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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha

  1. Although I like the overall Idea you were going for on this wall I have a few suggestions for you that may balance it better for you. The Naruto on the left side does not have hte same clarity that the other pictures have. Maybe try finding another picture to use or like you did with the other three people give him his own box. Sakura and Sasuke have filled boxes and are not cut out, but Kakashi is, maybe giving him a background would also help to balance the right side of your wallpaper. I really like the "color" layer you made with the pink blue and green. since Sakura is her "pink color" you may consider making kakashi green and sasuke blue becuase those are colors that are associated with them more than vice versa. The overall balance of this is really well done, you have a good center on this wallpaper even with the startbar and it is aesthetically pleasing. And The black background provides a nice contrast for all the color you are adding. Possibly consider a lighter background because it would probably help to define and clarify your naruto cut out on the right side. OVerall it is a great job, and I do not mean to trash your wallpaper if that is what it seems. I think you did do a great job and nothing really needs to be changed, I am just a perfectionist and want to help you if I can. I hope to see more from you in the future.
  2. I will not even watch GT. I have heard so many bad things about it I do not want to ruin my views and opinions of all the DB and DBZ characters as they were intended to be.
  3. Actually I think that may be the translation...I havent seen a version taht didnt haev some as the Sub. And That line is explained fully later ^^ I wont go into ne detail on it cause I do not wnat to give away and fun things ^^
  4. SephirothNIN how is the game coming along. Have you beaten it yet? If yes are u playing throguh again? I am wondering whether or not the game is worth taking the time to play throguh again or if it is pointless.
  5. I like Inyuasha, I am kind of obcessed with Romantic Comedy (or maybe just Rumiko Takahashi) right now apparently (Ex: Ranma..Inyuasha....Lum...ect.) The only part of the anime that really annoys me is Inyuasha's voice, it just scratches my eardrum. Other than that I have to say I like it alot.
  6. Sakura-Chan! I think [spoiler] he probably did so because he is a sadistic little punk that wanted to see someone he knew could never hurt him (at that point) suffer and eventually try to pathetically try to kill him only to suffer all that time for nothing [/spoiler] But on the other hand, I have a super vivid imagination ^^. Or maybe it has already been explained... hmmm Still not that far yet ^^
  7. I think mental breakdown is way to strong a phrase to use as people have said. I have seen somone who was slowly having an emotinoal breakdown which lead her to have many psycological problems that she is currently medicated for. There is definitly a difference in depression and despair and actually getting to the point of a breakdown.
  8. This is really great for a first CG. you actually have lights and darks as well as a semi clear outline. I have taught many people how to cg and I have to see this is one of the best first attempts I have seen. I think as you practice you will become very good at cging, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
  9. You should be happy people are interested in your culture. Many people in my experience look down on you for having an accent or speaking more than one language and basically show signs of your individual culture. I say if it interests them and if they are not insulting about it just go along with it. Personally I am one of those people because I enjoy learning about different cultures and hearing how different things are said.
  10. [quote] Thanks Preston (can I call you Sasuke-kun?! LOL)! [/quote] Only If I can call you Sakura-chan ^^ Neway I think your theory is probably right, I actually did think about that, and it may actually be explained in the later manga and anime sadly I am not there yet :( But I think its definitly a possibility.
  11. [quote][i] Leh: [/i] It's really, really good. Only suggestions that I have is maybe putting a pink or white drop shadow on the text to the left.[/quote] Thank you for the comment and suggestion. I think you are right, but at the time I made this text myself from scratch so It did not even cross my mind. I will definitly be trying that out. Thank You For The Suggestion.
  12. Thank you Sakura ^^ Actually if you set it as a wp you see that with a startbar the name does not actually show on the bottom ^^. Its not really meant to be "part of the wallpaper" just a tag to keep people from stealing my work (bad past experiences with that). Neway thanks again it means alot coming from someone as talented as you. Preston
  13. I am not saying you are wrong in your view at all. Normally I read the manga of a series first so that I can enjoy pictureing things and working out specific parts in my head, my point is that I like the anime because it adds something for me. But I can see your point, some things just do not go together, like the Cowboy Bebop manga and anime. And somethings actually help each other, like the FLCL anime and manga. I do not know what to really think about Naruto, they are not so much different but one is more critical of main points, while the other gets into specifics. But as you say not everyone has the same tastes, I am sure many people find the anime of Naruto super boring ::shudders at the thought: or vice versa...ok enough rambling on. P.S. Sakura ^^ Check your last post and edit it, you have a typo and the spoiler is showing. Preston
  14. The first time I saw it in theatres I remember walking out the movie soooo mad that I wasted my money on it. ::fast forward 2 days later:: After that time for some reason I had the urge to see it again, and I did. And then it became one of my favorite movies. I really liked the characters story and special effects, and the most surprising part for me was the fact that it was a Disney Movie!, I was completely floored by that, it didn;t seem anything like what I normally expect out of a disney movie.. And that is why I went out and bought it today. :D
  15. Its funny you should say that, This wallpaper was originally a request from a lady for her website. I do agree that it may be a little plain, but the concept went along with the white background. It is supposed to be as if you are in her soul, almost an association with heaven or the afterlife, I was kind of going with the light at the end of the tunnel effect. And since white is usually a color associated with purity I thought it would fit best instead of adding another undertone of pink, purple, or light blue. Newho thank you for the comment, It is much appreciated.
