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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]No offence intended...but some of you sound like try-hards. To be honest. I like lots of bands. From rock, metal, rap, techno, pop. You declare yourself punk. You hate Avril Lavigne. If everyone hates Avril...well, it's lame. She doesn't make that bad music. Neither does Brittney Spears. [Well, it depends on the song...] So, stop being try hards. I can understand not liking some songs, but out-ofhand dismissals are weak and pathetic. Base your judgement on each individual song. Or keep your mouth shut.[/size][/QUOTE] Wow, the first sign of sanity I've seen... This reminds me of my class, actually. My friends went through a phase where they said that classic rock (a.k.a. 80's) was the only good stuff and nu-metal sucked. Well, I liked nu-metal (and I still do!) but I didn't want to make waves, so I decided to try 80's stuff. There was some songs I liked, some I didn't. My friends just couldn't understand how I could like Motley Crue but hate Van Halen. It's dumb. I like what I like, and don?t like what I don?t like. It?s that simple. I'm not ashamed to say that I like some of Good Charlotte's stuff (not "lifestyles..." though- It's too overplayed) and I love Metallica, and Seether, and Led Zeppelin, and the Ramones, and Alanis Morrisete and...Need I go on? By categorizing yourself, you're going to miss out on a lot of good stuff. Oh, and if Punk is all about being yourself or something, why do you have to group yourself in with everyone else? If someone asks if me if I'm a prep/punk/goth, I don't even give them the time of day. I?m just me. I?m too unusual to be labeled. ;) Like Baron said, "Base your judgement on each individual song." Or person, for that matter. Oh, and punk?s not dead, it?s just evolved. (or devolved, depending on how you want to look at it.) Music style can?t stay the same forever, or you be saying ?punk is boring? instead of dead.
[quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Oh boy, there are two of those people on the world, I guess, because I know your friend's mental twin.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Make that triplets. Kind of ironic, really, a friend of mine is going through the exact same thing. She's maybe not as angry (or better at hiding it-something we have in common) but she's cutting herself a lot. She got caught for it two weeks ago, and she was sent to a hospital and now she sees a therapist. I always felt really bad, first of all because I didn't want to narc on her, even though that's probably what she needed. (I didn't narc, by the way, it was a "unnamed friend" :huh: ) Also, she and I are big competitors in music, and she hasn't talked to me since the "incident" and I'm worried that she hates me and I'm part of the reason she's stressing out. I mean, we've always been in friendly competition, but sometimes it got pretty catty. Ok, more than catty. We'd start screaming at each other. Or snipe behind each others backs. With friends like these, who needs enemies! ;) She's also got some stuff going on at home, and I wish she'd talk to me about it, but apparently she and my other three friends are too "cool" for me or something, because they never talk to me. They act like I don't exist and its making me so frustrated. GRR!!! Sorry, got a little off topic. Personally, I think if your friend is getting really bad you are doing the right thing. We got a teacher involved, but a therapist is good too. The most important thing is to get your friend better. Also, If your worried about the ego trip, just don't let anyone else know you were the one that helped. That way, you don't get the glory, defeating the ego trip. Hope your friend gets better!
