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- Birthday 06/05/1985
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Lol, Azure your soo passionate. I personally loved the one hour special. I think that the fact that they can have a fight go on for 45 minutes and not have it get boring after the first 20 like some other anime is amazing. The fact that there is such a great mixture of action with emotions is what I really think draws most people to this anime. This episode I think was a prime example of that mixture. For those of you who do not read the manga, lemme tell you....you think this was good....well you havent seen anything yet. ^^ I cant wait to see future comments on the future episodes.
Lol RV where have you been!! You dissapeared, now Godel has dissapeared. Whats going on?? I love the latest episodes, and tsunades "Assets" arent as big int he anime as I have seen so far as they are int he manga. My true obcession right now is with the latest Naruto Manga, I cant wait to see what happens...:zips lips:
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Too late, babe. Naruto is already quite overexposed. ;) I'll admit that Naruto fans are partially justified in being worried about licensing, considering that 4Kids would probably love to sink their claws into the series. However, generally speaking there's no good reason to be against a particular show coming out in America. R1 sales are very, very important to Japanese anime companies, and certain American distributors (mainly ADV and Geneon) have co-produced truly excellent anime (such as Kino's Journey, which is just insanely awesome). Anyway, what I mean to say is that the money generated by American DVDs actually does a lot to help bolster the anime market in Japan--and heaven knows Naruto will be American industry's biggest cash cow in [I]years[/I]. Unless you've been faithfully buying the R2 version of this series as well as following the digisubs, you've been doing zip to support it. When Naruto comes out in the States, you'll not only be able to watch it with totally accurate subtitles and super-nice video quality (and an English track as well, if you're into dubs), you'll also be able to give a little back to the creators of an anime you love. Of course, this is based on the somewhat optimistic assumption that Naruto is not destined to be licensed by 4Kids or Nelvana. Keep your fingers crossed, folks. But seriously, there's a big difference between FoxBox, which deals almost entirely with hideously butchered shows, Cartoon Network and The Anime Network (ADV's channel). As far as I know, TAN doesn't censor its series. Adult Swim's edits tend to be pretty minimal and shouldn't affect most people's enjoyment of its anime. While Toonami's censorship is usually much more severe, I think Naruto (if picked up by CN) would probably air on AS alongside properties like Inuyasha and the upcoming Fullmetal Alchemist. No_Regrets: FUNimation recently obtained the right to release uncut, bilingual Shaman King and Yu-Gi-Oh DVDs. This goes to show that even if Naruto gets taken by 4Kids, you can still have something to hope for. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] It is not the fact that I do not want to support the companies, if t hey came out I would buy the english dubs just to feed my obcession. Naruto is highly popular, but it hasnt turned into a Pokemon type obcession, which is what I was more specifically referring to. Look at what happened to Shaman King. If you have seen the version that hasnt been cut to crap, its actually good. But look what has happened since its release in America. Alot of the fans of it I know dont even want anything to do with it anymore. Its sad to be honest with you. If Naruto was released, and it wasn't released by a terrible company, or cut to make it something that it is not, then I would be perfectly happy with its release in America. But the chances of a series that long actually not being screwed up in some way is very low. That was my thinking when posting my last post. Oooo, and you called me babe!! :wink wink: :hug: Other than that explanation I would agree with everything you have said. I look forward to clean versions of Naruto, and I would love to support the creators, and distributors, and other parties involved with Naruto. Even though I dl the manga, I still buy the Manga as it is released in the states. It would be the same for the dvds, if they arent butchered. Mmmk thats enough Rambling, babe. :)
To be honest I dont want NAruto to be released in America, and if they do, I do not want it on television. All they do is mess up a good story, and it will get popular, and it will become a kiddie trend or just get so overexposed most people will get sick of it. Look at DragonballZ/GT, they did so much with that, that many people are sick of it, and to be honest it is a great anime. Overexposure= teh suckage, Naruto should either go right to DVD (with anyone but 4kids) or just stay in Japan.
