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Everything posted by Skitto

  1. Riv pulled the new sword given to him by the wise men and displayed it in front of him. "This is Lemaria, the great sword of the ancients, just so you know what weapon [i]I[/i] have." OCC: Sry so short, in a hurry and have to go.
  2. Skitto

    The Dark

    Riv stepped forward and yelled at the remaining Star Warriors, "I'll handle this meagre resistance! You step back!" Riv then took out Lemaria and his eyes glowed a bright blue, Lemaria glowed the same color as his eyes. Suddenly, Lemaria grew to a giant beam of sword shaped blue light. Riv stepped and readied his attack, then swung at the whole force that was attacking the kingdom. Lemaria's light only slashed the attackers and their weapons but not items that were of Krii. After Riv attacked he held Lemaria out in front of him and the glow in his eyes and on Lemaria was gone. "As you can see," he said, "there are reasons that I have been revered as I have, I am the only person capable of controlling Lemaria's powers, and am very... long-lived because of it." Everyone was amazed and stepped forward, they all were wide eyed with amazement at his power.
  3. Fera got angry and said, "I'm still killing this demon and I'm gonna no matter what he does!" Flaid said with his deep non menacing voice, "Would you like to fight me or do you think it is a must that you fight me?" "It is a MUST!" "Why?" "Because you are a demon and demons are evil!" "Look, just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I'm evil. I was trained by the monks of the lonely mountain Uriai of the Desert Lands and am never in the frame of mind that I had been when I was evil since they trained me." "Grrr." Fera put her sword back but Flaid kept his in his hand, "The dragon is here," he said quietly. They waited for him for 10 minutes and Oolong finally became visible over the treetops. "A demon, hey demon, you can be frozen right?" Flaid stared at him, "I can be but you will not be concious to do it!" Oolong let loose a blast of freezing cold air at Flaid who held Druinle in front of himself and sidestepped the attack and gave an attack of his own which struck Oolong unconcious. Oolong and Flaid fell to the ground, Oolong on his back, Flaid on his feet. Fera saw that Flaid would be a good companion after all.
  4. Skitto