  16. I have no idea why, but that never crossed my mind. Ill give it a try, the only reason I stopped there was because people clutter wallpapers a little to much somtimes and it takes away from the overall effect. ::runs off to modify the WP:: I will let you know how it looks or maybe post it if it comes out satisfactory. Preston
  17. Kizna wallpaper I made a while ago. The image of Kizna is property of its respective owners and airbrushed to suit my needs. In case some of you did not know Kizna is from the anime Candidate For Goddess aka Pilot Candidate. IF you decide to use this by any chance icons are meant to run to the right of the text on the far left. If you wnat to use this on your site please ask permission first. Total Time to make - 15 minutes I am basically just wondering what you all think :)
  18. Did you ever think about it this way. The manga can only be so long, if a manga got into the detail that the anime does we would have 400 page novels. Thats at least how i view it. I do not think it takes away from the manga or the creators idea, I think its a tool to be able to expand on it. For example in the manga all the characters are not really completely introduced to us and are just there, think about what the reason for that might be.... most likey its because of space. I can understand why you may not like the anime if you are not interested in the detail, but I enjoy getting the full story of the characters, it draws me further into manga and makes me more interested over all.
  19. I liked it actually! lol, I dunno maybe I am wierd, or maybe I am blinded by my obcession. I just really enjoy the storyline alot, but since I read the manga and watch the anime, I can not really complain about either. IF there is extra things in either one I take it more as me getting the ENTIRE story more than extra scenes just being thrown in. But thats just my opinion :)
  20. I like your shading style alot, the lights and darks you use on the face really blew me away. Great job on this!
  21. This is an EXCELLENT WALLPAPER. I really like the overall feeling and the fact that it is not to cluttery, which is a common mistake. My only suggestions would be for you to tie in the background with your picture a little more, the colors do not mesh together as well as they probably could. But overall i really like this alot and I hope to see alot mroe from you. ^^
  22. [quote]That I am... But I prefer calling myself "sexah" or the uber fabrical "h-a-w-t-t" also works well ... Let me have my opinions and you can have yours -_o. There's no need to act childish and try to insult me :P... If that's what you call that pointless post... [/quote] You are more than welcome to your opinion, and you had it in your first post, then in your second post you turned into a....well many things. You should not insult other peoples work or other people and not expect someone to say something.
  23. Yeah some parts do drag a little bit, but even you have to admit that it follows the original story alot better than many other anime. I mean they do have to fill the time, a couple extra flashbacks shouldnt take away from the anime in all that much.
  24. [quote]Other than pointing out how horribly out of place and ugly they look what more do I need to say . If your trying to make some little "aura wisps" trust me when I say your airbrushing needs alot of work and until you have a much better idea of what you are doing stay away from those sperm thingys. On a side note they honestly don't look like they're wrapping around anything =|.[/quote] Your a piece of work arent you.....
  25. What program do you use photoshop? Why dont you try making the image ur using a brush and then picking a color and stamping him onto a layer ^^ I kind of have an obcession with that ^^. I am a wallpaperist, and I have to say this is really good for a first wallpaper. You have good placement and picture cropping skills. Some of the more finer points come with practice ^^ I reccomend you change the orange outline on the lettering and bring down the outler glow effect you used on the glowing purple things so its less harsh and possible pick a more cool purple that has a bluish tint to it so as to match your beautiful background. Also, remember that with a start bar on most computers the bottom of your iamge will be cut off by most computers. If you wnat any help of examples PM me or E-Mail me ^^ All in all I say the purple one is definitly my fav. I think you did an excellent job and have a good chance of winning your contest ^^ P.S. - I love your banner ^^
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