I actually like Tsunade alot more now. I think they were just making her voice all high and annoying, because when she speaks normally, It actualy does come out like I would expect it to. Its not exactly what was in my head, but Its pretty damn close. I also like the way they draw her in the anime more than how they draw her in the manga so far, she just looks better to me for some reason. That may change in the upcoming episode since the Naruto Animators cant seem to get the female form exactly right :glares at Kurenai: But maybe thats just with Kurenais character :crosses fingers:. Cause Anko came out well when they drew her. :sigh: Anyway, I am more exited about the upcoming manga chapters neway. but I/ll save that rant for a future post. ^^ :smites Godel:
Another merge eh. :shakes fist at dagger: ermm i sorry :hugs dagger: Anyway, I have to say this....(only read if you are COMPLETELY caught up) [spoiler] what the hell were they thinking with Tsunades voice!! She sounds like a more womanly Naruto!! And from the parts of her we see, she looks FAT. If they mess up my favorite character, I am soooooo done with the anime. I expected it to be a more womanly "sexy" voice, not some high pitched annoying voice. Maybe I just have to get used to it, but I was dissapointed. And Jiraiya!! He is teh awsome, but how dare he allow my Sasuke to get beat down!! :hugs Itachi: AHHH mixed feelings :runs away: [/spoiler] So what did you all think? :punches Godel: [COLOR=Navy]But... that wasn't me! Oh, well, I'll take the hug anyway. ^_~ --Dag[/COLOR]
well starlight, (btw dont read this unless you are caught up in the manga) [spoiler] it would seem as though he is dead, with the possibility of Chouji also being dead. For some reason though I have the feeling Chouji will live and Neji will die. I dont know why and I have no proof of it, but the way they build neji up as a genious, and his last words about Naruto, it makes me think that is what they were going for, a memorable death that will make you cry. Chouji's on the other hand wasnt as dramatic, but still sad. I guess we will just have to wait and see, it should be revelaed probably in the next 5-10 chapters I would think. ::crosses fingers::.[/spoiler] But yeah, as I said all speculation on my part.
Lol. mmmk let me clear it up for you Regrets [spoiler] It is never said that yondaime is Naruto's father, NAruto is referred to as the legacy of the 4th. Which may only involve the fact that Kyuubi is in him. It is never said that he is the father. As for Jiraiya being his grandfather lol, thats completely off base. There hasnt been one shred of evidence to back that up and I dont think anyone really thinks that..I know I have never thought of that. But Kakashi was Yondaimes Student!! And Yondaime was Jiraiyas student and Jiraiya was the 3rds student and the 3rd was the seconds student. :P [/spoiler] There ya go ::kicks Godel in the knee::
Wow, this thread died out quickly without me... Anyway time to rant about the latest shtuff. The latest episode of NAruto (83) was sooo funny. Naruto's interaction with [spoiler]Jiraiya[/spoiler] Always makes me laugh non-stop. I would say the four most hilarious parts of it were when [spoiler]Narut jumped up and down and steppin dog crap twice lol, that was way funny. When Naruto was trying to do Chidori and he throws up his hand and yells Chidori lol, i watched that about 5 times and enver stopped laughing. The flashback with Sandaime being a pervert, and how Naruto and Jirayas reaction tot he woman was EXACTLY the same LOL, Naruto is turning into such a lil' pervert.[/spoiler] I was also thinking about how the show might end a million episodes from now, or it least it ebtter take that long ::glares at kishimoto:: I am thinking maybe Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto will become legendary Sennin...Just a thought, it would kind of make sense i guess. OR maybe I just think it would be teh awsomeness. Who knows. 3 replaceing 3 dumdumdum. Anyway as for the manga, I think the new chapters are amazing (214/215) [spoiler]The 3 sand siblings have such cool moves now!! Who knew Kankurou could be such a bad ***!!! And Temari's summon was just all around cool, and Gaara is like unstoppable now. I lubs them!!![/spoiler] What do you all think?? In general? About what I said? About life? About pizza? (really digging for some conversation)
