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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha

  1. Well, then you will be a parent who shelters your child. Who are you to judge what is appropiate or inappropiate. If I had a child I would absolutley bring them to see the movie if he or she wanted to see it. Sheltering children from violence can harm them just as much as exposing them. If you have every been around a child that is growing up, you will notice that anything they are not familiar with they get obcessed with, which in the end may cause more harm than good.
  2. [QUOTE=haruno_sakura][spoiler]When Sandaime was explaining that once the seal was complete, the two souls of the ones in battle are caught forever in death to battle against each other for all eternity. The two souls go to neither death nor hell, and because Yondaime is the one who created the jutsu, where exactly is he? We all know that Kyuubi was sealed inside of Naruto, and if Yondaime was the one who sealed him, where did Yondaime's spirit go? Is he stuck forever in some sort of weird abyss in which he can never go to heaven?[/spoiler] This thought just really made me sad since Yondaime so owns me, haha, but I was just curious of how this jutsu really works? [spoiler]Also, if Yondaime was the first to create the jutsu, then how does Sandaime really know that the two spirits involved will fight forever in death? It's not like Yondaime could come back and explain what really happens afterwards...[/spoiler]. ~haruno_sakura[/QUOTE] Question 1: Let me take a crack at it Lol. I belive... [spoiler] Well I think that Yondaime is the blue glowing body you see with Death. It kind of has his hair and the body is shacked, showing it is not a part of the death spectre itself. That is just speculation on my part, but it seems as though it cmay be true. [/spoiler] Number 2: How does the Jutsu work?? I have no idea what you mean, you saw what it does lol. San: [spoiler] He is a Hokage, you never know what could have happened. ^^ Maybe Yondaime made a pact with the death god, much like how Naruto made the pact with GamaBunta. As a result what happens as a consequence is revealed to him. And if this is true, then Sarutobi also needed to sign the "contract" to be able to summon him. Making him aware of the consequences involved with using that jutsu[/spoiler] Ok my turn.....I was so mad when I saw (If you are not completely caught up do not read) [spoiler] Zaku and Kin!!![/spoiler] I never liked them, but now [spoiler] I do!!!, I feel so sorry for them. Lol Dan is not going to be happy when he see's this episode. Make sure I tell himt o go look here after he catches up to us. [/spoiler]
  3. I am absolutley obcessed with this manga. The art in it just blows me away everytime i turn the page. It is very original, and has a whimsical quality that I just love looking at over and over. Especially in the ornate detail in character costumes and spells. Now, on the latest chapter, I would definitly have to say that my favorite scene was [spoiler] the fight between Chris and Ranef, I did not realize Chris was so powerful until then. I mean, he is always getting beat up by everyone lol. [/spoiler] I was really impressed with that scene, although I was a little mad at first because of the [spoiler] friend [/spoiler] discussion that took place in the previous chapter (which made me emotional by the way Lol) I can not wait for the last issue, when I read it was the last I got really mad because I am obcessed with this story! I really hope they give it a great ending and do not ruin what has been a great story with a cheesy or incomplete finish.
  4. Although I am not Catholic, and do not belive in anything related with this film, I did see it. I actaully thought it was well done, you actually feel sorry for this man for what is happening to him. The gore and violence I think is meant to make you appreciate what he went though to "die for your sins" as Catholics say he did. Yes some of it was super hollywood, but people that are not of the Catholic faith need a reason to see it. Lol, without those special effects and cheesy moments, which alot of people like apparently, this movie probably would have drawn in a much smaller crowd.
  5. 1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched? SpeedRacer or thundercats, I can not remember which was first. Lol, I remember as a little kid watching both, I couldnt even tell you how old I was, bu it was the mid 80's somewhere. I look at speed racer now and wodner how I ever watched it lol, and I think i will always have a soft spot for the thundercats. 2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy? Absolutley, of course as I grew up my tastes changed, but also I need more to an anime in order to keep me captivated by it. When you are young you are more interested in pretty pictures than plot and character development. Now I need all of this plus pretty pictures ^^ in order to buy an anime. 3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now? Not at all, my current favorite is Naruto, I would have never fully understood some of the deeper meanings and life lessons the show tries to convey to you on occasion. Or like Ranma, I would have been completely confused as to what was going on there also lol. ^^ its so good to be a lil older.
  6. ^^ Well, if you were caught up to the anime or manga, you would know the answer to that question heehee. And I can not really give you the answer to that because of spoiler reasons ^^. The short answer would be [spoiler]yes[/spoiler]. And i shall leave it at that.
  7. Yeah i remember when I first read the manga, I actually loved it after i read the first page, which is very rare for me. But the anime really got me into Naruto, I guess seeing moving personalities, really let me identify with that was being told in the manga. Ahhh sweet Naruto memores ::single tear:: Anyone know if 3 is out already?