Discuss Once Upon a Legend: Act I- Underground [PG-VL]
The_Ghost replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Comments about your comments: First of all, I promise to work on the spelling and grammar. I will proofread all of my posts over and over until I can say them backwards and forwards (well, maybe not [I]that[/I] often, but you get my drift.) I also misread the sign up, so I'll be taking out the "hee hee" and "hah" bits from my post. I'm very sorry about the killing parts, my violent side was showing. :blush: I'll tone it way down for the RPG. Also, I'm sorry about the second to last full paragraph. I must have written that part poorly.:sweat: She didn't trick them into thinking that she was Derrick, she just said she was married to Derrick. Since he was dead, she wanted to take his place as a spade. I figured it would be tough for her to get in because she was only sixteen and a girl. I'll try to fix it so it makes more sense. Also, she cut her hair as a sign of mourning, not trying to impersonate Derrick. [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']Oh, and good luck to "The_Ghost" - do justice to Spade 4!!! ^_^[/color][/quote] Thanks, I'll try! I pretty sure if you hadn't abstained from the running, you would've been in instead of me, so double thanks! -
I was just going to watch this thread because it looked like a really good idea. I never thought I?d try out for it. But hey, you need a Spade 4? I may as well go for it. Name: Jocelyn Renicore Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Jocelyn is an imposing figure, even though she is only 5'3" and 100 lbs. Her eyes are the color of grey mist off the waters of Warrenloth, and often darkens when she is lost in thought. Her hair is dirty blonde, wavy, and chopped off just below her chin. She sometimes ties it back, but leaves two major chunks to hang in her face. She is very pale, and has a scar reaching from the corner of her right eye to the corner of her lip. She wears a sapphire ring, and hooped silver earrings, but that?s it for jewelry. Weapons: Jocelyn?s weapon of choice is a double-edged broadsword. She also uses her whip quite frequently, and she has a 6 inch dagger in her belt for back-up. She carries a gun with her, although she uses it only for emergencies because of its fallibility. She sees the potential that guns have, and thinks the spades should spend some time ?befriending? the riflemen. History: My history? Where should I start? Best go to the beginning, I guess. I was born in Kelenbore. My father was from a long line of petty criminals. My mother was from Warrenloth, the daughter of a well-to-do fishermen. Their love of was epic, the stuff of fairy tales. He swore to give up his life of crime for my mother, and she even weathered being disowned by her father. And they had a daughter, and all lived happily ever after, correct? Well, happily ever after doesn?t pay the bills. My father went back to crime just after I was born. He also became fond of the drink, and was abusive, especially when my mother would ask him to stop stealing or drinking. I spent most of my time as a child hanging with my own little ?gang? of friends. When we got bored, the older kids would show us some tools of the trade-the crime trade, that is. I learned quickly, and was one of the top members of the crew by the time I was twelve. I liked being on top. I relished the power I had. But I wasn?t arrogant. I still learned everything I could from everywhere I could. I became very good at making people think that [I]they[/I] came up with plans [I]I[/I] actually had. That way, I basically controlled the gang without fear of a coup. And even if there was, I?d simply cozy up to the new regime. As I grew up, I came home less and less. Father hated me anyway, (?Just another mouth to feed? was the way he put it) and he was a horrible thief, especially compared to me. Mother became a shadow of herself, never speaking and just doing day to day routines. Everything was all right, if you could call it that, until the night I came home with a boyfriend. Yes, I had fallen in love. Derrick Renicore was his name. He was the official leader of our gang (which had become much more legit), and he was my main mentor. He gave me a beautiful sapphire engagement ring, along with a mare-defense ring with both of our names carved into it. I still wear it to this day. Derrick had just become part of a group called the Spades, and I was happy to simply be the girl on his arm. I had become weak and foolish, wishing only for a shred of happiness. I finally decided to talk to my father about Derrick and I. Unfortunately for us, when we got there my mother covered in blood and lying in the corner. My father was sitting by the fire, a glass of beer in his hand and his eyes already red-rimmed. I assumed Father had finally gotten himself into enough of a rage to kill Mother. I wasn?t sad. It was going to happen eventually. Derrick walked up to Father, his hand out, ready to introduce himself. (I never said I liked intelligent men) My father broke the glass and shoved it into Derrick?s skull before he had a chance to say a word. I heard screaming in the distance, and then my father pulled out the glass and turned on me. I didn?t realize it was I that was screaming until Father began to choke me. The look in his eyes was one of insane hatred. I frantically reached for the dagger I kept in my belt. My father was muttering angry and mean things at me. He slowly used the bloody glass to make a cut from my eye to my lip, a scar that shall be with me forever. I finally got a hold of my dagger and stabbed him in the gut. As he doubled over in pain, I took Derrick?s broadsword from his belt and killed my father. As the sun rose on my old home, basking the broken down, blood soaked cottage in light, all emotion I ever felt left me for good. I took Derrick?s last name, along with his broadsword. I chopped my hair off as a sign of mourning. (During my childhood it was longer, and I tied it back) I told the spades that Derrick and I were already married, and as his wife I wished to take his place as one of the Spades. It took a bit of convincing, but I did it. At the age of sixteen, I was officially one of the Spades. Then this whole business with the Symerals and Noah. Personally, I thought Noah and Deksan where wimps anyway, and them leaving doesn?t bother me a great deal. However, betrayal should never be taken lightly. Of course, they should be found and destroyed. But I don?t think that?s going to be [I]that[/I] big of a problem. But I?m not going to underestimate them either.