    The Dark

    OCC: This is telling of Riv's trip to his relative's house. IC: Riv stood at the plain wood door set in the plain white two story house on the avenue of six, took two deep breaths, and knocked. It was immediately opened by a sweet looking girl at about the age of fifteen like he had been yet still looked like. She said sweetly, "Hello, what business do you seek?" Riv smiled at her and said, "My name is Riv, the legendary swordsman, I would like to spend some time with your family." The girl's smile flickered for a moment, then she said, "I'll ask daddy if you can come in," Riv was amazed that the girl had not known who he was and instantly pulled him into the house. The girl disappeared into the house, leaving Riv waiting behind the now closed front door. After a minute the girl returned with an older woman, presumably her mother, and now she pulled him into the house. Later, Riv was sitting in the living room talking to the father while the rest of the family had gathered to see him. "So you are the legendary swordsman slash legendary warrior Riv are you?" the father had said skeptically when he met Riv. "What about that legendary sword from legend, Lemaria?" he said equally skeptically. Riv took Lemaria from it's scabbard on his back and held it out for all to see, "You mean [i]my[/i] sword?" the father gasped and almost toppled his chair over, "you are!" he said amazedly. Riv put Lemaria back and said, "I have traced you to be the remainder of my family of long ago, your ancestor Drien the food trader was my father, he died of disease when I was 14 and his wife, your ancestor Ilea, my mother, raised me still pregnant with my soon to be baby brother until I was 15. I am now at an unmentionable age yet still look 15. Anyway, the day after my fifteenth birthday the Viru," Riv paused as an angry shudder went through him, "Rimnil destroyed half the population with his control over the evil in the area. I just want to see my family again is all I came here for. That is all," Riv finished as a tear welled in his right eye and he wiped it away. The family of four gave him a group hug and the mother of the family (whose name he learned was Dimrelia) told him to stay as long as he wanted. Riv later learned that the father's name was Rivin, a semi namesake of Riv. He learned that the sweet girl that had opened the door was called Evie (pronounced eavee) and her 3 year old brother was called Thrilop. Riv stayed for 3 hours until he left to go back to the rest of his group. Veil asked him "Where have [i]you[/i] been all this time?" Riv told her and she said, "oh," and they then joined with Toshi, Toku, Tr-shiel, Linë, and Asunan.
  5. Flaid ran through the forest at a demon's full speed, the monks had taught him well yet now felt a disturbance in the balance of good and evil. He was now on a search for the evil which had caused the imbalance and was out to kill the exess of evil in the world. He ran at the equivalent of 70 mph with Druinle drawn and ready for battle.
  6. The Legend Begins in the Kingdom of Krii In the kingdom of Krii dwelled a great evil, a old breed of evil, a Viru, a spirit that dwells in the heart of all evil beings for it's own protection. This Viru's body, Rimnil it was called, lived in Mount Kivanri, and preyed off of the life of evil and maintained immortality unnoticed since the beginning of the world fifty-two million, one-hundred thousand, fifty-two years ago... On that year, fifty-two million, one-hundred thousand, fifty-two years after the beginning of the world, a boy had reached the age of 15 and had finished his training to become a swordsman. The boy's name was Riv, who would become known as Riv, the legendary swordsman of Krii. One day, Riv was practing his technique in his room when he heard an explosion. He looked out his window to see what was happening and saw nothing. He ran outside to see if he could see anything there, he saw almost half the population of his town lying dead in front of him. He went to the wisemen of Krii and learned of Rimnil and what he was, and then he decided to set out on a quest to avenge the hundreds of people killed by the Viru. Riv has now traveled for 2 days, he has defeated great evils with the sword Lemaria which the 4 wisemen gave him to defeat Rimnil. On this day he comes to an intersection on the road he is on and sees a boy about his age coming to the intersection also, he is much shorter than Riv but can tell that he must be his own age. Their eyes meet and Riv thought it good to be friendly to him and says, "Hello," the boy keeps staring at him, then says, "Hi, you are very tall, are you a warrior?" "I want to be some day," said riv, "I am on a quest though , would you like to join me?" the boy came up to him and shook his hand, "I am Kioto of the kingdom of Arrav, and would love to join your quest wherever you go," Riv smiled at that he was going to join him and said, "I am Riv, of Krii, I seek to kill the evil Viru named Rimnil who dwells in the mountain, it has killed half of the kingdom," then he added, "We'd better get going if we want to make it really far before sundown." OCC: Finally it is started!
  7. Symoni fell in love with Rein and I am going to start an RPG called Realm of Imaginations, you can check it out in Recruitment
  8. Sorry Harlequin, I haven't read that until I saw your post just now. I'm gonna start the thread soon. Additions to the characters in the rpg will be accepted after then.
