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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha
Last time I said this in a forum i was flogged for mentioning what people call an "evangelion rip-off" but Candidate For Goddess is definitly one of the most underrated anime's around. Character development is amazing, story is solid, but the cg sequences fall a little short. The only thing I would say that is bad about this anime is that they stopped making it after the first season plus the OAV. There was supposed to be more but they never made the second season. :( On the bright side the manga is being released in the U.S. in May. :)
Yeah I listen to alot of it. Some of my favorites are Globe, Move Ayu Hamasaki, Koda Kumi, Morning Musume, Namie Amuro, Zone, Gackt, Asian Kung-fu Generation, yearly shuffle groups, Hikaru Utada, Maaya Sakamoto...I could go on forever lol, If you ever want any song reccomendations just pm me ^^ lol
[quote]Reason being is that the manga is from the true intentions of what Masashi Kishimoto wanted, not what tv tokyo wanted. [/quote] That is not entirely true, If you read the manga and watch the episodes the stories just about exactly match each other. You should give it a chance, the only problem is that because it follows the manga as closely as it does some parts do tend to move a little slow. But giving it a chance is definitly a good idea. [quote]Although there are way too many people subbing it currently *Sticks by Toriyama World even if they take forever.*[/quote] Thats why I buy the boots from an online store ^^ [quote]And I don't hate Neji as much as some of you. He redeems himself a bit in the latest manga chapters. [/quote] Yeah, but [spoiler] I really liked Hinata alot since the first time i saw her[/spoiler] so my neverending hate shall only grow stronger lol unless [spoiler] his personality changes from that self absorbed lil punk that he is during the second chunnin exam [/spoiler] because thats as far as I am right now.
Those are the kind of guys that later on in life end up alone if they do not lose their attitudes. They think they are hot, and they may be attractive, but looks fade, and based on their personalities alone, they will end up being the miserable ones. I vote on just ignoring them completely.
Oedipus was definitly my favorite, I think it is a little harder to read than some of the other Dramas, But the story in it i find much more compelling than the other dramas that I have read.
What episode are u currently on? And just something else that I am asking...Does anyone know of any sites, or does anyone know if the Naruto games for PS2/Gamecube are coming to the US? ( I am not sure this is the right forum, but i figured since its Naruto here, ill just post it here)
This is one of my favorite Animes of all time! I grabbed my attention mostly because even though it is anime, it had a very western feel to it because of the whole "cowboy" aspect. This was also one of the first anime's I watched that the main characters in it were not neccesarily all made to be liked by the viewer even thoguh they were the "good guys". I dunno, I just found it very original and interesting. Oooo and just for kicks my favorite character was Faye.
[quote]Most religious festivals or celebrations kick off with a meeting of the community of the religion- like a Church service. You don't need a church building in order to be close to God, but then, you don't need to celebrate Christmas either. And let's be honest now.. how many people exactly are "close to God" when they celebrate Christmas these days.. not many.. which kind of nullifies your point.[/quote] IF you read the previous statements you would know what I was replying to. It was said that unless you go to church, you do not deserve to celebrate Christmas. I wasnt making the point that you need a closeness to God, but rather saying that church does not neccesarily matter when it comes to being close to God.
Yeah, I can see why he could be looked up 2. He trys really hard and never gives up. I kind of have that feeling about it also. And I do not think its wierd for you to think that I think the writers want that from all people ^^ And I had no problem with Neji until [spoiler]He tried to kill Hinata during the second exam, then talked all kinds of garbage about her[/spoiler] and I think it is sooo hard to dislike Hinata because [spoiler] that whole fight with Neji. That is when my opinion of her really began to change, I started rooting for her to win, and when she lost she became unhateable.[/spoiler] And why dont you like Sasuke? And who was that lil kid...I think his name was Inari. He drove me NUTS. That whole group of episodes just made me dislike him more and more. Lol, its pretty sad I can dislike a 6 year old, but that lil guy managed to make me mad. And if anyone can answer, How old are Gaara, Sasuke, and Kakashi supposed to be?