I'm surprised that we haven't seen some crazy LP fan trying to kill you guys already! Where I'm at, LP fans are some of the most possesive, you-will-love-my-band types out there! Anyway, I used think LP was the best thing ever--they combined industrial rock with metal and a little rap. But along comes the second album, and, well...lets just say you mix up the tracks from both albums and play it, it'lll sound like one big album. That dissapointed me a lot. I think unless they change up their sound a bit, they're done for. Also, on a slightly different note, have you ever noticed that most Linkin Park fans are also Evenescene fans? I dunno, that's the way it seems to me. Probably because of similar sound and similar subject matter.
I LOVE Stephen King!! Although, I do admit, he doesn't really have a mediocore book. It's either really good, or really bad. Also, I don't think most of the movies give his style justice, because it's his narrations that I love. It's hard to translate that to the screen. I love how he can tie up plot lines and all these different people into one final solution. Currently I'm in the middle of [I]The Stand[/I]. I've also read [I]Four Past Midnight[/I], which contains "Secret Window" (I actually like the book better than the movie, despite Depp's wonderful performance) [I]The Talisman, Black House, It, The Dark Half, Firestarter, The Green Mile, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Dreamcatcher,[/I] (I hated that one, but that's just me) Books 1-3 [I]of The Dark Tower[/I] Series ([I]Gunslinger[/I] is the best) and...probably a ton more, I just can't think of them! I've also seen [I]Carrie [/I] (both versions), [I]Salems Lot, Rose Red, The Dead Zone, Firestarter, Secret Window[/I], and [I]Storm of the Century[/I]. I'm still looking for the books [I]Insomnia, Pet Semetary, Tommyknockers[/I], and The rest of the [I]Dark Tower[/I] Series. Yea, I'm slightly obsessed ;)
Hmm...I've actually never heard that... He did have stomach problems all through childhood and into his adult life-I don't think they ever figured out what that was. Not to mention he used large amounts of drugs... The only song I can think of (off the top of my head) that might point to your anorexia theory is [I]Pennyroyal Tea[/I]: "Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea/I'm anemic royalty" and actually, anemia and anorexia are to completely different things (Anemia=low iron in blood) so it might be that someone misheard it and started the rumor. A lot of people don't know the difference, so don't feel bad (I have anemia, and everyone I tell that too always tries to give me an intervention... :rolleyes:) Then again there might be another song out there that I missed.
I personally couldn't wait for this movie. I love Sirius and Lupin, and I love the third book. I was hoping the new director would be good...unfortunately I didn't think about the people who adapt the book to the screen...what idiots!!!!! They missed a lot of stuff that was important (at least in my opinion) and there was very little Sirius! How dare you! Anyway, they made Lupin out to be an idiot [spoiler]He said "Have some chocolate, it'll make you feel better" more than any other line in the whole movie![/spoiler] I would've preffered more backround info on the marauders and such, and more time in the shrieking shack. Really, I would've preffered more of everything. If I can sit through all three LOTR movies back to back, I can sit through a longer HP movie. Acting was so-so. Casting was a little odd. (yes, I too would've liked a sexy Siruis, but not Orlando clones-I hate that man) The credits were cool though. All in all, It's a movie I don't have to see again. The music was good though. I guess that counts for something ;)
I hate to say it...I loved this movie. I also saw it at like, 11 or so...but I've seen it twice now and it wasn't too bad.Music-wise, I was on the edge of my seat. I absolutely LOVE romainian-gypsy type music, and this thing had tons of it. I too recognized David Wenham. He and Jackman were the only reason I went. Well, that and to see how the heck they planned on fitting Dracula, Wolfman, and Frankenstien's monster in there. Personally, I think the plot was dumb. Trying to cram Frankenstien's monster in there was just not smart. I mean, werewolves and vamps are a good connection because werewolves serve vamps. You could easy have a good story with Van Helsing chasing after those two. But no one listens to me! ;) [spoiler]The whole plot twist with Gabriel was extremely and blatantly dumb. If they were going to do it right, they should've had more about the no memory bit and pulled up the truth much sooner. That way you can see Van Helsing wrestle with the thought of being the left hand of God and so on and so forth...or maybe that's just personal preference.