  9. OCC: WTF is up with you Box? Ending the story again? Okay now I'm gonna end it again!!! :toothy: IC: Rein saw all this as he used all of his mental strength to see through dimensions. The others were trying to get him out of his trance-type state and when he came out of it he told them what had happened. They all yelled "YES!" and jumped for joy, Symoni walked up to Rein and kissed him (not a peck on the cheek, I mean a real kiss), when she stopped he said, "I thought you loved Toshi," Symoni giggled, "I do," she said, "but more like a big sister loves her brother than [i]that[/i] way," Rein only said, "oh," and kissed her for a change, they got a little into it (not too into it). Garren noticed them and yelled a little jokingly, "Ey lovebirds! Why dontcha get a room for cryin' out loud!," so they stood up, and did as he said, they got a room, still making out. So another story has ended as it will soon become a legend, then a myth, but Rein will be the only one who knows the true story left to tell it. Peace has descended on the infinite infinities we call the universe, and no one is more happy than the group of misfits that made it happen. [b][i][u]OCC: No more endings![/u][/i][/b]
  10. There's three! Sup sammich. If you didn't catch that you are in.
  11. [i]intro[/i] This is just a story as an extension of the Realm of Reality by Arunue Shekamari. It is highly recommended that you read it (take your day off if you want) and the previous posters on that thread may come back if they want to (Arunue Shekamari, Kieko, Noelle, Box Hoy, and Fire Pheonix727, yes I am talking about you). [i]The story[/i] Rein had transported Toshi, Garren, Symoni, Kieko and himself to the Realm of Imagination and what awaited them there was equally if not more amazing than what was at the Realm of Technology (just use your imagination lol!). They find that all of their dreams were true (not Rein though cause he almost never sleeps) yet that it is not heaven, it is not all sunshine and butterflies like they had imagined, half of the realm had been taken over by an unknown force covered in it's own mysteries. I just need: Name Age Powers Description Background Mine are [color=red]Name:[/color] Rein, god of fire and war for peace. [COLOR=red]Powers:[/COLOR] manipulation and/or creation of fire, flight, immortality, external levitation (he can make things other than himself float). [color=red]Description:[/color] Bright red short hair, blood red eyes, a light tan, is 6'7" and has a scar starting at above his left eye and extends to the right part of his waist. Always carries a celtic leafblade longsword on the left and a 3 ring swept-hilt rapier on the right. [color=red]Background:[/color] Rein is the decendant of the celtic (or norse) god Tyr, the god of war, Rein is therefore the god of fire and has been outcast from Asgard (the home of the gods) by Oden the Allfather. Oden gave him a task that would redeem him in Oden's eyes, to be able to do a great good to help all of mankind. Rein has fought in many wars over his life that have not yet redeemed him with Oden. Now Rein has stumbled across the battle between Rayne and Toshi and decides that he should help for the possireturn to Asgard once again. He then helps the group of allies on their mission and helps them bility for him to succeed and therefore is allowed back into Asgard by Oden. He has now become part of the team and has transported the group to the Realm of Imagination. [color=blue] the attached pictures are of Rein's swords, the first is of his rapier, the second is of his celtic leafblade longsword.[/color]
  12. Hodur couldn't believe it. He had become the most powerful of all beings and yet he had overlooked one thing, he could not be invincible, just immortal. These were his last thoughts before he was weakened enough by the mental pain so as not to be able to think. In this weakened state he did not notice or care that Rein powered down, took out his rapier and sliced off his head. He did not care when Rein sliced his abdomen in two and then chop the remains into nicely shaped cubes. He awoke in the lower hell, the Hel not ruled by him but the Hell ruled by Satan. He arrived and found himself in the middle of fire and bright red light. He screamed as the last trace of his existence disappeared from the universe. But everything has to be somewhere... [color=purple][i]After the defeat of Hodur in trinia...[/i][/color] Rein transported himself, Toshi, Garren and then on a second trip Symoni and Kieko to the totally unknown Realm of Technology where they found technological wonders (OCC: [b]you[/b] can go into that trip on a later post). IC: In the next month Rein had been accepted into Asgard by Oden and that day had had a great feast to celebrate his triumph over Hodur. Rein began teaching Garren and Toshi how to travel the realms (dimensions or worlds they may also be called) and they had great adventures to all the worlds. They went from Asgard to Alfheim, Jotunheim, Nidavellir, Svartalfheim, Vanaheim, the realm of Technology again and finally, which all of them had so long dreamed of, the Realm of Imagination. They had many adventures and fought many enemies there. Symoni and Kieko tagged along to see the realms again, and were particularly sad that Arunue couldn't see the Realm of Imagination which she had started this quest for, but all in all, she did see it, Kalamara the Cascade did see the Realm of Imagination. She was there ever since she died because that was where she wanted to be the most. OCC: Well that's just about it for me. I might post later. And I'm gonna extend the story, I'm gonna call it Realm of Imagination.
  13. Skitto