  8. Hmmm, I like this idea actually. I play Diablo 2 LOD under PrestonR. And I play Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne under InuzukaKiba. Send me an IM over aim if you wanna play sometime. ^^
  9. Hi, Preston here ^^. Yeah Dan, I have a few times lol, but I do that with all anime. First time was when [spoiler] Sasuke "Died". [/spoiler]. The second was [spoiler] the end result of the whole Haku/Zabuza thing. [/spoiler] Third was when [spoiler] Sakura and InoShikaCho...well basically Sakura fighting then the happenings that result out of that. [/spoiler] And The last one which REALLY upset me ALOT (Do NOT read this unless you are COMPLETElY caught up with naruto. [spoiler] Hokage!! O M G, when he started crying I would absolutley not stop, it was like automatic, when he said you guys look just like you used to, then he grabbed his face, that was it for me, they drew him to look like such a feeble old man i was just...blech. Then Konohamaru's face, I know hes gonna cry, then im gonna cry. ::dies::... [/spoiler] and do not read this one unless you are caught up in the manga [spoiler] when hokage dies int he anime and konohamaru is seen next I know I am going to cry, I am mad i know abou tit because i read it on a sites spoiler, but I have a big feeling the tears r gonna flow. [/spoiler] And yes, Very embarrasing... lol
  10. Outlaw Star is about an Outlaw named Gene starwind. It revolves around him and his group of "friends" going around the galaxy trying to find the legendary Galactic Layline. Throughout their quest they are confronted by the Galaxy Police and Pirates, who are basically the evil in the Outlaw Star world. I think this anime is pretty funny, and it is also kind of serious and sad at some parts, I would reccomend you check it out. ^^
  11. What your favorite episode is: Many actually, I like them all when Willow goes Uber-Witch Who your favorite charater is: Willow Who your favorite big bad is: Spike How long have you liked Buffy: Since first season Have you seen a lot of episodes: Every single episode What seasons have you seen: All Do you own any Buffy merchandice, if yes what: All Dvd Sets out so far.
  12. [quote name='SpiritDetective']I haven't seen the Anime yet but I have read the Manga and it is freakin awesome.Is the Anime the same as Manga because Naruto is freakin awesome.[/quote] Yeah, I actually prefer the Anime, but most people will disagree with me on that. The Anime, follows the manga exactly, but adds more, and expands on characters. I would reccomend watching it if you like the manga. It does move slow sometimes, but is always worth watching. You will get alot more attached to the characters I think throguh the anime. So, yes watch it. ^^ (Note that i am extremely biased and love this anime)
  13. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]You aren't talking about this little part of the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment? This clause: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." ? That's the separation of church and state, right there... if anything, it keeps the government from telling people what religion to follow. Please recall why this was formed.. the religious conflict in England that ended up sending religious groups like the Puritans to the U.S. I feel that Boba explained the traditional aspects of marriage well enough, hopefully you will take some time to read his perspective.(Not just you Sasuke, to anyone that will inevitably rebut my argument.)[/QUOTE] Oh i understand his perspective, he wants votes. Yes, there is an ammendment of the constitution, but has it really been carried out? Look at the Pledge of Allegiance or what you swear on when you testify in court. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]What's so funny about an 18-year-old son that loves his 50-year-old father enough that they want to have sex and get married? How can you presumably say that it is WRONG? Are you insinuating that homosexuals today aren?t happy with their current relationships? That somehow having some legal documentation would somehow make people ?Happy?? Not only that, I sincerely doubt all marriages would make people happy, as 50% of marriages today end in divorce. .[/QUOTE] That first statement does not make sense to me, I am reading it and it is sounding very insulting to me, but I am not goign to make an issue out of it because I am not positive what point you were exactly trying to make. If marriage is just some document that will end in divorce, what is the problem with letting everyone have a go at it. And I am not saying that they are not happy, I am saying that they deserve to show their HAPPYNESS. I do not know your sexual orientation, but if you were gay, transgender, ect. and fell in love with someone I am sure you would want to express that too. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]Correct me if I?m wrong here, but doesn?t homosexual mean ?having sex with the same gender?? Sure some people think it?s legitimately dirty. As for unnatural? last time I checked, the anus was not for sex. If we are bringing naturalism into the arena, our duty as a species is to reproduce. Homosexuality fails the inherent purpose of humanity as a species. ..Equality? Surely you aren?t referring to the civil rights movement of the 60?s? I suppose from a biological perspective, you cannot consciously choose to be black. Can you consciously choose to be homosexual? Yes you can. I?m sure I?ll be able to elaborate later..[/QUOTE] As for your first statement, heterosexual couples also have sex in the anus. Its not just a Gay thing. Once again I think that is offensive, your views are fine, and I will not attack you for them because everyone has the right to have an opinion. ....And you cannot consciously choose to be homosexual, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, who in their right mind would choose to be a homosexual and have people look down on them and be excluded from many of the RIGHTS we should have as Americans. I definitly would not and yet here I am.