[/spoiler] Anyway, I heard someone talking about a sequel for this movie. My jaw almost hit the floor. Who else can this guy fight? the boogyman? the telemarketers? Is there anything else left? He even got Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. (who I am sick of being portrayed as a big tough guy. He's supposed to be slightly normal looking phsycopath, more brains than brawn. Or maybe that's the way I picture him?) I did kind of like Jackman's attitude, and the friar. But heck, I guess have a thing for men in trenchcoats and friars that swear. :blush:
Well, lets see here...My most embarassing CD's? Well, lets say My wide variety of Country music and Christian pop crap. Every year I ask my grandparents for a rock CD. Every year they pick out their favorite christian pop band and give that CD to me instead. I hate all of them. My mom contributed most of the country music, because she thought I liked it. And the sad part is, I don't even remember any of the names of the CD's! Like Chibi, my lack of money lead to boredom, which in my case included a shotgun and an odd assortment of sledgehammers. :D The only other CD's in my collection I hate would probably be my BSB and N*Sync CD's. Then again, I have to give them some credit, because they were my first musical obession. I was always pulling apart the music to find the harmonies and stuff...maybe that's why I haven't had the heart to toss them out yet.
Yea, I started a thread about this a little while ago...nobody posted! Oh well... Anyway, I loved this movie. Big Depp fan, Big King fan, and Philip Glass is a good composer (yea, it's all about the music with me.) I thought the ending was a little corny (no pun intended) and they repeated that line way too often. But yea, Depp plays a good frazzled writer and crazy man. I must be dense, but I didn't see the twist coming untill about five minutes before it happed (too busy staring at the great Johnny :drool: :luv: ) Anyway... No one is giving much credit to the Southern guy (I feel dumb...I can't remember his name!) I thought his performance was extremely good as well. He's kind of sterotyped into that type of role, but he does it well. Oh, and Orlando as Morty!~HA! HA HA HA! :laugh: :haha: :rotflmao: :bellylol: Oh, sorry, that's just so funny! Bloom may be hot, but his acting is actually rather flat. I know he usual plays the serious character (like in pirates and LOTR) but he just has no inflection! Not that he did a bad job, it's just he's always plays the noble and brave people. Maybe he can do it-I just don't know if I want to see him try. I'm kind of a writer myself (completely ametur-I do it for fun) and [spoiler]the idea of a character getting away from a person and deluding what is real vs what they wrote is really an interesting thought.[/spoiler] It actually happens more often than people know... Anyway, good movie, good cast, good music...It's got my support!
MTV. Where did that go wrong? The same question I ask about Metallica. [I]Master of Puppets[/I] was great. The black album was amazing. It's hard for me to believe that the same people who wrote [I]Enter Sandman[/I] and [I]Nothing else Matters[/I] could write [I]St. Anger[/I]. I mean, every single I have heard is terrible. First of all, the lyrics are repetitive and dull (St. Anger round my neck/he never gets respect-they were up all night thinking of that) Where's the good stuff? (ok, the third single was halfway decent, but still...) I'm still a fan of the classics, and I think (in their time) Metallica was an extremely influential band. People say they "sold out." I don't know. I don't judge the people, I let the music tell me what their like. And at the moment [I]St. Anger[/I] says washed up rockers. But that's just my opinion.
Can someone please make me a banner and avitar featuring Nirvana's lead singer Kurt Cobain? I tried to make an avi, but all the pictures I found were too big and I don't know if it's possible to shrink them. I don't really care what pictures you have, anything is fine. Thanks for your help!