    The Dark

    Later that day, Riv was wandering around the kingdom while ancient memories flooded his mind. He passed the blacksmith's workshop. He remembered when his father had paid for the blacksmith to make him his first sword. With a sudden rush of emotion he wondered where it could be after all these years. He ran and was on the verge of floating when he came to his old two story house. He went inside. It was the same as he had left it, obviously no one changed it or let anyone in except to clean it after they had heard of his triumph over Rimnil. He walked quickly over to the corner by the window, YES! It was still there where he had put it before he went to the wise men who gave him Lemaria. It was a little rusted from time but the point was that it was still there! He picked it up and swung it around a few times, it's balance hadn't changed, and it was light enough that he could toss it out of the window and it would most likely land at the beach by the eastern side of the inland sea. But he wouldn't do that because he was in awe of its existence in this era. He put it in a his belt on his side and went to the door, looked back at the room once more and closed the door as the first tear he had had for 50 years came down his cheek when he remembered that his father was dead and ran back to the castle. When he got there he walked up to the guard, he was about 5 inches shorter than Riv but that meant that Riv was tall, not that the guard was short. He asked the guard where he could find the descendants of Riv's father. The guard was instantly not going to tell him until he knew who he was, he told him casually that he was Riv the swordsman and that got the reply, "Oh my God!" that seemed to be the common response to his name. The guard then told Riv that the closest relatives to his father lived, "Two blocks down, 5 blocks left, the 4th place on the right, ya can't miss it," and added, "may I see Lemaria, I have dreamed about what you have looked like and want to see what Lemaria looks like too. Please Riv?" Riv explained that he was in a hurry but that he would show him Lemaria when he got back from finding his relatives. OCC: Now, back to Toshi and the others. I will extend on Riv's relatives on my next post.
  14. OCC: DUDE! IT'S HODUR NOT SHAKIA ANYMORE! Only Rayne can call him Shakia because he doesn't know. Rayne stared intently at the cloud and it seemed to wobble then collapsed on the dead earth. He kept staring at it until it dissipated and Hodur stood shaking in pain. "How... howww did you do that? I can control you! How!", "Simple," said Rayne. "You've just got to know your opponent's weaknesses is all." Hodur couldn't believe it. "But how?" repeated Hodur. "How did you do it?" "I'll explain that for you but not yet," said Rein, because he knew Hodur's one true weakness and his newly made second. He was originally rendered helpless by light or warmth, now he aquired a weakness to emotions. He controlled reality and imagination, but not people's emotions. Rein had to think about this in a higher level of thought processes than Hodur could control because if he heard this from normal thoughts, which he could do because thought is a form of imagination, he would be able to take control of Rein like he had done Rayne, and that would not be good. OCC: Get the name right. It's Hodur not Shakia anymore.
  15. U in box. Try to get people to at least look at this thread ok?
  16. Skitto

    The Dark

    OCC: please check out my thread in recruitment (The legend of Riv: The legendary swordsman) As soon as Riv landed he saw Veil being attacked by the masked figure. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the man's face. He wasn't a man, but a woman. Riv stood upright and out of fighting stance, he said loudly, "Stop!" and the masked girl, Toshi and Veil stopped fighting and looked straight at him. "Rimnil was slain hundreds of years ago by me, I am Riv, or the holy swordsman. We pose no danger to you," Riv said to the girl. She then took off her mask and stared at him, "Riv? I thought you were only a legend, a myth, not that you actually existed!", "I do exist," said Riv, "and if you want proof, this is Lemaria, the mystical sword that I aquired in my quest to defeat Rimnil," he then took lemaria and held it in front of him so the girl could see it clearly. "Oh my God! You are Riv! Please let me follow you to wherever you are going... Please?" she said. "We are going to Krii to speak to the king, we have urgent news from the kingdom of Arrav," said Riv. "I will escort you there!" the girl said as she took off towards the towers of Krii...
  17. Kuul, can't wait. Also, I am recruiting too, please at least look at it, or sign up if you like. Thanks :D
  18. Name: Flaid Age: 89 Species/race: demon Weapon: Druinle (drooin-ley), cursed sword of the dark flame (basically a scimitar wreathed in black flame that glows red when good is near). Region: Uriai (yuree-eye), the lonely mountain of the desert lands. Description: Black skinned, blood red eyes, flaming red hair. Bio: A demon turned good by the monks who dwell atop Mt. Uriai. The monks took him in after he appeared in a tree with his sword and started cutting and burning the trees. He had done this to show the grand demon of hell that he was evil enough to go back to hell. Flaid is now good, and I am becoming repetitive. the attached image is of a scimitar (imagine it flaming with a black fire)
  19. Skitto