Hmmm... RV I highly doubt Kishimoto is getting bored, or writers block. The arc with [spoiler] Shika [/spoiler] is not over, so it may not be a mistake. It could also be a mistake in the translation, you never know. Hmmm... part deux... Also, its Golden Week in Japan I belive this week, which is why no Naruto again. As for episode 80, I have to say I was extremely happy with how they made it. The drearyness conveyed was just amazing to me, it looked like [spoiler] anyone could cry at any moment. [/spoiler] And the best part I would say about that entire episode would have to be [spoiler] the flashbacks of Sandaime with the Konoha Genin, I was about to cry, when I saw the one with Sakura and Ino handing Sandaime Flowers, that was it for me lol, I was tearin up lol. [/spoiler] Also, in this episode i realized something even more important....Naruto...Has awsome hair!! I want it! Its all spikey and fun! I liked the animation style of this episode alot, the only animation that annoyed me was how they made Sasuke look, he looked like a monster lol. [spoiler] I also love how they did Kisame's voice, its scratchy and evil sounding, but they did not over do it like some shows. I can not wait to see them in action. [/spoiler] One more word on that episode....[spoiler] ITACHI [/spoiler]!!!! ::gropes::
I am guessing we will either see it in the upcoming manga, or [spoiler] he wont have to perform it because of the arrival of Temari to help him [/spoiler] I didnt notice it before, but it seems as though [spoiler] Temari has had a costume change, as well as kankurous different face paint, gaara looks the same as far as I can tell so far though. [/spoiler]
Well Rv. He does say it in 208, but if you reread you see as soon as that caption is said, the next panel has the name of the jutsu in super large print. And if you rememeber the [spoiler] struggle that takes place between him and Tayuya is shown here and there up to the latest chapter. [/spoiler]
Rv, how dare you not mention the manga more! The end made me crap my pants! It was sooo surprising! I could not belive it!!! It was phenominal! Never EVER expected that to happen! For those of you who read it, you know exactly what I am talking about. I dont know how im gonna wait a whole week for the next one! I am goign to go insane! As for the new episode, ANBU is apparently lagging behind. Its Sunday, and still no word!! Hopefully they will have it up today so I can see it!
How could u hate Gai and ITACHI!!!! How could u hate ITACHI!!! You are crazy!~ He is the most uber coolest uberness ninja EVER!!! Only people I could say I hate is....hmmmm. OH! I hate Orochimaru!! HATE HIM! And i hate Kabuto! He is such a bastard. And sadly I can say that [spoiler] Sasuke is even getting on my nerves, the stupid bastard!![/spoiler] But tahts just because (do not read this unless u are COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP) [spoiler] Neji and Chouji are posibly dead because of him, and Kiba came close to it. Its RIDICULOUS! This may be shocking, but with the way hes acting they should just let him die. [/spoiler] I also cant stand Kisame....such a jerk, hopefully they dont pull a [spoiler]Zabuza[/spoiler] with him so i start feeling sorry for him, hes scum.
Yashamaru is a man, he is the [spoiler] twin brother of Gaara's mother. [/spoiler] He only looks feminine because he is a [spoiler] twin [/spoiler]. I hate him, i probably hate him more than any other Naruto character there is. (Although Orochimaru and [spoiler] Kabuto [/spoiler] are pretty high up on my list. Anyway, since discussion seems to be dying in his thread I think i will start some up if I can. Currently, who are your top 5 favorite characters, and why are they your favorite? And!!! What is your favorite episode that has aired so far (up to 77) and what is your favorite manga chapter? (only 1 now kiddies) ^^ There ya go. As for me, my favorite characters are 1) Tsunade 2) Shizune 3) Neji 4) Naruto 5) Sasuke ([spoiler] since hes a bastard lately [/spoiler]) My favorite episode so far, is 63. The reason.... [spoiler] Neji cryed, then i cried lol. I love how Neji's eyes finally turn gentle. Best episode ive seen so far. [/spoiler] Favorite manga chapter would have to be 198, it was hard to choose between that and 169. But 198 [spoiler] had my SOOOOO upset, and Neji had my eyes watering, and GAH![/spoiler] If youve read it you know exactly why I love it and hate it at the same time.