  14. I think this all goes back to the seperation of church and state. I think Gay couples should be allowed to marry in courts. There is nothing in the U.S. constitution that says Gay Marriage is illegal. It is the christian view on this subject that keeps this from happening. I am not bashing the christian religions or trying to make generalizations, I know there are many more religions that have this view, and that not all people of these religions have this opinion, but since presidents tend to be christian I am using that as the example. Many people call Gay Marriage a joke, but what is so funny about 2 people that love each other enough that they want to come together and openly show their love and eternal bond? Yes, you may not agree with it, yes you may think it doesnt really matter, but why is it such a big deal? Does it really effect you that much for 2 people to come together and be happy? The popular opinion on Gay people tend to be that its all about sex and its dirty and unnatural. As with all groups of people that is true, but a generalization never holds true for a majority. Bush I belive did do the right thing for his political career by taking a more conservative stance on the issue, but I do not believe that it was the right decision for American's. If this country really practices equality, it should show it once in a while.
  15. Meh. This one is definitley not as great as most of the work you have made. Its a good layout, but something about it just doesnt look to great with me. It is nice to see Konohamaru stuff though, you do not see much around.
  16. 1) How dare you mock the mighty coolness of Mr Uchiha!! He is the best and you do not deserve to mutter his name! ::evil laugh:: Lol well Godel, I can say you have a spoiler problem. One of your references should probably hae a spoiler tag. Anyway on to the art. I definitly do not think this is anywhere near your best work. The darkness makes it very difficult to see what the subject matter is, and the blurry effect on the text makes the picture look blurry, not making a great effect. It was a great idea though, and probably hard to execute. I look forward to seeing more. ^^
  17. Hmmm, Thats a tough one I own a good amount of anime. I would have to say...I would like... Ranma 1/2 : Right now all I own is the OAV, but i really love this show alot, I would definitly love to finish watching all the episodes and maybe owning it. Evangelion : Sadly I have not seen all of this anime. I remember watching it and at the time I watched it I did not fin dit interesting for some reason. Just recently I watched the first episode again and I really want to see it all the way through.
  18. Now I am kind of disapointed. [spoiler] I am hoping they are not trying to replace Cordelia with Harmony. Because that would just be super stupid. I am not at all happy with Angel this season. Working for the enemy? Angel is more about politics now than actual demon fighting. And Cordelia has been one of my favorite characters since Buffy. So I am kind of bitter about that also i guess. And next weeks episdoe just looks stupid. I mean, I used to be a huge Angel fan, and now it just doesnt have the same greatness that it used to have. I dunno, I will hvae to keep watching and see where this whole "corporate" thing is gonna go. [/spoiler]
  19. [quote]And who doesn't love Shikamaru?![/quote] That would be me. I think his attitude sucks, unless it changes as the show goes on, I have no interest in him at all. And Sakura-chan, if you havent noticed the whole crush aspect of Sakura/Ino with Sasuke is not really relevant anymore. [spoiler] It seems Sakura is taking more of a liking to Lee lately instead of Sasuke, But thats not said thats just my guess. She seems to have more of a motherly worry about Sasuke now, to the point that she seems to care about Naruto and Sasuke about the same [/spoiler] My favorite team...well I do not really have one. I like the hinata/Kiba/Shino team minus the Shino Part. But I also like Team 7 alot. I cant stand the Ino/Choji/Shika team. I find them annoying. lol. I am sure I will get an earful for saying that. I also like neji alot ::cries:: See my problem with picking a team. Anyway, I would talk about episode 69, but there is barely anyone there, so I wont go into large spoilers. If someone wants to talk about it other than Haruno_Sakura I would gladly go into it though.
  20. Yeah, I used to be into piercings when I was about 16. (I am 18 now) I had my tounge, eyebrow, lip, nose, and ears pierced at one time or another. Some I took out because I thought they looked stupid others got infected, so I removed those. The last one I had was my tounge, and it used to slam against my teeth so much, that I had to take it out. I think you should really think before you get one, depending on where you get it, if it gets infected, you could get scars. ^^
  21. the biggest spending spree I have gone on is 300 dollars. But I went a little nuts that time. But it varies for me, It depends on what volumes are released in a given month or what new animes I have seen that I want to own. But on the average I spent anywhere from 0-50 dollars a month.
  22. Lol, yes, this show is sooo awsome. My favorite character is probably Wayne Brady. I think he is really talented, he can sing and dance and act and do some super impressions. And I think he pairs up well wtih the other people on the show better than anyone else does. (If taht makes sense). But yeah, I love the show, and I hope to see some new ones soon.
  23. I really love your font choices in these. I think they go along perfectly with your chosen images. I also think your cropping skills are great, these are cropped with perfection, I do not see any mistakes in your cropping. Hmmm...I guess overall I love them ^^. Really great job.
  24. Lol no one is visiting htis thread at all, but as long as I get one post ill keep posting what I do, and hopefully it may grow so that people actually visit. Newho, I am breaking away from the NAruto art, and I made this Evangelion wallpaper. So far everyone I ahev shown has told me this is great, I am really looking for some feedback here, so if you can critique this for me. ^^ [URL=http://www.uploadit.org/UchihaSasuke07/Evangelion.jpg]Here it is[/URL]
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