    The Dark

    As they walked, Riv and Toshi had gotten bored and Toshi did what he always did when he got bored, he started talking. "So, have you heard of this new thing called a gun, it promises to be a really useful battle weapon," he was saying, he had been talking about random things to Riv who had taken up long division in his head to get his mind away from the totally uninteresting things Toshi was talking about. He would every once in a while nod or say "mm hmm" or "Really?" or "Wow" when he noticed that Toshi thought he was not listening. This was only every once in a while because if Riv had tried to talk, Toshi would have not let him get the first part of the first syllable out before he kept on talking. At that moment Riv got wide-eyed as he saw the first familiar object he had seen in a human lifespan. It was a mountain, just hidden by the hill they had been walking up. Mount Kevanri, the mountain where he had slain Rimnil, the ancient Viru. Toshi stopped when he noticed that Riv had too. "Whoo hoo" he said, then whistled to get his attention. "What," said Riv, a little annoyed, "Why are you staring at that mountain?" said Toshi. "We are nearing Mount Kivanri. We are getting close to Krii." "Mount Kivanri!?! You mean where you killed Rimnil?!?" "Yes." Riv decided not to go inside the mountain and walked up to it, looked it up and down, then turned left towards the newly visible towers of Krii. OCC: I am recruiting for a rpg called "The legend of Riv, the legendary swordsman" Plz check it out or sign up if you want.
  20. Skitto

    The Dark

    "I accept this mission your highness and I will see my king, he will definitely be the grandson of the king when I lived there as a child," said Riv and got up with Toshi who didn't want to be sitting like that in front of the king like that. Riv and Toshi prepared to leave, then said their goodbyes, surprisingly Asunan walked right up to Toshi and gave him a hug, Toshi felt very lucky and a little too happy (if ya know what I mean). The duo left and headed in the direction that Riv knew of that would lead to home.
  21. OCC: This is the origins of the character Riv in the rpg "the dark" by box hoy. IC: In the kingdom of Krii dwelled a great evil, a old breed of evil, a Viru, a spirit that dwells in the heart of all evil beings for it's own protection. This Viru's body, Rimnil it was called, lived in Mount Kivanri, and preyed off of the life of evil and maintained immortality unnoticed since the beginning of the world fifty-two million, one-hundred thousand, fifty-two years ago... On that year, fifty-two million, one-hundred thousand, fifty-two years after the beginning of the world, a boy had reached the age of 15 and had finished his training to become a swordsman. The boy's name was Riv, who would become known as Riv, the legendary swordsman of Krii. One day, Riv was practing his technique in his room when he heard an explosion. He looked out his window to see what was happening and saw nothing. He ran outside to see if he could see anything there, he saw almost half the population of his town lying dead in front of him. He went to the wisemen of Krii and learned of Rimnil and what he was, and then he decided to set out on a quest to avenge the hundreds of people killed by the Viru. OCC: Riv must kill Rimnil in the end. But that will be a long time from now. I need 4-6 characters in this story. I need: Name: Age: Height: Powers: Description: Background: This is mine: Name: Riv Age: 15 Height: 6' 2" Powers: None currently. Description: Cream white hair, cream white eyes, handsome face, white T-shirt, baggy black pants, two handed sword strapped to his back. Background: Previously given.
  22. [size=1]Just then Rein felt a surge of evil in the vincinity of this realm. It was Shakia, he knew it. But how? His eternal tree was destroyed. He looked over to see Toshi and Garren dancing a little jig together, oblivious to the giant black cloud that was forming about 50 miles away in the sky. Meanwhile, in Nifleim... Symoni had found an god by the name of Idun, the personification of youth and light, who was glad to help them to wherever they were going. When they got to Nifleim they didn't find the trio and wondered where they had gone to. They checked all of the nine worlds of the gods. Alfheim (realm of the light elves), Asgard (realm of the Aesir gods (one of the two races of gods that existed, Rein, Odin, Idun, and Thor (the god of thunder) were Aesir gods), Jotunheim (realm of all the giants), Midgard (realm of men, they searched the realm of reality, and imagination but couldn't go to the realm of technology because Idun didn't know how to get there), Nidavellir (realm of the dwarves), Svartalfheim (realm of the dark elves (they didn't stay there long due to the hostile natives)), and Vanaheim (realm of the Vanir gods (the second of the two races of gods)). After a long day of searching, Symoni, Idun, and Kieko went back to Asgard for advice from Tyr, the god of war (Rein's grandfather), who would know about Rein more than anyone else would. He told them about Trinia. He then took Symoni and Kieko to the world of Trinia and left Idun behind because she "didn't want to go to any dead world." Tyr sensed the presence of his grandson and took them to a hiding place just away from the battle and left them to watch. Rein was watching the sky intently. Toshi had stopped his jig and noticed the cloud too. "What is that?" he asked. "It is Hodur somehow," Rein replied. Garren stopped dancing and also stared at the dark cloud forming into the shape of Hodur. He could only manage a hoarse "What?" before Hodur spoke to them. "Fools," he said, "Did you really think you could defeat me that easily?" Toshi spoke up, "As a matter of fact..." Hodur interrupted him "I will explain it for you. You see, I have gained the powers of imagination and reality, and with those powers combined I can shape reality with my imagination and therefore made a copy of myself and controlled it with my mind from the other side of this world. I saw through it's eyes, heard with it's ears and could feel with it's hands. But it was not me," , He paused for the information to sink in and continued. "With the power of technology I would have been able to invent totally new ways of ruling the universe and the infinite dimensions, or realms if you prefer, of this universe. I will not pull that same trick again to make it a bit easier for you," he finished. From within their hiding place Symoni said to Kieko, "We must help them, the safety of the universe is at stake," she then ran out of her hiding place with Kieko following her a few paces away. Rein, Toshi, and Garren had gotten back into their fighting stances, yet Rein had used his powers to the max. He was now a giant being composed of fire and his swords were giant flaming swords, he had even more fireballs orbiting him and more orbiting something unknown. Symoni and Kieko joined the group and got into position, Toshi and Garren only glanced at them but were not going to delay the fight further. Rein started by attacking the cloud being, it split in half and came together again, this was going to be hard, Hodur could control everything except sentient beings and was evil which didn't help a bit. This was seriously going to be hard. OCC: Whoo! Long one![/size]
  23. Skitto

