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Everything posted by Ashley_the_blr
[color=royalblue]After entering the store, the group split up, Ryean and Callum went to see the shopkeeper, Noire and Daro started to browse. "I need foodstuffs, enough for 30. Can I get it?" Ryean asked the shopkeeper. He nodded and left, leaving her and Callum by theirselves. "Would you mind if I asked you a question?' Callum asked Ryean a little reluctantly. "No not at all," she replied with a hint of amusement. "I saw that you really spooked Noire, I was wondering what you did?" "I dunno," Ryean said with confidence. Callum's ears pricked up as if he was hearing something really interesting. Seeming satisfied, he looked at her intensly for 20 seconds before Ryean broke the silence. "Stop, you're making me uncomfortable with your stare." "You lied," he said with a smile. "About what?" "About you not knowing. Your heartbeat sped up and you started to sweat more. You were lying." Callum informed the elf "You caught me. I don't think it's wise to tell all your secrets." she said, on guard. "That is true, but I'd still like to know." he told her, trying to loosen her up. "Sorry, not until you tell me how you sensed I lied. I don't trade for nothing," she teased, playing a game with him. "Nor do I. I suppose I will have to find out the hard way," he said, now as amused as she was. "And I guess I will have to wait too," The shopkeeper came up to the counter with a big, bulging sack. "Here you go, how will you be paying?" A while later, the four walked out of the store, supplies in hand. "I'd best get back with these supplies. I don't want the tribe to worry," Ryean announced," Maybe I will see you all again soon." "Do you need help carrying the supplies?" Daro asked. "I should be fine," Ryean answered, but just then a package slipped out of her grasp. "Your lying again," Callum said with a smile, refering to a new-found private joke. "I will help you," then turned around to look at his companions. "You go ahead, I will catch up." "No, we will all go," Noire said with forced politeness. "I will have to hide before we get there, mind you." Ryean smiled at everyone with genuine graditude (even Noire), and set off, Callum holding half of her things, and the other two walking behind her. The group, minus Noire, arrived at the camp of ghost elves, and had handed over the last of the supplies. "We thank you so much, we haven't had good supplies in years. Now we can return home, and maybe even stay there for a while. I don't suppose you would like to come with us Ryean?" the tribal leader asked. Ryean shook her head no and the leader continued. "I didn't think so, you were always a free spirit. I know you will be leaving us now, so I shall give you your payment now." the tribal leader smiled and walked over to a large wagon and pulled out a large wooden staff much like Ryean's current one, except it was topped with a thick metal and had a unique carving of star in the middle of a triangle. "It is carved with our sign and topped with a metal of great hardness to fight your enemies with," "I have never been good with thank you's or good byes but it seems I will have to make them now," Ryean said with a big grin; everyone laughed. "How can I ever thank yo..." she was cut off by a loud scream. "My daughter is dead! My daughter is dead!" an elf mother screamed, dragging behind her a dead girl that appeared to be about six. The whole camp was thrown into chaos. All the women and children started howling in grief while huddling around the body, while the men tried hard to disquise their tears and control the others. The leader slipped away to talk once more with a now worried Ryean and the two confused men. "Children are always special to us. When one is lost, there is much greaving." Daro nodden and Ryean bowed her head in respect. Noone noticed that Callum slipped off, looking quite angry... ooc: This would be a nice time for Callum to go crazy. It was said that he got bloodlust around great pain (mental pain should count).[/color]
[color=royalblue]My favorite character is Kel. What she does is ALL her. No magic, no gods, just pure and simple willpower. It's a great message that says you can do anything you want. I love that. Daine is cool too...[/color]
Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in General Discussion
