast.
  23. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv ran back out to the battlefield, his eyes no longer glowed but seemed to be flaming with light blue flame as was Lemaria's blade. The flame extended and went to ten times the length of what it had become before and Riv lifted off the ground in a jump lengthened by his own willpower and spun himself around killing the whole army with a giant round sawblade of blue light. Only one remained standing, it was the general. He was standing but not unscathed. He was covered with bloody slashes all across his flesh. He said one word, "DIE!" He ran towards Riv with impossible speed for his weight and slashed at Riv who ducked the millisecond long attack. Lemaria's light wavered and started slithering around like a dying snake in a campfire. The light kept going for the general and touched him and poked large gashes in his already bloody and scarred flesh. "Ahhhhhh!" said the general and he and Riv were fighting again, Riv was letting Lemaria fight this time though, he was sitting by a nearby house holding Lemaria's handle as the light fought a bewildered and dying general. Finally the great light pierced the demon general and instead of spattering in a show of gore, he dispersed into a cloud of dust and was dead.
  24. What post was one word? I am totally confused. What thread are you talking about erroneous pictures?
  25. K! We start soon! Check soon! Then eat... SOON! Then I will shut up... Soon! Whooooooooo soon!
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