I was seriously thinking about starting a thread like this! Weird... I personally don't have ADD, but my brother, Matt, does. Living with that was interesting enough. By the time I was six I knew more about ADD and ADHD than anyone else my age. My brother didn't have ADHD, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) So he wasn't bouncing off the walls, thank goodness. He just always had trouble remembering stuff. Especially when he got in trouble. He?d feel sincerely sorry, but later he?d forget and do it again! Did I mention he was my older brother? And my main influence? Together we destroyed more stuff on our farm than any natural disaster. :laugh: Good times. At least until I was eight or nine. I started to figure out that if I broke stuff on purpose, I'd get in trouble. Unfortunately, Matt never learned that. I had to start watching out for him and keeping him out of trouble. He was four years older than I was, but I was probably ten times more mature. At first I resented him, hating that I had to take care of him. But, as a middle child and a peacemaker, it was in my nature. I soon learned how to deal with him much better than my parents ever did, and they would come to me for advice on how to help him in school (which he was still barely passing, even with the meds.) I found out that he wanted to be a mechanic, and that he loved already could do that well. So I told mom and dad, and they got him a scholarship (because he had a learning disability as well as the ADD.) Matt is now in college. I was nervous about him being away from home. At first, it was horrible. He was skipping school. He wasn't doing homework. One more missed class and he would loose his scholarship. I was almost sick with fear. I didn't tell anybody, because I felt like I'd be complaining. Eventually, after my parents scared him straight, he finally started to care. I think he's doing ok. Basically, I've completely stopped helping him. He has to live his own life, and I have to live mine. I still feel protective of him, but he has to learn. Maybe he'll end up a bum, (at least that's what my parents always say) but I hope not. Oh well.
Kara snuck up to Fenris. He had seemed a little off the past few days. She glanced at the book he was reading. [I]Norse mythology?[/I] He glanced up at her. "What do you want?" he asked. "Just seeing what all the fuss is about. I heard that store is THE place to get costumes for Halloween," She sat down. "Yea, It's really cheap there. I got a Darth Maul costume," Fenris pulled it out, showing her. "Great. I can get a white robe and cinnibuns and be Princess Lea," She said sarcastically. She hated Halloween. It reminded her too much of her brother. But this year her aunt was forcing her to dress up and pass out candy. She stole a handful of Fenris's pop rocks without looking at what it was. The pop rocks fizzled in her mouth. She started to spit on the ground and rub her tongue. "What is that crap?" She reached for the bag. "They're pop rocks, there supposed to do that," Fenris rolled his eyes at her. "Well they're gross," she said, trying to regain her composure while Fenris laughed. "I'm gonna take a look at the costumes. See ya." Fenris went back to his reading. Once inside the store, she glanced through the racks. She saw your usual crop of monsters, demons, creatures, and other assorted baddy outfits. [I]No thank you. I see enough of that stuff everyday.[/I] She glanced at the plastic bags by the checkout counter. [I]I could go as a person with a plastic bag over my head! Nah. For some reason I don't think that'll work.[/I] Then she saw it: a gypsy costume. But not your cheesy cotton type. No, this had blood red velvet material and quality black lacing. It almost seemed handmade. [I]I have to have this![/I] She pulled it off the rack. It looked like it would fit perfectly. She was just about to pay for it when she noticed a Spanish fencing sword laying on the floor. Apparently it lost the outfit it was supposed to come with. It also looked to be fine quality-It wasn't even plastic! She grabbed it and walked to the counter. "That'll be five dolla for the clothes and one dolla for the sword." the Asian woman said. "Wow, this place is cheap," she said, paying the woman. [I]Almost suspiciously cheap. Oh well, that's immigrants for you.[/I] Kara nodded at the smiling woman turned and walked out of the store.
I just saw [I]Secret Window[/I] today. I absolutely loved it! I really like Stephen King. (The movie is based on his novella [I]Secret Garden, Secret Window[/I]) The cast is: Johnny Depp .... Mort Rainey John Turturro .... John Shooter Maria Bello .... Amy Rainey Timothy Hutton .... Ted I love physcological(sp?) thrillers. Turturro plays the crazy southerner well. He is one of my favorite actors, along with Depp (I like the weird ones, ok?) The ending got a little "corny" :haha: (You'll get it if you see it). Even though I am a big King fan and am used to his twists, he still gets me every time. [spoiler]I thought the ending line of the story was used a little to often, but heck, that's just me.[/spoiler] From what I've heard critics are trashing it, but I really didn't think it was too bad. A few parts weren't great, but the idea behind the story is one of my favorites: A writer's story and ideas getting away from them. Anyway, what did you guys think?