[color=royalblue]Yah James! You have just said what was screaming in my head while reading this. What I thought would be a fun discussion has turned into an argument over what a simile is and how good chocolate is. No one seems to be getting it. This thread has gone way past it's intention and gone straight into pointless. If noone objects, I feel it should be deleted. I think I should now, but I don't want angry pm's either. If noone whines about this during the next day, I wish for this to be gone. Someone said at the beginning at this thread that it was a bit of a space waster. I now see this. Enough of this. Final summary: Yes life can be like a box of chocolate, but it is a little silly to dwell on it too long (like what has been done now).[/color] -
[color=royalblue]I thought there should be a thread about retarded jokes. I love them, everyone knows them, so let's trade. Post any jokes you want but keep it pg-13... (Blonde jokes count as dumb jokes!) Two men walk into a bar. The first man says to the second man "Whoa, that hurt!" Two blondes drive to Disneyland. When they are almost there, they see a sign that says "Disneyland, left" So they turn around and go home. Three preppies walk through the woods and see some tracks. The first preppie says "I think they're deer tracks" the second prep says "I think they're bear tracks" and the third blonde says "I think they're rabbit tracks" Then a train comes and hits them.[/color]
Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in General Discussion
[color=royalblue] I imagine if you are homeless, your chocolate would be coconut cream filled. Come on, let's give these people hershey's bars (hersheys are far better than any boxed chocolate).[/color] -
[color=royalblue]Ryean was traveling with her former tribe of elves to the city of Nikaron. Though she had long since been tribeless, her family had pleaded with her to help them make a trip for supplies. She couldn't refuse her family, this was important and blood must stick together... "Fia," she called to her mother, "something is not right, I can feel it on the wind. There is danger in Nikaron!" "That is why we have you, my dear child. You will protect us from harm," Fia told Ryean with forced confidence. Sensing her mother's act, she tightened the grip on her staff and pulled up her long black cloak that hid her glow from others. "Here me, my tribe," she called out to the other elves. "There is danger in Nikaron. I beg you to stay here while I take care of any danger in the city. I shall try to be back by nightfall." "We trust you with our lives, young warrior," the old tribal leader told her, patting her shoulder. "You will make us proud, so go and watch out for shadows!" He said with a final pat, referring to their long-time rivals, the shadow elves. Giving her tribe one last smile, she headed off, making the last part of the trip to the city alone. She walked quickly, pushing her fear to the back of her mind. Noire growled and made a deep gutteral sound, which clearly showed her hate for that specific race of elf. "I should have known I would see the likes of them again," she told herself, them turning around to the rest of the group said ,"When the battle starts, stay out of the way, things will get extremely violent." Daro seemed a bit alarmed, "We should help you, you don't have to fight all of them alone." "I will only be battling with one. Can't you see that they sent a warrior ahead to check for danger. That means they're weaklings, kill the warrior, kill them all!" Noire replied with a gleam in her eyes, then as an afterthought, "Just stay away, I know how to handle their kind." Daro and Callum nodded in mutual understanding and walked off to leave their newfound friend to battle... Ryean finally got into the city limits of the city. Worry filled her silver eyes, she knew there would be a battle here. Her ears pricked up, staining to hear any sign of a follower with the means to attack. She froze, right there in the open was a shadow elf, crouched and ready for battle. "I have been waiting for you, scum!" Noire called to the stranger elf. "It's no matter, you will never lay a claw on me," Ryean told the shadow elf, seeming to be bored with this exchange. "Sure, whatever you say,"Noire replied in a sinister sarcastic voice, then jumped, her hands aiming for Ryean's throat. The rush of battle turned into confusion as Noire went through Ryean as if she was a ghost. "What?!? No elf can go transparent that fast!"[/color]
