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Everything posted by CuteDemonYura

  1. Ahhh...FFX-2. You're right, its not just a girly game! I rented it, but Im getting it for x-mas. when i rented it, i didn't do any sidequests, and just did what the game told me, i was totally surprised to find myself at the final dungeon! Bah..I felt so dumb! well, i know better now!
  2. Yea.. this show rocks. the sexual tension is one of the best things. It makes for some of the funnniest dialouge. I really like how they intertwine the ancient gods from all over the world- its like a vast cosmic conspiricsy(sp) (Bahh i can't spell this late)
  3. Hmmm...The coolest game villian ever...AHA! How come noone said Psycho Mantis from MGS? Or Sniper Wolf? I think they were some of the best villians. Sniper wolf had a great story behind her, and a great behind! She was really cool, and had wolves! Most villians don't have wolves! Psycho Mantis, whew, now there was a tough one. How many of you figured out that controller trick without some kind of clue? And some of the minor bosses from CSotN were cool, too. they had some really cool char designs, like death and the Creature.
  4. Ahhh...so much hate. the console wars still rage on.. I do agree with liamc2, that for all these things to be compact would appeal to many people, but the angry people have a point also, what good is it if it breaks all the time? Maybe that is where the huge price tag comes in, becasue all these things hould not be that expensive, maybe they will make them a higher quality than the PS2.
  5. 1. Hey, I never noticed that switch, wheres the other one? 2. Transmitigrating? I've never neard of that, but i also only played a little. 3. The hospital prizes are cumlitive, that is, they get better as you use the hospital more. But the low level ones are really good, so i usually snap em up fast. Atlus also has another game coming out, sis you see it? Its the same premise, but its about demon hunters.
  6. Raphel is cheap. Kilik can be hard to beat at times, and Talim is annoying when she talks. I love to be Ivy, cause she rocks. Her alternate red dress outfir it the coolest one. the stages and moves are awesome, but it is like any fighting game (MK deadly Alliance) when the biggest moves are almost impossible to achieve. I like to play with a joystick in the arcade and not the controller. On the machine on campus, I was 8th in my Conquest Mode Army the lst time i checked. Im a little bummed that the PS2 graphics are not as good as Xbox, but ah im loyal. Death to Cassandra! ;)
  7. Oh..C'mon Kairi, It can't be that bad! Great graphics don't nessacarily equal great games. Everyone loves Street Fighter, and that keeps getting remade in only 2-d and its still good. Hey, I just want to play some Inu yasha. But despite that, your avatar is sooo cute!! Do they have one for Paine? your sig is really long...
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