I have been playing piano since the age of 5. (Believe me, it was no walk in the park) I almost quit in 5th or 6th grade. Then in junior high I played piano for choir, and since I was actually playing cool music instead of scales and junk I actually enjoyed it. I've played alto sax since 5th grade. At first I almost quit because the "cool" girls kept harassing me and telling me I sucked. Even our director refused to encourage me. Because of my piano background, I could sight-read music and not practice, and my director hated that. Our school got a new director in 8th grade, and he was cool. He put a lot of pressure on us to do well. The "cool" girls couldn't handle it and quit (ha ha) and now I'm a sophomore section leader and, dare I say, pretty good. So now I laugh in the face of those who mocked me! :laugh: (Especially that dumb director, she still hates me!) I love to sing too. I've been singing since before I can remember. My parents aren't exactly encouraging. (When I was five I wanted to be a professional singer, and my parents told me I wasn't good enough-yea, that's cool!) I've taken solos since 7th grade, and I'm on my way to being the second girl in the history of our school to get straight I's at contest! Yea! (Considering our school is tiny and dumpy, it's not that big of an accomplishment, but anyway...) I play guitar, but not very well. I like to write music too, although most of it is piano stuff (considering it's my main instrument). My dream job would be a music producer for a major record company. I don't think its going to come true...but miracles happen!
"I can't believe I'm sitting here when I could be on patrol." Kara muttered. She was positioned in the rosebushes outside of John's window. She had followed John home, watched him watch TV, eat dinner, and watch more TV. At the moment he had been sleeping peacefully for an hour. No peculiar activity whatsoever. "I'm going home," she said to no one in particular, and started to walk. She was halfway home, walking in the middle of the road, when she saw someone walking her way. They met under a streetlight "We've been looking for you," he said. "Who are you?" she asked, sticking her hand into her coat pocket and gripping a stake in her hand. "You stupid slayers need to be taught a lesson!" The vampire lunged at her. She ducked, and it landed flat on its face. She kicked it over and put her hand on its throat and the stake to its heart. "I'll ask you again: Who are you, and why the h@!! are you in Otaku Lake?" The vamp just laughed. "Our sire Briaxton will see that you suffer! You will all die!" he yelled. [I]Our sire?[/I] Soon two more vamps jumped out of the dark. She staked the talker as the other two jumped at her. She kicked the first one in the stomach, sending it flying into the dark. She grabbed the other by the hair and knocked its head into the streetlight pole. The first ran at her without looking. She easily staked it. [I]One left[/I] she thought as she turned..."Where'd it go?" she glared into the dark and saw it slinking off into the forest. [I]Oh no you don't![/I] she started to run after it. Suddenly she stopped. [I]If I follow it back to it's lair...I can figure out where they're hiding![/I] She followed the vampire silently for about ten minutes. There were at the caves outside town. She was about to follow him closer when she saw nearly 12 vampires standing at the entrance the cave. [I]I can take 'em! I can stake them all! I've gotta get to Briaxton...I can finish this tonight![/I] She took a deep breathe. [I]I'm gonna get myself killed if I go in there alone. I'm part of a team now. I can get backup and do this later.[/I] She glanced at the cave again, wanting badly to destroy the vamps. She finally tore herself away and went home. The next morning her aunt asked where she had been for most of the night. Kara glared at her. "Out," Kara said flatly, grabbing a piece of burnt toast and trudging out the door to school.
Even though the football player was on her team, Kara laughed at him until her face was as red as his. [I]Stupid jock, he deserves it[/I]. Dodgeball was one of the few team sports she liked, since it really came down to every man for himself. Not to mention she got to beat up any kids that made her mad. Raven was on her team as well. "Can we trust the P.E. teacher?" she asked, whispering as not to be heard. "Oh, Rob? He's harmless. I tend to take his advise with a grain of salt, though." Kara ducked quickly as a ball missed her head by inches. She waved her finger in a circle by her head "He's a little crazy." Raven giggled. Kara picked up a ball and smacked the kid that hit her (this one a basketball player) squarely in the stomach, sending him to the ground, gasping for breathe. "You are a disgrace to demon hu- I mean sport's fans everywhere!" Rob yelled. "Oh, he's on the ball today, he actually caught himself before he said the whole phrase," Kara laughed.