[color=royalblue]I loved Lady Knight all the way until the ending. I hate when she does that. She also did the same thing with Trickster's Choice, but at least there we will eventually find out what happens next ,even if we have to wait until October. (I am just grateful she is not like the author Garth Nix. In Lirael, he just made a complete cliffhanger, plus the book was 400 and something pages. Grrrr...) I am excited about the Numair book, mainly because the Immortals hints he was quite the ladies man. It will be fun to read... One last thing, I found out that in the circle reforged, Tris disquises herself, then goes to Lightbridge University so she can study like a normal person. Why... i don't quite know. I don't know about the others, though.[/color]
[color=royalblue]Protector of the Small was one of my favorite quartets because Kel didn't have magic and wasn't blessed by the gods, it was all her. I love daine and numair's relationship NOW, though I did think it creepy when I first read it. Mainly because of the kissing scenes. Nothing breaks the mood more by explaining how they "Came up for air". Their kissing, not swimming. I guess I just wanted more romance. The Circle of Magic books didn't really do it for me. I loved Tris and Briar, so I read their books all the time, but Sandry and Daja annoyed me. I totally can't wait for "The Circle Reforged" (which comes out in 2005). It will be a single book that has them all as adults (I want to see if there is any romance. What can I say, I'm a sucker for it) Lastly, I looked at her plans for future books. There is Trickster's Queen, which comes out in October 2004, The Circle Reforged, The Provosts Dog( takes place 200 years before Alanna. The Lord Provost trains a girl for police work. I believe it will be a three part series), and plans for Numair, the early years. I think the latter sounds funny but if it actually comes out, it won't be until 2009-ish.[/color]
Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circuit/J [/i] [B]I dunno, I think life is more like a box of Cap'n Crunch. Although some of the events are very much alike, nothing's ever exactly the same, and after you've gone through enough of it, you either want to throw up or you need to sit still and take a break for a minute. After a while, though, you'll run out. Then you'll die. Because you're out of Cap'n Crunch. And you cannot live without Cap'n Crunch. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]Nice use of Cap'n Crunch... And for the rest of you, I do relize that in the main scheme of things, this thread is pointless, but it's fun to discuss. Plus, as a bunch of us have demonstrated, it doesn't have to be a food, life could be like pencils for all I know (though I can't see how life could be like a pencil...) I am glad that so many have expressed their opinion on this.[/color] -
[color=royalblue]I do believe that I have been a bit misunderstood. In my whining about stupid preppies who do nothing new, I guess I gave the wrong impression. I'm glad many of you agree with me, but I don't think all trends are wrong. I too have been guilty of dressing like Avril for a couple of days, and I am willing to admit that I love Justin Timberlake. What I'm against is that people do these things not because they like to (thongs, enough said), but because everyone else is. If you really, really like wearing ties, then go right ahead. If you want to be a cheerleader because you like mindless chanting and short colorful skirts, more power to you. But don't wear your school spirit shirts just because the whole dang school is. Even non populars put thereselves through this (for some strange reason). I know that nothing will change the fact that the world is full of clones and wannabes, but I just want to know someone who would love to wear velcro shirts and curlers with me cause it's fun.[/color]
[color=royalblue]I'm not talking about the physical type, I'm sooo sick of social safety. Doing what everyone else does because it is safer, so you won't be shunned. I can't even count how many insults i've gotten for wearing 'loser' or 'scenery' on my velcro shirt (the funnest shirt in the world) and once when I wore curlers in my hair during school (it was for drama, it's a long story) I had people snicker and question my sanity the whole day. Yes, it was a little crazy but still... I am tired of people using the same words, wearing the same things, doing the same activities. No one spreads out or tries anything new so they won't be shunned. I have stopped caring along time ago about social safety, but it seems I am the only one. It would be smurfin to find someone who agrees with me...[/color]
Writing Please help me critique this...