    The Dark

    When the group reached the castle Evrunal had decided to tell the king his true name when he introduced himself. "We need to see the king," said Toshi to the entrance guard, "It is about the safety of Arrav." "You may pass," the guard said in a deep voice, "I will announce your presence to the king." After he said this, he led the group inside the castle. Then they reached a giant double door which was presumably the entrance to the throne room. The guard entered the room and came out after a half a minute had passed, "King Rinue will see you now," he said. He led the group inside and announced the group. "I am Toshi Kodurama, your highness," said Toshi. "I am Veil Mikayo, my leige," said Veil. "I am Linë, lord," said Linë. "I am Toku Seramechi , my lord," said Toku "I am Tr'shiel," said Tr'shiel. "And I," said Evrunal, "am Riv, the great warrior of the kingdom of Krii and Wielder of the great sword Lemaria." The group was shocked but held back their reactions in front of the king. "Riv, you say?" said the king. "The same Riv who hath slain the giant Drooker in his domain on Frendiell mountain?" "One in the same," Riv replied. "On to the reason for our quest." Toshi took that as his que and explained about the army advancing towards Arrav led by the wizard Morak and of the story of the deathlords. "If all else fails, my leige," said Toshi, coming to a close on his speech, "protect the gateway and the crystal at all costs." "You are right," said King Rinue. "Thank you for the information and I will heed your advice and protect this kingdom and the crystal. Would you be wanting to stay for a while? I will have a servant prepare 6 rooms for you or 1 large one if you like." "Yes that would be most kind of you, 6 rooms would be fine," said toshi. "You may be dismissed if you have no further information or questions. I will send a few servants to prepare your rooms, I will wish to speak to the swordsman tomorrow," said King Renue gesturing to Riv. "Good night, my friends," he finished as the group left and were escorted to their rooms.
  24. OCC: Hodur has the powers of darkness, and cold to start with. Then he absorbed imagination and reality from those realms. Fireballs were now orbiting Rein's waist in more numbers, there were two in his hands and orbs of fireballs orbiting around an unknown center. With a flick of his mind he lifted his two swords from his belt and sent them to his hands. From there the balls in his hands went to the swords and seemed to meld with their blades and became flaming swords, their light flashing on the bleak landscape of Trinia. Rein got into position and lowered himself to a running stance and put the swords' blades out to his sides. At first glance a person would be amazed by this performance, then run away screaming. But since the population of this realm had died off millions of years ago, no one would be. Toshi's sword began to glow with an eerie bluish light. All was ready. Just one question remained, who would be the first to move.
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