:blush: I'm sorry Charles, I see your point. I did take the idea out of context. I still don't agree...but I see your point. There have been many movies on the birth/life/death of Jesus. Trying to emcompass all three is hard, but not impossible. Just like [B]The Lord of the Rings[/B]. If there had been as many movies based on LOTR as there had been for the life of Jesus, then yea, maybe I would've just want to have seen Helm's Deep in greater detail, or so on and so forth. I think Mel was just trying to show, in the greatest detail possible, how much Jesus suffered and died for our sins. And yes, he may have taken artistic licencse in some spots, but that's going to happen in any movie. I find it interesting, as a Christian, to see different people beliefs (no matter if they are similar or different to mine). It was close enough for me, I didn't have any major complaints. If I took your ideas out of context [I]again[/I], I'm sorry in advance.
Kara glanced at Fenris. "Bad drink? Yea right," She muttered. "What did you say?" Z asked her curiously. She quickly snapped her attention to the matter at hand. "I said, nice plan. But how do we go about deploying it? I mean, I'm not gonna go on the school announcements and say 'Hey, I'm a Slayer! If you want to kill me, I'll be waiting by the flagpole after school!'" "Well of course not," Rannos replied. "I was thinking of being a little more discreet than that." "I know. We'll find a way. But just in case, we should keep tracing the clues and get some suspects." Kara said. "Oh look, a regular Nacy Drew," Fenris sneered. Kara rolled her eyes. "Ha, Ha. I'm serious. We've got to be on our gaurd."
OOC: Yup, I'm late, as usual. Name: Kara Christine (KC for short) Race: Slayer Age: 17 Guts: 3 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 2 Magic: 2 Research skill: 1 Technology: 0 Ranged Weapons: 0 (prefers hand-to hand combat) Appearance: (No one else did this but I dare to be different!) 5'8" skinny, shoulder length blonde, greasy hair with black streaks in it. Misty blue eyes and a pale complextion. Usually has hoop earrings, a lip peircing, and tons of black makeup. Partial to leather and red clothes. Bio: Grew up in Los Angeles.She was shunned, and kept mostly to herself. She liked to hang out wiht her big brother, Greg. At the age of 16, her brother was "killed". Soon after that she found out that she was a slayer. She found out that Greg wasn't dead, but he turned into a vampire. He killed her mother and father, and then went after her. She knew she had to kill him, but she was reluctant to do it. She ran away to live with her aunt in Otaku Lake. Greg followed her. He tried to sire her, and she took a chair leg and staked him. She then disowned her watcher, William, in a blind rage. She now works simply to destory all vampires. Personality: When she fights, she goes numb. She cares about nothing except killing everything in front of her face. She often lets her emotions get the best of her. She's very intelligent, and hates to be second-guessed.(which is why she doesn't like her watcher) Work Skills: (I don't know if this is a "skill" per se, so I just put it here without points) A extreme musician (mainly thanks to her brother, Greg) she excersices her agility and strength not in sports but in dance. She used to play and sing all the time, but since her family was destroyed, she hasn't played a thing. She still retains her hatred toward organised sporting events. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IC: Kara' head was ringing from the blows this strange girl had given her. [I]Someone that strong has to be a slayer,[/I] she thought, as she stared the girl down. "So what if I am a slayer?" Kara said hoping to engage the girl in a verbal conversation instead of physical confrontation. "Oh, good," the girl said, relaxing slightly. She leaned over and looked behind Kara. "and them?" "My..." she paused. "Comrades. I didn't seem to catch your name." "That's because I didn't give it to you." [I]Sharp girl[/I] "I'm Raven" "My name's Kara." She stuck out her hand with a chuckle. "Welcome to Otaku Lake."