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in Creative Works
[color=royalblue] Where did I misspell? Oh, and Also, I was trying to make each tip have a different flow then the last (note the use of haiku) My poetry can be very random sometimes. [/color] -
[color=royalblue](mitch you are really starting to bug me ::he, he::) Alright,your royal mitch... Trickster's choice is different from Pierce's 20 other books, that's where the appeal comes from. In her others, the women are blessed with great strenght and exellent talents that help them in battles (Alanna's sword, Daine's bow, Kel's lance)The characters go head first into any battle, screaming at the top of their lungs. In Trickster's Choice, the main character, Aly, is a thinker. She is extremely intellegent and very devious. She is a great spy (which attracts the attention of the Trickster god) I love how mental the book is, it is not all about battles and fighting. Tamora has yet to write a book like that. Mitch you should check this book out, but it would be wise to read her other Tortall books so you don't get lost. One more thing, just because I haven't been here that long, does not mean I need to be "kept in line" I'm new, not stupid :p[/color]
[color=royalblue]I don't have a problem with minor pda (hugging, quick kisses) but seeing couples practically lick each other. Save that for home, but if you REALLY need to do so at school, go hide then do it, it will be more fun for you and more pleasent for the rest of us.[/color]
Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in General Discussion
[color=royalblue]Life could be like a health store, sometimes you get a juicy piece of fruit and sometimes you get tofu[/color] -
[color=royalblue]You can teach furbies to talk? hmmmmm... Anyways, I had gotten one, but for some reason it kept repeating 'big light' over and over and over... so I returned it and got another one. Amazingly, it had the same name (coco) and repeated the same dang thing and it would NEVER go to sleep. So I went back to my friendly neighborhood kmart and got a THIRD one. It's name was coco, repeated the same phrase and never went to sleep. After this, i was sooo emotionally damaged, i threw it back at those cheap kmart freaks and got a barbie. Later though I had this obsession with the mcdonalds toy furbies (They were plastic and said dorky phrases like "I'm hungry") I've never been the same...[/color]
[COLOR=royalblue]They said we could talk about favorite novels here... is anyone here into Tamora Pierce. I just read her newest book 'Trickster's Choice' and it definatly rox![/COLOR]
[color=royalblue]Okay I have a few... 1. Start and finish my novel 2. Get my driver's license 3. Get a job 4. Stop being so shallow[/color]
[color=royalblue]that sounds great, and we can start soon and add characters as we go along. Chatting about it but not doing it is kinda retarded. that's just my opinion (and I talk to much anyways)[/color]
[color=royalblue]We have some okay drivers in Idaho, except for bus driver. I can't even begin to guess how many times I've almost been hit by those psycos.[/color]
[COLOR=royalblue]Poetry for dummies So you want to learn about poetry Well I'll give you some tips thought up by me Number one- Do not force poetry It usually comes naturally And don't be disappointed If it becomes jumbled Just be the best you can be Number two- Another thing about poetry Forget about dumb rhyme scemes. Poetry's not that predictable It's just pure humanity Number three- Get your pen and then Swirl it around over again Form swirls into words Number four- Words are not the only thing you need emotion and feeling behind it poetry without feeling is dead Number five- Lastly, try to write what you know like love, or winter's first snow How can you write what you do not feel If you do not feel it is not real[/COLOR]
Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Ashley_the_blr replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B][color=003333][size=1]The coconut parts of life make me vomit...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]I agree, but I also think life is not just the box, it's all chocolate. The flashiest, most expensive usually candy tastes like crap and the simplest type of chocolate is usually the sweetest. But you can still find a crappy hersheys or a yummy coconut creamed filled chocolate. You can have a pretty good idea about things (Hershey's are the bomb) but life has a way of changing when you least expect it (yum, the crunch is better then the hersheys!...)I do believe Mr Forrest Gump had something going with this (why else would I post this thread?), but there is soo much more... Weird huh?[/COLOR] -
[color=royalblue]Moved on I will not go that way again I've already been there before The visions there are painful I don't want to know more Spare me the explanation stop the pointless hype Ive been there, I know there I've lived there before That place is not a friendly place I don't want to know more I hate that you keep asking about that evil place Please stop showing me old pictures of that man's evil face I've already been at that house before And left when I had the chance so I don't want to know more I've moved on, I'm gone from there please respect that, and leave me be I've left that place, locked the door I don't want to know more[/color]
[COLOR=royalblue]I was wondering is life really like a box of chocolates? Do we have coconut and cream filled days? What is a cream filled day? Is life put inside a pretty package? It really is something to ponder...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue]When are we starting the rpg?[/COLOR]