I think generalizations should never be made. Did anyone ever think that people getting AS well as giving presents and showing people the appreciation for those gifts and thinking enough of someone to get them a gift is not a bad thing. And as for children, that is what most of them are raised to belive christmas is about. And I do not know who said it but someone said if someone does not go to church they should not be able to celebrate Christmas. That is quite possibly the most absurd statement I have ever heard. Alot of people are raised in the Catholic church beliveing that a building is not needed in order to be close to "god". Neway, just thouhgt I would make me point, I am agnostic, so I only exchange gifts and have a dinner with my family and friends, the religious aspect is not neccesarily there for me. For me Christmas is more of a time to show your appreciation for people and for your family to get together.
Well one would definitley be Kiba from Naruto. He is mean and thinks hes tough, and apparently he smells like a wet dog. Lol, I do not think I could deal with the wet dog part. The second would definitly have to be Ed from Cowboy Bebop. Although I do not mind eccentric people, the not making any sense EVER would drive me freakin' crazy. ::shudders::
[quote]Fortune's theme song from Metal Gear Solid 2. It's perfect for her character.[/quote] Oh that is a good one! I forgot about it, I think I have to get that, Fortune is my Favorite MGS character ^^
Those are both very good choices. But If I had to choose one I would say my favorite is the theme you hear when you fight Yunalesca in FF10. Its found in other places in the game too, but I think there its most memorable. I do not think many boss themes are all that great sadly. The last fight in FFX (which is the same music as the Yunalesca fights music) is really one of the few I really like. I am sure there are more great ones from final fantasy but I think that one is probably the best. And I have a question for you Ninja! What is your favorite song from all the final fantasy's, I like to know peoples favorites so i can get them for myself if they sound good ^^
Waht episode are you currently on, I am afraid to check out the darkened part and have it ruined for me lol.
Lol I would respond to this with a 6 corners reply but it looks like the Mod already beat me to it. And its true, that place is a deathtrap. So I avoid it at all costs ^^
My sleep pattern always changes. When I have school I tend to not stay up past 1 AM. But I only have school Mon. Wed. and Fri. so the days I do not have it I tend to stay up very late, sleep all day, then have trouble falling asleep the next night and go to school exausted lol.
Well, I was not annoyed at the anime, I was annoyed at what transpired. And since I have no idea how to do that cool black filled in text I can not say what exactly annoyed me. Tell me how to do that And I shall post exactly what it was. And since I am on 56k :( I do not download em, I am buying the boots as they are released, so as of right now I am at episode 50, and I have up to 58 being shipped to me an 2 weeks. So its all good. I have a question for you ^^ Who is your favorite characters right now and who do you despise! Since I am only up to 50 and have not seen the character development as far as you I would have to say my Favorite Characters are Hinata, Sasuke, (recently liking) Naruto, and That Sand Girl with the fan (I have no idea what her name is) And I hate Neiji and that Dog Guy (again can not remember his name).
Ok, I am really getting annoyed with the show. I just watched up 2 episode 50 and I am not saying what happened, but I am not in the least happy, and yet my obcession is still at full strength. Neway, I was wondering does anyone know if the anime runs year round in Japan or how that goes. I think I may die if I run out of my Naruto. Neone know how that show is running?
Fortune from Metal Gear Solid 2 is my favorite. You do not see her that much, But I love her character design, attitude, ability, and that kick ***$ gun she uses. Shes the best.
Yeah turning 18 is not that big of a deal. People do expect more out of you, but you also gain alot more freedom that may or may not balance that new stress for you. And yes in Chicago the only new things I can do is vote and buy cigarettes, so no difference really there. I dunno I am thinking its a different experience for everyone.
Yes, I have to agree Outlaw Star was a GREAT anime. But there is much more anime that is easily better in my opinion. I have to admit though, after I watched the unedited version of the show i took a greater liking to it. I hate when anime is released on television and all of the things that make anime so different are cut out. Meh...I think ill end my ramble right there.
Anime what video game do you think would make a good anime
SasukeUchiha replied to ninj4_monkey's topic in Otaku Central
I think any of the Suikoden games would be a good choice. -
Theatres in my area have already sold pre-order tickets for a full week, so i have to wait.
What is that new Gackt CD Called? I bought the most recent Ayu Hamasaki and MM Cd's, But I had trouble finding Gackt.
I would say yes. Alot of people now make ALOT of fun of me for watching these as they say "gay cartoons". Maybe because I am in college or somethin' I dun know. But I dont mind ^^ I love it, they are just jealous because they do not understand the greatness of anime. And it changed my drawing style alot also.