I just saw this movie about two hours ago, so these are my first impressions. [quote name='Charles]Also, I don't think it's irrelevant to realize the Bible thoroughly on-screen. How is this different than something like [b]The Lord of The Rings[/b'] where massive novels were translated accurately to film? Fans of the books obviously wanted to see the stories portrayed accurately.[/quote] Uhm, in my opinion, it was portrayed pretty accurately. Considering Mel Gibson was a devout Catholic, I'm pretty sure he checked the plot out from the source. [b]The Lord of The Rings[/b] was quite different from [b]The Passion[/b], and I'm almost offended that you compare them. LOTR was an epic film, trying to engage the viewer mentally. Sure, it had it's visual effects, but it's main point was in it's story. [b]The Passion[/b] is more of an emotional film, trying to show the viewer the pain and suffering that Jesus went through. Maybe that's not the "high art" that LOTR was, but I still think it's worth seeing. [quote name='PoisonTongue']People can flame me all they want, lol, but there really is no story to Passion. It's really just two straight hours of violence, right? That's an Aesthetic film...one that relies on the image, on the feeling that the imagery elicits. Considering also, that it's done entirely in Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew (right?), with subtitles only in plot sensitive scenes, it places the emphasis on the aesthetic quality. The audience is to just sit there and absorb the entire thing...almost turn themselves off. I don't mean to sound hypercritical here, because I'd get in trouble, but Passion does not look to be about the messages of Christ. Not that I value Christ at all, being an Atheist--I make my own message and form my own beliefs about what is right and wrong.[/quote] As I previously stated-who cares if it's an Aesthetic film? I?m personally not a very touchy-feely person, but I still thought it was cool. [spoiler]I freaked out when they were flogging him and the whip got caught in his side. When they pulled it out, flesh came flying to the camera?ehh[/spoiler] I personal thought the different languages gave it a more mystic feeling. I have a question(no sarcasm intended): If its purpose is to make people feel based on imagery, how can they turn themselves off? Also, If I were you I would've waited until you saw the movie before you gave it such a terrible review (that's one of my pet peeves-how can you judge something based on other people's judgements?) It does, in fact, mention some of Jesus' teachings in flashbacks (parts of the Sermon on the Mount, and the Last Supper). I personally would've preferred more, but the movie was already pressed for time. I didn't really like the devil thing either, but I respect Mel's vision. Basically, this is his movie, the way he feels about the passion of Christ. I find it interesting to see what he did with it. I personally didn?t think it had much anti-Semitism, but that?s because I believe that this is what happened. They Jews may have wanted him dead at the time, but really, they were only a vessel for His death. He had to die for our sins. And that?s all I have to say about that.
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The_Ghost replied to Xander Harris's topic in Theater
Name: Kara Christine (KC for short) Race: Slayer Age: 17 Guts: 3 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 2 Magic: 2 Research skill: 1 Technology: 0 Ranged Weapons: 0 (prefers hand-to hand combat) Appearance: (No one else did this but I dare to be different!) 5'8" skinny, shoulder length blonde, greasy hair with black streaks in it. Misty blue eyes and a pale complextion. Usually has hoop earrings, a lip peircing, and tons of black makeup. Partial to leather and red clothes. Bio: Grew up in Los Angeles.She was shunned, and kept mostly to herself. She liked to hang out wiht her big brother, Greg. At the age of 16, her brother was "killed". Soon after that she found out that she was a slayer. She found out that Greg wasn't dead, but he turned into a vampire. He killed her mother and father, and then went after her. She knew she had to kill him, but she was reluctant to do it. She ran away to live with her aunt in Otaku Lake. Greg followed her. He tried to sire her, and she took a chair leg and staked him. She then disowned her watcher, William, in a blind rage. She now works simply to destory all vampires. Personality: When she fights, she goes numb. She cares about nothing except killing everything in front of her face. She often lets her emotions get the best of her. She's very intelligent, and hates to be second-guessed.(which is why she doesn't like her watcher) Work Skills: (I don't know if this is a "skill" per se, so I just put it here without points) A extreme musician (mainly thanks to her brother, Greg) she excersices her agility and strength not in sports but in dance. She used to play and sing all the time, but since her family was destroyed, she hasn't played a thing. She still retains her hatred toward organised sporting events. ~Yea I'm finally done editing!!~ -
Yea for poems that don't rhyme! Rhyming poems always seem so dry to me... Anyway, I loved the poem. I've had that kind of thing happen to me too...yea it sucks. This is a really good poem. It flowed really well and the descriptions were good. *I also like to write at three in the morning. Usually that's the best time...you don't censor yourself. You write from the heart instead of thinking if it sounds good. Sometimes you get duds, but sometimes (like this one) it just rocks!