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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha

  1. We Do Not! :takes off his pigtails: How Dare You Accuse Us Guys Of doing such a thing! (now wheres my nail polish remover?)
  2. I actually enjoyed the Mist-Saga. It really opened up the characters for me, which got me involved in these later episodes that I am watching. I actually think it was a good technique to hook people to the anime. I just watch the episodes I own for the 5th time today. I am up 2 episode 43. I am still buying the DVD's, my obcession outweighs my disdain for BL DVD's. Ooo and sine I am caught up a little more, I like Sakura ALOT more than I used to. I really didnt like her before, but now I think I like her as much as Sasuke ^^ Naruto still gets on my nerves a lil' bit, but im sure as I go on watching it that opinion will probably change 2. :sigh: will my obcession ever end.
  3. Hmmm I guess I am that stupid lol I took this completely serious.
  4. Yeah, But I like the special features and things from the official DVD's. I am wierd like that :D
  5. I think anime is an aquired taste. Anime is not supposed to be aout moving and action. Is it supposed to revolve around the writing and characters. If youw atch any tenchi Muyo movie, almost 1/4 of it is just shots of buildings and nature. Personally i just appreciate the beauty of these shots. And how anime can still completely take me in despite the fact that it isnt all based on action. I do not know if any of this makes sense I am basically typing exactly what im thinking lol. I hope I got my point across.
  6. Thank You very much Qukey. That site also helps alot. I appreciate you takign the time to answer my question ^^ (That also goes to everyone else who answered if I have not thanked you yet :D
  7. Thank you so much, that site was exactly what I was looking for, You ahve been a huge help to me ^^ And I do know alot of Japanese thats why I am semi-concerned about the bootlegging. Ooo and the chinese Subs Give it away, That also helps alot. Well, Now I know. You have been so mush help. Thank You ^^ Preston
  8. I really loved the movie alot, and that means alot. I really dislike Tom Cruise on so many levels, and still even though I do not like his acting ect. I Loved this movie so much. I would say more but I do not want to give anything away from the movie.
  9. Yeah, I am not so smart apparently. I thought that since alot of the DVDS that i saw on those stores were inported, I did not realize that those sets were illegitimate. I am so thankful all i bought was that Naruto DVD. So all dvds that come in sets like that are bootleg? Because I know over here the translated anime is sold in humungous box sets, but I have seen imports not come like that. I dunno, It is very confusing to me. Is there anything else that you know of that can help me to tell if the DVD is a bootleg? I now know what AzureWolf has told me, But I have also seen DVDS sold in huge sets that are bootlegs according to people. But I still do not understand how they can tell. But later on i found out the store that was selling them had all bootlegs. Anymore advice out there for a Newbie Buyer ^^
  10. Lol, I completely agree. I actually own the "first Season" of Naruto on Dvd. But I stopped buying them after I realized they are all bootlegs. So I am definitly falling behind. I also have to go out and buy that second manga ^^. I read a little bit of Shonen Jump, which is how i found out about Naruto, but I stopped after I heard the Manga was being released. I like owning the manga so I can always have it to read.
  11. I am hoping this hasnt already discussed, but since I am brand new I have to ask. . . I buy alot of Anime/Manga. Recently I recieved an obvious bootleg through one of the various anime online stores on the web. I was wondering if any of you knew of any Completely Legitimate sites that sell anime? I have a strict policy on not buying bootlegs, so i would greatly appreciate any help that anyone here could give me. Also, I am wondering if anyone could tell me how many issues of the Ranma 1/2 manga as well as Cowboy Bebop Manga are out as of now? I thought someone told me that both of them are not releasing any new issues. So basically I am wondering if there are going to be any new issues of either of these mangas and how many are currently out for each? Thank you to anyone who can help me with this :D Preston
  12. 1. Yeah, I must know where the other switch is. 2. No transmigrating is great. You can get super strong by transmigrating a character because depending on how much Mana you are willing to spend you can get one of the high level character types of any class of character and raise there stats as much as 10 points. My Nekomata is completely maxed out. I highly reccomend doing it. 3. Cumulative. Just keep takin' 'em.
  13. I like haveing both on a DVD. That way I can watch the sub first so that I can get the truer form of the words and Japanese Dialogue, then if its available I watch it in English. But normally I will not buy an Anime Dvd unless it has bot hthe option of subs and Egnlish language dialoge.
  14. I am not trying to promote this site, but [url]www.animecornerstore.com[/url] is completely legit, and they have a good selection. Hmmm while on the "store subject" does anyone know of a site other than the one i listed that has ALL legit anime dvds. Alot of places I thought were legit are carrying Naruto, which i know is a bootleg because it isnt licenced yet. Hope that helps Inyuasha7575 :P
  15. Awww :( I should of answered this question 6 months ago :( I am a freshman in college. But thats close right ^^
  16. ITs very nicely done, You should definitly color it. Thats how everyone will be able to tell if this is good or not ^^ Kind of hard with an outline.
  17. Candidate For The Goddess (Pilot Candidate) - Kagayaki FLCL - Little Busters Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion (Techno Mix) Naruto - Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata (2nd Opening) Inuyasha - Ayumi Hamasaki - Dearest Cowboy Bebop - Ed's Song And Its not Anime ^^ But I reccomend Zone - Hanabi :) I just had to throw that in there ^^
  18. I Vote EVA, but I am kind of biased, because I did not enjoy Fist Of The NorthStar as much as I thought I was going to.
  19. Yeah I am at episode 37 right now. And the music does change in the second season. I love the second opening so much. And there is defeitly drama lol, but I agree with you, the first episode is more about being funny than anything else. I was just wondering what some ppl thought, because noone i know likes Naruto. ::smacks them::
  20. Who watches Naruto here ^^ Its probably my favorite anime. Newho, I just wanted to see what other people thought about it if they had seen it. And I wanted to ask if neone knows where I can check on the licensing of the DVDS? Meaning to see if they plan to realease them. Thnx ^^ Preston
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